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Summer of Code Now Taking Student Applications 122

chrisd writes "Just wanted to let you know that we've opened up the student application process for the Summer of Code. We've signed up ~100 mentoring organizations this year, including Apache, Postgres, Xiph, The Shmoo Group, Drupal, Gallery and many others. We're accepting applications through May 8th this year."
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Summer of Code Now Taking Student Applications

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  • by Sanity ( 1431 ) * on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @10:31PM (#15251191) Homepage Journal
    The Freenet [] project is also looking for students, please take a look here [] for more information. Our new Freenet Client Protocol spec [] makes it very easy to build applications on top of the new Freenet 0.7 "darknet" architecture.
    • Blender (Score:3, Interesting)

      by LetterRip ( 30937 )
      Don't forget Blender! []

      There are all sorts of cool things that could be done as projects, pretty much any siggraph paper, any computer graphics research, etc. would make a good candidate.

    • Nmap too! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by fv ( 95460 ) * <> on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @11:10PM (#15251332) Homepage
      If I may be excused for pimping my project too, we are seeking summer developers for the Nmap Security Scanner []. Last year's program was a lot of fun, and we accomplished some really cool projects []. This year we have made a new list of project ideas [], including:
      • Create a new graphical frontend and powerful results viewer
      • Generate graphical maps from the Nmap XML output (you can take inspiration from projects like fe3d [] and Cheops []/Cheops-NG []).
      • Create a web interface for scanning your networks and reporting the results.
      • Become a performance Czar, whipping out your profilers and introducing your own algorithms to make Nmap run even faster while using fewer resources.
      • Create a brand new interpretation of the venerable Netcat and Hping utilities.
      • Add scripting/module support to Nmap so it can be used for vulnerability assessment or more intrusive application discovery.

      I think those are some of the coolest projects, though the page lists others (and is always growing as I get new ideas). And don't forget, you can always propose any new idea you come up with -- don't feel limited to that list.

      And while we hope you consider Nmap, remember that you can increase your odds by applying to multiple projects. I've seen some pretty cool ideas from the other organizations.

      -Fyodor []

    • The Free Earth Foundation [], mainly working on NASA World Wind [], is also participating []. This 3D globe is somewhat similar to GE, but is very extensible and more science/classroom oriented than just looking at your house, and has a large community [] backing it.
  • This is good (Score:4, Insightful)

    by mikesd81 ( 518581 ) <{ten.nozirev} {ta} {1dsekim}> on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @10:38PM (#15251216) Homepage
    This reminds me of an article on /. the other day about young people losing interesting in coding. The fact that they can have this program and it's successful tells me that they are in fact *not* losing interest in coding.
    • I think that article was refering to kids. SOC is for 18+ year olds.
      • When I was in high school I was 18 my senior year. But the point is the same. I'm sure they were interested in high school if they're interested now.
    • It is annoying that minors cannot participate in this, though. College ages being 'young' or not is debatable.
      • Re:This is good (Score:5, Informative)

        by chrisd ( 1457 ) * <> on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @11:05PM (#15251313) Homepage
        We're trying to come up with a high school program for next year. We couldn't figure one out for this year.
        • I don't think he meant high school. Many students are graduating high school early and going on to college at 17, 16 (like me), or even 15. These are precisely the students a project like the SoC should be targetting, but they are ignored.
          • Why NOT target high school students? There are several programs--that I know of--in high schools that cater to technologically-inclined students, one of them being Youth Tech Entrepreneurs []. I think it would make total sense to get programs such as YTE involved in Google's Summer of Code. When I was directly involved with YTE, there were several students--including me--who were also enrolled in an AP C++ course (the AP course is Java now). With a little nudging from Google, I'm sure high school geeks/hacke
      • It's too bad SourceXChange is defunct. I spent a summer coding for them when I was 15. It seems like making a profit off of young coders doesn't work as well as just funding them.
      • 12-16 year old boys can apply to be a slashdot intern [].
      • Well, chrisd has replied saying that they'er trying to come up with a solution. To back that, they can tell what your credentials are a bit when you're in college, and a lot of the computer science majors are used to cranking out code fairly quickly with minimal supervision.

        I think that the problems Google in developing a high school event involve things like, finding who has expertise, figuring out appropriate levels of oversight, if more oversight is needed, finding people willing to provide that guidanc
    • It depends on your definition of young people. From personal experience, it seems to me that people pick up coding in college as part of a degree, and few "young people"/high schoolers are interested. So I don't see this as conflicting the other article, merely as narrowing the scope of the term "young people".
    • What next, "young people are losing interest in machining?"

      Please, don't let the industry mature! /young machinist
    • Depends what you mean by successful. Gerv of the Mozilla Foundation looked at last year's projects [] a few months later, and found that they had died off as soon as the SoC ended. Hopefully this time around the Mozilla folks will be more careful about setting up projects.
  • Wikipedia (Score:5, Informative)

    by Raul654 ( 453029 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @10:42PM (#15251236) Homepage
    Wikipedia *always* needs more coders - the 3-5 that we have just are not enough. Here's the relavant page []
  • ffmpeg, nice! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Psionicist ( 561330 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @10:43PM (#15251242)
    It was a nice surprise to see FFmpeg in there, these guys, while largely unknown, deserve some _serious_ credits for their work. If you don't know, FFmpeg develop the libav libraries (libavcodec and libavformat) that demux, mux, decode and encode pretty much every video and audio format in existence.

    If you use mplayer, you rely on these libs. If you use xine, you rely on their work. If you use VLC - same. Heck, even if you use Media Player Classic + ffdshow on Windowz you use their libs.

    Thumbs up!

    (No, I have nothing to do with them. I do use their libs in my project though, and they are nice).
    • Along similar lines, MythTV [] is also involved.
    • If you use mplayer, you rely on these libs.

      I think that's a bit too simplistic...

      MPlayer and FFMPEG have a very close relationship. FFMPEG's CVS server is hosted by MPlayer, and many of the developers develop for both projects.

      That said, MPlayer doesn't really rely on ffmpeg. Though it makes use of libavcodec as (usually) the default codecs, there are almost always OTHER codecs which would support the same formats if libavcodec wasn't available.

      For MPEG-4, Xvid and Divx are available natively, and several

    • FFmpeg develop the libav libraries (libavcodec and libavformat) that demux, mux, decode and encode pretty much every video and audio format in existence

      I don't want to be a stick-in-tha-mud here, but are you sure? Last time I looked, there were no OSS codecs for many of the latest formats. For example, if we can just keep the MS bashing out of this for a second, I'm thinking of WMV9 (HD).

      It would be really cool if most AV compression formats in existence could be encoded/decoded by Open Source software, but
    • Agreed that ffmpeg is a very cool and vital project.

      However, if I could have one wish granted, it would be for more projects to use the system libav* as opposed to embedding their own in their projects. I'm sure I have at least five copies of the ffmpeg code on my machine here.

      Am I right in thinking that the ffmpeg guys actually encourage embedding libav* rather than using it as a shared library?
  • by stmr ( 853326 ) 6&haikuusersession=c036c3e0b54b7e66a167d1654b692eb 2/ []

    It's sad that they didn't even bother to reveal the reason why they refused.
    • Believe it or not, Google has limited funds for SoC. The real factor was that they'd like to sponsor (1) big-name projects that have a lot of momentum and recognition, or (2) projects that are new and innovative. I used BeOS for years and love it still, but Haiku is too little, too late. Why sponsor reinvention of the wheel?
      • *cough* THREE Linux distros *cough*

        Haiku isn't a reinvention of the wheel anyway. It's an improved implementation of it. They've fixed many of the errors Be made the first time around and the aim of R1 is to build a solid base from which the platform can be extended. In terms of user experience, I'd argue that BeOS still beats the pants off Linux. That's not to say Linux isn't great, it is, but I think there's something to be said for an OS built from the ground up specifically for desktop use.
        • by Anonymous Coward
          "Haiku isn't a reinvention of the wheel anyway"

          We had BeOS, it was (as people had told them it would be) a market flop. The VC people got out via dot-com hype, and then independent investors took a bath. BeOS made a great white paper, there are still fanboys who believe everything the white paper said. Still people who edit the Be Filesystem entries on Wikipedia to say that it can handle 2^64 byte files (nope) or 2^64 byte disks (nope again). Still people who think that if you write the phrase "Media kit" i
      • > Why sponsor reinvention of the wheel?

        Because BeOS is mostly dead (yes I know there is Zeta but how long will it live?) and that Linux failed to provide the same speed/responsiveness as BeOS did?
        On much slower hardware, BeOS felt much faster and responsive than 10 times more powerful hardware under Windows or Linux..
        That's quite normal that BeOS users want to reproduce the experience!

        Unfortunately I think that it is a huge undertaking: I don't think that Mozilla ported on BeOS/Haiku would feel more resp
    • Chances are you just didn't make it in early enough. The mentor applications came in pretty quick and fast. There came a time (before the deadline) where there were just more than enough.
    • by chrisd ( 1457 ) * <> on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @11:34PM (#15251404) Homepage
      Actually, we just had so many mentors apply and among them quite a few operating systems were accepted. Maybe next year.
  • by shalunov ( 149369 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @10:47PM (#15251255) Homepage
    <shameless plug>Internet2 needs you as a coder this summer []. </shameless plug>
  • For the second year, the Fedora Project is participating in the Summer of Code as well.

    See this page [] for more details.
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak&yahoo,com> on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @11:09PM (#15251327) Homepage Journal
    This isn't a diss of SoC - quite the opposite. I really appreciate their efforts to get people into coding and to organize an event on a very impressive scale. That is no mean feat!

    What I would like to say, though, is that I noticed at least a few people felt left out - their projects weren't accepted, or they didn't meet one or another entry requirement. (Hell, I've a whole bunch of projects that I could use help with! I'm working on some games, some crypto stuff, some utilities... Nothing quite like the smell of shorted-out synapses!)

    I really do urge those who don't want (or can't) code for SoC but do want to get involved in a project that needs help to contact any of those who are mentioning projects being short of coders. We can't all pay or give prizes, but volunteer work on any serious project can be enjoyable and can be a good addition to a resume in some cases. (Volunteer work experience is still work experience.)

    • Yes, this is true. The Haiku project was one that got denied, and Google refused to even give a reason. It's a shame in Haiku's case, because they've come so far (the network stack and the USB stack are really the only missing pieces, aside from those they already have a fully-functional recreation of BeOS R5, compatible with a significant number of R5 apps, including Firefox) with virtually zero corporate backing, and when a chance to finally get some money, some promotion and some developer interest comes
  • If you are a student and keen on developing open source, then the Summer of code is a great opportunity for experience, kudos, and some cash. Either pick a project (some are pretty broad) or if you prefer come up with your own idea (compatible with the project) and submit it to one of the the approx. 70 organisations.
    Or pick a project based on the mentor - many are captains of open source!
    Most mentors will be happy to have anyone who has ability, and the motivation to work through to complete a project.
  • Now how am I supposed to get laid?
    • Just spend your summer coding your dream girl in your basement. Sure, you're going to have to make a lot of advances in AI research, robotics, and biology, and spend some time collecting Turing and Nobel awards for your advancements, but it will be worth it in the end when you see the finished results.

      Or, you can do what I do, and just wait.

  • Adium (Score:3, Informative)

    by ZachPruckowski ( 918562 ) <> on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @11:21PM (#15251372)
    Since we're on the topic of shameless plugs, Adium got the nod too []. But they knew last week. Any reason why it took so long for this to be published? Also, is there any way of insuring that all the projects get a fair shake at volunteers? I mean, everyone's gonna see Mozilla and GNU and friends on the list and jump on it.
    • everyone's gonna see Mozilla and GNU and friends on the list and jump on it.

      Just because you're interested in something doesn't mean everyone else is. I'm a programmer and an audio guy. I would find plain old coding boring as hell. I like doing DSP and such so I'm definitely far more interested getting paid to contribute to say, Ardour, FFmpeg, or XMMS2 than to work on a Mozilla project.
      • It's not that I'm interested in it, I just feel like, being a college kid, most college kids or late high school kids would want to jump on the big ones, if only for the name.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • vs internship? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by sentientbrendan ( 316150 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2006 @11:22PM (#15251375)
    I'm wondering how this would compare to an internship, considering that's what college students such as myself would otherwise be doing with our time.

    On the con side, the pay seems slightly low. You work from home only talk to your mentor over the internet, which seems like it might distract from the learning experience. I've telecommuted before, and while it might seem convenient at first, there are numerous related to communication, and being able to go home at the end of the day and be a psycologically non-work space that detract from those advantages. Probably the biggest problem is staying in touch with people who are in different time zones, or who merely have different working schedules. In a telecommuting situation, some people work at odd hours.

    Maybe someone who worked on the summer of code previously could comment on how easy or hard it was to keep in touch with his mentor? Were there many mentors who basically ignored partipants (no need to name names)? How helpful were they in general?

    Overall, as I see it the strong benefit is to be able to come up with your own project, and to be able to work on open source. Those kind of go hand in hand to give the participants a lot of freedom in what they do. For me, this would be worth the negatives mentioned above.

    I guess one last factor to address, that might be merely a tie breaker for some people or a deal breaker for others, is just how good it will look on a resume. College students looking for internships are looking for work experience, but also an opportunity to break into the industry. Will future employers look at there resume's and think, "He worked for a big name company over this summer, came up with his own project and executed it." Alternatively, an employer might wonder about time spent in such an unstructured way, and wonder if participants goofed off all summer. I sincerely doubt this, but its something to consider and maybe something someone in a hiring position in industry could comment on.

    • I let my boss know that I'd have to drop down to 10 hours/week (java coding stuff for school) if I get selected. Just enough to not totally forget over the summer.
    • You work from home only talk to your mentor over the internet, which seems like it might distract from the learning experience. I've telecommuted before, and while it might seem convenient at first, there are numerous related to communication, and being able to go home at the end of the day and be a psycologically non-work space that detract from those advantages.

      Well, assuming your mentor is willing, you could always talk to him/her on the phone once in a while -- it doesn't have to be only over the net. A

  • I'm glad to see Gallery on the list again. It is a great package for photo management.

    I'd love to see the Picasa module work better. I'd love to work on it myself but unfortunately don't have the time. :(
  • for students to help develop their own next generation virtual learning environment.

    The project is very supportive of folks who would like to contribute, serveral programmers who started adding features to Moodle as students at Humboldt State University are now core developers, and have the experience of having tools they have developed be used, reviewed, and built upon by educators and educatees around the world.

    Project ideas and discussion [].
  • by Anonymous Coward
    While some smart,young people will choose to get involved with these open source projects, some other smart,young people will be developing and launching their Web 2.0 startups. Yep, the seeds of the next Google will be planted this summer, and it definitely won't come from the people working for $4500(?) for 16 weeks of full-time work.

    Thank god Larry and Sergey didn't spend their time working on some open source project called BackRub, otherwise there won't have been any Google.

    To every geek, coder, studen
    • Fwak Google, Fwak F/OSS, Fwak Linux, etc, etc. Would you rather make $4,500 over 4 months, or start something that would make you $4,500,000,000? Enough said.
      • What is the ratio of students applying to and students being accepted for SoC projects?

        What is the ratio web startup failures to massively successful web startups?

        Play with the odds a little. Which option is a better resume builder? Is it possible that some people aren't concerned with the money?

        This is far from, "Enough said".
  • by gojomo ( 53369 ) on Wednesday May 03, 2006 @12:01AM (#15251461) Homepage
    The Internet Archive [] is participating, too. We'd accept contribution projects related to the Heritrix web crawler, Wayback access tool, or NutchWAX full-text search facility. See our Summer of Code 2006 Ideas Page [].

    - Gordon @ IA

  • Blenderheads unite! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Blender got a lot of super cool features in the last Googoe SOC. It would be an absolute shame to miss this opportunity. There is so much work that is done, but so much more that can be done. The animation system got recoded last time, plus fur/hair/cloth rendering (and a hundred more items I can't remember right now). People are shocked at what you can do with a program whos binaries are still less than 10 megabytes. It rivals applications ten times as large (in file size). Blenderheads unite! Get t
  • Work on Mars! (Score:4, Informative)

    by notyou2 ( 202944 ) on Wednesday May 03, 2006 @12:42AM (#15251550) Homepage
    Check it out... you can do work for NASA Mars missions: []
  • by CoughDropAddict ( 40792 ) on Wednesday May 03, 2006 @12:47AM (#15251562) Homepage
    I would have loved the opportunity to do this while I was in college. Seize it while you can!

    When you are a little kid, you have tons of time, but little skill, so you spend a lot of time being bored.

    When you are an adult, you have a lot more skill and you're capable of doing great things, but so many things compete for your attention (job, house/apartment, car, family) that it's harder to chase big ideas. The people who do so become the abnormal people we call "startup founders."

    College is this great crossover where you're just becoming good enough to do great things, but it's still normal to live in a totally non-domestic way. It's the time to chase big dreams.

    Google is not only giving you lots of great ideas for interesting work and arranging for mentors to guide you through the learning process, but they're paying you to do it! Find a project that sounds up your alley, and do it!
  • I'd like to do this...but I just finished my Masters degree and am no longer a student.
  • A small problem? (Score:3, Informative)

    by Godji ( 957148 ) on Wednesday May 03, 2006 @02:30AM (#15251779) Homepage
    First of all I'm not trying to troll - Summer of Code is a great initiative! Please take this as a question, not as critique.

    I see a small potential problem however: In some 3 months, one is supposed to implement a project. Fair enough, but doesn't that usually require significant familiarity with the code of that project? How is a student expected to have this familiarity? Does he/she get it while working on the project or is he/she supposed to already have it?

    This is a point that has stopped many enthusiasts. They are afreaid that, while they are experienced coders, they have no idea how Program X works, and are afraid to even try to extend it.

    Has this been adressed in any way?
  • FreeRADIUS is among the rejected applicants for SoC, but there are some interesting projects in there anyway. For a list, take a look here: [] One example is a TLS security layer and TCP/SCTP transport for RADIUS messages ("RadSec"), which is a leap ahead in authentication protocols.
  • My University [] applied and was rejected. There were many students expecting the acceptance, including myself.

    The worst of all is Google just says "Sorry, you are not being accepted" but they won't tell you why. That's discouraging.

    • Google does this for free. I mean, they're giving their money (LOTS of money) for free. Is not that they need to give people excuses, they may very well cancel the SoC program if they'd want.

      IOW: Be polite. They're being already kind enought by doing this, if you aren't accepted sorry - deal with it, is not that google owes you nothing.
      • Is not that they need to give people excuses, they may very well cancel the SoC program if they'd want.

        Of course, there's a difference between what you need to do and what you should do.

        IOW: Be polite.
    • No offence, but you're not telling us why Universidad Politecnica de Valencia _should_ have been accepted either...

      I know that Google requires mentors to be running an active and viable open source or free software project - maybe that was the catch?

  • Everyone moans that NASA's World Wind doesn't do this, doesn't do that, and so on - well, we're a non-profit organisation centred around World Wind and we're taking part to hopefully produce lots of useful features for World Wind. More info, ideas and contact details are at our SoC page []. See you there, or in #worldwind on Freenode :)
  • Mythtv was accepted as a project. I would recomment working with them because it is an app most people could potential use.
  • MythTV [] is also participating in the Summer of Code []
  • The Wine project is looking for students! []

    Wine is a great opportunity to make a mark on the world.
    Wine is already production quality -- I'm
    posting this using Windows Firefox on Wine --
    but many apps are just a few APIs away from running.
    Join the Wine project now and help us light the world on fire :-)
  • The Python Software Foundation is also one of the organizations sponsoring projects. There's a guide for students [] that includes project ideas.
  • As a high school student who loves open source, is looking for a way to break into the development community thereof, could use some money, and is faced with lots of free time the SoC seemed like a perfect oppourtunity when I first heard of it. Just a glance at the FAQ, however, says that I am ineligible..

    Anyone know why this is?

If it's not in the computer, it doesn't exist.
