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Developers Warned over OOXML Patent Risk 134

Tendraes brings us a story about legal experts who are warning that Microsoft's "covenant not to sue" over use of the OOXML specification is both ambiguous and untested. Developers wishing to make use of OOXML are unlikely to understand the complex legal language of the Open Specification Promise, and such a document - being neither a release nor a contract - has never been tested in court. From ZDNet Asia: "David Vaile, executive director of the Cyberspace Law and Policy Center at the University of New South Wales, said that Microsoft participants at a recent symposium on the issue found it challenging to explain how an ordinary person 'or even an ordinary lawyer' could easily determine which parts of the specification were covered. 'This lack of certainty would mean a cautious lawyer may be reluctant to advise any third party to rely on the promise without extensive and potentially quite expensive analysis, and even that could be inconclusive,' Vaile said. 'In turn, this could restrict its viability as a usable standard for less well-resourced users, including small developers and many public organizations.'"
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Developers Warned over OOXML Patent Risk

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  • Right! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rolfc ( 842110 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @03:42PM (#22455778) Homepage
    The trick is to stay away from Microsoft if you don't want trouble with the law, with licences or with vendor lockin.
    • Re:Right! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Znork ( 31774 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @03:56PM (#22455902)
      Without a doubt.

      For anyone wanting an explanation of what the 'open specification promise' entails it's quite easy. It's a 'promise' from a corporation that barely complies with legal restraints, and only reluctantly operates within the limits of the law. So for what it's worth they might as well have published a blank page. Except then the non-lawyers would probably also conclude it was useless.

      If they wanted to put their money where their mouth was they'd release any patents or other potential relevant IP into the public domain. The fact that that's not what they're doing indicates they have no intention of keeping that promise at all.
      • Re:Right! (Score:4, Interesting)

        by chunk08 ( 1229574 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @04:11PM (#22456000) Journal
        Yes, but its pointless to argue about that. MS will continue to try to lock people into their "standards", as they tried with HTML. Anything MS releases is just bait to try to get you entangled with something else.
      • Re:Right! (Score:5, Interesting)

        by coppro ( 1143801 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @05:20PM (#22456464)

        For anyone wanting an explanation of what the 'open specification promise' entails it's quite easy. It's a 'promise' from a corporation that barely complies with legal restraints, and only reluctantly operates within the limits of the law. So for what it's worth they might as well have published a blank page. Except then the non-lawyers would probably also conclude it was useless.
        IANAL, but from reading that page, it's clear that any non-required parts of the standard are not covered under this Promise. In other words, if it's a part of an ISO standard, but not specifically required by said standard, they can sue you.. So in other words, they can standardize some extension, except mark it as non-necessary, and sue the heck out of anyone who tries to implement it (or more likely, sue the heck out of someone who has used it for years, such that they are no longer able to provide that feature and the victim's customers only have one place to turn).
        • Re:Right! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by srmalloy ( 263556 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @10:55PM (#22458700) Homepage
          IANAL, either, but you will also note that the document also states:

          This promise applies to the identified version of the following specifications. New versions of previously covered specifications will be separately considered for addition to the list.

          As I read that, in other words, it says "You can use the specifications listed below in those specific versions. Should we choose to update those specifications and make our OOXML implementation conformant to and dependent upon any new features in those specifications, we reserve the right to not add them to the document and sue your ass off if you try to maintain compliance with OOXML in our full implementation."
    • Re:Right! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 17, 2008 @04:15PM (#22456024)
      Microsoft has not worked well with anyone. Even though they are a company based in the United States and Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer are U.S. citizens, they have a philosophy and mantra that goes against the principles of democracy, against the very foundations of their country that establish freedom and opportunities for ALL people. They simply want to take advantage of numbers, not grow a society in the freedoms many forefathers have fought for, but one that would continue to give them lots and lots of money. They are selfish, greedy, and self-serving. All they care about is getting people to use their software in order to continue their money stream. They don't care who they exclude, they don't have to care about the quality of their services, because they have a monopoly bought from the US-government through the avenues that allow special interests to take power away from the people and give it to the people who have a lot of money, no matter if that money was earned honestly, or not.

      If the way Microsoft did business is very good, right, and moral, then why not teach this to our kids in our schools? Lacking in creativity? getting bad grades? Pay off your teacher. Buy your way through school through manipulation, power, and influence. Isn't that what Microsoft has done in the real world, except they have bought their way through the government enough to dispell public scrutiny? If we let Microsoft do this, are we not doing our kids a disservice because we are not teaching them the way the world is? Maybe the correct way is not democracy, but to make as much money as possible, any way you can, buying your way through life, and trampling over people who have less power than you?

      If we would let Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer take over the world, I would have to say, your free speech would be removed, you would have to pay to post your words anywhere on the internet, and your words would of course be censored, and only speech that would be permitted would have to glorify Microsoft's cause as long as Bill and Steve could use it propaganda for their empire. They are no different than a totalitarian dictatorship trying to take over the world.

      Your choice. Freedom or Bondage. I want freedom. In everything I do, I do those things that promote those ideals. In regards to computing, I use only Open Source software such as Linux, Open Office, and the rest of the gems produced as GNU/GPLed Free Open Source software which is the stuff Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer do not want anyone to use because it does not suit their purposes, like MS-Windows, Microsoft Office, or Internet Explorer (stuff that would lock anybody in to giving Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer a perpetual revenue stream without them having to earn it from me.)
    • Re:Right! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by bmartin ( 1181965 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @05:04PM (#22456360)
      MSFT has done an amazing job of locking people in. PC Gaming is predominantly a Direct X-driven industry. Take a look at Halo. People are going to stick w/ Windows instead of OS X or Linux as long as MS dominates the gaming world.

      People stick with what they're used to. Wine helps with gaming in OS X and Linux, but it's not going to challenge MSFT's dominance.

      Do you want to challenge their dominance? Give a PS3 or a Wii as a gift... or even an Xbox 360. Put an end to Windows gaming. Install a copy of OpenOffice.org instead of that evaluation copy of MS Office that comes with their new computer.

      Are you sick of providing tech support to your relatives? Show them what it's like to be virus- and spyware-free with OS X or Linux. Let them run Vista and Ubuntu (or whatever distro you like) side-by-side on the same hardware and let them decide for themselves which one better suits their needs.

      I can honestly say that I've had a lot of luck. My parents, my little brother, my fiancee and her father all run Ubuntu now. We use CUPS to print documents from our laptops and it never fails. We mount remote file shares easily and spend countless hours playing Battle for Wesnoth, Runescape, etc.

      I don't care if you're a Mac or a Linux person... get people to use something other than Windows... anything else will do.
      • Re:Right! (Score:4, Interesting)

        by aweraw ( 557447 ) * <aweraw@gmail.com> on Sunday February 17, 2008 @06:24PM (#22456960) Homepage Journal
        Do you want to challenge their dominance? Give a PS3 or a Wii as a gift... or even an Xbox 360

        The PS3 and Wii make sense, but the Xbox360? It's also a directX based development platform... That's why most games released for the Xbox360 generally turn up on PC soon after (if not a simultaneous release).
      • Re:Right! (Score:4, Insightful)

        by syousef ( 465911 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @08:10PM (#22457700) Journal
        Give a PS3 or a Wii as a gift... or even an Xbox 360.

        People who currently buy a PC for games AND business/education use the business/education to justify it. If you kill off PC gaming, you'll drive up the cost of PCs as you drive demand down. Meanwhile gamers are still locked into a proprietary platform - just one they can't hope to mod or contribute to as much.

        Not a good move.
      • you are right but MSFT just lost any hope of another big hit for their gaming platform. halo was made by bungie inside MSFT. they have now split. While MSFT still owns halo outright, and bungie will make games that runs on windows MSFT doesn't have a team of game developers who can innovate an FPS like halo.

        MSFT will lose only because they try to be everything to everyone.
      • by LingNoi ( 1066278 ) on Monday February 18, 2008 @07:22AM (#22461718)
        Microsoft have really lowered the barrier to making games on Windows and Xbox 360. XNA and C# have made it really easy to make games but they're so tied to Microsoft that there is no hope of a port. Most code includes look like this..

        using System;
        using System.Diagnostics;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
        using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
        using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
        Simple, but Microsoft specific.

        Making a cross platform game is a lot harder if you are trying to port something written from Windows because you don't even realise until it happens how non-standard you code can be between operating systems. Perhaps you're using the Windows registry or you're using DirectX. Your only hope really is to score an xbox arcade contract with the publisher Microsoft and if you have written your game in C# and XNA you can give up hope of a port unless you're going to go back and re-write some code in c++.

        If you want to make a cross platform game then my advice is to write your code on a different platform (Mac, Linux, etc) and then port it to Windows. You'll find the port much easier this way around as it forces you to write your code to be cross platform and it leaves you open to some great debugging tools such as LatencyTop [latencytop.org] to help you figure out why your game is losing FPS.

        That said you can't do all your game programming on Linux because the tools just aren't there. RenderMonkey for shader programming is a good example, but you can easily just do your shader programming on one machine and use the shaders in Linux. Ogre 3D for example has a shader exporter from RenderMonkey.
    • I have a question (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Mateo_LeFou ( 859634 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @06:00PM (#22456778) Homepage
      Is *anyone, *anywhere, just aching to get their hands on the OOXML spec 'cause then they can springboard off of a bunch of the cool innovative things that MS formats can do?

      Or is everyone, like me, just kinda hoping it's open enough so that we can sorta-promise clients that the software we develop will sorta-work with their piles of legacy, cruft-infested data. (At least, it'll sorta work until MS changes their document spec again and force-upgrades everyone through Genuine Windows YoureScrewed.)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 17, 2008 @03:44PM (#22455802)
    This is a good read... Ron Yu's background paper on patent approaches in OOXML [cyberlawcentre.org].
  • Microsoft would write some obscure language piece of literature. This just goes to further show that either they are retards that can't speak in plain English, or they do in fact have a hidden agenda. There is no good reason to hide behind obscure legal documents.
  • by topham ( 32406 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @04:05PM (#22455956) Homepage

    Look, if it was a good spec then there would be reason to debate it's license, implied or otherwise. There would be reason to discuss Microsofts standing.

    It isn't a good spec, so it isn't relevant.

    • by julesh ( 229690 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @05:29PM (#22456524)

      Look, if it was a good spec then there would be reason to debate it's license, implied or otherwise. There would be reason to discuss Microsofts standing.

      It isn't a good spec, so it isn't relevant.
      The same license also applies to a number of other specs that MS have participated in, including SOAP, WSDL, the VHD image format, SPF, and WMF, all of which are important standards that are relevant to open source implementers. Yes, it's worth discussing.
  • IANAL, but it looks like the PTO has some mechanism by which a patent owner can reassign ownership or a patent. If so, Microsoft need only transfer the patent to the public domain or renounce ownership to solve this. Some wishy-washy covenant won't hack it unless it is irrevocable.
    • by julesh ( 229690 )

      Some wishy-washy covenant won't hack it unless it is irrevocable.

      Microsoft irrevocably promises ...
  • by pieterh ( 196118 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @04:30PM (#22456128) Homepage
    It appears that Microsoft has about 280 patents around OOXML and related technologies. It also has a large number of patents that read on ODF. We're making a list of these and hope to be able to publish them soon.

    There are also several patents from third parties that read on OOXML, and in theory ISO should halt the process while these are examined and cleared. It looks like ISO won't do that.

    Microsoft has several techniques to keep OOXML a captive standard [digistan.org] controlled by a single vendor. Complexity is one. But patents are the very best technique.

    Note also that OOXML's complexity is mostly because it's a dump of a legacy format. Some upcoming MS ISO proposals are very clean technically, but also very heavily patented.

    It seems clear that the OSP is worthless for GPL implementations, the biggest threat to Microsoft.

    At the same time it's worth noting that the format being voted on by ISO is not the format implemented by Office. There are over 2,300 changes and the two formats are not compatible. The reason for pushing for ISO standardisation is to let MS market their formats as "standard", while in fact implementing non-standard vendor-specific formats. And then, using patent threats against anyone who tries to reverse-engineer those.

    It's a nice con trick. Many national bodies have realized what's going on but many are too corrupted [digistan.org] or too ignorant to understand.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      I just read this [bekkelund.net] recently. It shows how bad an idea it is to use Microsoft's "standard" ooxml, since the docx format is deliberately written for vendor lock-in. On the other hand, if you have lots of money, want to only use Microsoft products, believe everyone you care about and/or do business with is in the same position, then go right ahead. Microsoft is great if you want to stop progress.
    • It seems clear that the OSP is worthless for GPL implementations, the biggest threat to Microsoft

      So how come this hasn't been a problem for the numerous parts of SOAP that are covered by the OSP and for which there are GPL implementations?

      • by pieterh ( 196118 )
        SOAP is not a competitive threat to Microsoft. And even if it was, the lack of litigation threats in SOAP means nothing more than "so far, so good", which is not proof of anything. You cannot prove that OSP is safe by pointing to the lack of issues in a non-controversial domain.

        • Wait a minute. Web services are a MAJOR part of both Sun and IBM's business and strategy. Are you suggesting that they did not scrutinize OSP carefully before accepting it, or that they ignored potential problems because they figured Microsoft would have no interest in harming or annoying either of them?
          • by giafly ( 926567 )
            Sun and IBM need not rely on the OSP. I wonder whether, as companies, they have even accepted its terms. Sun and IBM both have large patent arsenals and Microsoft could not sue them without huge risk of retaliation. This is not the case with other developers.
  • by frdmfghtr ( 603968 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @05:09PM (#22456394)
    I'm confused--am I missing something obvious? How can a standard be patented? Isn't the whole point of a standard to specify a format or design requirement for something so that anybody that implements the standard will do it properly? I can understand patenting/copyrighting a particular implementation, but not the standard itself.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by bkaul ( 1235970 )
      It's not that the standard itself is patented, but that there is patented material included in the proposed standard. The promise is that Microsoft won't sue for patent infringement when developers use the proposed standard, even though the standard itself would infringe some patents held by Microsoft, if implemented without their permission.
    • The rules vary depending on the particular standards organization, but generally the patent owner (or owners) are required to make a license available for the necessary patents on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms. Most hardware standards are covered by patents, as are a significant chunk of non-hardware standards.
  • It's a promise. (Score:5, Informative)

    by julesh ( 229690 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @05:11PM (#22456410)

    and such a document - being neither a release nor a contract - has never been tested in court
    Bullshit. It's a promise not to take legal action. It says so in the first sentence:

    Microsoft irrevocably promises not to assert any Microsoft Necessary Claims against you for ...
    Such promises have been tested in court many times. The doctrine that enforces them is called Promissory Estoppel [wikipedia.org].

    Promissory estoppel requires:-

            * (i) an unequivocal promise by words or conduct,
            * (ii) evidence that there is a change in position of the promisee as a result of the promise (reliance but not necessarily to their detriment),
            * (iii) inequity if the promisor were to go back on the promise.
    Microsoft's words are clearly unequivocal. There is clearly a change in position on the part of a developer who, having read Microsoft's promise, decides to incorporate this format into their software. It would clearly be inequitable then for Microsoft to take action against them.

    Untested in court my ass. The first case to use it was 131 years ago.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Bullshit. It's a promise not to take legal action. It says so in the first sentence:

      >> Microsoft irrevocably promises not to assert any Microsoft Necessary Claims against you for ...

      And certainly microsoft would never EVER even consider selling some patents to various patent trolls on behind-the-scenes-off-the-record condition that they sue particular companies.

      After all. Microsoft promises not to assert themselves. That's it. What some other little guy does after they get a hold of a patent or two
    • yeah, yeah, yeah... maybe you should read the damn FAQ and see what they're really promising.. I can't figure out if it's a yes or no..

      Q: Is this Promise consistent with open source licensing, namely the GPL? And can anyone implement the specification(s) without any concerns about Microsoft patents?

      A: The Open Specification Promise is a simple and clear way to assure that the broadest audience of developers and customers working with commercial or open source software can implement the covered specification

      • I can't figure out if it's a yes or no...

        IANAL, but what I interpreted from reading those faqs is that in the first answer, they're worried about limitations from the license. For example, the gpl3 has patent clauses which may or may not be compatible with microsoft retaining their patents. The second answer qualifies this as stating that the promise not to sue applies to everyone, regardless of their development model.

        Microsoft often does underhanded things, but everything about the open specification promise actually does seem pretty good

    • Microsoft irrevocably promises not to assert any Microsoft Necessary Claims against you for ...

      Is Microsoft's definition of "Microsoft Necessary Claims" broad enough and clear enough to allow a third party to implement the actual .docx format without legal harassment by Microsoft or Microsoft's sock puppets? With Microsoft, as with the devil, you have to check for weasel language in everything they say.

  • Both ODF and MS-OOXML are covered by patents. Hasn't Sun, IBM, etal. issued "covenants not to sue" that apply to ODF as well? In simple english, can someone please explain the difference? Why are Sun covenants GPL friendly and Microsoft's not?
    • by ozmanjusri ( 601766 ) <(moc.liamtoh) (ta) (bob_eissua)> on Sunday February 17, 2008 @08:29PM (#22457800) Journal
      Why are Sun covenants GPL friendly and Microsoft's not?

      Good question.

      The key characteristics and innovative features of the Sun agreement in the OASIS context are: The declaration:
      (1) constitutes a blanket promise connected with ODF that's not restricted to particular facets or features;
      (2) is irrevocable;
      (3) is global valid in all countries and all jurisdictions insofar as Sun is concerned;
      (4) is not time-limited with respect to the past, present, or new features added to future versions of ODF [insofar as Sun is obligated under OASIS IPR rules];
      (5) is reciprocal, allowing Sun to be able to take action to protect itself and the community, providing rock-solid safety for developers and end-users;
      (6) has no bureaucracy or paperwork;
      (7) is simple and clear;
      (8) makes no reference to essential claims which sometimes govern whether a waiver is applicable: the Sun statement applies regardless.
      As opposed to:

      The Microsoft Open Specification Promise is ambiguous

      Moreover, in the OSP we find additional language limiting rights:

      Microsoft Necessary Claims" are those claims of Microsoft-owned or Microsoft-controlled patents that are necessary to implement only the required portions of the Covered Specification that are described in detail and not merely referenced in such Specification.
  • Given the latests news about SCO, Gates' connection and the $100m plan, as well as previous involvement of the Vole, anything less than crystal clear and open sourced, is another trap with MS.
  • The Real Protection (Score:4, Informative)

    by logicnazi ( 169418 ) <gerdes AT invariant DOT org> on Sunday February 17, 2008 @08:44PM (#22457884) Homepage
    The real protection you enjoy is that suing you for patent infringement would do too much damage to MS's credibility. MS simply has too much to lose if people start being overly suspicious of relying on the developer information they provide. Ultimately their entire existence is predicated on people being able to take information about specifications they provide (windows APIs) and use them without fear of suit. They simply can't afford to take advantage of some legal loophole to sue you given the damage to their reputation it would cause.
  • true, but... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by nguy ( 1207026 ) on Sunday February 17, 2008 @10:09PM (#22458340)
    The "covenant not to sue" is indeed not a particularly sound guarantee. On the other hand, if Microsoft sued over patent infringement in 10 years, I think they'd have a hard time recovering anything: any infringement wouldn't be willful and any it's hard to claim damages over something that they themselves said anybody could use.
  • "Q: I am a developer/distributor/user of software that is licensed under the GPL, does the Open Specification Promise apply to me?"

    "A: .. the only time Microsoft can withdraw its promise .. is if that person or company brings .. a patent infringement lawsuit against Microsoft .."

    So the whole motive in this legalistic shell game is to protect MS from being sued over claiming IP ownership in Open Source software.

    translation: by signing this agreement you acknowledge Microsofts IP claims against Open Source.

Chemist who falls in acid is absorbed in work.
