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Microsoft Programming

Microsoft Redesigns To Do App To Make it Look More Like its Wunderlist Predecessor ( 11

An anonymous reader shares a report: When Microsoft bought 6Wunderkinder, the developer of Wunderlist, in 2015, officials said they planned to shut down that task-management app at some point and replace it with its own To Do app. That move still hasn't happened. But this week, Microsoft is rolling out a redesign of To Do that attempts to make it look more like Wunderlist. On September 9, Microsoft introduced the redesigned To Do, which has smaller headers and more colors. The app is more customizable now with a variety of backgrounds, "including the beloved Berlin TV tower that was a feature in Wunderlist." The app can sync across Mac, iOS, Android, Windows and the Web. And it integrates with Microsoft work or school email accounts; hosted email accounts like Outlook, Hotmail or Live; Microsoft Planner; and Microsoft Launcher on Android. Just so it happens, last week Wunderlist founder Christian Reber said that he'd like to buy Wunderlist back from Microsoft. Today he tweeted "GREAT timing," in regards to Microsoft's To Do makeover.
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Microsoft Redesigns To Do App To Make it Look More Like its Wunderlist Predecessor

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • So what should Microsoft do?

      I know they have a long history of stupidity and I am a desktop Linux loyalist, but after using MacOS for 6 years, I miss a bit about Windows, particularly being able to choose my own hardware and run Lightroom and video games.

      It's long been fashionable to insult Microsoft, but I have been pretty impressed at their strategic turnaround under Nadella. So Mr(Ms?) Complainer...what does MS need to fix? What do they do that's so much worse than MacOS? (and pick something obj
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • and that comment is possibly the exact opposit of what they should do.

          They'd be best advised ot turn off all the spyware tracking thats in W10, I doubt they again any advantage from it (particularly now windows phone doesn't exists - another reason why the crappy "fluent" design that only exists for the phone needs to go) but it carries a lot of risk from legislators.

          • by Merk42 ( 1906718 )
            and that comment is exactly why Microsoft will continue to be fashionable to hate. No matter what they do it's wrong (to someone).
      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        They seem to be upset that Microsoft bought the app, transplanted some of the features into their own app, and then shut it down. I suppose people who used the original want to keep their workflow and not switch to a new one.

        Seems like they should blame the original developer for selling it to Microsoft.

    • The team that is working on this is probably not the team working on Windows. And while they could assign more people from this team to the Windows team, I don't know that throwing more people at a problem will necessarily fix it, especially if those people aren't able to contribute anything useful to what they're being assigned to.
  • Carry it everywhere, even when I have a laptop with me. It's labeled "Snot's Brainz", and has notes in the front, and my todo list at the back. Way back when I tried to use a Palm to replace it, then laptops, then tablets. None have worked half as well as my trusty paper notebook.
  • such drama this week over a freakin todo list.

    but, but... you can change the background!
    damn, you got me there!

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