
Apple's OS 9 Fix Creates New Problems 28

ocipio was the first to write "Though many people who impressed by Apple's quick response to fix a problem in the OS 9's Open Transport protocol. Apple released OS Tuner 1.0 which when applied causes connectivity problems. An Apple spokesman said that the patch was only intended for people in a specific situation. The spokesman also said that the bug patch and the need to restart their machines after changing TCP/IP settings only applies to those with high-speed Internet connects. I guess no one in western Michigan needs to worry. The article on ZDNet can be found here." jimjag adds: I can confirm this behavior on a brand spanking new iBook and iMac DV. Unless you change your TCP/IP settings a lot, it's no real big deal, but for some IBook users, it might be a pain.

The 21" Frankenstein iMac 242

webslacker writes "One of the strangest hardware hack jobs I've ever seen: Some guy named Don Hardy decides that he doesn't like the 15" monitor in his iMac and happens to have a 21" Nokia lying around. Does he A) find some clever way to solder a VGA-out from his iMac to his monitor, B) toss them both out, or C) take them both apart and merge them into one unit? "

HowTo on booting Linux on iMac DV's 110

Shawn writes "We at iMac Linux have been working over the past few days to get the new iMacs to boot Linux. Well, make a long story short we managed to do so last night (really this morning =). There is a HowTo on how to do this, which enables mouse, keyboard, CD-ROM. We're working on getting X setup, and sound."

'Legacy-Free' PCs Appearing Everywhere 333

gjt writes "Finally. The death of of the ISA slot is near. Red Herring is running a story on the Legacy Free PC. Plug all of your mice, keyboards, joysticks, modems, etc. into the Universal Serial Bus. Compaq is releasing a computer called the Vista which will do just that. Yes, Apple did that over a year ago with the iMac and PCI based G3 and G4. Of course, if you're like me, you'd want to build your own box. Asus makes legacy free "PC 99" compliant motherboards. I wonder if this means more IRQ numbers. And what's the state of USB and Firewire support in Linux?" Suddenly USB is everywhere. Will it take hold? A lot of PC manufacturers sure seem to think so.
It's funny.  Laugh.

User Friendly: The Book 31

Stern reviewed one of the most gimme books of the year: O'Reilly's User Friendly. The whole gang is gathered together in a dead tree version, which means you can finally take UF where ever you want to be.

Bizzare Answers from Cult of the Dead Cow 247

Monday's questions for the Cult of the Dead Cow ranged from serious-tech to silly. Various members of the Cult answered appropriately. Great stuff! One warning: if you are offended by strong language or are a hacker under 18, you should not read this Q&A session. The Cult is one of those groups the assorted nanny-censor programs try to keep away from deity-fearing, good-citizen, mass-average folks because they're commie anachist no-gooders. Or something like that. (And we like them that way!) Click below to learn why these people are A Danger to the Established Order(tm).

$200 Linux PCs 106

Gekko and Webslacker were the first of many to tell us about the stir over at ZDNet, which is reporting on the arrival of sub $200 PCs due Q1 2000. These new desktops from Taiwan's Tatung come in eye-catching candy colors a la Apple's iMac. Tatung has opted for Rise and Cyrix K6 chips instead of Intel Pentiums, and a CD-ROM drive is an option. One wonders with the increase in the cost of DRAM how this will impact the price?

Victorinox Announces Cybertool 167

Gryff writes "Victorinox, makers of the fine Swiss Army line of knives, has just announced a Cybertool version. It has 13 different screwdrivers and a total of 34 functions including, according to the pictures on that page, tightening peripheral cables, pulling chips and setting dip switches. And - hey! - it's see-through to match your iMac and Visor. "

New iMac Rolled Out 355

Ivo writes "Apple just announced a new iMac. The base model starts at $999, and the $1499 model has built-in firewire and DVD. More at Apple's website " Three different models (no fan, better graphics and sub-woofer), and the commercials are online.

Pictures of New iMac 159

webslacker writes "Those snoops over at Apple Insider have gotten their hands on some blueprints of the new iMac. Not a drastic change, but it now uses a short-neck CRT and the new trayless DVD drive is very very cool. Check it out."

iMac II to have LCD/Firewire/DVD/AirPort/new color 273

Cheeseman writes "The usually very reliable Japan Apple Watch quotes South Korean sources saying that the iMac II will be launched at the Paris Apple Expo in a couple of weeks. What's interesting about this is that one of the new colors will be the 'graphite and white' as seen on the G4. I suspect that this means that Apple will use the iMac II to get apple back into the business market and sell one G4 together with 10-30 iMacs IIs for about 10 to 25 grand. With AirPort this means that you've got an instant LAN that works out of the box with no cabling. " And the rumours are that the new machine will be less then 1000$US-though I would suspect that's a stripped down machine.

The G4 and Apple's Second Coming 432

Apple's G4, launched in a blizzard of savvy hype, heralds the second Age of Apple. Although this one is very different from the first (for one thing, Apple is a lot greedier), Apple's string of successes says a lot about the fact that individual creativity will beat out corporate marketers every single time.

The Ottoman PC 149

R3 writes "Looks like Intel is trying to come up with some sort of iMac-like PC - "for home" and this is the best they could some up with is the Ottoman PC. " Here are some more pictures . The sad thing is that I think its cool. I'd like a PIII in the arm of my sofa too please.

New Dual-Celeron PC's Encourage Overclocking 145

Steve Nakhla writes "The same people responsible for the iMac-looking PC's are now shipping a dual-Celeron PC, that makes overclocking a breeze. " So the question is, Publicity Stunt, or a valuable feature that consumers want? A motherboard that makes 8x overclocking easy is certainly cool, but its definitely gonna void some warranties, and maybe even blow up some chips.

Apple sues eMachines 213

Phrogz writes "Apple, following their July 1st lawsuits against Future Power and Daewoo for the same, is now suing eMachines for their use of an iMac-style design (the eMachines eOne). "

Ask Slashdot: Heterogeneous Network Backups w/Linux? 124

drix asks: "Like many I'm running a Linux gateway between my home network and cable internet connection. Naturally, I'd like it if my Linux server, 4 Win 98 boxes, and iMac could do a nightly backup. The problem is I only have one tape drive, which is, of course, situated in the server. So my question is what software exists that, a) runs on Linux, b) exists in a client server form, where the server runs a "backup daemon" that each client connects to to backup its respective hard disk each night, and c) has clients available for Windows and optionally Mac? I guess the analogous NT ware would be Seagate Backup Exec, which runs on an NT server and polls NT workstations nightly for any changed files, and then uses delta file compression to zip those changes to the server's tape drive. I don't need anything that complicated, but I must have the basic ability to move the files."

More Computers w/ Integrated LCDs 44

An anonymous reader wrote in to send us an article that talks about new machines with integrated LCDs (sorta like that NEC box we mentioned a few weeks ago). Apparently vendors like GW2k are also following the trend to create slimmer iMac type non-upgradable but super-simple boxes. Personally I'm just obsessed with flat screens.

iMac Clone Gets Sued 346

Jareth writes "Remember the iMac PC made by Future Power? Apparently Apple didn't like the idea of someone making money off of their design, so they are suing for damages. The story is over at Wired. " Well, they can't win a case based upon "look & feel", but it'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Luckily, whoever invented the beige case isn't suing every computer manufacturer ever.

The Answer to iMac Envy: NEC's Z1 230

Unit3 writes "Finally a real competitor to the iMac from a Wintel manufacturer: NEC's Z1 appears to not only outpower the iMac, but includes some very nice design and expandbility ideas that most of the iMac ripoffs these days are missing. " At $2500 I'm not quite sure that its an iMac competitor, but it has several other features that are quite tasty. Course it has to run Linux... I still think I'd prefer a VAIO.

Cool PC Cases 209

PaulB writes "Intel's new Easy PC standard has some prototype systems ready for it, which you can read about on Wired. Very cool looking stuff, finally no more iMac envy. " You can see the photos of the machines on intel's website but they do all have those stupid looking jumpsuit dudes in the way. Update: 06/08 08:45 by H :SurplusBaggage wrote in with the Phillips 42" monitors. Price tag: $15k.

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