It's funny.  Laugh.

iNAX: The iMac Toilet 67

aphro writes "Seems somebody over in japan has gotten some ideas about comming out with a new kind of toilets! Although the text is in japanese, I can't tell if this is a serious thing or not. " I pray not, but its cute...

Translucent PC Cases 247

webslacker sent us linkage to a place selling translucent PC cases for those of you who are seeking something different, or are jealous of the iMac. These actually look pretty excellent.

Dell is Building iMac Lookalikes 312

Shawn Pryde writes "MSNBC reports that Michael Dell told investors the Dell is going to start making PC's modeled after the iMac." I hafta say for all the criticisms, the super cheap, non-upgradable internet capable appliance PC is a wonderful holy grail. Someday it'll happen, but the question is will Dell be able to cover the cheap part of that grail?

iMac Factory Burns 115

BobRainGod wrote in to tell us that a fire has apparently wasted Apple's Mexican production plant, and stunted iMac production. No this doesn't have anything to do with the APSL.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Jello iMacs 37

webslacker writes " First they looked like Jello, now these kids compete to make the most realistic iMac out of Jello. The weirdest thing is, this contest was school sponsored. " my school never did anything nearly that cool.

iMac Linux 103

slim sent us linkage to a detailed guide to installing Linux on an iMac. " There are comments about LinuxPPC R4 and R5, but its come a long way. If those iMacs were a few hundred bucks cheaper I still think they'd be fun thinnish linux workstations. And the pretty colors.

Disney to buy out Apple? 111

This is a total rumor, but it is interesting to think about. Bart van der Ouderaa writes " There is talk about a buyout of Pixar by Disney. While this isn't really that suprising, Steve Jobs is rumored to have pitched Apple as well. According to the article, Disney is going to buy both Pixar and Apple in a multi-billion dollar deal. In this deal CEO of Disney Eisner would be stepping down ( for medical/personal reasons and becomming chairman of the board at disney) while Steve Jobs would become CEO of Disney. Details are expected this week. Will the next iMac feature two giant ears ? "

BellAtlantic ADSL absurdity 136

Aleks writes "MacInTouch.com has an absurd story about BellAtlantic ADSL and its non-sensical policy about supporting only Windows machines (and only iMac). If you wanna see an excercise in human innanity and corporate logic, read it at here " It pained me to read this. I can't fathom the world we live in sometimes. Anyway this is amusing enough to read, but you might suffer sympathy frusteration.

iMac Floppies over the Net 83

netstat sent a link to iMacFloppy.com which (get this) allows you to send virtual floppy disks to other iMacs! Assuming it's connected to the internet! But they won't discriminate against PCs! Apparently attaching files to email is much to complicated. Thank god for virtual floppies. The best part is that this site is 'designed for an iMac'. What a gas. Funniest thing I've seen all day.

PC style as important as Clock Speed 172

Anonymous Coward writes "According to this news, after iMac success, PC style is as improtant as megahertz. What do you guys (and gals) think? " I'd have to agree, as I've owned some nice computers, but they were all eyesores.

Apple Announcements 158

pavewrld sent in a couple of links. The first is over at MacWorld Online and announces the new PowerMac G3's, which look similar to the iMac. The second announces the new iMac's, which now come in a variety of colors. Also in Apple news, NikT wrote in to say that Mac OS X server was announced, and it will include Apache and BSD 4.4. Finally, Ethan Butterfield wrote in to let us know of Steve Jobs' keynote address at MacWorld Expo. Apparently Apple has licensed OpenGL from SGI, and John Carmack demoed Quake 3 Arena on one of the new G3's. You can read more at Macintouch. Phew! With MacWorld Expo going on, the Apple news is nonstop.

New Linux-based iMac Rival

Jesda Gulati wrote in to plug his Linux based iMac Rival. It's from Infinital Spacial Technologies and it's called the Infinital One. It costs more ($1500) but it has an LCD screen, it weighs less and is smaller than the iMac. I'm not quite sure why, but the press release says you have to add $10 for Linux, but Win98 is free. Has ethernet, PCMCIA, USB etc. It's also better looking than the iMac, although it's a P233 so I suspect a LinuxPPC iMac will outperform it. I still want one. one.

MSNBC review of NetWinder

Wattsman writes "There's an article on MSNBC about the NetWinder. The reviewer is pretty pleased with the machine and thinks it's a decent competitor to the iMac." Hmm. That gives me an idea for a poll question.

Portable iMac-like machine?

Rumors are starting to surface about WebMate, the new portable that Apple is supposed to be bringing out. The machine, although the article states "early 99" will probably be mid 99. However, other rumors have a common thread: wireless. Mmm...no more CAT5. Radio stuff that Apple patented ten years ago-anyone know anything more about this? One of my fellow co-workers has provided me with a good write-up about the wireless support.


If you're bored, there's a ton of strange links on the next page, selected by the warped minds of my slashdot co-authors ;-).

USB Linux on the iMac

kroah sent us a quick message from the Linux-USB list:"Some good news for those of you with iMacs: I have got the keyboard and mouse working on my iMac with Inaky's latest snapshot plus some modifications. The patches can be acquired here. uusbd-imac-981209.patch.gz - patches to the recent uusbd snapshot. Note that Inaky and I are still working on merging this stuff back into his tree, and not all the issues are resolved yet, so it is all liable to change. kbd-981208.patch.gz - a patch to the linux kernel source to add support for multiple keyboards. This patch should apply cleanly to recent kernels (either the official source or the vger source), i.e. 2.1.129 or later. I plan to release a precompiled kernel for the iMac along with some installation notes soon." Linux/iMac running 2.2 for Christmas?

Pre-installed Linux better than the iMac

Dandy writes "In this article Robin Miller, one of those rare non-clueless journalists, lets everyone know that it *is* possible to have a Linux computer that is perfect for the average home user who only wants something that is easy to use. Surprise, everyone! It's not really hard after all. "
It's funny.  Laugh.

Apple: "Say hello to chiaMac"

An anonymous reader wrote in to send us a link where you can read NationalGameReviews take on the next generation Apple iMac specs. "Say hello to chiaMac" It's monday, I suspect we all need to be amused on a monday morning.

iMac falls flat vs. PII machines...

Alex Prestin writes "CNN.com did an interesting comparison to see whether Steve Jobs' claim of the G3 in the iMac being faster than any PII held any water. Their tests prove it did not. The iMac finished last, even versus a Celeron..."
It's funny.  Laugh.

iMac Sillyness

Bummer writes "Why are those iMacs so darn popular? The Onion has an informative infographic as to why " Pretty funny. Check it out if you hate or love the iMac.

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