
Fragna Cum Laude: A B.A. in Quake 262

TraCer00t writes, "Ever not gotten a job because you weren't Quake-educated enough? According to this MSNBC article, the University of California at Irvine will start giving out B.A.'s in Quake. Imagine what studying for the exams must be like!" As you might expect, the coursework is (an interdisciplinary approach to) designing and coding games, not playing them.

Tux on the Upper West Side 151

The Beacon School is a selective secondary public school on West 61st Street in New York City. It is a place where students are encouraged to work with computers and technology, not just to run educational software, but to write code, administer networks and troubleshoot hardware. Long on knowledge but short on cash, Beacon is a textbook example of how Linux and Open Source make the impossible possible in education.

John Carmack Enforcing the GPL on Quake Source 772

GuavaBerry writes, "John Carmack's latest .plan update is really really interesting. Apparently a modmaker is trying to derive work from the newly GPL'ed Quake source without releasing source to his binaries, and Carmack isn't happy about it. The debate is chilling, but we must appreciate Carmack's no-nonsense approach to enforcing his rights under the GPL. "

Quake Wedding 207

Nom Anor writes "A couple from South America is going to celebrate their wedding today... on a Quake2 server! The bride and groom will say "I do" as the male and female grunt models inside a Quake 2 Battlegrounds server to be hosted by M-Web's Gamezone, a popular South African gaming work. The judge will preside over the ceremony through his computer in his Cape Town home. "

Textmode Quake 114

ScUmM_BoY writes "Someone had enough spare time to create Textmode Quake for Linux. It was the Link of the Day over at User Friedly, and the Web page includes some (blinding) screenshots. Keen!" I really don't know what to say. I am aghast. Update: 02/12 22:19 by michael : Okay, okay. So it was posted to Slashdot a year and half ago. It's still cool.

Excerpt From "Geeks" 162

If you click the read-more link below you will be treated to an excerpt from our own Jon Katz's new book Geeks. Regular readers know my aversion to paper books, but I've read this one, and it's worth your while. Katz explores Geek culture by following a couple of geek kids from Idaho to Chicago. It's a true story, and Jesse and Eric are Slashdot regulars. We don't feel right writing a review of the book since we'd be sadly biased, so read this chapter, and make up your own minds about it... but I hope you enjoy it. This is a story that I think many of us will understand.

Kurt Gray on Andover, VA Linux, and LinuxWorld 125

Kurt Gray is one of Andover.net's coolest people and most senior employees. He's a programmer and long-time Slashdot reader. Indeed, Kurt was the one who originally suggested that Andover should buy Slashdot. Now Kurt (along with the rest of us) will be working for the merged VA Linux/Andover combination . Today, in a rare public appearance, Kurt shares his thoughts on Andover's rapid growth and changes, the VA Linux buyout, and the notes he took during VA Linux CEO Larry Augustin's speech yesterday at Linux World. (Click below to read.)

UPDATED: Transmeta's Crusoe Unveiled 768

I've gotten the first round of details about Transmeta's *two* new chips (Thanks Chris!). It's very cool - x86 compatible, Linus has written "Mobile Linux" to run on the chip, and totally insane power consumption. Click below for details - and we'll be updating this story throughout the day so check back again for more. Update: 01/20 02:33 by E : David Cassel, who was at the unveiling, sent in his notes and some great quotes from the unveiling. His take is appended to the end of this article.

Quake 3: Arena SDK--RELEASED!! 127

BigMeanBear writes "Finally the highly anticipated Quake 3 Source is available for mod makers to hack away at. Go get it and make some mods!" The id server seems to be overloaded right now, so you might try some other locations.

Etoy Update 36

Time for an etoy.com news roundup. The Etoy artists are still operating under a ridiculous injunction that bars them from operating a website at their domain. NSI caved to what they perceived as a court order and put the entire domain on hold, so email is blocked too. And Monday's meeting with the judge turned out to be merely a status conference which, according to Etoy's lawyer, "took all of 45 seconds." Nothing was decided, and the injunction remains in effect. But there's good news about the trademark. Click to read more.

Life Day Celebration 22

It's that time again. Yep, we're back with another episode and it's a special one. We talk about the Quake source release, Everything 2 and much more with special guest Darrick Brown.

ESR on Quake 1 Open Source Troubles 339

ESR as chimed in to say his bit on the recent quake problems that popped up following the source release. Its definitely a problem that will happen again and something that needs to be handled. Read what he has to say about it.

Open Source Quake Causes Cheating? 474

Stargazer writes "Well, looks like people are having problems with Quake's release under the GPL. It's not a conflict with the license, but rather, mean-spirited people are now creating clients which give them an unfair advantage, to say the least. John Carmack ponders this problem in his .plan file, and offers, unfortunately, a closed-source solution. "

Q3A for Linux Hitting Stores Today 185

Matt writes "Saw over at Ars Technica that Loki Games has announced that Quake 3 Arena for Linux is hitting stores like EB and Fry's today! I will certainly have to run by EB after work to see if this is true. Man, screw the egg-nog action - I'm gonna need some fraggin' if I'm going to survive a day with the in-laws."

Quake 1 GPL'ed 479

WarSpite was the first of many to write with the news that id has open-sourced the Quake 1 Source Code. This includes WinQuake, GLQuake, QuakeWorld, and GLQuakeWorld. Yes, it's been released under the GPL [?] . id's ftp site got the goods.

FreeBSD 3.4 released 143

By the time you read this, FreeBSD 3.4 will have been released. Being a 3.x release, this primarily contains fixes and enhancements to existing parts of the system, rather than complete new functionality and subsystems. Those will come with the 4.0 release, later next year. That said, there are a few new developments that have been shaken out in the -current branch, and have been backported. Read on for more.

The Making of Quake III - and the Building of id

Kyrex writes "There is a great article for Quake and id fans in general here [at www.gamespot.com]. Talks about the making of quake III, id all of their games till now ... also what are their plans for next year."

Q3A Demo Released For Linux

gabedude writes "Quake3 Arena Demo is released for Linux." At long last it's here, and Linux players can start joining the fun. You can find it at the Quake 3 Arena page. I'm still hoping to snag one of the special tin versions, but this will let me get in some fragging.

Loki to Distribute Quake III Arena 277

Everyone in the known universe has been submitting the news that Loki Software will be publishing and distributing Quake III Arena for Linux. The game will be published Dec. 27. The box will be a limited-edition collector's tin box and will include SuSE Linux 6.3. Asking price is 50$.
United States

Take the FBI's Geek Profile Test 639

Thanks to the miracle of e-mail and a few administrators outraged at the latest law enforcement intrusion into American schools, we present below the FBI's Geek Profile, the agency's secret checklist of potentially violent characteristics being distributed to educational institutions in the United States and Canada. I'm turning myself in.

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