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Programming IT Technology

A Profile of Coders 253

Zito writes "'The stereotypical programmer is a shy young man who works in a darkened room, intensely concentrating on magical incantations that coax the computer to do his bidding. He can concentrate 12-16 hours at a time, often working through the night to realize his artistic vision. He subsists on pizza and Twinkies,' Steve McConnell writes for gamasutra about profiles of software developers. "
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A Profile of Coders

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  • by Roofus ( 15591 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @07:40AM (#1401360) Homepage

    These things really piss me off. Many of us don't fit this profile at all. I know alot of geeks, myself included, who have a life, a steady relationship, have hobbies outside of their computer, and many friends. Yes, I like to play on my computer, but I'm also into sports, I go to football games, I play pickup games, I go to the gym. Can't they figure out that many of us are actually well rounded people?
  • by the_tsi ( 19767 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @07:41AM (#1401362)
    Sounds a lot like the premeds at my college.

    But seriously folks, if we want a REAL profile of "J. Random Hacker" (Programmer), we should look at the Jargon file, Appendix B [tuxedo.org]. It's got about the best description there is.

  • by schnurble ( 16727 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @07:41AM (#1401363) Homepage
    I remember those days. Wake up around 2pm, code until 4am, stopping only to order a pizza or go take a piss. Burning up cubes of Dew every day with the refrigerator set to Siberian Mode to cool it faster.

    Now I'm a network engineer. Same hours, same pizza, same dew consumption, but sometimes I have to go kick a switch or replug a router. *sigh*

  • They know we're well rounded. We gain that shape because of our insistent cravings for slacking and junk food, and utter loathing for anything that requires physical movement of more than fingers.
  • What about those suffering Too-Many-Hours-Close-To-The-Vending-Machine syndrome? The people know just how to jiggle each machine, and which machine has the best stuff on each day.

    In Japan they sell beer in the vending machines. I don't know how the hell they get any coding done.
  • Yeah, and I don't eat pizza and twinkies every day. Heck, I can't concentrate 16 hours a day.
  • I don't know about the other "IT professionals" who read /. but this definitely conforms perfectly to me. If I am without Mt. Dew, my day is ruined. If I am without my mid-morning twinkies, people avoid me as if I've got PMS. Long live the stereotypical coder :-)

  • My attention span is about 45 minutes max

  • I can hardly wait until the story gets stale so I can get to the link ! :)
  • by mssymrvn ( 15684 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @07:47AM (#1401372)
    I wish, my attention span is only...

    Wait. What was I writing about?
  • Shhhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone the reality. The job market is too good right now. If the general public finds out what most developers are REALLY like the market will get flooded!
  • Again, I am not much the stereotypical.

    I am a SysAdmin, but I code in C, a little Java, HTML, Perl, thisthatwhatever. I like programming for myself and do it at home, making my little apps to make the life easier, but full time programming is not my thing and avoid going at it at work.

    I am a falconer (drop the chihuahua [cnn.com]!), and often go out on weekends hiking around the mountains in Arizona or the desert. My home is a little small, but I keep the desk clean and my systems look as good as they run. I eat well, but supplement my caffine and sugar intake with Mountain Dew.

    musthavemountaindewmountaindewmountaindewmountaind ewmountaindewmountaindew....

  • by Travoltus ( 110240 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @07:52AM (#1401375) Journal
    We have to devote our hearts and souls to the trade in order to learn how to write good code.

    The logical, non judgemental nature of computers tends to be a friendlier environment for shy folks who cannot figure out the whimsical, inconsistent and often childish and pointless rules of 'social skills'. In a world where Tommy Lee can beat Pamela Lee to a pulp and still remain a popular star, maybe computers are the only darned things that make any real sense.

    I find it rather hypocritical that anyone can stand around laughing at a geek programmer's "lack of social skills". He's not the one hiding in the trunk of a car trying to evade police after murdering his girlfriend. (That would be you, Rae Carruth.) The devastating consequences of the excesses of those socially skilled 'alpha male' types make headline news all the time.

    The image of this dashing Don Juan who can code up a clean version of Netscape overnight while weightlifting his way to tomorrow's Mister Universe competition while knowing all the slick lines that make the chicks swoon, is a myth. You put someone like that into a real honest to god developer's job and he'll be flat out crushed by the kind of tasks that the four-eyed geeks drink up like orange juice.

    I've seen it happen on my job too many times. The witty funny dashing fellow gets his head handed to him time after time by the fat guy down the hall who spends half a day cleaning up the first guy's code with bug fixes and speed enhancements and then finally getting him fired for being a (relatively) crappy programmer.

    Heh, this should really piss the moderators off...lol.
  • by Foogle ( 35117 )
    What's funny is that I read the blurb for this story and the line that says "magical incantations that coax the computer...". I had to read it like 5 times before I figured out that "coax" wasn't meant as "coaxial cable".


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • by mezzo ( 20109 )
    Why do people always need to classify others into neat little boxes?

    Though.. I would admit I would fit into the geek stereotype pretty well.. cept that I am not male.
    And, I hate coke.


  • I dunno about that... there is a lot of pr0n out there.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • I know exactly what you are talking about. I usually opt for the 1 liter bottles or a jug of Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Then I got an opportunity to take some networking classes. It changed my life in a similar manner to yours. I drink just as much, if not more, caffeine and evry once in a while I go reboot a server or try to find the Y2k bugs that aren't there.

    I may have moved on to bigger and better things but if I get inspired I can easily relapse into the old mode of, "code now, sleep later", yelling at any attempts to brighten the room anymore than my monitor already is, and stopping only when one of 3 things happens. 1)I need more beverages, 2) I need to get rid of those beverages, or 3) I'm falling asleep on my keyboard and I don't want to wake up with key prints all over my face.

  • I guess I do not qualify as a programmer since I go to bed before 1am. Work out a lot. AND this is the kicker. Have a good relationship with my girlfriend. Someone should tell my bosses..

  • I code in anylanguage I can learn, but this isn't me at all. I can't concentrate for more than an hour at best, I hate twinkies (although I love pizza), I have a steady girlfriend (whom I play quake with and tend to lose), I go out and partcpiate in social interactions like playing pool, and I keep every light in my room on. Who the heck did they get to write that profile anyway?
    There was never a genius without a tincture of madness.
  • I couldn't get to the article (seems the site got slashdotted)... but anyway, I think any attempt to characterize "coders" or "hackers" in general will fail miserably. There is no single stereotype that fits everybody. In fact, there may not even be a single set of vague guidelines that vaguely fits everybody. This is because people are so vastly different, that just about the *only* way you can characterize them is by the fact that they write code.

    Attempting to "relate" to coders attributes other than the fact that they write code is just futile. In general, attempting to relate to [X] attributes other than the fact that they [do what [X] people do] is just as futile. (Unless [X] happens to be trivial.)

    I just find it so ironic that people nowadays keep talking about the "badness" of stereotypical ideas about group [X] of people, and yet they keep coming up with more, untrue, stereotypes themselves.

  • by JamesSharman ( 91225 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @08:03AM (#1401389)

    16 hours a day? On a light day maybe, pizza and twinkies? Well burgers and caffine is more like it. But more or less this is pretty much correct. These days I'm a little more sane, the all nighters are only when necisary and I've even be seen outside during the day (shock!).

    The issue I have is why is this seen as so bad! Football fans doing nothing but drink beer and talk about football, many music fan's are the same, the list goes on. This language is a hangover from the dark years of geekdom. What needs to be understood about us is that we live for the challenge, it's a way of life.

    All these posts about sterotypeing are mundane, there is nothing wrong with being like this, and there is nothing wrong with not being like this it's a choice, it's what you enjoy and want.

  • by FascDot Killed My Pr ( 24021 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @08:03AM (#1401390)
    Axiom #1: Steve McConnell is the author of (among other things) "Code Complete" where he advocates good engineering practices for software developers. In that book he specifically debunks the myth that "real programmers stay up all night coding and eating cold pizza".

    Axiom #2: The quote taken from the story says "stereotypical programmer".

    Axiom #3: The full story seems to be unavailable (/. effect?).

    Axiom #4: Many posts on slashdot are already using the quote as fodder both for and against the notion that "programmers are misfits". Lemma 1: Putting Axioms 1 and 2 together we can conclude that this story will be a further debunking of the "Real Programmers are Social Misfits" myth.

    Lemma 2: Axiom #3 and #4 allow us to conclude that the quote is the sole source of fodder.

    Conclusion: Lemma 1 and 2 show us that maybe we should read the article before responding.

  • This thing is a mirror of me.(cept I like ho-ho's:)
    Although I don't like stereotypes,
    sometimes it is funny and
    this made me do two things.
    1. laugh.
    2. realize I need to get out more.

    Gentleman, you can't fight in here, this is the war room..
  • by Kaa ( 21510 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @08:06AM (#1401394) Homepage
    Well, lessee, let's profile geeks. How do we know they are geeks? Take the steretype: male programmers, low social skills, spend 16+ hours plugged into the computer, sleep till noon, code till dawn, caffeine is a basic food group, etc. etc. Pick the people that match the stereotype and now profile them. Surprise! It turns out that geeks tend to be male programmers, low social skills, spend 16+ hours..... etc.

    I'll define a geek as a person who can think cleanly and can deal with very complicated systems. If you start from this point, the profiles are probably going to look very different. For example, in my limited experience, the best and smartest geeks (besides, the Slashdot crowd, of course ;) are lawyers. Not all lawyers, though -- not litigation lawyers and not small-office lawyers. But corporate lawyers working for big law firms tend to be very very smart people, and very geeky as well. Tax people are the geekiest, by the way.


  • We're individuals. Generalizing is never good, not when done by gamasutra and not when done by you. Personality goes a very long way in our business, if you can talk and communicate with everyone - guess who gets a shot at being project leader, you or the geek who goes 'must reload slapdahs, dew, dew, mindstorm, 1001101101'? Of.c. if you have no ambition than to be a coder, you're off just fine - but then you shouldn't complain about Johnny Wiseguy cutting in line for promotions.

    I reckon the percentage of true power-geeks (even here on your haven /.) is lower than you think. The computer business does not belong to the geeks alone - those days are far gone. Your mind does not determine your looks nor personality, but the other way round - now that can be a different story.

  • Well, I fit the description some - I don't have life, I'm really shy, I hide in my dark room and never leave the house. But, strangely enough, I'm not real coder: I never get anything done... can't concentrate. So... coders aren't like that, those like that aren't coders? Uh.
  • This profile fits me perfectly, well except for the stuff that doesn't match me at all. If I have the proper inspiration/modivation to code, I shift into code mode and instantly fit that profile to a tea. Unfortunately, I am hardly ever inspired and so am forced to resort to being a Network Admin while still maintaining a healthy level of caffiene in my system.

    P.S. Ginseng and Guarana (Both easily attainable in Sobe [sobebev.com] beverages, work wonders and they don't leave you feeling like crap after they wear off.

  • by BJH ( 11355 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @08:12AM (#1401398)
    Ignoring the fact that your post was most likely an attempt at trolling, you are correct, in a way.

    Unfortunately, the kind of person you're talking about (and I've known a few of that type) often has difficulty in communicating with other people on anything other than a technical level, meaning that they get jack shit in the way of promotions, etc., in any medium-to-large corporate structure. They're usually best at coding alone or in a small team, limiting their usefulness in a larger organization.

    Of course, not many geeks really give a shit about corporate thinking...
  • Not necessarily, as `he' is a gender-neutral pronoun. It has been so for some time.

  • I always thought it was Chinese food and Pizza.

    Nobody delivers twinkies at 1:00 AM

    "The last thing I want to do is deal with a bunch of people who want something."
  • burgers and caffine is more like it

    'Cigarettes and burgers, caffeine and alcohol' -Mega Deth, 502.

    Remember, we geeks have vices too, might as well admit to them.

    Lucky Strike and Stoli.. Mmmmm!
  • by ajbiv ( 133745 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @08:15AM (#1401403)
    Having a "Life" is relative. You take offense because you think people who sit around to the wee hours of the night don't have a life. I think the reality is that your not confident in your life because you must find ways to justify it. I have a life...I program to the wee hours of the night enjoying every minute of it. You go ahead, play football...that won't get you anywhere in the world of programming.
  • by NME ( 36282 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @08:16AM (#1401404)

    Being a sysadmin involves a different kind of madness than being a coder.
    My day consists of repeatedly being bothered. Seems like the coders' day consists of working on a project, which would probably be easier to get wrapped up in.


    PS--Know your Sysadmin! http://www.stokely.com/lighter.side/sysadm.field.g uide.html

  • You don't want that kind of concentration!

    I managed to reach it exactly once, and now I have all kinds of bells and whistles installed to prevent me from reaching it again!
    I saw a Scientific American that talked about some research about agents that ranked films and such. (Based on surveys.) I immediately saw how it could apply to ferreting out web pages that I'd like....
    At anyrate I started coding and coding and coding. According to work I missed 4 days... all I know was that after the thing finally compiled and worked, I noticed a veritable feast for the nose (i.e. my own stink). Best as I can figure, I must have fallen asleep in fits and starts becuase I didn't feel tired at all!

    (Side note: All of that work got lost when some roaches got into my computer and ate all the insulator of my SCSI cables! Sadly, since I have no notes, no nothing I haven't been able to recreate the program again... sigh!)
  • by twitter ( 104583 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @08:16AM (#1401406) Homepage Journal
    Of course more work pays off, but malnutrition and lack of sleep will take their toll, and everyone should step back and understand what they want out of life. Anyone who gets any kind of serious degree, or masters anything will have to work like this at least once . Few people however, have the endurance or luck of Edison. Sooner or later, lack of sleep will bust your performance. Time spent without proper resources is waste and you will end up reinventing someone else's wheel. Somewhere around age 25, a diet of pizza will start to take it's toll on your health. Cardiac damage starts in your early 20s. It's also a shame to ignore your body, which should be developed and enjoyed while it's young.

    In the end, you have to ask yourself what the costs have been and what you have gained. Do you want to have a family to support you in your old age? Sure it's great to make things work, and accomplishemnts are a source of pride. The endless persuit of someone else's proffit just plain sucks. Don't get sucked into something that seems rewarding without really knowing what you want. The only way to know is to try it out. What's the use of developing cool code or anything else if you die single at age 50? Leaving behind a wife and kids is not to fun either.

  • All of my friends that could be considered "geeks," myself included, do drink a significant amount of caffine, and eat junky food when we're working, but that's not all that we are.

    We're not socially inept, we have poker at my apt every thursday night, we go out to parties, we even drink. Heck some of my friends can really drink.

    We do spend time doing work, and if needed, we'll work for 16 hours straight with only minor breaks, but that's usually cause we put it off unti too late, and decided to go have fun first. Geeks do have lives.
  • I'm sure hackers think it is the best, since it almost unfailingly paints hackers in a positive light, but it sure as Hell isn't highly accurate or objective. It's self-congratulating to the point of being nauseous, filled with such gems as "Hackers often have a reading range that astonishes liberal arts people but tend not to talk about it as much." Garbage.


  • I use to be able to sit here at my computer and work for hours at just about anything: coding, networking, reading the web...

    Then they put a phone on my desk and it just won't stop ringing!!!
  • When I was coding I liked to think I had a life outside of C and COBOL. I mean I went out and partied and had a girfriend and all that. But I did live off of mountain dew, coffee and pizza for a couple of mounths. I worked long hours(mostly at night), But Hey that doesn't mean I fit the "stigma" does it? Sure I liked video games and surfin the net lookin for ways into the NSA. But does that mean I fit the "stigma"? I had a nice car and liked sports. I think that I was the "stigma". I can live with that. 'Cause now I a net. admin. No more long hours in front of a computer screen for me.NOT. MIS people tend to think they are not geeks when really we are regardless of what we do on our spare time. Live with it. love it and deal with it. Hey at least we get payed well.
  • i guess i haven't left my darkened room long enough to notice there was a stereotype. weird. i can't wait for the stereotype geek sitcom to come around. course, i don't watch tv much--so it might already exist. 0x90210, maybe?

    it should be noted, that most geek-folk i know prefer sushi to twinkies. and we're not shy--just socially-challenged, thank you very much. i know i met most of the women I knew in college because they had computer problems.

  • True communication is only possible among equals. The project managers I encountered played a big role indeed, but more akin to Dilbert's PHB than to anything positive. Whenever I work with competent, the needed communication is minimal. No minutes, no formalities, no political correctness, no BS. When you take that out, only the relevant remains, and it's not that much, really. It is heaven.

    Testing is of course fundamental, and QA should be done by other people than the programmers, with the only problem that they become VERY bitter after some time if they do only QA. We solved it doing 'peer review': You tested other programmer's soft, and they tested yours. Then you do both things with more care and forgiveness, assuming of course comparable skills...

  • by Mendax Veritas ( 100454 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @08:26AM (#1401417) Homepage
    Can't they figure out that many of us are actually well rounded people?
    Facts would have ruined the article.
  • The funny thing is that when I read the article, I immediately thought: "Man, this is me when I get into a craze making art, 3d, or anything that needs intense concentration."

    So, I think that the article accurately describes anyone that is passionately creative. I know that I have worked through the night and only stopped when my back hurt from standing for 10 hours without realising the time fly by.

    Please raise your hands if you havn't done that before.

    Art, 3d, coding.. it's all the same. It an obsessive passion, it's what drives us Geeks!

  • I put up a quick mirror of the article at http://sam.wood.tripod.com/mcconnell_01.htm [tripod.com]

    The site is under some heavy traffic or something.. Anyway, there's 4 pages in the article, and I've got the first 3.. working on the fourth..

    Sorry about it being tripod.. I know tripod sucks (that popup is annoying as hell), but it's quick, easy, and free. :-)

  • That reminds me of a book I read...I believe it was called @ Large but I can't remember now...anyway, they caught this kid who spent so much time inside and on the computer that the authors described him as having "an incredible monitor tan". He also grew his fingernails long, etc...good book too...I'm pretty sure @ Large is the title.
  • From The Tao Of Programming [root.org]:

    T h e A n c i e n t M a s t e r s
    B o o k T w o
    Thus spake the master programmer:
    "After three days without programming, life becomes meaningless."

    More I cannot say. The tao must be experienced for true understanding to dawn.
  • Nah! People who spend 16 hours a day coding are just not good enough. If you can not event manage your time you are not a good programmer.

    I do everything I told to do it 1/2 of the assigned time. I eat pizza may be once a month. In a noce restaurant.

    And I'm female!
  • A few lines after the quoted bit, we have this:

    "How much of the stereotype is true, and what effect does it have on the programming occupation? To find out, let's look first at the programmer's personality then at the other elements of the stereotype."

    Kinda changes the meaning of the part that Slashdot quoted, doesn't it? Maybe they could try reading the links before they actually post them...
  • Hehehe. About the only coding I do these days is Perl scripts for the linux boxen. To be honest, I'm not just into networking now. I slipped easily from coding to *NIX and systems during my freshman year of college. Amazing how much easier it is to use pico[0] and gcc on a 486 with 8MB RAM than it is to try to stagger through MetroWerks CodeWarrior or MS Visual C++ on Win95. Faster too. And damn if gcc doesnt give much better error messages than VC++ or CW.

    But, along with the systems experience came the interest in networking. Some people would be amazed at how integrated the Linux OS is with networking. Now, after recouperating for 9 months after almost killing myself in an auto accident[1], I'm about to return to my job at a large health system in the Northeast US as Assistant Senior Network Engineer[2]. Woo. OC3 to my workstation. I luff vlans. I luff my 3C975F.

    [0] before I'm throttled, I've since graduated to vi. emacs is sure to be close behind *eyes ORA emacs book*

    [1] After driving for 18 hours straight, not even 2L of Mt Dew and a box of Vivarin will save you from dozing off at 60MPH and trying to kill a tree. I think I'm one of the few 21 year old neteng's that hobble on a cane and have 40% use of one arm. But there's always a first.

    [2] This is the best title I can come up with. I'll be directly assisting the Senior Network Engineer, relieving him of some of his duties so he isnt so stressed, and taking over some of the testing and implementation stuff of the new ATM network installs. I'd call myself Senior ATM Gimp but they wont let me put it on my business cards.
  • The part about the stereotype is in the introduction as sort of a straw man. The rest of the article is a sensitive, positive look at the programmer's personality type.
  • I take exception to his description of programmers. I haven't had a twinkie in probably twenty years! I'm also in the gym 5 days a week.
  • I don't deny that the power geeks aren't so numerous. The kind of skill needed to code a behemoth NT (as the gamasutra article put it) comes at a great cost, even when there is a team involved. That kind of skill is very very rare.

    And as I said, 'personality' is a load of relativist hogwash anyway. Shy people don't learn social skills because they're always busy learning how to dodge *your* hateful jabs. They spent their lives avoiding getting rat tailed in the locker room and getting brutally piled on by jocks for saying 'hi' to a chick in a cafeteria and never understanding why in the heck they got jumped for trying to introduce themselves to someone they thought wasn't with anyone.

    In other words these guys are shy because they're only trying to protect themselves from an insensitive, hateful, judgemental, and intolerant world. Computers give them that refuge, and in exchange these ubergeeks give computers their undying fealty in the form of becoming dedicated hard core programmers, because in the end the computers are the only things they can trust, and the only things they can rely on. The computer industry is their shield from a world where inconsistency, lack of personal integrity, cruelty, undecipherable social code words and capriciousness is the stuff of 'great personalities'.

    Oh did I mention ignorance? Everyone throws around this term 'personality' and the other one.. 'social skills'. Do you have any idea what that really means? I know. You probably think "well he's gotta bathe at least once a day, wear clean, color matched clothes, and he shouldn't mumble when he talks."

    DUH!!!!! I don't know any shy, socially handicapped geek who doesn't shower at least once a day. I don't know any ubergeek who would dare to wear dirty clothes. Most geeks I know will speak up and not mumble. The only good point is some guys aren't color coordinated with their wardrobe. But this 'Personality' crap - that's just a code word for "a guy who spits out witty little jokes that the hivemind thinks is funny, and who can laugh at the most stupid and senseless humor (see: south park), and who can dress the way the hivemind approves."

    Some of these geeks never got the chance to learn social skills like you or I did. They were too busy trying to avoid you so you wouldn't break their neck in gym class, haze them with broomsticks in the locker room or gang up on them after school for the fun of it. The Gamasutra site speaks rightly when they speak of 'dispassionate, cold' programmer types - I know these guys. They're dispassionate and cold because you beat the warmth out of them back in high school! Remember? The coldness is the result of the armor plating they've evolved around their hearts which you stabbed every time you stole their glasses or made fun of their clothes.

    Now you guys start preaching about 'social skills', and even if you had an idea of what you really meant, you lack the ability to understand the solution to these shy ubergeek types.

    The solution is not to go around dissing them because they have no social skills, that's easy. Anyone can do that. Try making an honest to God effort to draw these shy types into the fold, eh? I know it ain't easy for ye of such short attention spans (talk about social skills) and no patience (ah yes more of that great personality thing), but the truly insightful one among you will sit these shy guys down and talked to them. Talk to them about what you see in them, in a non judgemental and non hostile manner, and work out steps to draw them out of their cold protective shell. Think of the training wheels approach. But then again I know you lack the patience, compassion and insight to pull this one off.

    I wonder if Commander Taco would be willing to tackle this issue with the intent to help those who are shy and socially handicapped. Why are they handicapped? What was their past history? How do we help them without being so damned crass and pretentious and stuck up about how much 'better than them' we are? Not all shy people want help, of course, but I guarantee you a lot will come if you offer the real deal instead of a bunch of code words and b.s.

    Mark my words, people, the people who attack this 'social handicap' issue with compassion and not conceit, will solve the biggest problem in the 21st century. Mark my words. I guarantee you the programming community will benefit astronomically from this.
  • Generalizing is never good, not when done...

    Generalizing is never good?
    I can think of several specific instances where generalizing might be beneficial :)

    Isn't it the individuals who are outside the norm that prefer specifics to generalities?

  • Girlie programmer here! Not only am I a geek girl, I'm a (cute)gay geek girl, and I spend my weekends hanging out at bars with REAL people and playing gigs (I'm a musician).... Most people consider me to be VERY social (i.e. I never shut up!)and easy to get along with.... they are usually shocked when I reveal my coding alter ego! Though I will admit to large chunks of time holed up in my apartment, splitting my time equally between programming and recording my music....

    Actually, I think my severe case of ADD lends itself well to programming, as when I get "in the zone" I am so well focused that nothing can disturb me. But when I'm hyper, I just go out and party.... or something

    Oh, since I'm trying to stay on topic (snort!)... I hate pr0n!

    www.siobahn.com [siobahn.com]
  • USA Today reported that the techie nerd stereotype is so well entrenched that students in every grade ranked computer jobs near the bottom of their lists of career choices. This quote is taken from the body of the article... is it any wonder there is a shortage of technology workers in an economy becoming increasingly dependent on this very technology when they perpetuate such stereotypes in the mass media?
  • Sorry, but although I'm not a stellar programmer, I have wrote a few programs (> 1000 lines, yes), and atleast *I* am not like that. I have friends who are, and some who aren't. Point is, geeks come in all shapes, sizes, and dispositions. The best general article seems to be from Appendix B of the Hacker dictionary (Portrait of J Random Hacker, as doubtless cited by other posters).

    Keep in mind that generalizations are just that - generalizations. They apply to groups, not individuals. Many people, reporters not excempt, make broad generalizations or extrapolate from a select few people a label or stereotype for the entire group... hence many misconceptions of what geeks are.

  • Do most geeks truly spend most of their time in the dark, only coming out for sunlight when they either a) need more caffeine or b) when they go through the wrong door, or are we truly a diurnal (that means daytime-lovin', kiddos) species?

    I know that I, for one, do not like working on my computer with large amounts of light on. In fact, I prefer the dark as I can see better (no glare, tunnel vision, etc.). Where I work, everyone who codes does so in dark rooms. If they're in an office with windows, they pull the shades. It has nothing to do with introversion or anything like that; it's purely a lighting mechanism.

    Is this an anomaly, or is the stereotype an anomaly? Are you reading Slashdot in the dark right now? Do you normally read it in the dark?

    Oh, and I'm not a 'stereotypical' geek. I have a life. I didn't major in CS or EECS. I have social graces. I tend to keep my dietary intake at a reasonable lev -- did someone say 'Twinkie'?

  • "Generalizing is never good . . . " is a generalization.
  • I took a MBTI test a while back (when it was actually free on some site), and I was an INTJ. I have to say it is dead on.

    "An example of an N is a designer who considers wide-ranging possibilities and shrugs off low-level technical issues as "implementation details."

    I /love/ to /design/ things...I love to draw diagrams on whiteboards (heh, I have UML diagram syntax sheets pinned to my cube!), map out conceptualizations, and hypothesize about optimal configurations at the abstract design level. However I find very often that I grind to a standstill very fast when 'dirty' implementation details are brought up, because my mind is stuck in the theoretical optimization mode, and at his fine-grained implementation level, I get hung up on stuff others wouldn't; e.g. a matter of an unnecessary byte or cycle.

    I usually find that if I am assigned one project, I might take a bit longer than normal to complete that project, but only because I've spawned five more in the process of working on it. (I have lost count of how many partially started projects I have...last time I looked in my dev folder it was over 40).

    This article also gives me a bit more confidence, knowing that at least a fifth of us out there are in my "Some college, no degree" boat. I expect that number to rise as people realize that software engineering requires things like a sharp mind, dogged persistence, and a lot of flexibility and creativity...things that knowledge-stuffing colleges can't /give/ you. ("All I ever needed to know I learned from manuals" ;)

    Jazilla.org - the Java Mozilla [sourceforge.net]
  • And, yes I realize this description is probably not unique to me...

    Jazilla.org - the Java Mozilla [sourceforge.net]
  • I won't comment much on the long hours of work thing. As Steve McConnell correctly pointed out in his article, this mostly happens because the programmers involved don't have a clue how to do good engineering and therefore put in 16 and 20 hour days trying to debug something that could have been avoided in the first place.

    But the bit about the Meyers/Briggs personality inventory thing sure rings true. I am an INTP (and very good with UI designs and architecture, plus a fair coder), which is a fairly rare type. But all of the good programmers I have ever worked with were 'NT's or 'ST's. And the examples he gave of the 'S' versus 'N' conflicts were right on as well.

    Personally, if I was hiring, I would apply two major criteria to weed out the dross. First I would require the Meyers/Briggs type on the application and second I would have them list the magazines they read reguarily (I call this the 'Toilet Tank Test'). If it mostly things like Golf Digest I pass. If it includes Dr. Dobbs I invite them in for an interview.

    I also liked the description of 'Programming Heroes and Ball Hogs'. Very true according to my own experience!

    But I sure wish people would get off this rip about programming being a young man's game. First off you really don't have to be a man. And second off, what about the old geeks like myself? At least the article goes so far as to point out that this will change over time. I sure hope so! So far as I can tell, old programmers tend to be either shoved aside or promoted to management. Either possibility seems equally like Purgatory to me!


  • They feel the need to classify because classifications work. I wouldn't be surprised if you did a fair amount of classification yourself - after all, it is a fundamental cognitive process.

    As for the personality typing, well, I know a few things about that. And while it has its share of skeptics, the tedium (as opposed to the glory) of software development has overwhelming appeal to only a few personality types. I don't belong to one of them. Software design, on the other hand ...

  • doh, sed/INTJ/INTP/g

    Jazilla.org - the Java Mozilla [sourceforge.net]
  • Why is this rated insightful? He basically calls all non-programmers murderous cowards. That is just plain stupid.

    Having a well-rounded personality and skill-set goes along way in this world, and you can still have all that and be a good coder. You'll find these self-actualized individuals at the head of projects and departments at companies everywhere. Some of them are head the company itself. As it reads in the Hacker's dictionary, real hackers have interesting hobbies like mountain climbing and flying airplanes, many well-thumbed books, and dabble in the arts or music. The fat guy in the cubicle drinking Dew over his keyboard for 16 hours a day is not the hero you make him out to be. He's a sorry, unhappy fellow. (and anyone can be good at just one thing.)

    Don't under-estimate the virtues of living a balanced life.
  • by Mr. Slippery ( 47854 ) <`tms' `at' `infamous.net'> on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @09:17AM (#1401468) Homepage
    I've had to deal with code written at 2AM.
    Hey, I've written some great code at 2 am. Provided, that is, that I didn't wake up until 10 or 11 am.

    My best schedule (I was doing this about 2 years ago while telecommuting) goes something like this:

    • 10 am - wake. Breakfast while reading email. Think about today's hacking plans while showering.
    • 11 am - start hacking.
    • 3 pm - break. Play with dogs, hit heavy bag, do kata, talk a walk, whatever.
    • 4 pm - hack
    • 7 pm - dinner. Then Go Out And Play.
    • Midnight - come home. Hack.
    • 2 am - go to sleep.
    This is what makes me healthy, happy, and productive, and I wish I could be getting paid to follow it now. Your mileage may vary.
  • by the red pen ( 3138 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @09:17AM (#1401469)
    • ...dashing Don Juan who can code up a clean version of Netscape overnight while weightlifting his way to tomorrow's Mister Universe competition while knowing all the slick lines that make the chicks swoon, [will] be flat out crushed by the kind of tasks that the four-eyed geeks drink up like orange juice.

      The witty funny dashing fellow gets his head handed to him time after time by the fat guy down the hall...

    It's a shame you feel you can't be witty. It's a shame you don't have the confidence to talk charmingly to MOTAS. It's a shame that you are intimidated by exersize activities. It's a shame that you seem to feel that being overweight is an unsolvable condition that isolates one from society.

    A few years ago, I worked with a guy, Tom, who developed a stellar C++ object library for doing 3D rendering. He is one of the smartest people I've met (and this includes the likes of Stallman, Chomsky and Minsky); he has a PhD. He is a very good looking and in great shape (3rd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do). He has a gorgeous wife (also PhD/Black Belt etc.) and managed his development schedule succefully enough to be a great father to his two precocious daughters.

    One could resent a guy like that. Instead, I realize that the differences between Tom and me are due to different choices we've made. I never pursued an advanced degree. I've stayed single. I quit Tae Kwon Do when I got a brown belt. It must be great to be Tom, but obviously I don't want to be him -- or I probably would be.

    You feel that you are a great coder. That's wonderful. Now go ahead and be the witty, dashing fellow, too, because you clearly consider that to be desirable in some way. The only thing really stopping you is the equally visible belief that you can't.

  • "Hackers often have a reading range that astonishes liberal arts people but tend not to talk about it as much." Garbage.
    Why garbage? Many of my friends and aquaintances are "liberal arts people" and quite a few have been surprised when they beheld my library, which ranges from Asimov to Lao Tzu to Chandler (two Chandlers actually, Raymond and (unrelated to my knowledge) poet and spoken word artist Chris Chandler) to Hunter Thompson to Shakespeare to Plato to Feynman. I guess they expect me to have shelf after shelf of books on HTML and C++ and some SF novels, nothing more.

    Current and recent reading includes Another Roadside Attraction, The Compass of Zen, Phillip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing, The Tick - Luny Bin, and Planet of the Apes - which despite the visions of bad monkey suits it conjures to those who've seen the movies it inspired is actually a satire of some merit.

  • by bhurt ( 1081 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @09:41AM (#1401483) Homepage
    That guy working 16-hour days and subsisting on pizza and twinkies is not necessarily more productive (especially in the long run) than the guy whose leaving at 5:30. Stressing out your employees to the point where they're leaving the field and not just your company is dumb. "Gee, he's irreplacable- let's work him till he quits."
  • don't be retarded. there are plenty of good looking, slick programmers that code just as well as you think you do. open your eyes (maybe your mind too.) pigeonholing mainstreamly "cool" people is no better than pigeonholing funny looking geeks. I personally find it amusing that someone could claim to code better than someone else just beacuse they're uglier and can't get girls.
  • I think it's pretty cool that we work in an industry that basically supports every other industry to an increasing degree AND pays tons more than your average career choice yet just because a few of us dress funny and can't hold a conversation, the industry is not becoming instaneously flooded with golddiggers.

    I say "yay for the shortage of qualified tech people; more for us."

  • Wit isn't detrimental to coding. But the hours you spend learning karate will put the other guy way ahead of you if he's doing what doctors and researchers do in their fields: namely spending that same time mastering their trade.

    And creativity manifests itself in ways that most people don't appreciate for a long time. Since when did Albert Einstein win any awards for stand up comedy?

    Also, most of the hard core types I know aren't fat, they're the exact opposite - wiry. The fat guy who got the 'dashing programmer' fired was simply a more efficient programmer. So were the much thinner programmers around him who outshone the unfortunate 'other' guy. These shy quiet techno monks work with stuff like Real Time Java and Java/GL, while Mr. Dashing was great with Java, C and custom database coding, but man, he was stumped trying to keep up with that 'real time extension' stuff. Once he was done doing the database work, his prowess hit a wall and he couldn't go any further and he wasn't needed anymore. (Merry Christmas, yer contract won't be renewed.) These ubermonks, though, had what it takes. I don't have that level of skill. I couldn't talk shop with the likes of Greg Bollella. But on the other hand I have a steady girlfriend. :)

    And aside from one fat guy, as I said, I don't know any geeks who are 'losing their health, hating fitness or indulging in rude behavior' (to quote you closely). Most shy geeks try their best to AVOID being rude and they try to avoid saying the wrong things. Many shy geeks are conditioned to believe everything they say is going to be taken as rude crude or witless, so they keep the number of words that they might get hung by, to a bare minimum. Hence, they don't communicate very well.

    And I'm just talking about shy geeks here. I'm not talking about geeks in general.
  • ...yelling at any attempts to brighten the room anymore than my monitor already is...
    Now that bit I've never understood. I've known quite a few hackers who liked the cave ambiance, but (so long as it's not glaring on my monitor) I want my hacking environment as bright as possible. Natural sunlight preferred during daylight hours, bright halogens or flicker-free compact fluorescents after dark. Dark rooms make me want to go to sleep.

    Maybe a brighter room would help reduce the need for caffeine?

  • by remande ( 31154 ) <remandeNO@SPAMbigfoot.com> on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @10:05AM (#1401502) Homepage
    Wit isn't detrimental to coding. But the hours you spend learning karate will put the other guy way ahead of you if he's doing what doctors and researchers do in their fields: namely spending that same time mastering their trade.

    Allow me to paraphrase (and thoroughly mangle) a Zen koan. A student asks his master how long it will take him to achieve enlightenment if he spends an hour a day. The master says "A year".

    "And if I spend four hours a day?"

    "Ten years."

    "And if I spend all my waking hours?"

    "Then you will never achieve enlightenment."

    To a certain extent, persuits outside of one's major field helps one inside that major field. While this is counterintuitive, it is true. Who can find a true expert in any field who is totally dedicated to that field?

  • I think if you have read the authorized biography of William Henry Gates III (GATES by Stephen Manes and Paul Andrews), the mentality of programmers in 1975 to 1978 at Microsoft was come in at noon, program until 8 pm, go out for a meal at a fast food joint, then see a movie, then back for nocturnal coding until the wee hours, then home to crash and back again at noon to start the cycle all over again. Alas, that work, work and work mentality meant that personal hygiene and personal appearances were way down on the priority scale.

    My brother (who works at a computer animation company) has done all-nighters, but then, he does keep a sleeping bag in his office and the restrooms in the offices also have shower facilities.

    Indeed, if you work at the really big high tech firms like Microsoft, Cisco, Yahoo!, etc., most of them usually have a built in cafeteria, a constantly-restocked supply of soft drinks, and definitely got to have shower facilities for those folks who sometimes do all-nighters but of course want to keep up their personal hygiene.

    Given you work at home, of course that's a different story; you have the bedroom and bathroom nearby, not to mention an obvious supply of food.
  • by xHost ( 93751 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @10:24AM (#1401507)

    One of the things I hate about the world is stereotyping. Everybody and their sister seems to think people fit into catagories, like kiddie blocks, we're supposed to fit into square pegs. This is not true, especially not anymore.

    Firstly, the image that "Computers == Geeks || Nerds || Dorks" does not apply anymore. Everybody is on the internet, and everybody has (or to the very least) wants a computer. All that crap you see in the movies of jocks beating up on computer dorks saying 'Go watch your star trek and play with your computer dork' just isn't true, and most likely, that same jock will be making fun of the same person over icq or irc.

    Now with the article's point, I have to bite at it for personal reasons. I fit the above description of a coder who sometimes works looooong hours too meet a deadline or just because I'm in the 'mood' for coding whena all my ideas are just coming out one after the other and sleep can wait till later.

    Just as an example from something that happened personally, during my first year in university, I had the pleasure of meeting a lot of new people. At one time, one person asked me what I do for work .. I told him 'contract programming', he replies with disbelief 'You ? Really ? Like Computer Geek Stuff ?'.

    But what people don't get is that coders and techies don't need to to be skinny, pale, with ugly glasses and bad posture. I'm know I'm not, want an example ? Take Linus Torvalds. I like to think I have good social skills since I have quite a lot of friends, I go clubbing and raving as often as I can. And I love the wimmen : )

    And I don't feel as if I'm an exception either. A lot people whom I've met who typically ten or twenty years ago would have nothing to do with computers or networking, or even linux in general are nowadays wanting to learn about that 'stuff'.

    People should really stop stereotyping, its just a bad thing and will get you into trouble later on. So the next time you see that jock in high school that bugged you all the time, be carefull cause he might be able to code circles in ASM around ya ; )

  • From the article:
    Programmers live for the "aha" insights that produce breakthrough design solutions. I think this is one reason that software developers' affinity for Monty Python makes more sense than it might at first appear. Monty Python flouts social conventions using extremely unorthodox juxtapositions of elements of time and culture. The same independent, out-of-the-box thinking that gives rise to Monty Python's scripts can also give rise to the innovative technical design solutions that programmers strive for.
    I wonder if this could explain the fact that programmers like Pokey the Penguin [yellow5.com]'s twisted sense of humour. Nothing can be more unorthodox in juxtaposing elements of time and culture. The unexpected absurd situation seems to play an important role here.
    Great designers aren't satisfied merely to learn facts; they feel compelled to apply what they have learned to real-world situations. To the great designer, not applying knowledge is tantamount to not having obtained the knowledge in the first place.
    This can also be related to the ability of easily cross-reference scenes and situations in movies and TV shows. For instance, I love the references in Futurama, especially the most obscure (e.g. to Ed Wood's "Bride of the Monster" in the anchovies episode :)).

  • That's all fine and well for spiritual enlightenment. But would you rather ride in an airplane piloted by someone who has flown 1 hour in the simulator a day for a year, or 4 hours a day for a year?

    Would you rather be operated on by a surgeon who spent 1 hour a day learning medicine or someone who spent 8 hours a day or 16 (or quite often, 36 :)?

    Likewise I'd rather entrust my vital electronic infrastructure with geeks who spend all day, or 4 hours a day, learning code, vs 1 hour a day. They might not get high marks as Zen Buddhist monks, but the planes won't crash into each other, the L.E.O. satellites will keep beaming bandwidth to the masses without interruption, and the power will stay on. And maybe, just maybe - Windows 2001 will be less buggy :)

    Frankly I like the AC's idea of social skills fitness training. Do you know how many millions of geek men would flock to such a thing?

    BTW: the fat dude is witty. In his own way. Not the way most people appreciate it, though.

  • I think you're both right, and are looking at the same thing from different angles.

    Everyone has a "life" capacity, and that capacity varies from person to person. Call it intelligence, or charm, or something else for which there is no word yet - it's clear that some people can accomplish great things with seemingly less effort than their peers. It also seems to be something that is, at least partially, under our control through our choice of diet, exercise, etc. (e.g., if you're already physically active it is an energizer, but if you've fallen out of shape it is a huge drain/investment to get back into shape.)

    Tom sounds like one of those lucky people who has a huge capacity, whether innate or developed. However, I also agree with the first poster that *most* people seem to fall into the "you can be pretty or you can be right" trap and there's an inverse relationship between technical skills and other skills. It's not absolute, but it's a direct enough correlation that I'm always suspicious of the tech expert wearing an expensive suit.

    Hmm; this sounds like an "ask slashdot" topic. What do people which expands their capacity? E.g., I found a tremendous benefit in moving my lifecycle rides from the gym after work to my own house before taking my morning shower. It takes less time, but I'm energized during those unholy pre-noon hours.
  • If you play with the on-line version consider taking it multiple times. My type changed before and after coding. This got me interested in why it did and by playing with the back button, changing a few answers, and resubmitting it is possible to create a set to produce any of the 16 types.

  • No-one gets paid to write software. You get paid because you have a knowledge base about computer science that you can offer in addition to some programming on the side. There are simply too many programmers, it's too easy to program, and you can't put a market value on something which costs nothing to distribute.
  • square peg in round hole
    so I became a coder
    happy cubicle

    oh no, a round peg
    push, cut, beat, hammer, pull, wedge
    we will make him fit

  • I sit in an office all day that is lit by flourescent lights and I find it very draining.
    Oh yeah, the regular industrial flourescents used in most offices suck rocks; the spectrum's all wrong and they flicker. (I'm under them now, but at least a little bit of natural light bounces into my cubicle.) But good lighting is very helpful - my downstairs computer nook has a halogen torch lamp, while my bedroom/computer room has good electronic-ballast CF bulbs in an overhead fixture.
    Another thing that helps, which isn't mentioned in the article, is music. I don't know if you noticed or not, but music will often help you to concentrate.
    Absolutely. But it should be familiar stuff - if it's any good, during the first listen or two of an album I'm paying attention to the music instead of my work. B-)
    Get some good music playing (trancy techno preferred)...and get that room as dark as you can....I think that you will find that you got a lot more done in the dark environment. This has proven true consistently for me and I don't see why it wouldn't for you.
    I have tried it and it never worked for me. Just wired differently, I guess. Dark rooms with trancy music put me more in mind of sex and drugs than coding. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you...but for coding I prefer a clean, well-lit place with upbeat rock and roll playing.
  • Well, I have found a satisfactory definition of "geek" that applies not only to software people. When someone asks aloud "Who cares!", the geek is the one in the back of the room who raises his hand.

    And quite frankly, I find the one who *doesn't* care really disturbing. It is as if nothing is important than their own bailiwick, or worse, their pesky social life. The difference is that caring about computers doesn't seem fun until you are *into* it. While everyone likes the life of the party or the class clown. While I have nnothing against the "popular" people as long as they don't treat me derogatorily for caring. Even worse are the many wannabees who do nothing more than *trying* to be like the popular ones.

    I would really like to make a statement to the remaining high schoolers reading this (which I am one). If you spend an abnormal amount of time at the computer... don't give it up or lie about it for anything. I know there is a lot of pressure to comform but its not worth it. In fact, pretending to be something you aren't makes the rest of us look back.

    We may be geeks, we may be obsessed, but we are not wannabees. A wannabee is the saddest type of human being.

    Oh, and one more thing. Be secure about yourself. It takes a while but beleive me, it is well worth it.
  • Hey, if a guy looks like Mr. Universe, he doesn't have to know any slick lines to make chicks swoon.
    (But if he doesn't he should have the sense to keep his mouth shut lest he frighten them off.)

    Of course, I doubt anyone could code a clean duplicate of Netscape version >1.1 from scratch within a 24 hour period. Bodybuilder or not.


    Personally, I don't want a "relationship" with a chick that lets the hunk-factor dominate her decisions in where she's going to sleep that night.

    A meaningful relationship with someone that that shares my common interests, even if she can code my pants off (pardon the pun...ok, don't ;), is what I look for. I also want it to be with someone that is mutually attractive.

    Of course, my failure on this quest falls primarily on my shoulders. I am incredibly shy around people. ESPECIALLY women I find physically attractive...this little quirk in my personality has and is my demise in this area.

    Can I communicate? I like to think I can. I talk to Nz and Greyhaunt quite often and I've talked a little bit with Corrinne as well. What can I say? We share an interest in physics/mathematics/CS *and* Omaha steaks...oops, there I go again saying something dumb...*sigh* oh well...
    Catch is: its all been via e-mail. There is a level of comfort there, a mask that I can hide behind.
    Why do I find such an "unhealthy" comfort in that mask? I don't know. Perhaps its all the negative reinforcement while in grades K-12 of me being ugly, unattractive, not accepted. Perhaps growing up having been given the nicknames "Pee" and "P-land" by your peers didn't help. Could be partly genetic too. My mother is a fairly quiet person. Great speaker, but quiet. For some reason, my mother's claims that I was a beautiful person didn't seem to hold water compared to the old addage, "A face only a mother could love," and opinions of my peers. I can list my teacher's names from K-6th grade with ease. Why? They were the best friends I had each year.

    Am I a geek? I don't know. I started programming on an Apple][ when I was 12. I graduated from college with degrees in Physics, Math, and Computer Science(emp. in Comp. Graphics) by the time I was 22 simply because I felt I had nothing better to do than to learn. College introduced me to role-playing, Star Trek, and TBS Bond Marathons. (Dad wouldn't allow tv at home.) The most important thing I got was a relatively close network of good friends. I even had a relationship with a girl! 4.5 years later I found myself disillusioned from my friends, my family and myself. We're still friends but we really didn't like each other for the right reasons. (She was the first real woman to seem to take an interest with me. No one's perfect, especially not me.)

    Am I a jock? Hmm, nothing outstanding, IMO. I'm a little like Al Bundy in that respect. My athletic highlight was running a 5:00 mile when I was 13. By the time I turned 14 I gained about 2 inches and 20 pounds. That 20 turned into 40 by graduation and I put an additional 70 on top of that since. My chances of being exceptional at it are dead. I do it for fun/exercise now. Between the weight and the asthma I developed, it feels as if my lungs are getting ripped out if I push a pace any faster than 7 minutes...I push it sometimes but less and less as time passes.

    Do I fit within the stereotypes of geekdom? Yes and no. I'm a relatively nonobvious person. I've found that I don't really stand out from any crowd but I don't fit in with any of them either. You could pass me on the street and not give me a second thought. I guess that's my hidden talent. I'm adept at blending in and going unnoticed. Or at least, that's how it seems.


  • by the red pen ( 3138 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2000 @12:33PM (#1401546)
    This "real geeks work 16-hour days" ethic has a certain element of truth to it, but it's usually a steaming crock of sh*t.

    One thing I've witnessed with grim regularity, is the exploitation of nerds' work ethic. All those long hours are part of your life, what's your life worth to you? If you have some sort of ownership over what you code (either through equity, or GPL or something)and "coding is life," then fine. Too often, geeks slave away for some kind of "geek pride," while all they are really doing is making the guys with founder-stock insanely rich.

    Geeks Unite!

  • ...anyone care to finish this one off?
  • I'm almost exactly the opposite. If the ambient light in the room doesn't approach the "white" on my monitor, my eyes bother me and I get headaches more easily.

    I also really prefer incandescent light to fluorescents. Before I moved to an office with a window, I made them take out the overhead fluorescents and get me a halogen lamp. Today I have an office with a window view (and lots of *natural* light, the best of all).

    Low light is great for me, so long as I'm not sitting at a computer. When I am, I much prefer a well-lit environment.
  • Complain all you want, there is such a strong subculture of people obsessed with technology, gadgets, and the 'future' it blinds them from enjoying the present real world.

    From what I can tell many techies are disillusioned with the present world and dream up fantasies of a new and improved future which of course is always BS. The constant production new useless crap (look at your average Sharper Image catalog for great example) and throw away lifestyles only help the future become that much more crappy and inhospitable.

    Give it up, get your head off the screen or the latest SF book and *gasp* enjoy the few parts of life that are still enjoyable. Nothing forces techies to be anti-social but their own attitudes towards others and the typical futurist solutions to life's problems are fiction, and those who truly believe them define pathetic.

    In the end /. techies give a shit about IPOs and get quick fast schemes, which puts them on the lowest rung of the ladder called 'capitalist greed.' The real 'techies' are scientists working for a better tomarrow through green solutions and medical technology, not some zit-faced 17 year old developing faster ways of downloading .gifs of Sarah Michelle Geller and hoping for a cushy corporate job or praying to be a CEO.

    Yes, people who are driven passionatly are usually an anti-social lot but the slashdot consesus is driven for useless consumerist crap with the possible exception of Linux, which will never come close to MS's home market share. But as a coder's OS plaything its perfect and might have the fastest Sarah Michelle Geller download times in the world. Congrats.
  • That's all fine and well for spiritual enlightenment. But would you rather ride in an airplane piloted by someone who has flown 1 hour in the simulator a day for a year, or 4 hours a day for a year?

    I would prefer to ride an airplane piloted by someone who has flown a simulator 4 hours a day than 1 hour a day. But on the other hand, I wouldn't get into an airplane with a pilot who practiced 16 hours a day, every day - I would seriously question the sanity of such a person.

    Likewise I'd rather entrust my vital electronic infrastructure with geeks who spend all day, or 4 hours a day, learning code, vs 1 hour a day.

    Coding isn't difficult. If you just want to be a coder, perhaps you should go ahead and spend all day coding. But if you want to be more than a coder - if you want to be an innovator, a creative scientist, etc. then you need a broader perspective - which requires going out and doing things other than coding.
  • (Disclaimer: This post is entirely IMHO...)

    As I see it, while by no means is the average programmer neccessarily a white male junkfood-addicted recluse, there are certain trends a programmer tends towards, because of the mindset involved in programming:

    Programming encourages logical, structured thinking. If you weren't thinking this way to start, odds are you are after years of programming, because good programming requires it.

    The logical train of thought tends to spill over to the rest of your life. You start to carefully consider political candidites, rather then voting a party ticket, (and likely decide not to vote in disgust, or go third party). Nitpicking becomes a way of life, after constant exposure to a compiler that throws a fit over a misplaced semicolon (or similar events).

    More generally, you tend to apply logic to all of your decisions to a certain extent. I'm not neccessary saying all programmers will be Mr. Spock-like. On the contrary, debugging requires quite a bit of your intuitive side. Thus, if programmers are taking after Spock, it is more the Spock of the later movies, who was willing to swear if the situation warrented it, and seemed to take his emotions and intuition into account, while logic prevailed...

    A corrillary of this would be that most programmers, having observed a lack of logic or structure in most other peoples decisions, tend to become more of an individualist, and avoid most popular(or mainstream) trends, and any attempt to classify them in a group (and are even now trying to come up with rebuttals to this post... )

    In religious areas, programmers will likely highly analyse it, and either: reject all religion in disgust (atheism), decide that with a lack of data, no decision can be made on the whole issue (agnostism), or opt for a non-mainstream religion (paganism, for example.) Some will stay Christian, but if you ask them why, they will generally have a quite well-thought out reason.

    Because of the nature of programming tending towards hours of frustration, with one brief moment of enlightenment that makes it all worthwhile, programmers tend towards other, similar pursuits: adventure games, logic puzzles of all types, zen and other mind disciplines, and martial arts. This combined with the individualism tends towards very Thoreau-like attitudes...

    A lot of this really depends which areas of a programmers life the discipine tends to spill over to, of course. In other areas, there is a tendency to minimise neccessary thinking, esp. in areas of fashion & eating habits...

    As such, the situation tends to be that the extremes and the norms reverse when applied to us...

    Only my opinion, of course, but I and other programmers I've known seem to bear it out...
  • The witty funny dashing fellow gets his head handed to him time after time by the fat guy down the hall who spends half a day cleaning up the first guy's code with bug fixes and speed enhancements and then finally getting him fired for being a (relatively) crappy programmer.

    Actually, in the real world, the dashing fellow gets promoted to management where he can do the least harm, while our friendly large programmer remains in his warren with few prospects for promotion because he is so good at what he does the company can't risk promoting him out of actual productive labor.

    Welcome to the real world, Neo.

    Your Working Boy,
  • Hence, they don't communicate very well.

    We communicate very well. Just not in the most typical places or in the most usual ways. /. being one of those atypical places, USENET (or what remains after spamfilters and killfiling) being another.

    Happy new year!
    Your Working Boy,
  • Indeed. Most people get fired not because they're incompetent, but, rather, because they're incompetent jerks. If the guy in the cubicle next to me is a nice guy, I'll give him more slack than I'll give a jerk, in hopes that he'll learn and become a better programmer. If he's a jerk, on the other hand... he better be good, or else he's going to be the guy that everybody else bitches about around the water cooler.

    But there's a danger to this. Many managers want people who fit a particular stereotype. They feel that anybody who doesn't fit their particular stereotype won't fit in at the office. As a rather non-stereotypical person, I'm at a disadvantage with such managers -- prior to hiring, that is. After hiring, well, I seem to always end up in charge of the most important projects in the business after the first couple of months of routine stuff... I suspect that a lot of people who are really good at what they do have the same problem, at least until they build a reputation in the industry.

    Oh -- being able to communicate technical ideas clearly helps too. Volunteer to be the keeper of the design document, and you end up being the lead project designer by default (grin).


  • I took the test as part of a college course and came out as INTP. Quite interesting, and explains a lot of things too (like why I am so good at design work -- and why I get bored with the actual implementation work).

    I am surprised that you got a lot of ESTJ's. I haven't met too many extroverts in the computer field, though my office is just down the hall from one (to be fair, his major was EE in college, not CS).


  • Maybe they have some willpower.

    One of my best friends is from Japan and he didn't seem to have any troubles schlupping down the sake while getting a PhD in discrete mathematics.

    Besides! Who wants to have willpower when you can buy pr0n and beer on the street, anonymously, and then retire to your own personal party safely at home?
  • Programming isn't like flying a plane. When flying a plane, you have to intuitively know the correct response at any one moment, to be able to handle the situation as it arises; being able to think nonlinearly, to make logical leaps and come up with novel solutions isn't very important. However, if you approach programming from the same point of view, your code is going to be very ordinary and mediocre. To be a good programmer involves the ability to think nonlinearly and creatively.
  • And then there's the correlation between hackers and adherents of fringe subcultures and interests. The Church of the SubGenius [subgenius.com] draws a sizeable percentage of its base from computer people (this is evident in SubGenius references in things such as Slackware).
    Quite a few computer people are into psychoceramics [null.org], following crackpots and lunatics and collecting fringe theories and beliefs. (This also ties into the affinity for unconventional thinking.) Askew visionaries, from Ed Wood to Harry Stephen Keeler [aol.com] get a lot of their fan base from computer "geeks". And need I say anything about Kibo [kibo.com], arguably the first genuine Internet personality?
  • It's a reference to pulp-erotica novelist turned sex-cult messiah P. Ron Huddard. In his heyday, he was so successful, the term "pronography" was coined after him, and only mutated into "pornography" after the phonographic industry filed mass lawsuits against dictionary publishers, on the grounds that the term produced defamatory search-engine results.

  • In religious areas, programmers will likely highly analyse it, and either: reject all
    religion in disgust (atheism), decide that with a lack of data, no decision can be made
    on the whole issue (agnostism), or opt for a non-mainstream religion (paganism, for
    example.) Some will stay Christian, but if you ask them why, they will generally have
    a quite well-thought out reason.

    The Christian geeks I know of tend to also be theology geeks, who rather than accept a prepackaged Christianity, delve into all manner of arcane theological arguments.

    This could be a universal phenomenon concerning religious geeks tending to be more into the arcana and metaphysics of their religions. I've encountered a number of Jewish programmers who were really into the Cabbala, for example.

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
