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The Cygnus Tree and Free Software Maintenance 53

An anonymous reader writes "Michael Sokolov (a Special Agent of the International Free Computing Task Force - and that's not a joke!) has published an interresting article about how is maintened gcc, gdb and the GNU compilation toolchains on his ftp site (also send to several related mailing lists - gcc, gdb, etc..) It points at some problem and one may think that Cygnus-Redhat is again trying to take over the linux world... but that's not the point." The conspiracy theorists will definitely find room for conspiracy, but really this looks like a major issue for development, and one that warrants discussion.
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The Cygnus Tree and Free Software Maintenance

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  • by dmccarty ( 152630 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @03:30AM (#805269)
    If Slashdot would do some reasearch on their articles before blindly posting whatever an A.C. submits they might have some more integriy in their stories. Kudos to Arstechnica, for example, for doing a much better job in this regard.

    Michael Sokolov "maintained" the gcc toolchain (for the PalmOS) much in the same way an armed gunman maintains his hostages in a bank holdup. After hijacking the (Palm) gcc project from John Marshall ("official" maintainer who works for Palm, see his earlier comment [slashdot.org]) he bombarded the palm-dev-forum incessantly, ranting about how his toolchain was better and personally attacking anyone who voiced an opinion otherwise.

    Eventually, the list owners (Palm) banished him from the forum, and hopefully that's the last Palm developers have seen or heard of him. I don't doubt that he's a great programmer, but his back-handed ways of going about "maintaining" the gcc toolchain have made him quite a few enemies. Slashdot would be wise to look these things up before proclaiming him some sort of anti-cygwin hero.

  • What monolithic config apps are you talking about?

    Linuxconf is monolithic and it doesn't work very well. netcfg is so much nicer than linuxconf primarily because it does just one thing. Kudzu is monolithic and while it does work remarkably well at a few things (network cards and video adapters), but it's not transparent (monolithic, after all) and in cases where you wish it would do nothing it becomes clear that it's not clear what it does.

    In what does RH prevent you from mangling the whole of /etc with vi(1)?

    There are tools (those above?) which seem to keep shadow copies of some config files. Your hand edits can get lost. I'd tell you which ones, but my list would be hit or miss. I'm sure the RH documentation lays it all out clearly so I refer you there.

    what is it that bothers you so much about Redhat apart from the fact that they try to make GNU/Linux palatable to newbies? And if it's that fact mostly, then I have to ask you why?

    What bothers me about it is that there are very few computer newbies around. Most linux newbies come from Windows, and the RH model (followed by quite a few others too) seems to be "make linux look like Windows". I don't see any efforts to teach the unix ways (examples: stdin/stdout, X server vs. X client, text! text! text! config files...). Creating Windows all over again going the wrong way.

  • by IIO ( 12079 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @03:34AM (#805271) Homepage Journal
    Excuse my ignorance, but could anybody fill me in on the "International Free Computing Task Force"?

    What kind of an organization is it?
    Who are the officers of the organization?
    What is their charter?
    Where is their headquarters?
    Is it a for profit organization or a non-profit organization?
    What are some of their past activities?
    Are they affiliated with any public or private companies?
    Are they affiliated with any governments?
    Are they affiliated with any universities?
    Can anyone join the task force?
    What credentials does one have to poccess to become a member?
    How many members do they have?

    I'm just curious about this organization because I have never heard of it before.
  • yes, you can get the new one at no cost. I get it by going to RedHat and putting "cygwin" in the search engine. You might want to upgrade from the B20 release because it has some nice additions, such as a telnet client, however it has some changes that I really didn't like. [I'm talking about the defaults. I haven't delved deeply enough to know if it's configable]

    Download is slightly more involved (pull down a downloader, then get the downloader to pull down the many pieces), but the real screw is after installing: the file system is way suckier now: The new / is not the same as c:\ ! to get to C:\ you need to use /cygdrive/c or //c/ Blech!

  • Will gcc 3.0 be able to pre-compiled headers ?
    If I remember correctly Corel contracted Cynus to add this functionality to egcs and if my ex-cygnus contact is to be believed it was finished and works. ( Note: they used mmap to simply dump the compiled headers : neat )
  • by PHAEDRU5 ( 213667 ) <instascreed@@@gmail...com> on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @03:35AM (#805274) Homepage
    Well, I guess there's a topic that warrants discussion, but I don't think it's the compilation toolchains.

    I took the time to follow the links to Mr. Sokolov's verious postings. He reminds me of me when I was much less mature: carefully argumentative, inflexible, willing to drive others to distraction rather than yield to evidence. You know, an asshole.

    I'm recovering. My recovery began when I realized that my technical skills counted for little when compared with my inability to get along with other people. I mean, I was losing out on cool projects and pay raises. I'm a different person today, believe me.

    Play with the Special Agent if you will. I'm more inclined to let his comments go without specific reply and let reality eventually catch up with him.

    Anyway, what warrants discussion, IMHO, is how to accelerate the maturing process. Personally, I wish that someone had simply fired me (now *there's* a slap with a two-by-four), or let me know that *I* wasn't getting the cool project, or that *I* was getting the miniscule raise. Something, *anything* to let me know how the world saw me (Oh wad some power the giftie gie us...).
  • Agent Sokolov also has another pet-project. In addition to Sokoloving numerous software projects, he's also built himself a Sokolovian Time Machine.

    http://minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au/ Quasijarus/tmachine.html [adfa.edu.au]

    Another project of Quasijarus [adfa.edu.au] and the demented mind of Agent Sokolov.

  • And if a Unix environment is what you're trying to emulate (isn't that the whole idea?), there's something very appealing about typing cd / and seeing /etc /bin /home ... Symlink from your home directory to C:\foo if you want Cygwin to deal with the Windows idea of a filesystem. It's worth getting used to Cygwin's file system.
  • Umm... Red Hat did not write Linuxconf; they simply use it. So if it's technically flawed, it's not because Red Hat designed it that way or built it that way.
  • The original poster wrote, [RedHat:] "We're cool, so we use really needlessly monolithic and complicated tools..."

    I'm not him, but if linuxconf is what he was talking about, RedHat is guilty of choosing to use it as he suggested. In most cases, disliking RedHat is disliking the things they chose to include.

  • I normally try to avoid posting comments, because I often find myself unqualified. However, after doing a little research, I would like to just point out something I read, and let everyone else judge for themselves regarding one of the posts Mr. Sokolov posted [flora.org] earlier this year...

    Oh no, I don't have any firewalls! I am an agent of the International Free Computing Task Force, and firewalls are by definition an obstacle to Free Computing that must be brought down. When I ordered my dedicated ARPA Internet connection, I instructed my ISP very clearly to make my connection wide open without any firewalls whatsoever.

    'Nuff Said.

  • Linuxconf is monolithic [...] netcfg is so much nicer [...]. Kudzu is monolithic [...]

    Blah, blah monolithic. You still have the option to not use linuxconf(1), just like I didn't when I used to use RedHat. And we have a basic misunderstanding about the term monolithic here: providing a (arguably) nice visual interface to a lot of utilities and /proc fiddling is not the same as being monolithic in my book. Would you consider smit(1) under AIX to be monolithic? Or are you using monolithic as short for "stuff I don't like"?

    There are tools (those above?) which seem to keep shadow copies of some config files.

    I can't recall any from my RH days, and I feel obliged to remind you that there isn't any tool you are forced to use. right?

    What bothers me about it is that there are very few computer newbies around. Most linux newbies come from Windows, and the RH model (followed by quite a few others too) seems to be "make linux look like Windows". I don't see any efforts to teach the unix ways (examples: stdin/stdout, X server vs. X client, text! text! text! config files...). Creating Windows all over again going the wrong way.

    You really need to go out more if you think there aren't a lot of computer newbies around. Linux newbies may come from the Windows, Macintosh or Big Blue sky world. There is no need for them ro become deft sysadmins to use their Linux box, unless they plan to follow that unfortunate career path (oops, gratuitous flamebait >:-). Although, I'm not sure what you mean by "Unix ways" (which UN*X? SysV flavored or BSD flavored?), you can find the kind of documentation you request here [redhat.com], there and [redhat.com]everywhere [redhat.com]. I don't know how they could go about "teaching" it, but then again, I never took of the courses they offer...

    And, frankly, all this talk of "making it look like Windows" is quite boring and inaccurate. The only default installation that tried to mimic the Windows look was that fvwm95 thing by RH, but they have moved out from it a long time ago. Even then, you still had the option to customize it, right?

  • Don't be silly

    who's being silly? I said I hadn't looked, and it is true that it's something that changed between B20 and 1.1, a change that I think is a mistake... sheesh! Don't be silly ;)

  • and if a Unix environment is what you're trying to emulate (isn't that the whole idea?)

    I don't want to make a big deal about this, but that line strikes me as emblematic of why programmers (and particularly unix) are considered un-userfriendly. First, that's not the reason that I want it or use it. I want Unix-like tools (bash, emacs, grep, etc.) in the Windows environment. If I didn't want the Windows environment, I'd just run linux. From cygwin's bash you can launch DOS/windows apps, such as Perl, but it is totally screwed up if the pathnames are wrong.

    But second, don't make something incompatible that doesn't need to be. There's no particular overlap between windows's default directory names and Cygwin's, so they live quite nicely superimposed atop one another. And, I like using bash filename completion. It would be even nicer if they'd convert the slashes, because some programs (perl for the scriptfile name) won't take 'em the bash way.

    I have no use for software that hides the Windows environment... or as I said, I already have it: Linux (yes, or one of the BSDs, or even others).

  • whoops, I lost the meat of my comment and just kept the gripe. The meat was, thanks for the tip. It didn't work right off the bat, but I can see the mounts so I'll be able to change them.
  • I would hardly call it a "major issue for development".

    Putting it on Slashdot is like shooting gophers with a double-barreled shotgun. Sure, it'll probably solve the problem, but the gore left behind will disgust messy.

  • That's V1.1. Read the V1.4 posted instead.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @02:27AM (#805286)

    Note that Cygnus isn't just some greedy corporation -- it employs many of the hard-core free software engineers which make up the FSF. These people aren't being held at gunpoint to work there -- they work there because they think it's a great deal to be employed full-time to contribute to free software.

    When Cygnus "took control" of gcc from RMS, it was for very good reason. RMS had not been competently maintaining the source tree, and many would-be code contributors who had good solutions to genuine problems were getting increasingly disgusted. The more gung-ho of them formed splinter groups, while others simply walked away. It was a bad situation, and Cygnus dealt with it by starting their own source repository, contributing several remarkable improvements (like Jim Wilson's gcse), and going out of their way to gather up the various splinter-groups that RMS had alienated.

    Many people got very excited over the "Experimental GNU Compiler System" and stopped even bothering to submit their code updates to RMS's "official" repository. When RMS finally relented and told Cygnus to go ahead and take over the job, he had essentially a dead project on his hands.

    Cygnus is full of genuine FSF engineers trying to do what is best for free software. They are not outsiders trying to take things over.

    Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with Cygnus or RedHat. In fact, I pretty much despise RedHat .. it feels like MS-Linux to me: "We're cool, so we use really needlessly monolithic and complicated tools that don't work very well .. we want to make using the system as easy as possible for the end-user, so we make it look and act a lot like Windows, and if something goes wrong our configuration tools are too rigid and fragile and provide you with insufficient information to let you fix things up very easily .. we don't care about compatability with others, but that's okay because WE'RE THE STANDARD LINUX DISTRIBUTION so it's really the rest of you who are incompatible with us! We are RedHat baby, jackbooted penguin from hell, and we're out to make Gates look like a cub scout!"

    -- Guges --

  • If you read the article again you will see that is states that Sokolevs writings are on his ftp site, and there is also a link to the ftp site. I seems to be slashdoted already, so try here [gnu.org] instead.

  • by John Marshall ( 175989 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @02:37AM (#805288)
    There's already been some interesting discussion [gnu.org] of this on the GCC mailing list, and all the other lists Michael posted it to.

    In general, I like to recommend that people do a little research [google.com] before they take what Michael says too literally. Unfortunately, Google seems to have got bored with Michael's magnum opus [adfa.edu.au] (the page in which he describes his love for the GNU project [adfa.edu.au] is particularly fun), but it still lists many of the other [netbsd.org] mailing [flora.org] lists [egroups.com] Michael has tortured over the years.

  • by Per Abrahamsen ( 1397 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @04:19AM (#805289) Homepage
    When Cygnus "took control" of gcc from RMS, it was for very good reason. RMS had not been competently maintaining the source tree, and many would-be code contributors who had good solutions to genuine problems were getting increasingly disgusted.
    RMS had not been maintaining GCC at all. He had stoped working on GCC and left maintenance to Richard Kenner. Everybody involved with GCC (EGCS) agrees RK is an excellent compiler engineer, but meny felt he wasn't a good release engineer. EGCS was created as an experiment, to see if a different form would attract more outside contributions. This was done in agreement with RMS. The experiment was a success, EGCS became the officiel GCC, and RK now work as a compiler engineer on the new GCC team.
  • by Malc ( 1751 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @02:44AM (#805290)
    Is this Cygnus tree what Cywin32 is based on? I was recently digusted when I discovered it was no longer available. I have had Cygwin32 B20 since last summer and decided to see if there was an update available. 1) It took me ages to even find the old B20 release 2) All other references to Cygwin32 were a commercial release by Red Hat. Is there anywhere where I can get binutils, etc, for Win32?
  • I read over the article a bit and it seems more as if this guy was just a bit unhappy with the way GCC is being developed still.. Its still not in the public "Cygnus tree"

    All I can say is (this is truly simplistic but it works) I have the source to EGCS and if they ever deside to go real psycho I am sure some talented people will step up and continue the work on EGCS, Yes it may not be as perfect for stability but I am not really worried, it is a bit complicated and can probably make things a bit more annoying to develop for EGCS but I cant see anything critically wrong with it... Anyone who can do useful work on a compiler has to be extremly knowledgeable in things most people dont even know about so.. until they start violating the GPL or really becoming a negative influence on Opensource lets just keep an eye on things?

  • Yes, please do follow that link into the GCC mailing list archive! And also read the followups to his post from the GCC engineers themselves. His article is full of inaccuracies and misstatements. (He later explains them as "tongue in cheek," but those kinds of comments would be completely inappropriate for something designed to be informative information for public relations purposes.)
  • You're an impostor!!!

    Mr. Alienmole Ultra-Mega-Special Agent Zeroth International Free Computing Task Force

  • by ximenes ( 10 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @04:42AM (#805295)
    In case you're wondering why Agent Sokolov doesn't seem to make much sense, here's a little explanation.

    He's obsessed with 4.3BSD, and is trying to recreate pristine sources of it so as to continue to use it well into the next millenium (with as few modifications as possible, of course).
    He thinks that 10BaseT is the "evil intruder" in the world of network cabling; 10Base2 is acceptable, but 10Base5 is the One True Cable.
    He made his own version of gzip and switched one of the bytes in the header; it's incompatible, but it's Sokolovian.

    How do I know this? He used to work at CWRU [cwru.edu] before he made death threats against the president and VP of IS. Then they threw him in the nuthouse. Apparently he's loose again and on the rampage.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @02:50AM (#805296)
    There's already a huge discussion on the gcc mailing-list. Unfortunately for this `free agent', some of his facts are dead-wrong. For instance, Cygnus never did take control of gcc development. In fact the steering committee of former EGCS/now gcc has always been very careful to include representatives from everywhere... and never been controlled by former Cygnus/now redhat. Likewise, the EGCS vs. gcc issues were solved handsomely, thanks to large diplomatic efforts from people involved, so that the project could go on without bump, and with all parties concerned satisfied. Except for some stupid people who are ready to yell `conspiracy' every time something like this appears, there is absolutely no political controversy with the Cygnus tree. Namely, those issues are developer-only, and fairly boring to the mundane user. This has to do with somewhat largish portions of the binutils, gas, gcc, trees being shared, and this increasingly leading to troubles thanks to the differing release schedules of all threes, and a growing need to merge everything in a single CVS repository to avoid needless administrative work. Now, if you want a developer's controversy, take linux's binutils. Those are mostly developped by H.J.Lu, who is doing a great job, but is not playing ball with neither the gcc team nor the binutils team (he's notorious at not stopping to explain what he's doing, and then griping three months later that his work was not included). In fact, by churning private release after private release of binutils from development source, he's rendering a disservice to the open development community at large: since the linux crowd is happy, there is not much pressure to do actual new releases of the real binutils main work, and there is not much test of that work occurring either. This can become serious. It looks more and more like yet a new version of the gcc vs. pgcc split, and we all know how bad this can become, don't we ? (think emacs vs. xemacs)
  • by codemonkey_uk ( 105775 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @05:10AM (#805297) Homepage
    What kind of an organization is it?
    An imaginary one. Like the "company" you started with your school chums.
    Who are the officers of the organization?
    He is.
    What is their charter?
    Where is their headquarters?
    Moo moo land.
    Is it a for profit organization or a non-profit organization?
    Non profit!
    What are some of their past activities?
    Heckling GNU, Palm.
    Are they affiliated with any public or private companies?
    Are they affiliated with any governments?
    Are they affiliated with any universities?
    Can anyone join the task force?
    I don't know, its hard to tell.
    What credentials does one have to poccess to become a member?
    See above.
    How many members do they have?
    One. (?)

    I'd recomend you check out John Marshall's comment [slashdot.org] for more info...


  • The 'Cygnus Tree' that he talks about has existed for quite some time now; I know it existed when I first built GCC 2.8.1 back in October of 1998. All it really boils down to is that most of the GNU projects can be put into a directory with a single large makefile at the top level that runs through each project in turn, and already knows which ones have to be made first. The GCC and GDB distributions already come made with that structure, because of the number of other projects they're based on. (Like libiberty, which contains a lot of library routines like the extended GNU getopt that aren't guaranteed to exist on all systems.)

    He's not the only one who would like to see a full 'tree' release, but he's probably the only one who considers it some massive coverup and mismanagement that has to be dealt with as opposed to just different project groups having different release schedules.

    -- Bryan Feir
  • Reading the article it seemed to me that at least part of the problem here is that CVS is making it difficult to work with multiple repositories linked in at various points in the tree. Wouldnt BitKeeper help here?


    Creating a monolithic CVS repository is one answer, but its not the only answer.
  • Well, I can't find its web site. I suspect that it is a self appointed title. He might be trying to usurp my task force :-)

    Bruce Blackshaw
    Chief Special Agent
    First International Free Computing Task Force
  • Don't be silly, you can still have c:\ and / be the same thing. Just use the mount command: mount -f c: / or something like that. You may need to umount / first.
  • Unfortunately that sort of growin' up is usually as rate-limited a process as the biological kind. The asshole syndrome you describe usually comes from insecurity and defensiveness (they don't call them dick-measuring contests for nothing), and while it is possible for a careful friend or manager to coach and nurture someone past that when they're only borderline (ie. ready), it's nigh impossible to tell the unreachable cases (like Sokolov) from those that would act differently if they could only see their buttheadedness (like the former you). I suspect that like a lot of things, if you accelerated the process it just wouldn't be worth as much. Kind of like trying to bake a cake quickly by using the microwave.

    I'm curious though, is your /. username a reference to this self-describe epiphany & rebirth (as well as the obvious literary references)? Might be a wee bit cult-of-thyself if so. ;)

  • Quoth appropriately dubbed sillysally:

    You still have the option to not use linuxconf And RedHat had the option not to include it, and you had the option not to post, but you did and they did. So what? AFAIK, RedHat fully endorses the linuxconf approach to sysadmin, an approach that is more monolithic even than Microsoft's control panel, not to mention it works less well. And, I don't even like Microsoft or Windows. [...]

    Talk about twisting words: what I said, and I'll stand by it, is that Redhat is not forcing you to use to use linuxconf(1). Heavens, it is not even forcing you to install it. For all they care, you could install a plain vanilla, no X, GNU/Linux box and proceed to hack /etc with ed(1) to your heart's content, if that's your idea of the True Un*x Ways [TM] . OTOH, I am at a loss as to what you think they sould do: beat the people who wrote linuxconf(1) (remember, this isn't something that they wrote in their backyard)? Beat the people who think it is cool and want to use it? Like I said, which is it, mac?

    And to be quite honest, I'm still confused by what you mean by monolithic, dictionary notwithstanding. You can use linuxconf(1) from X or from a terminal. You can use the "monolithic" interface, or call any of the specific tools: netconf(1), userconf(1) etc. Hell, it even tells you what it's doing for some stuff, like the system info shit it gets from /proc. How is that monolithic?

    Mind you, I'm telling you all this after an apt-get install which worked flawlessly on my Debian system. After having had a second look at it, I think I might even begin to use it and like it. Like I said, it reminds me a little of smit(1) (do you even know what that is?) and, since sysadmin is only marginally related to my job, it makes this heavy but unavoidable burden a little lighter to bear. I see nothing wrong with that.

    You proceed to say:

    To this discussion, I contributed information gleaned from my user experience: I edited some files in /etc, and they were unedited with no warning by a configuration tool that I used after that. That never happened in the old RedHat distros and I'm dismayed at the change. To this discussion you didn't contribute anything. If you only have experience with old versions of RedHat, you've nothing to say here.

    Could I be wrong about my experience? Yes, perhaps I inadvertantly overwrote that file. I'd love to hear from someone with up to date info explain that I must be wrong. But you're not him.

    Don't be so sure about that, gal. I've been using Redhat since late '94 (and I used Slackware before that too), I've seen it come around quite a lot (remember Red Baron?). If you would mind telling me what did you change, how and why, I might be able to help.

    You finish it with this:

    My claim was that the vast majority of new linux users already are familiar with Windows. Are you claiming otherwise? Make a different claim of your own, or shut up. Your nattering is irritating.

    Slow down, Sally. You replied to a post of mine in which I chastised an AC post unfairly modded up that dissed RedHat for bogus reasons. All I'm trying to say is that RH gets a bad rap from ACs and cluebies who try to sound "experienced" or "leet" by dissing them. I find that very irritating. And you are right, I have no reason to infer that the majority of Linux newbies come from the Windows world. AFAIK, they might as well come from no-computerland (think teenage pre-geeks who just got a PC from Dad here). The sad thing is that six months after successfully installing SuSE, they finally manage to install Slackware (or FreeBSD, nowadays), suddenly think their super-gurus and start to dismiss RH users as newbies. Pathetic, really.

  • It's my understanding that the difficulties are mostly organizational, not technical. Dumping the GCC sources into the big combined CVS archive is easy. Adjusting the way the GCC, GDB, and binutils developers work, so they don't step on each others' toes, is somewhat harder.

    Regarding Bitkeeper, yeah it's nice, but it isn't free software, and the FSF requires the official archives of GNU projects to be run with 100% free software. So it is not an option at this time.
  • Yes, Red Hat (formerly Cygnus) does host gcc.gnu.org for the GCC project. And it does happen to be the same machine as sources.redhat.com (formerly sourceware.cygnus.com). If you look back through the archives, you'll notice that it used to be called egcs.cygnus.com. RMS required that it be given a name in the gnu.org domain when the EGCS steering committee took over official maintenance of GCC.

    You might want to look at:

    for more details on the exact relationship between GCC development, the FSF, and Red Hat.
  • Could you see this as Cygnus/RedHat being the evil agents in the Matrix while the International Free Computing Task Force are the good guys?

    The Cygnus tree is of course the Matrix. I think I'll jump in.
  • Grmbl... On e of these dayes I'll make a cron job to automatically wget all URLs from fresh /. articles.
  • Well, then, here's my bit of karma-whoring for the day; I yanked my copy out of cache and dumped it here [xoom.com].:)

  • Here is the copy that was send to the gcc mailing list: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2000-09/msg 00035.html [gnu.org].
  • by John Marshall ( 175989 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @02:56AM (#805311)
    Is this Cygnus tree what Cywin32 is based on?
    Yes, no, what of it? Probably it's often built from there, but any answer other than "they're different things" is likely to be misleading.
    I was recently digusted when I discovered it was no longer available.
    As a Cygwin-hater myself :-), I'd like to be disgusted with you, but instead I'll point you to the confusingly named http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/ [redhat.com].
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Go on, pretty please? At the very least, please read the second definition here [dictionary.com].
  • This /. article is blody useless without the URL of Sokolevs writings.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Try the Cygwin 1.1 net release http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/
  • That box is probably a Redhat box. I was looking for Redhat's mirror of the email to share the load and noticed this:

    [paulm@beefcake package]$ nslookup gcc.gnu.org
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name: gcc.gnu.org

    [paulm@beefcake package]$ nslookup sources.redhat.com
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name: sources.redhat.com

  • Having read the article, I'm wondering something, and would like someone who knows about this to answer it for me. I didn't realise that so much of the GNU toolchain was shared between the various apps (well, I thought they were separate apps, now I see them as modules in a single system, whatever.)
    Is it a good idea to have them so interdependent?
    What I mean is that not everyone who uses GCC wants to use gdb, are there any possible gotchas involved in making them all share so much? I realise they have already been part of this tree for a wile, but that doesn't mean there can't be problems that have already been introduced (does it?)
    I'm not trying to argue against merging anything, as I know next to nothing about the internals of any of the tools, I'm just curious.
    thanks to anyone who can give an answer,



  • Re your disclaimer: Yes I sometimes feel the same thing. Not only with RH, also with SuSE (although not to that extent). While I appreciate the efforts RH makes (while not completely un-selfishly) to push'n'promote Linux, I get angry when I hear things like '...is running under the RedHat Operating System' (this was not an official RH advertising statement, though, but some quote off an executive summary about some hardware thingie).

    Generally I mistrust every Linux company that goes public. Which means they work more for the shareholder than for the customer...

  • by caolan ( 2716 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2000 @02:19AM (#805318) Homepage
    This is really a developer issue as to how to arrange their code. I can hardly see the relevence of placing something that will requires a bit of thought to solve on slashdot.

    And what was it with the leadin about conspiracies. There is nothing conspiratorial about this, just some historical hiccups.


  • You're right. I generally do read articles before I post, but in this case I wasn't intending to comment on the article at this stage, just point out where it could be found so other people could also post on topic with eaze. I freely admit that in hindsight my second post is redundant and if it gets marked as such I certainly won't be getting suicidal over it.
  • The first half of your post was really good, putting some historical perspective, for the newbies out there, of the importance of the contribution of Cygnus to the improvement of GCC. That deserve the full moderation you got.

    But then you spoiled it all with your lame "disclaimer", which is neither funny nor accurate. What monolithic config apps are you talking about? In what does RH prevent you from mangling the whole of /etc with vi(1)? How is RH strongarming the competition or ruining compatibility with others (not SuSE, Mandrake or Caldera, for sure)? Can you pinpoint the incompatibilities between the lates RH beta and "potato" for instance? Or is this incompatibility you're talking about mainly with some other [slackware.com] distro (which used to be very popular a long time ago), that is, incidentally also incompatible with all the other distros I mentioned. Now, is it really RH's fault?

    More to the point, what is it that bothers you so much about Redhat apart from the fact that they try to make GNU/Linux palatable to newbies? And if it's that fact mostly, then I have to ask you why?

  • Upon reading this article, I also realized that there really wasn't a conspiracy. But, I've actually built my own build of egcs in the past year or so, and noticed the 'Cygnus tree' phenomenon, and was kind of wondering what was up. It's interesting to get an internal glimpse of the organization of a project with which I'm unfamiliar.

    I'm trying to build an open source project that has more contributors than myself right now, and it's interesting to see how other projects happen.

If you fail to plan, plan to fail.
