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Perl Programming

The Perl Journal Returns 48

pudge writes: "The Perl Journal is back in the hands of Jon Orwant, after a sorrowful chapter in the hands of EarthWeb. No details available yet, just the good news. He is now accepting article proposals for future issues, and Issue #20 will be printed and mailed soon." It's cool to see something decent being revived in a month when it seems like many companies are either failing or scaling back.
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The Perl Journal Returns

Comments Filter:
  • It can even be a tasteless pre 80's Playboy kind of centerfold, it doesn't have to be the gyno-spread Penthouse is famous for.
  • Heidi Wall []
  • Karma's for the weak.
  • According to the article, he is going to try to get the archives back up in May. I say more power to him. I subscribed for a single article (talking to the Com port in Windows) and stayed for the rest. Plus this way I can write off the subscription as a business expense. :)

    Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.
  • by strredwolf ( 532 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2001 @11:04AM (#297694) Homepage Journal
    Whew. That means we PerlMonks don't have to create our own parish newspaper []... just yet...

    WolfSkunks for a better Linux Kernel
  • -2 redundant, asswipe. si, are you blowing the mods again? jesus, you'll do ANYTHING for that fucking karma, won't you?

    si == mega karma whore. you should be ashamed, si, very ashamed.

  • well, since ol' juan's been away, i thought you were taking care of that little task, you flaming ass-ripping faggot. at least that's what cm told me. he also said that you weren't that good. i guess it's that milimeter-sized dick you call a penis. do you have extenders on that silly little midget dick now?

  • disgusting gay libido? LOL, and this from a fucking gay ass-ripping homosexual pedophile with a stunted cock!
  • This thread (although largely trolls feeding each other) eventually fascinated me enough to go find a picture of the young lady in quesion. I hereby submit said picture [] as evidence of the fact that she is in fact extremely attractive. Cute smile, particularly.

    Well, I think so anyway... and I don't really care what anyone else thinks, about this or much else :) But I'm genuinely suprised if anyone really thinks she isn't attractive...



  • You missed a couple of biggies:

  • ... where can I purchase posters suitable for framing of their magazine covers? Particularly the ./Configure on the manual typewriter. I've seen places sell small prints, but I want one for the wall of my office, with no blowup artifacts...

    Your Working Boy,
    - Otis (GAIM: OtisWild)
  • There was a post in comp.lang.python that was in "Kanji" (double-byte asian font). It looked like garbage to most people. There was a great reply to it though:
    I think you want comp.lang.perl !!!

    Why are English-speakers so insecure that they have to make snide comments whenever another language is used? The Internet isn't just the playground of American students anymore, you know.
  • by elmegil ( 12001 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2001 @10:44AM (#297702) Homepage Journal
    I specifically wrote Mr. Orwant about this question (are subscriptions prior to the collapse going to be honored) and his reply was yes, he intends to honor them. I got the reply in nothing flat, no less. Whether there are "no errors" in the transfer of information may still be an open question, but he intends to do The Right Thing, and more power to him.
  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2001 @11:00AM (#297703) Homepage
    I was sure that TPJ was doomed and the company just kept the subscribers money. (I.E. no communication to us subscribers as to if we were going to get our issues or refunds or whatever.)

    I really hope I get my next issue, then I'll re-up for another subscription. (I.E. If I see what's left of my current subscription then I'll reward their ressurection with a renewal.. fair?)

    in a sea of "journals" that have crap content and a difficulty rating of ZERO,, TPJ proved to be a professional and expert's journal. I cant wait.
  • For those not in the know, what happened to TPJ that involved Earthweb and lawyers?

  • There was a post in comp.lang.python that was in "Kanji" (double-byte asian font).

    <nitpick> Actually, it's a double-byte Japanese font. Even if Chinese word for the letters used the same characters, they would not read them the same way, as pronounciation of the words differ between Japanese and Chinese. </nitpick>

    Centuries of evolution in both Japan and China make the two languages dramatically different, you know :-P.

  • *sigh*. And I'm criticising for being overly general. Go away, AC.
  • by webword ( 82711 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2001 @11:55AM (#297707) Homepage
    Jon Orwant Search on Slashdot... []

    Jon Orwant [] -- 2 O'Reilly Network Articles

    Jon Orwant and The Real Perl Keyboard [] -- Fuzzy picture of Jon against a fuzzy background. Mildly humorous.

    Good Picture of Jon Orwant []

    Mastering Algorithms with Perl [] -- "Topics covered: Perl data types, Big-O notation, data structures, queues, deques, linked lists, binary trees, sorting and searching algorithms, game and dynamic programming, sets and multisets, matrices and graphs, string matching and parsing, 2-D geometry, number systems, cryptography (including DES and RSA), probability, statistics, and numerical analysis." (Comments: Written by Jon Orwant. The link points to the evil

    Magnetic Perl kits [] -- "I just recieved this note from Jon Orwant (editor of The Perl Journal).You can order magnetic perl poetry kits from the Journal now." (Comments: This is a somewhat interesting 1998 posting to MacPerl.)
  • I also subscribed simply to get access to the online archives, so I hope the archives go back up. However, I'd be just as happy (if not happier) if the archives were open to non-subscribers as well.

    Whatever happens, this is fantastic news...
  • which part of "double-byte asian font" did you take to mean "chinese"? Centuries of evolution in English make the two words dramatically different, you know :-P.
  • If it doesn't come out soon, I will start throwing cups at Jon. ;-)
    News for geeks in Austin: []
  • What is it with all thoses low UID posting as AC, what are you scared of dammmit, nobody is going to hurt you.

  • Get a life
  • hey, you got my vote!!!

  • If you had seen a picture of Heidi Wall and if you weren't gay, you would understand....
  • by Nohea ( 142708 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2001 @10:28AM (#297717)
    Waiting for issue #20!

    If it doesn't come out soon, i will start throwing cups at the wall!
  • does this mean no more articles on how to use Perl with ASP or Exchange or how to dump your data to Excel?
  • Maybe the front page will be about parrot?

    ;-) (I know, I know, its a bad attempt at humor)
  • by Eharley ( 214725 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2001 @10:42AM (#297720)
    Does anyone care to speculate how the subscribers for the EarthWeb TPJ will be handled?

    When I subscribed it was because I wanted online copies of the journal. I paid for that service. Is this service still going to be available to me? Is the general public going to have access to the journal online?

    Do you think this is a good idea? Yeah, it gets the journal out. And yeah, advertising could probably pay the bills. But there are a bunch of people who I speculate will be pissed because they paid for a service when they really didn't have to.
  • I signed up just in time to pay for nothing. I hope the subscription list is transfered correctly and intact. Like I said before, Jon, you can publish on a photocopier. As long as the articles are good, I'll sign up. Can't somebody take 30 minutes and script up an EarthWeb replacement that works better even while running on some funky, retro machine? japh-wannabe
  • Didn't mean to sound too negative. I certainly have a lot of respect for Jon.

    The comments in this thread make me feel even better. I'll sit back and trust the issues to start up when they do.

    Even if I have to resubscribe, I will. Great product!

  • by MadCow42 ( 243108 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2001 @10:30AM (#297723)
    There was a post in comp.lang.python that was in "Kanji" (double-byte asian font). It looked like garbage to most people. There was a great reply to it though:

    I think you want comp.lang.perl !!!



  • and correcting them in M2 is only a bandaid.

    The real solution is to look through the /. databases, find out who the real trolls are, hunt them down, and lock them in a room with the soon-to-be unemployed XFL cheerleaders demanding oral sex, until they die of dehydration.

    Only then with /. be free and pure as it once was.

  • I have always been delighted by the high quality of articles in TPJ. Anyone remember "Mathematical Recreations" -> "Metamagical Themas" -> "Computer Recreations"? TPJ used to read like that; every issue. (The reason I subscribed was because of a fascinating article on voting methods [], which explains the US Republican/Democratic monopoly is due to our one-vote, winner-take-all voting system).

    And my praise has nothing to due with the fact that they published one of my one liners! Perl Magic Cards:
    for(0..6){$c=1;for$n(1..100){printf"%3d%s",$n,$c ++ %9?"":"\n"if$n&2**$_}print"\n"x3}

    #43: Seven "Magic Cards." Have a friend think of a number from 1 to 100. Give them cards one at a time and ask if their number is on the card. Mentally sum the first number on each card with a "yes" answer. Go into trance, say the magic word "Ultrix!" and announce their number. Known to win bar bets. (appeared in issue 15)

    I knew TPJ had sold out when they published a one-liner on how to convert to Swatch's Internet Beats, which is really a trivial varient of GMT but with a different meridian, to coincide with Swatch's world HQ in Switzerland. It reaked of a "product placement": advertising masquerding as editorial.

    Anyway, Welcome back Jon! Don't get greedy this time, huh?
  • When I first subscribed, the issues all came wrapped in a nice envelope which protected them in the mail. Suddenly, they started mailing them sans-envelope with the mailing label glued to the cover. The first issue that arrived in this fashion had a very mangled back cover.

    Now, this wasn't a really big deal because it didn't affect the content. But, it still bugged me. I wrote to TPJ and explained that I owned every copy of the magazine, and they are an important part of my library/archive/"O'Reilly shrine". I said that it was just the back cover, and I didn't really want a new issue, but would appreciate an envelope in the future.

    Well, in no time at all, I received in the mail a brand new copy of the damaged issue. It was in pristine condition, in an envelope, and it included a handwritten note from Jon Orwant appologizing for the inconvenience. I was very impressed. Great magazine, awesome content, and great customer service. Thank you TPJ.

  • yipppy! perl journal is back!

  • I can't understand how ANYONE can think she is pretty!
    Funny lookin but not good lookin
    You need to get out of the basement more often
    I fucked Heidi's camel once!!
  • Your old freind Hiedi Wall

    I fucked Heidi's camel once!!
  • I had a name change operation
    I wanted to impress Spanish Iquisition!!!

    I fucked Heidi's camel once!!
  • I've had nothing but trouble with those bastards at earthweb. I first ordered TPJ last year, along with all the back issues. I had to contact them twice to complain about not having received anything (but of course they took my money the same day I ordered from 'em). How long has it been since they published one? Fall 2000? Quarterly Journal. Bah!


  • I'm in the dark concerning the whole legal situation that arose here, and very interested as a Perl lover. Anyone have the scoop on the legalities of what originally went down? Thanks!

  • Hey - It looks like the links from tpj don't work today (4/11). Can someone confirm?
  • Anything else?
  • Jon e-mailed me a few weeks ago on this very topic. I was apparently one of fifty subscribers selected as a random sampling to check on the accuracy of his subscriber database. All my info was good (apart from an out of date e-mail address...but that's my fault). So he's obviously doing his best to make sure that the subscription list is transferred as flawlessly as possible. Assuming that this resurrection takes place as planned, I certainly plan to renew based on the obviously huge amount of love and devotion Jon has put into it. Kudos!
  • Koalas eat leaves Then they make lots of big shits Then they eat more leaves

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
