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BinCon Mo' Better then Defcon 11

Joe writes: " Software Programmers are coming to listen to their nemesis, the crackers. There is a conference taking place in March that will feature actual software and how it is cracked. This is in effort help programmers understand how they are being comprimised. The conference will also feature security related topics. Think your software can stand up to "the crackers"? Submit it to the site. http://bincon.binnews.com or email the coordinator at d9@binnews.com. The cost is very reasonable.. I will be there!""
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BinCon Mo' Better then Defcon

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  • by iamsure ( 66666 ) on Friday November 02, 2001 @09:19AM (#2511759) Homepage
    I have attended DefCon, and this doesnt sound anywhere near better.

    DefCon is a great chance to meet and greet, but it is also a very cool place to learn anything and everything.

    As to using it for the SPECIFIC purpose of testing a piece of software, I must say that the Capture The Flag network is the place to do that, and that NO network will EVER come close to presenting the level of attack that network does.


    • by Anonymous Coward
      If you read the site, you would see there is not a capture the flag.. There is actual software that was given to them by the software maker to crack. They are going to demonstrate how it is done and how to prevent it.

      DefCon is too much of a party.. this does not sound like party type thing.. no raves.. Guess you can learn...
  • by FattMattP ( 86246 ) on Friday November 02, 2001 @12:25PM (#2512734) Homepage
    In case you haven't heard, Bush has signed the USA PATRIOT act making these actions at this conference a criminal offence. I wouldn't go to this conference unless you are prepared to be arrested and spend an indefinite amount of time in jail without being charged. Remember: cracking programs is now a terrorist action.
  • Count me out too (Score:2, Informative)

    Stand on a stage and tell someone how I cracked their software?? Some people have really short memories. Didn't some Russian guy [freesklyarov.org] just get busted for that??
    • Re:Count me out too (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      um.. 1 difference, bincon has approval.
      • Approval from whom? The software authors? Doesn't matter. According to the DCMA, it is illegal to write code to bypass security [slashdot.org]. If something is illegal, that's the bottom line, consent of the "victim" notwithstanding.

        Adobe tried to get the Feds to spring Dimitry, and it was a no-go. If a cop says you're allowed to run a red light and you do...guess what? You still get a ticket.

Too much of everything is just enough. -- Bob Wier
