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C# From a Java Developer's Perspective 507

Microsoft's C# has raised eyebrows, interest and debate since its official announcement last year. The prolific Carnage4Life (Dare Obasanjo) has completed a detailed comparison of C# and Java, outlining the things that are identical, similar, nearly the same, or completely different between the two languages. If you're considering learning or applying either one, you might benefit by reading this paper first. There are some other excellent comparisons to be found linked from the Open Directory Project as well. Update: 11/20 03:35 GMT by T : Note: here's a mirror; interested readers who mirror the mirror get good seats in heaven.
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C# From a Java Developer's Perspective

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  • by nll8802 ( 536577 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:40PM (#2586214) Homepage
    There is a good, clean quick overview of C# here [genamics.com]. The also do some comparison of C# to Java.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Declaration:

        public class Direction {
        public final static int NORTH = 1;
        public final static int EAST = 2;
        public final static int WEST = 3;
        public final static int SOUTH = 4;


        int wall = Direction.NORTH;

        The java method will compile/run a tad faster, due to the lack of an entirely new type.

        That's because javac will translate the Direction.NORTH into a static constant 1 during compilation. The only problem that causes is it means you have to recompile everything that uses Direction's constants if the enumeration changes.

        I dont know how C# handles it's enum construct - I've never used it (C# that is).
      • True, but this easy method can be done in Java with public member variables, it's just discouraged.

        Nope, it can't - not unless the gettor and settor are trivial one-liners. And if they change from trivial to non-trivial, you have to chamge your public int foo; into public int getFoo(); public void setFoo(int fooVal); and break all the code that uses foo. Properties avoid this breakage, which is why they are a good idea.

        For a non-trivial e.g. Label.font.bold = true; The settor could actually cause a refresh of the label as well.

        The java method will compile/run a tad faster,

        Will it? The enum is really just an int - with compile time range-checking. Compile-time checking won't make it run slower. BTW, in Java you could also write
        int wall = Direction.NORTH;
        wall += 43;

        Which is clearly semantically dead wrong, but the compiler will never know. That is why enums were invented in the first place, not that Java's designers ever learnt that lesson.

  • by Lord Omlette ( 124579 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:40PM (#2586217) Homepage
    that Carnage4Life, the slashdotter's slashdotter, couldn't anticipate and survive a slashdotting?
  • by Walter Bell ( 535520 ) <wcbell AT bellandhorowitz DOT com> on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:44PM (#2586237) Homepage
    Disregarding the fact that Java and C# are both "closed" languages controlled by large corporate entities with their own self-interests in mind, they both do an admirable job of bridging the gap between general purpose scripting languages [python.org] and C++. Having used C# and Java on Win32 extensively in the past year, I have become accustomed to the automatic garbage collection, quick execution speed, and logically consistent design of both languages. The Windows compilers / runtime engines for both languages are quite amazing, and something for the fledgling gcj to aspire to.

    Although C# does deliver superior integration with Windows and .net (which is good for MS-only developers and bad for multiplatform programmers like myself), I'd have to pick Java if it was up to me just because of its sheer elegance. It seems like Sun did a better job designing a general-purpose language (applet "security" extensions aside), and Microsoft just tried to copy Java but add in proprietary extensions to hook C# into Windows. Thus, some of the C# features seem to be "bolted on", whereas most of Java came across as being very natural to me.

    Just my 2c...

    • by Steveftoth ( 78419 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:52PM (#2586272) Homepage
      If c# takes off for windows programming I think it will be because people will be able to build responsive GUI programs with it. The largest problem with Java is people's conception that it is SLOW. Java coders know that is not true in general. However, AWT and Swing are slower then they need to be because of their cross-platform compatability. If you can build a responsive GUI program in less time using C# then I think it will be the language of choice for many coders. C++ takes more time to get all your bugs out, Java gets rid of the possiability for many bugs, (while introducing others, but there are less overall) and reduces time of coding.

      Also, you'll be able to use all the newest 'must have features' that MS tries to shove on the consumer in C#.

      For now, I'll stick with Java because it's libraries are much better. Not just the ones that Sun wrote, but more importantly, the ones that other people have written.
      • For people who haven't yet checked it out, IBM's Eclipse [eclipse.com] project... IBM has developed a GUI toolkit for Java that uses native widgets.
    • by ergo98 ( 9391 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:53PM (#2586277) Homepage Journal

      Seriously though, have you? From your vague, unsubstantiated, no example posting it sounds like you use and know Java, therefore you can proclaim yourself knowledgable about C#. Your claims about the "bolted on" aspects of C# are particularly suspicious given the "hooks" into Windows are simply objects instantiatable from the .Net Framework (they're not "bolted on": Just like Java you include the unit and create objects from it). If anything C# takes some of the goofy aspects of Java, such as the interoperation with properties via methods, and cleans them up to make an abstract behind the scenes property handling system (ripped straight from Delphi's object pascal I would guess).

      • ...do you use a language that won't even properly exist until February next year, when Visual Studio.NET will actually be released?

        • Re:So how exactly... (Score:3, Informative)

          by ergo98 ( 9391 )

          Well given that Beta 2 has been available for closing on a year now, and I've had RC1 on my machine for about a month now... That's how I use C#.

          • You're not using C#. You're beta testing a product that has changed a lot over that year, and probably will change a bit more before it's released. You're aiming at a moving target, with no fixed definition.

            Furthermore, that target itself aims at another target (.NET) in a similar situation. (Please don't spin me the pathetic argument that C# is independent of .NET; C# has no standard library worth speaking about, and there is no likelihood of a serious C# implementation on any other platform any time soon.)

            It is simply not possible to develop applications properly in that environment. Until C# and .NET are properly released, you're not using a language, you're playing with a toy. Real languages for real use have concrete definitions, preferably of the status of a formal standard, and they don't change every five minutes on the whim of a senior engineer at Microsoft.

            • An RC is a release candidate: Meaning that they're proposing that that is what they might actually release. That's closer to a real product than most products in the open source arena will ever be.

              Having said that: Jesus Christ you zealots are a riot. I don't even really LIKE C#, nor am I sold on the ".NET" idea, nor have I advocated FOR it. I merely questioned what seemed to me to be a pure karma whore post because it obviously was written just to cater to the psycho zealots that frequent Slashdot.

              And for all the dumb motherfuckers out there let me explain something: You "interoperate" (regardless of hilarious [sic] comments by trying-to-be-pretentious kids) with "properties" either via method, or via more abstract methods. I prefer the more abstract methods of Delphi, and also C#. It's amazing how many people will yap up their opinion on this when they have no clue.

      • If anything C# takes some of the goofy aspects of Java, such as the interoperation with properties via methods, and cleans them up to make an abstract behind the scenes property handling system (ripped straight from Delphi's object pascal I would guess).

        Why is this approach better and less goofy? I'm not familiar with object pascal, but this approach sounds like it would lead to spaghetti.
      • ripped straight from Delphi's object pascal I would guess

        Given that Microsoft hired away Borland's chief Delphi (and object pascal) architect, Anders Hejlsberg, and that Anders' name is on the C# language specification [microsoft.com], this should come as no surprise. :)

        Naturally, Borland has been attempting to sue Microsoft [borland.com] for its systematic destruction of their company by recruiting all of their top people (mostly on the technical front).
        • Actually that suit is over. Ms decided to settle that suit and a few others by giving Borland a shitload of money. This was probably a good thing becasue they not only stole programmers but the tabbed interface from quatro pro too. I think they knew they were going to lose.
      • dissolved into a flame war, I think that the ending evaluation is that C# will be doomed to 2nd or 3rd place unless they can address multi-platform use. If that happens, well then the gloves are OFF.

        MS needs to hurry however, as Java continues to gain in acceptance (regardless of it's problems) in more mainstream sw arenas (Oracle, IBM). Let's not forget that technical superiority alone does NOT a successful product make. There are plenty of SmallTalk coders who think Java should have gone STRAIGHT to the junk heap.

        I, like many others, do not particularly care for MS. I feel they provide low-quality product and user clever marketing combined with arm-twisting to maintain market dominance in the areas they control.

        That said, as a Java programmer I'd really like to see some competition with Java. Who knows, Sun just may open in up to ensure that MS can't get a foothold!
    • by redcup ( 441955 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:58PM (#2586304)
      Java and C# are both "closed" languages controlled by large corporate entities with their own self-interests in mind

      Agreed - but Java at least attempts "write once, run anywhere," (with debatable success) whereas M$ C# attempts "write once, run on Windows XP, with Windows Messenger and a .Net Passport or else"

      I have a lot more faith trusting my applications and business to a company that isn't trying to take over every purchasing decision we make. If you have read the fine print that comes with Windows messenger - the other half of .Net - it essentially gives Microsoft the right to modify the application at any time, with out notifying you. Oh, and these upgrades might not be free! The bottom line? Microsoft is going to decide sometime in the future to cut you off, and then make you pay. And you would trust these people not to do the same with C#??

      One day your app or service isn't going to run, and all you see in your logs will be "Call Miscrosoft to obtain a license to run C#"
    • Disregarding the fact that Java and C# are both "closed" languages

      While I cannot speak for C#, I can dispute your comment about Java. You can download and view the source to the JVM and other Java tools. But Sun's so-called "Open source" disallows distribution of changes to the code. (so you're partially correct)

      But users can send in ideas via their BugParade. See http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/ index.jshtml [sun.com] for more info on bugs and RFEs (Requests for Enhancements). Some of the suggestions are finding their way into the baseline - like generics [sun.com] (currently in development) and asserts [sun.com] (in 1.4 beta).

      I dont if that can be done with C# - but given MS's track record, I would be surprised if they do.
    • That was perhaps the best troll I've ever seen posted on Slashdot. The only reason it didn't fool me is because I've been developing C# for the past month and before that was doing Java for 3 years or so. C# is better, hands down, as long as you don't want cross-platform compatibility.
      • I'd have to agree with you. And since C# is submitted to the ECMA, the "cross-platform" issue will be moot (albeit it still won't be write once, run anywhere, but I'm personally not interested in that).
    • C# has been submitted to the ECMA. There is NO licensing issues with using C#. For example, the Mono project is able to write a full .NET runtime engine and compiler without even talking to the M$ legal department.
    • Java and C# are both "closed" languages controlled by large corporate entities with their own self-interests in mind

      This has been something I've been holding against Java for a while myself, but the article makes an excellent point. C++, which was released for the public to 'run' really stagnated to a large degree. However, if a single corporation runs a language, the language can change with the times and adapt to the users' needs quicker since there is less politicing to be done. Since Sun seems to want as many people to use Java as possible, they have a strong interest in responding to developer demands. I'm interested to see the response to these two competitors. When faced with the closed systems, it might come down to a question of who do you trust. Between Bill and Scott, I've got my pick, but hey I'm biased.

  • by MarkWatson ( 189759 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:50PM (#2586266) Homepage
    Good summary of similarities and differences between Java and C#.

    I spend most of my time in the Java world (I have written 5 Java books, the latest of J2EE, and almost all of my consulting is done with Java.)

    That said, C# and Visual Studio.Net are very cool.

    Since Java is not my language of choice (hey, I would use Common LISP more if there were more consulting jobs requiring LISP!), I would not be too bothered if I had to use C# and the .Net stuff.

    Really, what really matters is finding interesting jobs to do, not the development platform.

    I also have high-hopes for interop between the Java J2EE world and .Net using SOAP. (I am working on SOAP support for Common LISP in my spare time so Lis can play nice with .Net and J2EE.)

    Best regards,

    Mark Watson

  • Correction (Score:2, Informative)

    by aspillai ( 86002 )
    Unlike what the article says, Java does have a byte keyword.
  • Standardization? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by mugnyte ( 203225 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:53PM (#2586279) Journal
    Language improvements have historicially opened the door to new productivity - in real terms - of apps getting cranked out. Higher and higher encapsulation in text or GUI worlds...but they don't all stick to the wall.

    One cannot always tell beforehand how big the impact will be. Small movements have exploded once given a niche to fill... and then die once it was swallowed up by a new contender.

    If the benefit of C# is only whats in this article, then I'm not convinced its going to change the world. I'll keep to my "unsafe" code blocks and maintain interoperability with non-Gatesian worlds.

    I'll wait for at least a committee for standardization to form for this mess.
  • by GISboy ( 533907 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @04:54PM (#2586285) Homepage
    with C# that "cross platform" will eventually mean Win9X, ME, NT, 2K and XP?

    Or in some ominous "Morpheous" like voice:
    "The .NET-rix is everywhere...."

    Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it... after all, Microsoft is doing it for the good of the community and Developers (developers, developers, dev....).

    BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA...I actually kept a straight face while typing that...heh.

    {sniff, wipes tear from eyes..heeeheee}
    • since the C# language has been submitted to the ECMA group it's likely that implementations will appear for non-Microsoft platforms.

      in fact, one such port [go-mono.com] seems to be coming along very nicely.

      • by vanza ( 125693 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @06:11PM (#2586678)

        But will they be standardizing the libraries or just the language (and the CLR for that matter)?

        The beauty of Java is that you write your code once to a set of libraries that are available on a lot of platforms. Even if you had to recompile the code on each platform, there would be no problems because there's a standard library to which you code.

        But, if only C# the language is sent to the ECMA, won't we have another C/C++/ with different features? The code you write will still be specific to the libraries you choose to use (and thus the platforms those libraries are available).

        • i believe that the language and core runtime features are being standardized. as for the rest of it (ASP.NET, ADO.NET, WinForms/GDI+, XML/WebServices, etc...) even though they may not be an open standard as such, Microsoft's implementation and specification will serve as standard enough for others to provide compatible implementations on other platforms (eg: Mono), in exactly the same way as has happened for Java.

          Microsoft has historically been pretty good at keeping their SDKs backwardly compatible and I don't see any reason why they would break the compatibility of future .NET runtimes (the non-ECMA bits). Some would say that they'd do that just to break the 3rd party implementations, but in reality they'd lose more by pissing off their own developers than they'd gain.

  • Language wars abound, and I have no interest in propogating another.But truth is Java has become bloated far beyond its original design as a tv box controller. The best comparison I heard was Java was C without the corners, just like basic is fortran without the corners. C# seems more to me like the best of Java and C++ without many of the sharpest corners. I work in a split development world 1/2 *nix and 1/2 Win32 , none of us slashdotter want to acknowlege it but most of the desktop world is on windows, so to write a Win32 app your most viable options have been C, VB or some other monstrosity on a Win32 box like Java, have you ever tried to run a half a million line Desktop Java app on windows. Or to throw a Java app together in a nice pretty IDIOT proof installer so that the person who thinks a CDROM is a coffe cup holder can install it with one of the nice pretty MS installers, Java in those aspects , well...it sucks
    Of all the MSVC programmers I worked with once they all had a good chance to work with C# they said theyll never write another line of C++ again. For the windows platform it may indeed be great stuff, the one thing that piques my interest is its cross plattform future. MS included help files and other pices parts refrence Linux, no whether its MS or someone like Ximian with their mono project. The C# stuff is definatley cool. native speed and you can writer in any of the dot net languages you want VB C# and yes TCL and PERL have ports to the Dot NET runtimes, heres the deal even M$ says it, from a performance standpoint on a Win32 machine they will all run the same the language choice will be a matter of style.

    Some slashdotters out ther perpetually bash MS and I do too from time to time, I run Linux at work and home, but the fact is Im in computers to make money PERIOD, If I could make a living out of racing my motorcycles full time Id never touch a computer again other than to surf for parts or events.

    To the ends of making money at computers, C# will do great I am sure , the coders I know that have actually worked with it on a daily basis love it, and to all the NAYSAYERS out there that say "Oh just another MS product to have bugs" sure probably but the wholde of the VS 7 IDE and tools are written in C# , Im sure by the time its released it'll be pretty good. And best of all it will make ME MONEY, I write desktop apps , if its quicker and easier.more interoperable, which it is it has full inheretence.Im all for it. The fact that 3rd parties are already vigilantly porting the runtime to *nix systems tells you its not another Bob

    MS languages for the most part run superbly on MS systems, they suppert both sides of the enviroment. Guess what C# is another example, in XP there are already kernel optimization routines for the DotNET stuff,

    If you HAD to program and app for a MS system in a MS language, which would you preffer, C++, VB, VFP, well..... Or C# that even C++ programmers who use it on a regular basis say , (and from experience it does) rocks as far as MS languages go.
    • have you ever tried to run a half a million line Desktop Java app on windows

      yes actualy, I don't know the Lines of code but Jext is almost as robust as Emacs.

      Jext [jext.org]

      you have a vertual file hierarchy, an FTP client, a text editor with Hughlighting for almost every language and markup around, it has its own macro language, it has an embeded python interpreter, you can send e-mail, it divides your projects into seperate workspaces, and each workspace has its own Virtual file hierarchy. This is the text editor fo anyone who is in developing. what is realy nice is that it gets out of your way.
  • by ClubStew ( 113954 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @05:17PM (#2586381) Homepage

    I admit that Microsoft is once again trying to dup Java, but, if you like Java and wish to work with platform-dependant API's that do more with Windows than Java, C# is your answer!

    As the article mentions, C# has almost the exact same syntax and keywords that Java has (plus PERL's foreach operator...kudos). There is almost no learning curve. You can leverage the functionality of Windows with C# however, and it has great XML support; so, if you've worked with the MSXML parser, you'll have no problems working with XML in C#.

    C# deserves a little more credit than many give, at least if you're working in a strict Windows environment. It's worth a look.

    That's all I have to say, but I'll pile on the on wood for the flames that will arise!

    • foreach...kudos (Score:3, Interesting)

      by GCP ( 122438 )
      In the alpha days of Java, I suggested to Sun that they incorporate some very popular Perl features, such as a foreach and containers that allowed for such things as "foreach char ch in myString" or "foreach int i in myIntVector" or "foreach int i in 30..1", etc.

      The senior designers repeatedly treated such suggestions with contempt. Arthur van Hoff told me, "If you want to use Perl, just use Perl!"

      The MS people I spoke to in the early stages of C# were very interested in input like this. Where Sun's attitude toward "why can't we have X?" was "because we said so", MS's was "hmm, that would be popular, I wonder if we could find a way...."

      Say what you will about MS, one of their standard techniques for locking you in is to try to make what people are asking for. Contrast this to Apple and Sun ("we're your superiors, so use what we tell you to use"), and Linux ("make it yourself, luser!").
    • C# deserves a little more credit than many give, at least if you're working in a strict Windows environment. It's worth a look.

      If I'm working in a strict windows environment why would I not just use C/C++? I'm not trying to flame but I would like an answer as I've had no reason to even investigate C# since it was announced.

      To put it another way, platform independance has always been Java's biggest drawcard. What is then the attraction of C# - simply the integration with .NET?

      Even worse, if I write a program in c# it cannot be ported to another platform (as with C++), until C# starts working on it.

      • Granted, C/C++ is my language of choice on any platform (unless you're designing cross-platform code, which Java works great for). You have to admit, however, that C/C++ requires greater thought and strong fingers for all the typing you have to do. C# is an abstract language like Java and requires less (and, yes, it does hide more, which can be bad in some cases).

        Just like any language, each has its strengths and weaknesses. If you're looking for abstraction and rapid development on Windows, C# is worth a look. If you're looking for speed (and, seriously, once the .NET framework is loaded, C# isn't too bad on speed), go with C/C++ for faster code and lower-level calls and memory management and stuff.

        • Actually, unless you are doing driver writing or native GDI or DirectX calls, many have concluded that C# is just as fast, if not faster, then C/C++. This is all coming from tests with Beta2, so I'm sure the final release will be even more promising.

          Of course, I don't anticipate the Quake IV engine being written in C#!
    • Stupid slashdot lameness filter. Shouldn't a geek site support a means of posting source code??

      Gee, you mean like being able to generate an app that causes a BSOD using a java-like syntax?

      All kidding aside, there are some cool ideas in the language. Support for enumeration is one. Currently most enum-type things in Java are done with integers, and so you have to do bounds checking whenever you get a value. The foreach operator is another nice one. It's a minor change, but it makes certain loops much quicker to write and much more readable. I also like operator overloading. It has never seemed right that in Java "+" concatenates strings, which are objects, but they're the only special object in the system. I admit that in C++ doing operator overloading properly can be hard, but it's a really convenient OO feature.

      The C# way of multiple interface implementation seems like it could be good, but will mostly just cause programmer errors.

      public interface ITeller
      void Next ();

      public interface IIterator
      void Next ();

      public class Clark : ITeller, IIterator
      void ITeller.Next () {
      void IIterator.Next () {

      To me that just looks like a bug waiting to happen. Under occasional circumstances it means you can do something you couldn't otherwise do, but this just looks dangerous to me.

      Mostly though I look at C# and say to myself: "Shouldn't a language that was designed years after Java be better than Java?". Java got rid of the preprocessor. This is a good thing, C# brings it back. That's a bad thing. (I know, conditional compilation is nice, but don't do it with a preprocessor, ick!) And what about reflection and dynamic class loading? Those are some sweet features, especially in a networked language, but in C# they're missing/gutted.

      And then there's just wierd-ass syntax pollution:

      [AuthorAttribute ("Ben Albahari")]
      class A
      public String Text {
      get {return text;

      I can accept the strange getter/setter method, though I think it's dumb. It's just vb-like, with a strange and confusing mix of methods, functions and subroutines. But what's with that array-like crap? Btw, that's also how synchronized methods are declared.

      I wonder if Sun would ever agree to put some of the nice features into Java, or if the language is essentially frozen, and they're going to work on the APIs.

      Btw, the MSXML parser? It's certainly MS, and certainly not XML.

      • The C# way of multiple interface implementation seems like it could be good, but will mostly just cause programmer errors.

        The case you mentioned is when two interfaces have the same method declarations. This is by far a rare case, and probably is negligable. The "feature" you point to is just the workaround for explicit overriding Microsoft included, something which, I think, is impossible to do in Java since it won't let you implement two interfaces with identical methods. It's definitely not something to worry about or note as a problem though.

        The bracket'ed stuff is meta information about the chunk of code itself. It's like "smart-commenting" such that other tools can use the data held within. Instead of reserving tons of keywords for things like sychronization, web methods, and god knows what, a lot of stuff uses the attribute feature. I don't see a problem with this, I think it's just because you're not used to it.

        The getter/setter methods are a good thing for tired hands sick of writing method declarations over and over for each member of the class, IMHO.

        You can instantiate objects on the fly, in fact, you can even create new classes and MSIL code on the fly using the Compiler classes! Advanced reflection stuff is all there.. working with Assembly meta data all the way down to method meta data.

        I think you just need to find a better C# book.
        • To append your comment on getter/setter methods or "Properties" in C#, it goes beyond just "cleaning up the code". It allows for a cleaner OO design because it clearly seprates properties and methods.
  • Big companies... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Eusebo ( 24544 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @05:26PM (#2586425)
    I work for a rather large international bank and I can say we've been moving away from Microsoft as fast as you can say "dot net". From what I've seen this is true of many of the other firms in the financial sector as well. I suspect a large part of the reasoning is not the superiority of Java, but rather is the "anything but Microsoft" syndrome in effect. I seriously doubt that C# will be considered here as a replacement for Java any time soon.

    I have a feeling that C# will be adopted by Microsoft's technology partners, but why would any firm that has spent time and money moving away from Microsoft products go running back because of a new product offering? Its not the products we're trying to get rid of, its the company.

  • by GCP ( 122438 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @05:29PM (#2586439)
    I've been a fan of Java since it was still in alpha, in early '95. I even wrote a piece of the Swing API. I'm still a Java fan (and developer), but sadly not for GUI apps. MS ("we own the client") and Sun ("we're not going to let this become just a better way to write Windows apps") collaborated to kill Java as a viable way to produce commercial-grade consumer GUI apps.

    We need a modern, productive system for producing new high-performance GUI apps: apps that look and feel as if they'd been written in C++ -- without the crashes and slow dev cycle. I'd give up some of the flexibility of C++ (you can write drivers, create an OS, build a browser, it's a dessert topping AND a floor wax) for something truly optimized for what matters most in creating superb GUI apps quickly and well.

    I've had high hopes for Eiffel and some others to evolve into the successor to C++ for GUI apps, but it never happens. The inertia of programming languages is immense.

    The next to step up to bat is C#. I like the language a lot and think it lends itself to great dev systems. I'm suspicious of the bytecode aspect, though. ("Faster than compiled!", "It actually is compiled!", etc. Yeah, so why isn't Solaris written in Java?) I'm afraid that aspect will still require that "serious" apps be written in C/C++.

    I like even less that it may remain Windows-only. If it does remain Windows only (for all practical purposes), I suspect the blame will belong just as much to MS haters dismissing it primarily out of bigotry as to MS for optimizing it for their own platforms.

    I'd like to see the open source community look at it with the same eyes as if it had come out of some smelly hacker's basement.
  • by GunFodder ( 208805 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @05:31PM (#2586454)
    It sounds like C# has some nice features that Java doesn't, but I have my doubts that Microsoft will make it multiplatform. And that is becoming more important as the range of computing devices widens.

    Servers tend to run Unix or legacy OSes. Embedded devices run Palm OS or a free Unix like Linux or BSD. Phones run all kinds of custom software. The only platform that Windows rules is the desktop, and that market segment just shrunk for the first time in history. How can C# dominate if it only runs on one type of device?
  • my $0.02 (Score:5, Insightful)

    by vscjoe ( 537452 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @05:32PM (#2586458)
    I think from the level of people who make decisions about what programming languages to use on commercial projects (this includes me), the technical distinctions between Java and C# are of little concern: the languages are so similar that they are basically interchangeable. What matters is who supports it, what libraries are available, how mature are the implementations, whether it's a single-vendor or mult-vendor solution, how well it integrates with the platform, and how many programmers are available.

    For pure Windows programmers, C# wins there and will probably be picked up by lots of VB and VisualC++ programmers. But people who live in that world are already not using Java. For everybody else, Java seems to win hands down. I think C# will neither be a complete failure nor will it do much harm to Java.

    • I think from the level of people who make decisions about what programming languages to use on commercial projects (this includes me), the technical distinctions between Java and C# are of little concern:

      This belief is instilled by Microsoft Marketing, Java/C# only resemble each other on the surface, underneath they fundamentally different. This is the reason that this decision should be taken be an experienced technical professional.

      the languages are so similar that they are basically interchangeable.

      Whilst Microsoft are attempting to position C# against Java this is their marketing at work, technologically they are not interchangable. As you latter comment note C# it is in competition with products like C++, Delphi, VB, not Java.

      Java's technological competitors are actually, Perl, PHP and Python. Since they are the only tools with any like Java's platform independence.
  • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) <scott@alfter.us> on Monday November 19, 2001 @05:46PM (#2586558) Homepage Journal
    From the linked article:
    In languages like C and C++, each subarray of a multidimensional array must have the same dimensions.
    I'm fairly sure you could do something like this in C or C++:
    int** foo=(int**)malloc(sizeof(int*)*2);
    int* foo[0]=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*3);
    int* foo[1]=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*9);
    That will set up a jagged array with the same dimensions as in the given C#/Java example. It will be addressable in the same manner. It won't have the bounds checking, but I suspect that the comment regarding Real Programmers and strong typing [google.com] could be extended to bounds checking. :-)
    • That's not a multidimensional array. That's an array of arrays. Two different creatures.
      • That's not a multidimensional array. That's an array of arrays. Two different creatures.
        Strictly speaking, C doesn't do multidimensional arrays...but when you can access an element as (for instance) foo[1][6], what's the practical difference? It behaves in the same manner as the Java example (even to the point of having been dynamically allocated). Trying to access foo[0][6] will either return invalid data or will segfault (odds are good it'll return foo[1][3], but I wouldn't bet on it). The commands to set it up are somewhat nasty, but it wouldn't be C if they weren't. Does Java support accessing an element as foo[1,6]? That would be a true multidimensional array...I've run across those in Pascal and even in BASIC, but C and its descendants (including Java) AFAIK has no direct equivalent.
        • This isn't right. C can do truely multidimensional arrays. If you say char[30][20] x it does one allocation of 600 contiguous bytes. When you use the array like x[10][10] it computes the full offset as in Pascal and BASIC, and then does a single pointer add. Here is an ok page that talks about C multidimensioned arrays [freeserve.co.uk].

          But Java and C# don't actually let you have jagged multidimentional arrays like this. They have like you said in your first post, an array of pointers, which is valid in C. One wonders what the writer of the article thinks argv is (typed char*argv[])
        • Multidimensional arrays in Pascal are childishly easy, even in insanely large numbers of dimensions.

          type xarray=packed array[0..20,0..20] of integer;
          var data:xarray;

          That's a multidimensional array for you, with a data type so you can pass it to a function.

          If you'd wanted, but didn't feel like passing it to functions (i.e. no data type so it couldn't pass correctly) you could write

          var data:packed array[0..20,0..20] of integer;

          and accomplish the same thing. Either is accessible with a somple

          data[x,y] structure, that can be controlled by FOR/WHILE loops, IF statements, and the like. Last year, I was working in truely 3-dimensional arrays in PASCAL to store data for an airline seating chart.

          type xarray=packed array[0..20,0..20,0..20] of integer;
          var data:xarray;


          And even 4+ dimensional arrays "worked" but I'll be damned if I could visualize them in any coherant way.

          type xarray=packed array[0..20,0..20,0..20,0..20] of integer;

          It may have been a fluke that it worked at all, but I did a relatively simple program to fill up each space with random data and writeLn() it out, just to see if it worked. For that big of a data structure, you could probably do much better using records, or seperate linked arrays if Pascal can do such a thing.

          I've never done any programming work in BASIC so I can't speak for it's handlig of multidimensional arrays. I don't recall them being too hard from a program I looked at though, something to the effect of

          DIM variable%type% AS array (x,y) or something.
  • by mnf999 ( 137795 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @06:09PM (#2586670)
    I did not know that (and couldn't read the full description as the site is totally /.ed :(

    I design JBoss, the leading J2EE server and at THE HEART of it is the capicity to dynamically deploy new applications on our application server. I mean that is what application servers are ALL ABOUT.

    in fact (plug) in JBoss we go the extra mile and allow you to hot-deploy (dynamically add classes) the server classes themselves, which neither IBM nor BEA, nor Oracle do.

    So I was curious to know who would win the .net webservices race but it is extremelly clear in my mind, J2EE frameworks will deliver with webservices easier than any C# framework will

    Why? well imagine that ANY time you change your class in C# YOU NEED TO REBOOT THE APPLICATION SERVER, yes, boys and girls that is the simple thing that "dynamic class loading" affords you, without it, the VM is tied to whatever you have at startup.

  • Having used .NET (Score:3, Informative)

    by f00zbll ( 526151 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @06:12PM (#2586682)
    I haven't used C#, but I am using .NET on a project. From my experience so far, the .NET platform has a long way to go. It's good that C# will make things easier for developers, but like all languages with wide adoption, bloat will inevitably occur.

    The first release of .NET will still be 2-3 releases from full fault tolerance and enterprise level computing. There are alot of complicated processes in enterprise computing and Microsoft's .NET platform as it stands today is far from meeting those needs. Microsoft has yet to define really useful modules and standards for complex processes that span multiple systems which include legacy VMS systems and modern solaris 8 applications.

    SOAP is great for simple processes, but it is far from adaquate to handle distributed and transactional processes. Using standards like UDDI is a great step towards easing multi-platform integration. Instead of having different divisions of the same company design different API for publishing resources, it will be easier to have a common way of doing those things. It is not uncommon for financial institutions to store information differently. Take a simple think like address. Some places may store the number in a separate field, while others may replace "jr" with "junior". Anyone who has worked with large mixed environments knows this fact. SOAP is a message centric way of doing things. It is not designed for complex processes. The stuff IBM is building around SOAP is more complete than Microsoft's offering, but then again IBM has been at services longer.

  • My take (Score:5, Interesting)

    by nebby ( 11637 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @06:35PM (#2586805) Homepage
    I've been a Java programmer since JDK 1.0 came out, though I've really done most of my Java coding with server side servlet stuff since the GUI library has, and probably always will, suck the wanker.

    I just recently picked up C# about a month ago. The learning curve from Java was pretty damn low, only with a few different naming conventions and new language constructs. Things such as indexers, delegates, and the like (all of which I feel are positive additons to the language.) The event model, to my surprise, is better than Java.

    Then after learning the language itself I started looking into Windows Forms and nearly spooged my pants. Finally Windows progammers get a clean framework of GUI controls with a powerful modern language behind it (ie, not C++ or VB.)

    Usually if you wanted to make a powerful Windows app you were forced to use C++ since VB didn't really cut it. Now you can use C#. Complex Windows apps are going to be a whole lot easier to write now, nevermind the fact that they'll be able to do remote method calls via SOAP, and be deployed effortlessly (ie, create a Windows Installer in like 3 clicks or something.)

    I have to say, for the stuff I'm writing that I don't need cross-platform compatibility (which I did surprisingly find to work in the case of servlets) .. C# and the .NET framework wins hands down.
  • by mactari ( 220786 ) <rufwork@gmail . c om> on Monday November 19, 2001 @06:36PM (#2586809) Homepage
    I've done a little C# programming and I've done more Java programming. Heck, I've even done some J# (http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/default.asp?U RL=/downloads/sample.asp?url=/msdn-files/027/001/7 54/msdncompositedoc.xml) programming.

    The things that make these two different as a language are pretty trivial. As a Chem. Eng. professor told me when I asked if I needed to bother with FORTRAN when I already knew Pascal, "They're all different dialects of the same langauge".

    The only real difference is that you'll want to use the dialect best suited to your particular programming task. If you want to leverage code written in .NET quickly and easily and build off of a Web Service on another office's server or if you have hoardes of legacy COM code, you'll use C#. If you have a giant UNIX server farm running JSP you'll use... That's right! Java. If you're a madman who likes to make Frankensteins in your spare time, you'll use J#. :^)

    The biggest difference isn't syntaxical. It's the mindset of the companies behind the code. No matter how many times MS wants to claim C# isn't a Java clone, the point is it's a well-done language based on lessons learned by programmers who are familiar with Java. My only fear is that C#, an excellent language in theory by anyone's measure, is going to be wrung through Microsoft's "profit maximization machine" and be made to do things that, in practice, aren't the best.

    The neat part is that people familiar with C#'s concepts will also be able to quickly learn Java! I wouldn't be too surprised to see some VB programmers turned C# developers start to think, "Hey, you know it wouldn't be that hard to run this on [Linux/OS X/etc] by implementing this idea in Java!"
  • Fixed a few things that annoyed me.

    However, this doesn't justify establishing an entirely new, closed language system for developers to have to deal with. I am disgusted that Bill and Scott could get together to resolve their differences. Now they've forced tens of billions of dollars of wasteful duplication on the world.
  • Slashdotted! (Score:3, Informative)

    by hugg ( 22953 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @08:10PM (#2587192)
    For those who feel like they're downloading the page over a 110-baud modem with an acoustic coupler located in the same room as a Disaster Area concert, here are some other [genamics.com] similar [javaworld.com] comparisons [extremetech.com].
  • by javabandit ( 464204 ) on Monday November 19, 2001 @11:26PM (#2587716)
    C# being better designed than Java is no big surprise. Why? Because Sun has done very little to further the actual language itself.

    Java really hasn't changed much since its inception. All we have are a few more libraries, a GUI framework that blows ass, and a server-side framework that we didn't really need to begin with. But we have no real additional language FEATURES.

    Like a lot of people, I've been using Java since the beginning. I look at the C# language and I see everything I want in Java. The great majority of differences between C# and Java are purely syntactical sugar -- compiler candy. AND THAT IS WHAT WE WANT.

    We've been asking for support for generics and parametric types since JDK1.1. And they still aren't in (they were removed from 1.4 at the last minute). We've been asking for A REAL CONST. We've been asking for assertions -- and finally got them.

    But all in all... most SEASONED Java developers aren't happy with the progress. Java has been plainly behind the curve when it comes to evolving new and different features. Instead, Sun poured all of their effort into their bullshit J2EE framework which is a complete shambles, IMHO.

    Its obvious. Microsoft simply went to Usenet... read a bunch of Java posts... and saw that Java was stagnant. They took advantage of it. They created a new language... based upon Java... adding everything that Java developers were complaining about. Voila! C#!

    I wonder if this would have happened if Java were open source. Probably not.

    But one thing for sure... Microsoft is an EXPERT at catching a company while it is asleep at the wheel... ripping of its product... making it better... and seizing an entire market.

    They just might be doing it again...

    • I was going to rebut this purely on the grounds that generics are a crutch for people that simply don't get OO, but after checking out your posting history it's clear that you are clearly a M$ Astroturfer, so I've leave your fate to the moderators.

  • I'd like to congratulate Dare Obasanjo on his extensive comparison between Java and C#. After reading it, and my anti-Microsoft bias aside, I've come to the conclusion that C# is basically a rip off of Java, with a few extra features that might make it an interesting development platform. As always, I feel that Microsoft has implemented a system designed as an integrated part of Windows, to keep the development community (and, therefore, the user community) at Microsoft's mercy.

    I say this for the following reasons (and, again, I'm trying my best to place my anti-Microsoft bias aside):

    • Java came first. C# came into existance only recently, and much of the code examples in the comparison look nearly identical, with differences in keywords or function names or something trivial like that.
    • I think that's just about it. (Please excuse me, I've had a few too many beers tonight.)

    Well, whatever. Forget it. I'll probably just get flamed by a bunch of people, and moderated as a troll or something. Oh well. My karma has been going down for the past few days because some really crappy stories have been posted on the front page, and when I read crappy stories, I write crappy comments. Or something like that. Oh well.

  • by coonsta ( 141485 ) on Tuesday November 20, 2001 @01:46AM (#2588026) Homepage
    I think this is a bit Java biased, in that it uses some very precise wording and fails to mention a lot of relevant features of C# until the appendix-like section D. And it contains some outright mistakes.

    My corrections:

    A.2: Java doesn't have an "unsafe" keyword; C# and Java have a "volatile" keyword that is strangely missing. And don't you think it's strange that he doesn't equate C#'s "extern" with Java's "native"? They're approximately the same.

    A.5: Neglects to mention here that C# has square *and* jagged arrays, it is stuck in section D.

    A.10: The phrase "both languages have an inheritance hierarchy where all exceptions are derived from a single Exception class" is a tautology, because "all exceptions" *are* exceptions because they extend Exception! Whereas if he meant to say "all objects that can be thrown are instances of types derived from a single Exception class" he would be wrong, because in Java these all derive from java.lang.Throwable.

    The sentence two sentences after that one, starting "Finally, both languages..." does not make sense.

    B.8: The last statement in this paragraph is incorrect. Isn't it possibly in Java to simply write ArrayList.class, if java.util.ArrayList has been imported? Likewise in C#, where if System.Collections has not been using'ed it is necessary to write typeof(System.Collections.ArrayList).

    C.1: This really should mention delegates here. It was inner classes v. delegates that heated up the Sun vs. J++ debate. Thus C# doesn't suffer a "lack" of inner classes, rather it suffers an ideological difference with Java, don't you think? And likewise, Java doesn't suffer a "lack" of delegates.

    C.3: The criticism that, for example, it is possible to overload "", and this makes overloading bad, and C# has overloading, hence C# is bad-- is nonsense! In C# it is illegal to overload, for example "", or "==" but not "!=".

    It also says "()" (I assume meaning cast) and "[]" can not be overloaded. This is again very precise and misleading language. They can not be overloaded, because custom conversions and indexers can be used instead!

    It also fails to mention that "&&", etc. will call "&". The blanket statement that "&&", "||", etc. "can not be overloaded" is very misleading.

    C.4: You can "fall through" in C#, with goto. Except unlike Java, in C# it is explicit (and more flexible).

    Fails to mention Java's limited range of "switch" statements, whereas e.g. C# can switch on a ulong.

    C.5: Seems to miss the distinction between *assemblies* and *modules*.

    C.6: Some of these criticisms are unfair, e.g. that Java has thread-safe collections. In C#, a reference to a synchronized wrapper can be kept and the un-thread safe reference be let go out of scope!

    Not mentioning boxing and unboxing here is a failure: one of the chief gripes with Java's collections is that it is necessary to wrap the primitive types in their class equivalents.

    C.7: Java has a labeled goto of sorts-- break and continue. Thus some of the criticisms of the weakness of languages with goto may also be applied to Java.

    C.8: Is this section intended to confuse? The fact that marking a method final in Java means that subclasses cannot contain a method with a similar signature is a *coincidence* arising from the fact that (a) final means methods can not be overridden and (b) Java does not have new/reintroduce semantics and relies instead of the name and parameters. Thus C#'s final achieves exactly the same as Java's in terms of dynamic linking and dispatch-- that a particular method can not be overridden.

    D.3: Should probably mention that .NET has an attribute for marking enumerations as able to be used in bitwise combination, whereas this is always possible (whether correct or not) in a Java pseudo-enumeration with int members. On the other hand, the "workaround" in Java makes this impossible-- you can't "or" objects.

    Well, that's my $0.02. Apart from those glaring problems, the discussion is not bad.
  • Jagged arrays (Score:2, Informative)

    by Tribbles ( 218927 )
    You know, I'm not entirely sure that his assertion that subdimensions of a multidimension array must have the same dimension (topic 5).
    After all, in C, I'd use:

    int* array[2];
    array[0] = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int), 3);
    array[1] = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int), 9);

    True, this doesn't use heap-based stack, but to me, the functionality is the same...
  • 1. It may force Sun to be more proactive on Java features such as parametrised types. Competition is good.

    2. Many VB and C++ developers will move to C#. They will then be in an ideal position to transition to Java with little effort if they have a requirement for cross-platform apps.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
