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Java Programming

Borland Acquires OptimizeIt 15

nwetters writes: "VMGEAR, the producers of the OptimizeIt suite of Java profiling tools, have sold out to Borland. Press release here. "Because performance assurance is becoming an integral step in the development of Java enterprise applications, selling the OptimizeIt products with JBuilder makes great sense for Java developers.""
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Borland Acquires OptimizeIt

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  • Is a much overused term.

    The owners sold the company to a larger company, that's all -- it's neither good nor evil.

    Did CmdrTaco & company "sell out" when they sold Slashdot to Andover? Not really -- they couldn't afford to keep the place running in the way they liked.
    • I didn't notice any mention of good and/or evil in the post... There are several meanings for the phrase 'sell out' [] - why not assume that they mean "1 : to dispose of one's goods by sale; especially : to sell one's business"?
    • selling a company is sometimes the only way to grow it. OptimizeIt is a good product, but I think they lack the marketing push that companies like Borland have. A very simillar thing happened with Numega when they were bought buy Compuware (although they haven't made stellar strides yet!)
  • by delphi125 ( 544730 ) on Tuesday January 22, 2002 @01:44PM (#2883203)
    ... albeit using Delphi :) ... 1. I hope that this is a good addition to JBuilder and makes life easier for developers using it; 2. Would like to see a profiler (officially) back in Delphi. Turbo Profiler seems never to have been made 32 bit; 3. Can recommend the (free and open source) GpProfile by Primoz Gabrijelcic, even if it is instrumenting (i.e. modifies the source code).
  • by jbuilder ( 81344 ) <> on Tuesday January 22, 2002 @06:50PM (#2885157)
    I use JBuilder every day. JBuilder 6 is excellent. The integrated test harness (thanks to JUnit), UML, and refactoring tools make all tiers of development MUCH more productive. And EJB development is a breeze in JBuilder. Remote debug facilities have always been top-notch as well.

    But where is Borland to go now? As I see it, two areas they need to focus on (just my opinion):

    - Improve/Revamp the visual designers (they haven't overhauled this in at least two major releases.

    - Provide profiling and memory monitoring tools as part of the IDE.

    Now thanks to their investment in OptimizeIT we'll see that (hopefully) with the next release.

    Good investment on Borland's part and good move on the part of the OptimizeIT staff and crew. Sold out? More like 'everyone wins'.
    • > But where is Borland to go now? As I see it, two
      > areas they need to focus on (just my opinion):

      How about dropping the price down from $3,000 for the version of the product with the features that you mention?

      I mean, *really*. It's a great product, but not that great. I haven't seen a markup like that since I bought software for the AS400.
      • Well, first, you are talking about the Enterprise version of the product. That product comes with a total of about 5k USD worth of software including Borland Enterprise Server, Interbase, JDataStore, etc. Sounds like a pretty good deal, from my perspective.

        If you want a less expensive product, check out the professional version. If you want to go *real* cheap you can always download the personal version for free...

        Also, if you don't feel the product is worth 3 grand, then just don't buy it! Vote with your wallet.

        FWIW, yea I'd like to see it be cheaper also, but that aside it *is* a very good product. Certainly better than most of the AS/400 titles out there.. ;-P
  • Best not be usin' that to make an optimizin' tool or no Object Pascal compiler, ya' heah me? An' I'll be comin' to ya' tool shed to audit yer license compliance.

    That is all.

  • Hopefully, this means that future versions of OptimizeIt will be released on top of Eclipse []. After all, Borland is an Eclipse board member [].

    I'm a big fan of OptimizeIt's functionality, but I'd like to see it lose that ugly Swing interface in favor of SWT.

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The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
