Fair Software Installation 499
Fair Software Installation
These days, we all download and install software from the Internet. And that software is rarely written entirely by one entity; rather, components are combined to create the programs we want. There is an increasing and disturbing trend to ship components that perform-system level tasks and have system-level effects. These effects are magnified because many of these components are installed without adequate notification to the user (either by omission, or deliberately).The NEW.NET domain resolution component is a good example. This component is installed by a number of freely downloadable Windows programs on the Internet. Some of those programs notify the user that they are going to install the NEW.NET software; others do not.
Installation of NEW.NET alters the basic functionality of your system: It causes your system to behave in a manner that is inconsistent with international standards. That this is done in a stealthy manner is unacceptable. The fact that NEW.NET is unstable besides is another issue that we will deal with separately.
If I am installing a program that calculates speaker enclosure volumes, I shouldn't have to worry about it redefining my network stack and destabilizing my computer.
What does a reasonable software program or component do? It should perform its defined, published task. It should not consume excessive resources. It should have a defined starting point and defined ending point. If it is defined to be a service, it should publish that fact and indicate the starting mechanism it uses.
Let me draw upon the realm of commercial software for an example of a program that is an offender. Creative's PlayCenter 2 application is used to move music to and from Creative Nomad MP3 players. It can also play media. When you run the PlayCenter application, you get the functionality you expect. When you start examining your system files afterwards, though, the picture changes.
PlayCenter installs a service, a disk detection system, and a news collection daemon. It does not attempt to inform the user that these daemon-level processes are being put in place. It does not offer the option to make them manually-startable. Worse, the news collection daemon would actually chew up all your CPU idle time.
I think creators of software have some basic obligations:
- Inform users when drivers, services, or daemons are being installed.
- Allow users to omit any of the above that are not strictly necessary for program operation.
- Ensure that during uninstallation, system-level components are accurately removed, "leaving no trace."
- System-level and daemon components must be subject to a higher level of quality control. It is possible that some level of legal liability should be present for the corruption of the system.
- Transmit no information from a component to any party unless specification notification to the user has taken place, and is renewed on a periodic basis.
- Collect no information on a user without prior agreement, and a renewal of that agreement on a periodic basis.
The little war I mentioned earlier is going to get nastier soon. Uninvited components like Cydoor and NEW.NET are sure to take steps to defeat Ad-Aware and programs like it. If I wrote a stealth component today, I would have it seek out an Ad-Aware signature file and modify it to ignore me, or add my directory to the ignore lists. Ad-Aware could respond by digitally signing the files, or with other techniques. This cycle will escalate, with each side taking new steps to ensure its dominance. Users will pay the price in decreasing system stability.
I am hard-pressed to see the difference between NEW.NET and the Sub7 trojan horse. Both subvert a computer for the purposes of others; both do it in stealth. The good folks at NEW.NET will surely disagree; they'll say that those applications that install their software inform the user, and as such, it really isn't their responsibility.
I say it is. NEW.NET makes active use of the component on your computer; I think that they cannot duck their responsibility for its behavior. They are a not passive participants; they are not a library component being used by others.
I've been beating up on NEW.NET quite a bit in this article. I suppose it's because the deinstallation of their component trashed the IP stack on my Windows 2000 system and it took me a half day to put it back together again. What the hell were they thinking when they stuffed a buggy service deep into my IP stack without telling me? I think they should have to compensate me in some way. A $250 Small claims court action here in Virginia might be a way to do it.
The bottom line is, where does it end? Software installation programs should install components that the user expects. Full disclosure should be the order of the day. There will always be violators, though. There are a couple of remedies which could help:
- A legal framework for "allowable" system modifications during installation can be created. By adhering to the requirements of disclosure and stability, manufacturers can avoid liability. The thread of liability may be required (although capped) to enforce conformance and responsibility.
- A technical framework in the operating system can establish and protect secure boundaries around the system's core. Certain operating systems already do this (Unix), but the most widespread consumer OS does not.
- A "signed installation" program, run by known entities, asserting that a given program and its installation don't violate the rules.
Just think -- what if NEW.NET decided to start redirecting www.bestbuy.com to www.circuitcity.com? Is there a law somewhere or a technical remedy for this situation? I think there should be.
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What do you mean "your computer". (Score:5, Funny)
In most cases they're gracious enough to let you keep doing things with it, but make no mistake about it.
It comes down to a question of how much you trust the person/company who wrote the software.
Re:What do you mean "your computer". (Score:3, Insightful)
There are two paths we can take here:
A. Pick one company to put all of your trust in, and never install software from anyone else. This ideal company either develops the software almost in house or reads the source code that others have developed. Never install software created by anyone else unless you've read all of it's source code and compiled it yourself.
This means only companies large enough to do this can sell software, assuming a reasonably secure
B. Add the social and technical tools that this article and others suggest. Why the heck shouldn't it be illegal to INTENTIONALLY misrepresent what a piece of software is doing? Forget negligence--at least let's make false advertising illegal, huh? Why the heck should my operating system allow a video game to read my credit card number and modify my system?
Personally, I'd really like the ability to say "only let this program do X and Y and nothing else", where X might be (temporary) control of output devices and Y might be adding files to a particular directory. Yeah, I guess I could create a new user in Linux with just the permissions I want to give it for every program on my computer, then run the program with the appropriate user. But that would be a lot of work, even for me, and it wouldn't save every who uses computers whom I care about who happens to have better things to do in their life.
That's actually an interesting idea (Score:3, Interesting)
Yeah, I guess I could create a new user in Linux with just the permissions I want to give it for every program on my computer, then run the program with the appropriate user.
Or, you could write an installer application that you run to manage all other installations. Have this app create a new user for each program as it's installed, with these users members of the "installer" group. That way nothing you install later could overwrite anything else you installed.
If there's an insoluble technical reason why this wouldn't work, I'm sure someone will tell me. Problems I see:
I'm sure there are other problems, but at first glance I like the idea.
Re:That's actually an interesting idea (Score:2, Insightful)
That's what you get... (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh wait, does compiling and reading code actually take work?
Re:What do you mean "your computer". (Score:2, Funny)
I see you own a gun, do NOT shoot yourself in the foot. =) hehe
Good idea (Score:4, Insightful)
The most direct benefit of this initiative is well-written code. Well-written code that undergoes peer review from impartial others is the best thing we can do to further this industry.
Re:Good idea (Score:3, Informative)
None of the weird domains run on my boxes, so I suppose that's a good thing right now... *g*
What does open source have to do with it? (Score:2)
This is one area where open source software can really pull ahead of Microsoft. Provide excellent documentation of the software and the coding as well. That's all folks.
How would this make open source less susceptible to hosting a stealth component, or how would this prevent stealth components from piggy backing during an installation?
It seems that you think this is a security issue that can be solved like MS Outlook holes which allow scripts to propigate email. Unfortunately, all operating systems are susceptible to stealth code sneaking along with trusted software. There's really nothing you can do about it other than legal recourse.
Re:What does open source have to do with it? (Score:2)
1) Download source code instead of binaries.
2) Review source code for "stealth code"
3) Compile.
Lather, rinse, repeat. This is naively simplistic, of course; searching large-ish apps for undesirable code is hard to impossible. But on platforms where OSS is the norm, chances are that someone will try anyway (especially when spyware starts leaving footprints on their firewall). It's our culture.
And for some reason, I'm reminded of a line from the second Harry Potter book: "Never trust something that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain!"
I'm sorry... Let me rephrase (Score:2)
How would this make an open source operating system less susceptible to hosting a stealth component, or how would this prevent stealth components from piggy backing during an installation?
I can understand why an open source product may be less susceptible. Heck, Why would anyone even try to add a stealth component to an open source app? Why are you even answering the loosly phrased original question when the answer is obvious?
Re:Good idea (Score:2)
When have Microsoft ever actually included spyware in products ? (and dont talk to me about Media Player - its been in the user agreement for a long time)
This issue has nothing to do with well written or badly written code IMHO - it has to do with companies willingness to take money from anyone who comes along, NEW.NET is spyware just like Gator or Bonzi Buddy.
Holding up open source with its lack of focus, consistency and in some cases stability as a standard is not relevant to this discussion - try getting a lot of common open source software to run with minimal knowledge on a linux system - try getting an out of the box Mandrake to play DIV-X movies as a new linux user. You can't unless you know to downgrade glibc and fix the other numerous dependency issues.
The fact is Microsoft have questionable business practicies and a rapacious attitude to business ethics but the thing is the average user just doesnt care - the stuff works. They dont give a crap if its bloated or needs activation because they can walk into a store, buy a cd, install it and it just works.
The open source model makes so much sense but its no panacea to the ills of the world. The fact that spyware isnt found in open source has nothing to do with the philosophy of the product but more to do with the fact that most of the software is developed privately or not for profit. Its no gurantee of quality or well written code.
As open source grows more mature (if it survives) this problem will grow as well, just like viruses will.
Stop putting everything back on MS and accept that the world is full on unscrupulous people out to make a quick buck, they exist in all areas.
PS if you want to look at it this way im not slamming open source or trolling for microsoft in any way. Im writing this on my Lycoris box (redmond linux) and i use and like linux despite so issues with it at times, i just cant stand the attitiude that everything bad is MS and everything good is open source.
Creative Playcenter? (Score:4, Informative)
And what is this new.net thing?
Re:Creative Playcenter? (Score:3, Insightful)
His point, I think, is that we need full disclosure about what the software install on your computer that is above and beyond the corse software function.
Sure most people will never read that crap, but it should be available for those of us who want to know what all that extra shit it they've installed on the computer just so you could, for instance, dump songs from your harddrive to you MP3 player.
Re:Creative Playcenter? (Score:5, Informative)
new.net is a company that tried to get a shit load more top level domains added, but couldn't. So, they went and made their own database for them all. (ie: .golf, .xxx, .love, .mp3, etc). The software installed by new.net mentioned in the article is basically a redirect when trying to go to those domains.
Say, for example, I had a site called www.stuff.mp3. Under nearly every ISP out there, this obviously would not work. The new.net software modifies the system to be able to recognize it. Outside of this software, the only way to get to this address would be to go to www.stuff.mp3.new.net.
I think that made sense :)
Re:Creative Playcenter? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Creative Playcenter? (Score:3)
Re:Creative Playcenter? (Score:2)
It's an alternate DNS that works by installing a DLL that hijacks all name-resolution requests. If some software needs to know the address of foobar.com, the DLL checks first to see what address info new.net has on hand. If new.net can resolve foobar.com, it returns the address. If it can't, it passes the request on to whatever was previously configured for DNS. Removing it is a pain in the ass; the procedure involves fairly involved registry editing (let's just say it's more involved than getting your Windows box to talk to your Samba server).
Theoretically, there's no reason why they couldn't make it so that what looks like a link to Best Buy [circuitcity.com] takes you to Circuit City's website instead. I had to tweak the Best Buy URL so that it became a username fed to Circuit City's server (which presumably ignored it). With new.net, you could do the same by linking your IP address to your competitor's domain name. A 404 handler on your webserver that knows the general layout of your competitor's website would redirect people to the appropriate page on your site, so that just trying to go to one site's homepage [bestbuy.com] takes you to something completely different [circuitcity.com], no matter what you do.
(Dammit...looks like /. filters out anything between "http://" and "@". The first link is supposed to be http://www.bestbuy.com%2fHomeAudioVideo%2fDVDPlaye rs%2findex.asp%3fm=1%26cat=32@www.circuitcity.com/ ewebIMa/frame1.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0243569614.101 6223317@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccedadcejfdehhhcfngcfkmdff hdffg.0&upper=head.jsp&lower=frame2.jsp&left=leftc hildcat.jsp&department=TV+Video+and+Camcorders&cat egory=DVD&right=productsearch.jsp. Must've been too many idiots tacking on goatse.cx to the end of CNET URLs or something.)
Legal Framework? (Score:5, Insightful)
While all of those objectives are admirable, at the mention of involving governmental organizations in the enforcement of such standards I begin to get nervous. We live in a litigous society in the US as it is. Do we really want to enable a new class of lawsuits based upon violation of software installation standards.
Sure, publish some guidelines and get corporations to sign up agreeing to adhere. I'm just not sure I need or want legal protection to enforce it.
I certainly don't want to have my installation routines prescreened by the legal department before I can ship my code. Sheesh.
Re:Legal Framework? (Score:2, Insightful)
The O/S should be the O/S should be the O/S. No third party application should be able to change the functionality or performance of the O/S.
The Application should be the application should be the application. No OTHER application should be able to change the functioning of the original application.
If the browser is an application that is part of the O/S that can be modified by a differnt application, then you never know what to expect.
If I want to run App A, later install App B. App B shouldn't be able to change App A unless that is what is advertised to do.
App B shouldn't be allowed to mess up App A or the O/S. If it does, that behavior should be detected and stopped.
That way if App B fails to work, it can be removed and the O/S and App A can go on their merry way.
Re:Legal Framework? (Score:2)
Well, there's goes third party extensions to the OS, such as skinning (can change the functionality), media players (can change the performance), virus scanner (can change both), etc.
The Application should be
And there goes third party extensions to programs, such as plugins for Photoshop, plugins for Dreamweaver, plugins for Logic Audio, etc.
You've negated yourself, there.
Re:Legal Framework? (Score:2)
Without somesort of consumer guigelines that can be enforced, companies won't bother doing it.
Anyone want to start a software company? (Score:4, Insightful)
Since anti-virus software doesn't seem to scan for these, perhaps someone should create a product which operates similar to antivirus software but instead scans for a dictionary of scumware?
Re:Anyone want to start a software company? (Score:2)
Ad-Aware [lavasoftusa.com] is what you're describing. This software rocks, by the way. Highly recommended.
Re:Anyone want to start a software company? (Score:2)
Yeah, Brother! (Score:3, Informative)
This led me on a chase through my computer. Through a combination of Ad-Aware, Startup Cop, and Process Explorer I managed to get rid of a bunch of leftover or not wanted CRAP that was hogging up my system!
Quicken, for example, had two programs that started up every time my system started. There was a Lexmark printer application running, even though I no longer have the printer and had uninstalled the driver!
And don't even get me started on Real One...
What a pain in the ass...
Re:Yeah, Brother! (Score:3, Informative)
On an old 98SE box, I installed Real 5.0.
When it wanted to be upgraded to G2 (because a file I wanted to play needed the new codec, and I didn't want to upgrade the spam-free 5.0 player), I imaged the drive, ran the "over-the-net" upgrade ("Play the video, then let us download and run an executable, just trust us!") on the imaged drive, swapped drives back and compared the results.
I then copied the modified DLLs from the "upgraded" drive into the proper directory on the "old" drive, and voila, RealPlayer 5.0 playing G2 streams.
Did it all over again for Realplayer 7.* and 8.*.
Man, I love my South Park ;-)
The practical upshot of all this was that many of the "new" RealVideo streams don't need the new player - they just need the right DLLs copied into the right directories and the old player will work fine.
And WTF is NEW.NET? (Score:2, Insightful)
A URL or something?
Google just points you to http://new.net/, which doesn't look like anything.....
Re:And WTF is NEW.NET? (Score:3, Informative)
There are even instructions for Linux (Score:2)
Did you read the site? (Score:2)
Property Questions (Score:5, Interesting)
This post raises some interesting thoughts: are my computer's CPU cycles and my system's stability my "property"? Do companies have a right to infringe on those things? Do I have a right to sue if other companies infringe on those things without my explicit permission?
Don't mod me up; I just want to see the discussion that ensues.
Re:Property Questions (Score:2)
Companies using your property for reasons that you didn't authorize, through subterfuge, are clearly in violation of your property rights. And "By clicking here, you agree to yadda yadda" is BS, particularly concerning software components you aren't told about.
Re:Slightly offtopic (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Property Questions (Score:2)
Maybe we need to broaden the definition of "someone". Obviously a stolen password is intended to be used to fool your system. As we move toward semi-autonomous software, we going to have to expand our concepts of identity, fraud, lying, etc.
There is a "signed installation" system out there (Score:4, Informative)
Re:There is a "signed installation" system out the (Score:2)
Re:There is a "signed installation" system out the (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:There is a "signed installation" system out the (Score:2)
It's really amazing to see how much cluelessness is going on in this thread. Spyware programs are becoming pervasive on the Windows platform (and they could be written for Linux too if the spyers felt the marketshare was large enough to care about). And it's not just free software doing it. Pseudo-free software like Eudora is a huge culprit of spyware. And there are an increasingly large number of commercial software packages that install spyware to one extent or another (and while Creative may allow you to not install it, other software doesn't). MOST of the spyware doesn't bother asking you if you want to install it, and doesn't make any evidence of itself being installed. Probably because nobody in their right mind would want it installed.
And, sadly, it's a case of "it's not illegal, so it must be legal" reasoning that's going on here. You might be able to make a case for theft of computer services and/or trespassing, but it'd be a stretch.
Re:There is a "signed installation" system out the (Score:4, Informative)
This is similar (but not exactly like) to WHQL certification for hardware.
interesting article (Score:3, Interesting)
If Spyware would only follow these rules... (Score:5, Interesting)
It doesn't run because I did the same thing to that directory, but it still installed when I took fairly advanced measures to prevent it. The fact that programmers are writing applications that users have no control over is a step in the wrong direction. I don't want the "3D Advertising Projector" on my system, yet it installed anyway. That to me sounds like something Norton should be protecting from...
I do write simple programs for personal use for myself. I have given a few to friends, but I never install a "Jeremy in 3D" viewer or anything like that. Note to programmers: If it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to the operation of the program, go ahead and force installation, but tell the user what it is and why you need it. If it is not essential, simply put a check box to not install it. Or at least instructions on how to safely remove it.
I understand that Kazaa is trying to make some money by forcing ads, but when people won't even install their software because of the ads, they are shooting themselves in the foot. If they used simple HTML banners, I probably wouldn't go to the trouble to block them.
Another thing that annoys me greatly is the Real Player (whatever they are calling this version) notification program. It pops up ads and new version notifications near the systray. There is not an option ANYWHERE I can find to disable that function. They used to have the real icon in the tray that you could close. And they had an option to keep it from loading. How much of my system resources is it taking to check in the background for new updates/ads? There are a few things I need real for (unfortunately) or I would uninstall it and be done with it. If I try to play a stream that won't play with the version I have, I will upgrade on my own. I don't need a resource hog app telling me when to upgrade.
RealPlayer (Score:3, Informative)
Your PC will also run faster.
Open up the preferences. I think it is a button on the "General" tab labeled startcenter. That opens up another dialog that allows you to disable it (top checkbox - uncheck it). It will pop up a message with a dire warning - just click Yes I really Want To Do This. That should be it.
All the startcenter is good for is preloading Real (so it starts up 3 seconds faster - big whoop) and poping up annoying messages.
Re:If Spyware would only follow these rules... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:If Spyware would only follow these rules... (Score:2)
Two more examples (Score:2, Informative)
Weather Bug: This is another one. It just starts running and does not give an option to turn it off. I had to hack the registry to get rid of it.
Oh well... I am slowly converting to completly Linux...
What New.Net is: (Score:5, Informative)
So if you want to buy sweat.shop, you can go to new.net and do just that.
The software in question is a "plugin" that "fixes" windows to use their dns servers when requesting a domain that ends in ".shop" or whatever.
For more info, don't be so lazy and click on the "About Us" button at the bottom of the new.net homepage
http://www.new.net/about_us_mission.tp [new.net]
I submitted a story about this on slashdot long ago and, surprise! it was rejected. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who thought this site and company is worth discussing.
-- Punch the Monkey!
Re:What New.Net is: (Score:3, Interesting)
Imagine if every WindowsXP that was sold had browsers that resolved Microsoft Name Service ( MSNS or simply ".NET") addresses? Imagine if Microsoft had thought about this in 1997 and every Microsoft browser (forget any other internet app - since that's obviously what New.net is doing) since then checked Microsoft.com's MSNS service for it's own custom domain names BEFORE your local DNS?
If they marketed it enough, my Mom wouldn't know the difference between
It's an interesting thought... they could've controlled A LOT more of the internet than they do already. Maybe Microsoft isn't as smart and vicious as we all think...
But you know, all the ICANN haters always point out that the DNS system we use today is strictly voluntary and they have a point.
Screw it (Score:2, Insightful)
daemons? (Score:3, Funny)
On windows, they are "services". They give you exciting service. Way better than those unix daemons. They only talk to you in your head and tell you to burn things. Or at least, that's what they do to me. Maybe I'll post an "Ask Slashdot" to get further insight. Oh, maybe not, the voice in my head says that it will get rejected.
Re:daemons? (Score:3, Funny)
They service you. Repeatedly and often, painfully.
Windows Users (Score:2, Informative)
Three words: Package Management System (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Three words: Package Management System (Score:2)
Of course, as with anything, it couldn't protect against bypassing the mechanism (well, maybe with extensive kernel modifications, but probably not worth it), but for people currently relying on package management to keep their system consistent, this sort of infrastructure may be a good next step in the face of bad behaving packages.
i concur (Score:2)
If this begins (too late?) than I fully expect our friends @ NAI or Symantec to add this trash to their virus software. Anything that tries to protect itself from being removed is a virus. %insert_your_own_windows_joke_here%.
Ive been very happy with Ad-Aware, and as the author suggests, the first run on my own machine was a real eye-opener. I have some frineds in a local PC clone shop, and they run AdAware on almost all their repair/re-stage jobs -- they have been amazed at the numbers of Malware apps they have found running on people's PCs.
Disclosure, choice and the future (rant) (Score:5, Insightful)
But this won't work, of course. Our favorite example is Microsoft, who blithely says, "It's all required; it's all part of the OS; either take the package or don't." Making choices confuses people, see, and we want to avoid that.
Without being elitist at all, some of what they say is true. One reason Microsoft has succeeded is that they remove those scary choices from the users. It's the software equivalent of "bread and circuses" - don't bother people with the details, wow them with flash, and they'll mostly ignore what goes on in the background.
This succeeds because it's what people want. My 72-year-old mother doesn't know about patches and updates and service packs, and for fuck's sake she shouldn't have to. For good or ill, most people view computers as slightly cantankerous, very expensive toasters. They have no idea that they have, sitting on their desks, a little machine that can do very nearly anything. They want to do a couple things, and they want those things to be easy.
I can see a couple ways for this to go:
The hard fight will be to retain control of real computers while consumer boxes get dumbed-down. What will make this possible (IMHO):
The best hope, I think, is operating system diversity, which at this point means forced licensing of the Windows source code. If you can use Microsoft Windows that basically bends over for any cute-looking virus or trojan, or (e.g.) IBM Windows that flat-out refuses to install anything that isn't digitally-signed and verified (assume, for the minute, non-DRM verified), what would you pick? What would your mom pick? What would you want your mom to pick?
Re:Disclosure, choice and the future (rant) (Score:2)
You're forgetting one big point here. Even if the end-user doesn't make the decisions, someone has to. How can we be sure that the decisions are made in the best interests of the consumer?
The answer, of course, is that they won't be. That special-purpose machine will still have to be maintained, but this time it will be maintained my Microsoft (or A0L), remotely, who could care less about your mom's access to recipies on a smart-pad in the kitchen, if they can't bill her each and every one. Or make her access to recipies "bundled" with all sorts of stuff she doesn't need.
If you can use Microsoft Windows that basically bends over for any cute-looking virus or trojan, or (e.g.) IBM Windows that flat-out refuses to install anything that isn't digitally-signed and verified (assume, for the minute, non-DRM verified), what would you pick? What would your mom pick? What would you want your mom to pick?
OK, so maybe your Mom can't make decisions about her computer for herself. But can she really trust MS, or AOL, or IBM?
Re:Disclosure, choice and the future (rant) (Score:2)
But you want to build a special purpose word processing machine. So, do you go spend $$$ on Windows CE and the Word component of MS Office, or do you download Linux, KDE or Gnome, and Star Office? Either way, you put lots of work into figuring out how to configure the software to work on your particular hardware. But with Linux, once it works, you can clone that setup indefinitely, for free. With Windows, you pay by the copy, after paying initially to get the development system. With Linux, you'll have to work harder to make it luser-friendly and hide all the system complexity. With Windows, MS has hidden much of the system complexity even from experts -- if it happens to all work right, that's great, but if it doesn't work, you'll have a hard time getting the info to fix it. And you cannot modify the code, or look at it to figure out why things are going wrong -- not that you want to do this in Linux either, but if things really go wrong it might salvage the project.
And finally, with Windows, there is always the risk that Bill Gates will decide he wants to buy Brazil or something, so next year your license costs jump from $50 to $200. It might make it pretty hard to compete with those $300 Linux boxes, but if you've built your whole business around Windows CE, you might not have a choice. Maybe you'd better co-develop an OSS implementation, just in case.
OTOH, when you market the system, you can piggyback onto lots and lots of MS advertising claiming that Windows is the biggest innovation since the wheel. Unless you try to sell it somewhere that lying advertisements are prosecuted as fraud, or to people that are clueful.
Windows will be a big player in this market, but it cannot dominate it. The basic problem is that MS's tactic of changing data file formats to force upgrades is beginning to wear thin even in conventional PC's; if they start telling people that they have to throw out perfectly good hardware because it doesn't support Word 2005, many will shift to something else instead. And if they stick to existing standards, they are going to wind up competing with _free_ without any really superior features. MS marketing is actually good enough to win this -- part of the time.
Re:Disclosure, choice and the future (rant) (Score:2)
This is part of what I meant by "software quality." So far MS is lousy at it, and OSS is better. Some companies pick this up and use embedded Linux, but we should mostly count that as a miracle - OSS has to be so much better than MS even to make a dent because MS has such a huge warchest to throw at marketing.
I don't know how to solve this. Some big companies (e.g. IBM) are betting parts of their business on OSS, and their marketing may be enough to combat Microsoft's.
Microsoft is fast, fast, fast, though. Many companies have discovered this to their detriment. Microsoft, once it decides on something, can go after it with more ferocity and better organization than nearly any other entity on the planet. Most of this is thanks to their immense bank account from monopoly profits.
One thing at which they're lousy is grass-roots, and this is where OSS shines. Bottom line: power to the people, baby!
Some choice quotes (Score:4, Insightful)
"New.net will seek to work with ICANN to ensure stability in the Internet, and we will attempt to work in the best interests of all parties to not interfere with anything that ICANN plans to do." (Clearly, the author of this article would argue with the use of the word "stability".)
"New.net is building a more open registry business that also will enable other parties to introduce new domain name extensions to the millions of users that have access to New.net domain names. New.net will determine which extensions to release in the future, applying the standards set forth below." (You call that open?)
"We are building a DNS infrastructure that is at least as reliable as the root servers that serve
Shoe's on the Wrong Foot (Score:2, Insightful)
Installing or modifying "system-level" components such as drivers, services, and daemons shouldn't be possible for anyone without administrative privileges. If the operating system fails to distinguish between normal users and administrators, then it's the OS that needs to be fixed, rather than the practices of innumerable software suppliers.
And if the user chooses to run always with administrative privileges, well, he deserves what he gets.
Mac OS X Software installs... (Score:5, Informative)
For instance, I installed MS Office on my laptop a while ago (still waiting on Sun & Apple to resolve their differences & build StarOffice for the Mac). The entire procedure was:
1. Insert Office CD
2. Drag-And-Drop a folder onto my hard drive
3. Start using it.
Installing applications from the Internet is even easier. I'm a happy registered user of OmniGraffle [omnigroup.com], a diagramming and graphical tool that makes other programs like it feel worthless. The installation process for that is:
1. Download the file, which unpacks as a disk image & it automatically mounted.
2. Drag & Drop the application.
3. Start using it.
Another nifty feature is that, to the high-level graphical interface, an application appears as a Bundle [apple.com], and therefore it looks like a single executable file. To the regular user, this is a far more intuitive presentation of what an "Application" is. However, if you whip up a terminal & go poking around a bundle, you'll see that it's really a collection of every file the application needs to work.
Mark my words, the Winblows platform will be emulating this behavior within their usual UI 5 year lag.
Re:Mac OS X Software installs... (Score:2)
1. Insert the CD. An install window opens automatically.
2. Click Yes.
Most of the time it works. What MS hates to discuss it that when it doesn't work, you are likely to be really f*d up. And it leaves too many openings for malicious or just badly written software to install things you didn't want. I assume the Mac has similar vulnerabilities, but since Apple maintains much tighter control over software for the Mac, the chances of an installation going bad is lower.
Re:Mac OS X Software installs... (Score:2, Insightful)
But I believe his point is that you have control over what's installed on the Mac. If you don't want it installed, don't copy it.
A Windows install is a scripted behind-the-scenes shindig. Who knows what's being added to your registry...where & what files are being installed, etc.
Earthlink and my neighbor's PC (Score:5, Interesting)
When I went over, they made a side mention about all the stupid popup ads they were getting on Adelphia, how they hadn't gotten them on Earthlink, and Earthlink had promoted, 'No ads with us.' I responded that we didn't get any more than normal popups, on either Linux or Windows.
So we installed Zone Alarm, and started up the cable link, again. First thing we see is a program out of an Earthlink directory attempting to contact the nameserver. Press the 'No', and the popups were gone. Apparently some piece of Earthlink software got in a tiff because the nameserver belonged to another ISP, and decided we needed to be punished.
How, I ask you, (Score:2, Funny)
And that's why I gladly install as much spyware as I can. That way I know that my opinions on everything, from linux to pornography all the way to pornography and linux, are recorded by internet tracking software.
Thank you, spyware, thank you. And thank you too, Britney.
Preaching to the Choir? (Score:4, Insightful)
The programs that I've seen install that New.NET and SaveNow crap have always had them as customizable installation options. You just had to click a button and read the contents of one more screen during the install.
The software that crap comes with is free anyways. So what's the problem? Are you going to write your own software or take a trip to the store to pay for software (assuming it's retail) just so you can save yourself 10 seconds off your install time?
Why don't you go talk to Fritz Hollings and maybe he can work that fine idea into some worthwhile legislation for you. Or better yet go talk to gates about only installing software that the author has spent thousand of dollars having verified by windows quality labs.
Famous words (Score:2)
Now, not only does GPL'd software contain this clause, but practically any software. You accept a great deal of risk when you install software.
Did you participate in a eula from new.net? (Score:2)
Seriously. Check with a lawyer.
You, the consumer, have exactly what you want (Score:4, Insightful)
Windows users will not only tolerate, but pay for all of that. And they'll pay for it, as Microsoft well knows, because it's applications that sell Windows. So they'll ensure that application developers can fully commandeer your machine if they want to, because that's what application developers say they need to make the users happy.
Who would ever have imagined that such privileges can be misused and abused?
Now stop whining to the government to protect you from yourself and start making some forward-thinking decisions about the software you use and support.
Most people wouldn't understand anyway. (Score:2, Insightful)
"About to install a daemon in your system... Do you really want to do this? DO YOU!!"
hehe Ok maybe it wouldn't go like that but most people won't be sure how to respond. All they want is for the program to do the job that they paid their money for it to do.
Not telling people about installing spyware should be a crime. The fact that information is being passed out of my PC without my approval is theft. It doesn't matter if it's my credit card number or a list of sites that I visit. It should not be up to corporations to decide what is to be considered private information on my PC. I can handle that job, thank you very much.
The problem (Score:2, Troll)
The invisible hand job at work again. Wheeee!
Alarm program for installers? (Score:2, Interesting)
Sort of a 'ZoneAlarm' for setup.exe files, which monitors nasty registry changes, DLL overwrites, etc.
It's not impossible for a Win32 'debugger' to control and watch an install program. I know there are trace programs, and Bounds Checker, but none seem designed for the person who just wants a button to kill and undo an installation that touches, for example, the winsock DLL.
Installation Specialist (Score:3, Informative)
On Linux/Unix platforms, it's even worse. The installer is almost always a horrid shell script that has been hacked on by a dozen different people over several years. No one really knows what that script is actually doing. The script works great, so long as you are running RH 7.1, because that's the distro the programmer uses.
As for standards, they do exist on Windoze platforms and people familiar with writing installers deal with them. In the Linux/Unix world, it's a free for all. There are some general standards, but all too often they are ignored.
When it comes to "stealth" installing, I wouldn't do it. If the component isn't necessary to run, then it is an option with a checkbox. If it's pretty good idea to install it, it will be checked by default. If it's just eye candy, it will be unchecked. If the primary software won't run without it, it will not be an optional component.
In summary, hire the right person for the right job. Stick to standards where they exist, fight for reasonable standards where they don't. Never forceably install unecessary components. Most important, don't ever change basic system functionality.
Cybercrime? (Score:2)
I installed RealPlayer recently... (Score:3, Interesting)
My Windows 98 box, which was none too stable to begin with, is having serious problems with blue screen crashes and registry errors. RealPlayer auto-loads things on startup, most notably a scheduler that goes out and checks for updates once a week with no way to turn it off. It's taken over dozens of file types, even ones that it apparently doesn't handle. And -- most annoying of all -- it has no Uninstall option, which I would expect of any professional software. I think I've pulled all the auto-loading parts of this demonic software out of my startup scripts, but to really be rid of this evil thing I'm looking at a full reformatting of my hard drive.
No software package should ever put a system in that kind of state.
Required Tools of the Trade (Score:3, Informative)
If you are going to use Windows software from untrusted (i.e. most everyone, especially M$) sources you must take steps to protect yourself. First, trust your gut. Does the developer "smell funny"? Is the software from a startup company with no visible means of revenue? I tend to trust programs created by individuals or small teams that demonstrate some passion for what they do (EAC [exactaudiocopy.de], or LAME [mp3dev.org] for example)
Then, get Technological on their ass. Start with a personal firewall that monitors all outgoing traffic. Zone Alarm [zonelabs.com] is the one I trust - gut feelings, and I've read some negative things about Black ICE [networkice.com]. Amaze and astound your friends as you block requests from RealPlayer, Windows Update, and other "legitimate" programs that like to access the net without asking permission.
Then get Ad Aware [lavasoftusa.com] and get that sinking feeling as you see the total number of unauthorized programs, components, and services on your system.
Finally, install Proxomitron [thewebfairy.com] to make make your browser behave a bit more politely by re-writing the html it sees before it sees it (and find yet another reason to love Shonen Knife. They're way kawaii!)
Forewarned and fore-armed (hairy ones, even), you stand a much better chance of maintaining control of your system.
From the Darkest Days of MS DOS Onward (Score:2)
Packaging Systems (Score:2)
Now the problem, and source of frustration for some users of RPM, is that these management systems do not respond well to circumvention. IE, compiling an application outside of
An interesting approach to this is that of Debian's in that you will have an official package available for just about anything you could want. Browse debian.org's unstable software archive to see. Conversely apt will handle dependencies of packages for you as a result DPKG/Apt is *more* tempermental about being circumvented.
Though I wish people would respect the original ideas of RPM and DPKG, I think the concept is great, and avoids the tomfoolery of mucking with nasty-3rd party installers if done correctly. When you can't or don't want to use a package, go with
Computer War .. Ha ... (Score:3, Funny)
But go install Quicktime, Real Audio and Microsofts Media player and then see the war that breaks out on your box.
Windows is hopelessly broken in this respect (Score:3, Insightful)
The point is that Windows application writers are so used to running a resident process in support of their dinky programs that it seems to me to be too late to change the practice. Of course, some programs are more intrusive than othes (Real Player, anyone?), but it seems like the developers of just about every dinky little app seem to think they won't be taken seriously unless their program loads SOMETHING at bootup.
Of course, I shouldn't complain. I make good money doing PC consulting work; a good percentage of my calls are people whose machine is so clogged with TSRs that it has become unusable.
New.net Software (Score:4, Informative)
Below is the list of all of our present and past distribution partners (download partners have always been clearly listed on the New.net website):
Present Partners:
Past Partners:
Each one of our current and previous distribution partners is required to provide disclosure during installation that our software is bundled. We in no way install in a "stealthy manner", since it is the responsibility of the user to read the install screens that are provided during an installation.
In light of these recent comments regarding disclosure, we are working with each of our distribution partners to improve awareness of the New.net bundle in the install process.
New.net's software provides a service to its customers as well as its users that want to gain access to domain extensions that our sold on our site. In order to provide resolution, our software adds itself to the TCP/IP stack. There are other methods to resolving our domain extensions such as adding "new.net" to the domain suffix search order or adding our DNS servers in the DNS server search order in the network configurations. You may also append ".new.net" to the domain extension in the address bar of the browser for resolution. Our software is our "user friendly" way of providing such access. Manually changing network configurations requires a reboot whereas our software can install in seconds and provide resolution immediately.
Our software is not "unstable" in anyway unless a user tampers with the configuration to a point where it makes Windows unstable. This is consistent with any other software that adds itself to the TCP/IP stack. If someone were to just randomly start deleting files on their system that are referenced in the TCP/IP stack, without first checking to see if there is an uninstall in Add/Remove Programs, then of course you would expect nothing less than an unstable or corrupt system with network issues.
"The little war I mentioned earlier is going to get nastier soon. Uninvited components like Cydoor and NEW.NET are sure to take steps to defeat Ad-Aware and programs like it. If I wrote a stealth component today, I would have it seek out an Ad-Aware signature file and modify it to ignore me, or add my directory to the ignore lists. Ad-Aware could respond by digitally signing the files, or with other techniques. This cycle will escalate, with each side taking new steps to ensure its dominance. Users will pay the price in decreasing system stability."
Let's be clear on this point: New.net does not create or distribute any kind of stealth software in order to avoid signature files for Ad-Aware. In fact, Lavasoft had determined that our software is not "spyware" and discontinued removing our software since August 2001. I welcome anyone to contact Lavasoft directly for further information. There are still mirror sites out there that list New.net as a component that is removed by Ad-Aware; but I assure you that these sites reflect information prior to August 2001.
"I've been beating up on NEW.NET quite a bit in this article. I suppose it's because the deinstallation of their component trashed the IP stack on my Windows 2000 system and it took me a half day to put it back together again. What the hell were they thinking when they stuffed a buggy service deep into my IP stack without telling me? I think they should have to compensate me in some way. A $250 Small claims court action here in Virginia might be a way to do it."
The New.net client is clearly listed in Add/Remove Programs like the majority of all other software and when the correct procedure is used then the software is properly uninstalled. If someone decides to remove software "their way" as opposed to the correct way then you can assuredly expect problems. Please explain your procedures of "deinstallation" that lead to a "trashed IP stack," this may be useful to the New.net QA team.
Leonard Amabile
Director of Customer Support
New.net, Inc.
Re:he has some valid points...but.... (Score:4, Insightful)
NEW.NET is only a component. You could also find NEW.NET in commerical software that you pay for.
In that case you've PAYED for something. Do you still assume is will work as you want it to?
What a day to be without moderation points...
Re:he has some valid points...but.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Sorry for the stupidity - but it's the first analogy I could think of. The program/component was misrepresented (as something that wouldn't fuck with the IP stack), and that misrepresentation caused damage to his computer and a certain amount of time getting it to work again. I don't agree with punishing free software developers for bugs, and there's little precedent, but just because it's free doesn't mean that the creators can't be held liable.
Re:he has some valid points...but.... (Score:5, Insightful)
I think what the author is trying to get across is that the user needs to be informed; and while this is taken for granted in the free software world, it seems to be largely absent nowadays in the world of commercial software.
When a Debian package is going to make changes to a configuration file, it asks me first (unless I tell it not to); when most Windows-based installers decide that it's time to replace the IP stack with a Jell-O recipe, it just goes ahead without informing the end user of squat. While Microsoft has made this easier, it's not totally their fault (for once); and it's something that applications developers need to keep in mind.
Re:he has some valid points...but.... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Whta do you mean, "not totally their fault"? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:he has some valid points...but.... (Score:2)
It's like suing tobacco companies after getting cancer/emphysema after years of smoking cigarettes that have a GREAT BIG SURGEON GENERAL WARNING on them.
EULAs unenforceable (Score:3, Insightful)
Second, the EULA you saw focused on the main application being downloaded. It is unlikely that this EULA will discuss embedded applications with any depth, at most you might see a paragraph making vague references to third-party applications.
Third, one of the cornerstones of contracts is that it's an conscious, INFORMED agreement between multiple parties. One or more parties may decide to remain ignorant, but once one party begins to deliberately withhold pertinent information that another party wants it's a whole new ballgame. As the author points out, there is absolutely no reasonable way anyone could ever expect an application that computes the size of a speaker enclosure cause a critical part of the OS's network stack to be changed.
Finally, I think this situation is so outrageous that it's getting close to gross negligence, not just negligence. You can contractually limit your exposure due to negligence (you made an honest mistake), but you can't contractually limit your exposure due to gross negligence (you knew there was a problem, you know your inactions would cause harm to others, but you didn't give a damn).
A better analogy is that you bought a hot dog. Okay, this is a little iffy, but most people understand that some cheap hotdogs have filler and they'll pay more for a "100% beef" hotdog. But now you learn that you're now sterile because the hot dog producer has been dumping dangerous chemicals in the brew, but hey you agreed to this risk when you bought those cheap 'dogs.
Re:he has some valid points...but.... (Score:3, Insightful)
You're at the supermarket. At one of the tables set up along the aisle, an employee offers a free piece of candy, which you accept. The center is filled with ipecac, and you vomit for the rest of the day.
You're at a concert. You accept a free nerf ball being given away by a radio station. It turns out to contain a miniature microphone which transmits your conversations back to the station's marketing department.
In any other form of human endeavor, would "it's free, whaddaya expect?" justify this sort of deception?
When the software comes clearly labelled "THIS FREE DOWNLOAD WILL INSTALL 2 PIECES OF SPYWARE, CAUSE ADVERTISING POP-UPS TO APPEAR ON YOUR DESKTOP, AND MAY REPLACE AND/OR DAMAGE INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM," then I'll agree that the person who installs it gets what he deserves. Until then, I say s/he's being damaged by intentional deceit.
Re:he has some valid points...but.... (Score:3, Informative)
New.net is "bundled" with other software, most notably "imesh" (file-sharing).
I work at an ISP, and we see a fair share of problems from this Trojan Horse.
You're correct -- no one forces anyone to put new.net on their machines. But the most frequent scenario I encounter is the patriarch of the family calling about the "family system." When Add/Remove programs reveals the presence of IMesh and New.net, invariably the statement is, "I guess one of the kids..."
This is legally very precarious ground. Kids are not old enough to make contract agreements, so unless there is some sort of age-check performed, these Trojans are coming in a backdoor with no legal agreement involved.
This is especially dangerous where no "opt-out" is offered. DivX Nteworks [divx.com] is currently offering an "ad-sponsored" version of their new codec, DivX 5.0 (otherwise a nice piece of software) -- we are already getting calls about "where are all these pop-ups coming from?"
I installed the DivX package and guess what?
1. There is no choice in installing it, if you want this package, you must install the advertising software.
2. It doesn't just deliver ads. It provides detailed information about your net activities to a server that then decides what ads to deliver to your system.
3. Uninstalling DivX does not remove the service that it adds to an XP machine. DivX Networks claims in its forums that it uninstalls with their software, but no user has yet agreed with them on this point.
So, when "Junior" installs DivX on the family PC, the entire family gets spied upon, with no one of legal age having consented.
This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. DivX Networks in particular stand to lose a great deal in terms of community resect/user trust, if not in cash.
Re:he has some valid points...but.... (Score:2)
I don't have to get my mail, but if I get anthrax does it make it my fault?
Re:GIGO (Score:2)
I do agree with you; Creative software is crap. No argument there. Wish I didn't have to use it.
So how are people supposed to know what is "spyware infected" and what isn't?
Re:Keep it simple (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Here is an idea... (Score:2)
Re:Huh? (Score:5, Informative)
They are the new version of Alternic. Remember them? They set up their own root nameservers in order to sell their own top level domain names. In order to make it work, they had to persuade ISPs to use their root nameservers instead of the official ones.
New.net has apparently learned from the Alternic episode. No, they didn't learn the part about respecting the official DNS structure. They learned that getting all the ISPs to agree and cooperate is not very practical.
So instead of changing the DNS system from the top down (Alternic), they are trying to change it from the bottom up, starting with your Windows computer. In my opinion, this is just as sleazy, no! even more sleazy than the tricks USR pulled to get dialup customers to force the ISPs to buy overpriced X2 access servers.
Re:One more example of why... (Score:3, Informative)
--info to see information
--scripts list config scripts that may run
--triggers list trigger scripts that may run
You have the option to extract scripts and check them yourself. You can also see the services and deps that the package provide, etc. All without installing it.
I know, you never install binaries, and of course, a binary may have something in there that shouldn't be there.
But then again, I imagine you rarely, if ever, read 100% of the source code you just compiled and installed, read the makefile, or keep track of where exactly it put things. You probably just trust it because you have the source, not because you READ the source.
Then again, I might be wrong, and you do.
Personally, I install binary RPMs from trusted sites. (Red Hat, SuSE, KDE, a couple others), and from source tarballs when I think there might be a trust issue.
A good, reputable, signed RPM is a good way to determine trust.
Re:One more example of why... (Score:2)
as soon as you type
Re:! Kiddies - MAKE MONEY FAST ! (Score:2)
Not .NET, NEW.NET (Score:2)
I don't think he's talking about Microsoft's