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Bioperl 1.0 Release 8

President Chimp Toe writes "The landmark 1.0 release of bioperl has just been announced. Bioperl is an open-source collection of perl modules designed for the life-sciences community, offering a comprehensive range of modules for DNA and protein sequence manipulation and analysis. More broadly speaking, bioperl is a beautiful example of the virtues of open-source programming and code re-use. Assembled over the last few years by a diverse group of individuals from academia and the private sector, bioperl has made life easier for countless bioinformatics and computational biologists. It allows us to cut out the crappy part of programming (dealing with biological data formats, for instance), and concentrate on the fun part - answering biological questions. Thanks all those involved - keep up the good work!"
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Bioperl 1.0 Release

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
