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GNU is Not Unix

FSF, Affero Announce A GPL For Web Services 22

bkuhn writes: "The Free Software Foundation and Affero announced today the Affero General Public License (AGPL), a modified version of the GNU GPL. The AGPL includes a provision that protects a feature giving download access to the source code of a web service application. Public comment on the license should be sent to <>."
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FSF, Affero Announce A GPL For Web Services

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  • is section 2(d):
    If the Program as you received it is intended to interact with users through a computer network and if, in the version you received, any user interacting with the Program was given the opportunity to request transmission to that user of the Program's complete source code, you must not remove that facility from your modified version of the Program or work based on the Program, and must offer an equivalent opportunity for all users interacting with your Program through a computer network to request immediate transmission by HTTP of the complete source code of your modified version or other derivative work.

    Which is a lot harsher than any requirement that has ever been made of someone who makes a derivative program of something that is GPL'd. That bandwidth costs money ya know.
    • Teach your kids: "Copyright made baby Jesus cry."
      All of the code in Linux is copyrighted. All of the code in *BSD is copyrighted. All of the code in Gnome, KDE, Tuxracer, GIMP, etc. is copyrighted. Are you saying all those programmers made baby Jesus cry? Are you saying Richard Stallman made baby Jesus cry? Maybe he did, but if so I doubt it was for copyrighting his work.

      • People who write *BSD code barely use their copy rights. So BJ doesn't cry too much about them but he does cry a little. People who write GPL code use their copy rights a lot more and they make BJ cry a lot more too. BJ doesn't like to cry but he does when something just aint right. If BJ could talk he would have said "hey, GPL dudes, rather than using the force of copyright to make people take on your philosophy (like you did with MCC and NeXt) why dont you spread the gospel. Convince them that it is better to release the source code to a C++/Objective-C front end so everyone can benefit." because BJ can see that RMS is just taking the easy way out by using the devils tools to do God's work.

        QuantumG puts down the crack pipe now.
        • You don't understand. RMS doesn't want everyone to benefit from his code, only those right-thinking people who right-think like him. Wrong-thinking people like you are not welcome in RMS's world. BSD is bad because it sets the code truely free (even to be enslaved if it wishes enslavement). GPL is good because it only allows code to be as free as RMS chooses, not free to do as it chooses. True freedom is dangerous, as all right-thinking people know.

          So, when do you think RMS will put down the crack pipe?

  • The text of the license and the time required to fully comprehend the license will invariably be greater than the API for said service.
  • While I understand the motivtion behind such a license, I am troubled that it bears the name of a business. Even the FSF does not call the GPL the "FSF GPL", just the GPL.

    Perhaps, GNSPL, or "General Networked Service Public License" would be better.

    • I think that the agpl is a test version of the next verion of the GPL. affero is testing it and therefore it is called agpl.
      but when it is finished and all errors are removed it will become GPLv3.
    • which is sort of equivalent to "FSF GPL" since the FSF is the organizational arm of the GNU project.
      • Stange hierarchy of objects. That's a bit like saying "My physical being is the organisational arm of my existence"... whereas I'd tend to see my existence as something my physical being does. FSF does GNU.

        Actually that's quite catchy, I'll think I'll make that my .sig!
        • Historically it's more accurate to say "GNU does FSF" than "FSF does GNU". First the GNU project (i.e. people hacking code informally) started, then it became clear that some kind of organization was needed to take care of mailing tapes out, collect money, and hire programmers (RMS had previously been mailing the tapes out himself) so the FSF was started.
  • HTTP? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by guerby ( 49204 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2002 @05:46PM (#3190603) Homepage
    I just submitted the following comment to

    Hi, I think that the reference to HTTP could be replaced:

    * d) If the Program as you received it is intended to interact with users through a computer network and if, in the version you received, any user interacting with the Program was given the opportunity to request transmission to that user of the Program's complete source code, you must not remove that facility from your modified version of the Program or work based on the Program, and must offer an equivalent opportunity for all users interacting with your Program through a computer network to request immediate transmission by HTTP of the complete source code of your modified version or other derivative work.

    HTTP is not defined in the license, and the rest of the paragraph stays general with "interaction through a computer network". Why not word the requirement to send the source using the same way as the original software did?

    Since the goal is to allow the user to get the source code file on its computer, may be it's better to state only the goal as "the user interacting with the software through a computer network must be able to download the complete source code through a computer network as well" (sorry non native and non lawyer).

    As it is worded, if the original software sends the source by FTP (because for exemple it is an FTP server), it looks like if I change a line of code, I must implement a whole HTTP server as well just to send the modified sources, looks bizarre to me :). Also in the future if HTTP makes no longer sense for this purpose (because the whole word is a network of HURD machines talking through a new GNU protocol :), it makes the license obsolete.

    Also by "any user" do you mean any user originally granted access to the feature permitting the download in the original software?

    • Yeah. This section (2d) is one difference between this and the GPL. They just tacked this on, and seem not to have given it much thought. Forcing the use of HTTP is just dumb.

      But it's not the only difference. You are also allowed to relicense under the GPLv3, if that license doesn't conflict with this one. If GPLv3 doesn't conflict, why mention it? So just use the GPLv3.

      More than that, though, if a program is GPL, the user can always get the source code. It seems the intent of this clause is that if the program is self-downloading you have to retain that functionality in any future derived works. This could probably almost always be done by simply giving the user a link to click on. It doesn't say that the downloaded source has to be functional, either, which probably conflicts with the intended use (e.g., Javascripts).

    • You don't have to implement a HTTP server in the program itself, you just have to provide a place where the source code can be downloaded through HTTP. The program might just give the address. If HTTP becomes obsolete, though, this license will look fairly silly :-)

"I have just one word for you, my boy...plastics." - from "The Graduate"
