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KDE Has KEG in CVS 14

dep writes "Not a lot of people know about it, but there are all sorts of KDE applications that aren't part of the main KDE distribution but which you can download from the KDE CVS tree. It's called "KDE Extra Gear," and it allows third-party developers to take advantage of KDE development resources even though their apps aren't included in KDE itself. This new program is explained by Aaron J. Seigo on Linux and Main."
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  • As chairman and chief software architect of the biggest driving force of the computing market today, I have to keep an eye on the 'competition' of course.

    Yes, many are wondering about this, but indeed, mister 'richest man on the planet' does have his own FreeBSD machine with the KDE desktop environment on there. I kinda like FreeBSD, it reminds me of the XENIX days. No, I don't do Linux. Some of my engineers play with it, but I can't be bothered. KDE works just fine on BSD too. GNOME is crap. I compiled and fiddled with it once, but after a bit of horsing around and seeing the sheer brokenness of it, I couldn't stop laughing. No, KDE is where the good stuff in your so called 'community' is at. But I digress...

    Right, it isn't as good as Windows XP just yet, but it's pretty good. Compiling the beast takes almost half of the time it takes to compile Windows XP from the latest CVS, but hey, XP is a lot bigger and more feature rich than the KDE. And KDE uses that monstrosity called X Window. I never liked X window. It just screams "bloat".

    I also tried developing for the KDE. My C++ was a bit rusty (haven't touched the stuff in several years), but not seeing hungarian notation for a change was, well... refreshing. Also the GNU C compiler suite is a wretched hive of slow code producing dung. I tried version 3, and yes, it's a bit better than 2, but it's still crap. No wonder people like Visual Studio so much. It beats the crap out of gcc :) Oh well, you can't beat the price, I guess... Rather a free crappy compiler than a high quality good one I suppose.

    I'll be keeping an eye on KDE. Too bad I can't buy it, but the KDE guys have some wonderful ideas I can steal. Just keep on going! I'll be watching...

  • Granted, the fine ladies of Kappa Delta usually have a keg, but when did they start having their bashes at the local drug store? Is the sorority house being renovated?
  • by MrByte420 ( 554317 ) on Wednesday August 21, 2002 @11:56AM (#4111999) Journal
    mmmmmmmmmmm. Beer.

Practical people would be more practical if they would take a little more time for dreaming. -- J. P. McEvoy
