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Perl Programming

The Perl Journal e-zine 7

owkeuflk writes "When TPJ became part of SysAdmin magazine, I was disappointed, but I stuck with them, and that is probably how they had my e-mail address to contact me that TPJ is being brought back as an e-zine, that is, if they can get 3000 pre-paid subscriptions. I might try it out, even though they are expanding coverage to include Windows -- unthrilled. I liked TPJ best when is was printed on plain, unglossy paper...."
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The Perl Journal e-zine

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  • by IvyMike ( 178408 ) on Tuesday September 24, 2002 @06:02PM (#4322940)

    This is partially redundant with the link above, but does contain some information about plans for future article topics:

    Dear Fellow Perl Programmer,

    Since 1996, The Perl Journal has been the definitive publication for and about Perl programming. Need to know about turning Perl scripts into binaries? Want to find out more about rapid database prototyping? Need to turn an RSS feed into HTML? TPJ has always been the place to go.

    Better yet, and contrary to rampant rumors, the demise of TPJ has been greatly exaggerated. Because the Perl community has asked for it, we're relaunching TPJ as a monthly e-zine to bring you more, better Perl stuff than ever before.

    But we need your help. TPJ is totally reader supported. To deliver TPJ to you, we need just 3,000 subscribers. Bean counters being what they are, our bosses won't let us publish the e-zine if we don't have 3,000 subscribers. It is as simple as that. How much will a year's subscription cost? Only $12--that's just $1 per month! Simply said, TPJ's future is up to you. Please subscribe now.

    So what can you expect to get for your $1/month? More of the great Perl articles you've come to expect from TPJ. However, we will be broadening the platform coverage, ensuring that Mac OS X, Windows, and others are included, in addition to UNIX. And we'll also be broadening the scope in terms of languages, too--TPJ won't just be Perl only, since we'll be examining other lightweight languages, both as stand-alone tools and in how they relate to Perl.

    In the first few issues, for instance, you can expect to read about Perl and rapid database prototyping, how to compile Perl scripts into binaries, how Perl measures up to C# and Java, what's the big deal with CamelBones, and more about Perl, XML, and RSS. And that's just the start! You can also join TPJ columnists Simon Cozens and brian d foy, as well as book reviewer Jack Woehr.

    I'm leaving off the remainder of the mail, since it just has the "how to subscribe" info listed on the URL above.

    I hope that make it to 3000; TPJ was a one of my favorites, back in the day.

  • by Bklyn ( 21642 )
    TPJ was the single best technical publication I've read in the past 5 years. Almost every article was interesting and very few were beginner-level. Its a real shame it went under.
  • What format is this new TPJ going to be in?

    I'm quite attached to my dead-tree collection of books and magazines. There's a nice feeling to flicking through a paper version of TPJ, whereas a load of HTML files on a website just doesn't have the same feel or utility. I can't read a website in the loo like I can with paper :)

    A PDF version would easily get my $12 and more.

  • by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) on Friday September 27, 2002 @12:36PM (#4344874) Homepage Journal
    There needs to be a "Total subscriptions received: $num_subs" banner up there. I'd be happy to help put them over the top, but if they only have 6 people interested, I don't want to send them my credit card number.

    Yes, one could argue this is a silly position, but if I'm not the only one this could help draw what they need. K5 used a similar strategy and they got their funding.

    One additional problem is that I'm going to pay for 12 issues, but I'm only guaranteed to get one (becaused I get charged for 12 when 1 comes out). This project appears to be a partial implementation of the Street Performer Protocol []. I'd trust them more if they implemented more of it, especially third-party escrow.

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