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The Python Cookbook 242

Nice2Cats writes "Python is something of a programmer's dream and an author's nightmare. What started life as a scripting tool for the Amoeba operating system has matured into a full-blown programming language with such speed that every book seems to be outdated in a year or two. To make matters worse for publishers, the crew around Python's creator Guido van Rossum keeps adding higher-level constructs such as iterators with every new release, reducing reams of code to single-line idioms at half-year intervals. Because not everybody has been able to keep up -- RedHat 7.3 infamously still ships with version 1.5.2 as the default, while SuSE 8.0 is hanging in there with version 2.2 -- authors are forced to cover stone age variants as well as modern forms. Python is cross-platform (Unix/Linux, Mac, Microsoft), has two underlying languages (C for Python, Java for Jython) and works with various GUIs (Tkinter, wxWindows, Qt, GTK, curses, Swing). Given this breadth of material, the idea of writing that most fragmented form of a programming book, a 'Cookbook,' seems as crazy as, say, nailing a dead parrot to its perch." Read Nice2Cats's review below of The Python Cookbook to see how well O'Reilly deals with dead parrots.
The Python Cookbook
author Alex Martelli and David Ascher
pages 574
publisher O'Reilly
rating 8
reviewer Nice2Cats
ISBN 0596001673
summary A recommended book for the language with no Slashdot icon.

Beautiful plumage.

O'Reilly, fortunately, has all kinds of experience with animals.

The Python Cookbook consists of seventeen chapters that contain between eight and twenty-six individual recipes. Chapters and recipes are roughly ordered by increasing complexity, length, and required background knowledge, starting with the simple "Swapping Values Without Using a Temporary Variable" and ending with the complete module "Parsing a String into a Date/Time Object Portably." The chapters are mostly organized by subject -- "Text," "Files," "Object-Orientated Programming," "User Interfaces" -- but also include "Python Shortcuts" and "System Administration." The background required varies: Whereas the chapter on "Text" starts off with Fred L. Drake reviewing the most basic string operations such as slicing and concatenation, Paul F. Dubois can only sketch the core concepts of lexing and parsing in "Programs About Programs."

This of course is a hallmark of all cookbooks, programming- or food-wise: Nobody will like everything, but everybody will like something. The worst fragmentation occurs, as expected, between examples of Python 1.5.2 and Python 2.2. Most recipes give preference to one version, and then point out how the problem could have been solved in the other version. This is more useful than the code that was written for all versions, because it gives a deeper insight into the changes that Python has gone through. The result is that after a few chapters, you start wondering why anybody in their right mind would keep using Python 1.5.2 instead of 2.2.* with its iterators, list comprehensions, new classes, and expanded module library.

Martelli and Ascher have done a good job balancing the different forms. Only one chapter struck me as lopsided: "System Administration", where ten of the sixteen recipes are Windows-only. Even though there is a good reason for this -- Microsoft's native administration tools just aren't like those provided with Unix -- the editors might want to rethink the selection of recipes in this chapter for future editions.

Generally helpful.

The "Python Cookbook" has helped me in three ways. First, I found quite a lot of the examples themselves, especially those in the chapters "Python Shortcuts" and "Object-Orientated Programming" useful for everyday work. Second, reading more than 500 pages of peer-reviewed and well-commented code gave me a greater feeling for common idioms and constructs that are rare in this clarity in wild-type code. However, the book is strongest when more general principles of "Pythonic" programming are discussed, for example when Martelli demonstrates the merits of the "Look Before You Leap," "Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission," and "Homogenize Different Cases" methods.

My favorite recipe is Sebastien Keim's "Implementing a Ring Buffer," where an object carries a class deep in its bowels, and changes into this class in a rather cool Dr.-Jekyll-to-Mr.-Hyde transformation on the fly. The one recipe I found downright evil was "Sending HTML Mail," which should have been implemented as "Turning HTML Mail into Plain Text" with a note on how people who send HTML mail are going to be the first against the wall when the revolution comes. The best quote in the book comes from Tim Peters: "We read Knuth so you don't have to" -- Python's promise of programming power for the people, expressed in (dare I say it) a nutshell.


I can recommend the "Python Cookbook" wholeheartedly to anyone who has passed into the advanced stage of language learning and is willing to actually sit down and work through the code. Anybody who is looking for a deeper understanding of Python, solutions to common coding problems, or starting points for their own projects will also profit. This book should have RedHat customers hammering at the gates of Raleigh, demanding the power of iterators and list comprehensions that their SuSE counterparts already enjoy by default; it demonstrates the superiority of Python 2.2.* over 1.5.2 in great detail.

Because of this, however, my guess is that 2.2.* will quickly replace 1.5.2, turning large parts of this book into historical footnotes in two years at the latest. This is no fault of O'Reilly's, but rather a current fact of Python life. The editors have done a good job of nailing the parrot, and until this Pythonic Norwegian Blue does the inevitable backflip, it should give its owner much pleasure.

You can purchase The Python Cookbook from bn.com. Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.

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The Python Cookbook

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  • by Darth RadaR ( 221648 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:04AM (#4416394) Journal
    The title "Python Cookbook" has gotta look weird to people bopping around Barnes & Noble who aren't in the know. :)
    • by wirefarm ( 18470 ) <jim&mmdc,net> on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:27AM (#4416518) Homepage
      I was at a bookstore years ago and this old preacher-type guy came up to me and started saying how pleased he was to see a young guy like me interested in religion -

      I didn't have the heart to tell the guy exactly what "Linux Bible, the Gnu Testament" was about...

      (Then again, I probably do as much preaching about Linux as he does about God - maybe we should get it declared a religion and get tax-free status...)

      Jim in Tokyo
    • Trust me, it's not nearly as funny if a snake really did want to eat you when you were younger.

      (Yes, one actually did, during a visit from a zookeeper to my school to show us what reptiles were really like. I was sitting at the end of a line of small children, and it started coiling around me... :-o I can handle spiders, or enclosed spaces, or high altitudes, but to this day, snakes scare the living **** out of me -- unless I'm programming in one, of course.)

  • by WIAKywbfatw ( 307557 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:06AM (#4416407) Journal
    And for those of you that can't get your hands on a python, the adder, asp, boa, cobra, diamondback, etc cookbooks are just as well packed with tasty recipes.
  • Darn... (Score:2, Funny)

    by Kierthos ( 225954 )
    And here I was hoping for the recipe for crunchy frog.

  • by gowen ( 141411 )
    As Mrs Beeton [januarymagazine.com] might have written: First catch your python [lineone.net]

    Or, as Homer might add: "...mmm...python"

  • by qurob ( 543434 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:07AM (#4416415) Homepage

    Cornmeal Crusted Rattle Snake with Cactus-Corn Succotash

    Recipe courtesy Joey Altman, Copyright 2001

    2 1/2 pounds rattle snake, dead
    1 cup buttermilk
    1 cup cornmeal
    1 cup flour
    1 tablespoon salt
    1 tablespoon chile powder
    1 tablespoon garlic powder
    1 tablespoon paprika
    1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
    1 teaspoon ground cumin
    1 cup vegetable oil
    Cactus-Corn Succotash, recipe follows
    Using a sharp boning knife remove the meat from the snake by cutting down the back, just slightly to 1 side of the spine from the head to the rattle. Using the tip of the knife peel the meat from the ?rib cage?. Once you removed the 2 long strips of meat, lightly pound them with the back of the knife to tenderize them. Cut the strips of meat into 1-inch pieces and place in a bowl with the buttermilk. Mix to coat well. In a large bowl combine the cornmeal with the flour and the spices. Heat the oil in a large skillet on medium high heat. Dredge the snake pieces in the flour mixture and fry for 2 minutes or until golden brown and then transfer to a paper towel lined plate. Repeat until all the snake pieces are cooked. Serve with Cactus-Corn Succotash.

    Cactus-corn succotash:

    2 tablespoons olive oil
    1 cactus pad, thorns scraped off, cut into small dice
    2 ears corn, shucked
    1 red onion, peeled, sliced in rings, grilled with olive oil and chopped in small dice
    1 bunch scallions, grilled and chopped
    1 chayote squash, sliced 1/4-inch thick, grilled with olive oil and chopped in small dice
    1 tablespoon minced garlic
    2 tablespoons minced jalape?o
    1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
    4 tablespoons butter
    1 cup chicken stock
    1 cup diced, peeled and seeded tomatoes
    1/2 cup chopped cilantro
    Salt and pepper

    Grilling the vegetables first gives another great layer of flavor, however, it is not absolutely necessary. Just omit that step and cook the vegetable right in the pan. In a skillet on high heat saute the vegetables except the tomatoes in the olive oil for 2 minutes. Add the stock and butter and cook until mixture reduces by half. Add tomatoes and seasoning and serve with the warm snake ?nuggets? on top.

    Yield: 4 servings
    Prep Time: 30 minutes
    Cook Time: 10 minutes
    Difficulty: Medium
  • I love python (Score:3, Insightful)

    by paRcat ( 50146 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:09AM (#4416424)
    There are those out there that hate any language that allows spaces to effect it's running...

    But Python just rocks. Throw pySQL, wxPython and Twisted into the mix, and you can have a full blown server with gui front-end that is just as stable as any other. I have a server that I wrote for wireless devices performing a few hundred SQL queries/changes and file writes per hour, and the speed is surprisingly very good for a language most people refer to as a 'script'.

    Not to mention, the tab requirement makes reading the code so easy. You just know where functions begin and end without having to deal with {'s and }'s.

    • I'd wager that since that averages out to 12 seconds per query that your metric is useless, besides DB queries reflect the database more than anything else, all the language does is send a string off to a C API which then queries the DB and gets the info. Same thing with the GUI. A better metric for the language would be say processing large amounts of data.
  • Debian also has 2.2 (Score:3, Informative)

    by psgalbraith ( 200580 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:13AM (#4416445) Homepage
    RedHat 7.3 infamously still ships with version 1.5.2 as the default, while SuSE 8.0 is hanging in there with version 2.2

    Debian unstable also has 2.2 as the default python, although the stable release has 2.1. But with the huge number of packages which depend on it, it takes a while to migrate all of them. So testing still has 2.1.
    • And according to rpmfind.net, RedHat 8.0 too, and I can tell Mandrake 9.0 does (and 8.2 did), and the list goes on ... but yes, I never understood why RH 7.3 would ship Python1.52. They actually use python a lot for their config tools (which I consider a smart decision). Anyways ...
      • Their tools depended on Python 1.5.2. Which would be fine if they had just used #!/usr/bin/python1.5 at the top of their scripts.

        The real problem was they used #!/usr/bin/python , and if you wanted to use a more modern Python as the system python (i.e., named simply "python") then you'd break system scripts. It's never been a problem otherwise to have two different versions of Python installed.

  • Here's [oreilly.com] the answer to that one.

    Parrot is a new, dynamic programming language, intended to merge the indubitable strengths of the twin Open Source scripting giants, Perl and Python. Stemming from the Open Source conferences, and culminating in the unprecedented meeting of minds at the new ActiveState Technical Advisory Board, Parrot was conceived jointly by Larry Wall, the original creator of Perl, and Guido van Rossum, the inventor of Python. By uniting the unparalleled flexibility of Perl with the simplicity and maintainability of Python, Parrot is destined to become the premier application development language of the twenty-first century.
  • I have to ask (given my Python illiteracy), does Python have built-ins for such an operation? Or is this just "how to implement an old trick" to "get your feet wet" with Python?

    If my coffee is working correctly this morning, I'd assert that any language with an XOR-assign could accomplish this feat (with the added restriction that the vars be of the same size, or operations are performed iteratively on byte pointers).

    Below is chapter 1 of my new C cookbook:

    A ^= B;
    B ^= A;
    A ^= B;

    Short chapter.

  • Pythons? I heard they taste like chicken!
  • No Slashdot icon! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by wiredog ( 43288 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:19AM (#4416473) Journal
    Something must be done! I request, nay, demand, that the Fearsome Slashdot Cabal develop a Python Icon immediately!

    Some sort of snake, perhaps...

    • Mzake it yourself friend. maybe this?


    • >> Some sort of snake, perhaps...

      Hmmmm... Your proposal intrigues me. Perhaps a snake with a parrot in it's stomach. Something like the Saint-Exuperey (sp?) rendering of a python with an elephant in it's gullet in "The Little Prince"?
    • Re:No Slashdot icon! (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Sloppy ( 14984 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:55AM (#4416693) Homepage Journal
      It's not just a Slashdot thing, either. Even outside the scope of Slashdot, Python surprisingly doesn't seem to have a logo or mascot or anything. You would think that over the years, some artisitic person would have drawn a cute (Tux-like cute, if you know what I mean) snake or something, and everyone would have latched onto it. But it hasn't happened. Oh sure, I have seen some snakes here and there, but none of them have been widely adopted.

      If someone pulls it off, they might become famous. ;-)

    • Slashdot topics (Score:5, Insightful)

      by fm6 ( 162816 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @01:41PM (#4417735) Homepage Journal
      Slashdot icons are just designators for Slashdot topics [slashdot.org], and these desperately need an overhaul. There are topics for companies that no longer exist (Digital, Compaq, LinuxCare; Be should probably be renamed "BeOS"); topics that are extremely low volume and should really be folded into other topics (Comdex, E+, Englightenment), topics that are just plain redundant (Bugs, Linux Business), topics that we need only because they're part of a more general topic we don't have (we have America Online, but no ISP topic; topics for various Desktops, but no general Desktop topic; topics for specific Linux distros, but no Distro topic). And why on earth do we have ten specialized Apple topics?

      Rather than a new topic for Python, I'd rather see a Scripting topic. So, yeah, that means no cute Python icon, but it does put all the scripting issues in one place for people to select or ignore.

      • Don't make a scripting topic and expect all talk of python and perl to be done there. they are both full programming languages. (as are others such as tcl)

        scripting is something can can easily do with them but should not be portrayed as a limitation.
        • You make it sound as if "scripting language" is some kind of negative term. Hey, scripting languages have their strengths and weaknesses. You couldn't run the WWW without them, but I'd never use them to write CPU-intensive programs. And it's interesting to compare them to each other.
      • Rather than a new topic for Python, I'd rather see a Scripting topic. So, yeah, that means no cute Python icon, but it does put all the scripting issues in one place for people to select or ignore.

        You mean like the current Developers [slashdot.org] section? True, it's a lot more than language related stories, but that's where you'll typically find them (except book reviews, which are usually in the Book Reviews [slashdot.org] section)

        You're welcome :)

        • Oh lord, there's a "developers" topic? Which is not on the topics page? And is different from "programming"?

          Anyway, you seem to be saying that next time we get a story about Ruby or TCL, we should lump them together with all the "other" programming languages, despite their kinship to other scripting languages, such as Perl, Python, and PHP.

  • Perl comparisons (Score:3, Insightful)

    by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:21AM (#4416484)
    What I would like to have would be a merger of the perl and python cook books. I know my own understanding of perl exploded when I discovered the perl cookbook. I am now convinced that understanding a languages idioms is the secret to fluency.

    It would be very instructive to me to be able to see how the two languages handle each other's idioms. I have my brain wrapped around perl and when I try to think in python I get frustrated cause things I think should be simple aren't. Of course the reverse would be true if I knew python better (I guess).

    At present I think my python programming is too formal, like someone who just learned say french trying to speak it and saying "To The beloved person who bore me onto this earth; please to be informed that I have translocated my corpus into the domicale that lies here" instead of just saying "mom, I'm home".

    • My hovercraft is full of eels
      May I please fondle your bum
    • Re:Perl comparisons (Score:2, Informative)

      by snowbike ( 35353 )
      Check out Perl to Python Migration [barnesandnoble.com] by Martin Brown. Sure, it isn't O'Reilly, and it doesn't have "cookbook" in the title, but I've found it a good start for the type of thing you are asking about.
      • by goombah99 ( 560566 )
        Have not read that one. However I have seen similar concepts on line like "python for perl programmers." And generally these are not filled with examples of pithy worked translations. THe cook book contains the true idioms of a language hence i'd like to see a true cookbook-cookbook cookoff.

        for example, consider an indexed sort. in both perl and python you could do this by writing a loop to add an index field to each value then sort it then loop to gather the ordered indices. The only difference is the loops and indexing and sorting would have different grammar.

        But in perl one would probably instead do a map-sort-map idiom on a single line operation. And in python I suspect there is probably some simmilar idiom using iterators.

        its the idioms, not the formal grmammar crossovers that are important to learning to learning a new language.

      • In my own experience, I've experienced the opposite. I was pretty good at procedural programming, but the OO stuff always seemed rather intimidating.

        Then a friend twisted my arm and made me learn Python, and it wasn't necessarily that Python does OO well, but that it makes it really quick and easy to experiment. Doing so gave me sufficient understanding to go back into Perl and figure out how packages and modules and such work.
    • by mcc ( 14761 ) <amcclure@purdue.edu> on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @11:18AM (#4416843) Homepage
      Try this site [python.net].. it's basically a "phrasebook" that shows common tasks being done in both perl and python. It's a great introduction to the language, and it helps a lot in terms of getting the python-idiom-y ways to do lots of commonthings embedded into your head.

      It isn't *very* long, and doesn't go too deep, and the formatting's not great, but it's a quick read, and if it doesn't fit your needs there's always that book Snowbike recommended.

      At present I think my python programming is too formal

      The catch about the funkiness of python's syntax is not that it demands formalism; it's just that it demands you will do only one thing per line. It's kind of hard to get yourself thinking this way, and it's really irritating to write code this way (i never write python without pining for a ?: construct, a single-line version of "except", or a less-crippled lambda construct).

      The thing is, though, that obeying python's rule basically comes down to seperating each expression into unnecessary variables, and mercilessly abstracting all those potentially-repeated 'common tasks' that somehow always seem to wind up taking five lines in python into functions. However, i find when i write perl, most of the time i spend revising code is spent going back and doing the above two things-- splitting overly-complex expressions into subvariables, pulling out bits of code and making them subexpressions. Python just forces you to do these things ahead of time, and you benefit greatly in the long run. (Whether that's worth all the irritation, though, i don't know :))
      • The catch about the funkiness of python's syntax is not that it demands formalism; it's just that it demands you will do only one thing per line.


        print (lambda A,D,B,C,E,F,G,H,Q:"\n".join(["".join([(Q[int(__imp ort__("math").log((reduce(lambda x,y:abs(x[1])<=D and (x[0]+1,x[1]**2+y[1]) or x,[(0,complex(r/B,i/B))]*A))[0]+1))%len(Q)]) for i in range(F*B,G*B,H)]) for r in range(C*B,E*B,H)]))(1500,4,100.0,-2.25,1.5,-1.25,1 .25,4,".^:/I&@*%$#")
      • it demands you will do only one thing per line. It's kind of hard to get yourself thinking this way

        No, I write code like that all the time.

        When single-stepping in the debugger, I really hate having multiple things happen in a single-step. It's so much nicer to be able to see things happen one step at a time.

        Back in the really bad old days, compilers might have been dumb enough that you would get worse code when you only did one thing per line, but that hasn't been true in a long time. Your single-statement lines will be folded by the compiler. With optimizations enabled, the compiler will generate the same code from

        x = foo();
        if (x)

        as from

        if (x = foo()) return;

        And I know which one I'd rather single-step.

  • by nob ( 244898 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:23AM (#4416496) Homepage
    The perfect companion piece to Bake a Snake [amazon.com].
  • 2.2 for RedHat (Score:5, Informative)

    by redfenix ( 456698 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:29AM (#4416530)
    This book should have RedHat customers hammering at the gates of Raleigh, demanding the power of iterators and list comprehensions that their SuSE counterparts already enjoy by default; it demonstrates the superiority of Python 2.2.* over 1.5.2 in great detail.

    Of course, installing a new version of Python in RedHat is pretty painless, download the rpm and install it. You can find them here. [python.org]
    • Or you can just install the python2 package that comes with 7.3.
    • Re:2.2 for RedHat (Score:3, Informative)

      by Linux_ho ( 205887 )
      RedHat 8.0 installs Python 2.2.1 by default.
  • Try Ruby! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Hornsby ( 63501 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:33AM (#4416568) Homepage
    I used to code in Python, and now I use Ruby in it's place. I've found it to be just as readable but more terse. It's also extremely consistent in the way that everything is an object. You can say things like

    5.times {|n| puts n}

    and all kinds of other crazy things. I'm not saying it's better than Python(not trying to start a flame war). I'm just saying to try it and see if you like it.
    • I certainly like Ruby, but I can't wait until parrot gets evolved enough so that Ruby and Python (and of course Perl) can all interoperate (and perform better to boot). Perl has absolutely huge collections of modules, but when you move to Python you give up some of them (Python has many equivalents, but not all). Moving to Ruby you give up even more. Why? We are triplicating our work. Everybody should compile to parrot.

      Compare Jython, which allows Python to use Java classes (and JRuby does the same for Ruby, but isn't as far along). This is a pretty powerful combination, but it suffers from the problem that Java isn't free software (free work-a-likes are slowly emerging, but aren't feature complete).

      I really think people should get excited about parrot. It has the potential to compete as a 100% open source solution with .net and java.
      • I think the reason people aren't getting excited about Parrot is that it hasn't had any significant progress. Skepticism among Python developers has been high (by Python developers I mean the people who work on writing the Python interpreter), and there's been criticism that work has been directed towards optimization before any real language can be targetted for Parrot.

        Parrot would be cool, but a free CLR might come around a lot faster.

        I'm also unclear also how languages with significantly different semantics will interact. Ruby and Python, for instance, could interact very easily, since they have similar semantics. But Perl, for instance, considers "12" and 12 to be pretty much equivalent. But when you have some function written in Python, and you pass a string instead of a number, you're likely to get an error (or worse). So now the Perl programmer has to be aware of the languages he's interacting with, which is part of what we were trying to avoid.

        It's a hard problem, and I don't know that it's easy to solve.

    • I also fnd it mor rdbl but mor trs
  • The Cookbook Online (Score:5, Informative)

    by Corvus ( 27991 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:36AM (#4416586) Homepage
    The source material for this book came from Activestate's online Python Cookbook [activestate.com]. There's many more recipes there now, and those in the book may have been edited from their original state. In other words, the book is worth having.
  • What's the animal on the cover? All I can tell from the thumbnail at B&N is that it sure ain't a Norwegian Blue. It could have been a rabbit with big gnawing teeth if it weren't for that tail.
  • Fun read too! (Score:4, Informative)

    by occam ( 20826 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:43AM (#4416617)
    I highly recommend the Python Cookbook as well. I agree with Nice2Cats that the 1.5.2 examples are a little jarring when 2.2 python is available.

    My biggest surprise is that the book is enjoyable to read. For some reason, I do not enjoy O'Reilly books as much as most programmers do, but this one is an utter delight. As someone just learning python but with plenty of programming languages and experience, I find this book delightful to read. The authors share their idioms, standard practices, and the discussion of many examples is highly instructive about the various ways to code the problem. By the end, you learn some of the subtleties of python programming from a pair of experts using polished code from a variety of gifted programmers.

    I have already used some of the code, and the book got me reading some other python books as well to modify Python Cookbook examples.

    Delightful book.
  • Of course, this is a reference to the classic Monty Python skit "The dead Parrot", but I have to say the word association made me shudder...

    "How to cook a delicious meal for two with dead pythons and parrots"... *ugh!* ;)

    And yes, this is firmly tongue in cheek.
  • by Cool E ( 125442 ) <elliot@bentl[ ]c.net ['ogi' in gap]> on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @10:57AM (#4416709) Homepage
    Red Hat Linux 7.3 shipped with python2.2 as well as 1.5.2. Python2.2 in 7.3 was not the default python interpreter because most code at the time was written with python1.5 in mind. Red Hat Linux 8.0 shipped with python2.2 as default.
  • by Torgo's Pizza ( 547926 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @11:37AM (#4416951) Homepage Journal
    Read Nice2Cats's review below of The Python Cookbook to see how well O'Reilly deals with dead parrots.

    No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!

  • by Bouncings ( 55215 ) <{moc.redniknek} {ta} {nek}> on Wednesday October 09, 2002 @11:47AM (#4417019) Homepage
    Actually, the rapid change in the language is pretty new. For the longest time, 1.5.x was stable, and years before 1.4.x was mostly the same. Then, 1.6 happened. Python hit some kind of critical mass where Guido decided to more or less open the flood gates of third party suggestions (called PEP's in Pythonlore). Another key factor was the rapid increase of XML libraries and concerns, as well as other quickly changing technologies.

    The author of this article doesn't mention it, but many Python programmers are upset with the rapid changes in the language, and it is very contrary to Python's history and philosophy. It looks like for now though, Python is slowing back down after implementing a new system of object orientation that really implements each variable/function/whatnot as an object. 2.2, hopefully, is here to stay for a while.

  • people who send HTML mail are going to be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

    Congratualations on a thoroughly short-sighted viewpoint.

    HTML email is not just for spammers.

    The ability to send HTML forms to employees is a boon among other benefits.

    Maybe you've never shared the joy of sending an HTML birthday card to your child or parent.

    Perhaps sending A4 pngs around would be more to your liking?

    The ability to communicate with the richness of HTML expression should be embraced and standardised not spurned.

    aw, well. smash the HTML presses

    • Re:HTML Email (Score:3, Insightful)

      by dvdeug ( 5033 )
      HTML email is not just for spammers.

      No; it's also for people who want me to want a half hour to get my mail over my modem, so I can get the exact same message but with lots of HTML tags. (And invariablly lots of HTML tags - it never bears any resemblence to clean hand-written HTML.)

      The ability to send HTML forms to employees is a boon among other benefits.

      And what happens when you need to make a change to that form? Why not just stick it your own private webspace?

      Maybe you've never shared the joy of sending an HTML birthday card to your child or parent.

      Ah, yes; the wonderous feeling of "you crossed my mind, but I couldn't be bothered to walk to the store for a _real_ birthday card".

      It's a little more valid, but it's still something that can be done via web.

      The ability to communicate with the richness of HTML expression

      To be or not to be; that is the question. Whether 'tis greater to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes, or by dying, end them. . . .

      I fail to see how this could be made richer by adding HTML. In general, just straight plain text is an extraordinarily powerful medium for communication. Frequently, HTML seems to be used as a means to doodle on the email, rather then add any information or emotional empact.
      • No; it's also for people who want me to want a half hour to get my mail over my modem, so I can get the exact same message but with lots of HTML tags. (And invariablly lots of HTML tags - it never bears any resemblence to clean hand-written HTML.)

        so you'd prefer me to send you a png attachement,
        or maybe an html document in a gzip?
        It seems like you are troubled by the poor use of HTML email not HTML email par se.

        And what happens when you need to make a change to that form? Why not just stick it your own private webspace?

        It's a little thing called 'convenience'. It aids workflow. I know it's only a little step but imagine getting a letter saying "there's a picture on the noticeboard, go look at it". HTML improves the flow of communication. People are not always great at mentally task switching and when they are "reading their email" firing up a browser breaks that task.

        Ah, yes; the wonderous feeling of "you crossed my mind, but I couldn't be bothered to walk to the store for a _real_ birthday card".

        I'll take that as a "no". Last time I looked I couldn't embed sound and video in a store bought card.

        Again, it's the immediacy that's makes the difference. Imagine opening your card and getting a note "your card is on the table" and looking to the table there is your card on public display.

        Email is a provate thing, the web is a public thing. Even if it's on the LAN the psychology of it makes a difference.

        I fail to see how this could be made richer by adding HTML.

        For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come

        HTML seems to be used as a means to doodle on the email, rather then add any information or emotional empact.

        So what? Should we be disallowed enjoyment because *you* can't see any benefit?

        Why do webs sites use colour, graphics, mark up, tables etc. etc. ?

        because people like them

        Now I do concur that having HTML mail on by default is a crazy idea. 99% of the HTML mail I receive is either better as plain text or better to not get at all.

        but to suggest I should be "the first against the wall" because I want to send an HTML christmas card to my friends is short sighted, rude, offensive and promotes banality.

        • so you'd prefer me to send you a png attachement,

          Yes, if what you want to send is a bitmap graphic.

          or maybe an html document in a gzip?

          Yes, if what you want to send me is an html document.

          It seems like you are troubled by the poor use of HTML email not HTML email par se.

          Yes, but as you say

          99% of the HTML mail I receive is either better as plain text or better to not get at all.

          If it weren't for that 99%, there wouldn't be enough reason to support HTML email in most email clients, especially as it has had so many security holes and privacy leaks.

          there is your card on public display.

          Why would it be? All the webcard services give you cookies in the link to make sure it's not on public display.

          Should we be disallowed enjoyment because *you* can't see any benefit?

          Should we all fall silent when you enter the room, because we may offend you? It brings me absolutely no benefit, and I feel free to bitch about it. Feel free to ignore it, but I don't see why I should shut up, because you like it.

A list is only as strong as its weakest link. -- Don Knuth
