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Southern California Linux Expo 19

Satya writes "Big Linux expo coming up in Southern California. Big names, big companies, lots of people. SCALE press release says: 'We are bringing businesses, academic institutions and the Linux community together in a way that no other conference does! The first annual Southern California Linux Expo, presented by the USC, UCLA , and Simi-Conejo Linux User Groups will be held November 2nd at USC. This event will provide new insight in the growing technological Linux community and where it is headed. This operating system created by a grass roots effort has grown robust enough to be embraced by companies such as Sun and IBM. The Southern California Linux Expo will contain a blend of business leaders and technical experts that are required to truly understand where Linux is at and where it will be in 5 years.'" Time and place information below.

"Quick Event Info:
Date: November 2nd, 2002
Time: 9am-5pm
Location: Davidson Conference Center on the University of Southern California campus

Please visit our web site for additional conference information."

There's also a poster to ogle.

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Southern California Linux Expo

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  • Big names, big companies

    Oh, has Microsoft bought a both again?
  • Linux in SoCal? (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by tps12 ( 105590 )
    Do people in Southern California even use Linux? I'd think they'd be too busy surfing, shooting their homies, and getting plastic surgery to want to both with command lines and window managers.
    • Re:Linux in SoCal? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by daviddennis ( 10926 )
      I'm a Southern California Linux user, but thanks to the SoCal love of superficial beauty, I've been moving my personal stuff to MacOS X.

      So there :-).

      I'd still be curious to go, though - this is the first time any sort of Linux event has been in my neck of the woods.

    • Re:Linux in SoCal? (Score:2, Informative)

      by batteryman ( 245402 )
      That's only in the movies. We do wardriving out in the valley.
      The Linux Expo that the Simi-Conejo groups ran was small but it happened. Some people from Samba were there. Simi Valley is located 35-miles northwest of Los Angeles. This expo will be close to downtown LA.
    • This 92688 resident not only uses Linux (as well as Windows 2000 and XP) but runs his companies web application on a RedHat server over at Rackspace.com. There aren't a lot of Linux/Perl people in OC, but there should be.
    • No actually we actually surf the net, and some of us actually use unix based OSes like Linux and Mac OS X :)

      What's more likely to happen at the Southern California Linux Convention is UCLA linux users shaking their keys at the USC linux users.

      Maybe some USC / UCLA rivalry will show up.

      Maybe UCLA students use vi and USC students use emacs? I know I took a class at USC and the professor taught us using emacs. Though the Lab Assistant wanted us using vi.

      Anyways maybe I'll drop by should be fun.
  • One in London too! (Score:3, Informative)

    by Richard_at_work ( 517087 ) on Monday October 07, 2002 @01:59PM (#4404816)
    Theres the UK expo this week as well.
    Website here to sign up. [linuxexpouk.co.uk] It goes on for two days, Wednesday 9th October to Thursday 10th October with a lot of big name companies displaying, its in the Olympia conference centers if anyones itnerested!

    Its also sharing the date with the UK Websolutions 2002 convention, which is another goiod excuse to get out of work!
  • $70-$85!!! With ticket prices that high, who do they expect to show up!?! Microsoft!?!
    • What people get for the $70 rate. Breakfast, snacks and beverages throughout the day, a great buffet lunch, free parking, a tote bag with a copy of Linux Journal, admission into the exhibits and all the talks, and one entry into the event raffle with a chance at winning some really great prizes.
  • Conventions and Expos are a big time waste of effort. Linuxworld in SF was soooo boring. I stayed for two hours and tossed my ticket. Now if they have one somewhere cool like Hawaii or a small tropical island I am there! (well actually I will be on the beach.)

    Word to the wise, whiteout your title, it will keep the vendors off you.

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