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OpenGL 2.0: Chasing DirectX 311

MJ writes "Is OpenGL 2.0 All That? Hopefully you will be able to answer that yourself after reading this article from XtremePcCentral. They have cool looking leap frog graphics with lots of arrows and a quote from John Carmack, what else could you ask for? Robert Richmond does a great job of delving into this subject. Carmack says, 'The implementation went very smoothly, but I did run into the limits of their current prototype compiler before the full feature set could be implemented. I like it a lot. I am really looking forward to doing research work with this programming model after the compiler matures a bit. While the shading languages are the most critical aspects, and can be broken out as extensions to current OpenGL, there are a lot of other subtle-but-important things that are addressed in the full OpenGL 2.0 proposal.'"
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OpenGL 2.0: Chasing DirectX

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  • OpenGL 2.0 (Score:4, Funny)

    by MisterFancypants ( 615129 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @07:54PM (#4655708)
    That's better than 1.2! But worse than DirectX 9.0!

    You can tell by the numbers!!

  • Goobers (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    MJ writes "Is OpenGL 2.0 All That? Hopefully you will be able to answer that yourself after reading this article from XtremePcCentral. They have cool looking leap frog graphics with lots of arrows and a quote from John Carmack, what else could you ask for?

    Does anybody else get the impression that "MJ" works for "XtremePcCentral"? I'm seeing a lot of this astroturfing on Slashdot lately, and it's lame. If you want to drive traffic to your site, buy an ad.
    • Re:Goobers (Score:5, Informative)

      by Mark Garrett ( 607692 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:05PM (#4655777)
      Does anybody else get the impression that "MJ" works for "XtremePcCentral"?

      Nah, I just got the impression that MJ just cut'n'pasted directly from HardOCP []. Word for word. I kid ye not.

    • "Does anybody else get the impression that "MJ" works for "XtremePcCentral"? I'm seeing a lot of this astroturfing on Slashdot lately, and it's lame. If you want to drive traffic to your site, buy an ad."

      If the article is interesting to the /. Community, then who cares if it has a plug or not? Frankly, I thik it's lame getting modded as interesting when there are more importnt things about that article to discuss. Granted, I appreciate a breadth of perspectives, but whine whine whine.
  • by bsharitt ( 580506 ) <{bridget} {at} {}> on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @07:58PM (#4655734) Journal
    The contiued success of OpenGL is vital for the survival of Linux on the desktop. Without it, making games for Linux is impractical. I don't think WineX can be counted on to keep up.

    • by Eccles ( 932 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:06PM (#4655787) Journal
      The continued success of OpenGL is vital for the survival of Linux on the desktop.

      Remember that Apple and the Mac OS rely on OpenGL for graphics. That combined with continued interest in OpenGL on the PC side for CAD and the like -- not mention Carmack and Co. -- should keep OpenGL around as a viable alternative.
      • but the OpenGL on Mac OSX takes advantages of Apple's hardware. This is the level of support that OpenGL could support x86 hardware that matter.

        It's is an open secret that graphic chips makers hesitate to fully support OpenGL as that'd adversely affect the long term relationship with MS - you know how bad it'd sound.

        We couldn't blame MS for that, they are talking about business here. Game consoles play even dirtier games in this regard. :)
        • by jason_watkins ( 310756 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:19PM (#4656164)
          Come again? I think you misunderstand the details of the situation. The IHV's do not live at MS's pleasure. For example, nvidia's cg is an assult on MS, trying to leverage away their control of the API. Each IHV wants to be able to control the API, so that they can codevelop it with their hardware, producing complimentry strenghts. The relationship is already openly adversarial, and they only co-operate in situations of mutual self benifit.

          Your sentance above is unclear, but I understand you're saying that Apple's OpenGL has better hardware support than x86? You do realize that Apple's video chips come from the same IHV's?
        • but the OpenGL on Mac OSX takes advantages of Apple's hardware.

          It doesn't matter on which hardware platfomr Linux will have success. Mac/PPC? Even better!

          The question is: can Linux/PPC take an advantage of Apple's hardware?

    • "The contiued success of OpenGL is vital for the survival of Linux on the desktop. Without it, making games for Linux is impractical. I don't think WineX can be counted on to keep up."

      I think you make a good point. For the most part I agree with you, but I'd make one little change: Linux needs something like DirectX to succeed. Whether or not it is OpenGL is not crucial. The problem with OpenGL is it doesn't keep up with the features of new cards the way DirectX does.

      Linux needs a developer who's on top of the game like MS is. The smart thing to do would be to mimick DirectX as much as possible, make it easier for a PC game developer using DirectX to port their game over to Linux. Let's be frank: With as few gamers running Linux as there are today, ports of existing games is all they're gonna get. Might as well work to make that transition easier.
      • by nihilogos ( 87025 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @10:30PM (#4656525)
        Linux needs something like DirectX to succeed. Whether or not it is OpenGL is not crucial. The problem with OpenGL is it doesn't keep up with the features of new cards the way DirectX does.

        Not many games keep up with the features of new cards, so OpenGL doesn't have to be bleeding edge to run them. The reason there aren't that many games for linux isn't that OpenGL is dated.

        Besides, most good games offer both OpenGL and Direct3D renderers. The rendering is only a small part of a 3D game and it is not that difficult to provide alternative renderers.
        And frankly, who cares if "Sunny Garcias Pro Surfing" runs on linux or not.

        The smart thing to do would be to mimick DirectX as much as possible, make it easier for a PC game developer using DirectX to port their game over to Linux.

        Dear god please no. The goal of OpenGL should be to provide an excellent api for realtime 3d programming, not to mimic Direct3d. If any Direct3d programmer understands 3d concepts well enough, porting to OpenGL should present no difficulty whatsoever. And vice versa.
        • "The goal of OpenGL should be to provide an excellent api for realtime 3d programming, not to mimic Direct3d. If any Direct3d programmer understands 3d concepts well enough, porting to OpenGL should present no difficulty whatsoever. And vice versa."

          From what I understand the non-"immediate" mode of Direct3D is much higher level than what OpenGL provides in its current form. This IS important because not all game developers have the time or brains to hand craft an entire engine technology for each game like Carmack does. They have to rely on a prebuilt and high level library that makes their job easier (and rightly so). So OpenGL has to step up to the plate and also provide some high level functionality. This also has the upside of becoming hardware independent and more easily customizing the backend to the hardware (these shading languages, etc.).

          Any way that was the perception I got last time I looked at Direct3D...which was a LONG time ago :)
      • by 13Echo ( 209846 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @11:21PM (#4656804) Homepage Journal
        You are comparing OpenGL to DirectX, which is a no-no. Perhaps you meant to compare it to Direct3D, a component of DirectX. OpenGL is crucial to the development of 3D on all platforms except for Windows. It provides a standard, platform independant 3D API for people to develop software. What else is there that is so widespread? What do you propose?

        Linux already has its own DirectX-like wrapper system. It is called SDL and it is multi-platform, unlike DirectX. It allows you have "low level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, keyboard, and joysticks across a wide variety of operating systems." (from the libSDL page). With that, it supports plugins and addons, and a full rewrite is going into SDL 2.0 to make it much more robust and flexible. It is a proven and powerful method of producing games on Linux, and is nowadays seen in most commercial apps.

        Honestly.. I hate to say it, but you seem to be doing nothing more than talking in circles. I honestly wonder how some of you people on Slashdot make these things up. While I agree that there aren't nearly as many gamers that use Linux, there is still a userbase- and a growing one. As for your suggestion of mimicing DirectX- that's already been attempted. It's called WINEX. It's a layer between a layer between a device. Work is being done on attempting to create an Open DirectX-like library and API, but don't count on it working out. It only provides a wrapper for existing OpenGL devices right now. There is a reason that Microsoft changes DirectX every year. It isn't just about adding new features. Backwards compatibility is shady at best.
    • by vlad_petric ( 94134 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:21PM (#4656175) Homepage
      I don't think WineX can be counted on to keep up.

      FYI - WineX uses OpenGL to emulate DirectX! OpenGL is indeed critical.

      The Raven

  • All in the name (Score:5, Interesting)

    by prisen ( 578061 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @07:58PM (#4655735)
    OpenGL..I think that says it all. DirectX is a great platform, don't get me wrong. It does its job. But what happens when DirectX doesn't do what the programmer wants/needs it to do? Too bad, gotta wait for DirectX (current version + 1.0). What happens when you want to release your software for more than one platform? Out of luck here. I think there are quite clear advantages.
    • Re:All in the name (Score:2, Interesting)

      by CoolVibe ( 11466 )
      John Carmack hates Direct3D with a passion. He once posted a comparison in his .plan file where he tried to compare the two by trying to build functionally the same.

      The thing is that JC thought that DirectX was severely over-complex to do anything worthwhile. In OpenGL he got the exact same thing done as DirectX, but with less code, and less stuff that got in the way. He summed it up nicely. DirectX is crap because it is too complex. OpenGL is quite simple and it'll help you get stuff done.

      Also, OpenGL is a real industry standard, as where DirectX isn't. OpenGL is cross-platform, as DirectX isn't.

      • Re:All in the name (Score:2, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward
        That's past-tense. He hated Direct3D back when Direct3D blew goats (DirectX5? I can't remember) 5 years ago. MS listened to his complaints and vastly improved the API.
      • Re:All in the name (Score:5, Informative)

        by tc ( 93768 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:26PM (#4655885)
        He posted that (now infamous) .plan file I think 5 years ago. At the time, Direct3D was indeed a steaming pile to work with. The most recent versions are vastly easier to use. John Carmack still likes to use OpenGL (and why wouldn't he, since he has every hardware vendor in the industry willing to fine tune their GL drivers to his whims), but he has I believe gone on record as saying that Direct3D has improved significantly, and that many of the criticisms in that old .plan file are no longer valid.

        The cross-platform one is interesting if you're in the games business, since of the commercially viable platforms (i.e. Windows PC and the consoles - even if both of the Mac owners buy your game you'll never recover your costs), OpenGL is supported on precisely one of them, whereas Direct3D is supported on two (PC and Xbox).

        • Re:All in the name (Score:5, Interesting)

          by CoolVibe ( 11466 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:45PM (#4655973) Journal
          I wouldn't put down the Mac as of yet, since they are picking up pace at the moment. Same goes for the free *nixes. If those platforms weren't ebcoming interesting, companies like Nvidea wouldn't have made accelerated drivers for FreeBSD and Linux.

          I realize that Direct3D has gotten better, but still, it's going to be a tough job for MS to totally finish off OpenGL. It's well rooted into spaces other than gaming, like CAD/CAM and VR research. And if MS tries to patent it away, that will never work, because of prior art.

          I think MS's stance toward OpenGL is neutral. I'd say that if somehow Direct3D would die off, MS would embrace (and probably extend) the OpenGL standard.

          What 3D library does, say the PS2 and the Nintendo console use? Their own in-house one? I'd guess OpenGL, because it's available on many platforms, and it's portable. And don't forget the wealth of documentation and example code that's out there for OpenGL. It'd save a lot of time training-wise. It's a wise choice if you do console development on a workstation and if you can just cross-compile so it'll work on the console. Other than the X-box (which is just a IA32 machine on funny hardware), DirectX is indeed only available on 2 platforms.

          I'm not a console-developer though, maybe someone who develops 3D-action games for consoles that are not X-boxes could comment?

          • Re:All in the name (Score:3, Interesting)

            by tc ( 93768 )
            Sure. I was obviously being flippant about the Mac, but the point remains that it's not really a commercially viable games platform right now. I was mainly wanted to repond to the dredging up of a 5 year old .plan file which is no longer an accurate representation of the state of things.

            AFAIK the PS2 and GC both have proprietary graphics libraries (and in the PS2 case, not much of a library at all).

            There's certainly a lot of sample GL code out there, but the bulk of it is on the basics, which is really pretty simple in either API. The complex stuff often revolves around vendor-specific extensions in GL, about which there is considerably less material widely available, certainly not significantly more than for Direct3D.

            • I was mainly wanted to repond to the dredging up of a 5 year old .plan file which is no longer an accurate representation of the state of things.

              Of course. You are absolutely right. But I thought it deserved a mention.

              As for the availability of examples and advanced stuff out there, check out NeHe []'s website, which shows you what neat stuff is possible with just the "standard" OpenGL 1.2. Very clear examples, and very portable code. Easy to understand as well. If someone ever wants to get started with OpenGL, that is one place to start.

              • NeHe is nice and all, and indeed, where I point anyone who is new to OpenGL, but it doesn't cover any modern techniques specific to DirectX 7-9, OpenGL extentions, and vendor specific extentions.
          • Neither the PS2 nor the Gamecube use OpenGL...atleast not natively. There has been an implementation of OpenGL for PS2 I believe but I haven't gotten a chance to play with it really.

            Gamecube's API does have many similarities to OpenGL hwoever, much more than to say, DirectX. Really, this comes from the fact that ATI, who bought ArtX, who used to be part of SGI, used to use OpenGL I'd imagine...
          • Re:All in the name (Score:4, Informative)

            by (startx) ( 37027 ) <> on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:35PM (#4656249) Journal
            IIRC, nvidia originally ported their drivers to linux for the high end cards that graphic designers use since a lot of movie rendering and CAD things are moving to Linux, and that's a VERY lucrative market. And from what I've heard, the FreeBSD port was a whim of a few employees, and wasn't THAT much work since they allready had the linux port, they just needed to tweak the kernel hooks.
          • > What 3D library does, say the PS2 and the Nintendo console use?

            PS2 - (sarcasm) What! PS2 uses a 3D library?! (sarcasm off)
            You write your *own*, or use a middleware solution: RenderWare, NetImmerse, etc. Sony only provides a bares bones library with basic functionality that sometimes the samples use.
            GameCube - I forget the name of the API. It is OpenGL like, but not the same. I'll post a follow up when I get into the office, since I'm not the Gamecube programmer at work.
            X-Box: A bastardized version of DirectX 8.0/8.1

            > Their own in-house one?
            Only if you got 6 to 12 months to write & optimize T&L code, Clipping, Stripping, Smart Batching, Advanced Filters, and a Mesh/Bone animation system!

            > I'd guess OpenGL, because it's available on many platforms, and it's portable.
            Guess again. I don't know of ANYONE shipping titles using OpenGL on the consoles.

            X-Box - Why would you waste time trying to get OpenGL to work, when DirectX 8+ allows for your PC (DX) engine to be ported over in *days*. You can use OpenGL for testing, but you have to go thru some hoops to get it to work (when I heard last year)

            GameCube - No need, since the existing API works just fine.

            PS2 - While there is PSGL (OpenGL clone), OpenGL will NEVER run at full speed on the PS2 - due to missing *hardware* functionality: i.e. no stencil buffer, limited (some say broken) blending modes, etc. You need to go straight-to-the-metal to get optimal performance out the machine.

            > It's a wise choice if you do console development on a workstation and if you can just cross-compile so it'll work on the console.
            Ha! If it only were that easy. Sorry, I don't mean to sound pesimestic but I've seen way too many "the bug only happens on the PS2, but not the GameCube, X-Box, or PC. Argh" this year.

            PS2 - The hardest parts are making efficient use of the 7 cpus, managing the 4 Megs of Video Memory (4-bit and 8-bit palletized textures help), managing a couple hundred megs of audio on disc thru the 2 Megs SPU (Audio Chip), smart streaming on the 2 Meg IOP, and keeping the VU's and GS well fed.
            GameCube - making good use of A-RAM on the GameCube, etc. Again, not the gamecube programmer.

            But yes, you're right. If you write your own middleware, the game code doesn't have change (much) for the various consoles.

            I really hope OpenGL 2.0 revitalizes OpenGL, because it's a real pleasure to use, but I don't see OpenGL support on consoles at least until PS3, X-Box2. (Haven't heard anything on GameCube2)

        • Are you drunk? (Score:3, Informative)

          by ( 471768 )
          OpenGL is by far more standard on consoles than Direct3D.

          OpenGL on playstation2 []

          OpenGL on the Xbox []

          This is a great quote from the article, turns out OpenGL is superior than Direct3D on the XBox.

          As always, we're a bit ahead of the DX cycle. Just as NV10 was beyond DX7, NV20 was beyond DX8 (there is still stuff in NV20 that is only exposed on XBOX and OpenGL).
          • Re:Are you drunk? (Score:3, Interesting)

            by tc ( 93768 )
            You misread the quote, of course. He's saying that there is this feature that is exposed on both on the Xbox, and via OpenGL.

            As an Xbox games developer, I can assure you that there is no OpenGL support on Xbox. I can also assure you that I'm happily using the feature he talks about via Direct3D.

          • Actually, after working with both of these consoles, I can tell you that OpenGL is most unusuable in both platforms.
          • OpenGL on playstation2

            It's a novelty and nothing more, like getting gcc to run on a Palm. There is not one single PS2 game that is written using OpenGL.
          • Re:Are you drunk? (Score:2, Interesting)

            by pixel_bc ( 265009 )
            Being a PS2 programmer myself -- I defy you to find even more then a "B title" that actually shipped using an OpenGl layer on the PS2.

            It just doesn't map onto the architecture... and you pay the penalties.
          • Okay, because I can hear the moderators swarming in to Troll this one up, let me add a few things to my defense.

            A John Carmack interview here []

            IGN Xbox: What do you think are the chances of Microsoft actually supporting OpenGL on the Xbox, and why?

            JC: Last I heard, Nvidia was going to be providing OpenGL for it.


            Also, found this about the Gamecube, near as I can tell it supports OpenGL directly.

        • Carmack's post (Score:2, Informative)

          by Tronster ( 25566 )
          Correct. John Carmack made a post on slashdot which nulled many of the statements he had about earlier versions of DirectX.

          The comment can be found here []
    • Re:All in the name (Score:5, Insightful)

      by LordSah ( 185088 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:47PM (#4655984)
      But what happens when DirectX doesn't do what the programmer wants/needs it to do?

      This won't happen too often. DirectX is crazy feature rich. In fact, overly so for some :)

      You need to realize the OpenGL isn't an open source project. You can't add more stuff to the API if you find that it's lacking. The reason is that you can't add your new functionality to the hardware, which is the whole point in using OpenGL in the first place. So, you still have to wait for the next version of OpenGL to come out, and graphics-cards manufacturers to build cards with it in mind.

      Whether coding in GL or DirectX, if the library doesn't do something you want, you have the exact same options: wait for the next version, or hand-code your functionality from fundamental functions.

      This is one spot were DirectX has a big advantage over OpenGL. DirectX is designed by only one party, rather than a big committee of different companies who want different features. As such, DirectX has a much faster development cycle, and gets improvements quite often. The last big improvement to OpenGL was released in 1998, version 1.2. Four years is a long time in the world of 3D graphics.
      • [] lists 1.4 as the latest version. Guess I was wrong about that. I'll still stand by my original point though: the turn-around time from feature request to releasing a new API has been shorter with DirectX. OpenGL 1.0 was relesed in July of 1992. There have been four revisions since (1.1, .2, .3 and .4). DirectX has had twice the major releases in half the time.
        • # of revisions != rate of improvement.

          # of revisions != how good it really is now.

          Old DirectX was craptacular, we all agree. new directX is getting there. *shrug*.
      • This is one spot were DirectX has a big advantage over OpenGL. DirectX is designed by only one party, rather than a big committee of different companies who want different features. As such, DirectX has a much faster development cycle, and gets improvements quite often. The last big improvement to OpenGL was released in 1998, version 1.2. Four years is a long time in the world of 3D graphics.

        This is not true at all. OpenGL has a clear extension mechanism and the Architecture Review Board approves vendor extensions frequently in the period between spec revisions. In fact, a large component of the spec revisions is the inclusion of ARBextensions in the core spec.

        • Indeed, as an IHV, you can add whatever extension to the API you fancy, and software developers are given the option of using it. It is a little frustrating in that you, as a software developer, can't depend on the feature being there, but in practice it works well. For example, ATI and nVidia often update to transparently support eachothers extensions.

          Periodicly, the ARB goes through and blesses some extensions, making them official. They're still optional in terms of compliance to the standard, but the ARB blessing catalizes a commonly supported API for each feature.

          Eventually a new version of the spec is rolled, and usually the majority of changes were already seen as ARB extensions before.

          So, OpenGL has managed a steady evolution. Where it has been slower in reguards to directx is in iterations of revolution. In five years DX went from being bizarre to being very similar to OpenGL, changeing the fundamental philosophy of the API design in the process. Dictatorships allow rapid broad changes like this. OpenGL has not done that so well, which is what the OpenGL 2.0 initiative is a response to.
      • Re:All in the name (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Chris Burke ( 6130 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:29PM (#4656221) Homepage
        You can't add more stuff to the API if you find that it's lacking. The reason is that you can't add your new functionality to the hardware, which is the whole point in using OpenGL in the first place.

        Ah, but what if you can add new functionality to the hardware, because you are the manufacturer? With DirectX, nothing changes -- if the API doesn't support what you want, it won't until MS says so. With OpenGL, you can expose new hardware functionality through an extension. Programmers can use your hardware's new features immediately, unlike with DirectX.

        So, you still have to wait for the next version of OpenGL to come out, and graphics-cards manufacturers to build cards with it in mind.

        This is the exact opposite of what actually happens. In reality, manufacturers build cards with new features and expose them through extensions. Then, in the next revision, the new functionality may be folded into the standard API. The hardware leads the API, rather than trails, without sacrificing the ability to use the hardware immediately.

        This is one spot were DirectX has a big advantage over OpenGL. DirectX is designed by only one party, rather than a big committee of different companies who want different features. As such, DirectX has a much faster development cycle, and gets improvements quite often.

        OpenGL gets an improvement whenever a vendor has an idea for what new trick they'd like their hardware to pull. Yes, it takes them some time to agree on what the next official version of the API should look like, but that doesn't slow the development and acceptance of new features a bit. Vendors can innovate as much as they want, without waiting for a central body to approve and support their innovation -- that is a big advantage.

        As opposed to DirectX... I just can't see how being dependent on a single outside vendor to support your hardware's features is an advantage.

        Four years is a long time in the world of 3D graphics.

        Yes, and in those four years we've seen the development of hardware T&L, texture compression, pixel and vertex shaders... And OpenGL has not wanted for one of them.
        • Re:All in the name (Score:5, Insightful)

          by LordSah ( 185088 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:44PM (#4656297)
          I'll repose the original question:
          But what happens when DirectX doesn't do what the programmer wants/needs it to do?

          The programmer is screwed with either API. Sure the hardware company can extend either API to its heart's content, but that doesn't help a programmer who needs a feature right now.

          The development process isn't too different with DirectX--Nvidia had some whiz-band ideas so they talked to Microsoft. DX 8.0 was released. ATI had similar functionality for their hardware, but didn't agree with Nvidia. They went to MS and DX 8.1 was released. Microsoft talked to them both and is going to release 9, itegrating 8.0 and 8.1 features. The architechture review board for OpenGL does the same thing.

          Microsoft doesn't make all the decisions for the industry and cram it down the industry's throat. MS talks to all the relevant companies (hardware and software) as part of the feedback loop for DX. Microsoft/Nvidia's Cg language that was in the news a while back is an example of that. The advantage is that Microsoft has tightened the feedback loop so its turnaround time is less.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @07:59PM (#4655738)
    OpenGL is similar to a PORTION of DirectX (Direct3d)...

    OpenGL does not provide any other of DirectX's functionality...

  • GL/DX or C/C++? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by alphapartic1e ( 260735 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:00PM (#4655743)
    I'm a CS student with very limited experience with both OpenGL/DirectX, but does the fact that OpenGL's association with C and DirectX's with C++ affect some developers' support for that library?
    • Re:GL/DX or C/C++? (Score:4, Informative)

      by Osty ( 16825 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:12PM (#4655820)

      (full quote, for the parent is at Score: 0)

      I'm a CS student with very limited experience with both OpenGL/DirectX, but does the fact that OpenGL's association with C and DirectX's with C++ affect some developers' support for that library?

      It shouldn't make any difference. Since C++ is a superset of C, you can use OpenGL just fine with it (and if you can't find one of the 092384092389 C++ wrappers for OpenGL out there, you can always wrap it up yourself). At the same time, COM has always been available to C code as well as C++ code, so you can use DX in C as well (it's just very ugly). In either case, I don't think the native language of the library should make a difference -- COM is supported by many languages (some requiring that the COM object support the IDispatch automation interface, but I believe DX already does that, and if it doesn't you can wrap that yourself or find bindings that somebody has already done), and thus DX is available (C, C++, VB, Delphi, Java, and all of the managed code langauges). OpenGL is written in C, which means it's easy for developers to write bindings for other languages (C++, perl, python, ruby, etc).

      The moral of the story is that any properly designed library will be available across languages, so don't let the library tie you into a language you don't know or like.

    • Re:GL/DX or C/C++? (Score:3, Informative)

      by LordSah ( 185088 )
      You can use DirectX in C if you want. It's a little bulkier, but certainly manageable. This link [] describes the biggest change you'll have to deal with when going from C++ to C with DirectX. The example from that page goes like this:

      g_pDP->Initialize( NULL, DirectPlayMessageHandler, 0 );

      To make the same method call from C, use the following syntax. The conventional name for the vtable pointer is lpVtbl.

      g_pDP->lpVtbl->Initialize(g_pDP,NULL, DirectPlayMessageHandler, 0);

      As for your question: no, I doubt it. The C vs. C++ thing isn't really a problem since nearly all modern compilers support both. They'd choose OpenGL over DX (or vice versa) for different reasons. If you were to build a 3-D engine, you could expose a C or C++ API using either library under the hood.
  • by Surye ( 580125 ) <> on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:01PM (#4655750) Homepage
    Here's the article so we can ease up on the server:

    Future Look: OpenGL 2.0 Preview by: Robert Richmond Preview Date: November 11, 2002

    OpenGL has been a primary component of three dimensional rendering technology since its inception in 1991. OpenGL is implemented in a wide variety of applications, ranging from professional design software to multimedia presentations to interactive games. Currently available as version 1.4, OpenGL has proven to adapt with the evolution of graphics hardware, though it's age is becoming starkly apparent as compared to Microsoft's latest DirectX D3D technology. In hopes of revitalizing the decade old standard, 3Dlabs recently offers a new approach outlining the features of a possible OpenGL 2.0 revision. The concept of a proposal as compared to a standard needs to be clearly defined for the purposes of this preview article. The OpenGL 2.0 topicalities presented here are based upon a discussion text and early developmental engineering from 3Dlabs. Many vendors usually submit discussion texts and/or proposals during the OpenGL ratification process, then an appointed governing committee will analyze the various aspects of the given information before reaching an agreement about the final published standard. Since the OpenGL 2.0 development process is still in finalization stages, the information presented within this text will likely undergo multiple changes before a final OpenGL 2.0 specification is adopted for widespread industry use.

    About 3Dlabs

    3Dlabs has been a long-time contributor to the OpenGL community by providing advanced 3D hardware solutions to the professional marketplace. 3Dlabs graphics accelerators are commonly utilized for computer-aided design, multimedia development, and special effects rendering. 3Dlabs technology can also be found in many non-PC devices like military aircraft and personal cell phones. 3Dlabs is a wide market corporation with operations currently in Alabama, California, Massachusetts, Texas, Washington, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

    OpenGL 1.x Limitations

    The bulk of graphics development was centered on 2D rendering until 1997. The only areas of computing utilizing 3D technologies before this time were generally in the extremely high-end professional markets, such as CAD or virtual reality. The mid-90's release of desktop-oriented 3D accelerators like 3dfx's Voodoo or Rendition's Verite ushered in the concept of affordable 3D graphics for most mainstream PC users. Nearly a half decade later, desktop 3D video cards now include options like cube mapping, hardware transform/lighting, and programmable vertex/pixel shading. The OpenGL interface has evolved along with these new rendering features, but today's OGL 1.x does have substantial room for improvement as the next generation of video chipsets could finally outpace the capabilities of this venerable standard.

    For example, the popular OpenGL 1.3 API suffers from several major limitations, especially in regards to extending the base programming interface to include additional rendering options. The base OGL 1.3 specification documentation is approximately 284 pages of programming conventions and theory, while nVidia's extension documentation needed to implement options like per-pixel shading is well over 500 pages in length. The concern over efficient programming is clearly apparent once one factors in proprietary extensions from other corporations like ATI, Matrox, STMicro, and the vast number of other companies currently offering OpenGL compliant drivers.

    The age of OpenGL 1.x is the primary contributor to these limitations, as hardware has evolved at such a rapid pace over the past few years. System that were once considered to offer high performance only a couple of years ago are now entry-level configurations at best. The rapid development of hardware plays a significant role, as many manufacturers are adding OpenGL extensions without any real inter-corporate centralization in order to release products by usually grossly misrepresented retail availability deadlines.

    Worst yet, it appears OpenGL is following nearly the same development paradigm as DirectX. DX7 was the last fixed-function D3D interface, with the current DX8 standard being devised around poorly coordinated implementations of programmable rendering options. DX8 offers v1.2 programmable options, while DX8.1 offers a slightly improved v1.4 programmable feature set. This development schedule can wreak havoc on developers and hardware engineers. For example, the GeForce-3 supports v1.2, but the Radeon 8500 supports v1.4. In can be expected that programmers will likely opt for the lowest common denominator when coding, thus it is suspect whether some of these staggered options will ever be included in software released in the near future. Only with the release of DirectX 9 does Microsoft plan to offer a hardware independent programmable interface.

    Some developers have proposed extensions to OpenGL 1.x to add programmable rendering options including various extensions which may not be compatible with hardware from another manufacturer. Efforts are also being established to institute a generalized extension set for programmable shading, though these are still largely hardware dependant, thus they will not work with all OpenGL implementations. The goal of 3Dlabs' OpenGL 2.0 initiative is to create an uniform standard with a hardware independent shading language that functions with nearly all OpenGL compliant graphics accelerators.

    OpenGL 2.0 Envisioned

    3Dlabs hopes to address several key issues with its OpenGL 2.0 approach. OpenGL needs to evolve into an easier to code interface format with optimizations for memory management and timing control for increased performance potential. Another issue to be addressed is how to deploy generalized programmable shading routines which are hardware independent. The overall predominate concern is maintaining complete backwards compatibility with OGL 1.x standards while retaining the functionality of the new standard's advanced rendering options.

    3Dlabs has received positive support from many facets of the graphics engineering community. Universities like Stanford are already hard at work on extended OpenGL rendering routines which support some of the v2.0 conventions. Most hardware manufacturers and software vendors are also expressing overwhelming support, as an improved OpenGL standard could lead to better graphics and performance with less development overheard and greater product turnaround times. Regardless of those involved, 3Dlabs is working towards a future OpenGL 2 interface without any imposed royalties or operating system limitations in hopes of establishing a wider market base.

    OpenGL 2.0 Explained

    The 3DLabs approach is to first extend software through utilization and public promotion of certain OpenGL 2 standards, then gradually move code towards a "pure" OpenGL 2.0 environment. However, unlike DirectX 8, all OpenGL rendering conventions should be available for those seeking a pure OGL implementation at release, instead of staggering the releases in various subset revisions. As stressed earlier, the ultimate final goal is to reach a streamlined programming interface which offers hardware independency.

    Each of the programmable processor pipelines (software and/or hardware) essentially eliminate and/or replace a significant portion of current OpenGL conventions. The programmable vertex processor replaces the current options for transform, lighting, normalization, texture coordinate generation, and fog rendering. The fragment processor replaces the current operations for smooth shading, texture access, texture application, alpha testing, and pixel transfers. The pack/unpack processor included capabilities for flexible pixel formatting during memory move operations to create a coherent and consistent stream of pixel data to the rendering pipeline. The clear benefits of these programmable options are increased performance and image quality by removing the dependence upon fixed functions of static T&L pipeline routines. The associated rendering conventions for each of these advanced routines are unified through a comprehensive C-based programming language with special detail added for vector and matrix processing operations.

    3Dlabs also implements a new data buffer mechanism to be utilized for enhancement of the programmable rendering interface. The buffer is used to enable multiple-pass fragment programs with full stream processing support. Usage examples include multiple outputs from a single fragment routine, intermediate result storage, multi-spectral imaging, and acceleration of back-end rendering by reducing the time needed for read-back of floating-point images by the host bus. Additionally, the buffer space is accessible through either spatial or FIFO memory operations.

    Today's OpenGL 1.x provides no real direct control over when or where objects are stored or deleted within the memory address range. OGL 1.x also provides no direct control over memory copies or address fragmentation. 3Dlabs plans to implement a new management routine to allow for improved timing control over memory operations. The OGL 2.0 proposal sets policies and priorities for all datasets with timing estimates provided for each task. Additionally, all pinned policy operations allow the application to control memory store/delete and packing operations.
    John Carmac's Opinion

    "Given the good first impression, I was willing to go ahead and write a new back end that would let the card do the entire Doom interaction rendering in a single pass. The most expedient sounding option was to just use the Nvidia extensions that they implement, NV_vertex_program and NV_register_combiners, with seven texture units instead of the four available on GF3/GF4. Instead, I decided to try using the prototype OpenGL 2.0 extensions they provide.

    The implementation went very smoothly, but I did run into the limits of their current prototype compiler before the full feature set could be implemented. I like it a lot. I am really looking forward to doing research work with this programming model after the compiler matures a bit. While the shading languages are the most critical aspects, and can be broken out as extensions to current OpenGL, there are a lot of other subtle-but-important things that are addressed in the full OpenGL 2.0 proposal.

    I am now committed to supporting an OpenGL 2.0 renderer for Doom through all the spec evolutions. If anything, I have been somewhat remiss in not pushing the issues as hard as I could with all the vendors. Now really is the critical time to start nailing things down, and the decisions may stay with us for ten years.

    A GL2 driver won't give any theoretical advantage over the current back ends optimized for cards with 7+ texture capability, but future research work will almost certainly be moving away from the lower level coding practices, and if some new vendor pops up (say, Rendition back from the dead) with a next-gen card, I would strongly urge them to implement GL2 instead of proprietary extensions."

    John Carmac Lead Programmer ID Software
    Final Thoughts
    OpenGL 2.0 is still in its development stages, though 3Dlabs does offer some insight into the new features needed for this aging standards to maintain acceptance within the graphics marketplace. As noted earlier, the concepts and ideas presented here are only preliminary at best. The information gathered for this article was obtained through various discussion overviews published by 3DLabs and associated companies. It appears 3DLabs and other developers are steadily moving forward with development of a new and exciting OpenGL standard that strives to offer the best compatibility with sustained performance across the widest variety of hardware configurations available.
  • problem with opengl (Score:4, Interesting)

    by SystematicPsycho ( 456042 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:02PM (#4655760)
    The problem with opengl is that vendors decide to add there own extension to it, and too many vendors do such a thing. If opengl is going to outperform the rest cooperation between vendors and the opengl commitee needs to take place more often.
    • They are cooperating. That's how OGL 2.0 came about. It's an open consortium of componies that decide what the standard should be. They may disagree, but overall it's cooperation.

      And the extensions let them expose feature of their hardware that the spec currently doesn't support. That's good for you (who get the features sooner) and good for the company (who can sell their cards based on those features sooner). And the best of those features get folded into the spec next revision. I'm not sure how you can call this a "problem".

      It's a lot better than ATI not being able to sell the nicest features of their card because the owner of the software they depend on hasn't put out a release that supports those features yet -- and of course you not being able to -use- those features.

      • Actually, that's not how OpenGL 2.0 came out. OpenGL 2.0 came out because 3DLabs, who is very dependent on OpenGL, got fed up with the ARB and rolled their own spec. To tell the truth, I saw this coming years ago. [] But I honestly thought that the ARB was going to be the one to kick into high gear and get something done, done a member corporation. So in reality, the ARB hasn't proven it's not useless yet at all. We'll just have to see how quickly updates to OpenGL 2.0 come out, and if they can match pace with DirectX.
  • Success (Score:5, Informative)

    by torre ( 620087 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:03PM (#4655768)
    With the long history of slow moving approavals for the OpenGL community, I hope that politics doesn't take over and bring the approval system back to a crawl after Version 2 is released.
  • vs. DirectX (Score:5, Interesting)

    by wray ( 59341 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:07PM (#4655791)
    MS will of course continue to press DirectX, but, the more Linux, and FreeBSD, and "alternative" platforms become used, and viable, (Thanks to NVIDIA for their drivers for FreeBSD AND Linux) the more appealing it is for developers to create cross-platform games. This is why it is essential for OpenGL to progress, and why I am so excited for version 2.0.

    BTW: what is the status on the MS patent issues? Anyone know?
  • by Rui del-Negro ( 531098 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:15PM (#4655834) Homepage
    ...for me to poop on.

    Come on, they basically copied the documents that have been at 3Dlabs' site for over one year, copied the graphics that were in those documents, and can't even spell "Carmack" right (they spelled "John Carmac", twice).

    If you want the real deal, go here [].

  • by Frohboy ( 78614 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:15PM (#4655835)
    Note that OpenGL 2.0 really is quite deserving of a new major version number. The original OpenGL spec did wonders for abstractly defining most standard 3D graphics operations (in a method that seemed to be largely targetted at visualization/rendering tasks, rather than games. This is, in my opinion, part of the reason why DirectX has been able to get ahead in the gaming market.) This new revision, though, takes the abstraction to a whole new level. Rather than simply hiding matrix, texture, and lighting operations behind the API (allowing the relevant internal representation to implement some or all of those features in hardware), OpenGL 2.0 allows for extensive programmability in nearly every place in the graphics pipeline (i.e. you can drop in vertex shading programs, fragment shading programs, packing and unpacking programs.) As before, this may be implemented in software, or passed to the underlying hardware (if it supports it.)

    Note that the OpenGL 2.0 spec is a proposal by 3dLabs []. As you may have seen on Slashdot a while back, their latest graphics cards are designed for this kind of extensive programmability (trying to raise the bar significantly over today's programmable vertex shaders.) Essentially, they're working on making the graphics chip (or VPU as they like to call it) more of a general-purpose processor, capable of running complex programs (kind of like a CPU.) Recognizing that few people would want to develop applications that are tied to a specific brand of video card, they have written a public spec (which should then, hopefully, be supported by other hardware manufacturers.) In theory, I see OpenGL 2.0 as hailing a pretty exciting new generation of graphics technology.

    For anyone who's interested, I suggest you check out the overview of the proposal, available here [].
  • spelling. (Score:5, Funny)

    by DarkHelmet ( 120004 ) <(ten.elcychtneves) (ta) (kram)> on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:15PM (#4655838) Homepage
    John Carmac's Opinion

    Can' wai fo tha doo thre gam to com ou. Mayb i wil suppor openg 2. i w ar luck.

    Wh can' peopl proofrea thei shi?

  • by bogie ( 31020 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:27PM (#4655889) Journal
    OpenGL is "good enough" and its Cross platform. End of Story. That alone makes it worth the extra effort.

    It's short sighted thinking that got us into the situation that were in now, where one nasty law-breaking company wields its power with an iron fist and wants to crush any potential innovators before they even have a chance to compete.

    Who knows what other grahpics programming languages have been or will be quashed because of Microsoft? The only reason OpenGL even survived is that it was mature to enough not to be blown away be those crappy early versions of DirectX.
  • Could someone please explain how shaders enhance a scene, and how to know if you're seeing one? I've done a fair amount of graphics coding (2d, 3d, splines, nurbs, etc) but I don't understand what shaders offer or how they really work.

    Images that can illustrate this would be especially nice.
    • by be-fan ( 61476 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:28PM (#4656212)
      Shader's are just the logical next step in the progression of the 3D pipeline from fully fixed function to totally programmable. In a fixed function pipeline, you've got specific steps that the data goes through. Ie:

      - App send OpenGL vertex data.
      - Vertex data gets rotated, translated, and scaled according to the modelview matrix.
      - The scene is project onto the screen using projection matrix.
      - Triangles are constructed from projected vertex data.
      - Triangles are broken down into scanlines, and color values are stored in the framebuffer based on a specific combination of material color, lighting, and texture information.

      The OpenGL 2.0 programmable pipeline is different. In addition to the features of the fixed function pipeline you have additional steps.

      - Verticies, instead of going through a fixed set of transformations, instead go through a shader program. The shader program manipulates the position of the vertex much more flexibly than a fixed transformation. For example, a vertex program could make the verticies of a flag move to simulate the waving of the flag in the wind. It can also do similar things for water or cloth.

      - Pixels, instead of being colored according to a fixed formula involving material, lighting, and textured, are also run through a mini program. The pixel shader (also called fragment shader) is presented with a set of inputs (texture data, lighting information, material color) but has the freedom to access other data as well as do its own computations. This allows advanced effects like more realistic lighting, bump-mapping, basically anything you can program.

      - Instead of having fixed conversions between different data formats, you have what are called pack/unpack processors. You can run mini programs on the pack unpack processors to flexibly translate between data formats without losing the benifet of hardware acceleration.

      All of thse features allow far more advanced effects than what is possible with a fixed pipeline. For a look at exactly what effects are possible: 4. asp
      NVIDIA has a pixel shader design program you can check out.
      Doom III uses pixel shaders for dynamic shadows, among other things.
      A game called AquaNox uses pixel shaders extensively for water effects.
      Unreal Tournament 2003 uses pixel shader as well.
  • DirectX (Score:5, Interesting)

    by be-fan ( 61476 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @08:47PM (#4655982)
    I'm vehemently anti-Microsoft, but for a long time, I've loved DirectX. Of course, the DirectX team has always been something of a rebel element within Microsoft, so I don't feel too bad :) Hungarian notation aside, it's a wonderful API to use. I didn't start using it until it was around 6.0, which explains why I didn't get put off by the stinky earlier versions. From what I've seen of OpenGL 2.0, it's a worthy competitor to Direct 3D. It's comparable in terms of features, and has a nice clean design that's much more straightforward than Direct3D, which is admitedly complex. However, OpenGL is a replacement for D3D only. OpenAL is probably comparable to DirectSound, but there is nothing comparable to DirectShow, DirectPlay, or DirectMusic on Linux. A breakdown:

    DirectShow - Gives you a unified media framework. Allows plugins to be written independent of program, and allows programs to use any installed plugins. The code for something like this exists (or soon will) in the Linux world, in the form of gstreamer, aRts, mplayer, and xine, but unfortunately, the latter are not one framework, but several. In particular, it infuriates me that there are codecs that mplayer has support for that xine doesn't, since Xine has KDE interface and mplayer doesn't.

    DirectPlay - A high level networking API. DirectPlay is independent of the underlying protocol, and encapsulates high level networking concepts like meeting places and session management.

    DirectMusic - This is something that Linux really doesn't have, to my knowledge. DirectMusic allows the composition of dynamic soundtracks using a powerful MIDI engine. I know MIDI sounds like a throwback to the past, but several modern console games have taken to using it to allow in game music to reflect in game events.
    • Re:DirectX (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Graff ( 532189 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:15PM (#4656138)
      OpenGL is a replacement for D3D only. OpenAL is probably comparable to DirectSound, but there is nothing comparable to DirectShow, DirectPlay, or DirectMusic

      I'm not sure about some of those, but I do know that there is OpenPlay [], an alternative networking API. Here's a quote from the site:
      What is OpenPlay? OpenPlay is a cross-platform network abstraction layer designed to simplify the task of creating programs which communicate across multiple computers.

      While originally designed for multiplayer games, it is useful for any developer who wants an easy, platform-independent way to send messages to programs running on other machines. It completely abstracts both OpenTransport and Winsock, and its plug-in architecture makes it easy for you to support new transport protocols.
  • theory vs reality (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:03PM (#4656072)
    or should I say, Marketing vs Implementation?

    What I always thought that was cool about the idea of DirectX was where you could in theory make certain calls (API or direct) that would stay the same while the actual logic behind the action could be updated and upgraded. Of course this is really the promise behind COM, but was advertised as being the main thing to shout about for DirectX.

    However, in reality each release pretty much rewrites the entire system. And since you cannot mix versions then you are forced to either rewrite your entire calling routines or just suck it up and go with the older version (and be hammered by kiddie/poser reviewers).

    If OpenGL would apply the lessons from this and build a multilayered (or rather multilayer-abstracted) interface system so that components can be enhanced or changed without requiring a rewrite of code (or at least a major one). What is the point of API's during times in which capabilities change so much if they are outdated in 6 months? I guess what really confuses me are the trollish kiddies that will parrot things on the order of, "why do you need API's, shouldn't you do real programming and blah blah blah?" Well the typical and rightful response to this is "and I suppose that not only are you programming in binary, but more importantly you are not using a text display but are in fact using a dial or manual switch system..."

    Basically I see little difference between the number and variety of cards that are released on one day (lateral) as ones released over time (vertical). Yet what happens is that some new card enables a new rendering toy _OR_ some better method of implementing an existing method is released and we break the system. Don't get me wrong, a system like this is not easy to implement... at least not from scratch. However, based on the history and patterns (lessons learned if you will) from attempts up to this point, there should be a good place to start. There are definitely differences between changes like mono sound to multi-channel suround 3d sound with cherries on top, and that of different methods of shading for 3d rendering. After all, anyone who can fly an aircraft can fly any aircraft that follows the common interface, regardless of using prop or jet or whatever. Sure, there are differences in various controls but anyone who has flown very much knows the similarities are more than the differences in terms of operations. This even includes changes from dials to digital, etc.

    This makes it harder to build reusable libraries and engines. That equates to two things: higher prices for your games, longer times to release (and flakier games because of the non-learning aspect of marketers and publishers) and of course underutilization of available hardware and technology. Three reasons? NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!

    Maybe the day will come where there can be very generalized, abstracted toolsets/API's that are common to all major functionalities (sound, 3d graphics, 2d graphics, etc) that can be safely drilled-down as low as the programmer wants to go. Pipe dream at this point, but then again so were most of the things we use today at one time.

    • by ewhac ( 5844 ) on Wednesday November 13, 2002 @12:18AM (#4657070) Homepage Journal

      Forgive me, but do you have the vaguest idea what you're talking about?

      What I always thought that was cool about the idea of DirectX was where you could in theory make certain calls (API or direct) that would stay the same while the actual logic behind the action could be updated and upgraded.

      This is the whole point of OpenGL. It also pre-dates DirectMess by ten years or so.

      Silicon Graphics, the creators of OpenGL, originally wrote APIs for their workstations that were more or less hardware-specific. Every time they came out with a new machine, a new version of the API would come out, and all the apps would have to be re-written. After the fifth time or so, SGI got enough flak from both internal and external developers that they decided to write an abstract API such that the client software wouldn't know or care about the underlying implementation. This gave SGI the freedom to take features previously implemented in software and drop them into hardware, and the application would work without recompiliation.

      The same principle applies to this day. Back when the first version of GLQuake was released, 3D-accelerated cards had one -- perhaps two -- texturing units. They also didn't have hardware transform and/or lighting. Now, graphics cards typically have four texture units, hardware transform and lighting, vertex shaders, full-scene anti-aliasing, etc. etc. etc. But that old copy of GLQuake id Software released five years ago still works. Heck, it even works better now. Which is the whole point.

      What you describe already exists. It's called OpenGL, and it works.


  • by ikekrull ( 59661 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @09:04PM (#4656078) Homepage
    Where are the new 'Pro' features.

    To me, OpenGL lacks really good object-picking algorithms, has problems with coplanar geometry (lines on top of polygons, for example), and poor typography support.

    Personally, i would like to see OpenGL move towards being more suitable for general purpose displays, which would allow easier implementation of things like Apple's OpenGL accelerated windowing system.

    I know that programmable pixel shaders etc. are useful, but why does OpenGL not specify things like raytraced and radiosity lighting models, along with voxel primitives, and features for window and page oriented output of arbitary geometry (including support for true curves/surfaces etc.) ala Postscript

    Many of these things can be implemented at a low level by pixelshaders, but whats the point of a high-level API that simply exposes a lower-level API?

    Even though these things can't easily be accelerated by current consumer hardware, neither could gouraud-shaded polygons a few years back.

    OpenGL does not seem to be moving forward in defining new and easy ways to define computer imagery, and is chasing the tail of DirectX, seemingly to avoid losing relevance as a gaming platform.

    This, to me, is not the right approach - I don't want to see OpenGL discarded by games programmers, but I also want to see OpenGL become a more powerful API across-the-board that makes my life as graphics programmer easier, not harder.

    • Where are the new 'Pro' features.
      Image packing and unpacking are pro features. Think parallel image compositing. The problem with making additional "Pro" features part of the mandatory spec is that it pretty much guarantees game cards won't have a compliant OpenGL driver. And if you can't have a compliant driver, why have one at all? The beauty of OpenGL has always been its extendability. It's just been too long since all the extensions that pretty much everyone implements have been pushed back into the required part of the spec.
      I know that programmable pixel shaders etc. are useful, but why does OpenGL not specify things like raytraced and radiosity lighting models, along with voxel primitives, and features for window and page oriented output of arbitary geometry (including support for true curves/surfaces etc.) ala Postscript.
      So, from last to first: SGI actually had the beginnings of a PostScript output extension (called GLS) working and there was a note on their page that said something to the effect of "if people are interested, we could make it a formal GL extension." Apparently, no one was interested. It's kind of moot now anyway, since all the programmability features make a PostScript engine very difficult and near-useless for many applications.

      Voxel primitives are there: 3D textures.

      Radiosity and raytracing are difficult to put in hardware because they would require you to have a full description of the scene in memory. This flies agains a fundamental assumption of OpenGL that geometry may be streamed to the video card -- keep the state small. A scene description language that performs radiosity calculations should be a layer on top of OpenGL, not subsumed into it. OpenGL's design intent has always been "Provide a wafer-thin layer of sanity over the graphics hardware so that people can make things go really fast." It has never been "Make programming graphics easy." Making graphics programming easy is the job of other layers such as Crystal Space [] (games) or VTK [] (visualization).

    • Lazy state updates! (Score:3, Informative)

      by Spiff28 ( 147865 )
      OpenGL is essentially a giant state machine. You issue a glTexture() command and now everything is drawn with that texture. Anything... from bound texture, to blending function, to rendering triangles vs. vertex arrays, is a state that can be changed. Whenever you render some fancy textured, lit, alpha-blended scene, with different materials (say, Quake 3), there are a LOT of potential state changes.

      State changes are SLOW, and so anyone hoping to render mildly complex scenes had better find a better alternative to resetting the state for every object in the scene. Well, there is... lazily update the states (only change the states that need changing, instead of manually setting every one). You could even go one step further and sort how you render your objects based upon state, so as to cause the least number of changes possible.

      Today, OpenGL drivers DO NOT KEEP TRACK OF THE STATE. They just merrily pass the state-changing function calls along. Thus, the programmer is forced to go through the tedium of creating some abstraction of OpenGL states, and tending to it themselves. This is frustrating boring work, there is no reason this shouldn't happen transparently!

      VTK is (or at least was, last I heard) guilty of not managing states lazily. A professor around here was working on a project to render from VTK to a large tiled display, which he did by more or less replacing the opengl driver with his own custom tile-display creation. It just happened to lazily update states. The end result was the uber-demo-model displaying smoothly on the tiled display, while chunking along at 10-15 FPS on the actual computer monitor!

      OpenGL implementations need to keep track of their rendering states, not just send the requests off to the card!

      - spiff
  • Direct3D is more popular for primarily one reason: It is more widly suppported by hardware manufactures. And the reason is because D3D drivers are easier to write and are supported by Microsoft. Direct 3D drivers are easier to write because there are fewer rendering options to support like in OpenGL (bezier curves/patches, pixel operations, display lists, ect..), Direct3D is hardware centric and forces programmers to write with maximum efficiency to the hardware. With the drawback of less convenience to the programmer. Managing RenderStates and DirectX resources are a pain, drawing geometry requires allocating vertex arrays, setting vertex formats and sending the entire matrix tranform to position it. OpenGL requires less code that makes more sense to do something simple with a lot more convenience. Trying searching the web for Direct3D demos and then do the same for OpenGL. Graphics programming Hobbiests don't care for Direct3D. Direct3D documentation is sparse, even Nvidia has more OpenGL samples than D3D ones in their graphics code samples. But making games takes money, and to maximize profit you bite the bullet and you program in direct3D to maximize your target audience and have a chance at possibly making a profit. Direct3D is not a better API than OpenGL, and there is not a single thing in direct3D that can't be done in OpenGL. It's just finding the hardware that supports it completely, and up until a few years ago only Nvidia had a descent implementation. ID software(quake3,Doom3!) and Bioware(Neverwinter Nights, MDK2) use it almost exclusivly. The issue of Direct3D being a better API than OpenGL was never an issue, it simply had a larger target audience and that is why it is so predominent. Hopefully with the emergence of only 2 key players in consumer grahics hardware the tides will shift.

  • 1. Vertex/Index Buffers

    The only way to store geometry data on the video card is by using extensions. To make matters worse, you passs nvidia's extension a couple floating point numbers and it magically gives you a block of memory if it feels like it, or not. Then this is the only block you get. Its up to you to write a memory manager on top of it

    2. Documentation / Extension system

    First, there hasn't been any HTML or even plaintext specs of the newer APIS. The PDFs look like ASS because of the pdf fonts. Second the extensions are made so that they are incremental updates to the manual "insert these lines into section 4.3.10" This helps no one use the extension. Why can't they just be explained in full. Plus, the least important fields such as the "issues" should go towards the bottom of the spec.

    3. Arcane extensions with arcane (or no) docs

    i'm talking about stuff like the nvidia register combiners, fence, vertex array range. And a powerpoint outline doesn't do the job explaining these.

  • For me, the coolest feature of OpenGL 2.0 is hardware independence. This means that an OpenGL 2.0 driver will work with any OpenGL 2.0 card; no more need for drivers specific to one video card. Vendors will probably implement all kinds of extensions in their hardware that do need specific drivers, but the basic functionality would Just Work (WOW). This may not matter much for game || app developpers, but it matters for the end user, especially when this end user is using some alternative operating system. I know that myriads of cards that do accelerated 3D don't do so under Linux, simply because no driver has been written for them. This is going to change once cards support OpenGL 2.0, and I am looking forward to that, as none of the cards I have worked (with accelerated 3D) last time I checked, even though all of them support OpenGL. Yes, I know some are going to say that I should have bought different hardware, or written a driver myself. You are right. I am cheap. I am lazy. I want OpenGL 2.0, cause then it'll Just Work (WOW). Cheers!
  • by krs-one ( 470715 ) <> on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @10:18PM (#4656477) Homepage Journal
    If OpenGL dies, whatever shall I do with my site, []?

    Joking aside, I hope, and know that OpenGL will never die. Several reasons:
    • Ease of use. With Direct3D, you have to set up all of that Win32 specific crap. Its a pain in the ass. You have to memorize all of those silly structure names and such (don't quiz me as I don't know any of them). With OpenGL, in VC++, you just have to include the right libraries (opengl32.lib, glu32.lib and glut32.lib) and your set to go. I'm pretty sure its similar on Linux.
    • Cross platform. Direct3D doesn't run on other platforms (yeah, there's probably a project or two on sourceforge to prove me otherwise), but in general, you don't have to install any fancy things to get OpenGL working on multiple computers. In fact, if you use the GLUT (although deprecated, it has its uses) library, then theorhetically, you should only have to recompile the application to have it run on a specific platform.
    • John Carmack. Face it, the mans incredible. He's literally changed the face of graphics, but I'm sure everyone already knew that ;).
    • The general API is nicer looking. To me, and I'm sure a lot of other people, code aesthetics is very important. OpenGL uses simple, yet intuitive function names. I want my object to be 100% red, and 50% blue, and 0% green, simple, I must use the glColor3f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f); function (gl - the library, Color - main identifier, 3f - takes 3 floats as arguments). I'm not sure of the function in Direct3D, but I'm sure its not as nice looking.

    To summarize:
    I love OpenGL and everything about it. I know it will never die. Its an incredible API, and although its slow to update, I'm sure OpenGL2.0 will kick ass.

    • by djohnsto ( 133220 ) <dan,e,johnston&gmail,com> on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @11:26PM (#4656837) Homepage
      Ease of use. With Direct3D, you have to set up all of that Win32 specific crap. Its a pain in the ass. You have to memorize all of those silly structure names and such (don't quiz me as I don't know any of them). With OpenGL, in VC++, you just have to include the right libraries (opengl32.lib, glu32.lib and glut32.lib) and your set to go. I'm pretty sure its similar on Linux.

      Right... Either you've never used DX8/9, you've never used OpenGL without glut, or both. Both API's have their good points and bad points in ease-of-use. But as of today (and especially with DX9), I would give the nod to D3D here. There are too many things that are vendor specific in OpenGL that are required for fast operation. This turns into a big pain in the ass. Also, anyone who's written wrapper code to dynamically load DX or OpenGL libraries at run time knows that the C++ interface of DX is a godsend.

      Cross platform. Direct3D doesn't run on other platforms (yeah, there's probably a project or two on sourceforge to prove me otherwise), but in general, you don't have to install any fancy things to get OpenGL working on multiple computers. In fact, if you use the GLUT (although deprecated, it has its uses) library, then theorhetically, you should only have to recompile the application to have it run on a specific platform.

      Cross platform is right, easy to port, not-so-right. Even when using glut, extensions that exist on the PC's are usually different than apple's extionsions that do the same damn thing. Apple's policy towards OpenGL is similar to the way MS treats DX. The only time the API is updated is when Apple approves of new GL_APPLE extensions. There is no aglGetProcAddress, so vendors are not at liberty to add new extensions when they please. I'll admit that this could be viewed as a good thing, but it does make developing at the bleeding edge more than a little difficult.

      John Carmack. Face it, the mans incredible. He's literally changed the face of graphics, but I'm sure everyone already knew that ;).

      Unfortunately, only John Carmack can tell the IHV's what to do and what extensions to support in OpenGL. Yes, he's helped OpenGL, but what does Carmack have to do with you choosing to use OpenGL vs. DX?

      The general API is nicer looking. To me, and I'm sure a lot of other people, code aesthetics is very important. OpenGL uses simple, yet intuitive function names. I want my object to be 100% red, and 50% blue, and 0% green, simple, I must use the glColor3f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f); function (gl - the library, Color - main identifier, 3f - takes 3 floats as arguments). I'm not sure of the function in Direct3D, but I'm sure its not as nice looking.

      Write back when you've tried using programmable shaders under OpenGL (especially fragment/pixel shaders). Personally (and I know I don't speak for everyone), I perfer the DX api to GL's. I also prefer DX's standard vertex lighting model to GL's (the spot light formulae (sp?) are different). The DX fixed function pixel pipeline is more flexible than GL's standard (GL_ARB_texture_env_combine) pixel pipeline.

      In my summary: OpenGL and DX are very equivalent in functionality. OpenGL tends to have MORE function calls into the library, but DX has more EXPENSIVE function calls into the library - so this is a wash. I do hope OpenGL 2.0 will kick ass, but I'm also hoping it's a step towards the day when DX and OpenGL have easily translatable shading languages and features for everything. It's not there yet.

  • by g4dget ( 579145 ) on Tuesday November 12, 2002 @11:00PM (#4656685)
    And that's good as far as I'm concerned--Microsoft is too quick force every idea they have down people's throats and to build huge monolithic systems around unproven ideas and codebases. That's the problem with large, centralized development efforts. Linux isn't entirely immune from it (the kernel, Gnome, and KDE are showing some of those problems), but it's still much better and much more decentralized.

    Let people worry a few more years about DirectX and OpenGL 2 features and see how things shake out; then, those things may be mature enough to be widely used and built on. Until then, a good OpenGL 1.x implementation is all I want.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 13, 2002 @01:18AM (#4657288)
    I don't normally post to slashdot but having read some of the comments I just had to say something.

    First thing: there's is a common misconception that DirectX is "light years" ahead of OpenGL. That couldn't be more false. There are quite a few things that you can do in OpenGL that you wouldn't be able to in DirectX. Here's a good example: GeForce register combiners.
    On the other hand there is nothing DirectX (or more correctly Direct3D) can do that OpenGL can't. All of the functionality is present through extensions.

    Main problem with OpenGL is not functionality - it's the extensions. Different graphics cards support different extensions that provide the same functionality but to get your code to run on both cards correctly you have to support both extensions.
    The whole extensions mechanism is a mess really - it was a good idea while the number of extensions was small but these days there are way too many of them.

    Another misconception (and I just can't see where exactly is this coming from) is that DirectX is faster than OpenGL. On nVidia cards at least DirectX is most definitley not faster than OpenGL. Run any game that supports both APIs and OpenGL is almost always faster. This is not noticable on really powerful systems but on slower ones OpenGL runs slightly faster. For that matter just look at all the abstraction present in DirectX - abstraction does not come for free, there is a performance cost - it's small but it's there. OpenGL on the other hand is nice and clean.
    Not to mention that DirectX uses a lot more memory than OpenGL.

    I also noticed someone saying that DirectX drivers are easier to implement. That is most certainly not true. I find it puzzling that there are so many graphics cards with bad OpenGL drivers because OpenGL drivers are relatively simple compared to DirectX ones. I'm guessing the main reason is that DirectX is more popular and hence better supported.

    And to the guy who mentioned hardware independence, sorry to disappoint you but OpenGL 2 will not be any more or less hardware independent than OpenGL 1.x.
    OpenGL is a standard just like DirectX, not a driver. That means that graphics card companies will still have to write OpenGL 2 drivers - there won't be one driver for all OpenGL 2 cards. Before you post something incredibly stupid again use your brain for a minute and think about it.
  • by forgoil ( 104808 ) on Wednesday November 13, 2002 @03:16AM (#4657609) Homepage
    For Windows OpenGL 2.0 will certainly have less impact by now. DirectX 9 is far from bad and will most certainly be used by a large number of developers. But the story for Linux surely is very different.

    I certainl will just dream about the next part, but here goes...

    I would like to see a standard OpenGL 2.0 implementation for Linux, with implementations for all new cards, that is not tied to X (whether or not it should be somehow connected to the kernel, well, is a decision for the implementors). I want it to be stable, fast, and state of the art.

    This would:

    1. Give me as a developer one API that I know will always be there, and I won't have to care about what card might be in the computer.
    2. Give game developers the same as in 1
    3. Make it feasable to port X to OpenGL 2.0 to improve the horrible performace
    4. Write a new windowing system based on OpenGL 2.0 and put KDE/QT on top of it to make the Linux desktop experience more up to par with MacOS X for example (i.e. not make a copy of MacOS X, but start using more of your hardware for a smoother ride). (If you prefer gnome, the same goes for it ;))
  • by podperson ( 592944 ) on Wednesday November 13, 2002 @06:03AM (#4657919) Homepage
    Was that SGI went into a partnership with MS called Farenheit, which was to succeed OpenGL. (This was as good a move as SGI's attempts to sell NT boxes and its earlier bid to compete with high-end Macs.)

    Farenheit was going to be the "high-end" graphics API, while DirectX would serve for "low-end". Well, you can attribute it to malice aforethought or simply reading the times, but MS withdrew leaving Farenheit dead in the water. Meanwhile OpenGL had pretty much stayed still.

    Four years is a long time in 3D graphics. It's pretty sad that DirectX hasn't been able to open up MORE of a lead...
  • by Temporal ( 96070 ) on Wednesday November 13, 2002 @07:41AM (#4658158) Journal
    I do 3D coding in my spare time, and I can't wait for GL2, for all the same reasons everyone else, plus one: asynchronous operation.

    Working with a 3D graphics card is sort of like working with a second processor. Ideally, you would send the hardware a bunch of stuff to draw, and then you would do something else with the CPU (i.e. physics calculations) while you wait for the card to draw it. However, with GL 1.x, there isn't any really good way to do this (as far as I know). Once you queue up everything you want the card to draw for a particular frame of animation, you call your swap buffer function and your program just waits for everything to complete. The CPU just sits and does nothing. The only way to take advantage of the situation would be to use multiple threads, but then you run into thread synchronization issues, race conditions, and other crap you might not want to deal with.

    With GL2, you can actually have the graphics card signal you when it's done. This signalling is done through low-level OS events, which are OS-dependent (unfortunately), but this means that you can wait on non-graphics-related events at the same time (networking, input, etc.) and handle them all as they happen. No more polling! This is good! Also, instead of queuing up an entire frame at once and then waiting for that, you can queue up bits and pieces and say "tell me when this piece has been drawn".

    I guess this excites me more than most people because I am an extreme supporter of event-driven programming. Threads are inefficient and overrated, IMO; a program should never use more threads than its host has processors. Any operation which forces a thread to wait for something cannot be used in such programming models, which means I have a very hard time using GL 1.x effectively. 2.0 will fix that. :)

A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
