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Oldest-Known Terrestrial Rocks Unearthed 20

wdavies writes "There are various news reports (see this Google search) Oldest Rocks University Quebec that are reporting the discovery of the oldest sedimentary rocks ever found. There are older rocks, but they are extra-terrestrial, and apparently these Earth-local rocks will give a lot more information about the early stages of life on our planet. IANAG so I can't judge any more, but seems significant"
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Oldest-Known Terrestrial Rocks Unearthed

Comments Filter:
  • Wow! That totally rocks!
  • by darthBear ( 516970 ) < minus berry> on Tuesday December 03, 2002 @10:18PM (#4807443)
    Why exactly is this in developers?
    Please don't tell me this is considered an early beta of rock or something.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      In an effort to avoid duplications, now stories are being out into random categories.

      Er, editors try "Science".
    • Maybe they thought the submission was about Rox []...?
    • by the_other_one ( 178565 ) on Tuesday December 03, 2002 @11:27PM (#4807781) Homepage

      They found some fossilized developer manuals, hair dresser equipment, and a telephone sanitizer license.

    • i don't know, but i think this is an Open Source success. After all, many eyes make all rocks unearthed. If this had been an MS rock, it would have remained buried for who know how long!
    • Analysis 1: The rocks give amazing insights about the early phases of life on this planet. Most developers hate lawyers, and thus need to get as much information about them as possible.

      Analysis 2: The submitter and editor were making a subtle comment toward how God was the first developer.

      Analysis 3: The rocks are thought to be extra-terrestial in origin. Just like most developers.

      Analysis 4: The editor that placed it is stoned, no pun intended. If they are smoking up, that would also explain the duplicates, the other mismatched columns, and perhaps even CmdrTaco's 3 hour hiatus between typing up the note on Mozilla and hitting the save button.
  • by stubear ( 130454 ) on Tuesday December 03, 2002 @11:24PM (#4807762)'s Strom Thurmond's head.
  • Yes! If /. is going to dominate the universe, we need Editors! Preferably ones that will reject crap articles that have no actual information, and the only link is a google search. Then again, at least this story hasn't appeared four times in the past week.

  • by mikerich ( 120257 ) on Wednesday December 04, 2002 @01:10PM (#4811555)
    Almost all rocks of similar ages have been through one or more periods of metamorphism and have undergone physical and chemical changes. Their age just makes it nearly inevitable that they will have been through a mountain-building phase or two. Those rocks that weren't just recycled get heated up, squeezed and exposed to hot reactive fluids. Naturally they don't come out that well.

    The Isua Complex in Greenland which appears to be older than these new samples has undergone several metamorphic episodes during which igneous and sedimentary rocks have been converted into new rocks like gneiss.

    Sadly that process tends to destroy all of the potential fossil evidence. There are blobs of carbonaceous material in the Isua rocks which some people have ascribed to early life.

    If these new rocks really do contain sediments it could be a fascinating chance to see if life had been kick-started by this time.

    Thanks for posting!

    Best wishes,

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Like, how old do you tell a rock is?

    It's not like rocks have little labels on them or anything.

    I mean, the whole world is like five billion years old or something, right? So technically all the rocks in the world are that old.

    Am I missing something?

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
