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IBM Buys Rational Software 309

An anonymous reader writes "Rational Software is going to be taken over by IBM. More info on Rational's website. RIP Rational. This is what rational is sending it's customers: To our valued customers: We are delighted to tell you that IBM and Rational Software have announced a definitive agreement for IBM to purchase Rational. This is a very exciting time for both companies and builds on the extensive business relationship IBM and Rational have had for over 20 years. Most importantly, it will provide significant benefits to you." Other readers submit links to the story in InformationWeek and the Mercury News.
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IBM Buys Rational Software

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  • by ( 562495 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:23AM (#4837550) Homepage
    but very expensive. I hope IBM sells the licenses for cheaper.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:24AM (#4837552)
    After record losses this past quarter and a stock plunge from 70 dollars to 4 in the past year, Rational was on its way out. I'm not sure how much of Rational IBM is really planning on keeping around or whether they simply bought them for their software they wanted and planned on burying the rest of the company, but here's hoping they don't all get canned. I've been using ClearCase on Solaris for years, and it's really an excellent product.
  • Open Source? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by AirLace ( 86148 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:26AM (#4837558)
    It seems it's about time for IBM to demonstrate their loyalty to Free Software and Open Source by open sourcing Rational Rose -- the free software world is severely lacking in UML diagramming tools. So, what do you say IBM?
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:37AM (#4837584)
      So, what do you say IBM?

      I'll think about it.

    • Re:Open Source? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by sql*kitten ( 1359 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:42AM (#4837611)
      It seems it's about time for IBM to demonstrate their loyalty to Free Software and Open Source by open sourcing Rational Rose -- the free software world is severely lacking in UML diagramming tools. So, what do you say IBM?

      I don't work for IBM, but I can tell you what they will say: "We like Linux because it saves us money we would otherwise have had to spend on writing software which means we can make more money selling hardware, and after all, we are mostly a hardware company. We also sell a set of software engineering tools [], and we'll probably integrate Rational's tools with that. Why would we give something away that competes directly with a revenue-generating product of our own?"
      • Re:Open Source? (Score:2, Informative)

        by ShinmaWa ( 449201 )
        we are mostly a hardware company

        Not even hardly. IBM is mostly a services company (over half of IBM's employees and about half of their revenue hail from the services division). Over the last year, IBM has sold off a lot of its hardware lines, including -- most recently -- its hard drives.

        We also sell a set of software engineering tools

        That they do. However, you linked to VAGenerator, a product that is being sunsetted. What they DO produce is the Open Source-based (i.e. Eclipse []-based) WebSphere Studio Application Developer [].

        we'll probably integrate Rational's tools with that

        You betcha -- but a lot of it has already been done. WSAD already integrates with ClearCase. Rational also has a product called Rational XDE [] that already gives somewhat-Rose-like integration into WSAD.

    • by Augusto ( 12068 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:43AM (#4837619) Homepage
      What is this some type of cult now?

      Instead of coming up with weird 'royalty' reasons, come up with good business reasons for IBM to open source this product.

      Hey, I'd love if they do that, and you could argue that there could be some benefits financially to IBM. However, from IBM's perspective, I don't see this is a great move, or something you do right off you buy a company.
      • And, don't forget, IBM's "loyalty" to open source extends only as far as the server and mainframe world. Desktop is verboten. Hence no Lotus Notes client. And no open source Rationale Rose either, because that's a desktop tool too.
        • oh .. and how would you explain WSAD (WebSphere Application Developer)? - this is their new strategic development platform and its based on Eclipse (opensource) and it runs on Linux (ok..the Linux version has been lagging a bit but as of the next release both the Linux and Win versions have the same milestone dates).
          - My guess is that we'll see WSAD incorporating Rational Rose as a view in WSAD. This will make WSAD an incredibly complete tool. It's only viable competitor in the marketplace for J2EE development will be TogetherJ.

          One mistake they made though: SWT!!? - they should have based SWT on gtk instead of motif..
          - My guess is that they'll have to rework this within 3 years. They could have done it right from the start but maybe they're just waiting for Sun to implement the java/gtk part (why pay for it when someone else is doing it for free?)

          The only occasion when desktop is "verboten" is when selling workstations and laptops. This is not a result of free choice - this is the result of the dominating position of Microsoft. This problem should be rectified through the courts since it is clearly an effect of Microsofts illegal leveraging of its dominant position.

        • Er, what about their Eclipse [] project? Or the excellent references and projects at their DeveloperWorks [] Linux Zone? Not to mention that my current kernel supports JFS and EVMS... I could go on, but you get the picture. Bear in mind that the server and the mainframe enterprise stuff is IBM's bread and butter; it's their core business to do enterprise stuff like that. I'd bet you'll see some desktop stuff from them, but it'll take a while.
      • Instead of coming up with weird 'royalty' reasons, come up with good business reasons for IBM to open source this product.

        Exactly. What some people here don't seem to understand is that IBM is not "loyal" to OSS, they are loyal to profit (it's called a business). They use OSS software in certain solutions because it saves them money. They essentially get to profit off of the backs of OSS programmers who code for free. IBM doesn't buy into the RMS BS, or any of the FSF BS. They are a business in a capitalistic country. Why does this philisophical BS come up every time a company chooses OSS - especially an American company who used to be a monopoly?
    • Re:Open Source? (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      IBM is already showing it's support of Open Source by pouring millions of bucks into Linux and other offerings. And making business aware of these choices. Sure,IBM is making making money off O/S, but they are also making it much easier for the rest of us to go to bosses or clients and say, "Look at what IBM is doing with Linux. Let me show you more".

      Why don't you open your home as a homeless shelter if you want to show how charity works. IBM is a for profit corporation putting money into the the pockets of stock holders and thousands of world wide employees. What have you done this week?
    • Re:Open Source? (Score:5, Informative)

      by Lumpish Scholar ( 17107 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @11:11AM (#4837709) Homepage Journal
      It seems it's about time for IBM to demonstrate their loyalty to Free Software and Open Source by open sourcing Rational Rose ...
      Counter-example: IBM all but bought Object Technology International [], turned OTI's Envy product into Visual Age (for Smalltalk, and then for Java), and released the latest version as a free / open source product called Eclipse []. Why? Because (IMHO) every Java program written is a program that's not tied to Microsoft's apron strings, and thus might be available to run on IBM hardware. Is that the case for every program designed using UML? Probably not.

      Note also that IBM sells a high-end, "supported" version of Eclipse called WebSphere Studio Workbench []. This is aimed squarely at the big-bucks* enterprise software development market, the same folks who buy Rational Rose. There's huge money to be made in that market, and IBM wants it.

      (*Freudian slip: I originally typed "big bugs".-)
      • Re:Open Source? (Score:3, Informative)

        by doctrbl ( 306815 )
        Envy went into the VisualAge series. Note that Eclipse is NOT the latest version of VisualAge; Eclipse doesn't use the envy repository (it uses CVS instead).

        I've used both, and I much prefer VisualAge. The IDE is bound to the JVM (bad), but the environment allows you to work in an object-oriented way; I can pull out a class and work with it. I can pull out a method and look at that. In Eclipse, everything is file-based; to work with a method, the IDE just scrolls to the right place in the text file :(

        Also, the VisualAge debugger was 1000X better than Eclipse. Try step-through debugging with both. Try dropping to a selected frame in the execution stack rather than restarting your app from the beginning.

        Just wanted to clarify that Ecipse isn't really the next iteration of VisualAge; it's a replacement product which is getting better every release.
    • Re:Open Source? (Score:3, Informative)

      by Ryosen ( 234440 )
      What about ArgoUML []?
    • the free software world is severely lacking in UML diagramming tools. So, what do you say IBM?

      Hopefully, they'll say "no". UML is a disease on the face of the planet, and the sooner it's destroyed, the better. Open sourcing Rose will potentially prolong UML's lifespan, something that I *really* don't want to happen. So like I said, I hope IBM keep it closed source (not that they have any incentive to open source it in the first place). Yeah, you might think this is flamebait, but it's genuinely what I believe...

      • What do you have against UML? It's a way of passing knowledge so disparate people can understand what's going on. What's wrong with that?

      • UML is a disease on the face of the planet

        I can see where unregenerate C programmers who wouldn't know OOP if it bit them might dislike UML. Heck, even I think some UML diagram types are a bit hokey. But what, specifically, is your beef?

        You want DFDs and STDs or just plain old flowcharts?
    • I'd be happy with anything they did that made the Rational suite faster and less buggy.
    • I don't know, I kind of like ArgoUML [] myself and think it has the potential to be a decent open source entry into the field. It's functional and can produce good work today.

      Are there any other decent entries out there?
    • A much more plausible "demonstration of loyalty" would be that they make clearcase work better under Linux. Their very cool multi-version filesystem now requires binary kernel modules that only work with certain kernel versions, and are a bit flaky even then (so is the windows version, though the solaris version is stable). I use clearcase every day, but I do without mvfs on my laptop, because it's just not worth the grief. IBM will want clearcase to work smoothly with Linux, and I this pretty much requires that the kernel parts be free software.

      They could also bring the disastrous unix GUI to parity with windows.

    • Rational is a case tool for OO. You can sell case tools for $$$. Who would buy something, then later give it away for free(as in beer)?
    • the free software world is severely lacking in UML diagramming tools.

      Hmm. Have you tried ArgoUML []?

      Other than that, do you really find UML diagrams useful beyond sketches on a white board?

    • the free software world is severely lacking in UML diagramming tools

      What, ArgoUML's [] BSD license isn't free enough for you?

    • Rational is the latest in a series of products touted to revolutionize the way software is created. It is not a drawing tool, although it does have that capability. They also have a versioning component, an automated test tool (formerly Team Test I think) and a whole bunch of other things added in by acquisition. As a true believer in Client/Server methods it is clear that these tools can do a great deal of good when used properly, or a great deal of harm (at a high price) when used by "amateurs".

      A history of blunders:

      I worked at a shop that several years ago decided to go the "Client/Server" route to save money over the old mainframe methods. As far as they were concerned "Client/Server" mean "lets buy a bunch of PCs and play games on them during lunch". The application was a secondary consideration. This was a worldwide highly distributed application. Being a government organization, they had tons of money to spend though, so the reasons for switching had more to do with what the top people were reading in PC/Week and such than any concern about the money involved. The Clipper code was a disaster, with data constantly being lost for no apparent reason. The mainframe/mini approach consisting of a few hundred minicomputers was replaced with several thousand PCs, in reality the hardware costs went up. This all happened during a time when you had to replace all your PCs every year or two to still be able to even run the latest version of Windows and Office.

      On top of this the number of people involved in the process soared, network bandwidth had to increase substantially, not to cope with the application, but with the increased size of prettily formatted Word documents that were flying around. In fact when the network folk decided to project future traffic, they ignored the application altogether (since there wasn't a design from which they could work anyway) and simply did a statistical analysis of e-mail traffic. As dumb as this seemed at the time, the results actually worked pretty well.

      About the time the Clipper programs were fully deployed, Powersoft came along claiming to be best buddies with Microsoft. The company President even visited and told us that they and Microsoft were going to work together to make Powerbuilder the ultimate programming language of the future. The folks I worked for bought this BS hook, line, and sinker. The crappy Clipper programs were replaced (over a several year period) with crappy Powerbuilder programs who's design specs looked something like: "Make it look like the old minicomputer programs we had before". In other words, nobody really understood the original programs and didn't want to do the homework to figure them out either.

      Realizing this last fact to some extent, the organization bought into another product called System Engineer (I forget the vendors name). SE was a high level design tool that claimed to actually be able to generate full-blown applications if given sufficiently detailed design specs. The only catch was that it only generated C++ or Cobol, and generating Powerbuilder was a "future feature". Just as well, because none of the programmers involved had the skill or patience to use the product, so they just did their database diagrams with a bootleg copy of Erwin. When pressed to do so they would run Systems Engineer in "reverse engineering" mode to produce the "artifact" documents needed to demonstrate what a great idea this client/server stuff was after all.

      It was no surprise at all to me that about a year ago they asked someone (not me) for advice about where to go with this technology. Whoever did the research must have spent about 2 hours reading the trade rags before calling the sales reps to start convincing them that Rational was the "next big thing". In addition to the software being expensive, you almost have to agree to sign up for training in order to use the product. The training is VERY expensive, and with the bloated development staff that we had, this was made even worse.

      The good news is that they have finally realized they went down the wrong path with Powerbuilder. They at least in that process got their data into a real RDBMS (Oracle).

      The bad news is that they have decided to pick between Java and .Net for all future development and they behave as though they are sleeping with the Microsoft sales reps. Forget that the selection itself makes no sense (Java a language vs .Net a loosely designed framework), I'm sure they will pick .Net. again missing the chance to go with a language (Java or C++) that will be around almost forever. They'll send 100 people to C# classes, and they'll try and figure out how to pretend that they used Rational to design it all. Anything that goes wrong will be blamed on bad advice from consultants, anything that miraculously works will be claimed as the bright idea of a government employee who has never coded a line of either code or design specs.

      In about 4-5 years they will start the process all over again. And, by the way the mainframe is still there, doing the hard parts of the application, cleaning up the messes that the PCs have made, with large parts of it written in *sigh* COBOL.

      Your tax dollars at work again.

      Back in the 80's IBM failed to understand a very important concept: That whatever gadget or technology finds its way onto peoples desks at home will eventually find its way into solving business problems too. Whether it works or not will be decided so far in the future that nobody will get blamed or lose their job for not really thinking things through.

      I think IBM has learned its lesson though. They have their fingers in hundreds of pies, some of which are strategic, others seemingly nonsensical. They are positioned to make money both in hardware sales and consulting services whenever an organization gets so wrapped up in whiz-bang technologies that they can't extricate themselves. They have all the tools at their disposal to do mainframe/mini/or totally decentralized solutions and they are not dependent on any one vendor be it Oracle, Microsoft, Intel or even their own hardware divisions to come up with a solution that fits.

      For some it may seem like technology has moved rapidly, but we are just now accomplishing things that were predicted as being right around the corner when I was in college in the 70's. I blame a lot of this on clever marketing by Microsoft, Intel and a few others (Powersoft, Rational among them) that substituted nicely packaged products (and games) for products that actually did something useful. I have high hopes that the Open Source movement will end this nonsense. A steady stream of products that "just work" and don't cost anything to try will keep the sales reps of the future a lot more honest than those of the past. I have more to say about this, but I guess this is too long already. IBM will conceivably Open Source parts of the product suit that are not particularly unique, but nothing they do is about charity, nor should it be. I hope that creating the Microsoft and Intel duopoly was the last act of charity that they engage in.
  • Rational and XML (Score:4, Interesting)

    by ( 562495 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:27AM (#4837563) Homepage
    I used to use Rational about 3 years back. Has any progress been made on Rational diagrams being stored as XML? It would be nice if all the Rational files would be in XML, and then use some kind of SVG browser to look at the diagrams, and make small changes directly from a web browser.
  • by deragon ( 112986 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:28AM (#4837565) Homepage Journal
    Best configuration management software I ever used was CMVC from IBM. It was then replaced by TeamConnection and then canned because IBM made an agreeement with Rational to promote their ClearCase product, which everyone I know who had use CMVC found ClearCase to be inferior.

    Now that Rational is being bought, IBM, can you make CMVC/Team Connection open source? God I would like to work again with CVMC...
    • God I would like to work again with CVMC...

      You, sir, are obviously a masochist of the highest order. :-) CMVC ranks as to most convoluted piece of bloatware I've ever been forced to use in a Unix enviroment.

      At my current workplace (IBM), a manadate from management that we migrate to CMVC from our home-grown set of SCCS scripts is causing nothing but pain. Every one of our developers would rather go to CVS.

    • Are you kidding me?!?! CMVC is by far the most annoying part of working for IBM. I mean..rah rah IBM, everything we make is great.
    • The biggest problem CMVC encounters is that developers are usually looking for a software versioning repository like RCS or SCCS. CMVC tackles not only software versioning, but defect/request tracking, and correlation of code deltas to defects.

      If developers don't accept the benefits of that tracking, they'll never consider it to be anything but an irritant. If project management doesn't actually use the additional information to control the project development, then CMVC is a poor fit if the project just wants a source code repository.

      I haven't set up a CVS server yet, but I keep my own code in an RCS repository. Everything I've read indicates that CVS is a means of publishing a read-only image of an RCS-managed project, and of accepting suggested code changes for review. CVS does not track defects/requests AFAIK, so if developers are used to working with CVS and RCS, they'll likely find CMVC frustrating as it requires them to coordinate an extra piece of information (the defect/request ids they are working on.)

  • by Hirofyre ( 612929 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:37AM (#4837582)
    I hope IBM's intention is to keep Rational evolving UML/RUP and not to strip out Clear Case, Req Pro, and Rose. A lot of the time, this is what happens when a big company buys a company like that, and it would be a real shame if this happened to Rational. Personally, I think UML and RUP continue to gain mindshare when it comes to Software Engineering Methodology.
    Grady Booch recently spoke at our company, and his enthusiasm was infectious! It is obvious that he and the other Rational Fellows have a pretty good vision of where UML and RUP should go, and it would be a real shame if that was lost.
    • Gimme a freaking break! RUP is the biggest waste of time this side of the big bang. $10,000 for a developer seat + 6 months or on-again, off-again training classes to load your mind with worthless garbage. In the time spent getting up to speed with RUP, using SourceForge or other streamlined collaborative development mechanisms you could be releasing product. RUP is what's wrong with software engineering today. Big, fat and bloated. I hope IBM can the "Rational Fellows" on day one -- they've done more to retard the development of efficient, agile software development than anyone else. COBOL is a delight to use when compared with the dogmatic garbage that spews from Rational. If IBM does to Rational what it did to Lotus and CrossWorlds we'll all be better off! Open source development has **clearly** proven how you can rapidly develop great software with no over-blown management structure and butt-head tools. Ditch RUP and use I say. No cost and orders of more successful projects than Rational has ever been able to achieve. (My next post on this topic will tell you how I *really* feeel.) Toodles.
  • Valgrind (Score:5, Informative)

    by Bullschmidt ( 69408 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:40AM (#4837602)
    Anyone looking for similar functionality in an open source package may want to check out Valgrind. It is "an open-source memory debugger for x86-GNU/Linux". I've used it for a short while and its great.

  • Rational Rose (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Reality Master 101 ( 179095 ) <`moc.liamg' `ta' `101retsaMytilaeR'> on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:41AM (#4837607) Homepage Journal

    I don't have all that much to add, except -- God, Rational Rose was one of the buggiest, worst-designed pieces of software I've ever used. The one time I had to use it I prayed that someone over there would buy a copy of Visio to learn how a diagramming tool SHOULD be designed.

    I always found it hysterically ironic that a tool that was touted by its makers as the ultimate way to develop software demonstrated so poorly its own usefulness.

    Maybe after buying it IBM will run it into the ground ala Lotus. We can only hope.

    • Re:Rational Rose (Score:4, Informative)

      by sql*kitten ( 1359 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:52AM (#4837652)
      Rational Rose was one of the buggiest, worst-designed pieces of software I've ever used. The one time I had to use it I prayed that someone over there would buy a copy of Visio to learn how a diagramming tool SHOULD be designed.

      Yes, but can Visio generate C++ from your UML, let you modify the C++, then import it back into the UML editor with all your changes intact? It's called "round trip engineering" and if you aren't doing it, you wasted your money buying ROSE!
      • Re:Rational Rose (Score:5, Informative)

        by pcraven ( 191172 ) <paul&cravenfamily,com> on Sunday December 08, 2002 @11:13AM (#4837714) Homepage
        Togethersoft can do transparent roundtrip engineering.

        Rational just manages to mangle code going both ways.
      • Yes, but can Visio generate C++ from your UML, let you modify the C++, then import it back into the UML editor with all your changes intact?
        Dunno about C++, but the Visio version in Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect does roundtrip engineering at least for database models (which is, of course, way easier). I doubt that we'll have to wait too long for full roundtrip engineering for C#, maybe for more or even all .NET languages.

        There seems to be a lot of money to make in this market, and new and cool products pop up frequently. Microsoft won't just let the other guys have all the fun.

      • I'm not saying that they're necessarily intechangeable tools, only that Visio's user interface is soooo much better, not to mention infinitely more stable.

      • Yes, but can Visio generate C++ from your UML, let you modify the C++, then import it back into the UML editor with all your changes intact? It's called "round trip engineering" and if you aren't doing it, you wasted your money buying ROSE!

        Yes, but Rational Rose doesn't really do round-trip engineering successfully. I have run into several situations where Rose 'forgets' to pull in certain classes, neglects to pull in the comments written in the code, and deletes the comments in the existing model.
        Rose is supposed to be helpful with designing AND documenting. If it continually deletes your comments, it certainly is not helping with the documentation.

    • Here, Here! I've had horrible experiences with Rose. It has always amused me that a company that creates tools to support modern software design and build methods and which is backed by some of the top names in the field of software design methodology could write such buggy code. It makes me wonder if the design methodology itself is to blame. If you don't create a superior product when you are the experts at a supposedly superior methodology, something is seriously wrong with the methodology.
    • I used Rational Rose for a month building UML diagrams for a client who wanted a me-too back in 2000. (Thank God they ran out of money like everyone else- they were clueless as hell and couldn't come up with a spec to save their lives.)

      There were so many bugs and "bleeding-edge" features in Rose that looked cool but that weren't usable because of bugs. Printing was the worst. I repeatedly tried to print diagrams on all kinds of printers with no success. Each diagram came out the size of a postage stamp at the top left corner of each sheet of paper. It also liked to print out tons of blank sheets with a "page m of n" footer at the bottom. If you need lots of scrap paper it's a great product. We joked that Rational and the paper industry were in cahoots together.

  • Good and Bad Points (Score:2, Interesting)

    by fozzy(pro) ( 267441 )
    I've seen Rational Software (Rational Rose Mainly) has improved in Stability since 1998 on the windows platform, but on Solaris it is better but still buggy. Hopefully IBM will improve the performance in Solaris. I hear it is ok in Linux, but room for improvement exists so we will se an improvement there, I've never personally used any Rational Software in Linux so I'm assuming what I've been told is true. I do hope IBM ports the software to other platforms well. I would sure love being able to make up some UML Diagrams on any system I desire with the same program. Together Soft is what I use often because it works so well on many platforms without fuss, but I prefer Rose as its UML is more standard and it just seems to crash less.

    IBM could also do what our "friends" at Microsoft did to Visio and ruin a good piece of software with patented Microsoft bloat.
  • by YahoKa ( 577942 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:53AM (#4837654)
    Can this be expressed as a fraction?
  • by pcraven ( 191172 ) <paul&cravenfamily,com> on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:55AM (#4837660) Homepage
    Rational software is some of the worst designed examples of user interface out there. There are two types of people that like rational software:

    1. They haven't used anything better like togethersoft or visio.
    2. They are management and don't actually have to use it.

    Rational and IBM should get along great. Neither company produces good software. But both companies produce incredible salespeople. Working for a large bank, I have a great deal of respect for these guys. How would you like to try selling IBM or rational products? As engineers we are usually too honest. I'd never get anywhere.

    Rational sells a process. The process is great for business people because it produces visible artifacts. (Aptly named, as they don't get used and are only good in the archeological sense.)

    Togethersoft (recently bought by Borland) has much better software but it is very expensive, and they don't have the quality salesforce IBM has.

    So if you think that salespeople don't matter, think again. In this case, they can take a barely functional product and have it dominate that sector of industry. Even in the face of better products.
    • They haven't used anything better like togethersoft or visio.

      I don't have experience with visio, but I thought it was based on rational technology. Anyone out there who knows that?

      Together is supurb to rational with respect to backwards engineering. You can much easier adapt your source code and together will put these changes back in the design.

      Friends of mine used rational rose under windows and the stability is horrible. The rational rose version for linux is even worse: They use some kind of windows simulation environment instead of supporting native linux interfaces. This means you have to install a "windows" printer to print and more of these nonsense.

    • I heard from Rational University course instructors that Rational software itself is made without any using of Rational software itself.

      That was a very good illustration. And a very good advise: UML is good, Rational is good to learn UML, but once you know UML then the usage Rational will only make you development process worse.

      First, what I don't like in Rational is very ugly UI, which has not been designed - it has been "rationally" evolved from prototypes (that's waht RUP is about, isn't it?). I think the term "usability" is unknown in Rational development team.

      Second, Rational products are very badly integrated to work togethers.

      Finally, I hate all those license servers and inability of Rational salespeople to help to install them.

      Conclusion is to use Togethersoft - it doesn't pretend to automate all your thinking process. Instead, it helps you with your software development. And if you need really some serious analyse of requirements then do it with traditional knowledge management systems - at least you can do lots with rule-based verification .

  • Clearcase (Score:4, Insightful)

    by pcraven ( 191172 ) <paul&cravenfamily,com> on Sunday December 08, 2002 @10:59AM (#4837676) Homepage
    Clearcase is another of rational's products. I'm curious about other people's experiences. Things I don't like:

    1. Network dependent. Since the code is on a 'mounted' drive, everything is slower. I have to go to the network for everything.
    2. Integrates into Windows OS. If clearcase or the network has problems, I have to reboot.
    3. Takes to long. The whole integration stream, delivery, etc. takes about 10 button pushes and a good minute of time.
    4. Costs too much. CVS works better, and is free.

    Advantages of Clearcase:
    1. Has salespeople.
    • by Magnus Pym ( 237274 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @11:40AM (#4837829)
      I have used clearcase under two environments:

      1) My last job: an all-unix network, where all the vobservers and clients were Solaris/linux, with a network administrator who knew what he was doing. The performance was excellent and clearcase really made a difference to the teams productivity. It was certainly better than CVS, which it replaced. Actually, comparing clearcase to CVS is like comparing Matlab to a 5-dollar pocket calculator.

      2) My current job, where the vobserver is on Solaris, but all the clients are Win2000, with a drooling windows monkey for a network administrator. While the clearcase GUI on windows is excellent and much better than the unix equivalent, its performance is infinitely worse, with the performance of a view degrading in proportion to the amount of time the windows machine on which the view was created has been left turned on. Finally, we instituted a policy that all win2K machines have to be rebooted every monday morning.

      It would be aweseome if IBM would make rational release a linux/unix GUI that is comparable to their windows version.

    • Re:Clearcase (Score:4, Insightful)

      by dbretton ( 242493 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @11:43AM (#4837847) Homepage

      1. Network dependent. Since the code is on a 'mounted' drive, everything is slower. I have to go to the network for everything.

      That's only if you place the code base on the network. In addition, Clearcase allows you to have several base code repositories (VOBs) replicated on a network, then synchronizes them automatically. This would limit or eliminate the problem you mentioned above.

      2. Integrates into Windows OS. If clearcase or the network has problems, I have to reboot.

      Network problems are network problems. They have nothing to do with Clearcase. That's like saying, "CVS sucks cause when I can't telnet to the server, it doesn't try to compensate".
      Clearcase does not integrate into Windows like, say, IE.

      3. Takes to long. The whole integration stream, delivery, etc. takes about 10 button pushes and a good minute of time.

      This is vague. **What** takes too long? Checking out/in files? Triggers? Creating a release version?
      I have been using Clearcase on both Windows and Unix for several years now, and the only thing which takes any appreciable amount of time is configuring views, branches, etc. At that, it still only takes a few minutes, and is done once.

      4. Costs too much. CVS works better, and is free.

      It's definitely expensive. CVS, however, does not work better. In fact, CVS is much more limited in capabililty than Clearcase.
      CVS does work well, and is the right tool for many applications and development teams. However, if the project becomes large, distributed, or has many different builds and releases, Clearcase would work better in the long run.

      Advantages of Clearcase:
      1. Has salespeople.

      How about this:

      Advantages of Clearcase:
      1. Works seemlessly on both Unix and Windows.
      2. GUI for both Unix and Windows.
      3. Can take advantage of distributed code base development.
      4. Built-in triggering system for file check-ins and check-outs. This allows you to build scripts and such to do things when you check out/in a file or set of files.
      6. Smart 'make' routine which can take advantage of compiled object files in other people's views.
      7. Graphic 'diff' programs to view the differences between files and versions of files.
      8. Ability to create branches from the code base for program maintentance, and bug fixing of releases, etc.
      9. Graphic 'merge' programs which aid merging files between different views, or files from different branches.

      Those are a few advantages...

      Clearcase is a very nice tool. It was originally created by another company, whose name escapes me at the moment, then later purchased by Rational.

      Now, Rational Rose, on the other hand, has it's fare share of problems...

      • *factoid*

        The company that originally developed ClearCase was called Pure Atria. That's why clearcase installs itself in /usr/atria.


        Clearcase is powerful, byzantine, expensive, and slow. ClearCase linux support is quite limited, and its mvfs (multi-versioned file system. It's how they do dynamic views) is the only reason I use binary-only kernel modules. For this I resent Rational. I hope IBM will see the light and release the kernel module as free software so I can run ClearCase with a stock kernel.

        Do your organization a favor. Don't develop a dependency on ClearCase. It will hold you back. Consider using CVS for lightweight stuff, or go with one of the commercial alternatives like BitKeeper or Perforce.
      • Re:Clearcase (Score:2, Informative)

        by bushido ( 23357 )
        ClearCase was originally developed by Atria Software, which was acquired by Pure to form PureAtria, then bought by Rational Software, which is now part of IBM - got that? :)
      • I've worked with ClearCase for about two years now, and have used CVS off and on years before that... I feel like I need to answer your list of ClearCase's benefits.

        1. Works seemlessly on both Unix and Windows.
        Point for CVS then, which also works on OS X and just about any other platform...

        2. GUI for both Unix and Windows.
        Also a point for CVS, which has GUI's for more platforms (including Java GUI's). Also has Windows explorer integration that works better (as in faster) than ClearCase's dog-slow file integration.

        3. Can take advantage of distributed code base development.
        Point for ClearCase, though how many people really take advantage of this feature (we do not).

        4. Built-in triggering system for file check-ins and check-outs. This allows you to build scripts and such to do things when you check out/in a file or set of files.
        I think you can do that with CVS too.

        6. Smart 'make' routine which can take advantage of compiled object files in other people's views.

        Oh yeah, I'll bet a LOT of people really make use of that one.

        7. Graphic 'diff' programs to view the differences between files and versions of files.

        Now I am going to go all out and say that ClearCase has the suckiest diff routines and tools ever foisted on mankind. I have personally witnessed a number of terrible mistakes on the part of the automerge process, and the "Graphical Tool" used to merge is the worst merge tool I have ever seen. If you want a fancy graphical merge tool Araxis Merge is 100000000% better. If you don't mind a bit more manual procedure then ediff beats everything I've ever used. When we used CVS the automerges did not go wrong ONCE, and anything that needed a merge by hand we could just set the tool up to use Araxis (or anythign else) because it was not an "Integrated Tool".

        8. Ability to create branches from the code base for program maintentance, and bug fixing of releases, etc.

        Which pretty much defines source control in my mind, again I'd have to give a hand to CVS for much easier branching. I could quickly create branches in CVS whereas in ClearCase it is a Big Deal to create branches, and the SCM people don't like it one bit.

        9. Graphic 'merge' programs which aid merging files between different views, or files from different branches.

        I already covered my problems under the "diff" section, which is really the same thing.

        The thing you forgot to mention that IS a real strength of ClearCase is that it also does directory versioning. However, I would frankly give up that benefit in an instant for the much easier usability of CVS.

        There are very large open source projects (like emacs or Mozilla) that use CVS, prooving that large projects can and do work even with the limitations of CVS. We have a fairly large project at work (I think about 4000+ files) and ClearCase, to me, has no compelling reason to use it except when people at work force you to. I know that before we were forced to switch to ClearCase I was a part-time CVS admin that spent about two hours a week on CVS issues, whereas now we have a team of SCM people managing CVS and I spend about four hours a week personally dealing with SCM issues like bad merges - except now EVERYONE ON THE TEAM gets to spend that same four hours as they have merge issues of thier own to deal with.

        Sure, with a team of dedicated admins who know what they are doing, perhaps ClearCase might be better. But how many companies really have that? And is it worthwhile when just about anyone can set up a CVS server almost without thought?
        • by Magnus Pym ( 237274 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @01:51PM (#4838515)
          SuperKendall wrote:

          >> 6. Smart 'make' routine which can take advantage of compiled object files in other people's views.

          > Oh yeah, I'll bet a LOT of people really make use of that one.

          Have you any idea how incredibly useful this feature is? For example: let us say a developer checked out a heavily used .h file and modified something. Pretty much everything in his view will rebuild. For a large project having tens of thousands of files, this could take hours (if not days).

          But once he checks his stuff in, no other developer in his team will have to go through the compile, since clearcase winks in all the object files from the first developer's view!

          Suffice to say that this is one of the biggest selling points of Clearcase to people who know about this feature.

        • by ebh ( 116526 ) <ed.horch@org> on Sunday December 08, 2002 @03:22PM (#4839129) Journal
          3. Can take advantage of distributed code base development.

          Point for ClearCase, though how many people really take advantage of this feature (we do not).

          A large number of ClearCase installations use MultiSite. It works very well over unreliable networks (I currently use it with a VPN between the US and India) or with no network at all (before we set up the VPN, we did updates via sneakernetted CDs). It also aids in disaster recovery because you can physically destroy one site without affecting any of the others. Lastly, it makes backups dead easy to do.

          4. Built-in triggering system for file check-ins and check-outs. This allows you to build scripts and such to do things when you check out/in a file or set of files.

          I think you can do that with CVS too.

          Almost any ClearCase operation can have preop and postop triggers attached to it. The last time I looked (about six months ago), there was a very limited set of CVS operations that could be triggered, and expanding that set was near the top of the to-do list.

          6. Smart 'make' routine which can take advantage of compiled object files in other people's views.

          Oh yeah, I'll bet a LOT of people really make use of that one.

          In very large (>5 million LOC) projects, ClearCase's wink-in facility is essential. With something that big, you can't just work on your own little corner of things without regard to what the other 1000 developers are doing around you. You've got to be able to regression test the whole thing with your changes applied, and that means building the whole thing.

          If your makefiles are written correctly, you get 100% wink-in of everything that doesn't have to be rebuilt as a result of your source changes. If your ClearCase environment is tuned correctly, you can wink in objects somewhere between one and two orders of magnitude faster than you can compile them from scratch, plus you don't have the overhead of initially extracting all the source from the repository.

          (Yes, I know about Mozilla. I'm not saying you can't manage large projects using CVS or whatever, but ClearCase has capabilities that CVS could never emulate.)

          If you weren't using clearmake and wink-ins on your project, then you were definitely wasting your money on ClearCase.

          8. Ability to create branches from the code base for program maintentance, and bug fixing of releases, etc.

          Which pretty much defines source control in my mind, again I'd have to give a hand to CVS for much easier branching. I could quickly create branches in CVS whereas in ClearCase it is a Big Deal to create branches, and the SCM people don't like it one bit.

          Creating branches in ClearCase is as natural as breathing. All you need is a cohesive branch strategy that you apply across your whole source base, like "I want my version; if that's not available I want the version from the latest official build". The free-for-all "I want 1.1 of this, 2.3.4 of that 5.10.15 of the other" non-strategy will cripple ClearCase, but it will also cripple any SCM practice you try to wrap around CVS or any other tool.

          You also forgot that ClearCase can provide build audit trails that are way more comprehensive and reliable than revision strings embedded in the source files. The speed with which that lets me diagnose build failures and related problems wins us back a good chunk of the cost of ClearCase in engineer time savings.

          For that matter, the richer set of metadata types that ClearCase provides lets you use know why something happened the way it did far more easily than you could with plan version control.

          I've done SCM with a variety of tools for about 13 years now, and without exception, everyone who complained about ClearCase either a) was not using the tool to its fullest, b) was mad because it didn't work exactly like Their Favorite Version Control System, c) didn't know the difference between version control and SCM, or d) was really complaining about having to have any process at all beyond just barfing out code.

          There's a new crop of tools coming along that may knock ClearCase off its perch, and ClearCase is far from perfect, but as SCM tools go, it's still the king.

        • 7. Graphic 'diff' programs to view the differences between files and versions of files.

          Now I am going to go all out and say that ClearCase has the suckiest diff routines and tools ever foisted on mankind. I have personally witnessed a number of terrible mistakes on the part of the automerge process, and the "Graphical Tool" used to merge is the worst merge tool I have ever seen.

          I use CC now and I completely agree with you. The graphical merge tool is horrbile.

          I use ClearCase mode in Xemacs and use the Emacs diff - it's much much better.

      • Re:Clearcase (Score:5, Informative)

        by bushido ( 23357 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @12:38PM (#4838109)
        Here's a couple more small things:

        - Try to do a rename on a file in CVS and retain the element history. ClearCase does this correctly without having to muck with the repository by hand.

        - ClearCase at it's core has a real ACID database to do a better job of preventing data corruption. CVS does not, which can lead to problems - notice newer open source CM solutions (Subversion, BitKeeper, etc.) have followed suit.
    • Users of clearcase and CVS don't completely overlap... clearcase is better suited to worldwide development with millions of lines of code, thousands of source files, and thousands of versions on each source file. CVS is better for single developers or medium size projects. From your situation, it does sound like CVS would be a better fit for you.
    • 1. Network dependent. Since the code is on a 'mounted' drive, everything is slower. I have to go to the network for everything.

      I don't know of many places that are willing to spend the money on CC that are not network dependant. Where I work, before we moved to CC we used CVS with pserver. Even if I choose not to use pserver my home account is on a central server.

      I really don't think many places can escape the network aspect regaurdless of the tool they use

      2. Integrates into Windows OS. If clearcase or the network has problems, I have to reboot.

      *cough* *cough* Use Solaris ;)

      3. Takes to long. The whole integration stream, delivery, etc. takes about 10 button pushes and a good minute of time.

      I've only been using CC for a couple weeks now, but I've come to find that while I'm not completely sure of what I'm doing, CC usually does what I intend to do. When we were using CVS I was a whiz and knew what the underlying level was doing. CC has a bit more abstraction, at least with UCM, but it does things properly even when I'm not sure what that is. :P
  • This purchase is another piece of IBM's new strategy []. It will be interesting to see how Rational's offerings contribute to thier new initiative and what software will remain "as is".

  • by dpbsmith ( 263124 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @11:00AM (#4837681) Homepage
    ...otherwise there would be nobody challenging Microsoft in the spreadsheet arena, and we would probably all be forced to use Excel for want of a credible alternative.

    I'm sure IBM's acquisition of Rational wlll be equally successful.

  • Irrational Rose? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by the eric conspiracy ( 20178 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @11:26AM (#4837760)
    Omigod, I guess there still are some .com managers on the loose. Who in their right mind would spend 2.1 billion on a money losing company that has $154 million in SALES???

    IBM must be planning to integrate the Rational process into a LOT of their products to justify this.

    • Omigod, I guess there still are some .com managers on the loose.

      Wow.... Somebody on Slashdot used the word "loose" correctly. I had my mental filter on to s/loose/lose/g and your sentance didn't make any sense. There is still hope for slashdot.
    • Re:Irrational Rose? (Score:2, Informative)

      by bushido ( 23357 )
      You don't know what you are talking about, dumbass. The $154 million in sales is for ONE QUARTER. []

      In this tech investment climate, combined with the large amount of cash on hand at Rational, it is pretty easy to see why IBM thought this was a reasonable investment. Take a look at the close to $1 billion RATL has in cash/short-term investments: []

      I'm sure they wished they could have closed the deal when RATL stock was around $5 instead of $10, but this is about the longer term in preparing IBM to dominate as infrastructure spending improves.

      • The $154 million in sales is for ONE QUARTER. []

        Dumbass yourself. Rational also has $800 Million in debts and liabilities.

        General rule of thumb is a company is worth about what it's next year revenues are expected to be. Or if it is losing money, it's book value.

        The market valuation is pretty much in line with that.

        IBM paid $2.1 billion for a money losing company with $600M market value, or $500 Million book value. They overpaid, period.

  • by Locutus ( 9039 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @11:44AM (#4837851)
    I seem to remember that MS Visual J++ was transfered to Rational. Was it transfered with a "hot potato" clause and Microsoft gets it back? Or can IBM pull the plug and bury it?

    From what I've heard, this purchase of Rational by IBM can only be good news since the Rational products need some major tuning.

    I also wonder if this doesn't have anything to do with Borland purchasing TogetherSoft( and getting TogetherJ )?

  • Most importantly, it will provide significant benefits to you.

    ...Look, there's nothing wrong with banner ads or corporate sponsorship, but...

    Is it just me, or have more and more stories been taking on a decidedly 'advertisatory' (to coin a word) tone in the past year?

    SlashDot did not used to be like this.

    At least and whatnot put 'ADVERTISEMENT' at the top of "stories that look like ads", and they put 'SPONSORED BY' by "stories that are sponsored by the very companies they cover". (Look at this gem of a screenshot []). Shouldn't SlashDot do the same?

    I might wish to politely suggest that, except in cases where anonymity is needed (e.g. when discussing something that could get someone sued, like DeCSS or something anti-MPAA or anti-RIAA), Anonymous Cowards should not be allowed to post stories.

    When I read this story, the first thing I thought was that the poster was an employee for either IBM or Rational...
  • by MarvinMouse ( 323641 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @12:04PM (#4837916) Homepage Journal
    All that irrational software they've been buying lately.

    I just see the meeting now...

    BoardMember1: So we are going to purchase Rational software?
    BoardMember2: Don't we always purchase rational software?
    BoardMember1: No, we've never purchased Rational software, we've purchased other software before.
    BoardMember3: Other software? What, we've been running on irrational software for years?
    BoardMember1: No, no, no! The other software we buy isn't irrational, it's just not Rational software.
    BoardMember2: Isn't non-rational software irrational?
    BoardMember3: I think he's right Bob.
    BoardMember1: Okay, okay whatever... We've always bought irrational software.. Now all those in favour of purchasing Rational Software say aye.
    Everyone: Aye.

    ** Meeting Ends **

    BoardMember3 to BoardMember2: We're going to have to talk with the older board members... No wonder we've had to much problem.. with all that irrations software we've bought.

    *** thank you... thank you... I'll be here all night people. *** :-)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 08, 2002 @12:05PM (#4837921)
    IBM bought Tivoli in 1996. The rapid infusion of talented personel from IBM, who brought with them a set of skills honed over decades of wasting millions of dollars developing worthless products, turned the aggressive young company into the dismembered, meaningless WebSphere hanger-on it is today. Rational employees should look forward to eager smiling IBM managers showing up wearing Rational t-shirts and spouting their love and respect for everything Rational stands for. Shortly will follow the working groups, the process groups, the import of random dinosaur projects from elsewhere in IBM into the Rational product suite, and best of all a decision-making mechanism that will ensure no useful new products will ever be created.

    In two years, "Rational" will be little more than a second-level menu off some VisualAge product.
  • I'm surprised how few people have mentioned Rational Purify. This is the only Rational tool I have ever really used (I played with Quantify a little bit, but didn't really invest the time to judge its usefulness).

    I've found Purify on Windows to be quite useful at tracking down memory violations and leaks, certainly much better than Visual C++'s debugger can. And it's also really easy to use.

    The only other product I know of on Windows that does this is Parasoft' Insure++, and I'm under the impression that it's quite a bit more expensive.

  • I tried to figure it out on their site... Data Modelling?? As in flowcharts? Or developing software in a very easy high-level language in an emulated environment to test its functionality? Call me naiive but I'm sure I'm not alone.
  • I've used Rational Rose since the 98 version and I would say it has improved in it's stability and flexibility. The real time round trip C# code generation from UML models in Rational XDE is also quite nice. However, when I recently worked for a client who wanted to begin introducing formalized requirements and analysis to their developers, I could not help the tech director justify the cost of Rational products. So instead, we discovered Enterprise Architect for Windows from Sparx Systems [], an Aussie company. From $95-180 per seat for a single user, this tool can do most anything Rose Enterprise Edition can. In addition, it includes better tools for doing project estimation, risk management, and requirements traceability. Plus - the data format is either MS-Access, MS SQL, or MySQL. Therefore, you can have multiple users working on the same model. Truly worth looking into if the only reason you're not using UML tools is price.
  • by ConceptJunkie ( 24823 ) on Sunday December 08, 2002 @05:30PM (#4840073) Homepage Journal
    Having used Rational Rose, Lotus Notes, and other IBM software (albeit several years ago for each), I can definitely say they belong together. They are all packages that are immensely bloated, impossible to configure and marginally useful at best (assuming you have a PhD in the package in question).

    Sounds like a good match to me.

"Pok pok pok, P'kok!" -- Superchicken
