Professional PHP4 227
Professional PHP4 | |
author | Luis Argerich et al |
pages | 975 |
publisher | Wrox Press |
rating | 9 |
reviewer | Henry Birdwell |
ISBN | 1861006918 |
summary | Comprehensive print resource for working PHP programmers. |
PHP is an open source server-side HTML-embedded web scripting language for creating dynamic web pages. Outside of it being browser-independent, PHP offers a simple and universal cross-platform solution for e-commerce, complex web, and database-driven applications. Professional PHP4 will show you exactly how to create state-of-the-art web applications that scale well, utilize databases optimally, and connect to a backend network using a multi-tiered approach.
Almost an year since its release, this book has stood the test of time, and proved to be what it promised -- an up-to-date, advanced book on PHP -- a category in which there are very few worthwhile entries to date.
It provides a solid, fast-paced drill on the rudimentaries of PHP (although the fast-paced installation instructions come in the form of classic compendia -- worth 100 pages) for seasoned programmers, before it plunges head straight into the more advanced areas of the language. Each chapter reads a bit like a tutorial on a particular area of advanced PHP development.
If you are a competent programmer in just about any other language or have grappled with HTML before, then this book will teach you PHP from scratch . It will also introduce you to many of the more advanced areas of PHP programming, and is a treasure trove for information on diverse tasks possible with the language.
Notable topics include:
- Object Oriented Programming
- Sessions and Cookies
- Coding an FTP Client
- Sending and Receiving Email and News
- Networking and TCP/IP
- Non-Web Programming (including GTK)
- PHP and XML
- PHP and MySQL/PostgreSQL/ODBC
- Security
- Multi-tier development
- Optimisation
The code for the examples presented in the book is available for download, from the publisher's web site.
Although this book is reasonably complete, it lacks sufficient depth for experienced PHP developers who want to wade into the depths of specific PHP related tasks. Having said that, the publisher has provided information (of course at a separate cost) on specific areas with their second level PHP titles -- Professional PHP4 XML , Beginning PHP4 Multimedia Programming , Beginning PHP4 Databases and Professional PHP Web Services .
Suffice to say that the book has packed together a lot of diverse information (in 975 pages).
Related Links You can purchase Professional PHP4 from bn.com. (You may also be interested in the Slashdot review of Professional PHP XML of a few months ago.) Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.
PHP5? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:PHP5? (Score:5, Informative)
PDF: http://www.zend.com/engine2/ZendEngine-2.0.pdf
I would put the google HTML version of it, but it seems to be buggered.
Re:PHP5? (Score:3, Interesting)
Handy stuff like:
+passing by reference by default (rather than having to prepend ampersands all over the place)
+multiple inheritance (i don't think this has been confirmed yet, personally i'd prefer something like java's interfaces, but that's because i love java
+private member vars (again not confirmed yet afaik)
+static member vars
+exception handling! yay!
+deletion of objects that are still referenced (optional of course
+dereferencing of returned objects
+object cloning
+destructor methods
and.. well loads more, but if you want lots of detail go read the pdf
all quite exciting if you ask me. the one thing that has always frustrated me about php is it's partial OO support, and I think this will go a long way to fixing that. i can't wait.
Re:PHP5? (Score:2)
I've been trying to dig up info on the efficiency of using references in PHP4. The best I've come up with is "it depends, benchmark", which is good advice and all, but it's a bit counter-intuitive. I would have expected references to be generally more efficient. Somewhere in my searchings I came across a post by [one of the core PHP developers] that said something to the effect that references were very rarely more efficient, and in the next PHP release you should almost always avoid them unless you needed them for some other reason. I naturally forgot to bookmark it.
Anyway, do you (or anyone else out there) have a helpful clue to share>
A Criticism Of PHP5's Namespaces (plz read! :) (Score:2, Interesting)
I lurk on the php-dev mailing list, and one thing that I'm worried about with respect to the direction PHP5 is taking is the support for namespaces. The latest preview alphas of PHP 4.3.0 with Zend Engine 2.0 (as opposed to ZE 1.0, which powers the latest stable version, PHP 4.2.3) has demonstrated some of the above features in action (but they are, of course, still in-development.) The current 'implementation' (and I'm using that word loosely) of namespaces/packaging is something called 'nested classes', and let me assure everyone of the following: Zend Engine 2.0's "nested class" feature do nothing for implementing useful namespacing! Nothing!. They don't even work for logical things you would think they would. With nested classes, only the parent class can extend any other, and the nested ones absolutely cannot! Example: Even the latest from-CVS snapshots (cvs co php4-ze2) crock with a very specific error message: "Nested classes cannot inheirit." So how exactly do these help in namespacing? They don't.
Even the following like seem like a logical ability for nested classes, but ZE2.0 just doesn't support it:
So, hopefully the above looks like a start, and, of course, this would provide the necessary generic interface so that other RDBMS could be implemented according to the same mechanisms. However, the above doesn't even begin to work as expected in PHP with Zend Engine 2.0.. In the MySqlDatabase class, we might see a nested class like 'Connection' and think it would relate to the parents' subclass by the same name. So, using condensed symbolisms, like this:
* P is parent
* P defines 'n' as a nested class (P.n)
* C is child of P (in PHP, 'class C extends P
* C defines 'n' as nested class (C.n)
I would propose that it would make sense that 'C.n' implicity extended 'P.n'. That could be useful, for example, in the above database example: a single root class, SqlDatabase, could provide a variety of interfaces that are grouped together and not disjoint. So not just a bunch of related classes like MySqlError and MySqlConnection but a single MySqlDatabase class (with nested classes) that implicitly in the language relate the nesteds' amongst themselves.
But nested classes are not namespaces. PHP needs a syntax like that of Java mixed with Python, and, being a scripting language, PHP should allow namespaces to be first class language objects that can be manipulated, and they should have clearly defined scoping rules. Example: I admit that the scoping rules could be tightened. For example, after a broad 'package x;' statement, what if you wanted to define the contents of a subpackage using the 'package y { }' syntax but wanted the 'y' namespace to be under 'x' (so that anything defined in y would be prefixed globally by 'x.y.')? Edge cases like that would need careful consideration, and the only thing I can think of at the moment is a separate 'subpackage' keyword that would work in conjunction with 'package x.y.z;' definitions to consider 'subpackage w' to be really referring to a 'package x.y.z.w' definition.
I just want PHP to be even greater because I love it. I am working to document some of these ideas and the make the case for some more of these kinds of additions to the language, as well as coding the patches against ZE2.0. If anyone would like to share their ideas with me or help me work on this, please feel free to email me at pete (at) petrasync (dot) com (and sorry for some of the misformatted code blocks -- they are a tad difficult to get right.)
Re:PHP5? (Score:2, Informative)
It says:
PHP 5 not yet scheduled The number of messages to the list requesting some sort of schedule or arrival date for PHP 5 seems to be steadily growing. Please note that there are yet no dates for anything to do with PHP 5, and there still may be a whole new PHP (4.4) before the road to 5 officially begins. If there are any announcements to be made you will find them on either the main PHP web site (www.php.net) , or they will be covered here in this summary (I promise!).
Re:PHP5? (Score:1)
PHP5 will expand on the OO abilities of the language, public and private members, overloading (which is experimental in php4), etc.
It might be worthy to note whats NOT going to be in PHP5, and thats the cruft extensions that have bloated it out to a 4MB+ download. Many of the extensions, except for the core stuff, will be moved to PECL.
Also noteworthy is the advance of the PHP CLI, allowing use of the language in a more generic way with php based shell scripts. While this is available as EXPERIMENTAL in 4.2.3 and makes its stable debut in 4.3, I think it'll take off quite a bit in PHP5.
Ok ok, I'll be good. Gimme back my karma.
Re:PHP5? (Score:2)
PHP5 soon, no? (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:PHP5 soon, no? (Score:2, Informative)
I would think a stable release of PHP5 is still quite a ways off.
Ok ok, I'll be good. Gimme back my karma.
Re:PHP5 soon, no? (Score:3, Interesting)
PHP 4.3 is still in the midst of release cycles, and things aren't perfectly smooth, as always. Chances are it won't be out for another few weeks (a month or so is probably a safe guess)
PHP5 will be ready... well, when it's ready. Nobody even started thinking what should go into PHP5 yet. Aside from Zend2, which you can use already with PHP4 tree.
If you have a big feature - ask for it, but currently there is nothing that is groundbreaking enough to even start working toward version 5.
PHP Website (Score:5, Informative)
Re:PHP Website (Score:5, Informative)
Get the 3rd edition! (Score:3)
Re:PHP Website (Score:1, Insightful)
Yes, but not everyone can afford DSL or cable lines to have instant access. And, books are often easier on the eyes than screens IMO.
Re:PHP Website (Score:2)
As for requiring DSL, you must be joking... the pages are text, they load, you read... it's not like the manual is in streaming video format or anything. Jeez!
Re:PHP Website (Score:2)
Download the extended chm version, it has user notes included.
Re:PHP Website (Score:3, Insightful)
Having never previously used PHP, the documentation here was actually more useful to me than the previous Wrox book, "Professional PHP Programming." But it's best as a reference, if you haven't done dynamic web programming before, you'd do quite well to invest in a wrox book, as I find them to be well geared at bringing you up to speed on a subject, and then serving as a good reference book.
Re:PHP Website (Score:2)
Pretty much any help format you might want is available.
Re:PHP Website (Score:2)
Some people prefer the style of books more than just the "definition" style of help files.
This book is great (Score:4, Interesting)
One thing I feel is missing is the ability to USE the host system. If I could access serial devices for example I could have a pc as a database server and one as a cash register, then I could have a serial based cash drawer at the PC being controlled by the server (this is a fairly common POS setup) this would be very useful. (I know I can use Perl to do it)
Re:This book is great (Score:3, Interesting)
PHP is not a be-all language, and it'd turn ugly quickly if they tried to force it to be one.
Re:This book is great (Score:3, Informative)
PHP is not a be-all language, and it'd turn ugly quickly if they tried to force it to be one.
Bear in mind I am meaning access to functions on the server, not on the PC. You may well understand that but these days it can be iffy as to what people mean by host. PHP has a lot of good control functions and a lot of POS apps are run in the browser, hence my example. I feel PHP is rather well suited for that. A lot of people say it is a "perl replacement" to them I offer that if Perl can not do what you need, maybe a new programmer will help more than a new language
Re:This book is great (Score:3, Informative)
I've had only a little experience using PHP to talk directly to devices, but it's been successful experience. I should think you'd be able to pop open the cash drawer and stuff like that on the server with PHP using filesystem functions on
Re:This book is great (Score:2)
Mod_php runs as apache (possibly under the name nobody) and can do anything to the server that apache can.
Default installation will allow apache to read and write whatever is world readable/writeable, but that can easily be changed to whatever you need.
Backquotes work very well in PHP (essentially the same as in shell scripts).
While apache and php *will* run under Microsoft Windows, there are several things that work right on *nix and don't work right on Microsoft Windows.
PHP and Perl are both very good general-purpose languages. Nothing will really succeed as a "be-all" language.
Re:This book is great (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't think the PHP developers have any real intention to try and force it to be. However, besides using PHP for scripting web site db-driven apps, i've also found PHP (compiled as a cgi app) to be useful for writing scripts to be run by cron that need to easily tie in to the same database that runs the web site. I probably wouldn't try to write GTK apps in PHP, but building scripts that are not web-driven (but that interact with a web-driven system) in PHP (instead of say perl) has been handy, they can tie into your existing libraries and code.
I can't really weigh in on the whole Java vs. Perl vs. PHP vs Python vs ASP vs
PHP isn't perfect, but it is fast, stable, feature-rich, and easy to develop web apps in. It certainly has its place in the toolbox, IMNSHO. The biggest thing lacking right now is good OO support. Right now it's clunky and sloooow. Zend 2.0 (when it's ready) should make great strides forward.
Re:This book is great (Score:5, Informative)
ASP vs PHP there is so completely no comparison. There is only one single thing that ASP does that is easier than in PHP, and that is application-scoped variables with out a database. I've written my own PHP classes to facilitate this, and although they may not be as efficient as ASP's memory resident access, they are just as useful.
The hugely wide variety of functions PHP provides make programming a delight where you work more on your programming concepts and code flow than on authoring code. There are simply hundreds of functions available in PHP that I use on almost every page, that would require custom-written functions (that thus run as script, at lower performance than the precompiled PHP functions) that are simply not available in ASP. Try to do a join() or split() in ASP. Yes, it's doable, but with quite a lot of legwork. How about regular expressions? Searching, replacing, replacing with code execution, and more? Not gonna happen in ASP, nope.
Then there are SIMPLE things that are HTTP standards that are simply lacking in ASP. For example, uploading a file. Gotta buy a plugin in ASP to do that. Or uploading creating an array of elements on a form. If you want to have an unknown number of entries in a form, in PHP, you can name the input fields, "field[0]","field[1]","field[2]" and they come in as an array. Or you can even name them "field[]","field[]","field[]", and they will come in as an automatically indexed array. Useful when you want to do things like add rows of input to a table with javascript, and have a script that easily handles the collection. Try to upload an array in ASP, and you have to write code that breaks down the field names to your liking.
There are so many functions that I take for granted in PHP that I now have my own library of PHP functions rewritten in ASP so that when I am authoring in ASP, I'm not as limited by the language. Just try to do an md5 in ASP, or any other cryptographic operation though, I dare you.
Ok, sorry, rant over, been working on an ASP for the past month solid, and I think I'm going through PHP withdrawl.
Re:This book is great (Score:2)
Also, my original quote was,
How about regular expressions? Searching, replacing, replacing with code execution?
You answered with instr() and replace(). The equivalents of PHP's strpos and str_replace.
I meant, how about PHP's preg_replace, preg_grep, preg_match, preg_match_all, preg_quote, preg_replace_callback, preg_split, just to look at the perl compatible functions, let alone all the ereg_* (POSIX compatible) functions.
With the preg_replace function, your replacement can actually be executable code that is executed run-time.
For example,
echo preg_replace("'&#([[:digit:]]+);'e","chr(\\1)",$i
will output the original string with every digit escaping re-translated to the character code that it would represent. Again, yes, you can do this with your examples, instr(), and replace(), but it won't be one line of code.
The above example is an example of a search and replace with code execution. It locates every &#[any_number_of_digits]; and executes PHP code to decide how it should be output.
Also, PHP is just easier to code in. I can't tell you how annoying it is to have to do this:
response.write "Coordinates: x:" & xCoord & " y:" & yCoord & " z:" & zCoord & "
" & vbcrlf
when in PHP I can write
echo "Coordinates: x:$xCoord y:$yCoord z:$zCoord
Want to author a PDF from an ASP page? Good luck. How about authoring a SWF from an ASP page, or a GIF or JPEG? I count 93 functions for image authoring/editing/manipulation. Access to POP3/IMAP? LDAP? SNMP? Non-Application-scoped semaphores? Non-Application-scoped shared memory? For goodness sake, receive an uploaded file with out a 3rd party purchased plugin??? How about retrieving a file from another website, or opening a socket? Write a custom class? Spellcheck?
The list goes on and on and on. I'm sure ASP.Net has breached this gap in leaps and bounds. I can't answer to that, as most places are still out-of-the-box setups and don't have that option, so I haven't gotten to play with it. The previous version of ASP though, has a long ways to go to play catchup.
Re:This book is great (Score:3, Informative)
Re:This book is great (Score:2)
Great info (regarding the serial mechanisms) and totally agreed regarding the above. POS apps are rarely on internet capable machines (at least so far)
Re:This book is great (Score:2)
Re:This book is great (Score:2)
So extend PHP (Score:4, Informative)
See here [php.net] for details...
web forms are *not* simple (Score:4, Insightful)
If you mean data input and query screens, I have to take some exceptions to that. Simple stuff is indeed simple in web apps. However, B-to-B and intranet managers often want GUI-like behavior from browser-based apps, and HTML+JS+DOM can turn into a tangled mess under such demands.
The developer cannot just say, "well, this is an HTML browser, not a GUI, so it will not have all the functionality of a GUI", because that would be a half-lie. With enough effort and spahgetti code, you *can* make it do GUI-like stuff, but the code is usually horrible. The current standards are optimized for e-brochures, and NOT e-biz-forms.
What is needed IMO is HTTP-friendly GUI browsers, using protocols like XWT and SCGUI (I'm still looking into Mozilla). (I rule out non-HTTP protocols because fire-walls often don't accept them. Some protest this, but I don't want to rekindle that debate here.)
There is a huuuuuge need for such in my observation, and no vendor is stepping up to the plate. PHP could still serve as the server-side part of such a system, BTW.
non-HTTP gui business apps (Score:2)
I like PHP and web apps, and code a little here and there... but I must say that if you are designing a business app, security is of the utmost importance. Therefore, it seems to me that you can design a regular app (QT/$backend, or some other combination) to run on the server, and have the clients log in via ssh or something similar and have the app run on their desktops via port forwarding/X forwarding. This seems to me to be way more secure than SSL web applications, and eliminates the deficiencies you just mentioned.
Ok, there are problems with this scenario (what if the user's connection drops occasionally?), and these would be hurdles to overcome, but my point is that while web apps are 1337, there are other more traditional and perhaps easier ways of making an app with the kind of gui that's needed for business apps
Re:non-HTTP gui business apps (Score:2, Insightful)
It is more "accommodating" to change your system to use HTTP than to ask 100 customers to play with their firewalls (and hire real firewall experts).
Re:non-HTTP gui business apps (Score:2)
Its talk like this that puts security admins (like me) out of a job.
Re:This book is great (Score:1)
Regarding the issue of using the host system:
What about using the system through exec or accessing the system through system shell resources?
Re:This book is great (Score:2)
I don't have to flame you. When you post something (that could be helpful) in a community of people in some of the highest paid professions around you might grease the wheels a bit better. You never know if you might be posting the solution to a problem which has been vexing the owner of a multi million dollar company, and that's a nice ice breaker trust me. Don't worry that didn't happen this time. I have yet to break a million
whats new? (Score:2, Interesting)
Not Deep Enough (Score:5, Informative)
This is PROFESSIONAL PHP programming, not BEGINNING PHP. Why even have the 100 or so odd pages on installation? This book is not targetted at newbies, it is for the serious developer. OK -- you're a J2EE dude who want to check it out; doesn't have PHP installed. Lots of references on the Web, and if you can't find them...you're not a Web developer.
While the book probably would be helpful as a reference in some cases, I was just disappointed in it. The cookie/session section was a joke (and this is new in v4, so should be fairly rigorous).
I didn't buy the book. And I like having references around. I have 7-8 open on my desk right now, from Perl through DHTML to PHP. Oh well, as people have noted, v5 is coming, so I guess we shouldn't get our packets in a bunch...
So is it a good newbie book? (Score:1)
Up to date one year later? (Score:3, Interesting)
So the book is still up to date, even an entire year after it's release?
Something's wrong here... Those php people better get on the ball and start releasing more often! The only language I know of that's stays that stable is COBOL.
No point in playing with it, unless it's the latest bleeding edge, crashing and burning on a regular basis. On my Windows box, that is - my BSD box remains rock steady.
Nope, still not funny.
Merits of PHP compared to Perl? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Personally I favor Perl as I think it can do much more but I'm not an expert by any means and I'd like to present some reasonable sounding arguments, possibly in front of people who are experts in Perl.
Any ideas?
Oh, and another question. I'm not 100% sure how Perl actually runs the Perl code. I know it gets compiled to P code, but I'm not sure at what stage this is done. Can anyone tell me how this works or give me a pointer to where I could find it?
As usual, thanks for your help Slashdotters.
Re:Merits of PHP compared to Perl? (Score:2)
Re:Merits of PHP compared to Perl? (Score:3, Funny)
OK, I didn't really have anything useful to write. I just like making HTML lists.
Re:Merits of PHP compared to Perl? (Score:2, Informative)
With that said, I feel that the top reasons to use PHP rather than perl are:
I realize that most of this won't convert a perl advocate (what would?) especially if they're going to be the sole coder on a project, but that's rarely the case with real production systems.
Related links: Google: php vs perl [google.com], Web Automation: PHP vs. Perl vs. PHP [serverwatch.com]
How Perl Works (Score:2)
To answer your question about how/when perl is compiled, it depends on the situation:
As near as I can tell, PHP pages are compiled each and every time they are served, along with all the included code.
Re:How Perl Works (Score:2)
Re:Merits of PHP compared to Perl? (Score:2)
I've done a fair bit of development in both PHP and Perl (mostly web development, which is what I assume you're referring to). I'm not a PHP expert by any means, and I've been doing Perl for much longer, so take that into consideration.
Perl is more succinct. Depending on your point of view, this is a good or a bad thing. You do need to acquire a higher proficiency with the language than is necessary with PHP in order to really make this useful, and to make sure that less experienced programmers on your team aren't confused. Things like use English; can help, but if someone really feels like shoving an evaluated regex into a map call, you can't stop them. (I feel like this often). I find that I often resent how much more typing I have to do in PHP.
Perl is more mature. PHP is coming along rapidly, but things like recent major changes with super-globals and default config options (register_globals) do make it feel a little unfinished and slightly unplanned. They're just growing pains, but you still have to deal with them.
This is also reflected in the documentation. PHP has pretty good documentation. Perl's is excellent. It's had a few more years to polish it.
Debugging is much, much easier in Perl. The perl command line debugger is a great tool, and I wish PHP had something like it.
If you don't have control over where it's going to live, PHP is easier to deploy. This is the single reason I use PHP almost exclusively for web development these days, and I hope this is addressed in Perl6. With PHP I can simply specify PHP version x and MySQL are required. If PHP is on the server, it's almost guaranteed that MySQL is and that's it's all hooked up nice. With Perl, if you need something that requires a C extension (eg, DBI), the host may or may not have it, depending on how much the admins like installing extra stuff. If you have appropriate access you can install it yourself, but if you don't, you're out of luck. Whether or not this is an issue for you depends on where your planning to deploy.
CPAN. CPAN is marvelous. There is an immense amount of useful Perl code in there. If you want to do something, there's a good bet someone else has wanted to, too, and contributed it. The PHP community is working hard at building something like it, but CPAN has years on it.
Regarding perl compilation - I was going to take a stab at it, but it's been too long since I've had to read up on it, and I'd bullocks up the details. If you have a copy of the camel (version 3) handy, there's a good section on it in there. Sorry, don't have a link handy.
Re:Merits of PHP compared to Perl? (Score:2)
The Camel Book, on the other hand, is great.
But for electronic documentation, PHP has perl beat by a mile. It is organized, comprehensive, and user-annotated.
Re:Merits of PHP compared to Perl? (Score:2)
heh. Point taken. This is probably one of those places where my being more familiar with perl colors my opinion. It can be hard for someone new to it to find what their looking for in the pod. I still think that, once you've figured out where things are, it's generally more polished than the PHP docs. I often find those cryptic, and sometimes downright unhelpful. And the user-annotation on the PHP docs _can_ be great, but it can also be downright inaccurate. Not that I don't think it's a great idea, and I check it frequently myself. You just have to be careful with it. POD's got a long ways to go itself - it could learn a lot from, for example, the JavaDoc format. But I've always found the content very to the point and "expert friendly."
Which is maybe one of the big differences - the perl docs aren't really meant for learning, they're for reference. When I'm in a hurry, they're just what I want. As always, YMMV.
Re:Merits of PHP compared to Perl? (Score:3, Informative)
performance wise, i think perl and php are on the same level
... and let me tell you - its major pain.
i started out with php and then slowly moved to perl. i still have a lot of apps in php that i have to manintain once in a while
php is really easy to learn and implement, but it lacks infracstructure. on the other hand, in perl you get away with a lot more things and its true that if you are not careful perl will get obfuscated and unmaintainable very fast.
beauty of perl comes in when you put effort into developing strong infrastructure and stick to it. always use strict, -wt (warnings and taint mode). organize your code into neat modules (CGI::Application) and use a templating system (HTML::Template is very simple and wont let you clutter html with code). note that php doesnt have any of this features as readily available as in perl through CPAN modules
when it comes to documentation, it might be true that php has good resources online, but perl has a lot larger comunity (check out perlmonks.org) i got replies on my questions within 30 minutes of posting!
in short... perl has superior architecture to php, however php has better corporate support and better learning curve
Get over yourself (Score:3, Informative)
Who needs a book? (Score:2, Informative)
Php is great! (Score:2)
Re:Php is great! (Score:2)
Book, benchmarks and other things... (Score:2)
Second - shameless plug - we offer PHP training classes. here [tapinternet.com]
Third - PHP topics always devolve into 'java/perl/.net/asp/cf is better than PHP'. Anyone who is interested in putting together serious multi-platform tests between PHP and other languages, please contact me privately, as I'd like to arrange something with other developers. Not as 'one language beats all' but to present some tests which aren't sponsored by the companies (MS, Sun, whoever) which obviously have a BIG bias as to how they want the results to appear. Having a cross section of multiple developers from multiple platforms agreeing to common test terms would help eliminate that, I think.
Re:Book, benchmarks and other things... (Score:2)
That sounds interesting, and I would like to help. I tried contacting you via the contactus page on your website.
If that doesn't work, it's easier to figure out my email address as it's anything @ sodablue.org.
Please listen up to my noteworthy advice (Score:3, Interesting)
With PHP, the default "thing" in a file is html that it just spits out. You have to do something special to make PHP code to run. So if I configured my server to handle
Also, with PHP you can also do things like this:
<? if (somthing) {?
Something was selected
? } else { ?
Something was not selected
? } ?>
so when I am printing out large chunks of html based on some variable, I can just use html without messy prints all over the place. Of course, you can use perl "print EOP" type statments, but I think the PHP approach is more elegant.
Also, the fact that PHP takes care of all the variable collection was a big plus for me. I just type testing.phtml?id=2&name="jeff" and sure enough, $id=2 and $name=jeff. Obviously, you can do the same thing in perl and it's not terribly difficult. But in PHP it is just that much easier and it's one more thing I don't have to worry about.
I would strongly recommend that you at least try PHP for a simple mail form or something. I think you'll fall in love with it for web stuff. And if you're doing database work too, then I think you'll really like it.
Re:Please listen up to my noteworthy advice (Score:5, Informative)
More typing, but generally safer, as it does force you to think about where things are coming from.
Re:Please listen up to my noteworthy advice (Score:2)
Re:Please listen up to my noteworthy advice (Score:2)
Re:Please listen up to my noteworthy advice (Score:4, Informative)
What you really want is a good templating system.
(Yes, I know PHP can do templating systems, thank you).
Smarty? (Score:2)
Re:Smarty? (Score:2, Informative)
A rough outline of the way it works goes like this, you make your SQL schema and load it into your database, then you point DB::DataObjects at the database and it generates class wrapper files for each table. This by itself isn't fantastically useful, if you were just writing PHP the difference between using the class and using the DB PEAR stuff directly is pretty minimal, however its when you bring smarty into the picture that things get interesting.
The reason is primarily because you can then pass the object you've retrieved from the database straight to smarty without thinking about it, within your template you can acccess the properties (Although not the results of methods, much to my dissapointment) directly, so *your* code doesn't need to worry about it, which means any time you want to add a new field to a table, you just add it in the database, run the dataobjects create script and then plonk it in the template, and it Just Works.
The DataObjects create script is pretty smart, the class definitions that it generates are marked up with comments that give you flexibility to customise the class without risking the modifications getting overwritten next time you regen.
Leaving you with only the "glue" PHP in the middle to write, the bit that handles logins, decides what functions need to be called to do what, and what page to display at the end of it. Believe it or not, smarty comes to the rescue here as well, giving you a simple mechanism to split up your logic and display operations.
One of the primary problems with a PHP script is the switch statement. In the begining, people didn't give a rats about decent user flow, so every page was a different PHP script, and this worked fine except in the case of error conditions or multi-operators, ie, ok, I've just added the user, but now I'm stuck in add_user.php and I want to send them back to list_users.php. Some particularly object oriented people managed to get around this by having everything in classes, but it really didn't work well.
Then came the switch statement, in the switch statement, everything effectively was in index.php, sure we had a lot of includes, each of which did a fairly specific thing, but in the end, all requests went to one script, and specified a mode or op or sequence or whatever you want to call it. This variable determined what was to be shown (ie, op=add_user), then, when add_user was done it'd call the list_user op equivalent somehow.
The issue here was that the switch statement rapidly became the debuggers worst nightmare. Without a decent templating frontend, PHP and HTML became mixed into case blocks, includes were all over the place, and the amount of state to track mentally in any given place was horrendous. Decent programmers utilised standard methods to reduce the clutter but it still never really felt clean, go check out a lot of the PHP scripts available on the web these days to see what I mean, its pretty common.
Another, small subset decided to use url redirects and the multi-file approach to resolve the same issue, they had the same problems but just confined to particularly ugly URLs and lots of page reloads.
Recent advances and ideas have left us with a lot more options. Those who are still heavily OO are still running fine, they're not developing that quickly, but their code is ok, some of the more abstract programmers are doing ok on a task-by-task basis, developing entirely new structures as appropriate to the problem, but again, development time is the cost, and often a lack of code reuse means a lot of debugging.
The MVC model is of course entirely appropriate to the particular problem, and what I suggest here is basically that concept although not explicitly.
The idea essentially, is that for any page displayed, there are a number of actual "atomic" operations that need to be done. For a login page perhaps there are none, its just a damn login page. For a user edit form, there is the retrieval of the users details (and possibly a permissions check), for the page that actually does the update of the users details, there are the permissions check, the update, possibly the display of the original edit form with details filled in an an error message, or possibly the display of a user list with a message indicating the edit was successful.
Always, at the end, we display a page of some kind, and we never do anything after that.
We also never display more than one page, we might decide between two but we don't show more than one.
Thus I construct my PHP apps like this:
The biggest benefit of this method is pure speed, you can develop small bits of functionality quickly within the framework, you can string them together arbitrarily for various combo pages (assuming you've been careful with your template namespace) and late additions can almost always be handled gracefully with a minimum of effort.
Re:Smarty? (Score:2)
why doesn't php come with a code cache support? (Score:3, Insightful)
I know there are accelerators out there, but most people not know about or use them. Plus I really can't see the harm in including a accelerator in the default engine. Does anyone know why it is not included? There are open source accelerators that can be distributed with PHP.
Many scripting engines eg. Cold fusion, JSP, compile code only the very first time the code is executed since the module was started, then only check to see if the code was changed on disk before executing the already-in-memory code.
Re:why doesn't php come with a code cache support? (Score:2, Informative)
question (Score:2)
Re:question (Score:2)
PHP is good but TAL is the next generation of SSI (Score:4, Informative)
Yet all these SSI technologies have in common that they still don't manage to really split Design from content. I was all in for PHP as my way of doing SSI stuff until I ran into TAL [zope.org]. It's the second (next to DTML) SSI Language that comes with Zope and has been reimplemented in Perl (PETAL). The essential difference to other SSI solutions like the #1 PHP is that all SSI-relevant tags only come as parameters to standard HTML tags and thus absolutly don't interfere with WYSIWYG HTML tools or other stuff that belongs to markup. You even can get good editors to switch of the non-html tal parameters to do your markup uninterfered. Once on the server content of tal-parametered markup (tal-speak: "mockup") get's replaced with the dynamic content. The point is: Either way you have documents that can be previewed in browsers, edited and formated without the source code for serverside dynamics being touched - or vice versa.
A simple trick to establish true separation of content and code.
Re:PHP is good but TAL is the next generation of S (Score:2)
"Yet all these SSI technologies have in common that they still don't manage to really split Design from content."
Any web scripting language worth its salt has at least one templating system available for it. For PHP I prefer smarty [php.net].
PHP resolves some shortcomings of Perl (Score:2)
Re:PHP resolves some shortcomings of Perl (Score:3, Informative)
However, you are incorrect on some points:
Outstanding database support. PHP supports virtually every DB under the sun (although Berkeley DB is missing, oddly enough.) Perl seems limited to MySQL and PostgreSQL, and its really a kludge for the later. I've heard that this will be fixed in upcoming versions of Perl though.
Since version 4 (over 10 years ago) Perl has had access to Sybase and Oracle. Newer additions (from the past 5 years or so) include MySQL, PostgreSQL, CSV flat-file DBs, DB2, *DBM, and an ODBC interface layer for just about any database.
The DBI module provides one uniform interface [cpan.org] to all of these.
Speed. PHP is one of the fastest languages I've ever used. While it won't be replacing assembly or C, its definitely faster than Perl in most cases.
This depends wildly on what you're doing. PHP is pretty slow when it comes to handling deep, and complex data-structures, but quite fast when it comes to handling simple data like strings. Perl maintains a balance between these two, and an elegant interface to C and C++ for applications which need to speed up critical sections of code.
Portability. I can take PHP code off my Linux box and plop it onto an IIS server, or even one of those new Macintosh servers and have it run without having to change a single line of code. Try doing this with Perl! Its as though it was written in assembly, Perl requires that much rewriting.
My Perl programs run on Windows, MacOS/X, VMS, all UNIXen, and many other platforms. Dunno what you've had trouble with, but I suggest you may have had trouble with Perl because you were not familiar with it.
Graphics. PHP comes with a nice little graphics library. While I wouldn't use its to code the new Doom (VB would be a better choice!) its adequate for most web pages, and should be considered as a substitute for Flash for certain things. Perl lacks a graphics library of any kind.
This is so wildly untrue, it's amazing! Perl has some of the most comprehensive graphics handling possible. From OpenGL to the GD module to PDL, Perl can do anything from complex scientific simulation graphics to simple 2 and 3-D charts and graphs to line-drawing. PDL [sourceforge.net] requires special note. It's a library for dealing with arbitrary binary data in a number of ways from performing vast arrays of numeric transformations (e.g. Fourier Transforms, and other matrix transformations) to rendering graphics to modifying image data. It's a god-send for the scientific community that previously had to deal with proprietary systems that were of dubious value given that they could not be modified.
There's even a comprehensive interface to The Gimp, which I wrote an article on for The Perl Journal.
The Perl resource that you probably are not aware of (based on your comments) is the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). There is a module list [cpan.org] that gives you a nice index of everything that Perl can do that is not shipped with the binaries. Perl also provides a CPAN module that can be used to automatically download, compile and install anything from CPAN.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:4, Interesting)
When you make a complete enterprise site, you use the language that will give you the most advantage for maintainability and design.
Exactly. PHP often fulfills that need.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course, this is all out of my memory, not actual links.
Funny thing is, I wasn't gonna start the "J2EE vs PHP for professional site" flamewar, and then someone else goes and starts it.
And PHP doesn't have the greatest OO built in that most architects drool over.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:3, Funny)
Actually it has "pretty good" OO. In some ways it has "pretty advanced" OO like mix-ins. PHP5 will have "even more advanced" OO.
Anybody who uses J2EE for a "less then enterprise" web site is just asking for pain. Better to stick needles in your eyes it would hurt less.
If you really want to use java go with webobjects.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:3, Insightful)
If I' had modpoints right now, I'd mod this up as "funny"
Any C++ or Java Developer will loose his hair (I he has any left) when reading things like this [benscom.com] or this [phpbuilder.com]
(the later has nothing to do with oop)
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes php does not work like C++ or java I don't think anybody is arguing the opposite. I suppose lisp, smalltalk, ocaml, python and perl also don't work like C++ or Java. That's life.
On the other side neither C++ nor Java allow you add methods or attributes to objects at runtime and PHP does. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe not, but I like it and whenever I use a language like java It makes me loose my hair when I can't do it. You have to take each language as it comes.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:2)
I haven't OO'd my PHP because I know the implementation sucks. I'm patiently waiting for PHP 4.3 (or whatever it is), and then PHP 5.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:2)
Just today I noticed that Insight [insight.com] is using php. I am pretty sure they were not using that before and migrated to php from something else.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:3, Informative)
i have worked with both and i PERSONALY prefer PHP, I haven't faced a problem in php that I couldn't have solved....
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:3, Informative)
Yahoo has decided to switch from a proprietary system written in C/C++ to PHP for their backend scripting
Backend scripting != PHP pages on yahoo. This article wasn't read very well by slashdotters. They aren't converting yahoo over to PHP, they are using it for scripting.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:2)
Another thing is that they still use their proprietary backend code, they are not going to rewrite that in php (or java for that matter).
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:5, Interesting)
But one of the things php has given me over the last 5 years is total rock solid stability. I mean, I've hacked up some complete crap code over the years but I've never once had a php related crash(and apache only ever crashed when we tried integrating Cold Fusion into it).
In testing Java servlets I have gotten out of memory errors in a database app I've written, but that could very well have been a lack of knowledge on my part(maybe I had the server misconfigged). I'm reading up more on admining/designing for Java now and will do more serious tests in the future.
But don't dismiss php as a toy language. The code you create can be messy, but it's rock solid stable. 5 years of 80k+ lines of code without any crashes is nothing to laugh at.
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:2)
I agree to a certain extent (Score:3, Interesting)
For example, an enterprise wide phone extension list could easily be done using PHP instead of Java.
A complex work-flow application might not be the best fit for PHP. A whiteboard collaboration tool definatly would not either, PHP-GTK not withstanding.
I've used PHP to call both Java and VB COM objects on the same page. I had to work with two different groups in a company, one used Java, the other used VB. It was easier to use PHP than to write a wrapper for either.
Spoken like... (Score:2)
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:1, Insightful)
PHP vs Java when it comes to design isn't a contest. Java has much better built in OO than PHP.
Maintainability depends on how it is written, regardless of language.
I'd argue that the things to have for an enterprise site is how well you can design the language, how fast the pages run (including DB hits, etc), and how quickly it can be written.
Using the "what your developers are comfortable with" is what developers tell their bosses when they don't want to learn a new language. What if all your developers are comfortable with assembly?
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:2)
Re:Using PHP on a professional site (Score:2, Informative)
I think it depends on what you need your site to do. If all you need is to run database queries and output the results (basically what /. does) then languages like PHP, Cold Fusion, Perl work fine. PHP and Cold Fusion make these kinds of tasks very easy to do and they scale just fine for these types of applications. Where I always run into problems is with applications that require much more...connecting to sockets on other servers to retrieve data and then parse data (XML etc), connecting to booking systems, middleware or mainframe systems, manipulating images on the server that kind of stuff. It seems most enterprise applications end up going beyond what languages like PHP and Cold Fusion can provide without having to write custom tags in C/C++ or Java or something to make up for the shortcomings of these languages. At that point you might as well write the application in J2EE or something that is a little more robust than what most of the web scripting type languages can provide.
Re:Slashdot will move to php soon (Score:2)
So, so true (Score:2)
However, I think thats true of any web content program no matter what language its programmed in. I've seen Scoop/Slashcode frustrate people as much as PHP-based programs.
However, I think PHP works outstanding as an abstraction layer between SQL and the web for smaller sites.
Re:In Scope References! (Score:3, Informative)
Like ADODB? [weblogs.com]
Re:In Scope References! (Score:2)
I started playing with PHP and MySQL sometime ago, just to see what it was all about, and all I can say is wow. I've learned so much, and started doing some small contracts with PHP. Its so nice to be able to take a .html doc from a web developer, cut the dummy data out and add in a couple of PHP lines, and bang, the page is now live to the database!
Re:In Scope References! (Score:2)
PHP has many such libraries to choose from. Here is a short list (you can google for the exact locations)
ADODB, Metabase, PEAR, PHPLib.
Please do some research before you post lest you look like an ignorant fool.
Re:In Scope References! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:In Scope References! (Score:3, Funny)
I learned php a few months ago, but I think I'll stick to perl. If you're making some simple web pages that just need to be marked up, I guess php is okay, but why bother adding a php module to Apache when you've got mod-perl?
Should read:
I learned PHP a few months ago, but I think I'll stick to machine code on the bare hardware. If you're making simple web pages, why bother letting an enormous pile of cruft (like all of Linux) get in your way when you've got all the power and simplicity of machine code available? Besides, who really trusts a big, creaking mass of code put together by a bunch of Communists in Finland?
In Perl, the language helps you, but php just seems to get in the way. Without the equivalent of Perl's excellent DBI/DBD, I don't see much use for php.
You missed a golden opportunity here. Here's an easy fix:
In machine code, the machine helps you by locking up and smoking when you make a typo, but PHP just seems to get in the way by spitting out a bunch of cryptic error messages. Why pollute an already clean error-reporting mechanism (the machine locking up and setting my desk on fire), with a bunch of crud like "Error: Syntax error in line 16", when high-level messages like that only abstract away the true source of the error? Frankly, without the equivalent of machine code's clear and easy-to-understand near and far pointers (on x86, of course, but who really uses that RISC crap, right?), I don't see much use for PHP.
So now, armed with a more complete understanding of the True Way of the Troll, the next time you make a boob of yourself in front of all of Slashdot, you'll do it in a thoughtful, thorough manner.