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Java Programming

Nokia Extends Mobile Apps Development To Linux 7

samgrover writes "According to this article, found on Google News, Nokia on Tuesday began offering a free, Java-based toolkit for developing mobile applications on the Linux platform, for deployment on Nokia mobile phones. The kit represents the first fully open-source offering for developing mobile applications, said Chris Preimesberger, a wireless analyst at Evans Data, in Redwood City, Calif."
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Nokia Extends Mobile Apps Development To Linux

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  • Zaurus (Score:1, Insightful)

    I think this is great. When the Zaurus showed up with the Java/Linux partnering on mobile devices it showed much promise. Now that it is spreading it will hopefully bring about more similar devices. If not, at least it will help with small and faster Java programs, something that is always good. :-)
  • ...can you hear me now?
  • Since both Linux and Nokia are Finnish born. Why, out of a show of good faith, has Nokia waited so long to release these tools?

    It was just a thought.

  • Sun's Wireless Toolkit have been available for linux for a long time. I've used it for writing midlets for my Motorola (including motorola specific libs). Does Nokia use some sick, twisted implementation?
  • duno how this is the first J2ME kit for linux. I've been developing mobile apps fow a while now on Linux using Sun's J2ME dev tools.

    but who cares - nokia are one of the biggest and most powerful tech companies in the world right now and here is further proof they have no love for microsoft.

    the choises java enables will be M$s downfall

A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. -- Klipstein
