ReactOS 0.1.0 Released 278
JasonFilby writes "ReactOS 0.1.0 has been released! ReactOS is an Open Source effort to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with Windows NT applications and drivers. In this release, among other new features and fixes, especially worth mentioning are the ability to boot from CD and self-hosting capabilities (ReactOS can be compiled on ReactOS)." ReactOS has been in progress for a while, often tied to other projects with the aim of seamlessly replacing Windows: you can download an image of Bochs 2.0 with ReactOS 0.1.0 preloaded from the download and changelog page.
But Windows NT is not 2k... (Score:4, Interesting)
I do think this is really cool though, and I plan to keep my eye on this. With any luck it'll come far enough to start implimenting 2k/Xp compatibility.
Re:But Windows NT is not 2k... (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah but how long till M$ sues them into oblivion? (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:But Windows NT is not 2k... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:But Windows NT is not 2k... (Score:4, Insightful)
NT4 amazingly works very well for some people, and people don't see the need to go through expensive training and migration to Windows 2000 or Server 2003 if NT4 does the job.
legal trouble ahead? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:5, Informative)
Lindows however who MS saw as a marketing threat since their sort of trying market and sell something that looks and souncs like Windows.
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:2)
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:2)
Microsoft seems to pretty much ignore efforts like this because they are more interested in the future of computing, not the past, which is definitely where NT4 belongs. The reason they have gone after Linux hammer and tongs is because it cuts into their market heavily, whereas ReactOS is aimed at those who probably were customers at one time but are not anymore and most likely won't be again.
I would be very, very surprised if Microsoft even gives a damn about the ReactOS project, since there is no way to provide the type of support that the customers that buy into NT and derivatives are used to dealing with.
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:4, Insightful)
Sorry, but that does not demonstrate a high level of cluefulness. 2000, XP, and all Microsoft OS products in the forseeable future, with the exception of Wince, are based on NT, just as the first 10 years of Windows was based on Dos.
Microsoft ignores efforts like this until they begin to look like they might succeed, then they go looking through their bag of dirty tricks. Unfortunately for Microsoft, they have to burn a lot of karma to attack an open-source project, and the chance of being able to stamp out the source code itself is pretty much zero.
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:5, Funny)
Don't worry. By the time ReactOS reaches version 1.0, those patents will expire. Remember, patent is valid for 20 years only.
Haha! We've already thought of this; here's our plan for accelerated development:
Implement the ReactOS kernel as a GNU Hurd daemon, with built-in 3d graphics support based on the Duke Nukem Forever engine (running on top of WINE's DirectX layer).
The built-in 3d engine will be used as the basis for an implementation of the Berlin windowing API, the suggested application interface to which is the Perl 6 virtual machine. We should have all of this up and running on the Indrema console within a mere three months!
Then, we plan to hire Loki games to implement an X-Windows compatibility layer, and we've arrived!
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:3, Funny)
+1 Unintentionally hilarious
Re:legal trouble ahead? (Score:5, Insightful)
Microsoft isn't the nicest company on Earth, but they don't really have a history of using lawsuits to try to squash competition. I doubt the ReactOS guys need to fear this.
Remember how they arrogantly sued the company they bought MS-DOS from out of existence because they were worried they would add multitasking to it?
Actually, no, I don't remember this at all. Could you point me to a newspaper article or something?
I did a web search, and all I could find was that Seattle Computer Products sued Microsoft (in 1986), not the other way around!
http://zdnet.com.com/2100-11-502830.html [com.com]
If Microsoft ever arrogantly sued Seattle Computer Products, I'd like to know more about it.
cough(Lindows)cough (Score:2)
probably not (Score:2)
Sheeesh.. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Sheeesh.. (Score:5, Funny)
It's properly spelled worehouse.
please stop the FUD (Score:2)
screenshots? (Score:4, Funny)
Oh, that's why.
This isn't going to replace Windows anytime soon if it doesn't have a graphical interface of any sort.
Re:screenshots? (Score:5, Funny)
Windows, but without the pretty windows to click on.
Re:screenshots? (Score:2)
Don't get me wrong - I'm aware of the other interface solutions (Xfree, etc), but copying explorer.exe across isn't a workable solution ;)
Could it be merged with wine?? (Score:5, Interesting)
It's still a pretty good feat though and is noteworthy of frontpage news. If the authors are reading would you mind answering a few questions?
1. What timeline do the authors see for adding a directX layer?
2. Do you forsee using the wineX code for reference or will you rewrite it from scratch?
Re:Could it be merged with wine?? (Score:5, Informative)
Embedded systems? (Score:3, Interesting)
I am not personally a fan or a "user" (hah!) of Windows, but I have...friends...who might be interested in a "sidegrade" to an open-source embedded OS which is WinCE compatible. If nothing else we might be able to improve the security and reliability of embedded applications that have already been developed for Microsoft OSes. There is nothing worse than a small, single-purpose appliance - say for making toast - that can't perform reliably because the underlying OS is faulty, or constantly requires patches to assure peace of mind (hah!).
Re:Embedded systems? (Score:5, Interesting)
Whoa (Score:2, Funny)
Don't forget to visit *nix.org [starnix.org].
The OS world from the 'GO' perspective (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:The OS world from the 'GO' perspective (Score:3, Funny)
Orthogonality, folks... use it; love it...
Re:The OS world from the 'GO' perspective (Score:2)
Re:The OS world from the 'GO' perspective (Score:3, Funny)
Re:The OS world from the 'GO' perspective (Score:3, Insightful)
"This announcement of this OS may seem interesting, but if you play the endlessly fascinating game of Go, your insight can become more balanced. For example, When Microsoft was well on the way of total OS dominance, it was as if the board had many stones, but all in one corner. Then Linus Torvalds, almost absentmindedly, played a stone in the opposite corner that was mostly vacant and Microsoft and the rest of the world ignored it, so Linus played a few more stones. Soon there was a formidable structure that Microsoft and the rest of the world couldn't ignore. And that's where we are today. Now ReactOS comes along and plays a stone, but no matter where the stone is placed on the OS board, the position is weak."
Perhaps, but I think you will agree that Microsoft's position is thick and slow. And there is death in the hane.
Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:5, Insightful)
In order to make that work, the OS must look the same to the app. That means APIs and, at a higher level, the architecture, has to be the same. The reason we don't run any Windows NT based systems in production is that the architecture is flawed. It's a desktop OS with "enterprise" features tacked on. The fundamental architecture of NT is why it sucks, in my mind. To emulate that, even if you give it away for free, doesn't solve the security issues, the performance issues, etc etc.
I have a lot of respect for these guys, kernel hacking from the ground up is tough stuff, but I'd rather see them contributing their talent to the Linux or BSD projects rather than copying a flawed architecture.
Of course thats just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Re:Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:2)
The problem with an NT workalike is that soon very few people will actually be using NT. It's kind of like those ambitious DOS projects.
Re:Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:2)
Re:Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:5, Insightful)
If these guys weren't working on this, they probably wouldn't be working on anything.
I think this is a hell of a project with a ton of potential. If there was a drop in windows replacement that runs windows apps, that's a killer app. Now they are years and years away from such a platform but from a pure oss ideological perspective this rocks. Anything that helps break the ties and allows for freedom is a good thing.
The infirnite amount of developers. (Score:4, Insightful)
Because, to a large degree, it is true. And even to the degree it *isn't* true, we should try to encourage would-be developers to join an existing project, rather than start their own. There is no lack of free software projects, however there is a desperate lack if free software projects with enough developers to produce anything worthwhile.
Of course, hobbyist programmers should do whatever they think is fun, even if it never produce anything useful to others. But that should not stop us oldbies encouraging them to join existing larger projects that may already have produced, or is likely to end up producing, something worthwhile. There is also a great fun seeing your code getting used. And while working with others can be annoying, it can also be rewarding, and it is a valuable skill to learn.
Re:Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:2)
I would prefer to see talented kernel hackers work on Linux, Hurd, or one of the BSDs as opposed to a Windows clone ,but the nature of free software is that the coder gets to decide.
Um, explain to me exactly how ReactOS is different from Linux or Hurd? Wasn't GNU created in the first place in order to provide a free alternative to UNIX? The intention was to destroy UNIX, ultimately, by destroying the proprietary software world.
Knock ReactOS if you want, but it is in spirit identical to GNU. Identical, dude.
Re:Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:3, Insightful)
Perhaps I'm reading more into it than is actually there, but here goes:
I've never heard RMS talk, but I've read quite a bit that he's written. :)
Anyway, he writes that he wanted a free operating system so that people wouldn't have to use proprietary OSs.
That's what he writes. But based on other things that he says, namely on issues such as the LInux/Bitkeeper issue, the original TrollTech issue, and so forth, it appears that he actually wants to end the era of proprietary software. In that case, the logical conclusion then, is that he intended to destroy UNIX as proprietary software by destroying the proprietary software model.
I'm taking a certain liberty with the conclusion, I realize, but it does stand to reason, even if it's somehow false.
On to the other part. UNIX was the first chosen, and I've read where he has stated that he didn't know whether or not they would pursue others. There seems to be hints that he did intend to somehow implement all proprietary OSs in a free fashion, somehow. Maybe he's just come right out and said it, I don't know. I wish I could give a link or something, though.
However, if the original intention was to provide a free OS, and UNIX was chosen based on its popularity (and other factors), then it stands to reason that with Windows' popularity being what it is that perhaps Windows should be chosen as well. In that sense, then, ReactOS is similar in both substance and spirit. I do not know if that was the intention of the project or not, hwoever, and that ultimately determines the truth of my statement.
Re:Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:2, Interesting)
Please, don't talk about things you don't know about. What you are commenting on is a questionable implementation, not a bad design. In fact, Windows is quite the opposite: an excellent system clogged up with poor, useless, superfluous or otherwise bad software
Personally, I've found Linux to suck. Really suck. I'll probably have to use it in the next years, as the last way to use a computer without selling my brain to IBM, Sun, Microsoft or Apple, but I'll never really like it. I'm a Windows guy. I've never used anything else (except trying Linux because of its supposed "coolness"), and I contribute (well... I try) to ReactOS because that's where my heart is
The "but Linux is clearly superior!" attitude doesn't cut it - you have to explain why, and without any internals programming experience (as Microsoft's user interface doesn't make any justice to the underlying system) you simply lack the knowledge to do it
I'll take a stab. (Score:2, Insightful)
NT and linux, who'd thunk it!
I like NT because it is probably the most "predictable" OS you can find; each installation is basically the same, especially within a company. Any changes are superficial, all you need to know is a few key version and service pack numbers and you've got a clear picture of the state of things.
It is remarkably stable, especially if you don't buy crappy hardware. Because it hosts most of my favorite apps and games, I can live with myself having a few copies (legitimately, but not out of my own pocket...
And I like linux because when you have to get dirty with interfacing hardware, and no clear solution exists, you look to the source. I've had to do this too many times, and linux comes and saves my ass with bits and pieces scrounged from hither and yon, duct-taped up with perl, and boom, you have your custom widget for whatever-the-fuck was needed in a weeks time. My latest project: Palm Pilot m130 + otherwise useless P133 Dell Latitude = OGG player with IR remote for the car! w00t!!
Plus, I like being able to squeeze the last bit of performance out of machine, and knowing its operation front to back. It makes me feel safer when deploying a critical service; being able to feel confident it will stay up, and if it fails, I can diagnose it quickly because of said transparency. Linux, when set up conservatively, can take a huge beating. I've had servers with half-bad RAM and frayed SCSI cables stay up and limp along until I checked the logs... (MEDIC MEDIC!!!)
So what about linux leaves you with such a bad taste in your mouth?
Interstingly enough, that quality is shared by another less free system: Solaris. The documentation is incredibly thorough; so good, up to the point of throughly recognizing and explaining its own shortcomings (NFS RPC, etc.).
I wish Sun was more forthcoming with hardware docs. Alas, this is how they make their money.
ReactOS not a bad idea -- it will serve a purpose (Score:2, Informative)
I too use both NT and Linux. As far as Windows goes, I have used "NT based" Windows since 4.0, as I quickly learned that Win95 sucked big ones...
Windows allows me to play games (woohoo! play time!). Especially after Win2000 came out. Finally, USB and newer DirectX was available. And, as long as you had good hardware with well-written drivers, NT is quite livable. However, WPA has turned me off to Windows. MS will never see a cent from me on XP. I had a chance to play with WinXP for a while (on a play-machine as I called it). I was able to trip WPA after some hardware changes. Annoying to say the least. I will stay on 2000 until it is no longer supported.
I love Linux because of it's openness. Sure, it took me awhile to learn it. (Started with RedHat 5.2 when it came out). But, here I am some years later, able to use Linux for everything I need except scanning & games (my scanner has no Linux support last I tried... it's a USB Hewlett Packard 3300C USB, and not all games available for linux. WineX doesn't count in my book).
Oh, you commented about linux taking a beating and still chugging along. One day, a fellow Linux user and I were playing with his dual celeron 400 machine (remember that cool abit mobo back when?) and he was probing around the insides trying to figure out where a noise was coming from. He accidentally unplugged an ide cable! (Yes, his hard drive was on that one) Linux didn't panic or anything. He plugged it back in... the machine didn't seem to notice the difference. (and he did have some background services running.) We had a good laugh on that one (I don't recommend hotswapping anything like that btw)
Re:Is this a worthwhile project? (Score:2, Interesting)
See, it's just a matter of perspective. You keep talking about ReactOS like it's a product you can go and buy at WalMart's. It's not. It's far from being a product. From this perspective, probably even DOS would be better than ReactOS
What's so special about ReactOS is that it's one of the few open source project of cloning the NT kernel still alive, if not the only. What does this mean?
Finally, ReactOS is not a product, nor part of a product line. We aren't afraid to document how to replace or customize system components, fearing that someone will do better than us, and kill the sales of the next release
Like I said before, it's too early to talk about ReactOS in these terms - it barely runs GNU Make and the GCC toolchain, it has no networking, no exceptional scheduling algorithm, no security (if you have installed ReactOS, try "kill 1" - 1 is the kernel's PID, guess what happens), nothing of interest to anyone but us into the project. I can only guarantee that ReactOS Advanced Server (if ever) will not include Paint, nor Minesweeper, nor the latest DirectX :-) (unless Jason has other plans :-P)
No paint? No minesweeper? (Score:3, Funny)
I guess that means no solitaire. Sorry guys, i've just lost all interest in your silly project - it can never be a *real* windows clone. Sorry...
: ) In all serious this looks like a lot of fun, and I wish you guys the best.
Uses FreeDOS (Score:4, Informative)
FWIW, some parts of ReactOS use FreeDOS [freedos.org] components. For example, the ReactOS cmd.exe is based on the FreeDOS "FreeCOM" (the FreeDOS command.com).
Thought you'd like to know. If you're interested in the DOS parts of ReactOS, you're probably better off to download FreeDOS [freedos.org], which is more stable & mature anyway.
XFree86 for ReactOS (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:XFree86 for ReactOS (Score:2)
Pretty easy. Just run it using Cygwin! *GRIN*
Re:XFree86 for ReactOS (Score:3, Informative)
And for the record, the idea of using Cygwin to port XF86 to ReactOS was mostly a joke....
Possible Trademark Problems (Score:2, Informative)
Do a little homework before picking those cool names, folks. Save you a lot of pain down the road.
Re:Possible Trademark Problems (Score:2)
Senseless. (Score:3, Interesting)
But, Ok you want a drop in replacement for NT 4.0. So, where is the GUI? There is no GUI. Second, but perhaps most importantly, where is the file system support. This thing uses FAT32. Windows NT 4.0 can use FAT32 but, its primary file system is NTFS.
How can they possibly call it a seamless replacement for NT 4.0 with no GUI and no NTFS file system. I'm sorry but, renaming FreeDos utilities to try to emulate the CMD.EXE shell is hardly a substitute for NT 4.0 and I won't even mention Windows 2000.
Re:Senseless. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Senseless. (Score:2)
Re:Senseless. (Score:2)
Re:Senseless. (Score:2)
Re:Senseless. (Score:4, Interesting)
Secondly, and I realize this has been mentioned by others already but I'll say it again, WHY are you berating a product at 0.1.0 for lacking features??? Your nick is FreeLinux, I wonder were you around for one of those
I'm not a an OS or kernel hacker or any other type of programmer. But it seems to me this is exactly the type of project that many
Re:Senseless. (Score:3, Informative)
To have NT4 support FAT32, you need 3rd party software drivers like this [sysinternals.com].
Re:Senseless. (Score:2, Informative)
Because it's the most realistical goal we could choose
They're abandoning the product. Not the architecture. Nor the codebase. It's not the dead-end you think it is
It's not "supposed to be", it "aims to be"
Finally! A useful OSS project! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Finally! A useful OSS project! (Score:2)
Just because *you* have no use for any of the above, it doesn't mean they're pointless.
Over half [netcraft.com] of the internet's webservers run on apache, a large percentage of those use PHP. I'd put money on the fact that Squid caches more traffic than all the other web cache applications combined, and we all know that real [netcraft.com] web/ftp servers run either FreeBSD or Linux, if they don't run a commercial Unix.
Re:Finally! A useful OSS project! (Score:2)
You may get a free copy of the NT kernel, maybe even the core OS, with ReactOS, but what server apps are you going to run on it?
Going to shell out for a copy of IIS or Exchange?
Or are you going to turn to open source applications as well?
If you go for the second option, you're most likely going to have exactly the same user interface for your applications (ie, configuring via text files), which somewhat nullifies the "ease of use" point of having an NT compatible OS.
If you go for the first option... well.. the costs of Exchange or whatever MS calls the IIS suite these days (the name escapes me at the moment) make the cost for NT server look insignificant..
Sure more drivers will be nice, however, if you pick your server hardware correctly these days, drivers aren't an usually an issue anymore - the main server devices you need are network cards and disk controllers - the manufacturers of which both seems to be supporting OSS development a lot better these days.
Re:Finally! A useful OSS project! (Score:2)
I can see pigs flying too, but only when I take enough acid.
Why? (Score:3, Insightful)
We all know that NT4 microkernel is good and the reason it crashes so much is because people install drivers with bugs.
The same drivers will crash, regardless of whether the rest of the system is open or not..
Re:Why? (Score:2)
No system crash until it's installed and run. So, the new generation of very stable systems should not be installed and should not run. The most stable computer is the one with its power off.
Driver Development Kit (DDK) accessability (Score:4, Informative)
The only thing to do is implement the Windows XP WDM that will be compatible with previous drivers
see www.microsoft.com/ddk [microsoft.com] for details
[But I do think they are building something with alot of potential]
Whoopee. (Score:2)
What's the point? Oooh, a free MS compatible OS. You know what? It's not worth it. It will never be 100% compatible right out of the box. If you figure in the time spent chasing down bug fixes, patches, etc, it would be more cost effective to just buy a copy of Windows. Don't want to give money to MS? Then buy stock in MS so you'll be an owner and profit from it. With your profits you can then support free software development efforts.
In other news... (Score:2, Funny)
holy mother of god :P (Score:3, Funny)
surreal, aye? i dunno if theres a point to this...just thot i'd let u guys in on the fun
ps: btw, if any one tries it, and runs winhello.exe from the bin directory, and figures out how to get back to the reactos prompt from there, please msg below...
Re:heh (Score:3, Informative)
todyas date: feb. 2
Re:heh (Score:2)
Re:We have an embarrassment of riches here (Score:3, Interesting)
This could be useful for people who don't want to fork out for NT/have to use MS products...
And finally, <stupid_comment>Oh look! An MS ad!</stupid_comment>
Re:We have an embarrassment of riches here (Score:5, Funny)
Three OS for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie.
One OS to rule them all, One OS to find them,
One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie.
Re:We have an embarrassment of riches here (Score:2, Funny)
How many Operating Systems do we actually need?
Just one good one.
(Still waiting...)
Re:no gui (Score:3, Funny)
Re:no gui (Score:4, Informative)
Re:no gui (Score:2, Insightful)
Re: no gui (Score:3, Insightful)
And remember that it's already hard to buy new NT4 licenses and it will become even harder when MS completely stops selling them (except from eBay, of course).
Yes, a free (as in bird, not as in Willy) replacement for NT4 could save quite a lot of companies that did "embedded NT4" and the like on their products until they had time to reimplement it for something less braindead.
Re: no gui (Score:3, Insightful)
A "free" machine that could run IIS would be a killer in some Windows shops.
And how, exactly, would this be possible? IIS is not a separate product from Windows.
Re: no gui (Score:2)
I'm not seeing a problem.
Re:no gui (Score:3, Insightful)
Excuse my pessimistic bashing, but how would one proceed in "configuring" the IIS or other apps. This would basically only allow running software specifically designed for command-line use (like a seti-client
And with these real NT4 headless boxes - well there's always VNC, which will allow to setup and administer the box as if you were actually sitting in front of it woth mon/key/mouse attached.
Configuration doable. (Score:2)
I don't think administration from a console is insurmountable. The registry is just a database and those can be manipulated just fine without a GUI. The fact that most Windows programs expect a GUI to be running is more problimatical. Those calls have to be intercepted and presented in a way appropriate for a console. The complexity of that is comparable to the various WINE forks. It may be simpler to just provide a GUI.
Re:no gui (Score:2)
Easily. From the command line using WSH, or remotely with the HTML admin tool. Either one is pretty easy. No "clickety-click" required. That's a common misconception of non-Windows people. They see the easy to use GUI, and assume that's in place of a command line interface. Not true at all.
Re:no gui (Score:2)
Re:no gui (Score:2)
Re:no gui (Score:2, Interesting)
iis license (Score:2)
Re:iis license (Score:2)
Re:no gui (Score:3, Interesting)
I have not seen a free download of IIS recently. The last one I saw was in Option Pack for NT 4.0, but that was IIS 4.0 and you probably don't want to run it (given the number of security bugs fixed in more recent versions). The performance of latest versions is also considerably better.
So you would have to wait several years more, till those guys reimplement IIS too. Do you think it is time well spent?
Re:no gui (Score:2)
Re:no gui (Score:5, Informative)
Re:no gui (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:no gui (Score:2)
Re:no gui (Score:2)
Re: How can this possibly be useful? (Score:5, Interesting)
I know quite some people with this attitude, and I'm afraid that most of them Just Don't Get It.
Most of the people writing Open Source software are doing it because they like to do it. That's all.
If somebody is doing something special just for the fun of it, you can't just kick him and say: "That's of no use for anybody, why don't you just do $THIS instead?"
Won't work at all if he's not interested in doing $THIS. Things just don't work this way. And this is a Good Thing[tm].
And, coming back to your question, no, the world wouldn't be a better place. :-) Definitely no.
[Footnote and rant: Maybe I should send good ol' George W. a mail asking him to do something different because that would make much more sense for everybody else than what he's doing at the moment. But I'm afraid this won't work either. He just likes what he's doing ATM too much, I'd guess.]
Re:How can this possibly be usefull? (Score:4, Insightful)
Microsoft has been able to buck this trend for over a decade with their unique mix of copyrights, trade secrets and customers locked into large investments of Win32/Office data and code. Microsoft competes on cost, but not against other companies. It competes against its customers' barriers to exiting the Windows corral. Each project that can create a new crack in those barriers reduces the cost Microsoft can charge for their software, thus saving money for the public at large.
Re:WINE / X11 (Score:2, Informative)