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Programming IT Technology

Open Media Toolkit Goes Open Source 12

Yves Schmid writes "Open Media Toolkit is now distributed under the LGPL. OMT is a powerful C++ framework for Mac OS X and Windows, for the development of real time 2D/3D multimedia applications. Several commercial applications have been developed using OMT, including games from Disney, Hasbro, Mattel, Scitex, and HumanCode. OMT includes classes for 2D/3D rendering and animation (through DirectX, OpenGL or its own software renderer), sound, files, database, windowing, user-interface, media importer (3D and 2D), input control, etc."
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Open Media Toolkit Goes Open Source

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  • Are there any big applications anyone knows about which are written with OMT? Out of curiosity...

    • Re:Big applications? (Score:5, Informative)

      by Yves Schmid ( 603939 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:00AM (#5699841) Homepage

      The biggest projects I know are:

      - Barbie Adventure the riding club (Mattel) #1 of sales in US during one month
      - Atlantis, the lost empire (Disney)
      - Tanaka (PMW)
      - The player of Clickworks was also based on OMT (Scitex)

      Several educational games and real-time art projects (like VJ performance) was also created using OMT. PTMKids and HumanCode developed a couple of commercial projects with OMT too...

  • Hrm... (Score:3, Informative)

    by blackcoot ( 124938 ) on Wednesday April 09, 2003 @01:55PM (#5694638)
    Sounds like version of Qt [] but with a much heavier emphasis on the game side of development (Qt doesn't do DirectX last I checked --- "only" OpenGL which is only available as part of its Enterprise Edition, according to Assistant for Qt 3.0.5). Still, it doesn't run on Linux, which does me absolutely no good since all my work focusses around doing real time digital video processing under Linux. b~
  • Does anyone know if this is any good at video processing? Sampling etc?

    I have a need to rip frames from a Quicktime wrapped MPEG-4 source in the future, and have been looking for cross platform solutions. The client uses Mac, and the development platform is yet undecided.

    Any other recommendations/ideas?
  • I guess that is what heppens when open source gets good. Is this a direct response to the popularity of SDL []? [] Will we see more and more companies (L)GPL'ing their code just to compete with the open source alternatives?

Life is difficult because it is non-linear.
