OSS Usability Group Forming 82
cpfeifer writes "Tristan Louis has started a new group focusing on Usability in OSS products. Among the goals are: examining the state of he usability union in existing products, forming a set of standards and practices and PR for products that make usability strides. Also, check out the discussion on Metafilter."
Thank you! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Thank you! (Score:2)
Almost all OSS needs to be bitch slapped with a pretty/usability stick...
Re:Thank you! (Score:2, Informative)
Some people have asked why not use Apple's or *gasp* Microsoft's. Well, we can use some of their stuff but ultimately, I suspect that we can come up with something even better. There are a few things that people have complained about in terms of MS or Apple's stuff. However, I'm sure there are some common elements that could be reused.
My view is that there's a lot of inn
Re:It needs a usability group?!? (Score:1)
There's a strong argument for actually thinking about the consistent and clear usability of a system rather than just forming it as some gestalt cluster of (cool) useful bits.
Basic Guidelines (Score:3, Funny)
1.) Don't use Blender as a model.
2.) Putting vowels in command names can be helpful.
3.) If you're a Perl programmer - don't try to cram the whole UI into 2 lines of code just because you can.
Re:Basic Guidelines (Score:2, Insightful)
Put those configurations into a configuration file. And if that config file doesn't exist, have the program automatically write or suggest a configuration that should work out of the box.
example: A long time ago, Java wouldn't work unless you had a CLASSPATH set. You needed to set i
Re:Basic Guidelines (Score:2)
Re:Basic Guidelines (Score:1)
Re:Basic Guidelines (Score:2)
IMO they made the Blender interface difficult to figure out on purpose, so that they would sell more Blender manuals.
You could download Blender for free, but had to pay for the documentation
Re:Why not use Apple's? (Score:3)
One thing (in my experience) that turns people off open source software is that the interface is almost the same as their previous OS (Windows or Mac). However, one or two things different are minor annoyances that turn them off.
OTOH, having a completely different UI may be an improvement. The user doesn't have any expectations because it's completely different. Thus, they don't panic when a menu item is under a different menu, or a key has a different funct
Re:Why not use Apple's? (Score:1)
Spot on! An imperfect clone will always be seen as being lesser than a new creation.
I mean, which would you rather buy? The rather poor forgery of Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, or an entirely original artwork by a little known artist? Particularly if that artist shows promise?
I would be very surprised if people who use Macs (who aren't Mac fanatics) complain that "the Dock doesn't look like the Start bar". It's bloody obvious they don't look similar! And as the parent points out, as a result
Re:Why not use Apple's? (Score:1)
usability vs usefulness (Score:1)
I'm entirely for making things more usable for the purpose of expanding OSS' user base, but we can't forsake the power users to do it, otherwis
Re:usability vs usefulness (Score:4, Insightful)
Programs like X-CD-ROAST are nearly unusable without documentation on the side. The *acceptance* of GIMP and blender only has to do with the fact that they are the only free programs that do what it sets out to do.
Programs that copy or build upon existing usable programs tend to do really well at being accepted really fast in the OSS community. Check out XMMS, Evolution or Firebird. Are their interfaces usable? Are their power immediatly recognized by the end user? Yes.
Re:usability vs usefulness (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:usability vs usefulness (Score:1)
Re:usability vs usefulness (Score:2)
Re:usability vs usefulness (Score:1)
it doesn't have support for remembering window placements (ie, remember that mozilla belongs in desktop (0,1) at position (0,0), xchat belongs in (1,1) at position (1100,0), etc. Also, it doesn't have complete support for the viewport functions that I use (though it is better than metacity with respect to that).
So... I'm using the CVS version of enlightment on a single GNOME desktop with multiple E viewports. However, as far as I'm concerned, despite some of the new underlying technology, GN
Re:usability vs usefulness (Score:1)
- dave f.
Re:usability vs usefulness (Score:2)
Re:usability vs usefulness (Score:2)
Nautilus used to try to do this, as did gdm's configurator, although I don't think either's "advanced" mode was very well thought through.
I agree: simplicity should be about concealing complexity from people who don't care about it, not removing complexity altogether.
I think (Score:1)
Re:I think (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I think (Score:1)
Re:I think (Score:2)
Re:I think (Score:2)
By all means. For example Blackbox as a Free Software window manager should have different usability goals then Blackbox as an Open Source window manager. When you think to yourself "I want a window manager that gives me free speech, fresher breath, and an insufferable smugness" then you're in Free Software mode and the window manager should behave one way. But when you think to yourself "I want a window manager that is pragmatic, well groomed, and qu
Re:I think (Score:2)
And in the fact that getting the "free" software people to spend their time writing code instead of talking about what to call the project is impossible. You want to actually get something done, leave the ideologues out of it.
Re:I think (Score:1)
Re:I think (Score:2)
Who? ;)
doctor^H^H^H^H^H^Husability guru ... heal thyself (Score:3)
On that site, he sets his links as bold, with no decoration, and the same color as the rest of the body text. Though, some subheaders are also bold (but not links). Therefore, you can't always tell that links are links, and some things that aren't you think might be.
This isn't exactly the type of thing you like to see inside of a paper explaining how to make usability better by keeping things familiar for the user.
Re:doctor^H^H^H^H^H^Husability guru ... heal thyse (Score:1)
I find Jakob Nielsen [useit.com] to be an excellent source for scientifically valid usability information. In other words, his advice is based on actual research, not just whatever his cat Mittens told him (anyone know this reference?)
Re:doctor^H^H^H^H^H^Husability guru ... heal thyse (Score:1)
Re:doctor^H^H^H^H^H^Husability guru ... heal thyse (Score:1)
BTW, if anyone finds any other usability issues with TNL.net, don't hesitate to point them out. Might as well improve my own site in the process
Re:doctor^H^H^H^H^H^Husability guru ... heal thyse (Score:1)
The problem should now be fixed.
As far as being a usability expert, I don't make that claim. I'm not but I hope that together, we can do something about usability in OSS software
Re:doctor^H^H^H^H^H^Husability guru ... heal thyse (Score:2)
Re:doctor^H^H^H^H^H^Husability guru ... heal thyse (Score:1)
Re:doctor^H^H^H^H^H^Husability guru ... heal thyse (Score:1)
OSS Usability (Score:2)
a few simple suggestions (Score:5, Interesting)
(2) Form follows function, not vica-versa. Don't focus on making an "appealing" UI. Focus on making one that works very well for the tasks at hand.
(3) Passive memory, not active. People have a huge capacity for passive memory, and can remember things passively very quickly (that is, they recognize it upon seeing it). Users already have enough stuff to memorize, so don't make them memorize bizarre key-combinations.
(4) For a guide to a desktop, see here [rr.com] (explanation here [rr.com]), and here [rr.com] (explanation here [rr.com]).
(5) Remember to have strong software-support. The reason I like Gentoo so much is because of the helpful and friendly message boards, as well as the excellent documentation.
(6) User testing, user testing, user testing. Grab someone and ask them if your program is easy to use. Sit them down in front of it -- without a manual -- and ask them to do something that the program was designed to do. If they can do it, then the program has good design. If not, bad design. If they can't do it, or if it took them a long time, ask them what they would expect, or where your program was confusing.
(7) Have context menu's for everything in your program with "send feedback on this". E.g., if someone right clicks on the menu-bar or a specific sub-menu, they send feedback on that. You thus instantly know what their feedback is about, and it makes it easy for them to send feedback.
(8) Actively seek out the opinions of those who download your program and use it. You can do this by creating a message board, newsgroup, etc, and specifically asking what they think about x, y, and z.
PS (Score:2)
Good User Interface (Score:3, Insightful)
(6) User testing, user testing, user testing. Grab someone and ask them if your program is easy to use. Sit them down in front of it -- without a manual -- and ask them to do something that the program was designed to do. If they can do it, then the program has good design. If not, bad design. If they can't do it, or if it took them a long time, ask them what they would expect, or where your program was confusing.
That's just wrong. Really. Calculus is a great tool -- but its too complicated for a
Re:Good User Interface (Score:3, Insightful)
For power-users with particularly high needs, tools like Vi are useful -- great, in fact; likewise with Sed and Awk, and other very powerful text-editing or text-manipulation programs.
PPS...ask obnoxious assholes (Score:2)
Do not ask friends, family, or anyone who is very polite and shy for constructive criticism. They are likely to go easy on you.
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:2)
Arg. Not again. Many "usability" people take this to mean that vim has a horrible interface. Of course, it is a terribly economic interface, even though I had to automate many "bizarre" keys. In fact, it is the most usable editor I have us
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:2)
At the very least, there should be a menu that should be accessible by Alt-F, etc. People have better things to memorize than bizarre key-combinations. Vim and Emacs are particular culprits since they ignore pretty wide-spread standards now (like CTRL+V for paste, CTRL+C for copy, and SHIFT+ARROW for select)...if you're going to do your own little key-combo thing, at least provide users with the option to do things the normal
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:2)
I agree with everything else except this. Let me rephrase the beginning of your statement slightly to make it work:
"Grab someone knowledgable in the domain...
After all, if someone through me in front of a circuit simulator, I would be lost no matter how elegant and correct the interface, simply because I know nothing about circuits
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:2)
If you mean "knowledgeable with those type of programs", then no.
If you mean "knowledgeable in doing that type of task (e.g., picture-editing is part of his profession), then yes. People who are knowledgeable of the subject of your program should be able to intuitively figure out the main uses.
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:2)
Take a trivial example, word processing. Throw an illiterate person in front of the UI. Absolutely pointless. That's why you need testers knowledgable in the task.
So now throw a professional fiction author in front of the UI. Better right? But what if the only word processor they've ever used was MSWord? The parts of the UI where they stumble and falter will be marked down by your metrics as bad, when its merely a result of unfamiliarity. Or to take an extreme case, take a subject who has never befor
patently disagree (Score:2, Interesting)
It doesn't matter whether it's hard for them to use because of lack familiarity or just absolutely poor design. The point of your software is that users should be able to get used to it quickly.
It's called the user model. The user model is always right, period. If you are going to switch from the user model to something else, your something else
Re:patently disagree (Score:3, Insightful)
90% of all consumers in the US eat greasy hamburgers and fries. But I don't see fine restaurants scrambling all over themselves in an attempt to reproduce that particular bland flavor of fries left too long under the heat lamp.
The point of your software is that users should be able to get used to it quickly.
Absolutely not! The point of my sof
Re:patently disagree (Score:3, Insightful)
By changing your program to a different UI, and eliminating useful key-combinations, you ignored your target audience's user-model, and this pissed them off. Naturally.
There is no reason why the vast majority of programs cannot be both easy to learn immediately, and very easy and fast to use for more advanced users.
The user interface was deliberately designed to resemble the Windows desktop, because
Re:patently disagree (Score:3, Interesting)
Not at all. The reason the customers did not like the "new" interface was not because they were used to the "classic". They disliked it because it was an inefficient interface. The interface interrupted their workflow. It was easier to learn but harder to use. And usability is about "use".
Another analogy is WordPerfect versus MSWord. Back
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:1)
However, don't leave the "bizarre" key-combinations out for those who are willing and able to memorize them.
Personally, I hate to use the mouse and I'll use the keyboard in anyway I can.
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:2)
What I mean by "bizarre key combinations" are ones that are not standard. By standard, I basically mean what MS uses, which -- let's face it -- have become a standard. There are no real standards within *nix for key-combos, and Apple's standards (though just as good as MS') aren't as widely known, and they don't have nearly as many key-combos.
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:2)
seriously, if you could elaborate on what was mentioned in those links that would be swell.
Re:a few simple suggestions (Score:2)
(1) Always use the 4 corners of the screen, as well as the screen sides. Don't ever place anything that's interactive just a pixel shy of the screen-edge.
This is my single biggest annoyance in software. It's so obvious, so easy to implement and adds so much to usability. Yet I'm sitting here using KDE 3.1.2, probably the most polished UNIX desktop, and in order to minimize/close a window or scroll a window I have to move the mouse to (screen_edge - window_border), not screen_edge. Why is this?
Something X needs.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Something X needs.. (Score:1)
- dave f.
Re:Something X needs.. (Score:1)
That's also a reason I have a load meter on the taskbar...
Re:Something X needs.. (Score:2)
Perhaps we need a system like OSX where the system determines if a busy cursor should be displayed-- not the app.
Re:Something X needs.. (Score:2)
I think that animated mouse cursors were added in XFree4.2 or 3, so things will get better.
Re:Something X needs.. (Score:2)
Now what we need... (Score:2)
Re:Now what we need... (Score:2)
Readability (Score:2, Funny)
I'm glad readability isn't an issue.
- dave f.
maybe, just maybe... (Score:1)