Opensource Code More Refined Than Closed? 270
zonker writes "In this poorly titled cnet story (as opposed to an earlier story stating a similar theme), a company named Reasoning says that at first open source code has marginally worse quality than closed source code of the same maturity, but it tends to become better refined through the open-natured development process than closed source. They mention Apache and Linux as examples, however they don't mention the 'competitors' they tested against by name. ."
Who Knows? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Who Knows? (Score:5, Insightful)
First, a lot of "us" work on closed-sources apps in their day jobs. And most of those I have met were really ugly indeed.
Second, I cannot remember a single occasion where a formerly closed source app was opened and did not stink. Netscape took some years and a nearly complete rewrite to become the Mozilla we all know and love. OpenOffice.org is not exactly clean, modular code, even if it is undoubtly useful when you finally get it to compile. Ever looked at SAP DB? A horribly mess of ancient C and a custom Pascal dialect. Remember that ages-old backdoor in Interbase, found when Borland thought OS would be a good idea for a week or so?
I think that the feeling that thousands of your peers will eventually read your code and make fun of you in public forums and mailing lists if it isn't clean is quite an effective way of quality control.On the other hand, browsing sourceforge can make it pretty clear that ugly code is not exclusively a problem of closed-source code.
Re:Who Knows? (Score:5, Interesting)
I agree that peer review of your code is a great motivator of quality. But, however incredibly illustrative it may prove, we'll only be able to compare apples to apples on projects that have made the transition from closed to open (like Netscape->Mozilla).
Will we ever have an opportunity to compare Apache to IIS, for example? Likely not. Nor is it likely that we'll ever be able to compare comparable open source projects to anything coded in Redmond.
I personally have no doubt (or rather a belief) that Apache is pure and sweet like a mountain spring, and that IIS is a huge turd-burglar. But how can I know this is true beyond any shadow of doubt. And it just so happens that, while it's nice comparing Open Source to closed stuff from Borland and Netscape, Microsoft is the biggest kid on the block of the closed source world. So how can we know, how say, Open Office compares to MS Office? I really think we can't, and likely won't.
Re:Who Knows? (Score:5, Interesting)
How can we know? In a philosophical sense, we can't. But you can find out for practical purposes. Personally I know people who used to work for Microsoft. I heard that the code, while not bad, wasn't that good. I learned about the constant political infighting between groups and an irrational refusal to use external code. This led to such silliness as no major project in Microsoft actually using their own source control system [highprogrammer.com]. This lead to the the Office project maintaining their own forked version of the compiler. While none of this actively says their code is bad, it does suggest problems in their system that might be reflected in their code. Of course, while this is second hand to me, it's third hand to you, so you might not trust it. Reasonable enough. But my point is that one way to learn is to get the information from someone who really does know and who you trust.
Relatedly, you can make a certain level of judgement based on the software you receive and work with. If the software is buggy crap, chances are that the code isn't the Mona Lisa of the programming world.
Why closed-source stagnates... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why closed-source stagnates... (Score:3, Informative)
Open-source applications aren't limited by hard deadlines, demanding customers that want the feature yesterday, and budgets that limit the man-hours that can be devoted to a project. An open-source project manager can ta
That's what I call the "Shame Factor" (Score:3, Funny)
If you write bad open source code, the entire fscking world will see it.
More shame -> more incentive to write clean, solid, well-commented code.
Re:Who Knows? (Score:5, Insightful)
USB, DirectX 8+, Shell extensions, file location service, vastly improved PPP. Sure, nothing.
Re:Who Knows? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Who Knows? (Score:2)
Re:Who Knows? (Score:5, Informative)
Nothing for a user in XP, that he can't do with Win95.
Not even considering that they are two 'completely different' operating systems, I can probably name at lesat 50 major things off the top of my head that you can do in XP that you cannot do Win95.
Should we start the list?
1.) NT Kernel Layer - Abstracts Win32 Kernel from OS, giving system stability, and the ability to add additoinal OS subsystems on the NT Kernel in addtion to the Win32 subsystem.
2.) NTFS - Journalled File System
3.) NTFS - Object Oriented Based file Security System.
4.) NTFS - File/Folder Encryption
5.) NTFS - File/Folder Compression
6.) System Restore Protection
7.) OS Self Repair and File Protection
8.) DLL abstraction (multiple DLL instances in memory)
9.) Increased Boot & ShutDown Speeds
10.) Suspend to Disk Hibernation
11.) Full ACPI support with Scheduler with Even Scheduler - Wake Up Support
12.) RDP - Remote Desktop
13.) Telnet Server
14.) FTP Server
15.) IIS Server
16.) Application Crash protection that catches bad Memory and API calls in Real-time and prevents application crashes without the user ever knowing it is happening.
17.) POSIX supported naming conventions
18.) NTFS - HardLinks
19.) NTFS - Mount Points
20.) NTFS - Reparse Points
21.) DFS
22.) NTFS - 16exabyte Partions
23.) 4GB of RAM Access - 64bit Desktop 16GB RAM - Server 64GB/512GB RAM
24.) Native CDR-CDRW Support
25.) Intellimirror
26.) Offline Network Files & Synchronization
27.) ZDLabs reports 27 percent faster than Win95/Win98 with more than 64Mb of RAM
28.) Internet Connection Sharing
29.) Basic Firewall (Built In Firewall mechanisms for third party Firewalls to directly Plug In)
30.) Full Unicode Support
31.) Mutli-Processor Support (2 in Professional - 32 in Server)
32.) IPSec
33.) Smart Card Support
34.) Built in WiFi and UPnP
35.) Native Multi Monitor Support
36.) ClearType Throughout the OS
37.) Remote Assistance
38.) NLA
39.) Full VPN Support In & Out
40.) Driver Rollback (Windows Protection)
41.) Network Bridging
42.) Web Folder Support
43.) Fast User Switching
44.) WMI
45.) Group Policy (Local & Active Directory)
46.) Enhanced Power Management (Supporting CPU Throttling in addtion to other device Power control for improved Mobile battery Life)
47.) Kerbos
48.) IPv6
49.) Qos
50.) Volume Shadow Copy (Shadow Volumes - Versioning on Server)
That is just 50 'technical' things I could pull off the top of my head.
Should we also list another 100 other items that are in the UI of XP like common folder tasks, photo printing, built in Zip Folders, Image Acquisition, etc?
"Yeah, there sure is not anything in XP that a Win95 user can't do." - Said the person living in a cave.
You can easily spot the people that either do not get this stuff, or just have not used XP and only base their experience on the time they used Win9x and the FUD they read about XP.
In addition, as I said before, I also use OSX, Mac System 8.1, Mandrake, FreeBSD, Solaris, and Redhat everyday, so I am not a sold MS XP zealot by any sense of the word.
Nevertheless, saying that XP does not offer a user anything more than Win95 is just ridiculous.
It makes sense ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Most proprietary code is only reviewed until the developers have ironed all the bugs necessary to get it to run reliably. Then it's shelved until the support lifecycle requires a fix.
Conversly, Open Source projects have a huge interested user base who can continue to review, submit bugs and improve the code over time.
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Whereas, if I'm writing my own one-man-show app for my employer, knowing nobody else is likely to ever see the code, it'll end up more like a Q&D.
And that's simply because of human nature. It's like cleaning house. If I *know* people are coming over and likely to see my house, I want it clean and orderly. If I *know* the reverse is true, I have less incentive to make my house immaculate.
only if you're clueful (Score:2)
When you can't code above your level how will you ever improve it?
I tidy up for guests but the place is still scruffy cos I just don't have the money / incentive to spruce it up further.
Re:only if you're clueful (Score:3, Insightful)
When you can't code above your level how will you ever improve it?
By failing. That's how you usually learn.
Re:only if you're clueful (Score:2)
Or someone who can code above your level sees the code and rips you a new one. If you're lucky they then fix your mistakes, if you're really lucky they explain how, so you learn.
That doesn't happen much (if at all) in commercial environments where, IME, the better coders are usually too tied doing their own work to fix yours and managers are more interested in hitting their deadline with code that works than whether there might be a better, more reliable, way to do it. The exceptions tend to be environme
Re:only if you're clueful (Score:3, Insightful)
And if you're really, really lucky you pair program with them. Then you get to watch them make mistakes like everyone else, and they get to explain how they write good code - the thought process they go thru, how they remove duplication, etc.
Re:only if you're clueful (Score:2)
Yes, my comments weren't directed as answering the question just challenging the assumption that "someone will see my code" instantly makes you a better programmer.
And your comments highlight it further, awful code is everywhere.
I can't really go along with the assumption that
"a stranger might see it, so I'd better do it good"
makes you an instantly better programmer than if you use the mantra
"my co-workers & project manager will more than lik
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:2, Interesting)
>>of peer review
Peer review only lasts until the product is deemed to have no 'show stoppers'. Look at most retail software titles that come with a README of 'known issues'.
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:2, Insightful)
With open source,
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:2)
This could easily turn out to be little better than a single person working on the code. Since all the people are in the same environment, subject to the same "corporate culture".
Whereas if you're working on one of the smaller open source projects with just you developing and the odd patch coming i
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:5, Interesting)
It makes good sense, to a point.
It is not uncommon to have multiple spinoffs from the main source tree. Each branch will have a different path to maturity in the lifecycle of development. All things being equal, each branch should acheive the same quality as all the others, but this isn't always the case.
I have seen open source programs that actually got worse over time as well, but that was due to being passed around like a hot potato as far as maintainer was concerned.
Challenging assumptions (Score:3, Interesting)
But is a typical OS project really peer reviewed properly by more people than a typical closed source project of a comparable size?
There's nothing inherent about open source that means it has a wider user base or that more people should report bugs.
Improving the code imp
Re:Challenging assumptions (Score:2)
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:4, Insightful)
The programmers will all know (or should) what the main points of the program should be directed towards, will all follow similar protocol, and in alot of cases, all work togeather; and because of this may be able to write tighter code due to being able to be with the person who origionally coded the program. Pages and pages of documentation usually is no match for that.
I'm not bashing open source, I prefer it, but let's not go critiquing closed source for no reason, there is enough valid reasons for that.
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:2)
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:2)
> OSS projects get the required attention
> to make them "good code" or "good design".
And that's OK. Why? Because it takes 10 seconds to start an "open source" project. All you have to do is say "I'm starting a Microsoft Exchange replacement!" and put up a web page. If you make progress, people will come and help you out. If you don't they won't, and that's fine.
So the good projects float to the top and more people work on them. As it should be.
> far out
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:2)
They don't determine quality or usefulness, they represent the quality and usefulness.
Depends on where you work unfortunately (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Get a job buddy (Score:2)
The real benefit of peer review and configuration management in closed source is that you are usually all within the same building and can do walkthroughs in person.
That said, unless a group of developers on a team take it upon themselves to do code walkthroughs, the vast majority of code is never seen by anyone but the code owner.
This would be great... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:It makes sense ... (Score:2, Funny)
To ensure your program has a high level of contribution make sure that it is extremely useful to developers (e.g. IDE/profiler/debugger etc) and it has a number of annoying but easy to fix bugs.
Competitors? (Score:3, Interesting)
Makes you wonder if they may have tested OSs like Plan9 or Inferno... They probably haven't tested the original UNIX code, though.
Right.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Personally, I like seeing the quality improvements on the Apache and PHP projects. Is there anything these guys can't do?
To use the new nomenclature.... (Score:3, Funny)
Summary (Score:4, Insightful)
Stupid (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Stupid (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Stupid (Score:2)
In my experience there's more or less two classes of bugs; those problems that were more or less inevitable to happen given the original specification (given that people's intelligence doesn't vary that much, and in some ways people are pretty similar, unless they are experienced in
Haven't we seen this company before? (Score:2)
Weren't Reasoning mentioned here before, and didn't several people note then that most of the defects they were looking for were actually the sort of thing that automated software (such as theirs, for example) could spot? Any good project, open- or closed-source, will routinely run tools to scan for such flaws, and no serious development should have any.
The more serious question, since the one they appear to be asking has such an obvious and easy answer, is whether open-source development leads to signifi
BS (Score:4, Interesting)
To actually clarify what happened:
-Opensource code can have a lot more man hours put into it in a shorter period of time than closed source
-Close source code is only as good as the person doing the hiring.
Re:BS (Score:2)
You can say either thing about either development model and it's true.
Opensource code can have a lot more man hours put into it in a shorter period of time than closed source
Closed source code can also have a lot more man hours. Not every open source project has as many man hours into it as Apache or Linux.
Closed source code is only as good as the person doing the hiring.
Open Source code is only as good as the developers working on the project.
While the statements
Read my previous statement. (Score:4, Interesting)
a) The Open Source community used to be a nice one, the philosophy of it was valued high in the first couple of years but meanwhile the entire situation has changed. Companies are trying to protect their IP, other companies don't work fair with the Open Source community by not backporting their changes in the original sources and so on.
b) The audience changed totally, you need to deal with more and more complaining and ranting people every day. People that are always dis-satisfied regardless what you do. Even I as Programmer need to deal with these people. I spent my time writing the programms, fixing bugs, answering technical emails, pay for the Webspace, offer the software and yet you need to deal with dis-satisfied people all overwhere which leads into demotivation of doing something better.
c) Many people wandered off from Linux and Open Source by using alternative Systems (preferabely MacOSX) thus they have a working, aesthetical, nice, round and standardized desktop environment with all tested tools. They can get their work done and don't care for Linux and it's Open Source that much anymore as they initially did. A lot of people started to work a lot less on Open Source because they don't see the need to do this anymore because they get all the software with better quality offered on their alternative System.
Here an example: A lot of GNOME developer moved away working on MacOSX these days and don't look back, while they still help with various fixes, coding etc. they still do this as funjob, they don't see the need to work as hard to make a good Desktop because they have a Microsoft independant OS (MacOSX) which offers them everything and more than GNOME for example. Of course they also see the points written by me here with all the ranting people, no fair play of companies and the general demotivation.
Face it, we all like to be honoured for our work, we all like to hear 'thank you' from the people outside that we spent our time working our ass off on the tools we offer. But the reality is that we deal more with complaining people rather than people who said 'thank you'. We all like to earn some money with what we do. Look, we sit down the entire day, weeks, months working on the Tool, we pay for Webspace and more and we don't even get the money back for the Webspace we pay once per year.
Open Source is indeed a nice thing but the times has heavily changed, complaining users, demotivation, dirty play with companies, sueing of people who wrote Open Source applications like the freecraft person. A very nice game and now it's not available anymore because he got is ass sued off.
Think about it, is it really worth the trouble ? We should concentrate back to the old roots and try making some bucks with our work, getting the webspace paid, stop the insanity with open source. it's a good idea but the license is only a hype. Like everyone can fork the code and release his own version of the software which only ends in 20 derivates which each of them still doesn't do the work it was aimed for. Not to mention that we all are individual people who work for fame, for money for being someone in the community. You work on the software because you love it because you never think about someone comming up forking it and then one day you see a derivate of your work floating around in the community and you get heavily pissed off and stop working on it and feel disappointed and have thoughts in your head saying 'what did i do wrong, why did this person fork my software' and so on. Please don't understand me wrong, think back the time when emacs got forked to xemacs. Or think back when KDE Desktop got heavily trashed by RedHat. You are itching at the egos of people with this. It's really better to start thinking about new and better ways and search for an alternative work on an alternative System.
Re:Read my previous statement. (Score:4, Insightful)
a) The OpenSource community is still a nice one. There are some people that don't play nice, but most do. Yes, companies are fighting to protect their IP. Naturally, they make money from it and they wont give that up so easily. What did You expect? The companies that You mention that won't backport their changes to the original source, well if You put a license on your code that prohibits them from keeping their changes to themselves, they can't do that, can they?
b) Yes the audience has changed. Now not only techies use linux and open source. I thought this was a good thing? Here's a newsflash for You, if You write OS software on your free time the users that You complain about can't really demand anything from You. Next time someone asks You do do something, charge them for it. If they need something done they've got to pay for it. That's the way I do if someone asks me for windows help.
c) Now if this isn't flamebait I don't know what is. There are plenty of "working, aesthetical, nice, round and standardized desktop environment with all tested tools." on Linux and other Open Source systems.
Yes, a lot of people works less on Open Source now than they did a few years ago, and You know what? A lot of people works more on Open Source now than they did a few years ago. Peoples interests change, is that strange to You?
"Face it, we all like to be honoured for our work, we all like to hear 'thank you' from the people outside that we spent our time working our ass off on the tools we offer."
True, but that's not why I write Open Source. I do it because it's fun and to have the tools I need for my own benefit. If someone complains to me about my tool and don't bring constructive ideas, they can bite my shiny metal ass. Or they can pay me to modify it to their liking.
"Open Source is indeed a nice thing but the times has heavily changed, complaining users, demotivation, dirty play with companies, sueing of people..."
I'm sorry that You feel that way and that your motivation is down, but that don't make Open Source a failure. I gave up playing the guitar because my hands hurt and my girfriend asked me to (don't ask), does that make guitar music a failure?
"Think about it, is it really worth the trouble ?"
I have, and for me the answer is Yes. I get the tools I need for a job and as a bonus reward I get to use some other peoples tools that they've created to get their job done. I do get paid for my work, just not in cash in my pocket. If I can use the tools that other people write in my job to do it better, I win anyway.
Now, Mr Big Buissness that's hiding under that AC protection, I can understand that You would like Open Source to go away as fast as possible. I understand that You see this Open Source as a threat to your buisness, and it might be, if You sell programs, but for all other companies it's a winning concept. I'm sure You'll figure out how to make the most of Open Source in the future. Most people do eventually.
All the best
Re:Read my previous statement. (Score:2)
You forget to mention though that all the shennigans now happening come down to some unsuccessful closed source companies getting very worried. Some of them produced reasonable software, but they can't support it any more. Support on OSS is variable too, but at least I've got the source code. Some companies using the support model to get revenue continuity from older products really don't want to lose this.
Re:Read my previous statement. (Score:2)
Nah, scratch what I said earlier. *This* guy is a SCO plant.
Re:Read my previous statement. (Score:2)
-1, Troll (Score:2)
If this was one off and signed, I would debate with him, but it is just a troll (a little like BSD/xxx is dying). It could even be the same troll.
No Brainer (Score:4, Insightful)
Opensource developers have to have a certain pride in their code almost by definition, as other people will be looking at it. Also if someone sees that a bit of code is not as efficient as it can be, then usually they rewrite it.
The one downside to opensource code that i have seen is that since many people contribute, and some of those contributions are not official, eg patches, then coding styles start to show through. In closed source business environments, coding styles are usually not a issue as we all have guidelines to work to, defining the use of the language so that anyone in our group can pick up code and instantly add to it, usually code written this way cannot be pinned to any one individual.
Re:No Brainer (Score:2)
'If it aint broke, don't touch it' should be the adage of every programmer (and is the reason banks still use Cobol for their apps)
Re:No Brainer (Score:2)
Or alternativly the spec gets changed to avoid needing to rewrite/debug
How do they know ? (Score:4, Insightful)
So they compared the source code of an open-source project with what ? the disassembled code of a closed-source project ? how would they know if the source code of the latter has better quality than the former's, since by definition, you can't get the source code of the latter ?
I believe the guy is talking about the quality of the whole project, not source code quality.
Re:How do they know ? (Score:2)
If you have the cash, you can get source to a lot of things. That doesn't mean it's open-source though, just "with-source". Check out the open-source definition [opensource.org].
common sense (Score:4, Insightful)
In contrast, Open Source is driven by all-that-is-good, i.e free software, community spirit, because-I-can. When there is no paymaster (because you rarely get paid for OSS), the motives for development differ greatly, and pride-of-work takes priority.
The two disparate models do cross sometimes, like in the case of ReiserFS - features are chosen by donation, but don't expect development to be rushed. Hans seems to have got the balance right with his project.
Re:common sense (Score:2)
Generalize much? The fact of the matter is that closed source software is driven by the harsh realities of the real world: namely, that people like to be compensated for their work. If I were to create a webserver that worked exactly the same as Apache (but developed it independently of Apache and never looked at the source
By their article, only long-term (Score:2)
Re:common sense (Score:2)
I beg to differ. Just ask John Carmack. Don't you think he does it as a labor of love? I think so. I think there are plenty of programmers to work on closed source applications because they love it. Or take programmers who work on closed source during the day at work and contribute to open source at home. I know I do.
Human vs. automatic code inspection (Score:4, Informative)
First of all it looks like line 29 is disappeared, but maybe it was just whitespace. Looking at the code above show me that the strlen function is called with the pointer returned by the malloc in line 27. That's great, since strlen is looking for the "null termination byte" in the string it will return the position of whatever random zero byte will be next in the allocated memory because nobody was writing anything to the allocated space. I suspect, that line 28 should refer to "fspec" instead of "filespec" but since the program obviously compiled it can also be that filespec is a valid global identifier.
Anyway, this simple example from them shows, that their automatic tool doesn't find all bugs and so the numbers returned can be just a sort of wild guess. BTW: I would really like to know what their code inspection tool will report if they use it on their own code inspection software. :-)
Re:Human vs. automatic code inspection (Score:2)
BTW: "strdup()" looks like this:
char *strdup(char *a) {
char *b = (a) ? malloc(strlen(a)+1) : NULL;
if (b) strcpy(b, a);
return b;
However, the "filespec" instead of "fspec" is a clear mistake. It probably wouldn't compile -- this sort of mistake occ
My electric kool-aid acid test: 'pwd' (Score:5, Interesting)
I can get most commercial Unix's to core dump by running 'pwd' in the right circumstance. Yes, that's right. A command that takes no arguments and reads nothing from standard input core dumps in the correct circumstance. The circumstance is usually just being in a directory whose path name is several hundred thousand characters long, but some will crash if you set the environment variables right and it looks at them for something having to do with POSIX compliance. I don't know what POSIX compliance should have to do with pwd but then again I'm just a dummy.
OTOH I have never been able to get GNU 'pwd' to dump core.
What does this mean in the big picture? That after many man-years of intensive effort you can write a robust piece of code that takes no input or command-line arguments :-)
Re:My electric kool-aid acid test: 'pwd' (Score:3, Funny)
Sorta (Score:2)
For some value of "starting out" and "open source software", I think everybody can agree with this. The average open-source project starts out as a lone coder with a pet project - it stands to reason it will improve significantly when other coders (with varying experience in various areas) jum
Re:Sorta (Score:2)
Don't laugh. They studied apache 2.1
IOW. an open source product tagged alpha is comparable to a typical closed source product.
It's ego stroke (Score:3, Insightful)
This is a powerful motiviation.
Development methodologies (Score:3, Interesting)
Another thought along these lines is: perhaps the projects that fail often fail due to project management (in the most Bazaar sense of the word), rather than the usually heard competing time pressures, personality conflicts, loss of interest, and so on.
Re:Development methodologies (Score:2)
It is currently the front story at his blog [blogspot.com]. I'd post a permanent link, but apparently the Galeon developers have decided that being able to paste URLs in t
is so...is not (Score:2)
"How many times do I haf to tell you...if you don't want to take my word as proof that the light goes out when you close the refridgerator door, yer just gonna hafta climb in there and let me close the door so you can find our fer yerself!"
How do you tell the difference between an open wound and a closed wound? - stiches....
Close the door
Open vs. Closed (Score:2, Insightful)
Open-source software development methodology (Score:2, Informative)
The worst form of marketing (Score:5, Insightful)
Fact is that they are looking at nothing but process and demographics. When you look at "bigger" OSS projects, then you'll notice a couple of things. They have a tendency to have their act together, because the project has been around and therefore has had time to get it's process together. Imagine an OSS project that had no clear "leader" or "leaders". One where anyone was allowed to check in code with review. What would you end up with, CRAP. Now imagine a CSS that had regular code reviews, where developers actually unit tested their code, and where QA depts had their act together and had good test plans. Assuming a decent level of developer skill, you'd probably have a decent product. The the quality of the product is based purely on the process's put in place to ensure that quality.
BTW, if I see one more post about "many eyes", I'm going to puke (oops, too late). Those who write that pie in the sky crap don't really seem to have a clue about any real development. Sure it CAN be true, but I highly doubt it typically is. If that was the case, if the "magic" of OSS were so clear cut, then damn, OSS should be as close to bug free as is attainable, which OBVIOUSLY is not the case. You work on some code, you get it to work, you move on, period. OSS, CSS same thing. Someone else probably isn't going to bother with it unless it is A) broken B) too slow C) needs a new feature.
MS source code (Score:3, Interesting)
Hard to find references to it though - try searching
Anyone got a pointer?
Re:MS source code (Score:2)
And is this "good quality" in comparison to other professional code or what the uni students themselves can do?
Re:MS source code (Score:2)
However the kernel is just one part and unless you are writing drivers, you never see it as it sits behind the smoke and mirrors of many different (and not necessarily consistent) APIs.
Another explanation (Score:3, Insightful)
Again, it would be interesting to see how open source projects that follow this maxim compare to ones that don't.
Apache 2.1 is still in development (Score:2)
So this company is competing a development state open source software against "stabele" commercial software - and it's almost the same (did they ever hear about "Standardfehler" - how do you call them: Standard deviation?)
Actually, this "result" is an advertisement for Apache, if any.
One http-server I'd trust is fnord [www.fefe.de]. Last time it was featured on
Software quality (Score:2, Insightful)
Am I now a zillion times better than Apache with those lousy 0,5 errors per demimillion lines?
Re:Software quality (Score:2)
void main(void) is invalid ANSI C. The return type of main must be int.
Re:Software quality (Score:2)
Dave Cherry does this with the Linux kernel every day. [osdl.org]
Stop with the same examples! (Score:2)
It's the way of the world. (Score:5, Insightful)
Turn it around to Open Soruce, and you end up with a whole hell of a lot of people just doing it for the hell of it. And yea, the initial products are probably sloppier than a lot of commercial code, and a lot of that code ends up on the metaphorical scrap heap. But the stuff that is good, the stuff that's really cool, suddenly you've got dozens of people going over the code. Everyone wants to be on the developer team. Everybody is reading through it, scratching their heads and offering little improvements. That's the thing about Open Source.
OSS Has The Advantage of Time (Score:3, Insightful)
Why is /. giving Reasoning free advertising? (Score:2)
Way to shill for free,
Painting the corpse (Score:4, Insightful)
Many times, this results in bad code crystallized into finely polished and chromed pieces of garbage. Which, incidentally, makes it also more difficult for others to change or refactor it, lest they make it "less pretty".
I believe it's better for the quality to show the code, in general, but how about trying to formalize code review and other better-coding-through-groups practices with sites like SourceForge?
here are the details of Reasoning's "analysis" (Score:3, Insightful)
They found 31 supposed "defects".
29 were null pointer dereferencing, 2 were uninitialized variable use. You got it, they don't do any analysis of defects much more complex than a good compiler may do.
After looking through a handful of their supposed errors, many of them are pure crap because their tool isn't smart enough to figure out that a variable really can't be null.
Their analysis also doesn't consider the fact that subroutines may have APIs that are guaranteed to return certain things, so not checking for null is perfectly legitimate.
Bottom line is this is a company with a fairly primitive product trying to get advertising; some fraction of the alleged defects are actually bugs, most most of them are of a very very minor nature and many of them don't really exist at all.
Re:Biased Reporting (Score:4, Funny)
A few notes (Score:2, Interesting)
NZ is small, if you have a contact with Microsoft, you do everything you can to please them. Otherwise they might cancel the contact next time it comes up for review. Which in NZ could mean the company would have to scale back significantly or even shut down.
Re:As usual, Closed Source is the opposite.. (Score:3, Insightful)
Apache and IIS would be a marginally more fair comparison, and IIS 6.0 is an improvement in many important respects than the first verion of IIS web server that came with NT 3.51
but even point that would be a waste of time..
Lots of closed source/ unrelated pieces of software that HAVE improved in reliability/ utility with age, but that doesn't really prove any more point than the above.
Re:As usual, Closed Source is the opposite.. (Score:2)
Quit with the silly generalisations, OK? (Score:4, Insightful)
No, it's not. Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows are about the worst examples of "typical" closed source projects imaginable.
Ladies and gentlemen, please do not feed the troll.
As a professional developer who works on closed source projects, I find your generalisations deeply offensive. We provide industry leading products where new features are added based on what our clients want, our new versions offer improved performance not backwards steps, we normally turn around critical bugs and get fixes out to our clients in a matter of hours, there is no open source software around that even comes close to what we can do, and our company has developed from humble beginnings to a successful group with several product offerings over the same decade or so as Apache. None of your accusations about viruses, bloat, messed up UI etc. could fairly be aimed at us.
And the thing is, while I have a lot of respect for my employer, I'm not just saying this because I think the company is great. I'm giving one of a million examples of good development that happens to be closed source. None of the problems you mentioned is implied by keeping the source closed. You are spreading FUD, pure and simple.
Re:Quit with the silly generalisations, OK? (Score:2)
Let's remove a few words now...
" Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows are about the worst closed source projects imaginable". Makes sense - agreed.
" Nothing for a user in XP, that he can't do with Win95.
Ladies and gentlemen, please do not feed the troll."
Can you think up a better response? Exactly what can Joe ServicPack achieve with XP, that cannot be done with '95??
"You are spreadin
Re:Quit with the silly generalisations, OK? (Score:2)
While I'm not a fan of MS in any way, and I think WinXP utterly sucks, I can list a few things:
Much greater reliability. (Significantly worse than Win2k, but at least XP is from the NT tree, making it better than any of the 9xs.)
USB support - If you were comparing to '98, this would be different. But 95 is nearly completely lacking in USB support. 98 has USB support, but is missing many common drivers. (For example, USB s
Re:Quit with the silly generalisations, OK? (Score:3, Insightful)
Any technical reason why USB support needs an OS overhaul?? Even DOS can support USB.
"USB storage devices don't work out-of-the-box in 98, and do in Me,2k, and XP"
Again, USB has been screwed up by Windows to behave as you describe.
"1394 support - Like USB, it's not in '95. "
Again, why should an interface/protocol requir OS change??
"Windows Movie Maker - Honestly, for basic home-movie editing, WMM 2 is simple and easy "
There's no technical reason why mo
Re:Quit with the silly generalisations, OK? (Score:2)
Because it requires massive architectural changes at rather low levels.
Find me a USB mass storage device that works under Windows 95 and I'll change my tune. Yes, it may be possible, but not for Joe Sixpack. And your previous question was, "What can Joe Sixpack do with XP that he can't do with 95".
"Again, why should an interface/protocol requir OS change??"
As stated above, USB is a complex interface that requires the
Re:Quit with the silly generalisations, OK? (Score:2)
My question is this: Why should MS redesign the kernel of Win95 to include PnP or WLAN or anything of that sort?? Even MS DOS can support PnP and 1394. It's this packaging that promotes upgrades - there's no technical reason why MS can't offer USB or anything else in 95.
There's no such need to confuse users in the Open Source world.
Re:As usual, Closed Source is the opposite.. (Score:2)
"Win95-->Win98-->WinME--->WinXP is a case in point.
Nothing for a user in XP, that he can't do with Win95."
Sure, WinXP replaced WinME and Win9x, but it's based on Win2K and NT. That brings some stability at least. Plus it has much much much better hardware support than 95 (though 98 might still have the most drive
Re:As usual, Closed Source is the opposite.. (Score:2)
My question is:"What tangible benefit is there, in running the latest software?" Is
Re:In case of Slashdotting (Score:4, Interesting)
So then, did they act in the spirit of things and report these back to Apache?
Re:Would have to agree (Score:2)
It exists. I've worked on some. I'd like to think I haven't produced any, but then - everyone likes to think they're perfect, don't they? Probably I have.
However, a large amount of the open source stuff is frankly crap as well. Just compile the kernel for example - watch the warnings come pouring out.
I believe bug reporting to be more important than philosophical origin. For example, a while ago I wr
Re:Apache !? (Score:2)
Given that I have to decide whether to use Apache 1 or 2 for a new site in the next days (and disregarding the possibility that you are just trolling) - Would you mind explaining why exactly Apache 2 is a step backwards?
My impression so far was that it is simply not that much better than 1.3 that it would justify an upgrade for existing sites, leading to slow adoption, which in turn made dev