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Australian Open Source Winners Announced 10

ilovestuff writes "The winners of the annual Australian Unix and Open Systems User Group's open source awards were announced in Sydney last night. Winners included Andrew Tridgell, Rusty Russell, Kimberley Shelt and Martin Pool."
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Australian Open Source Winners Announced

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  • by Mr. Darl McBride ( 704524 ) on Friday September 05, 2003 @02:02PM (#6881858)
    Yes, that [c2.com] Martin Pool! What isn't mentioned in the article or the writeup is what a sea change this occasion represents. Martin's been passed up for awards and work both, largely because of his outspokenness about alternate lifestyles. If you think things are tough in the US, you can't imagine what life's like in Australia, where there's no such thing as a "hate crime" or enforcement of anti-discrimination laws. For the OSUG award committee to recognize Martin's vast accomplishments is a risk to future funding for the awards, and a potential press nightmare. Let's hope that global recognition and endorsement of the awards offsets any difficulties resulting from this positive step for Australia.

    You can do your part by writing the OSUG award committee through the club secretary and, in your own words, letting them know you approve of all of the nominees. Kimberly is a new surprise as well, but Martin was entirely unexpected. I'm writing to the award committee myself, as well as to Martin Pool and his now far-away life partner, Robert Crawford, now VP of Software Development at the Bridge Agency [bridgeagency.com].

    • there's no such thing as a "hate crime" or enforcement of anti-discrimination laws
      Uh, aren't those two things mutually exclusive? Calling some crimes "hate crimes" == discrimination.

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
