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Linux Business Software Hardware Linux

MediaLinux Explained 7

An anonymous reader writes "Last week, Softier made news with one of the first native ports of Linux to a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) architecture, introducing its "MediaLinux" and "MediaBIOS" for TI's DM64x DSP platform. In this whitepaper, Softier CTO Eatamar Drory and Senior Programmer Or Sagi discuss the unique approach to real-time processing that enables MediaLinux to run existing TI DSP algorithms untouched within the context of real time processes. Added benefits to this design include predictable scheduling and short interrupt latency. The article discusses key architectural points of the MediaLinux approach in comparison with two well-known alternatives."
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MediaLinux Explained

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  • It should be noted that this approach improves system responsiveness and reduces latency. However, it cannot guarantee true real-time latency characteristics, as the execution path is complex and prevents deterministic conclusions.

    So, it is not a true real-time OS, but they're calling it one anyway?

    • That description was from a discussion of the pre-emptive linux patches ("The Alternatives"), not MediaLinux.
    • by torpor ( 458 ) <ibisum@gmai[ ]om ['l.c' in gap]> on Wednesday November 12, 2003 @04:41AM (#7451682) Homepage Journal
      Do you mean 'true real-time' OS, or do you mean 'true ... OS', or do you mean ... 'true, real-time, OS' ...

      There are many ways of acheiving 'real-time'.

      'real-time' is a performance measure based on arbitrary assumptions. Those arbitraries are distinct within the definition of 'real-time'.

      The 'interrupt abstraction' method implemented by FSMLabs and subsequently studied (and copied) by others in the 'real-time market' (hint: real-time is just a market) provides nothing *but* real-time performance... functionaly, it means you just have to consider that your OS tasks are happening in *one* real-time thread.

      Its no big deal. You do all your "OS-specific" stuff at start time, stay in 'pure real-time' thread land through your infinite_loop(); Even when the OS switches in, the context switches are handled by the MediaOS layer, so DSP-wise, you can plan for the event if you really need to.

      What Linux means for DSP is a standardized package and deployment system with good tools available for development, hacking, and debugging.

      I have to say, this is a golden new age of Linux-friendly DSP packages being put out by smart folks ...

The more cordial the buyer's secretary, the greater the odds that the competition already has the order.
