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GNU is Not Unix Programming IT Technology

Mirror.ac.uk To Close 27

bmsleight writes "The UK Mirror Service sadly announces that Lancaster University and the University of Kent have lost the Joint Information Systems Committee contract to jointly provide mirroring services. The mirror service is to shut down from 1st August. This could effect many, many GNU projects mirrored using this service, even before August."
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Mirror.ac.uk To Close

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 12, 2004 @03:29PM (#8840377)
    They lost the contract to do mirroring, so presumably it will be done by whomever won the contract?
  • Tragic (Score:1, Funny)

    by Vargasan ( 610063 )
    Now where will I keep my porn?
  • Maybe not true? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by samjam ( 256347 ) on Monday April 12, 2004 @03:49PM (#8840589) Homepage Journal
    I understood one reason for the mirror was than JANET (Joint Academic NETwork) were being billed per byte for UK-bound transatlantic traffic.

    But reading the article (shock - its a small article) it seems like what was turned down was an enhanced mirror, personalisable, RSS based, etc.

    They still enterain hopes of running the mirror service "perhaps on a smaller scale".

  • by deggy ( 195861 ) on Monday April 12, 2004 @05:30PM (#8841685) Homepage
    I use the UK mirror service alot, even since university and now five years on.

    It's a great, underused and under reported service. Download times on most UK backbones are blazingly fast but these days, with seemingly so much bandwidth around, noone seems to want to worry about using mirrors. I just got the complete gnome 2.6 source at 50kb/s, better that the 11kb/s my DSL link managed from the main site.

    I for one will be sad to see it go.
    • Mirror.ac.uk seems to scale to whatever bandwidth you have. At work we're on a 2M cable modem, and that is maxed out when doing a download from mirror.ac.uk (~270kb/s). 1 meg in 4 seconds is *nice* when downloading ISO images.
      • lftp ftp.mirror.ac.uk:/sites/ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/k ernel/v2.6> get linux-2.6.4.tar.bz2 34386912 bytes transferred in 16 seconds (2.05M/s

        2 meg in one second is even nicer.. I'm *really* going to miss mirror.ac.uk. When I was at uni and directly connected to SuperJaNET the speeds were seriously amazing (8M/sec or so).

    • It is just as useful to people with dial-up modems. There's nothing like only getting ~5kB/s at the best of times, and then doubling your download time because a transatlantic link was slow.

  • Sad News Indeed (Score:5, Informative)

    by terrencefw ( 605681 ) <slashdot AT jamesholden DOT net> on Monday April 12, 2004 @05:43PM (#8841807) Homepage
    One reason I use mirror.ac.uk is for it's rsync support. You can guarantee that large downloaded files are intact, and repair broken ones by just transferring the corrupt parts.

    If you get a glitch during a regular download and the MD5's don't match, rsync usually corrects it in a matter of a couple of minutes instead of downloading it all over again.

  • A great service (Score:3, Informative)

    by vaseyandco ( 645760 ) on Monday April 12, 2004 @05:44PM (#8841820) Homepage
    mirror.ac.uk have done a great job for many years, it is unfortunate that they lost the contract, though i hope that the service from the new provider will be as good if not better.

    Then again, knowing jisc (and i do) I not convinced they know a good thing when it stands up and shouts "i'm a good thing". Oh well.

  • by ear1grey ( 697747 ) on Monday April 12, 2004 @06:58PM (#8842472) Homepage

    Some of the first software that I ever released for public consumption is still on mirror.ac.uk from it's time as HENSA back in the early 90's. So my earliest experience of giving and receiving software for free is intrinsically linked to this site. Cue mist & fade up nostalgia in 3..2..1...

    As of this time the JISC don't appear to have announced a replacement, but nostaligia aside, the mirror.ac.uk site discusses termination of mirrors, so I can't help wonder why all data & contracts are not being transferred to the new provider, as would be done if a business were to change hands. This is, after all, a publically funded [jisc.ac.uk] service and one could reasonably expect it to be run in the same way as a government office - the inland revenue records don't get shredded just because a different company has the contract to run the systems; cue mist, cue daydreaming.

    Without such agreements in place we risk the loss of some of the earliest pieces of intellectual property and prior art that were put in the public domain.

    So I wonder... is anything in mirror.ac.uk going to be lost for good when it closes?

  • It'll be a shame if the new service doesn't let me download ISOs at 3MiB/s on my desktop at university ;)
  • by LichP ( 549726 )

    The loss of mirror.ac.uk cannot be underestimated. It is by fair the fastest, cleanest, and most complete mirror site I've ever used. It will be sorely missed.

    It looks like I'll have to turn my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to Sunsite Northern Europe [sunsite.org.uk] instead. Hosted by the Department of Computing [ic.ac.uk] at Imperial College [ic.ac.uk], it was down for a prolonged period while the service was being rebuilt. It is now back up and claims to be ready for use. Doing a test transfer inside the college network, I don't seem to

  • ... to read this and think that The Mirror newspaper [mirror.co.uk] is closing it's website?
  • Nice chap, had his own server room and residences in an exclusive enclave in the uni accomodation. I wonder what this means for him and his future at the uni? I'll be damned if I can remember his Lubbs nick tho... (or if he even remembers who I am, a friend of Miss Sea Wild)

core error - bus dumped
