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Future for Web Standards Pondered 357

An anonymous reader writes "With the next version of Internet Explorer tied to the release of longhorn, and still years off, what hope is there for innovation in CSS, SVG, XHTML and other web standards? Is the future of the web similarly tied to Internet Explorer and Longhorn? This article ponders this gloomy future, and sees a ray or two of hope."
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Future for Web Standards Pondered

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  • Article Text (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:15AM (#9224791)
    Site is already slowing...

    Plus ca change

    In a recent post I reminisced about the early days of CSS, and a few of the people I recall as influential and important in the development of a standards based web.

    But usually I am the kind of person who looks to the future. In the last few months Microsoft made a couple of very significant announcements with possibly quite negative implications for the future of a standards based web. Which has me thinking about that future, and wondering whether there even is such future.

    Since the release of Netscape and Internet Explorer 4, there has been a steady movement toward the idea of standards based web development. In some respects the innovation both in the underlying standards and their implementation has been quite extraordinary. But as the kids in the back seat are always asking "Are we there yet"?
    In a sense, there is no "there". Perhaps plateaus or way stations along the way, but no final destination. Right now it may seem like we are at one of those way stations. A reasonably large subset of CSS2 (soon to become CSS2.1) is quite well supported by most browsers.
    CSS and xhtml support are markedly improved since the early parts of this decade.

    But is it a way station, or are we just stalled?

    Microsoft has in the last few months both discontinued IE for the Macintosh altogether, and let it be known there will be no new IE for today's generation of Windows based computers. The next iteration of IE will be solely for "longhorn" based systems (longhorn being the code name for the successor to Windows XP). Any such systems are unlikely before 2006, leaving a several year hiatus between major upgrades for IE, the single most pervasive web platform by a long way. And at present the platform with the most web standards "issues".

    Which makes wonder - will we see standards based innovation in future?
    Who cares about standards?

    When it comes to commercial competition, standards are the friend of those without market dominance. The dominant player sets the "industry standard", as companies who dominate their niche tend to describe their software.

    I believe that during the second half of the 1990s, during the most innovative time of the development CSS, commercial considerations did not play a significant part either in the development of CSS or in its implementation in browsers. CSS flew below the radar at Microsoft and Netscape/AOL/Time Warner. That won't happen again.

    So what might the future hold? Let's turn the browsers for a moment. What happens here will determine what happens with CSS and standards more generally.
    Where are we now?
    Internet Explorer 6

    When Microsoft did not dominate the browser market, open standards leveled the paying field for them. But now with IE dominant, will Microsoft be so supportive of standards?

    Internet Explorer 6 is for Windows only. It supports much of CSS 2.1 though support for attribute based selectors, and more sophisticated selectors in general, such as the child selector is limited. It has some serious issues with the box model and positioning which cause many developers considerable frustration.
    As noted before, IE 6 is the last version of IE which will be available until probably mid 2006, perhaps later, and the next version will never work on today's computers, not even on XP.

    It's the end of the road for IE as we know it.

    So, if things stay as they are, with Internet Explorer the benchmark, then say goodbye to CSS innovation for a long long time.

    There are number of things which may affect this. First, CSS's design to allow forward compatibility means the user experience for more advanced browsers can be enhanced without compromising the experience of IE users. And there is even a simple way of hiding things from IE, using the child selector, which no version of IE on windows supports.
    If not IE, who will innovate?
    Opera? Mozilla? Anyone?

    The more important question is who will innovate on the
  • Konqueror (Score:4, Interesting)

    by txviking ( 768200 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:16AM (#9224797)

    1) I believe Konqueror is the best browser currently out there. Some will complain that it is not available for Windows. But then, why should, or since based on Qt, why shouldn't it be possible

    2) The most important thing for standards is that not patented technology will be allowed to sneak into the standards.

    • Re:Konqueror (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Knights who say 'INT ( 708612 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:21AM (#9224811) Journal
      I'm a Konqueror user myself (have Mozilla und Opera installed, but can't get myself to bother booting'em), too. I just thought I'd take the chance to complain about how Slashdot breaks Konqueror (Konqueror breaks Slashdot?) in User and Journal pages.

      It mostly displays everything correctly, yes. Good stuff.
    • Re:Konqueror (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Amiga Lover ( 708890 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:29AM (#9224857)
      Konqueror is a good start. no extraneous crap like IE. I laughed when I read

      With the next version of Internet Explorer tied to the release of longhorn, and still years off, what hope is there for innovation in CSS, SVG, XHTML and other web standards?

      There's all the MORE hope for standards. standards that will actually be adhered to creating a sea of non-monoculture browsers, all working to a common goal, instead of one megacorp defining in secret what a browser should do.

      Real innovation will come with the proper open standards, allowing ALL people using all OSs to access the web how it was intended.
      • Re:Konqueror (Score:5, Insightful)

        by bsd4me ( 759597 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:16PM (#9225071)

        There's all the MORE hope for standards. standards that will actually be adhered to creating a sea of non-monoculture browsers, all working to a common goal, instead of one megacorp defining in secret what a browser should do.

        That would be great if the vast majority of people would use them. The last time I looked [], about 95% of people are using IE. Even if those numbers are off, most people use IE. That means that people have to make sure that their pages work in IE.

        Standards are good. Standards that people develop to are better. Standards, no matter how good, that don't impact the majority of end-users are useless.

    • Re:Konqueror (Score:2, Informative)

      by nkh ( 750837 )
      But QT is no longer available in its GPL version for Windows' platforms. KDE developpers could still buy a license (or one for each platform!): $2000 is the cheapest you can get...
      • Re:Konqueror (Score:2, Informative)

        by jpu8086 ( 682572 )
        FIrstly, QT was never available under GPL on Windows. It was available under a free for non-profit basis (some restricted "freeware" license). This stopped with the 2.3 release because lots of Win32 developers would just use it and never buy the full license until the final release of the program. In other words, buy 1 license for mutliple developers and only near the end of the release cycle.

        Additioanlly, the $2000 license is a propreitary license. You can not just simply compile konqueror on it for both
    • Better option. someone port KHTML engine to windows. Just like Apple has doen with Safari.

      A native windows based port would be good. Sourceforge has one started but no one seems to have done anything other than start it.
    • The author of the article thinks that Safari is the best browser. Safari is a derivative of the open source browser Konqueror. Therefore the parent poster is definately ON topic...
    • offtopic ... amazing. Did that particular mod ever read the article? or he's clueless about the konqueror/safari overlap?

      That aside, unfortunately Konq. is not "the best browser currently out there" (which, by extension, means Safari isn't either). Look up the Konq CSS rendering bugs on the kde buglists. Also, try getting it to use the xsl you associated with your xhtml file. Or xml+CSS. It's getting there, though.

      About running on windows, Apple managed to untie Khtml from QT, so anyone really interested
  • by GGardner ( 97375 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:16AM (#9224799)
    Many of us have been conditioned to think that both standards and innovation are good things. And the latter is an overused word that Microsoft marketing has forced into the memestream. But really, standards tend to stifle innovation.
    • by Nspace13 ( 654963 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:24AM (#9224824) Homepage
      but the standards are required to make the web usable to disabled people. Plus with current support you can hack up a page that look basically the same in both browsers, has wonderfully semantic descriptive markup, and doesn't look to bad to boot. Good web developers just have to be smart. Yes it is challenging to work in a field where your clients use a totally non standard set of equipment. So for some clients you code in HTML 4 with tables, most you try to use XHTML with CSS. Most web developers don't make any money, the good ones get rich!
      • CSS really does make redesigning web pages easier. Around Christmas, I wrote a PHP version of a Scrabble-like game. Every element the PHP outputted had a CSS class. I wrote it 100% to the CSS / XHTML standards, tested it in Safari, and it worked fine. Later, when I was no longer on a modem (i.e. not visiting parents who still live in the dark ages), I tested it in some other browsers, and found it didn't look right in any of them (IE was worst, Moz was not quite as bad, and Opera was technically correct
    • I have mixed feelings on this comment. I don't think that standards stifle innovation so much as they slow its development. In my opinion this isn't a bad thing because spending more time coming to a concensus on how things should work has tended to improve the quality of the standards. I think the W3C has done a tremendous job evolving the standards to cover an enourmous breadth of applications.

    • Possible Reword? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by mfh ( 56 )
      > But really, standards tend to stifle innovation.
      Perhaps I could reword your statement to:
      But really, standards have stifled innovation, and they don't have to.
    • by wfberg ( 24378 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:32AM (#9224870)
      Many of us have been conditioned to think that both standards and innovation are good things. And the latter is an overused word that Microsoft marketing has forced into the memestream. But really, standards tend to stifle innovation.

      That all depends which layer you're looking at. Standards tend to set things in stone, which is actually a good thing when the thing you're trying to innovate lives above the standardized layer.

      For example; do you really want everybody to download the newest whizz-bang version of some operating system that doesn't comply with any standards daily? You'd have to port all your stuff all the time. Not much time left to do innovative stuff!

      In fact, some standards don't preclude innovation, but they abstract it out of view. Most software is easily ported amond POSIX compliant OSes, because they, well, adhere to the POSIX standards. That doesn't mean the OS can be really innovative, with whizz-bang multimedia features, a microkernel, and a database filesystem.

      TCP/IP sockets are a good example of a standard that encourages innovation; you can just open a socket and write bytes to it, or read from them. Your application can be a peer2peer voip application, and the network implementation doesn't care about that. The network can be a satellite internet connection, gigabit, or even postal pigeons, and the application doesn't care about that (well.. pigeons might be a bad choice for VOIP, but stay with me here).

      Of course, it isn't all good; if you want all the nifty features of IPv6 you will have to rewrite some applications.. But IPv4 has seen us through twenty odd years. I'd say that was one of them good standards.

      How would engineers like it if there were no standards for bolts and rivets? Bridge building would be a nightmare!
    • Incoming! (Score:4, Interesting)

      by RetiredMidn ( 441788 ) * on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:14PM (#9225064) Homepage
      Many of us have been conditioned to think that both standards and innovation are good things. And the latter is an overused word that Microsoft marketing has forced into the memestream. But really, standards tend to stifle innovation.

      So briefly stated, this is likely to be tagged as troll or flamebait, but there's a lot of truth behind this.

      It is inarguable that a lot of the best innovation in the history of any industry has been made by people who go outside current standards ("Here's to the crazy ones...") and build something that is the best that they can make it first, and worry about the other considerations later.

      [Note that "best" can have many contradictory meanings: best in some narrowly defined performance criteria (fastest, highest, biggest, smallest, etc.), or broad appeal (most general utility, most sell-through), or most efficient, least polluting, cheapest/easiest to manufacture, etc.]

      Sometime these evolve into "de facto" standards, and it can be difficult to turn those into "open standards" where there's a level playing field for others beside the first-to-market to gain traction.

      As a response, there have been many efforts to develop standards in advance of actual product. In my experience (CAD interchange languages in the 70's and 80's, XForms today), progress on these standards is relatively glacial, and they are often passed over by the industry at large.

      I submit that both approaches are good, and that we ought to strive for a healthy tension between them. This argues for moderation by those who cling to the "purity" of their ideals as circumstances change out from under them, and for a willingness to exercise enlightened self-interest and surrender proprietary advantage, vs. rapacious exploitation of current dominance. (We know who we're talking about here...)

      To that end, I'd rather see some of the browsers take some risks in advance of accepted standards, at the risk (and expense) of requiring a few willing innovators to perform some extra work ("click here for a non-fizbin version of this site").

      Just for a couple of examples, why not re-think where some of later innovations are supported? Can the concept of tabbed browsing by pushed up to the server, so a web designer can deliver a set of related tabs to the client? Could support of the portal/portlet structure be pushed into the client, so that the work of rendering and compositing a page full of portlets can be offloaded from the server, and servlets can execute more autonomously when appropriate?

    • by curator_thew ( 778098 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:20PM (#9225090)
      > But really, standards tend to stifle innovation.

      You're baiting. Standards seek a balance to make innovation better. You just need to look at mobile phones.

      In the EU, the GSM standard allowed common platform across europe, allowing seamless roaming, large array of handsets for a massive market -- and all the innovations that result.

      In the US, the fractured array of mobile standards leave a higher cost for compatibility, and a lower choice: meaning users get locked in, without much incentive to change, for which vendors can play upon. Innovation has a limited scope.

  • The usual. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dark Lord Seth ( 584963 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:18AM (#9224804) Journal

    Standards will be partially incorporated, but slightly fucked up. Dreamweaver 2k7 and Frontpage Longhorn will output garbled XHTML with a raped form of CSS that fails to display/work properly on any non-IE browser. SVG will turn out to be a disaster in IE, making sure everyone in 2007 is still stuck using JPGs and GIFs. By then IE will have integrated .NET ( Or some other half-assed scripting language. ) scripting abilities tied into the browser to replace the now obsolete potential ActiveX vulenrabilities. People will cry, bitch, moan, whine and Linux is set to take over the desktop market in 2007 again. Blah.

    • Re:The usual. (Score:3, Informative)

      by Via_Patrino ( 702161 )
      "With the next version of Internet Explorer tied to the release of longhorn, and still years off"

      But there's MS Internet Explorer 6 SP2 scheduled to be released on september together with a SP for MS Windows XP.
      It isn't a total new version but I belive they will incorporate some of that features.
      • Re:The usual. (Score:2, Informative)

        by gohai ( 554042 )
        As usual, service packs incorporate mainly (in XPSP2: security-) fixes, no new features.

        Internet Explorer SP2 however will include some new features like popup-blocking and better mime-type handling but nothing along the lines of better support for PNG alpha transparency...
    • Re:The usual. (Score:3, Informative)

      by Datasage ( 214357 )
      Actually Dreamweaver MX 2004 does generate complient code if you watch what your doing. If you dont check your code after you finish, then you might have some issues.

      I would be more worried about hose who use word as an html editor. Frontpage tends to have a lot of proretary extensions that people like to use. A Page counter? Cool i got to have one of those.
    • Re:The usual. (Score:3, Interesting)

      by 1029 ( 571223 )
      How right you are about the "raped form of CSS." I've just read some MSDN articles about ASP .NET 2.0 and its new features, one of which of course is "skins and themes." The entire article lacks mention of how these themes are implemented in the html, only that they use special MS .NET files and how to set them up. I really fear that these things are just going to slap more "IE only" tags into the html, which pretty much makes it f**cking useless to me. I need an IDE the helps create sites that can disp
    • Re:The usual. (Score:4, Interesting)

      by BZ ( 40346 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @01:49PM (#9225514)
      SVG 1.2 is likely to be a disaster in all browsers, since the spec is focusing on creating an application delivery language rather than a graphics language (see the support for opening and writing to network sockets, for example).
  • Hope (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:19AM (#9224807)
    Actually, there might be hope if Mozilla was available as an Internet Explorer plugin.. similar to adobe pdf and macromedia flash plugins. When a page wanted to use the mozilla renderer for advanced features, it would simply tell them to install a plugin, which most IE users don't think twice about. Eventually, these users may get tired of seeing most everything in a plugin browser, and may want to try using mozilla standalone.
    • I suspect with some a minimal amount of effort it would be possible to stuff FireBird into a .cab file and have it install as if it were an ActiveX control.

      Do you want to install and run "Mozilla Firebird"? You need it to view this site.

      Everyone would click Yes if it was on an important enough site, but of course it wouldn't be. It'd be quite funny, though.
    • This would be an amazing idea, and could probably work if it ever managed to pick up momentum.. After all, it seems unlikely that flash would have become so ubiquitous if developers hadn't seen how much power they had using it, and encouraged people to install it all over the place.

      It seems to me that if developers had the option of using things like proper PNG alpha support, and embedded SVG in HTML by just specifying that pages should render in a full-page Gecko ActiveX control, a lot of them probably
    • Re:Hope (Score:4, Informative)

      by Indiges ( 701323 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:48PM (#9225220) Homepage
      Currently, a Gecko ActiveX control already exists, and guess what, it's using the same interface as the IE/MSHTML control does! The author of that control is shipping a simple tool that replaces a classid in an application with the mozilla classid and so patches it to use mozilla. Don't know if it works for iexplore.exe, but it should... See :)
  • Looks like (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Omnifarious ( 11933 ) * <> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:21AM (#9224813) Homepage Journal

    It's time to tell anybody who asks you anything about their computer that they should download Mozilla or Firefox. I do, and most people who've done it have thanked me afterwards.

    • Re:Looks like (Score:2, Informative)

      by el_gordo101 ( 643167 )

      Amen. I keep a copy of Firefox in my toolkit for when I need to exorcize the demons from the computers of my friends and family. I tell them to use Firefox for "the internet" instead of IE. It takes some convincing, usually, because most folks associate the little blue "e" on their desktop with "the internet". Once they use Firefox for a while and discover the joys of a pop-up free web experience, there is usually a 12-pack of cold frosties waiting for me.

      It is up to all of us techies to help spread th

      • Re:Looks like (Score:3, Informative)

        by westlake ( 615356 )
        Once they use Firefox for a while and discover the joys of a pop-up free web experience, there is usually a 12-pack of cold frosties waiting for me.

        unless of course they have already installed the 400 KB Google toolbar or any of the free, small, pop-up blockers to be found on the net. IE remains overwealmingly the browser of choice: Google Zeitgeist [].

    • My Parents have been tired of me moaning about Windows forever - but the recent spate of viruses and spyware had them asking for help. I installed Firefox on their machines, and they're totally in love. The thing that sold my Dad was the available extensions. My Mom also loved the no-pop ups, the better security, etc. Next I'll sneak Mandrake or Fedora onto their boxes :)
  • by stesch ( 12896 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:23AM (#9224819) Homepage
    There are plenty of alternatives available. In the early days of the web nobody cared about primitive browsers. Let's do the same now.
    • thats because netscape just plain sucked. it crashed all the time. ie works fine for most people and the general mentality seems to be 'if its not broke, dont fix it'

    • by 87C751 ( 205250 ) <sdot AT rant-central DOT com> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @01:48PM (#9225509) Homepage
      Actually, the only people who do care about IE are the people who know enough not to use it. As TFA said, to the vast unwashed, Windows/IE is the internet. Think about it for a minute. You get a new computer with Windows pre-installed, click the desktop icon titled "Connect to The Internet" and after the little config dance, up comes IE, opening the MSN page.

      What the techie crowd continues to forget is that the vast majority if computer users are now "appliance users". In the past, computers didn't become widely popular because it was impossible to pin down what a computer did. Toasters make toast. Dishwashers wash dishes. Computers.... er, compute. The popularity of the web and email in particular have transformed the computer into an appliance that enables email and provides eye candy. There are a dozen MUAs better than Lookout Express, too, but the same problem applies. You have to know there is a problem and it has to actively interfere with your normal usage before you will do anything about it. And the average user has been trained by years of unstable software, mutually incompatible drivers and endless virus/worm attacks to accept that this is just the normal state of the art. Until you find a way to convey to the average appliance-class user that there even is a problem with IE (or Windows, for that matter), Microsoft can do whatever they want and ignore any or all standards.

      Now, if the majority of websites (where the techies have a bit more representation) were to start coding IE-hostile HTML without the beancounters' veto having an effect, there might be a possibility of getting the message across. Start with the pr0n sites.

      • Actually, the only people who do care about IE are the people who know enough not to use it. As TFA said, to the vast unwashed, Windows/IE is the internet. Think about it for a minute. You get a new computer with Windows pre-installed, click the desktop icon titled "Connect to The Internet" and after the little config dance, up comes IE, opening the MSN page.

        Maybe after the 10th web page with "Your browser doesn't support current standards!" they'll start to think about it.

        This was the way of the WWW

        • by 87C751 ( 205250 )
          Maybe after the 10th web page with "Your browser doesn't support current standards!" they'll start to think about it.
          I'm with you! But to be effective, that should be the only thing presented to IE users. No access with IE!

          Think we can start a trend?

  • Needs vs. Profit (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mfh ( 56 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:24AM (#9224823) Homepage Journal
    I don't think there is a need to get XHTML and CSS all gooped full of new features, so I hope it doesn't go in that direction. I know Microsoft will try and take it in that direction to compliment their overcomplicated Long Horn. In my opinion as a user of XHTML and CSS with PHP [], I believe that what is required is simlification so that everyday users will want to use XHTML with CSS. Products could provide this but I still think the best way to code websites is by hand. XHTML and CSS are quite satisfactory at this point, but perhaps they may require some refinement. Please no more crazy features, because you can save that for DHTML and Flash (yuck, but good for some). Take a look at [] if you are not yet convinced in XHTML with CSS is artistically pleasing enough for you. It's a better standard than many websites around.

    • Ian Hickson []: About ten years from now, the de facto Web application standard will be Microsoft's Avalon and the .NET framework. (See Microsoft's position paper [] if you doubt that this is what Microsoft has planned for us.)

  • IE Standards (Score:2, Interesting)

    by abscondment ( 672321 )

    Microsoft's whole goal in the IE/Netscape war was to make its webpages incompatible with Netscape. We still see crap like that today.

    I think the only hope for actually implementing web standards lies in demonstrating the superiority of products like Mozilla Firefox []. Don't expect any development from Microsoft on this front; the more exclusive they can make their browser, the better (in their eyes).

    I don't expect to Longhorn/the new IE giving anything helpful to web standards.

  • by wigle ( 676212 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:25AM (#9224833)
    Until people stop browsing with Netscape Navigator 4.07, standards will be impossible to enforce. The new IE won't change anything. As any designer knows, CSS-based designs are awesome and advantageous in so many ways compared to traditional table presentation. However, while enforcing compatability you sacrifice the visual quality of the site (for old browsers), and most businesses would rather single out handicapped people than certain browsers (makes sense % wise). The only thing everyone agrees on is that the migration AWAY from Internet Explorer would be the best for web standards.
    • by Safety Cap ( 253500 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:38AM (#9224908) Homepage Journal
      Until people stop browsing with Netscape Navigator 4.07, standards will be impossible to enforce.
      Perhaps. At a website I manage, I showed the client how less than 1% of their traffic was from Netscape 4.x. By switching to CSS and dumping tables as a layout mechanism, they could make their site easier to maintain and use less bandthwith to boot; they agreed that was the way to go.
      • Yeah, I myself was a netscrape 4.x holdout (I basically moved from 4.x straight to Mozilla .6, I hated IE so much, even tho it was a better browser for much of that time)

        I gave up support for non-CSS browsers a long time ago (excepting Lynx, my pages are still Lynx-readable). CSS design is just so incredibly cleaner and more functional.

        Not to mention that Moz and/or FireFox with certain extensions is such a pleasant testing environment, with resizing to different screen-sizes, validation testing, and deb
    • Are people still using NN4? I haven't seen it used, or anyone using it to access my site, in years. I think NN4 is an excuse for people that refuse to learn new web standards. NN4 shouldn't be any more of a factor than lynx these days. The next bad browser to get rid of is MSIE 5.x. MSIE 6 was released about 2 years ago. If you're going to use MSIE, please upgrade.

      Not to confuse web standards with css and xhtml. Even a table based design should be compliant with standards. It just means there's a standard
  • Web Standards (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Axel2001 ( 179987 )
    Unfortunately, standards have come to mean very little in the browser world. Everyone touts XHTML to be awesome. But have you tried designing a site that uses an XHTML strict schema w/CSS for all your formatting? 3 different browsers can give 3 totally different results - to hell with that "standard." Right now, it's useless. Now, take JavaScript on IE and Mozilla. IE supports the "document.all" collection, while Mozilla relies on "document.getElementById." No problem there, and I know the "all" collection
    • Re:Web Standards (Score:4, Informative)

      by BZ ( 40346 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @01:57PM (#9225550)
      > why can't they support the "all" collection?

      See the bugs on the issue. In short, sites commonly test whether document.all exists to test for IE. Then if they detect it exists they commonly assume the following:

      1) IE event model (which is totally different from
      the W3C one).
      2) VBScript support
      3) IE CSS extensions support (filter, expression,

      and so forth. So implementing document.all would in fact break a number of sites that work fine with Mozilla right now unless a whole slew of other IE stuff got implemented too.

      Note that IE does getElementById fine, so you can just use the getElementById code for both browser....
  • by Henrik S. Hansen ( 775975 ) <> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:26AM (#9224837) Homepage
    If we Ignore the attempts of Microsoft and others to make the web dependent on proprietary formats, etc. for a moment, the future of the web is quite exiting.

    I'm talking about the Semantic Web, which is an attempt to deal with the IMO biggest problem with the web, and especially searching the web for information: you can only search according to syntax. Words, regexes, etc. is really the best you can do right now.

    Searching would be so much better if we had semantics. Semantics would make searches and web pages in general much easier for computers to index and relate to what is actually being searched for.

    An example: searching for "a yellow car for sale in $CITY, with a cost between $VAL1 and $VAL2." would not give a lot of unusable results today, but the semantic web would return what is actually asked for.

    Of course, all this is just theory, and a best-case scenario example. And there are lots of obstacles for the semantic web; many people are happy with the web as it is, and it will take a long time to implement it.

    Probably, some ideas would be incorporated slowly into the web as we know it now.

  • by PaulK ( 85154 )
    At what point did the internet become reliant upon Microsoft for standards? I would go back to sgml and gopher before I'd allow MS to dictate standards.
    I suppose there's nothing like a flamefest to get the circulation going.
  • Marketing (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rueger ( 210566 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:29AM (#9224850) Homepage
    "As a brief aside, if I were Google ..., who are rumored to be working on client side technologies for managing information, I'd put a lot of energy into Mozilla, and release a Google branded browser..."

    Mozilla, and Open Source in general has an amazing window of opportunity right now. A product tie in like the one described in the article is exactly what is needed.

    IE looks as if it will remain stagnant for at least another couple of years. If there is a Mozilla marketing arm, they should be jumping in with both feet.

    Similarly, now is the time for Open Office to get the MS Word compatibility bugs sorted out and to mount a big attack on the corporate sector.

    If the Open Source community waits another year or two MS will steamroller them with the latest and greatest MS OS and Office packages. If they jump now and can find backers to finance PR and advertising, groups like Mozilla could make major gains.

  • I was reading a post made on a forum I frequent in which a member claimed that, during a chat with the group project manager for IE, it was said that the IE team is working on getting IE up to web standards and PNG transparency.

    By the way, on the topic of Internet Explorer standards, I was having a chat with, Tony Chor, the group project manager for the Windows Internet Explorer team. He told me: with GDI it was difficult to properly implement alpha transparency years ago, the IE team was split up after I

  • by Cylix ( 55374 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:33AM (#9224875) Homepage Journal
    It wasn't that long ago that people made an active choice to download a browser. It's not an uncommon choice.

    This article paints a gloom picture, but no one seems to see the light.

    If Microsoft wants to wait to release a new browser then this merely opens a nice hole for increased market penetration.

    The gap will fill, but not if people complain Microsoft is not innovating.
  • by jgardn ( 539054 ) <> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:36AM (#9224895) Homepage Journal
    You can see it on the streets. "Damn I hate these popups." "Use Mozilla."

    As long as we keep telling everyone that there is an alternative superior to IE, they will begin using it. Eventually, people will have to build websites for Mozilla, and then we will be back to the IE/Netscape wars. Except this time, nothing new will be coming from Microsoft for several years.

    I strongly suggest we build our websites with XHTML and CSS and ignore IE. We can put a message on our sites "We have detected that you are using IE. We require a standards based browser. Please download Mozilla, Firebird, or Opera."
  • by ericdfields ( 638772 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:38AM (#9224905) Homepage

    This article brings up many good points about IE's potential of totalitarian rule over the internet in the future, but I feel that it lacks insight on certain predictions, especially those regarding longhorn.

    For one, the time it will take for longhorn to be widely adopted isn't factored into this hypothesis at all. It's 2004, that means its something around 4 years since the release of Windows XP. But is it as ubiquitous as this author claims it is? Absolutely not. It costs a lot of money to upgrade a whole mess of computers to a new MS operating system, and many people just don't need to for whatever reason, so in many fronts, it hasn't been done. My high school has some 100-200 computers: some are brand spankin' new dells with XP, others are Windows 2000, and there are more than just a few OS 9 macs floating around there as well. M$ can't assume that longhorn's release - and subsequently the release of XAML, etc - will take web dominance even within four years. It will take much, much longer.

    So do the math. We've had a year or so heads up on the threats that longhorn posits to the Interweb, we have 2 1/2 more at least until the sucker actually comes out, and then over 4 years for reasonable ubiquity of the OS to make developing all future websites in technologies like XAML, etc worthwhile. That's nearly a total of eight years for standards to be utilized and improved upon. There is no reason why technologies like XUL, CSS2.1 (or even 3), and SVG can't be the accepted norm before then. The word just needs to get out somehow, but that's another post altogether...

    On another note, regarding his mentioning of a Google-branded mozilla or something thrown into the forray, that's just overkill. Just imagine if, instead, Google merely placed these words on the bottom list of links on its homepage:

    Google recommends
    Mozilla FireFox [] for a faster, more reliable, and more enjoyable web browsing experience.

    Really, they'd only need to have it up there for what... a month? two weeks? for it to make a HUGE impact in IE's dominance. Imagine......

    • Just to nitpick, you should check your dates better. According to /. Windows XP began shipping [] in late september 2001, a little over 2 and a half year ago.
    • by Tarantolato ( 760537 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:36PM (#9225178) Journal
      People predicted this shit about ActiveX. It didn't happen. Before that, people predicted that NT would kill Unix. Unix vendors were tripping all over themselves to kill off their own businesses. It didn't happen. The stupidity and completeness of the panic is apparent from the fact that Sun - despite a complete lack of corporate competence or contact with reality - are the only ones who held on to a Unix business at all, from the mere fact of not having shot themselves in the head preemptively.

      The .NET doom scenario requires you to believe several things:

      1. .NET will be so overwhelmingly more convenient to develop in that it will make the cost for web developers to migrate immediately and en masse insignificant.
      2. Once they migrate, they will love it so much that they'll never even consider a future alternative.
      3. That once they make the development decision, it will be so compelling that they'll willingly shitcan their existing Linux/Apache installations, which are in many cases quite large.
      4. That none of the revulsion that end-users feel towards over-the-internet Java apps will carry over to .NET.
      5. That security will not be a concern.

      I could go on, but even these five assumptions are not tenable. Does that mean no-one will use .NET? No. Does that mean there won't be some catchup for Mozilla et al. to play? No. Will the FOSS-fanboys' dream of everyone giving up IE come true soon? No.

      But these Chicken Little scenarios are just completely f'ing off the wall.
    • Hopefully they will, but remember google toolbar does not work with mozilla, yet. Also FireFox needs to be extension API stable (ie: not changing every release) before companies like Google can start writing customizations and extensions for it.
  • Absurd! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by polyp2000 ( 444682 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:39AM (#9224912) Homepage Journal
    "With the next version of Internet Explorer tied to the release of longhorn, and still years off

    Heavens thats actually a good thing. It means that the other popular browsers, Mozilla/Firefox, Opera and others. Can continue to gain ground setting the standards that Longhorn+IE will have adhere to.

    , what hope is there for innovation in CSS, SVG, XHTML and other web standards?

    I'd say there is a good hope, Longhorn/IE will undoubtably break / embrace and extend web standards, probably offering some "revolutionary technology" which is infact a rehash of an existing standard butchered and twisted to work only in IE.

    Is the future of the web similarly tied to Internet Explorer and Longhorn?

    I sincerely hope not. Now is the time for web-developers to start building with upcoming standards and tools. Id like to see all browsers fully supporting SVG for a start. In this interim period of no new IE versions we have the ability to build and popularise the technologies that are available to us before they get the IE poisoning. It is, after all the tools developers decide to use that drives the future, and by pushing boundaries innovations can be realised.
  • Innovation in SVG? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Florian Weimer ( 88405 ) <> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:41AM (#9224916) Homepage
    I'd rather like to see browsers that can handle SVG natively first. Plugins don't count because of their operational problems. (Automatically deploy a security update for a plugin from Adobe? Good luck!)
  • Safari and standards (Score:3, Interesting)

    by __Maad__ ( 263535 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:42AM (#9224917)
    • Do you have iTunes on their Windows machine Literally millions of people use a big chunk of Safari on Windows. It's the browser built into iTunes. It works today. So arguably the quickest, most standards compliant browser around, which by the way is based on the open source
    Blah. I was following this guy's argument until I came to this part. Are there seriously "millions" of windows users really using the iTunes browser ? That number seems a bit high given how many songs Apple has sold. Also, i'd challenge that Safari is even close to being the "most standards compliant browser" around. If you're working off a W3C checklist, I'd say Mozilla has it beat by a longshot, and makes a much more meaningful dent on the web applications side of things than Safari does, which is another big battle against IE altogether. I just can't believe that anybody really thinks for a minute that the whole future of the web and the battle of winning the hearts and minds of "millions" teeters on whether or not a browser supports CSS text shadows..
  • More stuff? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by trawg ( 308495 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:50AM (#9224959) Homepage
    Quick, bring on more stuff to make things go even slower!

    I'm happy with web pages with pictures on them. In fact, uninvent Flash and I'll be even happier!
    • Re:More stuff? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Dachannien ( 617929 )
      In fact, uninvent Flash and I'll be even happier!

      I agree. From the looks of some [] of the Flash widgets out there, you'd think people didn't realize that the word "Flash" was just a name and not an entire style guide.
  • Many businesses want a good HTTP-friendly GUI standard. The current crop of standards is designed more for fancy online brochures than for serious data entry and data browsing. When doing business web applications, it is clear that the "customer" really wants applications that are as easy to develop and as flexible as Visual-Basic, Delphi, and Power-Builder-like arrangements. I don't think the slight time delay and bandwidth limits between client and server are a big problem if the protocol is designed wel
  • Who is "John"? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by superflippy ( 442879 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:33PM (#9225163) Homepage Journal
    I'd like to know a little bit about the guy who wrote this article. He links to some of the usual standards gurus in his sidebar (Eric Meyer, Jeffrey Zeldman, CSS Zen Garden) but I can't find any background information on him.

    I'm not saying that his musings aren't valid, but I'd like to know where he's coming from and what sort of relevant work he does that involves web standards. This would give the article more context and help me to understand better why he says what he does.
  • by QuasiEvil ( 74356 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:35PM (#9225171)
    Before y'all get up in arms, I'm not disputing that there's uglyness to HTML, and CSS is a huge step forward. However, CSS is a huge, bloated beast, and I can't really see how SVG advances the web. IMNSHO, the web should be:
    - An easy way to access information
    - Simple, adhering to the lowest reasonable common denominator that works across all common browsers (HTML 4, limited CSS, etc.)
    - Not filled with bloat and fluff that doesn't help me access information (such as flash intros, flash menus, Java menu crap, etc.)

    Many of the webmonkeys I've known in my company that complain about such things not working are the same people who couldn't do HTML by hand if they wanted to, insist that beauty should take priority over functionality, and develop IE-only pages because they never thought to test any other browser and then blame those browsers for not supporting the latest, greatest standard. Here's a tip: if you want people to use your stuff, you have to provide it in a format their tools can understand. You can't expect everyone to upgrade, so you have to work to your audience.

    Granted, I, too, would like to shoot everyone using NS 4.x, but there are still people out there running it and viewing my site at 640x480. I don't know how they can stand it, but it's their choice. My choice is to continue to support them as well as possible, for the moment. So I don't really concern myself with the new standards. Besides, for me, I have little to no use for them at the moment anyway.

    IMHO, mis-applied Java and Flash are the worst two things that ever happened on the web. And those were both "innovations", especially the Java bit. So understand if I'm wary about any so called "improvements" to what already works pretty darn well and is just now starting to truly work the same (mostly) in most mainstream browsers.

    That said, I run Fire(name this week) and, yes, I don't have the Flash plugin installed. F@#$ing hate flash. Bane of my existance.

  • The article suggests that Safari is the quickest, most standards compliant browser around. Quickest, it may be, but most standards compliant is Gecko, because that's Gecko's raison d'etre and they do it better than anyone else.
  • My Idea (Score:3, Interesting)

    by vigilology ( 664683 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:48PM (#9225222)
    Would it be impossible to make web standards a browser plug-in? Something like an XML DTD that would be automatically downloaded every month and contained the lastest standards rules, so that all browsers would support the latest features as soon as they are published? Or maybe it's not as simple as that. Maybe there are rendering engine issues, etc. Still, it would be nice.
  • by plasticmillion ( 649623 ) <> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @12:52PM (#9225234) Homepage
    The author undeniably makes one non-obvious and thought-provoking point: innovation in the web space has been stagnating for several years, and there is a huge opening for someone to step in and trump the current offerings.

    Where he errs, IMHO, is in the assumption that innovation will be incremental. He seems to be implying that the most we can expect from the future of the web are some (gasp!) cool new CSS features.

    I beg to differ. The future of the web will ride on the wave of two related trends, both of which have revolutionary rather than evolutionary implications:

    • Increased client computing capacity - back in the mid-90s it was all the average PC could handle to render a complex HTML page. Nowadays PCs are at least one order of magnitude faster, and a lot of the processing currently relegated to the server could be offloaded to the client. The reason that this hasn't yet occurred is that no browser has the appropriate plugin architecture. It is possible to develop plugins for major browsers, but there is no proper framework to integrate these plugins into a cohesive whole. Instead, an increasing number of networked apps are eschewing the web browser altogether in order to provide a better user experience (e.g. IM, P2P file sharing, online gaming, VoIP, etc.).

      Nonetheless, most of these applications would be that much more valuable if they were integrated together. To achieve this, a platform is needed that permits inter-plugin communication: a shared data model, a high-level framework for UI development and way for plugins to exchange messages. Think Eclipse for networked apps instead of development tools and you'll be on the right track.

    • XML - for all the hue and cry, the only significant impact of XML on the web since its inception 6 years ago is RSS. RSS is certainly cool, but it's just one XML-based language, and the whole premise of XML is that it enables the creation of multiple vocabularies. So there's a huge opening for someone to create a browser that intelligently processes XML vocabularies. This would include managing the relevant XML schemas (perhaps using a centralized repository), rendering the XML in various ways (perhaps including HTML templates and autogenerated forms) and persistent storage/retrieval. This is basically the goal of RDF, but besides taking what I consider to be a number of unfortunate design decisions, the RDF designers have essentially ignored the need for a new browser architecture to make XML use on the web an attractive alternative to HTML.
    None of this is easy, of course. But considering the potential rewards of owning the new new browser architecture, I have no fear whatsoever that innovation will stagnate just because Microsoft decides to take itself out of the game for a while.
    • Is far from true.

      XML is integrated so deep into almost every technology available for internet development it is considered a ubiquitous skill for any level of developer. .Net thrives on it.
      WebServices are run by it.
      Databases talk in it.
      Office applications communicate with it.
      Many large websites use it to render their entire sites.

      And BTW the lofty platform/framework of which you speak is completed and needs only widespread adoption. It is the .Net framework. It can do everything you have expressed.
  • by Chief Typist ( 110285 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @01:00PM (#9225277) Homepage
    MSFT won't do anything until they feel some pressure from the market.

    The idea of a Google branded browser based on Gecko would work. Especially if the Google desktop tools work best with this browser.

    Getting Google to rank pages based on standards compliance would work (XHTML/CSS2+ design = higher page rank = more sites wanting compliance = less sites holding onto IE6 only designs.)

    A Windows version of Safari might work. If an iTunes install put it on the system (like it does now with QuickTime) then people might use it -- hard to say if that would provide any market pressure though.

    If something doesn't come along to shake up Microsoft (and it's got to be big, like the Internet in 1995) then things will not change in Redmond. At this point in time, Google is the only thing big and successful enough to rattle their cage.

    • Getting Google to rank pages based on standards compliance would work (XHTML/CSS2+ design = higher page rank = more sites wanting compliance = less sites holding onto IE6 only designs.)

      Standards and style be damned.
      The only thing I want to see from Google are pages ordered according to their relevance to my search. A page can be standards-compliant and content-empty.

  • by Dracos ( 107777 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @02:10PM (#9225618)

    The browser wars are over. MS won, they achieved an absurd marketshare. A new war began while the smoke was still rising from the browser battlefield: the standards war.

    I've noticed that all the ire, hated and derision that web developers held for Netscape 4 has in the last 18 months shifted to IE. Developers finally realize standards not only allow for cool things to be done, but also that those things only have to be done once. Chances are it won't work in IE. Avalon (the IE rendering engine) has barely changed since IE 5.0. Mozilla, Opera, and KHTML continue to implement standards released as far back as 1999 while IE arrogantly takes a nap within sight of the finish line. All of us need to stand along the race course with gatorade for the tortoise.

    How to do that? Joe Public needs a reason to download a modern browser (which IE certainly isn't). When I tell people I haven't seen a popup in almost 3 years, the invariable gape is followed by some question akin to "How is that possible?" I've been using Mozilla as my regular browser since .8 was released. I point the soon to be former web victim toward Mozilla (not Firefox, because the next step is telling them how to avoid mail virii by not using outlook), and not once has anyone ever looked back. Evangelism is how web standards will be able to sneak past the sleeping hare to win the race. Or war, however one wished to view it.

  • by ClosedSource ( 238333 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @02:18PM (#9225654)
    In my opinion the role of a standards body is to codify existing practice, not to create new ideas.

    The fact that the W3C tries to innovate is exactly why it is becoming less and less relevent in the real world.
  • by jesterzog ( 189797 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @11:33PM (#9227857) Journal

    I'm surprised that nobody (at least who's been modded up enough) seems to have said anything about two particular projects that attempt to deal with a couple of the main problems that developers tend to have with MSIE.

    "IE7 []" is an Internet Explorer hack that parses standards-based CSS that you provide in a page, and mangles it so that earlier versions of IE display it how it's supposed to be displayed.

    "PNG in Windows IE []" is a hack that tells IE to use a separate ActiveX control to load any PNG's in the page, instead of the internal image display code. This causes it to get alpha blending right. (I think there are a few variations of this hack around the web besides the one I've linked to.)

    Both are javascript hacks that you can include at the top of a page and add the appropriate construct around them so that only IE will see them. Clearly they're not perfect, and I'd be edgey about using them in important websites without a lot more testing.

    But has anyone actually used them effectively? How useful are they?

    I've managed to get the PNG hack working, but I still haven't been able to get IE7 going. (Possibly something to do with the server sending the wrong MIME type.)

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
