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GUI Software

Ambient Desktop Goes Open Source 23

mlankton writes "The only thing that looked neat about MorphOS is now free. The Ambient desktop has been open sourced, with source code here. It would be cool if someone ported this to Darwin so Apple users could play with it. I always thought MorphOS looked great, just no apps."
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Ambient Desktop Goes Open Source

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  • fp (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    your a fruitbasket

  • Vewy pretty (Score:3, Interesting)

    by m50d ( 797211 ) on Saturday January 22, 2005 @02:37PM (#11442882) Homepage Journal
    From the screenshots on the site, it does look really nice. I doubt it will immediately replace KDE and GNOME, but if enough of a developer community springs up around it, it has the potential to do so.
  • Wow, from the screenshots, Ambient looks beautiful. I, for one, am elated that it's now open source. Although I don't think that it will catch on as a mainstream desktop as a real alternative to Gnome or KDE, developers in either camp (or maybe even MorphOS developers) would be wise to take a good look and incorporate some of this into their own work. Alternately, if this could be ported or made compatible with Gtk or Qt,it could be integrated into an already functional desktop environment. It's bitmap
    • What exactly do you find so beautiful about Ambient? It looks just like any of the typical gnu/linux window managers: fvwm, openbox, fluxbox, etc. I don't have anything against Ambient - I am just wondering what exactly you think should be copied. I can't find anything on any of those screenshots that I havent seen many times before.
      • For one thing, MUI. It provides the user a very powerful way of customizing his or her own desktop environment to a rediculous degree. In other words, point and click theme creation and editing. It is to Ambient what the Gimp is to images. As far as I know, there isn't much that one can do to design a custom theme in either Gnome or KDE without editing text files by hand. The most either of the two of them will let you do is specify a premade theme for individual parts of the desktop (background, wind
  • hmmm (Score:3, Funny)

    by XO ( 250276 ) <[blade.eric] [at] []> on Saturday January 22, 2005 @04:24PM (#11443690) Homepage Journal
    Why won't he use the acronym form of the Ambient's Sound System? Hmm...

  • Porting this to GNU/Linux or BSD or whatever - as it was suggested here - should be pretty hard. I didn't look at the sources, but I suppose it was neither written for a POSIX environment nor does it use a GUI toolkit that is available on any other platform than the AMIGAish (MUI afaik - there once was a free MUI clone for X11 z une/). So rewriting an Ambient-like Desktop for X11 from scratch might even be easier than porting it. But the free sources should

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