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Researchers Develop New Tool For Writing Code 35

neutron_p writes "A group of researchers, led by Carnegie Mellon researchers, have developed a new set of software tools that may revolutionize the way computer code is written. They said they have created a new breed of software called "SPIRAL" that automatically generates code for signal-processing applications - applications that help make computers run faster and cheaper. "What SPIRAL does is permit users to develop high quality code for new and old applications automatically, say in 10 minutes or less, saving time, money and aggravation for end users""
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Researchers Develop New Tool For Writing Code

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  • by Dh2000 ( 71834 ) on Monday April 04, 2005 @08:28AM (#12132550) Journal
    for April fools jokes...
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Researchers Develop New Fool For Writing Code

      We have several prototypes of these fools. They are called J2EE-programemrs.
  • by jessecurry ( 820286 ) <> on Monday April 04, 2005 @08:37AM (#12132591) Homepage Journal
    it seems like a very cool technology. From what the article says this software would definitely eliminate a large chunk of code optimization time, but I suppose that as each new architecture was developed a second team would have to be completing the SPIRAL coding.
    I'm always amazed by the speed differences coming from those who know the architecture and those who don't, maybe this will even the playing field and let coders code.
    • by Hast ( 24833 )
      This may be very useful if you work with DSP type applications. I have no idea where the article came up with the conclusion that

      automatically generates code for signal-processing applications - applications that help make computers run faster and cheaper.
      I fail to see what DSP applications have to do with making the computer run faster.

      The application is probably nice though. And DSP applications have quite specific types of data flow so I bet they can do some really good optimisations.

      Won't help you
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 04, 2005 @08:43AM (#12132631)
    When someone says "I want a programming language in which I need only say what I wish done," give him a lollipop.
  • by afaiktoit ( 831835 ) on Monday April 04, 2005 @08:46AM (#12132653)
    ummm...its called spiral.
    • ummm...its called spiral.

      Parent post is not off topic. He's pointing out that the article is devoid of information, so essentially all the article does say is "'s called Spiral." His four word post contains as much information as the entire article.

      • I agree completely. So what's the difference between this and any other compiler / code generator? There are Scheme implementations that compile to C. You "describe" the algorithms in a notation called Scheme, and the system "writes your C code for you". I usually use Python scripts to generate static array initialization code for great big C arrays. If the parameters change, I just rerun the Python and it "writes code" for me. If I draw a user interface with Visual Studio.Net, VS automatically generates al
  • DSP Code (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bhima ( 46039 ) <Bhima.Pandava@gm ... m minus math_god> on Monday April 04, 2005 @08:58AM (#12132726) Journal
    Signal processing code represents small part of the code that I write and I find it the most manageable. It's not easy to code nor is more quickly finished. But I find it more predictable and testable. It's the business logic and UI that becomes this impossible morass of vague requirements and compromises.
  • Overview
    SPIRAL addresses this problem for the performance-critical class of DSP transform algorithms, like the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), the discrete cosine transforms (DCTs), and many others, by automatically generating code that is tuned to the given computing platform.

    SPIRAL uses mathematics to describe, generate, and manipulate fast algorithms, translates them into programs, and searches for the best one for a given platform.

    The architecture of SPIRAL is displayed in the figure to the left. Th
  • I see.. (Score:3, Funny)

    by Dogers ( 446369 ) on Monday April 04, 2005 @09:25AM (#12132939)
    I hear what you're saying... and it sounds like "buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword"
  • by dascandy ( 869781 )
    They finally found the silver bullet? Wow... and that even after the entire world has been searching for it for 42 years and didn't find it, with techniques as powerful as RAD and OOP. Guess they're just a whole lot smarter than the entire rest of the world.
    • They finally found the silver bullet? Wow...
      Big deal. It's being found about once a year, each time getting a story on Slashdot :-)
    • Well you know, it is CMUers who refer to MIT as 'the Carnegie-Mellon of the Northeast'.
    • by p3d0 ( 42270 ) on Monday April 04, 2005 @10:21AM (#12133484)
      Wow... and that even after the entire world has been searching for it for 42 years and didn't find it...
      You say that as though 42 years were a long time. That's like some Roman engineer claiming it's impossible to dig a tunnel under the English Channel.

      The one claim of MMM I disagree with most strongly is that we are within an order of magnitude of the most productive we will ever be in terms of software development. I firmly believe that 99+% of a typical developer's time is spent fighting with tools and reinventing wheels in a way that will seem pittifully primitive 50 years from now, and will be looked back on with awe and nostalgic reverence 200 years from now.

  • I didn't read the article, but after reading the summary one word comes to mind... "SWEET!"
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 04, 2005 @10:12AM (#12133385)
    It's a god damned DSP algorithm wizard.

    This will not help you write anything but specific DSP algorithms.
  • 4GL (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I think this is just a variation of 4GL in the sense that you write applications (or a subsection of an application) in one language, and letting the system output optimized code for the intended target system....

    For doing data-entry/database-intensive work, TenFold's [] Tsunami (free) and EnterpriseTenFold ($$$) products automatically regenerates code for the target platform and database. As you switch from one RDBMS backend to another, the program changes the SQL dramatically to take advantage of performan
  • by josepha48 ( 13953 ) on Monday April 04, 2005 @01:12PM (#12135087) Journal
    .. our dba's have a perl script that takes metadata and a data dictionary and then generates all the necessary table updates and structures for table updates. Its not ff transforms, but generating code it not a new idea. What I want is a tool that generates java code from business rules. That would make my job so much easier. Of course open source too, cause I can't afford Rational Rose.
  • This is similar to a new software tool I've been working on, that may revolutionize the way software projects are badly managed. This new breed of tool, called "DEATH SPIRAL", automatically generates unrealistic deadlines, schedules in exponentially increasing overtime, and adds random pieces of vague, ill-conceived functionality to effect feature creep and cost overruns. This frees up managers' time to concentrate on fostering the more personal, human aspects of the project -- low morale, burnout, and turn
    • Is that an OSS project? I don't think you'd be able to sell it. Most large companies already have people with an almost spooky ability to recognize traits that could lead to project success and avoid them like the plague.
  • As the old saying goes, A fool with a tool is still a fool
    Tools might make programming easier, but you will always need your skills to achieve anything. Sure, some tools might make programming easier or faster, but in the end it doesn't mean anyone can be a programmer.

The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
