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MozCorp Announces Firefox 1.5 Extension Competition 260

vain gloria writes "The Mozilla Corporation has launched a competition to Extend Firefox by developing an innovative new extension for the soon-to-be-released latest version of their popular browser. The competition runs until January 6th and the three big prizes are Foxified Alienware PCs. Keen developers may want to grab a copy of the 1.5 Release Candidate and get a head start. Better check your passports first though, as those outside the US, EU and Canada (or in Québec) are ineligible to enter."
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MozCorp Announces Firefox 1.5 Extension Competition

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  • by TheWart ( 700842 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:09AM (#13949186)
    "Better check your passports first though, as those outside the US, EU and Canada (or in Québec) are ineligible to enter."

    On second thought, if that is necessary for you to remember where you live, then maybe you shouldn't be entering the contest.
    • by Fred_A ( 10934 ) <fred AT fredshome DOT org> on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:21AM (#13949240) Homepage
      This geographic limitation is very weird and runs opposite to the worldwide nature of open source software.

      Why aren't Africans or Asians or Australians (or whateverians) allowed to enter ? What's wrong with the other north Americans (Mexicans) ?

      Is this a language issue ? Part of the "fight against terror" (sic) or what ?
      • by Shaper_pmp ( 825142 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:29AM (#13949279)
        More likely legal requirements, or restrictions on shipping technology (the first prize) to other countries.

        Remember the furore about banning the sale of PS2s to Iraq because the chips could be used in missile guidance systems?
        • Remember the furore about banning the sale of PS2s to Iraq...

          So MozCorp is worried that those crafty Quebecois will use the first prize to build weapons of mass destruction?

          • what about us down under? its not going to cost THAT much to ship the stinking prize down here is it... you can ship to EU but cant be stuffed Shipping to AUS... im almost tempted to go try opera isntead of the 1.5 RC like i was intending to do tonight...
            • by Whafro ( 193881 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @12:35PM (#13950841) Homepage
              Meeting legal requirements for contests limited just to the United States is often a very difficult chore. I see how much work the attorneys in the advertising/competition group in my firm go to for each such proposed contest, and am glad I'm not in that group.

              It gets exponentially more difficult when you go into other countries, with completely different rules and regulations.

              So in contrast, I am impressed that they went to the trouble of making it as international as they feasibly could without bankrupting themselves on legal fees and delaying the contest for another year while it was approved.
          • The reason (Score:5, Informative)

            by bcore ( 705121 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @10:26AM (#13949611)
            It's not political or anything, Quebec just has REALLY strict contest laws that require the contest promoters to jump through a lot of hoops. Most contests here in Canada are usually advertized as being "contest void in Quebec" or whatever to that effect.

            Here's a bit more info [pr9.net]
            • Our stupid contest rule is that you have to perform a task to win. So contest in Quebec are the regular paper that you have to fill but with an easy mathematical question at the end so you had performed a task. Yes, answering 2 + 2 counts as a task.

              Since you must write an extension for that contest, it should be okay.
              • Ontario has the skill testing question too... Hmm... I always thought "skill testing question" was misleading, do you know what the literal phrase in French might be and how you would translate it literally into English?

                Sometimes the French is more descriptive... and sometimes it isn't. e.g. "Egg nog" vs. "Lait de Poulet"

              • Our stupid contest rule is that you have to perform a task to win. So contest in Quebec are the regular paper that you have to fill but with an easy mathematical question at the end so you had performed a task. Yes, answering 2 + 2 counts as a task.

                IIRC, Quebec's restriction is based around language laws.

                In any case, the "simple task" thing is merely a loophole to prevent people from having to do lottery registrations.

            • That's complete BS. Most if not all contests I've ever seen that include Canada don't do any special case about Quebec. Loto-Quebec has laws restricting lottery in QUEBEC ONLY. It can't restrict contests from abroad or on the Internet.
              • It got me wondering too, so I did a quick google search on the subject and found this link http://contests.about.com/library/weekly/aa100105 a .htm [about.com]

                From the article:
                When a sweepstakes is open to Canada, you will usually see that it is void in the province of Quebec. This is because of the stringent rules the Regie des Loteries et Courses du Quebec imposes, e.g. the company offering the contest must have a head office or place of business in Quebec. That leaves out a huge number of companies and their promo

          • Remember the furore about banning the sale of PS2s to Iraq

            That's the first time I've heard of it. It makes it sound as if Iraq had everything ready for the WMDs except the PS2 chips. I can imagine the following dialog:

            [Sadam]: General, are the WMD ready?
            [General]: Yes, the nuclear, biological and chemical warheads are ready, fueled up and pointed at the infidels.
            [Sadam]: What are we waiting on then, let's launch them!
            [General]: We can't.
            [Sadam]: Why not?
            [General]: We don't have any PS2 chips.

            • You totally misinterpreted the OP. By WMDs, he obviously meant "weapons of minor destruction". ;)

              But seriously, the post you quoted said nothing about WMDs. Just "missile guidance systems", which are obviously useful outside biological and/or nuclear warfare.
        • Yea I remember when apple first released their G4. Since it was declared a "super computer" aka did 1 gigaflop a second, it couldn't be sent to a lot of countries because of security concerns.

          Granted they could have just come here and bought one then sent it back ....

        • Why not give the prize with "free shipiment" to the places where it is easy and offer an opition for a payed shipment for winners outside the US, canada and etc.?
        • Yes I remember. Like most of the PS2 launch specs / promises / bullshit, that was a flat out lie perpertrated by Sony.
      • First off, every Whateverian that I've met has been a complete prick, and undeserving of entry into such a contest.

        Second, it's probably due to the legality of shipping the prizes.
    • On second thought, if that is necessary for you to remember where you live, then maybe you shouldn't be entering the contest.

      I guess this is true if you live in North America. And our governments wonder why software development is going offshore. Politicians aught to ask how silly their laws are.

    • On second thought, if that is necessary for you to remember where you live, then maybe you shouldn't be entering the contest.

      On the contrary, if you would think of your netblock when asked where you live you're the perfect person to enter.

  • are they elegible?
  • Japan (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:16AM (#13949215)
    Stupid of them to leave out Japan and other parts of Asia ... there's lots of good geeks who could build good extensions there.
    • Re:Japan (Score:2, Informative)

      by zecg ( 521666 )
      The very (IMHO) finest of Firefox extensions (when regarding complexity, usefulness, ergonomics and overall polish), ever - Scrapbook [vis.ne.jp] is from Japan.
    • IMNSHO, excluding anyone purely on geographical location is stupid. If the person has the tools and skills required, they should be elligible to enter, full stop. I don't care if they live in Canada or Outer Mongolia, if they are able to enter they should be permitted to enter.

      I realise that in some cases it may be impractical or impossible to give them their prize, but so what? Donate it to a worthy cause, or give it to the next best entry. If the contest was restricted on the basis of skin colour, or sex,
    • Re:Japan (Score:2, Informative)

      From the FAQ [mozilla.org]:
      Is the contest open to International entries?

      Yes. Please see the contest rules for more information.

      and I don't see the US + EU + CA only rules in the official [mozilla.org] rules
  • by clear_thought_05 ( 915350 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:18AM (#13949229)
    I wonder how the little guys (ex: SVG Switcher for FF1.5 [latenightpc.com]) will compete with the big guys (ex: Web Dev Toolbar [mozilla.org]).

    I just hope that the small guys are judged fairly and those with years of experience don't just take over the whole competition. Or maybe that's okay, because in the end (perhaps) it will be the big serious guys against eachother and all the newcomers pretty much don't have a chance.

    Just my opinion, I wonder what others might think.
    • by booch ( 4157 )
      My opinion is that you're smoking crack. The Web Developer extension is written by a single person [chrispederick.com]. What makes you think that it's unfair that he has had some experience? It doesn't appear that he's getting paid for his work (except the PayPal donation button on his site). He's an amateur too. Maybe we should restrict the Olympics to first-time athletes, to make it "fair".
    • Of course the experienced guys/teams have an advantage - they're used to Mozilla changing the plugin API with every point release for the past 8 years.

      If Mozilla wants a good collection of extensions, how's about freezing the API? Pick one and stick with it. Then devs can spend their time on quality and features, not fighting a never-ending battle against breakage.

      I'm a pretty hard-core web-geek, but I'm still using Mozilla proper because I can't get a decent version of Firefox for Mac (which is basically
  • I though Mozilla and the whole free and open source movement was about, well, openness in the first place... Now they're shutting out 85% of the world! (and possibly a similar proportion of the world's developers if Brazil, India, China, South Africa etc. are taken into account. I'm assuming Russia is being included in Europe)
    • They were talking about the EU, not Europe, so Russia is out as well.
    • I'd say the PATRIOT Act is a likely culprit here. By restricting candidacy to "allied" nations, Mozillia become less of a target for investigation and scrutiny than if it allowed candidates from more suspect countries like, Iran, Saudi-Arabia, China, France.....

      Oh Wait.
      • It probably has something to do with the actual giving out of prizes. There's many lotteries in Canada that are open to everyone except quebec residents. Not because we don't like quebec, but because there's lots of other rules to follow. I'm sure you could get someone in the US to submit your entry if you think it was good enough. They could claim the prize, and then ship it to you. They maybe could just have a contest for the people who can't enter, and just give them the recognition of winning, inst
        • You gotta wonder though, how exactly would other country's laws matter? Someone from Tuvalu creates a cool plug-in, so Gerv and co. ship him a neat gadget. How would any country's cops ever get involved?

          Or, if the Moz folks said "we're going to send neat gadgets to the coolest extensions introduced before 1.5 is released", would that avoid the contest issues? That's a declaration of action, not a contest per se.
          • Just look at any US game show. Anybody who wins any prize has to pay the taxes on that prize before they get it. Even if they don't live in the country, and they will never reap the benefits of the taxes. Happens to Canadians all the time who go on US game shows. Canadians don't pay taxes on prize winning. Oprah audience members also had to pay taxes on cars that she gave to all the audience members when there wasn't even a contest. Everyone in the audience got a car.
    • Considering that Quebec is NOT in the permitted list, it probably has to do with the legality of awarding a prize. Quebec has wierd laws about that and almost every contest I see in BC has some rider about "not valid in Quebec".

      So, they probably verified it was OK in the US, the EU, and non-Quebec Canada, but either couldn't or didn't verify it was legal elsewhere and thus don't allow entrants from nonvalidated places.

      (Sorry if that makes no sense, I'm just ending a nightshift here)
      • Quebec does have special rules and regulations, but mainly the problem with contests is that there is a FEE to be paid to the province in order to have a contest. Yes that's right, if you want to include Quebec in a contest, you must first pay up, something about a fee to make sure the contest is not bogus... to protect the consumer or something like that I seem to recall.
  • by Celt ( 125318 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:22AM (#13949247) Journal
    Without the 30-40 extentions that I make use of on a daily basis I would have properly have moved to Opera by now, but the extentions make firefox great so I continue to use it :)

    As well as the excellent extentions like adblock, tabbed browser prefs and sessionsaver its also the little extentions like GMail Delete Button, Wellrounded and MediaPlayerConnectivity that make Firefox a great browser.

    Good idea that their running a competition as I'm sure it'll ensure their are even more great extentions in the future, I just hope developers update then as time goes on.
    • I agree with you that extensions are what makes Firefox as good a browser as it is. However, I have become very wary of trying to run with too many. In my experience, there is a tendency for extensions to conflict with each other. As a result, I now only include those that I consider genuinely important. Those with marginal utility, even though they may be nice, no longer have a place in my system. For me, about a dozen extensions give me most of what I want: the days of 30-40 extensions are over.
    • Really the extensions are what make the application. Firefox itself isn't really much more than a platform. I really wish someone would create an application bundle with a collection of most of the frequently-used plugins.

      It is one of my pet peeves that I must remember to download a dozen extensions on every new install.
  • Want to win? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mr_tommy ( 619972 ) * <tgraham@gmai[ ]om ['l.c' in gap]> on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:26AM (#13949262) Journal
    Why not buld a bit torrent client into Firefox? See this bug on Bugzilla [mozilla.org] for a start point; I'm pretty sure you'd have a good chance if you put this together!
  • Dumb Move. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by donnacha ( 161610 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:27AM (#13949271) Homepage
    Better check your passports first though, as those outside the US, EU and Canada (or in Québec) are ineligible to enter.
    And they wonder why take-up has been lower outside the US? [slashdot.org]

    Dumb, dumb, dumb. Especially when it comes to extensions - my rough recollection is that most of the best extensions seem to be by Europeans.

    They're probably going to claim that they had no choice because it's tricky/expensive to ship electronics outside the States but, c'mon, how hard would it have been to arrange an alternative prize, at least to avoid rubbing the world's nose in it at a time when America isn't exactly the most popular kid in the class. If Mozcorp has a PR, he/she should probably reconsider his/her position.

    • Or maybe their legal department didn't have the money or resources to verify the contest met local laws in hundreds of countries?

      I know assuming you're smarter than people who made decisions you don't understand is the slashdot way, but insulting people who probably actually know more about their job than you is pretty childish.
    • Um, EU=European Union, which seems to quash most of your objection.

      And as for why take-up has been lower outside the US - do you really think it has anything to do with the competitions for extension developers?
  • Someone make a Javasript verificater.

    I have been programing some javascript programs, but they
    don't work when I move to Opera or MSIE.

    A plugin that could check if the code is standart complient
    whould be great.

    Or if the plugin know what code can't run on MSIE.
  • by Agelmar ( 205181 ) * on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:41AM (#13949348)
    I've read TFA, and I can't see anywhere where the rules prohibit entries from Japan etc. The only thing in the rules I can see that mentions geography is "These official rules will be void where any provision thereof would be found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction. If you are a resident of such a jurisdiction, you may not participate in the Contest." and later, "...he/she is a resident of a jurisdiction where these official rules may be enforced in their entirety and without modification."

    Nowhere does it specifically limit the contest to USA,CAN,EU that I can find - I'm wondering where the OP got this? Can anyone shed further light on the subject?
  • by shrewd ( 830067 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:46AM (#13949367)
    theres alot of talent in antarctica, why should they be excluded?
  • Strange, the published rules [mozilla.org] don't make any mention of the location of the participatns (or I read them too fast).

  • by NXprime ( 573188 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:55AM (#13949418)
    Better pop-up extentions? 1. A popup blocker that works %100 of the time. Even with Firefox 1.5 Beta2 build, I still get a popup by clicking this link http://www.activewin.com/awin/default.asp [activewin.com] and then clicking anywhere on the page at all. Appearently they have a javascript that knows when you're 'touching' a webpage? I have to highlight text to read better so I don't know why this is going on. I do have my settings set at opening pages or user clicked popups in the same window as the current tab. Don't know if that's causing it or not. Is there a nicer Windows news website than Activewin? I'm really starting to hate that pop-up infested site. 2. Flash pop-up detector. Go here. http://www.cleveland.com/ [cleveland.com] a flash ad flys across the page. I like using Flashblock that blocks all flash (yeah, right) until I allow it to. Happens sometimes on yahoo.com news pages too. I guess I'm asking for a noscript type extension, but is dormant until I ask it to block scripts for a webpage since it's only these websites driving me nuts right now. A blacklist if you will. I spent more time messing with NoScript extension then going to my daily 45 websites. Plus I like installing a new clean install of firefox and updated extensions meaning I don't have time redoing this crap all the time. Disabling SOME scripts for websites would be cool too. Spellcheck as you type for Firefox would be a killer extension too. :)
    • I went to both sites too. No pop-ups, no flying flash ads. I'm using Firefox 1.07 with Adblock (personalised filters).
    • If it helps to know, there's a bug in bugzilla (look up #176958) that's being used to list all known exploits of the popup blocking. (It's set up to be blocked by all other bugs that list popup exploits.)

      Some of them have been un-fixed for quite a while, unfortunately. If I were an annoying website admin who wanted to beat the popup blocker, I'd probably be routinely checking this bug for new exploits. I can't complain too much given that I'm not putting the time aside to fix them myself, I guess.

    • As fellow posters have flocked to reply, using AdBlock with a decent set of filters will effectively block ads all over the place. Flashblock really does its job too. Tested in 1.5 and 1.0.7 and whatnot. Rock solid, no ads, no Flash.

      And in the border case where the webmasters employ javascript to drive you nuts, NoScript [noscript.net] is the bomb. JavaScript is so evil it's scary, both due to privacy and advertisment. I definitely want a per-site blocker. It's trivial for a website to snoop on the browsing history of the
  • A plugin idea (Score:2, Interesting)

    by baxissimo ( 135512 )
    I'd like to see a plugin that lets me override annoying javascript that prevents resizing windows. It's my window damnit, I should be able to resize it if I want to. Or a plugin which lets me add the standard menu bar to a window that doesn't have it if I want the window to have a freaking menu bar.

    Ok, probably not bedazzling enough to win the competition, but it would still be a great plugin to have.
  • US, EU and Canada (or in Québec)

    The poster must be Quebecois. Because if you ask anyone else, Quebec is actually PART of Canada, not a separate country.
  • by dyoung9090 ( 894137 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @10:48AM (#13949787)
    I love Firefox and everything, but when I upgraded to one of the 1.5 betas (because everyone told me about all the new things that were going to be in it, which were admittedly small stuff like being able to reorganize my tabs) half of my extensions went bye-bye. Some came back when they were fixed, but others... not so much. A little while after the second beta came out I decided to get that too, thinking that I was over the extensions I could no longer use and that enough time had passed so that the ones I used (and surely every other person using Firefox) must have been updated as well. Not the case.

    Needless to say, I went with reckless abandon into RC1 and will probably go to the official version as soon as it's out, just to get there. My hope is that the developers of most of the extensions I used were waiting for a more stable build and so in the future I should just wait until those come out instead of jumping into the newest upgrade for a few random features.

    Now, there's going to be a dozen people telling me "Quit complaining, start programming" but I hope this comes off more as "constructive criticism" than anything else because of the web-browser user base (all 87% percent of the US or whatever number it is), a good 75 have never, can never and will never program (unless it becomes simplified to the point of telling your computer in plain language what you want it to do and it cobbles together something... "I want something to remember my recipes and generates a shopping list and gets approximate prices from the internet" and 30 seconds later a fully functional database comes out.)

    Although the percentage of coders to non-coders may be higher with Firefox, the high priests of Firefox are desperate for a piece of that mainstream market. If I show Firefox and all that I can make it do to a friend who wants it installed, I don't want to tell that friend "now, never, EVER install an update because you'll lose half of the functions you've become accustomed too, at least for a little while but possibly forever" because they'll say screw it and stick with IE.

    I loved Aardvark (it was so handy in cleaning up Mapquest stuff, news articles...) but it's become increasingly broke and in RC1 it's apparently fully dead until I hunt for the website (it didn't play well with the updater) to see if it's got an update. Stop-or-reload... same thing. Grease Monkey? Gone. Try searching for a torrent using the new Firefox. Now, these middle-adapters, the ones you have to prove the value of software to, aren't known for being upgrade happy (think your mom, still running IE 5 how many years after 6.0?) or else they may have tried Firefox earlier, but when they do upgrade, they don't want to switch to a different, competing extension becuase there's is broken, nor do they want to lose functionality they've become used to.

    The extensions are awesome, best part of the browser but I think down the road the breakability of extensions is going to throttle the number of new-users. Think of old Netscape where slowly it became a nerd-only alternative, depsite their protests that it was more secure/more capable/better browser but IE kept winning people over because it (a) kept adapting to enable new features (I can't think of any, but that's because I haven't used Netscape since 2000), and (b) retained most of it's features.

    IMO, people would rather use something that lacks features but has all the ones they're attached to than use something that introduces them to new features, and then takes them away.

    Not every extension is going to be the next big thing... that extension so useful that the browser gods themselves reach down to integrate it into their next version, but if there's a user base at all for it, they're not going to like being told they can't use it with the newest toys because the developer didn't think there was enough of a user base to continue his support. Yeah, it's his or her decision to not update, but the user isn't going to care... they're going to blame Firefox.

    Then again, this whole theory only applies to the semi-casual users who know enough to find and love extensions and not to the people who don't know anything about extensions or will just be using the browser as is.
    • RTFRN! (Score:2, Insightful)

      by geobeck ( 924637 )

      That's the whole reason they have pre-release software; so extension writers have a chance to update their code before final release.

      If you want everything to work right away, don't use beta software!

  • Well, this is a good tactic to get people to update their extensions to the newer FF versions. I know that it would make it just a little more worth updating my extensions because of this. (I was going to do it anyway, but I am content using the older FF version and updating to the new one is not on my priority list.)

  • by nierdal ( 928455 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @11:16AM (#13950001)
    The reason why Quebec is excluded is because here in Quebec the lottery is regulated by the RACJ, a goverment agency. The lottery have is own laws, and therefore if the Mozilla Fundation do not accept to fill the papers that loto Quebec ask for they cannot participate.

    See : http://www.racj.gouv.qc.ca/section.asp?lang=en&noS ection=4&noGrappe=5 [gouv.qc.ca]

    Also, I would be great if the slashdot community would stop bashing Quebec about the "language police". THERE IS NOT LANGUAGE POLICE IN QUEBEC, this is bullshit!. There are only laws that make in sort that everything must be written in french on commercial products, and that the french must occupate the same space than the english. That's all! So if a consummer see a poorly written french on a products or an ad, it can make a complaint to the Quebec french language office that will HELP the seller to translate is products to french. You heard it right! They will HELP without any fees!

    Why this? Hey we are 6 millions french (and 1 million english) in Quebec. There's 330 millions english speaker around US! How you would expect US to keep our language without laws? If you were 6 millions english speaker with 330 millions spanish what would you do if you were actualy enjoying your cultural heritage? You would not stand up to protect your liberty of speaking whatever language you want?

    That's why the law is there.

    See Wikipedia if you want to lean a bit more about Quebec. Very good description IMHO. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec [wikipedia.org]

    (Oh and sorry I know my english isn't that good..)
    • (Oh and sorry I know my english isn't that good..)
      You better be sorry. This is the Quebec Language Police. Your post doesn't give equal space to the French language. Due to a provision in our extradition treaty, you are to be sent to Le Gitmo. Have a bon day.
    • THERE IS NOT LANGUAGE POLICE IN QUEBEC, this is bullshit!. There are only laws that make in sort that everything must be written in french on commercial products, and that the french must occupate the same space than the english.

      There is obviously a difference in definitions here. If the USA founded a GOVERNMENT task force that:
      1. proactively sought billboards, web sites(!), business cards and newspaper ads that did not predominanty feature English
      2. Assessed first time violators fines of upward of 2,000 do

    • If there were 6 million English speakers with 330 million Spanish, I would learn Spanish (incidentally that's why I'm learning Chinese).

      "Cultural heritage" is a sort of reactionary bullshit that people like to pull out so they can talk about how bad things are now. Culture constantly changes, merging or reacting with other cultures it meets. While you might say that some pieces of culture are "lost" in this process, they are usually just replaced by new pieces of culture that better fit the needs of the cur
  • I had a great idea for a Firefox plugin. It is like a form manager on steriods.
    Basically, what it does is record every bit of information that you enter via the web browser, be it posts on forums such as this one, or passwords, or personal data in online forms, or bank details. This plugin remebers everything (or coarse, the data is protected by the master password).
    You can search the data stored - nothing that you enter will ever be lost - so for instance you can find that slashdot post that you wrote back
  • Maybe a bit late to ask but can anyone indicate a good tutorial for writing Firefox extensions?
  • competition to develop [...] an innovative new extension

    This is far too late. Everything has already been invented and worked into an extension.

  • by alexo ( 9335 ) on Friday November 04, 2005 @09:27PM (#13955143) Journal
    Does it support plugins and, if it does, can it use the FireFox/ThunderBird ones?
    • Does it support plugins and, if it does, can it use the FireFox/ThunderBird ones?

      Plugins are not the same as extensions. But yes, Seamonkey supports both plugins and extensions. The extension system for Seamonkey is nowhere near as polished as Firefox's, but it's similar. You can't just drop any old Firefox extension into Seamonkey and have it work, but it is possible to make an extension that works for both.

      Oh, and just to pick a nit: there's no CamelCase in the names of Firefox and Thunderbird.

      • > Plugins are not the same as extensions. But yes, Seamonkey supports
        > both plugins and extensions. The extension system for Seamonkey is
        > nowhere near as polished as Firefox's, but it's similar. You can't just
        > drop any old Firefox extension into Seamonkey and have it work, but it
        > is possible to make an extension that works for both.

        Perhaps I should elaborate.

        Currently I am using IE (and its derivatives) and considering switching to either Seamonkey or Firefox/Thunderbird.

        I have heard opini
        • Currently I am using IE (and its derivatives) and considering switching to either Seamonkey or Firefox/Thunderbird.

          I have heard opinions (mostly here) that Seamonkey is preferred to the FF/TB combination but my concern is that the interesting plugins/extensions will not work with it.

          A minority of people prefer Seamonkey to Firefox and Thunderbird. I'm not sure what their reasons are. Maybe it's because Seamonkey has some features built in for which Firefox requires extensions. I suspect most Seamonkey use

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
