Choice Overload In Parallel Programming 288
scott3778 writes to recommend a post by Timothy Mattson over at Intel's Research Blog. He argues, convincingly, that the most important paper for programming language designers to read today is one written by two social psychology professors in 2000. This is the well-known academic study, "When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire too Much of a Good Thing?" "And then we show them the parallel programming environments they can work with: MPI, OpenMP, Ct, HPF, TBB, Erlang, Shmemm, Portals, ZPL, BSP, CHARM++, Cilk, Co-array Fortran, PVM, Pthreads, windows threads, Tstreams, GA, Java, UPC, Titanium, Parlog, NESL,Split-C... and the list goes on and on. If we aren't careful, the result could very well be a 'choice overload' experience with software vendors running away in frustration."
Fortran (Score:4, Funny)
'twas my second language; after BASIC. Ahhh, the fond memories...
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"...effects your langauge centers as well!"
That's just more evidence. Just say no to Fortran!
Re:Fortran (Score:4, Insightful)
The main differences between these parallel programming frameworks are
Re:Fortran (Score:4, Insightful)
You're right; there's nothing more tragic than watching a programmer butcher his well-written program in a futile attempt to make it fit the only concurrency model he knows. Closely associating a language with a single, well-designed concurrency framework would at best do the same thing for it that Rails did for Ruby: bring it a flurry of popularity in the short run and damage its reputation in the long run as people doggedly apply the framework to unsuitable problems and blame the language for the results.
On the other hand, at some point we're all supposed to face up to the end of the free lunch [www.gotw.ca], and a fad for an exotic kind of concurrency might be a clumsy, spasmodic step in the right direction.
What "free lunch", though? (Score:5, Interesting)
I always find it amusing (in a sad kind of way) how people talk about Herb Sutter's "call to action" over this. It's not that I've got anything against Herb himself: he's a decent writer, an excellent speaker, and a guy who can use the word "expert" legitimately in areas like C++. But it's also not like he's the first guy to notice that modern desktop computer architectures have been heading for parallelisation rather than increased speed for several years now.
Despite being right in the thick of this culture shift myself — I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has been talking about this for a while, and is just seeing management catch up — I don't think this is going to be that big of a deal for most people. The harsh reality, for the buzzword-wielding consultants rubbing their hands with glee at a new programming approach they can hype up, is that most people just don't need all this.
Your average desktop PC is more than powerful enough for most things that most people do with it: Internet communications, writing documents, working with databases, shop floor software, and the like. As long as the operating system is reasonably smart about scheduling, the guys writing these common types of applications don't really have to know anything about multithreading, locking, message passing, and all that jazz. Similarly, your average mobile device has more than enough juice to dial another phone, write a quick e-mail, or capture a digital photo.
At the other end of the spectrum, serious servers (database, communications, whatever) have been dealing with parallel processing of many requests since forever. High-end systems doing serious maths (the guys modelling weather systems, say) have also been using massive parallelisation on their supercomputers for zillions of years now.
There is a gap between these different areas, which we might traditionally have called the "workstation" market: the guys doing moderate number crunching for CAD, scientific visualisation, simulations, and the like. Many modern games also fall into this classification. This market is ripe for a parallel processing revolution, because historically it hasn't followed this approach very much because the hardware wouldn't really take advantage of it, yet the extra power is genuinely useful. But I don't think this represents some huge proportion of the software development industry as a whole. The guys working in these areas tend to be pretty smart, and will no doubt adopt useful practices and conventions fairly quickly now that the hardware has reached the point that they are useful.
As to what those conventions are, I just don't buy the whole "choice overload" theory. There are relatively few basic models for parallel processing: for example, you can have no shared state and communicate only through message passing, or you can have shared state. In the latter case, you then have the question of how to make sure that the sharing is safe, which leads to lock-based or lock-free approaches. Funky toys like transactional memory run at a slightly higher level than this, but they are ultimately constructed from the same building blocks, and again there are only a small number of approaches at this level to consider.
I'm not familiar with all of those libraries mentioned in the story, but I'll bet that those three classifications (no shared state, shared state with explicit locking, shared state without explicit locks) probably cover the models used by most if not all of them. If you understand the trade-offs in those, you can produce a sensible design, and then the toolkit or framework you use to code it up is mostly just an implementation detail. Given that the trade-offs are pretty obvious and will often steer projects clearly in one direction, I don't think there's really that much to choose at all.
Re:Fortran (Score:4, Interesting)
Hmm (Score:2)
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Re:Hmm (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Hmm (Score:4, Insightful)
Having said that, I'm praying for Fortran 95 to take over. Its the only Malt Liquor I drink.
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It's implementation is, essentialy, compiler magic. This automatically rules it out in a lot of cases where you need precise control of what your code is doing. If, for example, you need logic to spin for a few cycles while a DMA operation completes (so as to not interrupt/stall something else - and yes, people do actually optimize to that level on some platforms)
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Here's a list from Wikipedia.
link to the paper (Score:5, Informative)
Re:link to the paper (Score:4, Interesting)
I found this true for myself once, I was looking to buy a DVD and had the usual overload of choices. I noticed that there was a copy of "LXG movie only" for $30, but also a copy of "LXG with special features" for $20. This triggered me buying the LXG with special features. In hindsight, it was the fact that I "knew" I was getting a "bargain" that tipped me over the edge. No doubt it was a deliberate marketing ploy.
A bit sexist to say this, but women seem to be especially targetted by "discount marketing" of this sort. Mainly with shoes
Don't worry.... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Don't worry.... (Score:5, Insightful)
And they'll change it every three years, so as to make more money off of certifications, software sales, and save money by not having to fix bugs in that "old, obsolete" stuff that was so "shiney new" stuff so recently.
If Microsoft wants to tell me what to do, they'd better be ready to sign a check with 6 figures to the left of the decimal point ...
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You are hereby instructed to use Basic, and only Basic, for all of your code.
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Dave, is that you?
Unfortunately, that sounds like where I work... Even though I can make a (very good) case that it's NOT the best language to use for our application
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Hand in your geek card. Leading zeros are not significant, unless you're filming "Tora Tora Tora!"
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You have to strike a balance - change stuff too fast and people avoid it as its unstable. Change things too slowly and people avoid it as it doesn't provide a required or desired feature that some competing product provides.
To be honest, depending on what exactly it is, three years doesn't sound unreasonable. It's not like anyone's forcing you to get certified either - I don't know about your country
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You're re-writing history. Microsoft proposed .NET so that they could get people off of web-based applications. THAT is why they stopped developing IE after version 6. Talk to people who were in the financial industry, and you'll see the massive push they made to try to get everyone to switch from web apps to .NET apps.
> "Shall we shit on Ford because they'd like to see everyone driving one of their cars?"
We don't have to - their cars are shitty enough already :-)
As for Mono, and Microsoft "shared
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So? I have VB code from 1993 which still runs properly. All the new code is written in C# and guess what? Everything runs side-by-side nicely on the same machine. Difference between 1993 and 2007 code is that old code is about 100000 lines longer which means more bugs and more testing. It's not that you need to rewrite everything every three year.
Why pick just one? (Score:4, Funny)
It's drivel (Score:3, Insightful)
Have you ever known anybody to say: "There are just too many girls to choose from, I guess I'll go hide in the basement."?
Or: "There are ten thousand restaurants in this city. I just can't cope. I'm going to stop eating."?
A better label for the whole subject would be: " How a small minority of people fail to learn tree-pruning techniques, and dissolve in panic." Then we all could say: "Yep, sounds like my ex-girlfriend. Been there, done that. Next?"
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Girls to choose from?! Ex-girlfriend?!?!! Last night just c
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Re:It's drivel (Score:5, Insightful)
On the other hand, I don't know about the benefit of everyone chosing the same girl or the same restaurant, though--unless you like gang-bangs, long lines, etc.
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What I said was: "This whole idea of 'choice overload' is..." I was writing about the concept, not the particulars of the concept as applied to software.
I'll agree with you that there are problems in making the choice about software, but they are concensus issues, not overload issues.
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No, it describes Analysis Paralysis (Score:2)
Re:No, it describes Analysis Paralysis (Score:5, Insightful)
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That people don't consciously think something, let alone admit to thinking something, doesn't mean their behavior isn't driven by it.
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Ditto. You think too many choices of programming languages is a bad thing? Let's have two. And let one be Perl, that should be fun to watch.
(Yes, i do like Perl
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There's a good summary of the research in the article "The Tyranny of Choice" by Barry Schwartz, Scientific American, April 2004, pp. 70--75.
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So that's why I like living in the basement.
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When someone is presented with a large number of options, with no real objective way to quantify the difference between them, people often choose to go without rather then risk making the "wrong" choice.
Imagine going in to buy a dishwasher, assuming you don't trust what the salesman says and you have no ideas about what makes a good dishwasher, you are pretty much SOL when it comes to being able to tell the difference between w
Re:It's drivel (Score:4, Insightful)
Have you ever known anybody to say: "There are just too many girls to choose from, I guess I'll go hide in the basement."?
Have you never heard the expression "too much love will kill you"? Never been in (or seen) a situation where someone is torn between a relationship with one person and with another, when they genuinely care for both?
The results of such a dilemma are usually very unpleasant for the losing party, and all too often don't work out for the others either because there's that nagging doubt about whether the eventual choice was the right one. People can put off making that choice for a long time, just to avoid the sadness and doubts. And that's (usually) just with two alternatives.
Now, clearly a choice between programming libraries isn't going to have the same kind of emotional effect on a normal person. (I'd suggest that if it does for you, then you need to reevaluate your priorities in life!) But the basic situation is still the same: analysis paralysis, where you're so afraid of making the wrong choice that you don't commit to any approach at all.
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Perfect is the enemy of good enough. - Voltaire.
intel is part of the problem (sort of) (Score:5, Interesting)
Yet Intel touts its Threading Building Blocks [intel.com] library as just such a fix to many parallel programming problems. Now, TBB is a very nice product, and in many ways it is superior to a lot of existing libraries, APIs, and languages, but one gets the sense that maybe the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing at Intel.
I might also draw an analogy to the open source world, where there are often dozens of solutions to both simple/mundane problems (text editors, media players, command line shells, etc) and more complex ones (window managers, Linux distributions, etc). I wonder if the free and open source software world wouldn't also benefit from a "culling of the herd," so to speak.
Re:intel is part of the problem (sort of) (Score:4, Insightful)
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Not only TBB, b
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good lord. (Score:5, Insightful)
Ok, first: he writes as if all choices are equivalent. One jam might as well be the same as another, they just differ by taste. It's not like I walk into the store already invested raspberries. It's not as if Java programmers are going to decide that the Fortran parallel library is better, so why not just switch to Fortran.
Second, I doubt explicit parallel programming is going to be mainstream anytime soon. No, make that ever. Ever! Parallel programming will only happen in the mainstream when it is handled implicitly by the language, like a dataflow language. Asking normal programmers to deal with parallel programming is trouble when basic logic eludes most of them.
Third, all you people, including the author of TFA, who think that more than one or two standards is bad thing ("the great thing about standards is there are so many to choose from!") it's time to wake up: the world is not about to consolidate. The future is going to require C3PO and R2D2: there will be so many fricking languages and standards that your translator is going to require AI and legs to come along with you. For every one thing that fades away, eventually, probably 10 or 100 replace it. The future is a big mess.
Amen. (Score:4, Insightful)
This guy must be missing the point of having different programming languages and environments - parallel or not. He lists ZPL, which is, first and foremost in my opinion, a really cool array-based language. There are certain things you're going to want to do in ZPL as opposed to non-array based languages, such as image processing (which lends itself really well to parallel processing IMHO). For things that don't require non-multi-dimensional array processing, you wouldn't want to use ZPL.
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on the one hand, you have things like openmp which uses special comments to give hints how to essentially vectorize code on a shared memory machine (and likely a UMA machine at that). on the other extreme, you
The world is consolidating all the time (Score:2)
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Absolutely right. Singularity [microsoft.com] and F# [microsoft.com]. Can't wait to get my hands on those.
Choices are Good (Score:5, Insightful)
Choice is good if it provides different tools for different tasks. The list provided is somewhat silly, since several of the technologies address completely different issues and applications. There's a reason Sears sell thirty different shapes of hammers -- all nails are not the same.
After considerable deliberation and experimentation, I've shosen OpenMP for most task-parallel applications. The syntax is simple, it operates across C, C++, and Fortran, and it is supported by most major compilers on Linux, Windows, and Sun. The only quirk has been problematic support in GCC 4.2, but that will likely be cleared up within a few months. For cluster work, I tend to use MPI, because it has a long history and good support. I'm sure other tools have good versatility in environments different from those I frequent.
Bullshit (Score:4, Insightful)
On top of that, if this really is something that affects programmers then why the hell aren't we all rendered utterly useless by the number of programming languages? Or all the possible ways one could format code? Etc.
But hey, the guy's writing in a "research" blog and, as in academia, when you don't have anything real to contribute you can cite something completely unrelated and pretend it has relevance.
Honestly, this sounds vaguely like "there's too much to choose from, so everyone just use Intel Thread Building Blocks, K? You can't possibly do better so just use our stuff because we cover all cases..."
frontier? (Score:2)
Now we have all these new-fangled dual/tri/quad core processors in the average microcomputer. It would be foolish t
Spell checkers don't need all that many cycles... (Score:2, Insightful)
It just became economical for just about every application to be written in parallel.
Not really. Especially not in the desktop world. Seriously, why would any developer waste time and money multi-threading something as inherantly serial as an event loop that doesn't come anywhere near saturating even a single core?
What does a web browser need more than one core for? Or a word processor? Or an IM client? The only "desktop PC" type tasks I can think of that might actually be able to saturate even a single CPU are multimedia and gaming. In the case of the former, it's usually enough for the O
Re:Spell checkers don't need all that many cycles. (Score:4, Interesting)
2-4 cores -- why bother? (Score:2)
Here's the reasoning. To do heavy multi-thread parallelism to speed up some kind of multi-media, game, data visualization program, you probably want a higher-level language with garbage collection to handle some kind of data flow model -- say Java with a good class libary to support this -- in place of C with pthreads and trying to place locks on data without the whole thing deadlocking. Assume for s
Re:2-4 cores -- why bother? (Score:4, Funny)
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HAH! (Score:2)
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libraries, books, standardization, ... (Score:5, Interesting)
I've been gradually trying to learn more about functional programming, partly because I think fp techniques and ways of thinking come in handy even if you're programming in a procedurally oriented language, and partly because fp seems like a paradigm that is likely to get more and more useful as we get machines with more and more cores. Okay, fp!=parallel, but, e.g., one of the big selling points of Erlang is supposed to be that it lends itself to completely transparent use of parallel processors.
The choice overload does seem like kind of an issue to me. For as long as I continue to keep programming comfortably in the procedural languages I'm comfy with (e.g., perl), I'm never going to really wrap my mind around the radically different ways of thinking that you get in a more fp world. I'm been thinking for a long time that it would be fun to do a coding project in ocaml ... or haskell ... or lisp ... or erlang ... or -- you get the idea.
The trouble is, it's really not clear what to hitch my wagon to. Ocaml seems to have a very high quality implementation, but its garbage collector isn't multithreaded, the only book you can buy is in French (it's nice that you can download the English version for free, but I'd prefer to buy something bound), and the availability of libraries (and documentation for them) isn't quite as wonderful as I've gotten used to with perl. Lisp could be cool, but I hate the fact that it's not standardized, and I'm not convinced that eschewing arbitrary syntax really carries more pros than cons. Haskell? Maybe, but it sounds like putting on a hair shirt. The list goes on. I really feel like a deer in the headlights.
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Okay, fp!=parallel, but, e.g., one of the big selling points of Erlang is supposed to be that it lends itself to completely transparent use of parallel processors.
Mostly what makes Erlang good for parallel programming, however, it is its Actor model, no shared memory, message passing, based approach to concurrency that provides that; the FP side is somewhat incidental (it certainly doesn't hurt, but it isn't required). You can have similarly clean and easy parallelism, as long as you take a message passing style approach, in a non-FP language: take a look at SCOOP for Eiffel [se.ethz.ch] which provides fairly transparent parallel code with an OO language.
Functional programming? Try Python. (Score:2)
Check out this series of articles for more info: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-prog.html [ibm.com]
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and partly because fp seems like a paradigm that is likely to get more and more useful as we get machines with more and more cores.
Well a functional language is just a declarative language where you explicitly state what parts can be run in parallel -- these choice points are called functions and the parallel parts are called parameters. An example:
return add(calculateA(), calculateB());
tmpA = calculateA();
tmpB = calculateB();
## END
return add(A, B);
What's really nee
A rare cynical comment... (Score:2, Insightful)
Language constructs to support mp are bound to be just as numerous. I'm not normally one to be so dismissive of a post, but I think this one of the more pointless items ever shared with erudite little community.
Silly... (Score:4, Insightful)
The first kind is a programmer just trying to paralelize existing code. In that case, the choice of threading platforms is pretty much obvious. Existing Windows code? Use windows threads. C/C++ on Unix? Pthreads probably. Java code? Java threads... Probably not even 2 seconds worth of thought will go into considering the alternatives (and that's probably fine)
The other type of programmer is one who's actively looking to develop high performance paralelized software. I am talking about cases where performance is the primary objective and it drives the choice of programming language and platform. In these cases, the nuance of the different thread models might matter but the programmer of this type would be happy (rather than scared) to investigate all the options. After all, if he didn't care, he'd just go with the default choices like the first programmer.
Mod Parent Up (Score:2)
Programmers tasked with writing another workflow app or writing another e-commerce website are not going to even think about the dynamics of paralell programming (and don't need to). The developers/engineers builting real-time robotic machinery will have been thinking about this since they were 16 years old.
Video on the paradox of choice (Score:4, Insightful)
RubyMPI (Score:3, Interesting)
The power of MPI wrapped in the beauty of Ruby.
http://www.public.iastate.edu/~crb002/ [iastate.edu]
I am confused (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't see the problem. Just as we have many different programing languages these different interfaces all have different niches.
Ahh politics (Score:4, Insightful)
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I think your comment helps illustrate the point. The information you can so easily put hand to wasn't free. Finding the best tool for the job can require significant research. I don't pass up orange marmalade because I'm confused, I walk away because I don't want to spend a half hour sampling jam. When faced with a set already winnowed down to those with the broadest appeal, I'm far more likely to invest the time because I'll feel like I've got a shot at finding one that's good enough in an acceptable
Scaremongering (Score:2)
Chose not to decide. (Score:4, Insightful)
Old-school iterative languages are a clumsy fit. They're night impossible to debug, and ones that let you do clever things at the hardware level will bring the whole project down in screaming flames when someone tries to get clever. So new libraries for old languages seldom fill the bill.
New-hotness functional languages are insane. It's very, very, very difficult for seasoned programmers to get their heads around it, and impossible for n00bz who don't have heavy math backgrounds. Compounding the issue is that the syntax tends to be on the wrong side of horrible with little or no syntactic sugar to make the medicine go down. So re-imagining the paradigm is a bit like picturing a five dimensional sphere - great fun, if you're smart enough to do it. No-one is smart enough to do it.
We're probably looking at a problem space that is best tackled by something that doesn't exist yet - an elegant, easily understood tool that simply makes sense, like objects or everything-is-a-file or scripting languages or regex. We're seeing so many different approaches to MPP because programmers are trying to figure out what that tool is. Once someone hits on it, the field will shake itself out.
Since we haven't hit on it, too much choice is a good thing - it means people will take the initiative to do something on their own that works better, rather than trying to get something suboptimal to work because it's the "standard".
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Part of the problem is that there isn't a good solution yet, so there's a lot of effort being put into trying to find a way for a bad solution to be more comfortable...Old-school iterative languages are a clumsy fit...New-hotness functional languages are insane.
I think you're looking at the wrong dichotomy there. If you want languages that make concurrency easy to write, easy to reason about, and easy to get right, then you want languages that are based on message passing and no-shared state. That can be either functional, like Erlang [wikipedia.org], or iterative OO like E [wikipedia.org].
The problem is more that iterative programmers are used to using shared state as a crutch, and having message passing systems that incurred significant overhead. FP solves the shared-state problems by elimina
Five dimensional sphere? (Score:2, Insightful)
A 5 dimensional sphere is easy to visualize. The other two dimensions could be color and size, with the other three being the normal x y z coordinates.
People always assume that the extra dimensions are obscure and bizarre extension of space-time. They don't have to be. A dimension can be used for any variable you want. A dimension could be reflectivity of light, smell, fluffyness, firmness. hardness, etc.
Diamonds, for instance, are priced on a four-dimensional scale (carat, color, clarity, cut). Those dimen
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He didn't say hypersphere, etc (Score:2)
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Since when is having too many tools a problem? (Score:2)
bad science (Score:2)
Furthermore, the academic process rewards people not doing the work to find out. If you spent six months to find out that your hot new idea is actually (1) worse than what was there before and (2) not so new anyway, you don't get tenure because you don't publish enough.
None are really parallel languages (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm about (Score:3, Funny)
The problem with parallel programming (Score:4, Interesting)
is not an excess of choice, is an excess of improvisation.
Long story short... now that hardware speed is not easily doubled every few years, the industry has found a 'simple' way to keep pushing the weel, duplicate cores!. Well, it turns out that after decades of ignoring the parallel programming demand from academics now they are trying to push the 'somewath parallel' mess thay are producing.
The problem is 'duplicated cores' != 'parallel programming', that's the problem.
Have Others Do the Work for You (Score:3, Insightful)
at. So, categorizing can help.
Some technologies will be in rapid development, others will be no longer actively maintained, and yet others will be stable but actively maintained. This also affects which choices are good.
Then there's licensing. Depending on the task, closed-source or copyleft
licenses might not be acceptable.
Some of the solutions may be low-level, allowing programmers to build something matching their application out of the provided building blocks, where other solutions may focus on providing higher level constructs, ready to be used. Sometimes, these will match what you need, and sometimes, they won't.
I am sure there are other axes of differentiation. Setting requirements will narrow ones choices, as well as illustrate why choice is a Good Thing. If there were only a few choices, it is unavoidable that none of them would actually fit some sets of requirements.
Now, the thing is that categorizing the various solutions is not something that every potential user of the solutions has to do. Part of the work can be done by the developers of each solution. Presumably, the solution is developed because a satisfactory solution did not already exist. In my opinion, the developers _should_ list related work, compare their solution to it, and explain why they saw fit to develop their solution. This is a standard part of research.
Another part of the work is comparisons done by third parties. Some independent person would go and investigate a number of solutions, and provide a write-up of the requirements they assumed, the solutions they investigated, how these solutions fit their requirements, and what their overall impression of the solutions was (w.r.t. things like ease of setup, documentation, development status, etc.). This, too, is valid research. It should be published, so everyone benefits.
In the end, what you get to do when you need to pick a solution for parallel programming, is
1. Define your requirements
2. Get a list of possible solutions
3. See what has been written about them
4. Check if that seems to be valid (it might be out of date, for one)
5. Possibly investigate any solutions that you found but that haven't been covered by others.
6. Decide which one to go with, based on the information you have gathered.
Sure, this is a far cry from
1. Find the only available solution
2. There is no step 2
but for that you are almost guaranteed to get a choice that better fits your requirements (you would be very lucky to have the only available solution be a great match), without having to pay the full cost of investigating every solution out there.
The thing to remember about the paradox of choice is that you will probably _feel_ less happy (there is always the nagging feeling that you could have made a better choice), but that you will generally end up with something _better_ than if the choice hadn't been there is the first place.
If you _really_ aren't happy about having to choose, you can always pick one (say, at random) and pretend that was your only choice. I conjecture that this is what the situation of having only one option is really like.
A problem of philosophy (Score:3, Insightful)
The solution it would seem to me would be to start pulling the instructions and data through the gates instead of pushing it.
Apples and Oranges (Score:3, Informative)
Parallel programming is just plain hard (Score:4, Insightful)
The folks who are low level systems programmers (OS and networks) tend to be folks who have an aptitude for thinking about parallelism and designing with parallelism in mind. There are a group of people in the scientific space who make use of parallelism, but then again they are Phd mathematicians and physicists. After that it drops off rapidly.
Maybe it has something to do with he way we are educated. perhaps it is a more fundamental issue of brain wiring. After all, we c perform complex physical tasks in parallel, but maybe only a small segment of the population is wired to think about programming problems in parallel.
The chip guys are throwing more cores at us and we can't create the software to fully utilize the hardware due to this issue. Perhaps it is time to take a step back and to stop trying to solve the problem by throwing more and different programming packages at the problem and examine why folks have so much trouble in this area.
BS Overload (Score:3, Insightful)
Aside from that in many contexts the "choice overload" hypothesis is flat-out wrong (unless you really can claim to have felt a special rush of happiness just when you went into that bar with only one dame in it - and she wasn't, say, your girl already), there are open questions about how representative the test sample was. Psychological problems run culturally in certain populations. How can we be sure that the population tested for "choice overload" didn't share a psychological problem regarding choice that has no foundation is basic human psychology, but rather was relative to their own cultural limitations?
For most people in most cultures over history, the trick is to be happy with not much choice. That's generally the case for the working class, for the infantry soldiers, and for tribal peoples in environments of scarcity. Yet even in those cultures there are other classes for whom the trick is to be happy with a great deal of choice - the upper class, the generals, and tribal peoples in environments of plenty. Those whose cultures and religions derive primarily from desert (scarcity) environments are those driven craziest by "choice overload" - thus the Islamic meltdown, and the rejection of modern freedom by American fundamentalists. But we do have other cultures here. And the studies associated with the "choice overload" hypothesis, do not, I'll bet dimes to dollars, correct in any way for (sub)culture and psychological diagnosis.
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Sadly that's how some of us had to do programming...
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Re:Revenge of OO (Score:5, Informative)
I am not sure you understand the problem, it is *not* how to write a multithreaded program. It is how to write "normal" code, say a for loop, that will automatically be executed in parallel if multiple cores are present.