Post-Oracle Purchase, How Is Sun's Software Doing? 235
GMGruman writes "Oracle has steadily provoked the open source community since its acquisition of Sun, raising the question of whether the move will simply destroy Sun. But as Paul Krill observes, Oracle has been steadfast in upgrading Sun-derived technologies — and making them profitable, which should mean they will stick around a long time."
It's been Rocky (Score:3)
Overall it's been good for Oracle, not so much for Sun's existing customers. The HP/Oracle feud has also affected product directions like the Oracle Database Machine which was released on HP gear, and now is on Sun Opeterons. Products like OpenSSO have been left in a confusing mess and Oracle going after Java partners (Google) isn't a good thing.
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I'm working with a client still trying to get their Sun Software Support agreement recognised by Oracle. The Product support contract was not recognised in Oracle's support system when we migrated off Sunsolve and after waiting on hold for over 4 hours the other day we are still no closer to fixing it.
Actually getting a hold of someone at Oracle is difficult, compared to Sun where they would work really hard to maintain relationships.
VirtualBox seems alive & well (Score:5, Informative)
VirtualBox wasn't mentioned in the article, but when the acquisition was announced, I was really worried about that project. However, the release of VirtualBox 4.0 [virtualbox.org] seems to show that they're still hard at work - not just fixing bugs, but developing new ideas.
I can only hope other Sun projects are doing as well as VirtualBox.
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Open Solaris, Dead.
OpenOffice, Dead.
Hudson, Dead.
It seems to me that Oracle bought Java, and maybe VirtualBox. The rest of it they threw away.
Note: I do not know, or care what they are doing with the hardware business.
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Marmalard, dead!
Niedermeyer... DEAD!!
Or, my personal favorite:
"I want you to get this fuck where he breathes! I want you to find this nancy-boy Eliot Ness, I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!"
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Hudson, Dead.
Game over, man!
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OpenOffice is not dead. It might not be moving very quickly, but it is certainly not dead.
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Close enough to dead for me.
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I don't think that is accurate either. SOME of the developers left for the horribly-named LibreOffice project. It is unfortunate that this is probably what it will take for OO to move forward again. The pace at which problems have been solved over the last several years has been glacial.
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MySQL, Dead.
OpenOffice, Dead.
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MySQL, Dead.
Version 5.5 was released in December 2010. You're completely wrong.
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And then they quadrupled the price of the maintenance contract. It'll be a slow death.
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It's not clear to me on what basis the claim is made that MySQL either is or is not dead. Certainly there have been many forks, and also Oracle seems to be officially continuing it. (I believe that most current development reflects work that was done under Sun, so I'm not considering that as evidence. For that I'll take development done in the forthcoming year.)
Still, I can see lots of reasons that a form of MySQL would continue to be developed. This isn't proof that Oracle will see things the same way,
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Really? That's too bad, though not unexpected. Good thing I grabbed the source code before they closed it off. Just hope I got it all.
Do you know if there is an Open Grid Engine (or similar) project starting to rise from the ashes?
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I would say sun is done (Score:5, Informative)
For example, we have a brand new fileserver with 2 hour or so support that is not in production yet. We've needed support on the order of like getting a part and the new Oracle/Sun could not provide the part in a timely fashion. Took like a week. We are now looking at delegating this box to non-critical storage and buying something supported from a reliable vendor. We have also had a number of issues with solaris/zfs file servers hanging. Personally, I'm going to suggest to management that we not buy any more sun equipment. Its simply less reliable and more costly than the same product from Dell or HP running linux.
I don't believe any of the lead developers are still at Oracle/Sun. The java head left, the XML guy left, the lustre people were told to leave and most have. When you are in a service economy, you have to provide service. Hardware is a dime a dozen today. Software is mostly free. And nobody will pay for support when there is no support to be had.
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I concur, it took us over two months to get parts for some 6440 and 6240 blades that are only about two years old, but now EOLed. A 6240 died in production a few weeks ago, it took them several days to get a replacement.
And the online store is down this week, and no one knows when it will be back up. They are changing all the part numbers, as far as I can tell. FFS!!
Software seems to be in a little bit better shape, if you know the right people to call. But I expect they will shed the hardware business at s
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Agree, plus the abortion that replaced SunSolve is clunky, buggy and quite horrible. There's a few decades of sunsolve and docs links that are now borked, which makes life a bit less pleasant.
Thanks, Larry...
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I don't like it, but SunSolve was clunkier, buggier and worse. Having your links borked, especially your documentation links, is most definitely not fun, though.
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From what I can tell, neither Dell nor HP boxes have usable serial consoles. Your hardware is all at a staffed location where you can have someone 24x7 plug in a keyboard and monitor?
Dell iDRAC [http], Raritan KVM-over-IP [raritan.com].
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I recently worked with a server that has one, though I couldn't tell you what model. OpenManage is the software that installs on the OS to configure the LOM.
Solaris (Score:5, Interesting)
I have been making a killing doing Solaris to Linux migrations since the Sun purchase. My wallet cannot thank Oracle enough.
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Yeah, and Solaris (+Java) are the success stories of Sun software. What about all the other stuff (mostly acquired) they have been trying to market over the years? Anyone remember SeeBeyond (enterprise integration vendor)? Sun historically could not market any of this - it just sank because they were never a top vendor and didn't even get onto evaluation lists, much less close deals. Now, Oracle does know how to sell software. So maybe they can make a go of some of these products. But Oracle mostly had some
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After spending 3 months just trying to get a software support contract for our servers so I could do what their support told me to do, we said screw it and started the process as well.
We are moving 12 servers to HP and linux. If only we could get rid of the Oracle database it's self I'd be in heaven.
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I have run postgresql servers for years but could never suggest it for high transaction volume usage. Yes it will do nearly anything oracle does until you have to hit some scale.
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Everyone's been making a killing doing that, well before the Oracle purchase. I can't think anyone has bought Sun gear as their go-forward standard for many years.
Documentation died with Sun (Score:5, Interesting)
I noticed today that there's a shedload of bad links left in google's cache.
try searching for just about anything to do with solaris and you get links to sun pages that now just redirect you to oracle's completely useless "Oracle Documentation" page which seems to be almost entirely about the database.
virtualbox seems to be able the only software now owned by oracle that it doesn't seem intent on killing off.
Re:Documentation died with Sun (Score:4, Informative)
oracle's completely useless "Oracle Documentation" page which seems to be almost entirely about the database.
That's funny I see these links along the right edge of the page:
Berkeley DB
Enterprise Manager
Database EE and XE
Enterprise Pack for Eclipse
Fusion Middleware
Java EE & GlassFish
Java SE
JDeveloper and ADF
NetBeans IDE
Pre-built Developer VMs
Solaris 10 & 11 Express
SQL Developer
VM VirtualBox
Zend Server for PHP
I can still find and download the manuals for ALL of my old Sun gear (well except for my old 3/60)
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They have changed every link on the site. You will need to authenticate, but most of the pages that were not total cruft are still there. Don't expect to find any 4.1.3 documentation. nd I am not sure Googlewill be able to spider the new site.
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They've done a good job ticking off the FLOSS guys (Score:3, Interesting)
FLOSS guys weren't contributing to OpenSolaris (Score:3, Interesting)
They may be hated at places like Slashdot but they have contributed far more to the kernel than Canonical.
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I'd be fine with them killing off OO.org, I think most people are migrating over to LibreOffice [libreoffice.org], anyways.
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Around with no customers... (Score:5, Interesting)
I work at a university which has historically been a huge Solaris shop as far as infrastructure goes. Hundreds of web servers, mail systems, LDAP servers, etc. have all been based on Solaris for many years. But Oracle has started trying to nickle & dime us to death, so with a new push to virtualize as much of our infrastructure as we can we're also migrating as much as we can off of Solaris and onto linux. We feel like Oracle is giving us very little alternative given how much more expensive they're making things. They may keep Sun/Solaris around for a long time but from here it looks like they may not have many customers actually using it...
Re:Around with no customers... (Score:4, Informative)
Same here. Also work at a major university that is abandoning a substantial installed Sun/Solaris environment en-masse in favor of Redhat/centos linux.
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We're the same. Oracle prices for the replacements for the Sun T2000's were too high so we stuck with the T2000's well after they were due for an upgrade. With the new nickle and diming we've been virtualizing app servers and new hardware is coming in as Dell R710's vs Sun systems. Sucks for me as I've been a Sun admin for 14 years with linux (while longer at 18 years) in second and moving up fast and hp-ux coming up from behind. Company's even paying for an out of state training class for Red Hat cluster s
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The only problem is that they have the same thoughts about all their smaller contracts forgetting that the better, more well rounded Solaris admins come from smaller shops where they have to fix it all. So they're cutting out the new generation of admins. Eventually there'll just be the older folks (like me) who worked with Solaris for a long time being paid big bucks to support the antiquated Sun boxes during the next crisis.
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Yeah. I still fondly remember IBM IBSYS on the 7094 ... not.
Even JCL (Disk Operating System version) was better. Though I wouldn't say the same of Tape Operating System.)
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does IBM even have an 8 socket intel chassis?
It looks like thier ex5 series [ibm.com] of servers can support up to 8 sockets.
Not portable. (Score:2)
Here is a quote from the down load Linux / other part of the page on Mindcraft.
" Download Minecraft.jar, an executable jar file. It might work as-is."
Its just not reassuring. I tried some tutorials From Sun on a RedHat box and the first baby ones worked. But when I loaded the Sun libs for the graphics tutorials nothing worked.
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Java on the desktop has NEVER been there, but Java on the server is seeing more usage than ever (up over 1% since 2010), far more than any other language by a considerable distance. Only "C" is even close (not C++ or Obj-C)
Sorry to spoil the "bash Java" party.
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Java been dead, Its not portable. Its fractured to many people have to many incompatible versions.
ever heard of android? pretty big boost for java i'd say.
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Seems to be portable, even on the desktop. I have always thought Java Desktop apps looked crappy until I came across this game. [madskillsmotocross.com] I had no idea it was running Java until I started looking at the files in order to make a Debian package for my website.
Here is the startup script for Linux:
./launcher.jar ./game.sh ./launcher.jar ./game.sh
cd "${0%/*}/data"
if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Djava.library.path=lib -jar
java -Djava.library.path=lib -jar
fi cd "$OLDPWD"
Wish Sun had been bought by Apple (Score:5, Interesting)
Apple has no significant enterprise division, and Sun was almost 100% enterprise. Apple could have merged its own chip fabrication division with Sun's, and picked up significant engineering talent along with it. Apple would control Java, which would have put it in just as strong of a position against Google as Oracle now has, which would have made sense strategically, as far as I can see.
Sure, there would have been some Java vs. Objective C questions, as well as Mac OS X Server vs. Solaris, but I think overall it would have been a healthier relationship for everyone than Oracle's purchase. Oh well, what do I know. I'm not a billionaire CEO.
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Apple has no significant enterprise division, and Sun was almost 100% enterprise.
Apple excel at enduser-friendliness, fashion and platform control (be it the whole ecosystem or software+hardware tying). And those don't really apply to the enterprise market.
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And that's why they didn't buy Sun. Apple has no significant enterprise division because Apple doesn't *want* a significant enterprise division. They had, and have, about as much interest in owning Sun as they do in owning the Bolshoi Ballet (after all, they have no significant ballet division, either).
Re:Wish Sun had been bought by Apple (Score:4, Insightful)
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No, stupid is paying $300 for an MP3 player, $300 for a phone, $700 for a crippled tablet/reader, and $2000 for a laptop. But they are sleek and shiny and come with stickers, so I guess that makes them irresistible for those so called right brain types. Fool, money, soon parted. Funny though that all the Mac owners I've met haven't been creative at all. They've just been snobby little assholes very interested in telling people how to go about their business while their own l
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For the umpteenth time, Apple did not depreciate Java, they depreciated their own packaging and distribution of Java. Now, they recommend you run Sun (Oracle) Java, just like every other platform known to mankind.
Stop spreading FUD please.
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they depreciated their own
Deprecation [wikipedia.org], Not to be confused with
Depreciation [wikipedia.org].
It's like the Lose versus Loose of Slashdot these days
JavaOne and Oracle Open World (Score:2)
This year's JavaOne was pretty disappointing compared to previous years and many of us Java enthusiasts felt a little unwanted. Most of the focus was on hardware, which we didn't care about at all. Little of the content was geared towards a technical audience. The tech demos of past years were hushed into side rooms, replaced by celebrity meet-and-greets with Lance Armstrong, Apolo Ohno, the Black Eyed Peas, and a yacht raci
Still happy with Solaris and Oracle gear BUT... (Score:4, Informative)
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What company did you go with and how do you like them? My employer is looking for a good 3rd party service provider.
No Solaris patches without a service contract (Score:3)
Not even security patches. That means that Solaris is essentially dead for a non-commercial use. There isn't even OpenSolaris to keep those admins in the fold. There won't be any supporters to bring Solaris into new environments. I've been running Solaris machines at home for 15 years. I have been happy having a slightly non-mainstream server even if it was a little less convenient than a Linux box. Now I have no choice. I have to replace the Solaris machine with something I keep secure.
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Not even security patches. That means that Solaris is essentially dead for a non-commercial use. There isn't even OpenSolaris to keep those admins in the fold.
Yes, gosh, Solaris is just like HP-UX and AIX now.
There won't be any supporters to bring Solaris into new environments. I've been running Solaris machines at home for 15 years. I have been happy having a slightly non-mainstream server even if it was a little less convenient than a Linux box. Now I have no choice. I have to replace the Solaris machine with something I keep secure.
And honestly Oracle doesn't care. They don't make any money providing free patches so some guy can run old Sparc gear he bought on eBay at home.
Turns out Sun couldn't make any money providing free Solaris patches either. Which is why...
Oracle is just behaving like the other major commercial Unix vendors.
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Why do you think Sun made it in the market in the first place? It was because a generation of graduate students grew up on cheap Sun hardware.
And "behaving just like the other major commercial Unix vendors" is going to consign them to the same fate: irrelevancy. The world these days runs on Linux and Windows. Anything else is lost in the noise.
Simple answer: They're killing Sun utterly! (Score:5, Informative)
We're officially a fairly big customer - somewhere north of 800 Sun servers, if I were to guess. Add another hundred workstations or so, and we're pushing about a thousand machines running Solaris, many of them running Sun apps of one sort or another.
Oracle changed the terms of our software support to the tune of a 500% increase. That's right, they want us to pay SIX TIMES as much for support! We lost all of our training credits overnight (About $100k in training dollars). Our hardware support costs have gone up substantially as well, so we're getting rid of our full-time onsite tech. (with the money we're saving by getting rid of the onsite Sun guy, we're going to hire two hardware techs of our own who are qualified/allowed to work on ALL of our gear, and still have cash left over.)
We are planning to migrate away from all Sun/Oracle applications by the end of the current support contract. Even the groups that were using Oracle Database before this are being strongly encouraged to look elsewhere for solutions.
Ours isn't an isolated case. The general feeling in the Sun customer community is that they're standing on a sinking ship, flailing at the floorboards with an axe to make it go down even faster. Every Sun software product is now in the 'legacy' section of Oracle's (disastrous!!!) website. Contracts have gone from three pages to 500, due to the lack of blanket terms. Oracle is TRYING to piss off their "Sun" customers as much as possible, and are succeeding. Oracle Solaris is going to lose more than 70% of its purchase-time market share by the end of 2013. Separate products (iPlanet, Directory Server, StarOffice, etc.) will all be shot through the head.
But it is profitable. (Score:3, Interesting)
For obvious reasons I need to be AC, but while there are lots of comments above from people saying that they're turning away from Sun hardware and Solaris for any one of a number of reasons, the section of the company that is responsible for the hardware and Solaris is now profitable. It's actually doing better for Oracle than it was for Sun.. So whilst there may be scores of people here saying they're changing to Linux, etc, the obvious conclusion is that the people who are shunning Oracle were never actually profitable customers for Sun to have had. Oracle's customer base is significantly more than twice the size of Sun's and it would be a foolish person to bet that there won't be some amount of drag-along for sales from Oracle.
So, no, Oracle isn't trying to piss off Sun customers, they're trying to make sure that in the business agreements that they have, that they make money out of them.
Oracle is a company that makes money. It doesn't give much, if anything away for free. Sun was a company that did give away stuff for free and ultimately it failed. Larry Ellison is a smart business man, I'm pretty sure that their number crunching would have factored in customers dropping off.
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Sun was a company that did give away stuff for free and ultimately it failed.
Sun didn't give away Java; they made it available under viral conditions (redistributable but heavily patented) in hopes of infecting the entire industry with it, and they succeeded. Without that, they'd have gone belly up even earlier and wouldn't have gotten bought by Oracle.
Sun's failure wasn't due to supposedly giving things away free, it was due to technical and business incompetence: their software sucked, and so did their m
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Forget about the desktop. Android apps are written in Java.
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And aren't we all glad about that. Granted, it's not all Java's fault, and a large part is due to how Android's UI framework works, but I don't think I've ever talked to an Android developer who:
(a) didn't work for Google, or
(b) doesn't have proper experience with at least 3 other languages and/or frameworks
and didn't really hate Java. And I assure you, I know a LOT of "mobile developers".
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Not always. Any JVM language can produce bytecode that converts to Dalvik representation.
The standard Android APIs are in Java though so unless you're not using any standard Android APIs you're going to have to write *some* Java.
Re:Java and Minecraft might as well merge (Score:4, Insightful)
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They aren't cool in a lot of corporations, either. :-)
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Even if they don't do their own development using Java, their infrastructure (ESBs, BPMs, SOAs, etc) is wall to wall java code. Why? Sorry to piss off the java-haters here in /.,
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Can you name one large corporation that doesn't have Java just about everywhere?
Microsoft :D
Just in case someone takes that seriously - there's always a few that sarcasm is wasted on - I'll state it's the exception, not the rule.
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Microsoft has it everywhere too. They just call it C# :-)
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Consumer apps tend to be desktop apps and as has been noted repeatedly, client-side java has neve
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Maximo uses Java. I only know this as my fiance is an admin for a company that uses Maximo.
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Maximo uses Java. I only know this as my fiance is an admin for a company that uses Maximo.
Good to see some chicks on /.
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Why shouldn't I say Eclipse? I mean, yes, there are other torrent clients which do what Azureus did, and better, but I don't really see much of a competitor to Eclipse besides, say, Netbeans, if you want a portable IDE.
If you don't care about portability, or if you don't care about IDEs, then sure, use vim, Visual Studio, emacs, or Xcode. But I do care about these things, so what else should I be looking at? (I use Kate for most of my day-to-day stuff, for what that's worth.)
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Why are so many programs still written in C++?
A few reasons I think
1: C++ makes it easy to mix different levels of code, you can write your app mostly in OOP using the STL (or even your own templates if you feel really adventurous) but you can also do pointer arithmetic and other low level stuff when it's the best fit for your problem.
2: C++ is probablly second only to C in platform penetration, while your UI may need to be rewritten your core logic can be the same across a huge number of platforms.
3: C++ lets you (or a library author) create your own
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you mean like, Garry's Mod?
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Unfortunately since the Source Engine is BSP based, all the blocks in the world would have to be entities instead of world elements themselves, and that's kind of limited (in most 3D engines, really) compared to Minecraft's expanse. At best it'd have to be modified all the way down in engine code to work the way it does now.
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Especially since it's more or less unplayable after an hour on my 2.4 gHz Dual Core MacBook Pro w/8GB of RAM.
In C, Obj-C, C++ or anything I couldn't imagine it being this slow.
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People assume that most of Minecraft's issues are the result of using Java... without considering the programmer's failings.
Unfortunately, that's what is said every time someone sees a slow Java application. Which is yet even more unfortunate as that seems to be the norm for Java applications.
When Java jockeys go out of there way to make noise about how speedy java is (faster than C), people have an expectation of it being as speedy as constantly boasted. And then when it consistently fails to meet expectations set by those who should know, people complain loudly.
Frankly, Java is frequently "fast enough". And there is nothing wr
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Perhaps more importantly, java is frequently used in scenarios where developer time is more valuable than user time. Java can often get the job done in half the developer time, at a cost of less performance for the end user. Java has been able to significantly close that end-user performance gap, but it is still there. Still, with the lower development time, that's a big cost saver if the performance remains 'good enough' not to piss off your customer base.
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I don't disagree with anything you said. Java's strength is that programmers are plentiful, coders are typically more productive with Java than C++, and performance is frequently good enough. What's not to like.
But at the end of the day, when all you hear is that Java is the faster language available and in the real world is never is close, you start to wonder if those cheap programmers are even worth their discounted salaries. Meaning, they are doing a disservice to themselves and the language. Java has st
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Just the same, I've never run a real world, long-running application, which was actually faster than C or C++. Never. Not once.
Have you ever once had the ability to properly compare these things?
It seems to me that the differences between applications are far greater than the differences between platforms. Show people a fast Java app, and the response is "It would've been faster in C!" Show them a slow C/C++ app, and of course it's the programmer who gets blamed. It's really not feasible to implement exactly the same app twice, once in C++ and once in Java -- for one, the implementation would have to diverge to take advantage of th
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"I think this again falls into the realm of edge cases. In fact, I don't really see a good use for C++. The pieces of your program which really need that speed should be in C or asm, because you're going to be optimizing tons of shit by hand that the JVM (or your VM of choice) would otherwise try to do for you. The pieces which don't are now a liability -- there's really no reason I should ever segfault in the GUI portion of my code."
I'm suprised at how much I agree with this - some years ago I would have c
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for one, the implementation would have to diverge to take advantage of the features of each language
One of the things I find really noticeable about Java is it pushes you heavily towards certain types of structure. Want a simple array of identical records? sorry you can't have it! you either have to run multiple parallel arrays (which is bad for locality of reference and also bad for code readability) or have an array of objects (which means every array element has all the overhead of an object). Want to pass parameters by reference? sorry the language simply won't let you so you have to work-around it (w
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Have you ever once had the ability to properly compare these things?
Yes! And almost without fail, it typically boils down to an apples and oranges comparison except the Java coders doesn't understand what's going on under the covers so they don't understand its actually an apples (a) to oranges (o) comparison. Furthermore, when I've then changed the code to make it an a to o comparison, traditionally C++ then takes a massive lead, sometimes by as much as an order of magnitude.
And frankly, that's part of the problem. Most Java coders I've met don't have deep system knowledge
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"Google nearly any Sun product"
Why not try their Oracle's search on their page? They have moved a lot of stuff around lately and google hasn't found it yet. This is a google issue, not an Oracle issue. Everything I have looked for is still there but I will admit that I did have to look around a bit.
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Client side Java seems to be doomed
No, it's just called Android now.
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Wow, do you live in fantasy land. You are now officially the village idiot. Join your brothers who've been declaring java dead for years while it continues to soar in popularity, completely out of the reach of EVERY other language except for "C".
I'm not real happy with the way Oracle has treated the FOSS community or with how it's dealing with Google on the Java/Android issue.
However, Oracle does have a track record of kicking ass and taking names and they do appear to want to push Java to the next level
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However, Oracle does have a track record of kicking ass and taking names and they do appear to want to push Java to the next level quickly rather than wait around for the JCP and all their committees to make up their minds on the direction the language should take. Stagnation has been a big problem for Java over the last couple of years, but I get the sense that the words "stagnation" and "java" won't been used together as much under Oracle's reign.
And what do you think Oracle is going to do? Java's proble
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However, I don't share your vision of Java's future. I think Oracle will kick Java into high-gear again (it was stagnating under the slow pace of the JCP). Regardless of what you or I think of Larry Ellison personally, the guy does seem to kick ass with everybody that's ever tangled with him. If I'm reading the tea-leaves correctly, this might just push Java to the next level, sending all the java haters scram
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There might be development, but I'm not at all sure I'll be interested. It basically depends on license, access, an capabilities. Capabilities is in the third place. It's already a complete language. The most important thing to do is to remove type erasure during compilation. But by the time they get around to that I'm pretty sure that, say, Vala will be ready to be used. Or possibly Go. Or D. All of which have decent licenses and access policies. (Java swamps them in terms of documentation, but Va
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Your statement confuses me. I work at a Fortune 500 company that has a lot of Oracle DB software. Oracle is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago from a relationship standpoint.
I understand lots of ex-Sun people are pissed. I don't personally know about that so I can't comment. But as far as the Oracle DB side of things, nothing has really changed.