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Programming Python

Python Fiddle, an IDE That Runs In Your Browser 113

An anonymous reader writes "The site Python Fiddle, like the similarly named jsFiddle, allows users to post code and share it with others. However, unlike jsfiddle, pythonfiddle brings a major advancement with the Python language, which fully runs in the browser."
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Python Fiddle, an IDE That Runs In Your Browser

Comments Filter:
  • by FrootLoops ( 1817694 ) on Sunday August 28, 2011 @06:33PM (#37236888)
    At first I thought the interface was awful, but apparently it just takes a while to load.
    • by Sarusa ( 104047 )

      For me it loaded almost instantly... but would never run anything. Even just
                print "hello"
      would never enable the Run button.

      Tried it in another browser and 'Oh sorry, that's not a supported browser.'

  • 'cuz ya know, when you migrate a UI to run in a browser, you get such a feature-rich, stable experience and it's so maintainable
    • Putting everything into your browser should work about as well as the first big Great Leap Forward []: "enormous amounts of investment produced only modest increases in production or none at all. In short, the Great Leap was a very expensive disaster."

      • Actually, one really useful benefit of this will be for education. When my introductory programming class starts in a week's time, I'll be able to send them here for the first few weeks, while they're figuring out Python basics, and before they've got a proper Python installation on their own computers (high school kids, some of whose parents lock down computers pretty tightly). It should help us get around the "I can't do my homework, because my dad won't let me install software on the computer" nonsense

        • When I got my "introduction to programming" we brought our homework back on paper and were evaluated on how big our bugs were. That was about two decades ago. What is the problem with kids today bringing in their 10 line programs in on paper or a text file? I mean if they really want to they could.

          • The problem is that it's much more effective for them to get instant feedback from the interpreter. I'm not overly concerned if they mistype something on the first-go-round, just so long as they spot the problem and correct it before they submit.

            • Sure, I am not arguing about that.

              The point I want to make is that it isn't a sin to fall back to rudimentary techniques when high tech fails you. This could also work very fine against the "My dad doesn't allow me to install stuff on my laptop so I can't do my homework" excuse.
              Don't go thinking that this is a very small tiny little point to make because it has much bigger implications than you might think. Learning how to fall back, technology and workflow wise, makes more productive people and that is a d

          • Damned kids. GET OFF MY LAWN!!!

            (Filter error: Don't use so many caps. It's like YELLING.

            No shit. It's supposed to be yelling. That's the whole point.

            STUPID FILTERS!!!)

        • You send computer homework home with the kids? That seems counter intuitive. In my part of the world, there are homes that don't HAVE computers! Kids are sent to school, expecting that whatever computer education they get can all be done at school!

          Those people who do have computers in their homes, generally lock them down, if they are smart. Kids do the darndest things - at least that was the name of a television show when I was growing up. I have repaired a number of home computers that kids (and some

          • Even in areas where home computer ownership is a reasonable expectation or where students are issued a laptop it would still make sense for a teacher to send parents a list of expectations on the first day so that there's no confusion about what's required.

          • It's not so much that I "send homework home with kids", as that some kids always seem to push up against the limits of the amount of class time I'm able to give for a project. Having an easy way for them to keep working at home gives them an option that they may not have had. We're a private school that requires all of our students to have some sort of web device (iPad, laptop, etc) - clearly, things would be different in a situation where we had to assume someone may not have access.

        • Yes, I could also see using this in distance learning courses on programming, particularly in situations where students aren't using their own machines, as with many students in low and middle income countries.

        • []

          Doesn't require installation, as it's portable, and I'd guess it runs a lot faster than a browser-based version.

          It also supports Python, plus a whole bunch more languages.

          • And it's Windows-only, which is going to exclude a good chunk of my students. The browser-based version beats it on that count - although it would seem to only support Chrome and Firefox, so it doesn't win quite as soundly as I'd like. Also, for introductory-programming-course purposes, speed really doesn't matter much (if at all).

            • Geany is by no means Windows only. In fact IMHO it fits in better in GNU/Linux. Of course, I'd assume your students who don't use Windows instead use a Mac. Geany runs on that too, albeit apparently not officially.
        • Finally! I can now fiddle with Python at work. No, wait, it doesn't run on IE6, does it?
      • by PJ6 ( 1151747 )
        In case it wasn't obvious, that was meant to be biting sarcasm. Web apps are total crap.
  • Stop trying to reinvent the wheel, my applications work just fine without the need for a web browser.
    • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday August 28, 2011 @07:00PM (#37237060)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Try doing some quick changes to code on an iPhone or iPad. With the current restrictions in place and the popularity of these devices, I can see these kind of platforms having some value on occasion. Also for shops that are trying to virtualize desktops, although I still think forcing that on developers is a mistake.
      • Sometimes, when you do stupid things, you suffer some sort of pain as a consequence. Trying to develop software on a mobile phone or a tablet is a good example of this. It's just something that sensible people don't do. In fact, it's much like crushing your own penis and testes with a brick. Sure, you can do it, but it's not a particularly good idea. The pain is your body's way of telling you that what you're doing is a pretty fucking stupid thing.

        If you need to be making changes to code, just do the right

        • Sometimes, when you do stupid things, you suffer some sort of pain as a consequence. Trying to develop software on a mobile phone or a tablet is a good example of this.

          Tell that to some pro-"death of the PC" posters who seem to think that affordable laptops need no longer be manufactured now that tablets with keyboard docks, running smartphone operating systems, allegedly satisfy the needs of those home and business users who aren't programmers, graphic designers, or other creative professionals. The idea is that the majority can use tablets, and creative professionals can afford to pay more for niche hardware once the economies of scale on commodity PC hardware start to

      • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

        dunno, iphone and ipad have ssh clients, vnc clients and other remote computing clients. it's the lack of keyboard that's the limiting thing there, not the sw.

        however - these kind of platforms provide the reasoning that it's just favoritism to ban some apps from running on native interpreters when they in fact bundle a web browser with js with which you can emulate anything(albeit slowly) - so it becomes yo dawg we heard you like vm's so we put a vm in your vm.

        it's useful for guys who need some code hacking

  • by smoothnorman ( 1670542 ) on Sunday August 28, 2011 @06:35PM (#37236898)
    and in the end, (which, of course, is a "new beginning") what was the browser will want to be able to run a new and shiny alternative browser...
  • by drb226 ( 1938360 ) on Sunday August 28, 2011 @06:46PM (#37236976) just build the Python interpreter right into browsers, like JavaScript.
    • Hmm, maybe so. I wonder if some of the newer Python implementations like PyPy or Jython would make that simpler. I know that one of PyPy's vaunted features is a webkit bridge, though that github repo is currently showing a 404.
  • Loaded quickly and code seemed to execute quickly. Some sort of documentation/about/FAQ would be nice.

    Sadly I'll probably use this neat tool because of Windows 7... You see, in Windows XP I could click Start, navigate quickly to All Programs > IDLE, and have a Python command line to do simple math or quickie calculations. However Windows 7 makes me click on Start, click on All Programs, click on the scroll gadget to scroll down to Python 3.2, click on Python 3.2 to open its directory, and finally clic

    • by kbolino ( 920292 )

      You know not only can you pin it to your Start Menu (which you've been able to do since Windows XP), but you can also pin it to the freakin' taskbar! Right click on the icon, click "Pin to Taskbar", and voila it will always be on your taskbar, even when it's not open.

      • by amaupin ( 721551 )

        You know, I actually never thought about pinning it to the Start Menu. Pretty stupid, as I've done that with the DOS prompt and a few other programs I use often. Thanks for the reminder!

        I'm fairly anal with my desktop. I limit the taskbar pinned programs to a few specifics (Putty, WinSCP, Thunderbird, etc.) and IDLE just isn't used enough to warrant inclusion.

      • Or just hit hit the Windows key and type "IDLE" and likely just hit enter. May need to arrow down if you have more than one thing that starts with IDLE installed.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Yes, I am lazy.

      And retarded.
      You can just type IDLE and find it.

    • It's actually Windows key -> Type "idle"<enter>. Which is a lot faster. Or you could pin it to the taskbar, as some have also suggested.

      Also: click on the scroll gadget? No mouse wheel? :s

      • by tepples ( 727027 )

        Also: click on the scroll gadget? No mouse wheel?

        Not all laptops have the scroll band at the right side of the trackpad. Mine does, but my last one didn't.

    • No no

      In Windows Vista and up you type. If anything I thought more DOS and Linux users would be happy as you can use Office 2007 ribbon and Windows 7 without a keyboard. Hit the Windows key and type whatever you want. I have not scrolled in 3 years. It is great. Need to find MSconfig on a client? Just hit the Windows key and type MS ... and intellisence will do the rest for you.

      In Office, hit alt and numbers and letters will appear on the ribbon to access them on the next keystroke.

      Do that and after a week y

      • Wait....what?

        You can do virtually the same thing with Windows XP and Office <= 2003, without the ribbon and scrolling menu. Even without a Windows key on the keyboard. Ctrl-Esc brings up the start menu, hit P for Programs, then press the first letter of whatever you're looking for. It'll scroll through, highlighting all the items that start with that letter with successive presses. When you find it, if it's an item, press enter, if it's a submenu, hit the right arrow to open it.
        When it's something th

    • by Jackmn ( 895532 )
      Try adding the directory that contains the IDLE executable to your path.

      Editing your path is fairly convoluted. Run 'SystemPropertiesAdvanced', navigate to the 'advanced' tab, and click the 'environment variables' button. From there edit the PATH environment variable for your user profile.

      Then you can quickly run IDLE by pressing [WinKey]+R, then typing the name of the executable.

      There is a method to access system properties without running 'SystemPropertiesAdvanced' directly, but it's even more co
  • import datetime print
    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: Could not evaluate dynamic lib: //lib/python2.7/
  • I'll bet Richard Stallman would have something to say about this...
  • But using it for Python? I don't really see the point, unless you're actually planning to deploy Python-on-Javascript, in which case, I'd say you're Doing It Wrong.

  • Both the Sage notebook [] and codenode [] are similar projects that support development of Python programs via a web browser interface. They have been around for about 4 years, and full source code is available for both in case you want to setup your own server (there are dozens of Sage notebook servers used at universities around the world).

  • now they can steal all your source code! awesome! i have an ide in "the cloud" too its called ssh+screen+bash+python
  • It looks like it (and an extension, which pretty much sits there and does nothing) took over 46 percent of my memory. That's a bloody gigabyte. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
  • Sort of a tangent, but there was an article awhile back about how Google was going to move a large number of their own users to using their Chromebook OS 100%. It made me wonder - if it's similar to using the Chrome browser what kind of development would they be doing and how? I've actually gotten used to the developer tools in there a solid Chrome-based or web-based IDE that's out there or being worked on?

As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
