Fullstack Launches Coding School For Women (sdtimes.com) 373
An anonymous reader writes: Fullstack is tackling technology's diversity problem in its latest venture. The coding schooling has announced a new coding school dedicated to women. Named after computer science pioneer Grace Hopper, the Grace Hopper academy aims to provide women with high-quality coding education, and won't ask for tuition until the student finds a job post-graduation. "Technology has become intrinsic in our daily routines, regardless of gender, but the tech industry remains exceedingly male-dominated," said David Yang, cofounder of Fullstack Academy. "We have always been inspired by innovation and it seems peculiar that an industry revolutionized by a pioneer like Grace Hopper would remain so divided along gender lines."
Nothing is stopping women (Score:5, Insightful)
It's make dominated because males are more interested in the introverted nature of coding. An all-woman school doesn't solve that problem. Women have to want to code, has nothing to do with the culture.
Re:Nothing is stopping women (Score:5, Funny)
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If your hypothesis is correct this school will be a huge failure and struggle to get students. Let's see what happens.
Re:Nothing is stopping women (Score:5, Interesting)
It'll be a huge failure. Sweden, Denmark, and Norway have already proven that with the "women only" technology related schools including programming only schools and classes.
Re:Nothing is stopping women (Score:4)
Well that's easy, because they believe segregation is the right way to do things. There isn't much of a difference between the racial segregationists of the 50's and 60's and today's sexual segregationists, some of the talking points are almost identical. Which of course makes it easy to figure out who the extremists really are.
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I kind of expect that to be true, but I'm hoping for their logical response. I'm curious as to how they'd respond if the company had a class exclusively for men.
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I'm curious as to how they'd respond if the company had a class exclusively for men.
That's easy. There would be calls that it's sexist, it's misogyny and should be open to women along with 480 news stories about how xyz event is sexist and should be open to women.. Just look at any male exclusive event and see the screaming over it.
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Now now... We can only presume. So far, I've asked (more than once and in a variety of ways) and not yet had an answer. I know they get reply notifications so it must be deliberate. I've got enough capital to actually start something along those lines and find out for myself but I really can't be stuffed nor do I want to deal with the *likely* fallout. Also, it'd be a waste of money. My suspicion is that I'd get a dishonest answer. "Oh, I'd be fine with that." No, no they wouldn't. Well, again, that's presu
Re:Nothing is stopping women (Score:5, Interesting)
When I was a kid my Dad would bring home an Apple IIe in the school holidays. My sister and I loved playing on that thing together. Then around about the age of 12, transitioning from a child-hood self image into the teenage years, my sister didn't want to play on it any more. I have no idea if that was because of the influence of other girls & women or men & boys are just inherent nature.
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You can't speak for women as a straight white male. Check your privilege.
Straight black males get to speak for women? How about gay white men?
Re: Nothing is stopping women (Score:4, Funny)
The gay white men are too busy thinking about straight black males.
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>and you can't deny that
Sophistry at it's finest.
Also, how the hell did Slashdot succumb to these PC narrative driven clickbait articles of all places. News for nerds stuff that matters?
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>sites that specialize in this type of clickbait dying
Buzzfeed, bordepanda and gawker are still alive. Panem et circenses. I have been pondering to leave this site once and for all, but to be honest, I have 3 tech sites that i still frequent that didn't go to shit, this one included (the other one beeing Anandtech and Androidpolice, which I both highly recommend if one is interested in their topics). That's not a lot.
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Buzzfeed and gawker are only hanging on because they've gotten infusions of cash from VC's or the parent company. There were a few articles in Venturebeat on it a few months ago. Anandtech is as bad as /. for the whining SJW and everything is sexist BS, though not as bad as hackernews which is just cancer.
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I haven't seen anything like that on Anand - seriously. Where did you find it?
Re: Nothing is stopping women (Score:4, Interesting)
The sexism that is rampant in this industry (and you can't deny that) is an extra hurdle for women.
BULLSHIT. These days if you so much as look at a female coworker the wrong way (in her mind) you can get hauled before HR and given the 3rd degree, notes put in your HR file, reprimands, warnings, etc etc etc.
I've seen a male coworker written up for having a vacation pic of he and his wife on his desk; the fat SJW cows in his office took offense to it and complained. It wasn't anything remotely racy, just he and his wife on a beach somewhere, mugging for the camera. And it was enough to get him written up.
Don't give me this "womyn are SO oppressed in the workplace boo hoo" crap, it's not true at ANY place I've worked in the last 20 years.
Re: Nothing is stopping women (Score:2, Interesting)
In literature, sure. But in technically writing? Not even close.
Women may be (on the whole) more creative, but men are (on the whole) more logical.
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"technically writing"
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Re:Nothing is stopping women (Score:5, Insightful)
Is this like how for years women have preached how hard it is to get a job in STEM, when infact they pretty much breezed into work straight past all their male counterparts?
Remindes me of a mates wife, she spent a whole 3 weeks unemployed and was devastated in 10 job applications she only got 2 interviews, and was ready to GIVE UP due the how hard the job market was, on the flip side, I had held 2 jobs for 15 years, 7 years kitchen hand out of school in the recession, and 8 year in warehousing, in the warehouse job I made warehouse manger in 3 and half years.
I spent 2 years unemployed, couldn't get a job in hospitality, warehousing or management, 20+ applications a week, with real effort put into them, hell I even sought help with my applications and resumes only to be told "I cant believe you didn't even get a call back" from companies specializing in resumes.
We hear about how 7 publishers turned down harry potter, no one talks about how plenty of men send out stories to literally *every* publisher only to get all of them turned down but the last one.
There are really good female Authors out there, and they did the hard yards to get their place, just like most of the men, they didn't wake up one day and try to jump in head first, a lot of contemporary writers male and female have worked years, from the ground up, slaving at short stories, getting a name and a fan base to be able to find someone willing to risk the money to publish a book.
Anne McCaffrey is my second favorite Author, and the author of my two most loved books, she has been published since the NIGHTING FIFTIES under her female name, no need to hide it, no need to care, and if you think that today's world is a boys club, then imagine science fiction back then.
Re: Nothing is stopping women (Score:4, Insightful)
Since we allowed the feminists and SJW to preach about how male centered and female unfriendly STEM is, the rates of females entering has lowered.
Stop telling women the industry hates them, stop telling them even if they succeed in university they won't get a job and just maybe we will reach the lovely higher levels of women in computers taht we had back in the highly egalitarian and social wonderlander that was the 1960's
Re: Nothing is stopping women (Score:5, Informative)
Or: There was an intentional push by right-wing technologists to keep women out of the dot-com boom.
"PayPal had a hard time hiring women, Max Levchin, another co-founder, later told a class at Stanford, 'because PayPal was just a bunch of nerds! They never talked to women. So how were they supposed to interact with and hire them?... The notion that diversity in an early team is important or good is completely wrong,' he added. 'The more diverse the early group, the harder it is for people to find common ground.'"
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/12/23/us/gender-gaps-stanford-94.html [nytimes.com]
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You're lousy even at sarcasm.
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That sounds reasonable to me. I think that, to get some meaningful date, why not have an all male's school as well? I think such would be required if we're going to actually get any meaningful data. That whole thing about experimentation and scientific method is a good idea, no?
Re: Nothing is stopping women (Score:5, Insightful)
Discrimination and segregation are discrimination and segregation no matter which direction they're employed.
Again?! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Again?! (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not sure this is really social justice. Imagine if there were schools just for african-americans. This is more like segregation.
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http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ207478 [ed.gov]
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This is what "social justice" has always been about: segregation, discrimination, and eugenics were key policies of the progressive movement a century ago, and in modified form, they are still today. The reason is that progressives deep down believe that women and blacks are inferior and weak, and hence require government assistance in order to achieve equal outcomes.
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But apparently never enough Social Injustice Warrior crap to satisfy.
Re:Again?! (Score:4, Interesting)
While I agree that posting this stuff on Slashdot time and time again is damn near trolling (maybe we should be able to moderate the summary?), I don't see why anyone should have a problem with this. I think it's fine if some people wish to set up women-only schools. It's not like there aren't a million other options for male students. There are probably some women who would feel more comfortable going to school in an all-female environment, especially given the likely male/female ratios in programming classes.
Of course, one question I have is, how will they react to jumping into an environment with 90% or more men straight from all-female classes? My fear is it could cause a bit of culture shock - sort of like an adult who has never built up an immunity as a child gets hit rather hard by typical childhood diseases. Damn, I just compared men to diseases. You know what I mean, though.
Anyhow, more power to them. I'd personally love to see more female programmers, but only if it's what they want to do, and if they get the jobs because they're qualified, not because of any particular internal plumbing. My fear is that if this program bombs due to lack of participation, some people will still manage to point an accusing finger at the industry and say "See? Your workplaces are so poisonous that women don't even want to take a chance on a computer science degree!" I'm a little tired of being collectively accused of misogyny when I've never seen female programmers I've worked with treated any differently than anyone else.
Yknow what else is male dominated? (Score:5, Insightful)
Homelessness, suicide, prison, and all of the worst and most dangerous jobs.
Yknow what isn't male dominated?
Education, start to finish and top to bottom. Nearly 2/3rds of college graduates are women and women dominate virtually every single aspect of the education system from pre-K through college.
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Grade school teacher seems more like a caretaking job, along with nurse, secretary, therapist, flight attendant....you'd almost swear their minds are wired more towards those roles...
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Grade school teacher seems more like a caretaking job
Unfortunately, many grade school teachers think that. But it shouldn't be.
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Except we used to have plenty of male schoolteachers... until a certain group of people started raising such a moral panic about how men were all sexual predators that they were driven out.
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wtf, you just equated coding with homelessness, suicide and prison.
On second thought, there's some merit to the comparison. I've done all four of the above.
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... suicide....
On second thought, there's some merit to the comparison. I've done all four of the above.
So does that make you a ghost writer?
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I could have had my university fees paid if I had gone into teaching, because there are big incentives for men to enter that profession. The one i was offered was from a feminist group concerned about the lack of male teachers for young children. I wasn't interested though, so I didn't.
Sorry, what was your point again?
That could just be pay (Score:3)
When I worked in call centers there were tons of elementary & junior high teachers (with degrees) looking for work. Many with years of exper
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Honest question:
Have you ever or do you currently volunteer or work as part of a program aimed at helping men escape homelessness, offer suicide prevention, or help men avoid incarceration?
Follow-up: do you work in education, especially elementary education? If not, why not?
I ask because clearly these issues are important enough to you to come in here and complain about, so one would hope you've actually tried to do something to address them.
And now for the part where I burn my karma:
What's amazing to me is
Re:Yknow what else is male dominated? (Score:5, Informative)
She set out to help female victims of domestic violence, and her work basically turned her into an MRA. She suggested, based on her experiences, that women are equally capable of violence as men - and ended up on the recieving end of death threats... from feminists!
She's now involved with probably the most vocal and controversial men's rights group out there - 'A Voice for Men'
Not exactly your stereotypical neckbeard misogynist keyboard warrior, is she?
Re:Yknow what else is male dominated? (Score:4, Insightful)
You seem to be bringing this up like I don't already know. Hence my questions. Given the number and volume of MRAs where are these places to help men? Men certainly need them, but the so-called activists aren't actually doing anything active like putting in the hours to help.
Men don't have the assistance that women do to form these organizations and provide these services. They push for it and are labeled as sexists, woman-haters, violent, racist, and so on. There are men, for example, who have been fighting to get organizations on campus to help with mens' issues (like depression and suicide) as well as men's domestic violence shelters. They are pushed out of the discussion on campus when trying to do this. Labeled "sexist racist rapists" by the feminist organizations on campus and driven away. There are no male domestic violence shelters in canada and the government refuses to aid them in establishing anything when they seek assistance in doing so.
You're basically plugging your ears so you can't hear anyone and then saying "well, why didn't you say something?".
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They are pushed out of the discussion on campus when trying to do this. Labeled "sexist racist rapists" by the feminist organizations on campus and driven away.
[citation needed]
Re:Yknow what else is male dominated? (Score:4, Insightful)
But straight away you go and blame it on "toxic masculinity" - you're labelling men as the problem again. You're not interested in anything that would support men, only in demonising them.
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No, men don't "need" them. Men generally deal with violence, abuse, and emotions differently from women.
You mean the neo-Marxists [wikipedia.org] that founded modern feminism [wikipedia.org]?
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No, men don't "need" them. Men generally deal with violence, abuse, and emotions differently from women.
Well done for speaking for all men. See it's people like you who are the problem, not feminists. If anyone tries to help men, it's other men shouting them down loudly proclaiming that "men don't need it" because "men are different from women". Also, well done for dragging women into the debate about whether men need something. It's funny how people like you seem unable to drag gender into absolutely ever
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So who's going to do the work then? Unless you're advocating we send women into jobs laden with grime, long hours and a real risk of sudden death? I'm looking forward to that equality but I won't hold my breath
A suicide-prevention program for men was set-up in my country. 2 years later it became a unisex program even though the 80% of victims are male. A homeless assistance program was set-up, and it spoke of the benefit to women (in gender-neutral language), when once again, most people living under a
Re:Yknow what else is male dominated? (Score:5, Informative)
Plenty of MRA work hard at education and trying to get support for these things, but then feminists come along and bomb threat them or try and push the organisations out of existence. KSU Men for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
Feminists have known since the *very* first shelter for battered women opened that those women in violent relationships were basically split 25/50/25 in the ranges of Genuine Abused victims/Co abusives as bad as their partners/True aggressive females.
And what did the feminists do the their own feminists who build the first shelter, the one who started to talk about how bad domestic violence is? They issued death threats against her because she wanted to open homes for men, they killed her pet dog and they drove her out of the country in fear for her life.
Erin Pizzey speaking about it all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
When men account for one third of the deaths due to domestic violence, but only about 100th of the media coverage, when mothers murder there own children at the same rate that fathers do, but fathers are treated as murderers and mothers as victims then it gets really hard to push for funding, when State level government departments say that men accounting for at least 1/3rd of victims is "an insignificant statics that does not need to be addressed" you start to understand how biased the "patriarchy" is against men.
Women are as bad as men, and a hell of a lot better at organising mobs to do their dirty work.
Re:Yknow what else is male dominated? (Score:5, Informative)
You remember gamergate, where a small handful of fake accounts that managed to be screenshot by feminist seconds after posting apparently meant a whole movement of men and women where misogynistic.
Here is a nice list of leading and major feminists saying batshit crazy things, right up to the level of Hillary Clinton.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
"Why on earth do people like you keep bringing this up like it's some great revelation. It's trivially obvious."
Yes its trivially obvious, yet almost all of DV protection efforts are only aimed at men as aggressors, with DV most often shown to be a cycle learned from the parents you might then see why a one sided approach of telling men to man up and take a beating wont fix anything.
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Some angry guy posted some fake stuff about Zoe Quinn, and that launched the entire shitfest. Reporting fake stuff is pretty much the definition of unethical journalism.
No her ex posted some true stuff about Zoe Quinn [wordpress.com](FYI, those include actual screenshots and other various proofs), was hit with a gag order that blocked his first amendment rights to discuss it. It's now in the courts in MA, where Eugene Volokh and others are working to set a precedence based on the case. [washingtonpost.com]
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So the video is fake as well? You know the part where they logged into their facebook account and recorded it. Well I guess that solves that doesn't it after all it's difficult to fake that isn't it. Of course you can always ask Eron yourself, he's on reddit this is his account: /u/qrios [reddit.com]
And the only people saying that it was a review for positive coverage are people who don't know what they're talking about. It was favorable coverage with no disclosure by the author while they were in a relationship and
Re:Yknow what else is male dominated? (Score:5, Insightful)
And now you're trolling.
You've already been informed how Earl Silverman attempted the first all male shelter for domestic violence in Canada, and feminist petitioned the government to deny them equal standing with regards to state funding. It ended in his suicide.
And of course there is all the attempts to set up men centers on collage campuses that get opposed by feminist, some times violently.
And just getting a group togetherr to speak on male issues ends in scenes like this:
And you have the temerity to suggest MRAs aren't attempting to help themselves? It would be far easier without the constant interference by feminist.
And as far as suicide prevention schemes, look no further than:
Now shut the fuck up.
"Feminists" (Score:2)
"Where are the MRAs setting up homeless shelters, suicide prevention schemes or education and training to get men out of those dangerous jobs into better ones?"
Just like people who set up women's shelters (i.e., men and women, "feminist" or not), people work on setting up regular homeless shelters, suicide prevention schemes and ... not training, but standards, regulations, unions and lawsuits against companies with unsafe practices. Nobody should care about their gender or if those people call themselv
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Except, yknow, MRAs actually do try to start shelters, hold conferences, and help men but it's an uphill battle against bomb threats, death threats, and shootings committed by feminists who are dead set on stopping them... feminists protected by other feminists like you and amimojo who keep blindly defending feminism and attacking MRAs.
So the answer to your question of where those MRAs are is this: They're being silenced and terrorized by feminists.
Not Helping (Score:5, Insightful)
"We have always been inspired by innovation and it seems peculiar that an industry revolutionized by a pioneer like Grace Hopper would remain so divided along gender lines."
They say as they further divide the industry along gender lines. It's the new separate but equal.
Generally women don't want to code; get a new icon (Score:5, Insightful)
Women generally don't want to code. That's why every SWJ brings up Grace Hopper as THE icon. Yeah, I know about the pic of the woman that coded the lunar landing and the code that's stacked taller than see is. So that's two.
Look people, most women don't want to code. It's ok. Nothing wrong with that. Stop forcing things because you think a 50/50 split is the only "fair" way.
Oh, and asking someone to pay afterwards only if she gets a job is a FANTASTIC economic plan.
Re:Generally women don't want to code; get a new i (Score:4, Informative)
Funny how this is modded troll... Here's a great documentary for educating the moderator(s). Or anybody else; it really is a great documentary on the subject.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
I wonder what would happen if.. (Score:5, Insightful)
I wonder what would happen if someone started a school specifically for men for a female dominated trade? For example hairdressing or nail painting?
How long would it take for someone to yell sexist at them and say that it is wrong and should not be allowed?
Double standards much?
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It's amazing how people get so outraged at something that's never happened.
Re:I wonder what would happen if.. (Score:5, Informative)
Where do you get the idea that is something that has never happened?
When men form men-only institutions, they are forced to allow women in. When women form women-only institutions, men are told they can't participate, because they are dangerous. I may have the scouting organizations incorrect here, but not long ago, there was a girl who demanded to be part of the boy scouts and they were eventually forced to let her in.
Meanwhile, there was a boy who wanted to be in the girl scouts. He was refused on the basis that he was a risk to their "safe space".
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Most people are capable of evaluating things like this intelligently, instead of applying simple rules that they made up. So they see that there is a problem, see that there is a solution which doesn't disadvantage anyone and merely seeks to correct the problem with no malicious intent, and are fine with it.
So let's just perpetuate segregation, shall we? (Score:5, Insightful)
For fuck's sake, you can't create gender equality out of thin air by just adding more gender segregation.... I mean, I get what they are trying to do... trying to "balance" the imbalance by adding more imbalance in what might superficially appear to be the opposite direction, but at the end of the day still amounts to people either being treated differently or feeling treated differently on account of some aspect of their person that should in actuality be entirely irrelevant to the subject at hand.
Whether a person is a man or woman should have absolutely no bearing on whether they are interested in computer programming or how competent at it they might be, and there should be absolutely no reason that a person's gender should *EVER* factor into what kind of computer science education options are available to them.
However idealistic the intentions might be behind this, I perceive that they are ultimately counterproductive to the long-term goal of gender equality.
Re:So let's just perpetuate segregation, shall we? (Score:4, Insightful)
No you'd don't create gender equality that way.
This isn't aimed at equality. None of these programs are.
And remember: all the shit jobs are occupied by men. "equality" is all about giving special hand ups for women into jobs that no-one has ever stopped them going into. Even women who are wealthy and privileged still claim to be victims - see the recent Hollywood whining.
Frankly it's long past due when men started exercising their democratic right and pulling their votes completely from any party that supports this nonsense. It's the only way it'll begin to put the brakes on it.
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So what is your solution? You have laid out the principals, but not the way to address the things preventing them from being enacted.
Re:So let's just perpetuate segregation, shall we? (Score:4, Insightful)
Solution to what? That implies there is a problem, but women not wanting programming jobs is not a problem, unless you desperately need more programmers so that you can pay them less. Women don't want to work in mines, on oil rigs or behind the wheel of a truck either. And that is not a problem either. You SJWs are not fighting for women. You are fighting against men and hurting women at the same time. You are creating hostility and segregation in our place of work. So FUCK OFF.
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So much this.
Thank you, AC.
Let's as
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Grace Hopper | Code of Conduct (Score:4, Interesting)
Grace Hopper | Code of Conduct [anitaborg.org]: "The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference (GHC) believes our community should be truly open for everyone. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all participants free from discrimination for any reason including on the basis of gender...."
Dumb (Score:3)
Yes, what a fantastic idea. Let's educate women in a way which doesn't prepare them for diversity in the workplace. Lets coddle them and treat them like they're special. Like they're victims. This is a disservice to everyone, and does more harm than good.
Coding school for women? (Score:2)
What's "woman-y" about it? (insert misogynist "does it have" + $sterotypical_female_attributes_and_behaviour sentences here)
Isn't that the wrong message? I mean, would you feel comfortable going to a school that was specifically made for you because you're, to use the current euphemism for retarded, "special"? You need a special school, you're so special...
And how would a prospective employer look at it? "Ohhhh, you graduated from "special" school... yeeeeah.... you know, no need to call us, we'll call you"
Fuck off (Score:2)
I have totally had it with this nu-sexism. As of this month it's apparently totally hip since reports of such incidents now end up on my timeline on a daily basis. Is the world is trying to become some sort of reverse Saudi Arabia or something?!
Where is the why? (Score:2)
This attempt to fix the perceived problem is quite flawed, because it skips the very, very important of determining why they don't want or can code in first place, and if it is an issue at all.
Going into tech? Stop! (Score:5, Insightful)
It doesn't matter if you have a penis or not, going into tech right now is a fool's game. They do their best to outsource all of those jobs. The only reason the industry wants women to get into tech is that they want more humans to get into tech to keep the supply high and the wages low.
Treating women like children? (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously, stop treating women like special-needs children who are helpless and confused and in dire need of "adult" guidance.
This kind of thing (ostensibly done with the best of intentions) treats them as if they don't have the intelligence to make their own choices and decisions concerning their career path.
What these "women only" courses and programs are saying essentially is that women are too fragile or delicate or sensitive to survive in the usual job/school environment, which is kind of insulting if you think about it at all.
The vast majority of women I know are intelligent, capable people who would do just fine if special interest groups would just stop treating them like not-too-bright babies in a room full of sharp objects.
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> What these "women only" courses and programs are saying essentially is that women are too fragile or delicate or sensitive to survive in the usual job/school environment, which is kind of insulting if you think about it at all.
From experience and various literature: there are many problems. A notable and well documented difference is the willingness of men to speak up more then women in mixed gender courses. Even a casual search shows plenty of references:
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And then if they go through "special" schools, they just get destroyed once they hit the real world, where things aren't so nice.
Then everyone is like "see see?! I told you women weren't as good!"
And you just made things worse.
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Tuition fees? (Score:2)
and won't ask for tuition until the student finds a job post-graduation
What does this mean? Is it a disguised student loan?
Putting aside the gender issues, are there more details about this? Depending on the fine print, this can be very bad. Maybe I am a bit paranoid but if there is a clause like "if you refuse some job offer, then you need to pay", that's bordering slavery.
Tell me again what would be different? (Score:2)
I mean, coding is coding. You do it right, or wrong. I'm a little unclear about how gender relates here.
Seen it all before (Score:2)
Special classes, schools, etc, for women. Lots of interest for a year or two, then it just peters out and is cancelled for lack of interest. Don't see this being any different.
Faeces coming from a non gender specific bovine (Score:2)
Does it seem peculiar that a branch of physics revolutionized by a pioneer like Marie Curie would remain so divided along gender lines?
What an utter load of bollocks. Or if you prefer, in the spirit of inclusivity, gonads.
Why isn't this illegal? (Score:2)
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We get 4 weeks a year, plus 10 days of public holidays
It's mandated by employment law.
Perhaps you should move countries.
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But that would mean giving up his freedom!
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You should maybe note that 25 of those days you have to take 'cause your car is frozen to the ground and you can't come to work.
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Your lazy ass communist unionized style of living is why Greece has to bail you out now! Or ... something like that. It had to do with France, Greece and a bailout.
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Wait, wait, I may put spending time to keep my certificates, studying for them, reading up on recent developments in my field of work and learning the insides and outs of new technologies down as work time?
Awesome, I can retire tomorrow, I got the necessary years together!
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I live in France as (I suspect) you do. And it's true that for half the pay we get about 35-40 days of paid vacation a year. And you're considered crazy if you don't take them.
So, there's that.
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" Meanwhile, computers and computer languages were designed by large by men to be used by men."
Cars were mostly designed and built by men too - does this mean women shouldn't drive? Don't be such a complete idiot. Even if there was some difference between "languages for men" and "languages for women" - which there most certainly is not - you don't do someone a service by teaching them languages which don't lead to gainful employment. Eventually they will have to learn the languages the industry uses.
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"everybody has the right to succeed"
Success is not a right.
Re:Recall Women's Participation Used to Be Higher (Score:5, Insightful)
The only thing that is regressive and ugly going on here is the fat that dipshits like you are inventing problems where they do not exist. Women are more than welcome to write software. Any woman who manages to excel at writing software will be celebrated. This idea that we have to fucking raise people above us simply because of their gender is ludicrous and wrong.
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"But those debates did a great deal for Mr. Sacks. After graduation, he and Mr. Thiel published 'The Diversity Myth,' a book-length critique of Stanford’s efforts. Within a few more years, he, Mr. Thiel, Mr. Rabois and others had transformed themselves into a close-knit network of technology entrepreneurs — innovators who created billion-dollar business after billion-dollar business, using the ideas, ethos and group bonds they had honed at The Stanford Review...
PayPal had a hard time hiring wome
Re:Recall Women's Participation Used to Be Higher (Score:4, Insightful)
That was a random comment via Twitter, wasn't it? I think everyone knows that the internet can be extremely toxic. People say all sorts of nasty shit when they're anonymous, especially regarding women. That's a real issue that we need to work on as a society, but I think it's a different issue than discrimination in the workplace.
To me, the important question is: does she feel discriminated against in any way at work because she's a woman? According to her tagline for the ad in question, she appeared to think her team was awesome and smart. That doesn't sound like someone fighting discrimination at work to me.
I'm not saying discrimination against women doesn't happen. I just don't believe that discrimination alone could explain the massive gender gap we see. Why would programmers be so much more institutionally sexist than other white-collar professions in which there's a closer gender balance (say, doctors)? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
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Nothing being said by those people is true. It's a result of the next wave of pseudo-feminists attempting to shame the population in to action with a bullshit narrative. Yes, people who do that, and more importantly people who support the people doing that are dipshits.
The problem with screaming "discrimination!" over everything is that you devalue the word. This is unfair to people who actually DO get discriminated against. Have you ever been to a feminist rally? You should try it some time. The idea
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Oh please. Stop trying to read things in to what I've said to suit your fantasy narrative. The point is that people who do well in something will get recognized for it regardless of gender. If you're mediocre nobody will care about your name, regardless of gender.
This is the real problem - a very few people want to be recognized as rockstars when they haven't earned it. Instead of just proving they're capable like anyone else would, they take up a podium and shout discrimination.
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If you're acting so aggressively nuttily that you don't hire good applicants on mad religious grounds, it increases the pool of good people I can hire for jobs.
Works for me :)
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Because coding is something that people can pick up on their own and often do. And get into the workplace without completing an accredited degree program. So it attracts assholes that would never survive academia, which serves as a sort of filter for social maturity. This is already being seen in other fields, where women represent something like 60% of college graduating classes. The jerks either never enroll, or fail to complete their degree when they sperg out and are asked to leave the campus.