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Java Open Source Apache

Apache PDFBox Hits 2.0 (sdtimes.com) 34

mmoorebz writes: After three years of development and with over 150 contributors to the code, Apache PDFBox 2.0 has been released. With this release comes enhancements and improvements. The Apache PDFBox library is an open-source Java tool for working with PDF documents. The project allows creation and manipulation of PDF documents, and the ability to extract content from them. Support for forms in open-source PDF viewers is currently disappointing, and I hope this heralds improvement on that front.
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Apache PDFBox Hits 2.0

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  • by Zombie Ryushu ( 803103 ) on Tuesday March 22, 2016 @11:38PM (#51758859)

    XFA Should be a top priority for the Poppler project and any other project that works with PDF Forms. Many government agencies rely on XFA to submit forms. Currently, the only instance of Acroread that supports XFA under Linux is Acroread 9.5.5; which Adobe has pulled from their download site and requires third parties to acquire. All Poppler based Adobe Acrobat readers, while some of them can use Acro Forms, they can't use XFA.

    I think that it should be the goal of the goal of the Open Source Community to either create or Acquire XFA ability by whatever means necessary.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Xforms would be better as it is non proprietary

      • by jrumney ( 197329 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2016 @02:45AM (#51759283)

        Xforms would be better as it is non proprietary

        Are you serious? Xforms has been a standard since 2003, and almost no software supports it, and no organization uses it. This is a pretty clear sign that it is dead, and not worth supporting. XFA is at least supported by one software package that is widely used in business, and used by Government agencies worldwide, among others. And while it is "proprietary" in that one company controls the specification, it is hardly a secret [adobe.com].

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Tons of businesses use XForms, they just automatically translate it to something else before the customers see it because browsers are too busy churning their UIs and implementing fads than implementing something that actually works well. XForms allows you to do non-Javascript, interactive forms, and then Mozilla goes and tries to implement XForms through Javascript so the Javascript free standard now requires users to enable Javascript. Idiots.

    • I don't disagree that XFA would be useful, but why should it be the overriding goal of the poppler project? The XFA specification is over 1500 pages and thus would eat a huge amount of people's own spare time to implement.

      It's obviously important to you, though, so what are you going to do about it? Maybe find a willing implementer and organize a bounty/crowd source funding for them to work on it if you can't code it yourself?

      In the meantime use XPDF which does support XFA.

  • by c ( 8461 )

    A summary for an article about a release of software most of us have never heard of that actually describes the purpose of the software?!?

    Slashdot, you really have changed!

  • How is this different or better than iText?

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
