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Programming Microsoft Software

Community Ports 'Visual Studio Code' To Chromebooks, Raspberry Pi (infoworld.com) 79

An anonymous reader quotes InfoWorld: A community build project led by developer Jay Rodgers is making Visual Studio Code, Microsoft's lightweight source code editor, available for Chromebooks, Raspberry Pi boards, and other devices based on 32-bit or 64-bit ARM processors. Supporting Linux and Chrome OS as well as the DEB (Debian) and RPM package formats, the automated builds of Visual Studio Code are intended for less-common platforms that might not otherwise receive them. Obvious beneficiaries will be IoT developers focused on ARM devices -- and the Raspberry Pi in particular -- who will find it helpful to have the editor directly on the device they're programming against... Rodgers said the lure of Visual Studio Code for him was its user-friendly interface, making it approachable for new users.
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Community Ports 'Visual Studio Code' To Chromebooks, Raspberry Pi

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  • In other news... (Score:1, Informative)

    by GerbilSoft ( 761537 )
    Community "ports" slashdot.org to Chromebooks, Raspberry Pi.
    Community "ports" microsoft.com to Chromebooks, Raspberry Pi.
    etc... You get the idea.

    Visual Studio "Code" isn't Visual Studio. It's also not a real program. It's merely a JavaScript "app" website wrapped in a copy of Chromium.
    • by hackel ( 10452 )

      TIL I learned apps written in Javascript are not "real" programs. You are ridiculously behind the times. No one would want their *editor* to come with a *compiler*. They are completely different things. Your editor should adapt to use whichever compilers you wish, be they javascript, C++, or Rust. Keep on spreading your ignorant FUD, though, by all means.

      (PS I actually hate VS Code, I just hate idiots much more.)

  • Actually it sounds like they just ported it to Linux. Running it on a Chromebook requires you to be running Linux in some form or another on your Chromebook first, so there's no Chrome app like I thought they meant.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Um, what? There's *already* a version of VS Code for Linux.

      https://code.visualstudio.com/download lets you download the version of Windows, Mac, or .deb/.rpm packages.

    • by SpeZek ( 970136 )
      It's already available for Linux. .deb, .rpm and tarballs.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    While I'm not an IDE person I can say that the Microsoft IDEs are amongst the best. But if you're editing your code on your target platform you're just doing embedded wrong. It's not all that hard to get a cross compiler going for something like a Raspberry Pi going.

    And if you compile anything complicated you'll save yourself time in the long run. The RPi and other embedded targets are not the spiffiest when it comes to CPU bound gcc.

    Oh, and if you're using a scripting language to write your embedded code t

  • Eighty Meg's And Constantly Swapping ... Ducks

    • by jma05 ( 897351 )

      Emacs wasn't bloated enough.
      So we had to make VS Code that takes 500 MB on starting with a few files.

      • by eWarz ( 610883 )
        VS code is not a bad editor. I don't count in megs these days since I have a few dozen gigs of RAM and more than a TB of storage. I guess some people are still on 386 chips... Oh and *VIM* is far better than Emacs...
    • Eighty? Eight!

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by gweihir ( 88907 )

    There is VI and Emacs and Joe (for the WordStar shortcut users like me), and a ton of others. What else is needed? This seems like complete nonsense to me.

    • Look, I love joe, I used it this morning, after 30 years the WordPerfect keybndings are wired into my neurons.

      Back in 1988 I even wrote a small spreadsheet for DOS with WP keybindings.

      But it is not an IDE and if you use it as one you are doing something wrong.

  • If you're doing *embedded development* and can't even figure out how to use vim, an arguably *much more powerful* editor that runs on every platform imaginable, you're in for a very hard time.

Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
