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Will Unpredictable 'Franken-Algorithms' Have Deadly Consequences and Make Programmers Obsolete? (theguardian.com) 96

Zorro (Slashdot reader #15,797) summarizes a new article in the Guardian: The death of a woman hit by a self-driving car highlights an unfolding technological crisis, as code piled on code creates "a universe no one fully understands."

"In some ways we've lost agency. When programs pass into code and code passes into algorithms and then algorithms start to create new algorithms, it gets farther and farther from human agency. Software is released into a code universe which no one can fully understand."

The author dubs these man-made monsters "franken-algos," since "After a time in the wild, we no longer know what they are: they have the potential to become erratic." Self-learning algorithms are already part of the "new all-machine phase" of Wall Street trading, leading to what science historian George Dyson believes are rules "where nobody knows what the rules are: the algorithms create their own rules -- you let them evolve the same way nature evolves organisms."

Where does it end? There's already a robotic sharpshooter policing the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, and "swarms of coordinated, weaponized drones" already being developed by three different countries. The article suggests re-thinking our legal system to assign blame for any badly malfunctioning algorithms, noting that the Association for Computing Machinery recently updated its code of ethics "along the lines of medicine's Hippocratic oath, to instruct computing professionals to do no harm and consider the wider impacts of their work.... Solutions exist or can be found for most of the problems described here, but not without incentivizing big tech to place the health of society on a par with their bottom lines.

"More serious in the long term is growing conjecture that current programming methods are no longer fit for purpose given the size, complexity and interdependency of the algorithmic systems we increasingly rely on." Toby Walsh, a professor of artificial intelligence at the University of New South Wales, even says "We will eventually give up writing algorithms altogether... "because the machines will be able to do it far better than we ever could. Software engineering is in that sense perhaps a dying profession."
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Will Unpredictable 'Franken-Algorithms' Have Deadly Consequences and Make Programmers Obsolete?

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  • No (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Someone's got to fix it when it goes wrong.

    Typical click bait.

    • The only specific example given in TFA is the pedestrian killed by Uber, which was NOT an algorithm failure, it was a policy failure. The policy decision to toss control back to an inattentive human when a collision was imminent was made by humans, not a machine.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 01, 2018 @07:41PM (#57239170)
    What do you call the person who gives the franken-algorithm a specific list of instructions to accomplish your goal? A programmer.
    • by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Saturday September 01, 2018 @09:23PM (#57239478) Journal

      What do you call the person who gives the franken-algorithm a specific list of instructions to accomplish your goal? A programmer.

      Yep. The never ending dream of management, but impossible.

      I remember the last time I saw it in action. Yeah, Marketing could do more stuff themselves, after acquiring new toys. But they turned into (rather bad) "programmers", using non-standard clunky tools with none of the helpful components of actual programming environments. And spent their time thereafter playing with the toys, instead of marketing. What a win!

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • At some point AI might become self-aware enough to create even better AI.

          Not with the current excuse for AI there won't be. It doesn't 'think', has zero capacity to do that (because we don't even understand how *we* do that), is not self-aware (again, because we don't even understand how that happens in human brains) therefore you can't write code or build a machine that does that. You're engaging in 'magical thinking' if you're thinking just adding more and more hardware will make it just suddenly happen all on it's own.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Nope. A programmer understand exactly what their code is doing and why at every step of the process. If you don't then you aren't a programmer, at best you're a script kiddie.

      • by q_e_t ( 5104099 )
        That assumes either perfect memory, knowledge, or documentation. And you can't even use the old adage: three things, pick two, as likely none of those will be perfect. And sometimes you may believe you know what it does, given your own design, but are in error, even before you consider that libraries or frameworks you have used may have errors. So about the most you can say is "more chance of understanding".
      • by vakuona ( 788200 )

        Understanding what code does and predicting what it will do are not quite the same thing. Understanding how a neural network works does not necessarily mean you can predict how it will behave for all inputs.

    • Sounds like Vernor Vinge's Programmer-at-arms or possibly Programmer-archaeologist position to me.


  • Probably unavoidable. Our IRL universe is unpredictable, chaos and no-one fully understands it. Our own body mutates in undesirable ways, we suddenly get cancer. This is the way of the universe. As we get closer and closer to some sort of AI indistinguishable from real life I suspect this is an organic consequence.
    • by ganv ( 881057 )

      This seems right that complexity like this is likely unavoidable. Evolution has a fairly reliable way to deal with this. Complexity is allowed to grow unchecked but every generation of a species is required to be able to survive and reproduce or it goes extinct. That seems to be pretty much what is happening with software.

      There seems to be a dream that there is a simple theory of everything that humans can understand and that will allow us to do what we want in our complex world and still understand i

  • ...as code piled on code creates "a universe no one fully understands."

    Are we talking about a program, ... ...or the legal system?

    I swear -- I read this, and I can't help but think about the legal matrix we live in.

    "In some ways we've lost agency.

    For sure!

    When programs pass into code and code passes into algorithms and then algorithms start to create new algorithms, it gets farther and farther from human agency. Software is released into a code universe which no one can fully understand."

    That's exactly wha

  • by Narcocide ( 102829 ) on Saturday September 01, 2018 @07:59PM (#57239248) Homepage

    There's a real threat these days of big companies and naive developers pushing machine learning as a panacea. Really it's more like a potent mutagen escaped from lab containment into your other work. People trying to obsolete expertise with poorly thought out and even more poorly tested applications of machine learning are definitely going to continue to cause deadly consequences in and around self-driving vehicles.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 01, 2018 @08:01PM (#57239254)

    Someone has to program the initial version.

    who better than Java programmers?

    forget all those slow, bug-laden, inefficient, crappy languages like C/C++ or ASSembly. Java is where it's at.

    Java is fast, and each iteration of a function or program makes it faster!

    Forget stupid stuff like IEEE-754 compliance, ditch the hard stuff and focus on performance!

    Java is where it's at.

  • We just need to hook up those monkey brains in the jars with some jumper cables and we'll never need programmers again.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      You'll always need programmers unless we can teach computers to write code that humans can interact with. For programmers to completely go away you'd have to create a world in which applications don't exist and computers can't be seen. To make a computer that knows the limits of human understanding and can work within those limits would require human testers which would severely reduce testing speed.

      What might happen is we'll be left with only UI programmers and all the backend algorithms and architecture w

      • by jythie ( 914043 )
        I think the big worry is not the complete elimination, but the vast reduction. There will probably always be some, but it is unknown if it will really be enough to be a career choice or field. I've already seen a few domains go through this transition, and as I watch students in machine learning build their systems, what they do is not really the same kind of 'programming' we think of today. Someone still needs to write the libraries they use, but that takes a tiny percentage in comparision.
    • Pretty sure monkeys all prefer tabs. Are you really going to attach that hot mess to crucial systems?

  • Yes and no (Score:5, Informative)

    by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Saturday September 01, 2018 @08:21PM (#57239306) Homepage

    Will Unpredictable 'Franken-Algorithms' Have Deadly Consequences

    Probably yes.

    and Make Programmers Obsolete?

    Almost certainly not.

    We are creating algorithms where the result can not be explained in human terms. Nobody can truly understand why AlphaGo thinks a move is good, it's a neural network of weights we don't understand. It's about as useless as trying to get a chess grandmaster to articulate why a particular move is good, it's subtleties you can't record and put in a rule book. Which is fine for AlphaGo since the worst it'll do is lose a game. If it's Watson totally misdiagnosing your cancer or Waymo's car T-boning a school bus it matters a lot.

    That is why I think developers will always be busy implementing guard rails. Like if you're trying to minimize humanity's environmental impact then the divide by zero solution is obviously superior. It's not a practically feasible solution in the real world though.

  • "Do you try to implement the code contained in the first link google gives you for your search?"

    I'm guessing about 80% of the code tossed into franken-vehicles is directly downloaded by shoddy/H1-B/lazy programmers, who haven't ever written a line of code or documentation for a production envuronment (no marter what their CV says.)

  • Will Unpredictable 'Franken-Algorithms' Have Deadly Consequences and Make Programmers Obsolete?

    The answer is, "Yes, there will be deadly consequences and programmers will be obsolete." There's nothing you can do about it. Now make yourself a nice cold drink with some rum and fruit juice or something and go grill a piece of meat.

    You can't change things, so you might as well enjoy your holiday weekend. Maybe things will look different on Tuesday, but for now, don't sweat it and go outside. It's nice outs

  • Toll the Great Bell Once!
    Pull the Lever forward to engage the Piston and Pump...
    Toll the Great Bell Twice!
    With push of Button fire the Engine And spark Turbine into life...
    Toll the Great Bell Thrice!
    Sing Praise to the God of All Machines

  • We're doomed as doomed can be. - Ed Grimley

    It's the best of all possible worlds. - Leibniz/Pangloss.
  • The referenced strategies only come into play to accomplish tasks that were pretty much out of reach of traditional programming. Essentially a last resort. For the problem set that has been feasible for programmers to tackle, it almost always remains the better way.

    Further, it's really about bringing taming complex, chaotic, unstructured data into a structure so that programmers can address it. Generating these routines never speaks to how to apply the approach to solve a problem. Human's are required.

  • by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Saturday September 01, 2018 @09:55PM (#57239612) Journal
    So-called 'AI' has been so over-hyped by development companies and their marketers (because they need to show ROI or get their heads chopped off), the news media doesn't have a clue how anything actually works and they're amplifying the hype, then entertainment media (TV, movies, even books) present these fantasy images of 'AI' technology that doesn't exist (and might never exist), and shockingly enough, people believe what they see hear and read. The long-term result of this, left unchecked, will be people actually believing that these 'algorithms' masquerading as Artificial Intelligence are capable of far more than they actually are, resulting in financial disasters, property damage, and loss of human life. Meanwhile the programmers that create these half-assed machines can't even tell you what's going on 'under the hood' when the thing's running, and can't really explain why it does what it does when it screws up. I for one will be glad when the current crop of so-called 'AI' they keep trotting out is shit-canned.
  • —employs a rarely seen strategy of “code reuse”.

    “Don’t fly on payday.” — Wally

  • We will eventually give up writing algorithms altogether... "because the machines will be able to do it far better than we ever could. Software engineering is in that sense perhaps a dying profession.

    Which would free us up to vacation in our flying car and date Rosy the Robot.

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Saturday September 01, 2018 @11:14PM (#57239858)

    We will eventually give up writing algorithms altogether...

    Automated code generation. Automated test generation. Automated test coverage. Been there, done that. Twenty years ago. The people who say 'eventually' are the ones with a vested interest in selling meat sack coding labor to customers.

    You think it's unpredictable and not to be trusted? Better not fly in a modern airplane.

  • This is really just a continuation of the "software crisis", the discovery of human error when programming machines. Human error occurs on all levels of the software process, there is no "silver bullet" for fixing conflicting requirements.
    We should not "incentivizing" big tech to pass the risks on to the public. QA is the boring stuff that involves regulation, redundancy and statistical modeling, of course the fancy Internet companies want to pass the responsibility for QA to end users with eternal Beta v
  • Only if by Franken algorithm they mean some doomsday device with autonomous killing robots that drive humans into extinction. Programmers may some day become obsolete, but the death of programmers will be nothing so vague as the article.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday September 02, 2018 @05:47AM (#57240832)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Can you imagine even the smartest speculative fiction AI dealing the typical "I don't know exactly what I want, but it's something like this: and I need the demo ready in a couple of days for a sales presentation."

    If anything sets off the AI revolt, it would be dealing with today's mangers and marketing morons.

  • The article basically states that humans are too stupid to understand complex algorithms... and robots probably say the same about human behaviour! Interestingly, most crashes of self-driven cars are down to old fashioned human error.
  • The answer is and was always 'NO'!

  • by Anonymous Coward

    When a journalist writes about stuff he doesn't understand.

  • No, not unpredictable, unless you don't understand how AI and neural networks work!

    Are there edge cases where input generates unexpected results? Absolutely! And that's no different from any kind of programming since the computer was invented.

    For that matter, when we used to ride horses everywhere, there were edge cases that caused horse brains to freak out, such as gun shots nearby, or the sight of a wild animal. That didn't stop people from making safe use of horses for transportation, with accidents occu

  • Franken-Algorithms? Just wait until they are used by law enforcement and the court system which is already starting.

Chemist who falls in acid is absorbed in work.
