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Ask Slashdot: How Dead Is Java? ( 519

This week HackerRank reported Java is now only the second most popular programming language, finally dropping behind JavaScript in the year 2018.

Now long-time Slashdot reader shanen asks about the rumors that Java is dead -- or is it?

Can you convince me that Java isn't as dead as it seems? It's just playing dead and will spring to life?
This week one Java news site argued that Java-based Minecraft has in fact "spawned a new generation of Java developers," citing an interview with Red Hat's JBoss Middleware CTO. (And he adds that "It's still the dominant programming language in the enterprise, so whether you're building enterprise clients, services or something in between, Java likely features in there somewhere.") Yet the original submission drew some interesting comments:
  • "The licensing scheme for Java kills it..."
  • "Java programs still are 'the alien on your desktop'. They suck in many ways. Users have learned to avoid them and install 'real programs' instead..."

But what do Slashdot's readers think? Leave your own answers in the comments.

How dead is Java?

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Ask Slashdot: How Dead Is Java?

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  • by Hognoxious ( 631665 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @08:37PM (#58061522) Homepage Journal

    Not as dead as this laaaaarge portion of popcorn I'm making.

    [sits back]

  • by DaMattster ( 977781 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @08:40PM (#58061536)
    So that Oracle can get butt fucked by their decision to be so consumer unfriendly when it comes to their policies on Java.
  • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @08:41PM (#58061538)
    Has Netcraft confirmed it?
  • Not dead (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @08:44PM (#58061554)

    It's alive and well server-side. It's dead on the desktop because it's dreadful, slow, memory-hungry and extremely annoying each time Oracle forcibly imposes things that break legacy applications.

    • Re:Not dead (Score:4, Informative)

      by Spamalope ( 91802 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @08:57PM (#58061630)
      You forgot the security problems. What a steaming pile. My experience is you can half the frequency of business desktop virus problems by uninstalling JVM or at least blocking the ability of anything web or email based touching it. It's a disaster anywhere a regular user can click on something that runs it. Sad since the design model could have been secure.
      • Re:Not dead (Score:4, Insightful)

        by ctilsie242 ( 4841247 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @10:24PM (#58062042)

        The ironic thing is that the Java runtime was one of the few major Mac attack vectors until Apple killed it.

        Java is definitely useful, but the problem is that it has been ignored, and its structure not fundamentally updated for decades to handle modern day attacks.

        Had Java kept up with the times, there would have been no need for Flash or HTML5. However, because of the neglect, it just got surpassed by newer technologies.

    • Re:Not dead (Score:4, Insightful)

      by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:28PM (#58061770) Journal

      It's dead on the desktop

      In fairness, almost everything is dead on the desktop at this point.

    • Oracle is doing it's best to kill it on the server side as well by requiring a license for it for commercial use.

      I feel bad for any company dumb enough to pay it, though, considering that there are free alternatives out there like OpenJDK.

      • Unless that company/institution is using other (expensive in either time, money, people, or all) software that runs on it, that specifies in its support contract that "thou shalt only use these specific versions of java from oracle". Similar example is running linux on IBM mainframes via z/VM - only supported distros were/are redhat and suse. Not running the exact specific version of one of those two? No support.

  • What? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by CaptainJeff ( 731782 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @08:51PM (#58061592)
    It's dead .. in that it's now the NUMBER TWO MOST POPULAR LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD? Wow. Perhaps my understanding of the meaning of "dead" is misinformed. The commentary here seems to center around Java as a language for desktop applications or similar. It's not. It hasn't been for decades. Java is used mostly to make enterprise-class server-side software. It's used extensively in the financial services sector. Most of the code for any FI's web applications you interact with is Java. And so is all of the backend code. And it's not going anywhere in that space.
    • Java is used mostly to make enterprise-class server-side software. It's used extensively in the financial services sector.
      Most of the code for any FI's web applications you interact with is Java. And so is all of the backend code.
      And it's not going anywhere in that space.

      It is so not dead. The ecosystem around Java is huge and growing. If we are talking web apps, sure, they are using Javascript, Typescript, etc. But the server side for pretty much every major project I've seen in the last 10 years is Java, with C/C++ in some areas.

  • I install java on most my machines. I don't use it too terribly often, but when I do, the apps written in and running on Java seem as good as any other Apps. I don't see the problem.

    Not sure why there's comments of licensing issues... it's a free download from Oracle's website, has been forever. Am I missing something? Do you need special permission to write java code and distribute it? I'm sure you might need permission to distribute the VM with your app, but that's not even necessary, for the reason

    • Re:Seems fine to me (Score:5, Informative)

      by slack_justyb ( 862874 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:48PM (#58061868)

      Not sure why there's comments of licensing issues... it's a free download from Oracle's website

      Well the issue is complex if you stick to Oracle provided binaries, the TL;DR simple answer is to move on to OpenJDK and be done with it.

      Java SE 8 which was the last version you could "freely" use in a commercial product, if you go to Oracle's website at the moment, you'll get this message.

      Oracle will not post further updates of Java SE 8 to its public download sites for commercial use after January 2019. Customers who need continued access to critical bug fixes and security fixes as well as general maintenance for Java SE 8 or previous versions can get long term support through Oracle Java SE Subscription or Oracle Java SE Desktop Subscription. For more information, and details on how to receive longer term support for Oracle JDK 8, please see the Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap.

      Going forward you now have two options. Oracle OpenJDK which is an open source JDK that you may use as you see fit, the end. Oracle JDK, which starting at version 11 is Oracle OpenJDK plus some Oracle enhancements. You may freely download Oracle JDK and use it for development and testing, however, Oracle JDK cannot be used for production or commercial use without being anally raped by Oracle, so yeah you cannot download Oracle JDK and just use it without being in some degree of violation of Larry Ellison's 37th yacht fund somewhere in the fine print of that download. Additionally, Oracle has gotten a little blood thirsty lately [] so use Oracle JDK without a license at your own damn risk.

      So you might ask, so if we have OpenJDK, who would want Oracle JDK? The important thing to remember that OpenJDK provided by Oracle is Oracle's build of OpenJDK, which may or may not have all the most recent patches. Basically, Oracle's OpenJDK is on par patch wise the day a new version hits with Oracle JDK. So when Java 11 hit, that day Oracle JDK and Oracle OpenJDK were functionally the same. However any patches that Oracle JDK has received since that day, Oracle OpenJDK hasn't or might have, it's basically "meh we patch it when we patch it." However, Oracle isn't the only game in the OpenJDK build world.

      Here's a post about all the different folks building OpenJDK. [] I suggest OpenJDK from AdpotOpenJDK or if you are using Linux, BSD, Unix, etc Just use the OpenJDK that your vendor provides, they usually keep it reasonably up to date. What the change does do, is make everyone change their old habit of just going to Oracle's site, download their JDK, and go from there. Instead, just go grab a non-Oracle build, beside we shouldn't be frequenting Oracle anyway.

      Outside of that, Java is still Java and unsurprisingly Oracle is still shooting themselves in the foot. The most recent move with Java 9, 10, and 11 only further cements folks' decisions to leave Oracle as their provider of a Java implementation.

      • At my work we've been told that we must pay for licenses for our desktops to use JAVA runtime.

        We are not exactly scrambling to rewrite apps but this has killed all new development in Java in the organization.

        At home, I have not installed Java in 5 years.

      • by Sesostris III ( 730910 ) on Sunday February 03, 2019 @03:38AM (#58062914)
        My understanding is that version 11 Oracle OpenJDK will have exactly the same patches applied as Oracle JDK (LTS), until version 12 comes out. Then the patches Oracle applies to Oracle JDK version 11 will not be applied to Oracle OpenJDK version 11. Oracle OpenJDK users will be expected to move to version 12. (This in turn will receive official Oracle patches until version 13 comes out, and so on. New versions are expected to come out every six months from now on.)

        However, I believe some other JDK suppliers, like AdoptOpenJDK, will provide provide a patched version of version 11 even after version 12 is out.
  • by Dwedit ( 232252 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:07PM (#58061686) Homepage

    The thing I've recently heard about Java is that you are subject to Oracle's random whims. Right now, you can get and use the runtime environment and development environment for free, but you don't know if they will randomly decide to charge you a ton of money to use it and send an army of lawyers after you.

    That seems to be the only "dead" part of Java, the idea that you can actually use it without Oracle screwing you over.

    • Re:Oracle's Whims (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Arkham ( 10779 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:18PM (#58061720)

      That seems to be the only "dead" part of Java, the idea that you can actually use it without Oracle screwing you over.

      We've moved to OpenJDK for all production systems, and that sidesteps Oracle entirely.

    • Re:Oracle's Whims (Score:5, Insightful)

      by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:20PM (#58061734) Journal

      The thing I've recently heard about Java is that you are subject to Oracle's random whims. Right now, you can get and use the runtime environment and development environment for free, but you don't know if they will randomly decide to charge you a ton of money to use it and send an army of lawyers after you.

      Use OpenJDK. Problem solved.

  • by BladeMelbourne ( 518866 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:07PM (#58061688)

    I say this as someone who's written .NET code for 17 years now - and last wrote Java back in University (1999).

    The .NET Framework is kept constantly up to date by Windows Update. It might be nice if Java was a Windows "Feature" - and every month the latest version was downloaded with Windows updates. Microsoft has been embracing open source, and supporting other platforms for years. I like the new Microsoft.

    Java apps shouldn't be an alien, and choice benefits developers and eventually consumers.

    • Yes, constant Java updates would be nice, but backwards incompatible updates do creep in. This tends to affect popular frameworks, in part due to using deprecated and backdoor features. Eventually the frameworks get fixed, but forcing a new version of Java all the time would cause more harm than good.

      As for your work with .NET, are you writing GUI apps? For that, I can see how forcing new updates really helps users in the long run. Java is a complete failure for developing GUIs, mostly because Sun/Oracle

    • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Sunday February 03, 2019 @12:06AM (#58062450) Homepage Journal

      The .NET Framework is kept constantly up to date by Windows Update. It might be nice if Java was a Windows "Feature"

      Perhaps you have forgotten history. Microsoft had a JVM. Then they did weird stuff to it which was not quite compatible with other JVMs, and they still wanted to call it "Java". They got sued and lost, and they could no longer play their Embrace-Extend-Extinguish game with Java, so they invented .NET to compete with Java instead. Sun went down the toilet bowl, and Oracle hasn't really even tried to keep Java current, so now .NET beats Java like a piece of meat.

  • by andy16666 ( 1592393 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:11PM (#58061700)

    That's a little bit like asking "is Linux dead?", simply because it's not a popular desktop OS. Just because the majority of users don't realize they're interacting with something, doesn't mean it's not widely used. In the case of Java, the Android platform is a major client-facing deployment. However, the majority of enterprise and webservices are still Java/Java EE and that application is growing, driven by the move to the cloud and the popularity of microservice architecture in new enterprise installations.

    JavaScript obviously is a bit deal too, given the increasing importance of heavy client-side web-apps. But most of those webapps have Java on the back end.

  • Java's been dead on the desktop forever. Oracle isn't doing it any favors either. But OpenJDK is alive and well, and Spring and spring cloud are very popular, performant, scalable tools that we use every day. Yes, we're dabbling in Node for purpose-built microservices more and more, but Java has always been and will continue to be a good choice for many server-side projects.

  • by macraig ( 621737 ) <`mark.a.craig' `at' `'> on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:18PM (#58061728)

    How dead is Java?

    It's still populated by 141 million people and it's been a while since the last gigantic eruption, so it ain't dead at all.

    • by cormandy ( 513901 ) on Sunday February 03, 2019 @03:45AM (#58062928)
      Why the greatest fear of the inhabitants of Java is the next eruption of Mount Ellison, a volcano once thought to be extinct but known to occasionally to roar back to life. The Javanese being a superstious folk believe that the only way to placate this unpredictable volcano is to give the god Oracle - known to possess Mount Ellison, or is it the other way around? - cash offerings through the purchase of annual software maintenance contracts. These excessive and unreasonably priced contracts are believed keep the god Oracle and its volcano Ellison at bay sparing the Javanese from being burned and destroyed by another spillage of hot lava from what was once a nice mountain with a solid database product somewhere back in in the 1980s or early 1990s.
  • by jlowery ( 47102 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:25PM (#58061758)

    But not as dead as SNOBOL

    • by jlowery ( 47102 )

      To be fair, Java is not as bad as COBOL. But I would rather be writing apps than designing elaborate type systems.

  • by GhostBond ( 5534446 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @09:38PM (#58061810)
    [quote]“There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.” - Bjarne Stroustrup[/quote]
  • Java Applets (browser plugin)? Dead.
    Java desktop apps? Dead. Nobody's going to argue that.

    The Java language is far from dead in the enterprise. Those who use it there will gladly pay Oracle for their production systems, and use OpenJDK everywhere else. There is a crap ton of existing code out there being maintained, and new code all the time.

    Java is far from dead outside of the enterprise too, on mobile. Not the way Oracle would have liked it with everybody using JavaME, but on Android, which is what has r

    • Java desktop apps? Dead. Nobody's going to argue that.

      I write new Java desktop apps (and maintain existing ones) as my primary job. I absolutely LOVE Swing, as it is very flexible, well designed, and snappy (JTable, for example, can contain and scroll through hundreds of thousands of rows just as easily and quickly as a couple dozen, performing custom processes on rows and columns). And the entirety of Swing is written with the same type of performance.

      Java2EE absolutely sucks shit, and I feel sorry for anyone having to use that monstrosity, but Java SE is f

      • What about JavaFX? That at one time was the Next Best Thing, but (unlike Swing) has been dropped from the JDK. Where there are still Java desktop apps, has it managed to get any traction?
  • by ( 3412475 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @10:06PM (#58061950)

    Java has an image problem, not due to the fact its desktop frameworks look ugly but also that it looks ancient as object-oriented programming, licensing and performance trends go. It has a public relations problem, but for those that are in the industry, its pretty obvious its life-support system is alive and well.

    If you look outside the desktop, Java is fine. As previously stated, Java is core to business players - it serves a central purpose in many middleware, server and database-related solutions. Then there's the fact that Oracle is its owner and major sponsor, and RedHat closely behind it both maintain its momentum, while its essential role in the world's largest mobile platform accelerates it. Some will say even in Android Java is faltering, but Kotlin avid programmers know full well that, like Kobol and other tech in critical applications, Java will take decades to be detached from Android. The same can be side about the businesses solutions where it is central.

    So while Java's core language development might stall in favor of supporting cooler, "du jour" paradigms that act as stepping stones for new players to have something fresh to stand upon, the JVM and its many clone runtimes are here to stay. And while languages that code for them keep basing themselves off of Java for bytecode endgame, so is Java.

  • by Miamicanes ( 730264 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @10:11PM (#58061972)

    Emotionally, Java died for me the day I discovered that C# has real, honest to god unsigned bytes. You have to be masochistic beyond words and the world's ULTIMATE glutton for punishment to attempt programming OpenGL ES using Java, because GLES does EVERYTHING by juggling around byte arrays, and dealing with raw unsigned bytes in Java is pure misery.

    It's no secret that 'unsigned bytes' are one of (if not THE) most-requested features in the history of Java. And the one that evokes the angriest ideological debates, often getting it called 'syntactic sugar' (as if providing a language construct to avoid having to do things known to create STAGGERING numbers of insidious code errors due to typos is a morally-decadent thing).

    Personally, I love how some people get all righteous about calling unsigned bytes 'syntactic sugar', then proceed to defend dumping six pounds of 'syntactic salt' into Java in the form of the way Java now handles lambda expressions.

    Lambda expressions per se aren't necessarily a bad thing. Pretty much every major language now has them. But the specific WAY they were implemented in Java is an abomination. Put bluntly, they're basically "human-compiled" object code PRETENDING TO BE actual source code.

    For anyone who doesn't understand what I just said, here's an alternate explanation. Basically, when the Java compiler sees a Lambda expression, it recursively searches through the list of interfaces known to it until it finds an interface that defines a single method whose arguments match the types of those used by the lambda. It takes the compiler (or IDE) a fraction of a second to do a brute-force search through the API to find a match. Humans, unfortunately, aren't quite so agile at things like that, which is why we invented source code in the first place 50 years ago.

    Behind the scenes, the compiler is just automatically assembling an anonymous class that implements the interface. And if you had the sourcecode TO that anonymous class in front of you, making sense of it would be easy. The problem is, Java's lambda syntax strips away most of the contextual information that the anonymous class would provide you with, so you're left trying to make sense of a cryptic glob of punctuation characters that makes obfuscated Perl look like Ada or Visual Basic by comparison.

    The end result is that if I write a nontrivial program using Java lambda expressions, print out a method, and hand it to you, there's a VERY high likelihood that you'll scratch your head and be completely unable to make sense out of it without at least looking back at the includes near the top, and probably a few minutes with Google. In contrast, if those lambdas had been printed in the source AS anonymous classes implementing the same interface, you'd probably be able to effortlessly make sense of them without a second thought. And that's what's fundamentally wrong with Java Lambda Expressions, in a nutshell. They optimize the wrong problem, and result in sourcecode that's human-unreadable.

  • by Luthair ( 847766 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @10:15PM (#58061990)
    Has anyone ever heard of it before the post on Slashdot? Its not like this was Tiobe whom we've seen around forever.
  • by smartr ( 1035324 )
    It's called JHipster. You probably haven't heard of it.
  • by MSG ( 12810 )

    There's a segment of the community that looks at their desktop computer and assumes that anything that they don't personally use is dead.

    In fact, Linux and Java are the most used software in the world. Linux runs nearly everything that isn't your desktop computer, and a fairly substantial number of the applications you interact with over networks are Java.

    Just because it isn't executing on your terminal doesn't mean you aren't using it.

  • According to Slashdot and others, Java has been dying for the past 15 years. The short answer is, no, it's not going anywhere. There's tons of Enterprise code written in Java that will need to be maintained for years to come.
  • by joe_n_bloe ( 244407 ) on Saturday February 02, 2019 @10:51PM (#58062160) Homepage

    Somehow, Java became screaming fast and/or Lucene manages to avoid all the parts of Java that are screaming slow. Therefore Elasticsearch. Therefore that's one very good reason that Java won't go anywhere right away.

    Also, despite the existence of obviously saner alternatives like REST, many enterprises use Java as a standard for service bindings. Long ago lost to the sands of time is the original intent that XML was intended to be human-readable (in the sense of not needing binary decoding) but not human-written.

    I wrote a lot of semi-interesting Java in the past, and I suppose there was a time when I liked it, but I can't see that time coming again. Java is annoying. It's that grumpy, square, didactic, great uncle whose clothes haven't been updated since the 70s and whose house smells musty and who tells you about how he took no shortcuts in his life and you can't either.

    Python is annoyingly gimpy (what sort of interpreted language deliberately doesn't have closures and first class functions?) but at least you can write a command-line tool in it, and maybe some day it'll be fast too. I guess dumbed down is better than a smelly old uncle.

    Maybe I'll get to write some Rust soon.

  • I'm just here for the PASCAL

  • Check out the job offers in so that you know just how popular Java is compared to anything else.

  • by Dasher42 ( 514179 ) on Sunday February 03, 2019 @12:11AM (#58062464)

    I'd say it's fast zombie, as opposed to slow. Possibly infected with rage after a bite from Larry Ellison of Oracle.

  • So the article is obviously a stupid flame bait question which I really don't have much direct response to, since I've not been doing any with with Java for some time - either client or server.

    Instead of reading responses or the article, I ended up finding this amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe, making said cookies, and then eating them to verify the claims the recipe was as good as it claims - it is.

    Instead of me arguing the case for or against Java with others here, I thought all of *you* could use a g

    • I was seriously curious about the status of Java when I discovered that it was apparently uninstalling itself and vanishing from my browsers. My sincerely curious question was combined in an odd way with another story someone else submitted about the relative popularity of Java, which obviously is a call for popcorn.

      I really haven't learned what I was hoping to, but my current theory (slightly modified by this discussion) is that Oracle basically murdered browser-based Java. Sun's original charitable model

  • Almost all ip kvms run java. there are two companies that don't as far as i can tell.

    java in embedded things is a nightmare.

  • I'd guess that Android software is the number 1 use of Java these days. But Oracle says Google's version of "Java" doesn't count, and they have to stop using it. If they do that, Android developers will go where Google tells them to go, they won't stay behind to use the "pure" Java language from Oracle.

  • by moronikos ( 595352 ) on Sunday February 03, 2019 @02:35AM (#58062788) Journal

    If I look at job openings in my market, Tulsa, there are as many Java jobs as C# and Python put together. Only a handful of C/C++ jobs--I say this as a 25+ year C++ developer. I would say that if demand means anything, Java is far from dead.

  • by jonwil ( 467024 ) on Sunday February 03, 2019 @03:18AM (#58062858)

    If you own a Blu-Ray Player or Blu-Ray disks you are using Java (Blu-Ray disks use a variant of Java ME for all their menus and interactive stuff and whatever else)
    Cable set top boxes that use OCAP for interactivity and stuff (common in America) also use a variant of Java ME.

    And I am sure there are still other embedded Java systems out there in use.

  • by ndykman ( 659315 ) on Sunday February 03, 2019 @04:29AM (#58063020)

    Oracle is sucking the life out of it.

    Licensing complications. Sure, the OpenJDK exists, but you have to test your long standing and legacy applications against it. Of course, you should do that, because old versions of the Java runtime really have security issues. Oh and if you aren't careful and get caught in an audit, that can hurt.

    Adding language Features. C# and .Net was dogging them a bit in this area. But type erasure and some other aspects of the type system still makes functional style code just clunky (special streams and functions for int, doubles, longs). The way they did lambdas was pretty hacky.

    Modules and the new versioning. Java 9 added modules, but it's a bit clunky, to put it kindly. We have Java 10 and 11, with 12 to come, and nobody really wants to deal with new versions of the JVM on that rapid of a time scale.
    But, he rate of adoption of Java 8 and newer features is slow. I still see tons of Java programmers that have never used streams. But, that hybrid functional/OO style can be very useful.

    With Erlang/Elixir, .Net Core, Go, Python, NodeJS and even modern C++, Java is just being squeezed out in terms of being used for newer projects. But, with so much code out there, it will live for quite some time.

  • by cjonslashdot ( 904508 ) on Sunday February 03, 2019 @10:31AM (#58063732)

    - and a really idiotic one.

    I am a DevOps consultant and visit lots of places, and Java is the number one language for back end services. It is almost universal. Other languages are used for specialized things, such as Python for machine learning, because the ML community has embraced Python. For front end, Javascript is the most popular, but that will likely change as alternatives grow in popularity (e.g., Kotlin).

    Also, Amazon has announced support for Java, as has IBM/Red Hat, so we are not dependent on Oracle.

    The JVM ecosystem is enormously successful and robust. Languages like Scala and many others rely on it - not just Java.

    I am not advocating for Java - just stating the reality that I see in my work. I don't much like any of the languages that are in use today.

"A car is just a big purse on wheels." -- Johanna Reynolds
