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Slashdot Asks: What Are Some Programming Books You Wish You Had Read Earlier? 137

A blog post from developer turned writer Marty Jacobs caught my attention earlier this morning. In the post, Jacobs has listed some of the programming books he says he had discovered and read much sooner. He writes, "There are so many programming books out there, sometimes it's hard to know what books are best. Programming itself is so broad and there are so many concepts to learn." You can check out his list here. I was curious what books would you include if you were to make a similar list?
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Slashdot Asks: What Are Some Programming Books You Wish You Had Read Earlier?

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  • Python and Tkinter Programming Paperback – January, 2000

    by John E Grayson


    What? Didn't I shower?

    • Zero Bugs & Program Faster is an interesting book. It's a collection of single-page ideas. It's the kind of thing to have on your desk (or in your bathroom) to read five minutes a day and let idea sink in.

      I believe the author may be a Slashdot member.

  • A huge, sprawling book but a lot of gold in them thar hills.

  • Kernighan (Score:5, Interesting)

    by brausch ( 51013 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @01:35PM (#58164568)

    They are old, but all of the books that Brian Kernighan was involved with: Software Tools, The Elements of Programming Style, etc. The writing and editing in these books is excellent. Too bad there isn't a new generation of them.

    • by _merlin ( 160982 )

      Yeah, I'm unimpressed with a lot of programming/CS books. The thing is, the core underlying concepts don't change even if the tools and frameworks change around them. Algorithms, data structures, complexity analysis... IMO the best introduction to software development is still Oh! Pascal! 3rd Edition (Doug Cooper).

    • by Askmum ( 1038780 )
      I wish they had actually used "The C Programming Language" at bible school. I would have paid a whole lot more attention.
  • 1984 (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 22, 2019 @01:36PM (#58164572)

    Nineteen Eighty-Four []. Hey, you didn't specify computer programming....

  • by whh3 ( 450031 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @01:37PM (#58164576) Homepage

    Here's a compilation of other "must-read" books from well known developers like "Uncle Bob, and Kent Beck, [and] Jeff Atwood and DHH:"

    On medium, sorry for the interstitial: [].


  • by Anonymous Coward

    After I read this, the quality and readability of my code improved.

  • Personal favorites: (Score:5, Interesting)

    by whh3 ( 450031 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @01:42PM (#58164616) Homepage

    The Art of UNIX Programming by Eric Raymond []


    Expert Programming: Deep C Secrets []

    The former does a good job, I thought, of outlining what it means to program in the UNIX style. The latter is perfect for a geek like me who wants to learn all about the ins/outs of semantics of a language that I love!

  • by peterofoz ( 1038508 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @01:45PM (#58164644) Homepage Journal
    by Donald Knuth.

    Do all the exercises. []

  • by grumpy-cowboy ( 4342983 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @01:46PM (#58164646)

    The title is a bit misleading. Yes the book talk about Unix design philosophy but It's not about "Unix" programming per say. It's about good design, good file format, good practices... do ONE thing and do it WELL.

  • Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas
    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      Along the lines of oldies but goodies.

      The Practice of Programmng

      Composite/Structured design

      There are actually a number of good book from MS press published in that 1990’s

  • by bobbied ( 2522392 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @01:51PM (#58164678)

    The Mythical Man Month is a MUST READ for anybody who is or manages any kind of software development staff (Really, any kind of engineering staff). Fredrick Brooks remains spot on in his observations of how software development processes and teams actually work in real life. This book was written back in the 60's, revised in the 70's but remains applicable to modern projects. Brooks is exceedingly insightful and his observations which boil down the real issues of software development still apply decades later. He may have worked on what's now considered antiques using languages which have fallen out of fashion long ago, but his focus on the practicalities of software development makes this book timeless.

    Yea, it's not a "programming" book per say, but if you develop software using a team, or do any kind of engineering work with others, the insights in this book are invaluable to you and your management. I read this book every few years and share it with my management when appropriate.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by david_bonn ( 259998 )


      I'd also add Demarco & Lister's Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams. Another oldie but a goodie.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      The Mythical Man Month, combined with Yourdon's 'Death March' made me unemployable.

      I couldn't get through even an initial contact with employers, let alone an in-person interview, without noticing and pointing out that most of their questions and requirements are premised on a delusional, self-serving view of reality.

      "Everyone on our teams gives 150%!"

      It is really sad how much of technology development is based on magical thinking.

    • by david_thornley ( 598059 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @03:41PM (#58165448)

      Mythical Man-Month is pretty much dated by now. While Brooks had a lot of excellent insights, he had some clinkers too, and most of his insights have become common knowledge. There's a few chapters still worth reading, but most of the book is either common knowledge or wrong or irrelevant. Lots of people still haven't absorbed its lessons, but if they haven't by now they aren't going to be helped by any book.

      There was a Silver Anniversary edition twenty-five years after initial publication that had his essay "No Silver Bullet", which is also very insightful for its time. It also contains some notes on what in the original was right and wrong. If you're going to read the book, try to get this edition.

      A lot of the charm of the book is simply the writing. Brooks is an excellent writer, and doesn't even try to have excuses for the mistakes he made.

  • C++ primer plus... (Score:4, Informative)

    by blahplusplus ( 757119 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @01:54PM (#58164710)

    ... by stephen prata.

    Despite many elitists decrying the book, it's the best place to start when trying to understand C and C++ as a language as it gives you a bit of background behind how and why C developed and for anyone who's read through many programming books, the hardest part about learning programming is learning to think and understand how a CPU operates. Probably the most fundamental thing I would require all programmers to learn is some c or c++ AND assembly. Why assembly? Because when you're forced to read assembly code you need to get a feel for how cpu's really work and what the stack is and those strange instructions are when you do assembly read outs.

    Also I would highly recommend making basic cheats or playing with seemly code in single player games using something like cheat engine. You get experience through reverse engineering and trying to read assembly code.

    IMHO reverse enginering is probably the best way to learn for someone who has the discipline and a deep work ethic. The biggest problems for kid starting out is not having any good teachers who have a clue how beginners to programming struggle. Finding a good teacher who has lived through many programming era's and can kind of explain the fucked up half-baked fly by the seat of your pants nature of how many languages were designed is important IMHO. Because many programming languages were designed by experts for other experts, the weren't the result of scentific usability studies. It was really all engineers and nerds making tools for other engineers are nerds and that's fine but the hardest part of programming is taking a problem and understanding it well first and then building a model for code. Your code is only as good as your model or foundation, aka only as good as your understanding of the problem.

    I'd tell new programers don't assume that everything that has been invented or that the tools used to program are finished. If I had infinite lifespan I'd go back and do small scale models of simple machines and cpu's and have a visual display of what the computer is actually doing, something like those old Disk defrag programs, aka what the data is doing, where the data is, what is happening. That hardest part of programming is really wrapping your mind around how the machine works and then realizing that programming is really just structured mathematical workflows, anything you program, often will at some point need to be performant and the only way to get high speed or fast software is to really understand how manage how work is batched and processed. That ultimately requires for you to have a good mental model of how the machine works at a low level. At some point in if you ever want to become good you'll need to understand how the computer underneath actually works. Trying to avoid it is just really living in ignorance.

    • As long as we're talking about C++ primers, I would add the one by Stanley Lippman. I found it very helpful, particularly the explanations of how overloading, casting, multiple constructors, and inheritance work together.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This book was published very late in my programming career, I wish I read it when I was younger. Daniel D. McCracken, A Guide to Fortran Programming, 1961.

  • by MagicM ( 85041 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @02:00PM (#58164766)

    Don't Make Me Think []

  • By Michael Hernandez Not a line of code in the book, but perhaps the best volume on how data is organized and how database elements are related, linked, connected and how to use things like keys and constraints and what normalization does. The best book to read before you begin to write code if you are doing anything at all that requires a database or connects to one.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    - "The design of everyday things", the book gives the principles of how to make a good UI into anything, even doors. Especially doors. This is one book I think everyone should read, not only those who design things. I would make it mandatory in schools.
    - "Peopleware", very interesting and somewhat funny if you can laugh at your own misfortune. Book with lots of studies about people, projects and companies.
    - "Clean code", a book about programming, it made me realize that reading code is about 10 times slower

  • by acroyear ( 5882 ) <> on Friday February 22, 2019 @02:07PM (#58164794) Homepage Journal

    Every fresh-out-of-college kid's first jobs are basically fixing the bugs left behind by the architects and experienced coders who either have left the company or have better things to do with their time.

    Understanding how to make code changes safe is a vital part of that job, so the sooner a kid (I'm 48, they're all kids) is comfortable with the ways to restructure code safely for fixing issues and adding features, the better. It is a core part of modern software engineering, but is rarely taught in schools, at least not actively.

    I developed a habit of this, but would have done so faster and with more confidence had I had the book and the vocabulary in mind.

  • Shameless plug for the company I work for: several of the books mentioned in this thread are available online in the O'Reilly platform (aka Safari Books Online). Free trial for 10 days, no cc required, completely opt in. I especially like the Mythical Man Month, it changed the way I handle estimates and and scheduling" Operating System Concepts 9th Edition [] Mythical Man-Month, The: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition [] A
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Anonymous Coward

    1001 other jobs better than being a programmer

  • SQL Antipatterns (Score:4, Informative)

    by billius ( 1188143 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @02:23PM (#58164922)
    "SQL Antipatterns: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming" by Bill Karwin. If you design database schemata from scratch, it's well worth your time! For a lot of web applications, the database is the foundation upon which the rest of the app rests. You can have the best frontend and backend code in the world but if your database schema is a mess, you application will still be difficult to work with. This book saved me coworker and I at a previous job from making some serious errors that we definitely would have regretted, especially after years of data were accumulated.
  • Thinking in C++ (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I learned a lot from it.

  • by tatman ( 1076111 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @02:29PM (#58164968) Homepage
    Probably the most needed and useful book for programming.
  • Multipliers (Score:4, Interesting)

    by PhrostyMcByte ( 589271 ) <> on Friday February 22, 2019 @02:32PM (#58164988) Homepage

    Multipliers [] is not a programming book, but it will make you a better programmer.

    Multipliers looks through the lens of the tech industry to show examples of people who are a "multiplier" and people who are a "diminisher". The idea being that when working with a multiplier, people feel that they are working hyper-efficiently, while with a diminisher they are working at sub-optimal.

    This book changed the way I think about teamwork: it's not just about being a rock star yourself, but about making your team the rock star. It helped me identify facets of my working style and past experiences that, if acted on differently, will enable people on my team to shine with minimal additional effort from myself.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 22, 2019 @02:42PM (#58165060)

    Sad to see these are all books about coding and coding style. Nothing at all here about algorithms, or data structures.

    My vote goes for Algorithms by Sedgewick

  • by Seven Spirals ( 4924941 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @02:57PM (#58165150)
    Amazing how little memory and CPU MOTIF applications take. Once you get over the callbacks, it's actually not bad!
  • Even if you don't like C++ much, The Design and Evolution of C++ [] is a great book for understanding why pretty much any language ends up the way it does, seeing the tradeoffs and how a language comes to grow and expand from simple roots. It's way more interesting to read than you might expect (not very dry, and more about human interaction than you would expect).

    Other than that reading through back posts in a lot of coding blogs that have been around a long time is probably a really good idea.

    Also a side re

  • You young whippersnappers don't 'preciate how good you have it!

    Back in my day, the only book about programming was the 1401 assembly language manual!

    But seriously, folks, it's pretty clear we still don't know shite about how to program properly. We have some fairly clear success criteria for improving the hardware, but the criteria for good software are clear as mud, and the criteria for ways to produce good software are much muddier than that.

    Having said that, I will now peruse the thread rather carefully

    • Couldn't find any mention of Guy Steele, so I'll throw in The New Hacker's Dictionary , which I once owned in dead tree form. Not sure if Version 4.4.7 [] is the latest online... Also remember a couple of his language manuals. Probably used the Common Lisp one the most...

      Didn't find any mention of a lot of books that I consider highly relevant, but that may reflect my personal bias towards history. Not really relevant for most programmers.

      TMI, but if I open up my database on all t

  • by UnknownSoldier ( 67820 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @03:52PM (#58165532)

    I've been programming for the past ~40 years and I'll try to summarize what I believe are the most important bits about programming (pardon the pun.) Think of this as a META: "HOWTO: Be A Great Programmer" summary. (I'll get to the books section in a bit.)

    1. All code can be summarized as a trinity of 3 fundamental concepts:

    * Linear; that is, sequence: A, B, C
    * Cyclic; that is, unconditional jumps: A-B-C-goto B
    * Choice; that is, conditional jumps: if A then B

    2. ~80% of programming is NOT about code; it is about Effective Communication. Whether that be:

    * with your compiler / interpreter / REPL
    * with other code (levels of abstraction, level of coupling, separation of concerns, etc.)
    * with your boss(es) / manager(s)
    * with your colleagues
    * with your legal team
    * with your QA dept
    * with your customer(s)
    * with the general public

    The other ~20% is effective time management and design. A good programmer knows how to budget their time. Programming is about balancing the three conflicting goals of the Program Management Triangle []: You can have it on time, on budget, on quality. Pick two.

    3. Stages of a Programmer

    There are two old jokes:

    In Lisp all code is data. In Haskell all data is code.


    Progression of a (Lisp) Programmer:

    * The newbie realizes that the difference between code and data is trivial.
    * The expert realizes that all code is data.
    * The true master realizes that all data is code.

    (Attributed to Aristotle Pagaltzis)

    The point of these jokes is that as you work with systems you start to realize that a data-driven process can often greatly simplify things.

    4. Know Thy Data

    Fred Books once wrote

    "Show me your flowcharts (source code), and conceal your tables (domain model), and I shall continue to be mystified; show me your tables (domain model) and I won't usually need your flowcharts (source code): they'll be obvious."

    A more modern version would read like this:

    Show me your code and I'll have to see your data,
    Show me your data and I won't have to see your code.

    The importance of data can't be understated:

    * Optimization STARTS with understanding HOW the data is being generated and used, NOT the code as has been traditionally taught.
    * Post 2000 "Big Data" has been called the new oil. We are generating upwards to millions of GB of data every second. Analyzing that data is import to spot trends and potential problems.

    5. There are three levels of optimizations. From slowest to fastest run-time:

    a) Bit-twiddling hacks []
    b) Algorithmic -- Algorithmic complexity or Analysis of algorithms [] (such as Big-O notation)
    c) Data-Orientated Design [] -- Understanding how hardware caches such as instruction and data caches matter. Optimize for the common case, NOT the single case that OOP tends to favor.

    Optimizing is understanding Bang-for-the-Buck. 80% of code execution is spent in 20% of the time. Speeding up hot-spots with bit twiddling won't be as effective as using a more efficient algorithm which, in turn, won't be as efficient as understanding HOW the data is manipulated in the first place.

    6. Fundamental Reading

    Since the OP specifically asked about books -- there are lots of great ones. The ones that have impressed me that I would mark as "required" reading:

    * The Mythical Man-Month
    * Godel, Escher, Bach
    * Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming
    * The Pragmatic Programmer
    * Zero Bugs and Program Faster
    * Writing Solid Code / Code Comp

    • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @05:39PM (#58166230) Journal

      You crammed a lot of good ideas into a short post.
      I'm sending my team at work a link to your post.

      You mentioned code can data. Linus Torvalds had this to say:

      "I'm a huge proponent of designing your code around the data, rather than the other way around, and I think it's one of the reasons git has been fairly successful [â¦] I will, in fact, claim that the difference between a bad programmer and a good one is whether he considers his code or his data structures more important."

      "Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships."

      I'm inclined to agree. Once the data structure is right, the code oftem almost writes itself. It'll be easy to write and easy to read because it's obvious how one would handle data structured in that elegant way.

      Writing the code necessary to transform the data from the input format into the right structure can be non-obvious, but it's normally worth it.

      • > You crammed a lot of good ideas into a short post.
        > I'm sending my team at work a link to your post.

        I was getting a little worried it might be TOO long but glad you, and hopefully others, found it helpful.

        > "Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships."

        That's true with all the (great) programmers I've seen. 100% agree with Linus on this.

        > Once the data structure is right, the code often almost writes itself

        It's almost "funny" oft

    • by jma05 ( 897351 )

      This is a great post.
      I wish Slashdot had more thoughtful posts like yours.

  • Ages ago, Microsoft made a book [] for writing bug-free C code. It was surprisingly good for its time.

  • by mccoma ( 64578 ) on Friday February 22, 2019 @06:10PM (#58166468)
    I wish I had read Thinking Forth by Leo Brodie ISBN-10: 0976458705 ISBN-13: 978-0976458708 much earlier. It is an amazing book to really show you a different way to approach programming problems. It is available online these days.
  • as an introduction how to deal with corporate culture. =/
  • Old versions of real Unix had printed manual pages. You could start at the beginning and read the whole thing. It was a great way to understand the full scope of a system. Also reading all the entries in a fixed order means your not missing anything.

  • by laffer1 ( 701823 ) < minus city> on Friday February 22, 2019 @11:28PM (#58167806) Homepage Journal

    The C Programming Language
    Design Patterns (gang of four)
    Advanced Unix Programming
    Code Complete
    (any book on threading and parallelism)
    Core J2EE Design patterns (was a sun press book)
    Operating System Concepts (or Modern Operating Systems)
    Mac OS Internals

  • I have become a better programmer from the following book list:
    1. 1. The Pragmatic Programmer
    2. 2. Clean Code
    3. 3. C Programming Language
    4. 4. The Mythical Man-month

    These books don't appear in Jacobs' list but they are excellent books for becoming a better programmer. Pragmatic programmer is especially useful, I found it changed my approach to Software development such that I would more careful with taking on extra work and managing my work so that I would not fall behind and be able to complete it. Highly

Support bacteria -- it's the only culture some people have!
