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Programming Apple

'Swift Finally Matches Objective-C in One Major Way' (dice.com) 131

The editor of Dice's "Insights" blog argues that Apple's Swift language "has begun to eclipse Objective-C in a key way." Apple was never shy about prioritizing Swift. As one developer on Twitter pointed out, once Swift dropped, Objective-C documentation and tutorials quickly started vanishing. Since then, the company has iterated on Swift and continued to shy away from Objective-C (except when necessary, such as supporting libraries and frameworks). Swift 5 made an important step forward with ABI stability, which means Swift code worked directly with a binary interface. Before ABI stability, the only safeguard was code was compiled on the same compiler, a fingers-crossed approach Apple really had no option for avoiding...

Swift's performance has also improved. For some time, when compared to Objective-C, Swift compiled slower. Because of ABI stability, performance has improved, and compile-time differences have vanished... Apps written in version 5 are also roughly 10-15 percent smaller than Objective-C apps. Bridging performance also improved.

A lot has gone into Swift 5 to make it more stable, and those improvements have resulted in performance parity with Objective-C... It's time to seriously consider the move to Swift.

In 2017 the creator of Swift (and a self-described "long-time reader/fan of Slashdot") began a five-month stint running Tesla's Autopilot team -- and stopped by to answer questions from Slashdot readers.
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'Swift Finally Matches Objective-C in One Major Way'

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  • by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Sunday June 09, 2019 @08:12PM (#58736964)

    For my game engine's native layer, I pretty much had to use Objective-C when Swift first came out. Back then, Swift didn't really interop so easily with C++ code. It looks like that's improved somewhat over the last few years.

    Still, I'm not planning to rewrite code that's already written and working well enough. Here's hoping that the Objective-C interfaces last a while. I'm already irritated that OpenGL is considered "deprecated", so now I have to decide if I want to ship a new game with OpenGL (already written and working) or rewrite a Metal interface for my graphics library.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      You did answer your own question. Once you've rewritten for the new interface you'll have new interface chops. It's that simple. Unless your game is deprecated also.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      You should have used Rust.

      • You should have used Rust.

        Does Metal work with Rust?

        • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

          by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday June 09, 2019 @08:46PM (#58737084)
          Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • by Anonymous Coward

            You're missing the entire point, those are people trying to port without fixing their underlying issue.

            • by Anonymous Coward

              Wasn't rust invented to solve all sorts of underlying issues?

              • by Anonymous Coward

                DO you know what porting means? It means you wrote it in another language, tried to bring it into this one, don't understand that requires fundamental changes, don't know where they need to be, and you fail. That's what that means.

                If you write it in rust you don't have that problem inherited from another architecture's translation to something you never tried to understand. #derp

          • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Monday June 10, 2019 @04:40AM (#58738084)
            Rust might require you to encapsulate your unsafe stuff but you can still do it. Enclose stuff in unsafe blocks and most of the safety checks disappear. It can even wrap/call into C if need be. Obviously unsafe code should be the exception to the rule, so typically its done in a low-level crate while the things that call it stay safe.

            And there are already low level bindings for Vulkan and Metal. Since I haven't used them I can't say what they're like to use.

            Whether Rust is a good idea in a proprietary environment like iOS is another matter though. I expect using it is always going to be an uphill struggle compared to using Swift.

          • by dremon ( 735466 )
            "nothing low level works with Rust because it violates the memory management models"

            This is not true, Rust has FFI and unsafe keyword, those are made specifically for interoperability purposes and low-level code with manual memory management.
          • by Anonymous Coward

            No, nothing low level works with Rust because it violates the memory management models. The biggest questions on Rust forums are still "how do I make my code run without all these safeties"

            Rust works with metal. Look up gfx-rs, it's a wrapper library that supports OpenGL, DirectX, Metal and Vulkan all in one.

            I have yet to find out what doesn't work with Rust, given that it's a native language that uses LLVM.

        • Only if you use WD40 as well....
      • by L_R_Shaw ( 5544684 ) on Sunday June 09, 2019 @09:15PM (#58737172)

        "You should have used Rust."

        That's not the entire use Rust meme.

        "You should use Rust, then your program won't have any bugs in it."

        • by Anonymous Coward

          "You should use Rust, then your program won't have any bugs in it because your program won’t do anything."

          Fixed that for you.

      • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
    • Swift Is Garbage (Score:5, Interesting)

      by L_R_Shaw ( 5544684 ) on Sunday June 09, 2019 @09:13PM (#58737164)

      I was never an Objective-C expert and only wrote a bit of most stock UI glue code with it and the rest of app logic in C++.

      Swift has turned me into diehard Objective-C fan.

      Swift is:

      * Ugly, really, really, ugly and clunky
      * A silly vanity project that serves to do little other than for its creator to show off stuff he learned in his CompSci compiler/language course
      * Has lead to absolutely no real world benefits to application development times or code quality
      * Was clearly pushed out years to early for real world use thanks to a large number of Apple developers willing to declare anything and everything AMAZING!

      • * Ugly, really, really, ugly and clunky
        Swift is a nice modern language inspired by many other new/nice modern languages.

        What exactly do you find ugly and or clunky?

    • by edwdig ( 47888 )

      The part of your game code that's interfacing with OpenGL should be a pretty small portion of your code. Work on abstracting that and supporting multiple APIs.

      Once you've separated the rendering API from the game logic, it's not a ton of work to support a new rendeirng API. It'll help a ton if you ever try to develop on more platforms - say if you do any console work.

      • The part of your game code that's interfacing with OpenGL should be a pretty small portion of your code.

        Yep, my engine is already multi-platform (Windows/Mac/Linux currently, maybe consoles in the future), and platform-specific code is nicely abstracted away behind clean virtual interfaces. 95% of the engine is platfom-independent modern C++. So adding a Metal renderer won't be overly difficult or anything. I just don't relish the thought of doing work that's functionally equivalent for no real gain.

        I'm funding my own development on a solo project, and there are lots of priorities vying for my limited atte

  • by HiThere ( 15173 ) <charleshixsn&earthlink,net> on Sunday June 09, 2019 @08:14PM (#58736974)

    If the objective C documentation was withdrawn, then it's well past time to consider dropping Apple support. Who knows what's next. That's a really shitty move.

    • I agree with you, but in the iPhone community (and certainly at Apple) I've found that the best documentation tends to be the header files. Good header files are like Doxygen without any need of preprocessing.
    • No it was not (Score:5, Informative)

      by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Sunday June 09, 2019 @08:41PM (#58737070)

      If the objective C documentation was withdrawn

      Look at any page of the API documentation. [apple.com]

      You'll see Swift example code, right? But look at the top of the page, at the left - a dropdown for language....

      Change that to "Objective-C" and the sample code changes to Obj-C [apple.com].

      Honestly what Objective-C tutorial or documentation was withdrawn by Apple? I don't remember anything going away, and I know a lot of people who would have been quite irked had it done so. Most third party sites have whatever Objective-C tutorials they had still up as well.

      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        Well, I haven't looked at their documentation for over a year...possibly several...because I didn't need it and wasn't using their system. So perhaps you are right, and the summary/article was wrong.

        P.S.: One reason I didn't develop for Objective-C, the main reason, was that the documentation was so terrible. That's not all on Apple's head, though, as it predates their association with the language.

      • She keeps releasing hit albums, has an awesome tour, and is one of the highest paid celebrities. How she finds the time to make her own language to dominate Objective-C is amazing.

    • well past time to consider dropping Apple support.

      My wife's app business sales are 95% iOS and 5% Android. I don't think she'll be dropping Apple support anytime soon.

      Android users download free apps, but rarely are willing to pay for apps.

  • I'm very happy about last week's introduction of the SwiftUI replacement for AppKit/UIKit. Now we need a Swift-native replacement for CoreData.
  • the company has iterated on Swift and continued to shy away from Objective-C (except when necessary, such as supporting libraries and frameworks).

    Objective-C cannot theoretically be beaten as its coding is closer to the metal as compared to Swift; for lack of better terminology.

    • When they're both produced by the same company, they can push whatever suits their agenda.

    • That is not the case (Score:5, Informative)

      by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday June 10, 2019 @12:35AM (#58737696)

      Objective-C cannot theoretically be beaten as its coding is closer to the metal

      Thing is, it's really not.

      In any modern compiler the language that can best be transformed into machine language wins - and over time that is more and more true of Swift, because it was designed to make many compiler optimizations easier for a compiler to realize it can apply.

      Swift produces cleaner IL than C/Obj-C and so can be transformed into better/faster machine language.

      Endgame, you could theoretically beat Swift with assembler but not with C / Objective-C / C++.

      • by DrXym ( 126579 )
        It's not the compiler that matters but the runtime. Obj-C has more runtime overheads from throwing messages around than Swift. So most benchmarks say Swift is faster but its doubful to do with the generated machine code.

        But even if it were slower, speed is rarely the critical deciding factor for languages anyway. More important is which language is likely to yield less bugs, produce more maintainable code and get you to market faster. For example C/Obj-C is cursed by NULL / nil problems whereas Swift uses

      • Endgame, you could theoretically beat Swift with assembler but not with C / Objective-C / C++.

        When Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie created C, it was more or less Assembler macros. Admittedly, the language has "grown", but I really don't see Swift as ever being closer to Assembler than C.

        Keep thinking positively though. :)

    • Objective-C cannot theoretically be beaten as its coding is closer to the metal as compared to Swift; for lack of better terminology.

      The C part might arguable be "closer to the metal".
      The "Objective" part most certainly is not.

      Close to the metal is irrelevant anyway. Or do you actually have a #ifdef IOS and an #elsif MACOS in your Objective-C code? Shudddder!

  • No reason to learn Swift: look what they did to ObjC. That was going to be the future. Except it never was, and they write all their critical stuff in C++, just like everyone else. They will drop Swift too eventually. Young people like to learn new languages, but if you are smart you would learn C++. That is the past, present and future.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      I already know C++.

      And learning it as a "first" or "early" language is imho a waste of time. Not enough demand. Much to deep/steep learning curve. Arcane syntax.

      My suggestion always is: learn something that either is fun or is useful, preferable both.

    • by gnasher719 ( 869701 ) on Monday June 10, 2019 @04:40AM (#58738080)

      No reason to learn Swift: look what they did to ObjC.

      I had about 15 years using Objective-C (and I know people who had 30), and it has served me well. Still does.

      But in two, three years time you will have a hard time finding an iOS or macOS developer job that doesn't require Swift full time. And in all seriousness, about at Swift 3.0 it was a better language than Objective C, more efficient to write (saving about 30% of code), more efficient to execute. Swift 5.0 is way ahead of Objective-C.

      • In regards to Apples main use of ObjC it lasted about 7-8 years, during which time they cause massive churn, rewriting of documentation, tutorials, countless lost man hours of bug hunts, features not working, developers waiting on features. The same happened with swift. Quit fucking changing everything for the sake of changing it. Case studies can be made either way if it saves code, is safer, faster, etc. Itâ(TM)s all meaningless. Itâ(TM)s highly dependent on the case study.

        Thatâ(TM)s g

  • I surfed the web and found this quote from Swift 5 ABI Stability [medium.com]

    ABI stability means locking down the ABI to the point that future compiler versions can produce binaries conforming to the stable ABI. It enables binary compatibility between applications and libraries compiled with different Swift versions.

    But, I thought the ABI was defined by the processor -- not the language. I come (ok... you can start giggling) from IBM / AIX and the Power PC. On that platform, you could compile in any language and it all boiled down to the same ABI. Indeed, you could mix xlc with gcc with g++, etc.

    So... can someone help me out here? Why doesn't the Intel chip have a stable ABI? Or am I utterly confused?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      The ABI also handles stuff like how functions are internally named. This is important during link time. In any language that supports polymorphic function calls, the name the linker sees is different than the name the you wrote. For instance that two functions:
      foo(int a)
      foo(float b)
      In thermal the compiler will change the name to indicate they difference.
      Things like this and other call conventions, argument order, call by reference/value, etc... all depend on the ABI.

    • Yes, you are utterly confused.

      The processor defines the instruction set.

      The ABI defines how executables are using it, e.g. in which order function call arguments are pushed on the stack, who is cleaning the stack, caller or callee? How are function/method names represented in binaries, so that linkers can link binaries from different compilers. If you have multiple registers that could serve as a stack pointer, which is used "in the ABI"?


We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything.
