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Study Identifies the 'Top 7 Programming Languages That Employers Really Want' ( 118

The senior editor of Dice Insights writes: Which programming languages are most in-demand by employers? That's an excellent (and vital) question for developers out there, especially those who want to leverage their skills to land a particularly high-paying job. Fortunately, a new list gives us a pretty accurate rundown, and it's filled with the usual suspects: SQL, Java, JavaScript, Python, and so on.

The data comes from Burning Glass, which compiles and analyzes millions of job postings, so we can treat it as pretty comprehensive (although, as with any massive dataset, there's always the potential for errors)... The top-ranked presence of SQL shouldn't come as a shocker to anyone: although the language is older than many of the technologists who utilize it (it was created in 1974), it's still very much a key standardized language for relational databases (it's ranked eighth on the TIOBE Index, a popular but controversial ranking of the world's most popular programming languages). Businesses always need databases; and they're clearly hungry for technologists who can set up and manage them.

A recent study by IEEE Spectrum also noted that employers want developers skilled in Python, Java, C, C++, and JavaScript, so these languages' presence on the Burning Glass list should come as no surprise, either. All of these programming languages enjoy massive install bases across a variety of platforms, including mobile and the web; they're also taught widely in schools and bootcamps, ensuring that there's a steady pipeline of newly minted technologists who know them. In addition to building new stuff, businesses need to maintain legacy code written in these languages.

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Study Identifies the 'Top 7 Programming Languages That Employers Really Want'

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  • Hence the list is very likely bullshit.

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      I'm not sure what article or summary you read, but C is on the list.

      • Try again. C is mentioned in the article, but it's not on the list. How many job postings do you see on the list for C? C++ has 50,356, but C is not there.

        On the other hand, C++ is in many ways a superset of C, so maybe they are lumped together.

        • by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @06:01PM (#59350902)

          How many job postings do you see on the list for C?

          That is because many jobs for C programmers don't say "C".

          They say "embedded system" or "Linux kernel programming" or "device drivers".

          They don't mention C because it is obvious. Just like construction jobs rarely mention hammers. That doesn't mean hammers aren't used, but rather that they are ubiquitous.

          • Hammers are a basic tool of the trade. C is hardly that! Most developers these days never see C, or even C++. Stack Overflow agrees.

            https://insights.stackoverflow... []

            On their survey of professional developers, C was used by about 17% of developers, and C++ by about 20%, 10th and 11th places, respectively.

            I know, C / C++ still hold a large share of our collective memories. But on my company's team of 14 developers, I'm the only one that actually knows C or C++, and this is similar to what I see in other shops

            • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

              by rlwinm ( 6158720 )
              I call bullcrap. I work in embedded. Every programmer I've worked with in any capacity does C all day long. The difference is if you're a C greybeard you aren't going to stack overflow for help! The only C questions you tend to find on stack overflow are typically people learning the language for school. I can honestly say I've never asked anything on StackOverflow. I've been programming for about 27 years in C.
              • Of course! If you work in embedded software you're likely to do C. For everybody else, not so much.

                • by gweihir ( 88907 )

                  Not true. While I like Python for glue code, I use C modules in many places. I also just wrote some advanced web filters/transformers in C as Apache modules. Once you know what you are doing, writing C is easier for many tasks than the alternatives. Of course the "knows what they are doing" state is not found very often in coders these days.

              • We use C so much that we don't really talk about it much or ask about it online much. The question of "How do I do XYZ in C?" isn't something being asked much. I think the people using it aren't represented as Stack Overflow questions. But I also think few people are learning C, which means the language is dying. (biology, if only old graybeards know it. and same graybeards aren't going to be around in 40 years...)

                • by gweihir ( 88907 )

                  EEs are learning C. And while they are often weaker on the CS side, they are proper engineers. C will never die, it just has far to vast advantages over any alternative in many problem spaces.

                  • I wasn't sure if it was a coincidence but most of the Linux kernel and system software interns I've hired in the last several years have been from EE programs. So you may be onto something there.

            • by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @10:40PM (#59351426)

              Most developers these days never see C, or even C++.

              Then they aren't doing embedded, or kernels, or device drivers.

              If you know Python and Perl, but need your Python program to communicate with a Perl library, what do you do?

              Answer: Go talk to a C programmer, and ask him to write an interface.

              Python programmers understand how programming works. C programmers understand how computers work.

              Stack Overflow agrees.

              Stack Overflow is where programmers go to ask for help. There aren't many questions from C programmers because we don't need any help.

            • by gweihir ( 88907 )

              Hammers are a basic tool of the trade. C is hardly that! Most developers these days never see C, or even C++. Stack Overflow agrees.

              The problem here is that many, many coders these days do not know their basic tools and use a fancy electronics-controlled automated CNC nailgun that takes 30 minutes to set up and can do only very specific nails when they need to pound in a single generic nail.

              • by bn-7bc ( 909819 )
                I’m not a carpenter or a construction worker, but i suspect uf it takes anyone 30 minutes ti set up a nail gun (not including running the air hoses and getting the compressor up and running) then tere is apeiter a serious problem with the person setting it up, or the set up ui is rather poorly designed. Ow many option dies a nail gun need?
                • by gweihir ( 88907 )

                  Did you somehow miss "CNC" and "automated" and that this was obviously a massively overdone caricature of a nail-gun?
                  Do you have a reading-dysfunctionality? Or are you just an ass?

          • by DrXym ( 126579 )
            I think your examples demonstrate that those languages aren't ubiquitous any more. Because unless you're writing something that needs every last cycle of CPU such as a driver, or a bare metal application you're often better off using a higher level language where you don't suffer half the bullshit C or C++ puts you through.
          • by gweihir ( 88907 )

            True. Also "high performance xyz" often hides a C job.

          • Actually most embedded job offers do indeed mention it it is C or C++.
            And perhaps with the exception of the kernel itself, linux offers mention if it is C/C++ or Python or PHP etc.

          • by jythie ( 914043 )
            I suspect they also do not mention 'C' because job search tools do not seem to be able to handle single character searches.
          • by ras ( 84108 )

            To extend your metaphor a a little, this story is like asking "what hammer do new home builders really want". The answer is of course home builders know very little about hammers, have never used a hammer themselves and could not give a shit about hammers. They are perfectly happy to let the builder use whatever hammer they damned well please provided the get the job done within budget. Similarly most employers would not recognise a computer language if it leapt up and hit them in the face.

        • On the other hand, C++ is in many ways a superset of C, ...

          Um, "in many ways"? You misspelled, "literally".

          • On the other hand, C++ is in many ways a superset of C, ...

            Um, "in many ways"? You misspelled, "literally".

            C++ is not a strict superset of C. It mostly is, but there are exceptions: Null pointers work differently, and casts work differently.

            This is valid C:

            char *s = malloc(64);

            It will not compile in C++.

        • by gweihir ( 88907 )

          On the other hand, C++ is in many ways a superset of C, so maybe they are lumped together.

          I really hope not. C++ is a complex monster with a host of design an implementation problems and overall made very badly. C is minimalist and elegant. Of course, you can write arbitrary bad code in C, but C++ encourages you to do so and sometimes forces you to.

          • Of course, you can write arbitrary bad code in C

            Only a C fan could say this. C makes it incredibly difficult to prevent accidentally leaking memory, or accidentally accessing unallocated memory. You might be used to having to do this, but it's not exactly a great design. Exception handling is another area where C is weak. These are two really big holes in the language, because the consequences are so severe. Every modern language has protection from improper memory access, and structured exception handling.

    • Or maybe companies that post on Dice don't want C programmers.

      C may be popular in the Linux world, but most corporations with programming departments aren't writing Linux. They are writing applications on top of Linux, or Web applications, neither of which typically involve a lot of C.

      • They are writing applications on top of Linux, or Web applications, neither of which typically involve a lot of C.

        Exactly. In a lot of dev shops it's python everywhere, all the way down, and no one is doing anything in C or C++.

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      C Its got what computer games crave.
      • C++ is used almost exclusively in game development. There are probably a few individuals or studios that choose to use C exclusively, but they'd have to be incredibly rare.

        Alternative languages are used as well, of course, often for infrastructure, scripting, specialized tasks: C#, Python, Lua, Javascript, etc.

    • Who uses plain C these days? For most of the "C programmers" out there it's C#, Objective-C, or C++.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Even more bullshit as SQL is not Turing complete and .NET is a framework, so these should not be on a list of "computer languages".

    • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @09:26PM (#59351340) Homepage Journal

      Hence the list is very likely bullshit.

      As a C programmer with 20 years of industry experience I can explain. Employers don't fully know what they need, especially early in a new project or during a period of rapid growth.

      Go is pretty hot right now because of Docker, Podman, and Kubernetes are becoming a big deal beyond the confines of Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. I get a lot more recruiters asking about Go and Python than I do .NET and C#. I'm guessing a few enclaves of C# exist, but its days are numbered as far as Silicon Valley is concerned. C is still moving along, people still need things done in C. Rust isn't ready to replace it. Go can't replace it. (even though Go is very C-like and a little Oberon/Modula/Pascal-like)

  • by Antique Geekmeister ( 740220 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @05:40PM (#59350860)


    And most revered of all for long-term eployment, Cobol.

    There is an old joke about someone in suspended animation, waking for the year 10,000 and being told by the hologram of Bill Gates "we understand you know Cobol?"

    • But...who would want to be a Cobol developer these days? I wrote Cobol for a living in the early 1990s, and I have no desire in the world to go back.

      • It's the difference between a career, that satisfies your emotional needs, and employment that satisfies an employer's needs.

        • Luckily, there are plenty of jobs for developers that do both.

        • It's the difference between a career, that satisfies your emotional needs, and employment that satisfies an employer's needs.

          I need a job that satisfies my spouse's financial needs.

          I am a 5, she is a 9. If I don't bring home the bacon, she's out the door.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            So just to recap... You have a prenup that says she has to sleep with you three times a week or face financial penalties, and your marriage is held together by your eligibility for a Platinum Mastercard.

            Sounds so romantic.

            • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

              by iggymanz ( 596061 )

              let me tell you of reality, o dweller of rainbow pooping unicorn land between your ears.

              The leading cause of divorce isn't infidelity or lack of sex... it's money.

              Now for the part that might trigger the young.

              If the *man* doesn't "bring home the bacon" in a usual marriage, that marriage will suffer and probably be doomed.

              "Romance", you say? How cute and naive, little one. The romance thrives where other basic things are taken care of.

              • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

                On the one hand women aren't getting married or breeding enough because they want their own careers and independence. On the other they mainly get married for the money and leave if it goes away.

                Anyway, question about US law. I'm the UK you can't cite "not rich enough" as grounds for a divorce. It would have to be something like "gambled away all our money". It's it different in the US?

                • Divorce is at her whim, basically. []
                • by DRJlaw ( 946416 )

                  Anyway, question about US law. I'm the UK you can't cite "not rich enough" as grounds for a divorce. It would have to be something like "gambled away all our money". It's it different in the US?

                  U.S. states [] have generally adopted no-fault divorce laws []. California's law is about to turn 50 years old.

                  Grounds for divorce can simply be "I do not wish to be married to you anymore."

                  • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

                    We have a similar thing here in the UK, although if you do decide to go that route you generally can't expect too much from the divorce settlement, especially if your partner doesn't want it.

                    It's a good thing though, people shouldn't have to stay in relationships they don't want to be in.

      • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @09:53PM (#59351386) Homepage Journal

        But...who would want to be a Cobol developer these days? I wrote Cobol for a living in the early 1990s, and I have no desire in the world to go back.

        If the pay is good I'll code Cobol. I'll sit at a terminal from 9 to 5, and afterwards work on a sailboat in the garage or something in my spare time to keep me happy. There is a possibility that a job is just a job and isn't the totality of your life.

        • But...who would want to be a Cobol developer these days? I wrote Cobol for a living in the early 1990s, and I have no desire in the world to go back.

          If the pay is good I'll code Cobol. I'll sit at a terminal from 9 to 5, and afterwards work on a sailboat in the garage or something in my spare time to keep me happy. There is a possibility that a job is just a job and isn't the totality of your life.

          OTOH, a job is a big chunk of your life. Why spend that chunk doing something you don't enjoy? If you're a good programmer you can do something more interesting while at work -- and then still go work on a sailboat in the garage or something to keep you happy.

          There's no need to choose an interesting job OR an interesting life. Do both.

          • by Gr8Apes ( 679165 )
            The only reason I'd choose to write COBOL is if it paid about 5X the going rate for any of the other fields that interest me more. That way, after a year or two, I could spend time doing what I want for a while with no fear.
            • The only reason I'd choose to write COBOL is if it paid about 5X the going rate for any of the other fields that interest me more. That way, after a year or two, I could spend time doing what I want for a while with no fear.

              Agreed, it may be worth suffering for a short period of time for sufficiently-higher compensation. But the time had better be short, and the compensation great, or it's not worth it.

  • Skills (Score:4, Insightful)

    by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @05:43PM (#59350864)
    Does it really matter which languages you know if a person can't write any useful programs because they don't have the critical thinking or problem solving skills to do anything useful with it? There are always some jobs that really do require an inside-out understanding of a language and all of the quirks, but for most jobs a skilled developer can pick up a language well enough in a few weeks to be productive. Companies would do better to focus on those kinds of abilities.
    • These days, the framework is more important than the language. If you know .NET, you can easily use C# or VB.NET, but it's not easy to jump to Java on Android. If you're an Angular developer, React is a pretty big leap.

      • Making the jump from C#/.Net to Android isn't hard. Learning about an event-driven framework and a GUI layout system might take time though, if you haven't ever done one of those. You are right the frameworks are more important than the language.
    • Re: Skills (Score:5, Insightful)

      by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @05:53PM (#59350884) Journal
      Yeah, of all the skills you need as a programmer, the syntax of a particular language is the easiest to learn.
      • Yeah, of all the skills you need as a programmer, the syntax of a particular language is the easiest to learn.

        Sure, but of all the jobs you need as a job seeker, bullshitting is the most useful. We know this to be true because so many useless wanks have jobs.

      • by Somervillain ( 4719341 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @09:20PM (#59351328)

        Yeah, of all the skills you need as a programmer, the syntax of a particular language is the easiest to learn.

        Nope. I've seen that trend over the last 10 years...of arrogant wunderkinds with impressive resumes and often who did a great job in some other area...then they write backend Java and SQL, which is my domain, and it uniformly sucks. They may have been great at embedded systems or JavaScript, or even .NET, but then I have to constantly correct them on basics.

        They're too arrogant to read a book or even look at other code. They reinvent wheels left and right and often write the most inefficient code I've ever seen. I often have to tell them to remove 3/4 of their code because it's redundant with the frameworks built in...that they're solving a solved problem...or even worse, writing code in Java that should have been written in SQL (like load 2 giant lists into memory and find a small intersection because they don't know how to write a proper WHERE clause or UNION statement).

        Have you notice how webapps seem to have gotten slower in the last 10 years? of the main reasons is the trend of people hiring intelligent and confident full stack developers to do everything rather than experienced professionals who know what they're doing.

        Experience matters! More specifically, experience in the relevant language and on the specific platform and using the specific framework matters...otherwise, you just get arrogant idiots reinventing the wheel and violating all those basic best practices the specialists learned long ago when they were new to the language, but much better supervised.

        • by Tom ( 822 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @02:21AM (#59351626) Homepage Journal

          They're too arrogant to read a book or even look at other code. They reinvent wheels left and right and often write the most inefficient code I've ever seen. I often have to tell them to remove 3/4 of their code because it's redundant with the frameworks built in...that they're solving a solved problem...or even worse, writing code in Java that should have been written in SQL (like load 2 giant lists into memory and find a small intersection because they don't know how to write a proper WHERE clause or UNION statement).

          This is a constant with programmers vs. DB experts.

          Most programmers think in their programming language and unless they have extensive DB developer knowledge, they don't even see that there's almost certainly an SQL solution to their problem. They see the database as a storage.

          • by Bongo ( 13261 )

            This is a really good point. Often, the reason why a thing exists and is designed to work in a particular way, is because earlier people were faced with problems and they came to understand how the solutions to those problems needed to work. Newer people don't necessarily even recognise the problem they are facing, as at the beginning they are just scratching the surface, but as they go further, the nature of the problem "starts to appear"' and so this inspires them to tackle it by creating a "clever" answe

            • by Tom ( 822 )

              It's not just old tech. When I developed Might & Fealty [] (a browser game with an interactive map that you can actually change) I started going crazy with GIS stuff, calculating distances and intersections in PHP - until I thought "wait a minute, I can't be the first person with this problem..." and I found PostGIS. Granted, there are some pretty crazy SQL queries in the code, but they replace in 5 lines what would've been 50 lines and ten times as slow in PHP.

              The GP is right - too many people are re-inve

    • Does it really matter which languages you know if a person can't write any useful programs because they don't have the critical thinking or problem solving skills to do anything useful with it? There are always some jobs that really do require an inside-out understanding of a language and all of the quirks, but for most jobs a skilled developer can pick up a language well enough in a few weeks to be productive. Companies would do better to focus on those kinds of abilities.

      You're repeating the worst argument I've ever heard that for some reason won't die. Experience and specialization matter. There's this stupid trend of hiring geniuses thinking they can learn any language because they're good engineers.

      My company has started hiring people with impressive educations who are great at stupid brainteaser questions to write code and it uniformly sucks. They have the confidence of an MIT grad (and many are), but constantly make remedial mistakes because they are too full o

      • Not being good at SQL does not make you a bad Java programmer. Regardless of language, if you are not 'good enough' in SQL, you make the same mistakes. So yes, you only need to know on imperative language to switch to another one in days. Smalltalk or Forth might be exceptions.

        The problems you describe is actually not "not being good enough" but not simply seeking help an not recognizing help is needed.

        Most Java programers are using oor mapping tools, so your rants are wrong anyway, there can jot be a missi

      • by epine ( 68316 )

        It may be inconvenient, but hire specialists, not generalists.

        I can tell you're a specialist, one who has wandered into economic thinking with no training at all. Trade-offs between the specialist and generalist model run deep. Whichever way you choose to go, you have to actually manage what you have to its best advanage, and your shop sure doesn't sound like an appropriately managed venture as you described it.

        Specialist: Is this the right way to swing the hammer?

        Generalist: Is a hammer actually the best t

    • if you are a good programmer and you know language A, most likely you could learn language B. The problem is that you won't even get an interview at all.

      Companies are looking for people with experience in a particular language / framework and there are enough skilled programmers already for one to wait until someone learns the required skills.

      • If you know how to program (ie, solve a problem or do a process using the logical controls, loops, etc.) then learning a language is in fact just syntax. BUT ... that will get you working code that will compile. It may not be hte most efficient, or run the fastest, or use the best features available in a language, but it will work.

        The tricky part comes in when you want to master a language. Each language has its own unique features and to go beyond the basics and really *learn* the language will take tim

  • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
    For the rockets.
  • I agree (Score:4, Insightful)

    by SCVonSteroids ( 2816091 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @06:58PM (#59351026)

    My experience is limited but this list makes a lot of sense.
    Learn SQL, and you'll understand databases.
    Learn Javascript, and you will understand a lot more about the web.
    Learn Python, and you will have a solid scripting language under your belt.
    Learn C++, and you will understand programming. You can carry this back into any other language.

    I'd like to add that one should be able to work with a command line. e.g. Navigating around a Linux system without a visual interface. Know all of these with a decent amount of understanding and you should be able to venture into most domains of professional programming and do at least decent for yourself, in my opinion.

    • Re:I agree (Score:4, Interesting)

      by ffkom ( 3519199 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @07:19PM (#59351074)
      If you are proficient in C++, then the other languages in your list are trivial to learn.

      After many years of almost C++ only I, recently wrote my first Python scripts, just to make some hype-riding colleagues happy. Took me no more than one day to read through the whole tutorial - not really any new concepts to learn, there, just different syntax and getting used to the awkward "self." before every member variable and the error-provoking non-declaration of variables, the dangerous absence of "const", and the weirdly semantic-carrying white-space indentation. SQL certainly is somewhat more different, but then again pretty primitive, and more like an exercise in learning the weird limitations and incompatibilities of different database implementations.
      • If you are proficient in C++, then the other languages in your list are trivial to learn.

        Or just C and you're not too dense to understand OOP -- just sayin'.

        • by Tom ( 822 )


          C is the core of most languages on the list, even the ones that don't already have it in their name.

          C++ just add's OOP and a bunch of weirdo shit.
          C# is just Mickeysoft's usual "not invented here" issue. .NET isn't even a programming language, but a framework.

          Java is C++ version 2 with a different name and a VM concept added

          Javascript is a Frankenstein monster of C snippets shred into pieces and gobbled together to add scripting to HTML. Then mutated a dozen times to add more functionality as DOM became

          • Thanks for chiming in folks. I appreciate the insight; and wholeheartedly agree!
            To extend on SQL; the real skill that I would have acquired from learning it is writing queries. I feel like that is a very fundamental thing to learn.

      • If you are proficient in C++, then the other languages in your list are trivial to learn.

        On a general level this is largely true, but there's a difference between becoming familiar enough with the language to be productive, and truly understanding the language and learning all of the stuff that's idiomatic to it. I'm primarily an embedded developer, and have worked mostly in C/C++ for the last 30 years or so. I'm capable of writing code in a bunch of other languages like Python, Java, etc., but I also kn

        • That is silly.
          You write the Java code exactly like C++.
          If you can live with the slight difference between templates and generics.
          With your 30 years experience most of your code will be better anyway.
          You only lack the knowledge of the libraries and frameworks.

        • If you are proficient in C++, then the other languages in your list are trivial to learn.

          On a general level this is largely true, but there's a difference between becoming familiar enough with the language to be productive, and truly understanding the language and learning all of the stuff that's idiomatic to it.

          Well, I've been programming in C++ for 20 years, so I haven't really had time to become proficient...but I tend to agree.

    • Learning SQL, does not really help you understanding databases. First of all they have dramatically changed in recent decade(s), and secondly: everything that is important in life you learn by making experiences - mistakes even - and most important having a significantly more experienced mentor.

      You don't learn cooking, martial arts, making love from a book, you learn by doing it and making experiences. Same with programming ...

  • by rnturn ( 11092 ) on Saturday October 26, 2019 @07:07PM (#59351044)

    ... about 2-3 times a month. They're a joke. IMHO, their editorial staff might be better off working for Tiger Beat.

    • by elcor ( 4519045 )
      These are opinion pieces and act as click bait so everyone gets riled up. But it brings up the more interesting question of how much our software has declined and why.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Fortunately, a new list gives us a pretty accurate rundown, and it's filled with the usual suspects: SQL, Java, JavaScript, Python, and so on.

    I know it's a quote from TFA, but you couldn't simply list all 7 in TFS?

    Here, in decreasing order: SQL, Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, C++, .NET

    • by Tom ( 822 )

      So C# and .NET count as seperate languages now?

      That's all you need to know about the quality of TFA.

  • At what point did SQL become a programming language, and not a query language used by actual application languages? Also if SQL is now considered a programming language, which flavor is in demand? MS, MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, NoSQL, what?

    • Also if SQL is now considered a programming language, which flavor is in demand? MS, MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, NoSQL, what?


    • SQL always was a programming language. You are mixing up imperative languages with declarative languages (and description/specification languages). And both have subsets which are query languages. On top of that SQL has stored procedures etc. which makes it pretty imperative, too.

  • That factors in as a weight the salary that a person who programs in that language would expect to get based on the average salaries found for programming in that language.

    I have a hunch that the order of the list would be significantly different.

    And very telling about the inadequacy of this one-dimensional analysis.

  • by iampiti ( 1059688 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @07:06AM (#59352002)
    C and C++ widely taught? I think not. The rest of the list sure: Python, Java and most of all, Javascript are widely taught in programming courses and known by many kids. But, how many young people do you know that know C or C++? I don't know many and I work in the software development industry. It's not exactly a huge problem since they're niche languages these days but widely taught? Nah.
  • The popularity of a language does not imply that it has high quality.

    COBOL has been popular due to the fact that the Department of Defense required its use in systems supplied by contractors. How many computer scientists today would recommend COBOL as an example of the best that their profession offers?

  • I hire a lot of software developers. I really don't care what languages they know. I do care that they are capable of programming, problem solving and working with others. It's also important that they be willing to use whatever languages the team they are plugging into is using already. If they already know the language, that's just gravy. People hiring based on languages listed - particularly on a resume - are lazy hiring managers and probably not who you want to work for anyway.
  • The top 7 list contains two things that aren't even programming languages. Employers generally don't actually know what they need or understand what they have (larger employers, I mean, not 3-man shops)

  • Isn't it:

    Python - Scripting
    Java - Programming
    C - Programming
    C++ - Programming
    JavaScript - Scripting
    C# - Programming
    HTML,CSS - Mark up
    Swift - Programming
    Matlab - Scripting
    SQL - Querys
    PHP - Scripting

    My understanding has always been that scripting, programming, and mark ups are all different even though they are similar.

Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it.
