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The State of JavaScript 2019 (stateofjs.com) 150

Over 20,000 developers have shared what are their favorite JavaScript features, front-end frameworks and back-end frameworks in a new annual survey. The figures come from the fourth State of JavaScript survey, which included responses from 21,717 developers around the world. On the flavors front -- languages that compile to JavaScript -- most developers were satisfied with Microsoft-backed open-source JavaScript superset, TypeScript, followed by Reason, Elm, ClosureScript, and PureScript. But TypeScript also came out on top when ranking developers' interest as well as awareness. Some 58% of developers reported having used TypeScript and that they would use it again, compared to less than 5% for all other flavors of JavaScript.
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The State of JavaScript 2019

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  • Who here has used React AND Angular? I need some feedback from people who have actually used both, not armchair analyst opinions. I work for an organization that adopted Angular cross multiple projects. Other than one project, we are not a web development company: we just put web front ends on our embedded devices. At this point about a dozen teams are familiar with Angular, probably 50+ developers or so. We are starting a new project so if we are to switch away from Angular, now is the opportunity. T

    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      Who here has used React AND Angular?


      I need some feedback from people who have actually used both, not armchair analyst opinions. I work for an organization that adopted Angular cross multiple projects. Other than one project, we are not a web development company: we just put web front ends on our embedded devices. At this point about a dozen teams are familiar with Angular, probably 50+ developers or so. We are starting a new project so if we are to switch away from Angular, now is the opportunity.

      while angular and react can be used for the same they don't really overlap that much. do you need/want native? do you have complex state to manage?

      The article shows React is vastly more liked than Angular at this point.

      again, i wouldn't decide a tool based on popularity. do your research about those frameworks, how they fit your specific scenario and current resources.

      But I hesitate to have one team doing something different, and to fragment a department that has finally unified under something.

      there is no reason why both can't be used in different projects. any competent developer should have little problem getting up to speed with either angular or react. deep knowledge and getting the proper infras

      • by MobyDisk ( 75490 )

        FYI: In this context "momentum" means things like:

        • - New projects can get started using another project as a template, and can borrow code from other projects
        • - New developers can go to anyone to learn Angular, even people on other teams and projects.
        • - There is no delay when someone moves to another project, sine they do not need to learn a different UI framework
    • I've used both and it depends - to be honest, I like React's less opaque execution model a lot better than Angular's more hidden one, but that's personal taste, and either framework is serviceable. That being said, React is where the R&D mindshare is being invested and is liable to have longer legs than Angular. On the other hand, you have a team that is familiar with Angular and all of its quirks who would have to be retrained for React. Basically, the fact that you ask the question is an acknowledgmen

    • React is better for most situations. It's got a steeper ramp up, but it's way smoother long term. Way better architecture with more digestible day-to-day problems. Only "downside" is the immutability, which is what leads to the steep ramp for most people.

      The one area Angular shines is big web shops. Places with dozens or hundreds of web developers and designers. In these places - and with significant engineering expense from your top guys - Angular can be used to deliver components that your designers can u

      • [React]'s got a steeper ramp up

        Compared to Angular? How do you figure that? Even with all the recent clutter, you can still document the essential APIs you need to use React for web development on a single screen, and a moderately experienced developer can learn it in a few minutes.

        Only "downside" is the immutability, which is what leads to the steep ramp for most people.

        This doesn't make sense. Nothing about React requires immutability, though immutability can be helpful for efficiently determining when to rerender components.

        Are you perhaps confusing React-the-library with React-the-ecosystem? The latter is, like most progra

        • Because Angular can better be cobbled together by a web designer without any coding, and because the state management in React is drastically different than what JS devs are usually used to.

          I'd say it's easier to do Angular poorly than it is to do React poorly, but it's easier to do React right than to do Angular right.

          • the state management in React is drastically different than what JS devs are usually used to.

            What state management in React? Apart from setState/useState, which are mostly only useful for temporary view state anyway, React isn't opinionated about how you manage your state.

            Again, are you perhaps confusing React-the-library with React-the-ecosystem? Nothing says you have to use Redux or MobX or Immutable or Immer or any other specific library to help manage your state. For simple applications, it's perfectly possible to manage state without a lot of infrastructure at all. For more demanding requireme

        • If you're doing mutable state in React, you're literally not following the documentation. You can do it, but you're doing it wrong.

          • If you're doing mutable state in React, you're literally not following the documentation.

            Um... setState on class-based components and useState in hooks world would like a word with you.

  • by mykepredko ( 40154 ) on Thursday December 26, 2019 @12:39PM (#59558798) Homepage

    Thank you for publishing this - Interesting and quite intuitive (for me, anyways) approach to showing the various JS technologies in terms of what user's think of them. Maybe this is an example of my own cognitive bias at work extrapolating what I don't know based on what I do know (and agree with, as it's shown here) but I'm thinking that this could be a guide to looking at new technologies going forwards.

    While I'm not an expert in any way in Javascript, I do have a code base to maintain and based on my experience, I would agree on the how the technologies we're using (namely Angular, NW, Storybook, Vue & React) show up in the graphs and was surprised by where Typescript ended up - that's something we've avoided because of its Microsoft origins/support.

    Nothing here changes my opinion that Javascript is a terrible approach to apps programming but it is a reference point when thinking about the future.

    • by hatchet ( 528688 )
      Typescript is what makes JS bearable.
      • TypeScript and JSON Schema is the only way I could even consider using node.js for enterprise-level development.

        Trying it without these two paradigms is just begging for a disaster. Maybe not immediately, but most certainly eventually.

    • Actually, I found that the "data visualization" got in the way. I did not find it intuitive and having small amounts of raw data filtered by type was much slower to absorb and "chartjunky" than if the designer had just stuck to creating a decent multi-dimensional display that was common across the different survey categories. After all, in all of these categories, you're just displaying an ordered list of percentages over time. Having to absorb three or four different interfaces to understand data from a co

  • And the reason I will never go back to doing web design.
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      And all of it came from the promise that everyone would write in the same language and it would run anywhere.

  • This enters the minds of our children! Cultural Marxsism!
  • For people who know how to code in multiple languages JavaScript is rarely anyone's favorite.
    However if you want some UI level processing happening on the Clients Device vs off your server, and not bother refreshing you page all the time, JavaScript is the only language you can rely on everyone having in their browser.

    Languages like Node.JS is helpful because it allows you to do the server side and the client side in the same language. But it isn't because we Love Javascript so much we wanted a client side

    • I use it a lot for things that require a "platform" to run in that has basic graphics/UI functions.

      Web browsers can do a lot these days.

    • JavaScript is amazing just because it's one of very very few languages which doesn't corner developers into following a fixed standard. The issue with that is novices using it en mass, for expert developers who know many languages it's by far one of the best, probably the best considering how well tested+maintained it is. Standards exist to prevent devs from doing stupid things who don't know better, strict adherence to any of them is the unwritten anti-pattern which trumps all other anti-patterns.
      • Everyone I know that's been writing code for a long time [with success] thinks javascript is terrible. (And that includes people both in- and outside my usual work/friend group.)

        So, I'm not sure which "expert developers" you're referring to, but I don't think they're as "expert" as you think.

      • by Jaime2 ( 824950 )

        I hope this is a joke.

        What you wrote reads as "JavaScript is awesome, I can do whatever I want with it." You provide absolutely no backup for your statements, and you don't even express why you like JavaScript very well. Few languages (if any) corner developers into fixed standards. JavaScript is one of the few modern languages that is riddled with features that you should never use (eval), and quirks that still remain or were only recently fixed. It has strange type coercion, a weak numeric type system, bi

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        That's the biggest problem. JavaScript has so little built in, and what's built in is so rickety, that a zillion frameworks sprang up to plug the holes. So you don't have JavaScript, you have React or Angular, or Joe's Cool Framework layered on top of JQuery.

        You might love that "flexibility" if you only ever have to deal with your own code, or code written by people who use the same set of libraries you do, but anyone with wider experience recognizes that it's a major weakness of the language.

    • I use scala for the back end and scalajs-react for the front end, it's very elegant and the users can't tell the difference. It's a bit slow to compile (about 20 seconds for my medium size project, once warm), but the advantages of having a modern, functional, type safe language that I can use both on the client and the server are totally worth it.
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      I expect WebAssembly will get direct DOM access pretty soon. That's got to be way up on the top of Google's list.

    • by balbeir ( 557475 )

      I had some hope with Web Assembly, however its lack of support of DOM is the big showstopper. Because with Web Assembly you could actually have normal languages compile into that format for your client side control.

      This. Web Assembly DOM support is what we need to free us from this Javascript ball and chain.

      Once this happens I would expect Javascript's popularity to only go in one direction: down.

  • The fact is that it does not matter what these people think. JavaScript is pure evil incarnate and the root cause of 100% of malicious software on the Web.

    They can go ahead and argue about what their favourite form of malice is, however, I for one do not care.

    Your malice shall not be permitted to execute on my computer.

    End of Line.

    • by hatchet ( 528688 )
      Really? You're not using any electron application? Using GNOME or Cinnamon? And besides: NoScript itself is written in... guess what? Javascript.
    • by tepples ( 727027 )

      JavaScript is pure evil incarnate and the root cause of 100% of malicious software on the Web.

      Would you prefer that all interaction with web applications be done through form submissions, each with a full page reload?

      Downloadable native applications are just as prone to malware as client-side JavaScript in websites.

  • I learned Typescript by following the Angular 2+ tutorials, then online courses. As a long time Java user it was much easier to use Typescript than Javascript because -- wait for it -- the compile time type checking!

    Hence the name: TYPE script.

    So it is a bit ironic that the big deal about Javascript for its fans is that you don't have to be a slave to type checking and if you are smart as opposed to dumb and who needs dumb programmers anyway.

    And yet it the addition of type checking of Typescript th

    • it is a bit ironic that the big deal about Javascript for its fans is that you don't have to be a slave to type checking and if you are smart as opposed to dumb and who needs dumb programmers anyway.

      It's rich... Javascript programmers obsessing over which of them is dumbest.

    • It's no longer a scripting language if you NEED build tools and compiling.

      Scripting is supposed upset "real" "serious" programmers. It's not supposed to make massive complex apps which multiply human flaws and therefore greatly benefit from anything they can invent to compensate our problems; however, I fail to see where type checking is actually a problem for real programmers.

      Yes, the browsers only have a scripting language and we apparently need to build massive apps running on the browser OS... People n

      • Even so, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't have Photoshop running in a browser within 10 years


        Doka. [pqina.nl]

        CamanJS [camanjs.com]

        Tui [github.com]

        .. and that's just a few from the first page of a google search. I realize that Photoshop is much more extensive but I'll bet 90% of the most important features are covered already. 10 years?

  • Why all this hullabaloo over a font?

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
