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Perl Programming

Larry Wall == Weird Al! 49

maw writes "It has come to my attention that Larry Wall is also Weird Al! Go figure...:) " That explains a lot of things.
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Larry Wall == Weird Al!

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
  • by Anonymous Coward
    From the Weird Al FAQ: []

    What does Al do for fun in his spare time??

    Eat, sleep, go to the movies, go for long walks, watch TV, listen to CDs and play around on the computer.

    That's all I need to know.
  • Okay, who is RMS now? hehe
  • Mostly he writes song parodies, such as "Eat It", which is a parody of Michael Jackson's "Beat It", or "Living in the 'Fridge", which is a parody of Aerosmith's (?) "Living on the Edge". He also does jokey polkas that are medleys of various contemporary songs, and occasionally does silly songs where both lyrics and music are his own, like "Dare to be Stupid". I don't think you'll hear him on the radio too much, although he got his start on Dr. Demento, a radio show devoted to noveltly songs.

    Lyrics to some of his songs are available here [].
  • Well, I would've read the page but Mindspring says, "Hey, this page has exceeded its bandwidth for this month!" And it's only the 5th!

    So this is another example of the Slashdot-Effect-as-Denial-of-Service-Attack?

  • by shrike ( 1090 )
    I think we need a new perl manpage: perllyrics.
    It should contain the lyrics to all the greats
    like 'Harvey the wonder hamster', 'It\'s living
    in the fridge' and 'Like a surgeon'. Would give
    us perl nutters something to read during a much
    needed break ;)

  • You can also find a pretty complete set of lyrics here. []

    My favorite is "When I Was Your Age" - which I'm inclined to sing when young whippersnappers complain that their computers are too slow ("when I was your age, all we had were 4K TRS-80s, and we had to hack each bit out of raw silicon with a chisel").

  • by jCaT ( 1320 )
    remove -w so you dont get those annoying messages? good one. how bout we ignore anything a debugger has to say about our code? If he hadn't used -w, it would have told him nothing was wrong, but still failed to work. I don't see how this would have helped debug the program.

    Please don't give bad advice.
  • What's this a kids show character from Russia or what?

    Brings back some ancient memories.
  • Ok, it took me a long time searching through the Weird Al web site, but I knew there was evidence to prove they weren't the same person. Oh sure, obviously they're NOT the same person (duh!), but those pictures were so much alike I needed to find hard evidence.

    So, take a look at these pictures of Weird Al: [] [] []

    Yes, they don't at first look like Weird Al, but they're from his web site and he claims they are pictures of him.

    So what's the proof? Look at the ear lobes. Larry's don't hang, but Al's do.

    Timur Tabi
    Remove "nospam_" from email address

  • Yes, that's him, "Weird Al" Yankovic... son of Frankie Yankovic, the Polka King.

    -- Bryan Feir
  • I'm sure Weird Al done the following parodies:
    A song sounding like the Windows 95 'Start Me Up' advert criticising the reliability of Windows 95 and a parody of Jingle Bell's that went:
    Microsoft, Microsoft, bloatware all the way.

    So he does certainly have some interest in computers and by the sounds of it he doesn't particularly like Microsoft and therefore probably likes open source. Perl is open source - so anything's possible!
  • It took me nearly three minutes to figure out what the hell you were talking about.

    No, no, back in high school, I was a staff member on the underground newspaper, The Low Life. In order to make a token gesture at anonymity (we knew that the faculty knew who we were and they knew that we knew....) everyone used handles. The editor gave me that one. I don't know why.

    At about the same time I became active on bbses and the net, and just kept using that as my handle.

    Thanks for laughing ;)
  • Cluebat to the head.

    Hint, kiddie, bandwidth costs $$$$. Mindspring (rightly) checks the bandwidth someone is using so that someone paying 19.95 a month dosn't cost them more then that to provide. I'll cut my users breaks if they have a cool site, but with a million? I doubt I'd be able to keep up. Only in an extreme circumstance.

    Here's another hint: EVERYONE has capped bandwith. I've got capped bandwidth at 45gig/day. What's slashdot on now, full T3? Thats still an "ISPs capped bandwidth bullshit." Am I a "lame skript kiddie" for only having 3 T1s? Is Rob lame for putting up with his lame, bandwidth capped T3? Does that mean ./ runs on a lame windows webserver?

    The word "Duh" applies here. The poster saw a cool website and submitted it. What, he's supposed to know the policies of every ISP in the world. Do you? Are you sure?


  • Weird Al === Larry Wall

    All part of the coinky dink I suppose.

  • What! Thats an insult!
  • Yes - They both have contributed, but their
    lyrics (ie docs) are both INSANE!

    mORE POWER TO oreilly!
  • We need stuff like this more often.. Geez, it's been a long time since I fell off my chair. :)

    " having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick."
  • dunno, they kinda look alike but maybe i am just guessing
  • According to the official Weird Al [] website, or at least according to documents linked from there, Al is not related to Frankie. Just thought I'd mention it.
  • Gee, maybe I oughtta go back to Windows and rely on my ISPs limited bandwidth for web pages too.

    The poster of the site couldn't even use a legit email address, true cowardice in the "script kiddie" sense. Shame that /. had to contribute to this "DoS' of sorts. I hope the luser who runs the web page gets a clue and goes with a *nix. Who needs ISPs capped bandwidth bullshit anyway.
  • In Perl, you use eq not ==...
  • Well the MP3's I downloaded had weird al mentioned in the titles. So they were wrong. Anybody know who did do those parodies?
    I guess the people who put together the MP3's thought Weird Al == Parodies
  • Relax. English isn't C or Perl, but it is certainly allowed to borrow some stuff from it occasinoally.

    Besides, we all know it's true; whether you follow perfect C or Perl grammar isn't, in this case, all that important.
  • Probably the best known spoof artist. Really got going in the 80's by making the lyrics to otherwise braindead songs interesting.

    Madonna's "Like a Virgin" -> WA's "Like a Surgeon"
    M. Jackson's "Beat it" -> WA's "Eat it"
    and so on.

    "Why do you have to be such an angry young man, don't want no Captain Crunch don't want no Raisin Bran. Well don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan, so eat it!"
  • Be careful what you tell me. Some things are just not meant for humanity to know. Please, let me go on living in my nice fantasy world while you "bearers of light" can find the dark truth for yourself.

    Next thing I know, you're going to be telling me that George Lucas is Elton John. The buck stops here.
  • by bjk4 ( 885 )

    Yikes that is scary! Almost as bad as NDL [].

  • to "Weird Al"'s I Think I'm a Clone Now?
  • Lighten up on those scoobie snacks. Maybe I should as well...I too see it! Its been there right in front of me all along....*LOL
    Good one!!!

    Oh and to the AC posting the PERL code earlier...
    What are you possibly thinking ???
  • by Gerard Motola ( 20730 ) on Saturday April 03, 1999 @04:23PM (#1950384) Homepage
    [gtm@gtm gtm]$ queso * Solaris 2.x
    [gtm@gtm gtm]$ queso * Solaris 2.x
    [gtm@gtm gtm]$ telnet 80
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    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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    Connection closed by foreign host.
    [gtm@gtm gtm]$ telnet 80
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    HEAD / HTTP/1.0

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 23:34:04 GMT
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    Connection closed by foreign host.

Blessed be those who initiate lively discussions with the hopelessly mute, for they shall be known as Dentists.
