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Komodo 3.0 Released 54

darthcamaro writes "Looks like Komodo 3.0 has been released according to this article on If you use Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP and XLST in any combination than you've probably heard of Komodo and if you haven't you should have - it's the only IDE that I know of that handles all of those languages (in one real slick environment too)...and it looks like version 3.0 has also got an updated object browser and a new debugger that I'm looking forward to trying out."
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Komodo 3.0 Released

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  • Versus KDevelop? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by JabberWokky ( 19442 ) <> on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @05:13PM (#9815943) Homepage Journal
    Anybody familiar with this and KDevelop (or other open source and (lower case) free software)? Anybody care to state the differences or benefits to using this?

    I do like the idea of Window compatibility, but right now we have a "every developer uses their own tools" policy, and I use Linux.


    • Re:Versus KDevelop? (Score:4, Informative)

      by pnatural ( 59329 ) on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @08:04PM (#9817473)
      I use Komodo at work (winders) and Eric3 at home (linux). I fire up kdevelop when I'm editing someone elses c or cpp project.

      Versus kdevelop, Komodo is less configurable and runs slower. The kdevelop help system, grep and terminal windows are all missing from komodo. Not sure on the debugger and make tools -- never use them.

      I use Komodo instead of other editors (on winders) because (a) it saves w/ unix line endings, (b) has python syntax highlighting, and (c) can open zope objects via ftp. Oh, it's also a very good xml editor, and that's nice. I used it in a past life to debug xslt, and it was usable for that, too.

      My problem is that I never use an IDE beyond it's editor. I've found that most debuggers are difficult to use and often introduce their own subtle differences in behavior. I guess I'm a command line guy at heart, but I just like pretty syntax hightlighting. I'm learning emacs (slowly) and can forsee a day where it's all I use.
      • Good IDE's with good integration rock. Variable completion is like crack. When it works it's fantastic.

        Really, Eclipse and Visual Studio .NET with Whole Tomato's Visual Assist are impressive. For many applications they speed things up considerably.
    • Kdevelop is free, sure but at this stage its support for dynamic languages specifically is very primitive compared to Komodo - i'm thinking specifically of PHP when i say this.
  • Too sad... (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anm ( 18575 ) on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @05:14PM (#9815948)
    Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and XSLT are all available on Mac OS X, but this isn't. Not even as a X11 app (yet they do have Linux and Solaris).

    • Other options (Score:4, Informative)

      by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @08:34PM (#9817691) Homepage Journal
      I'd buy Komodo for OSX too, but in the meantime you might like Affrus [] for Perl or Eclipse [] for just about everything. You need to get a perl plugin for Eclipse - they were working on a 3.0 version last I looked; you might need Eclipse 2 until that's out.
    • I looked at Komodo, I even tried it. Didn't like it at all. Although to be fair it was an earlier version, but I found it clumsy and cluttered.

      Another problem I have is I use multiple OS's (Solaris at university) OSX and Linux at home. So I really want an Application that can be used in all of the above. Preferably with the ability to export/import projects.

      Java - Eclipse
      C/C++ - KDevelop*
      PHP - Zend Studio

      I havent found any better than those three IDE's

      *I have KDevelop running un
  • by Da_Slayer ( 37022 ) on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @05:26PM (#9816043)
    I am not sure why most feel the absolute need to have a full IDE. Code highlighting is usually good enough.

    I use Scite [] which supports syntax highlighting and support for more than a dozen languages, including commong config files like Apache. It does code folding, block comments along with compiler output and most of the normal features of an IDE but it is very light weight.

    Besides I do not want evaluate something and then get the features cut or it stops functioning if I do not buy it.
    • I just want to emphasize parent. I was a 'edlin (and later) edit (and later) notepad or gedit is good enough' person - that is, whatever language, I'd write in a plain, mostly unadorned text editor. I've used many IDEs before, and I'd guess there'a a plurality who, like me, end up going back to the text editor. Load times, nuisances, 'features', crashes, eccetera...

      Anyone who dismissed parent (as I would have at one time) as Yet Another Editor... it's lightweight, it's quick, it's not really much more th

    • Komodo [] has all these super advanced features according to them. Well I find it funny that you could pay for this program or use the same exact source code parsing system for free. If you check the Scintilla [] website you see that Komodo uses the free open source code editing component.

      I just find it funny that people would buy an IDE based directly off of Open Source instead of just using one of the main scintilla projects which almost all of them are free and custom tailered for multiple languages. SciTE
    • The parts I like about Komodo are the debugger and object explorer.

      You really can't program seriously without a good debugger.
  • Wait...Komodo appears to be violating a trademark! Don't all software packages that start with a K(tm) have to be for KDE????

    (Yes, it's a joke, even if it's a bad one...)

  • nitpick (Score:3, Funny)

    by Enrico Pulatzo ( 536675 ) on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @05:50PM (#9816249)
    it's XSLT. XML Stylesheet Language Transformations.

    I remember it as x-slut. Transforming data into xml used to make me feel like a whore before I started using XSLT.
  • Emacs? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Feztaa ( 633745 ) on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @05:50PM (#9816252) Homepage
    How does this compare to emacs? Emacs is an IDE that supports those languages ;)

    I dunno, emacs is great. syntax highlighting, auto-indent, and being able to check my revisions in and out of RCS with two keystrokes is really nice.
    • Re:Emacs? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Thing 1 ( 178996 ) on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @06:11PM (#9816422) Journal
      Emacs is an IDE that supports those languages ;)

      Can you debug Perl using Emacs? As in, single-step through your program and watch variables, expand arrays/hashes, and have full control over what happens? If so that's great but I wasn't aware of it (I haven't used Emacs for many years, though...).

      I've been using Komodo since v1.0 and could not imagine developing Perl without it; one of the coolest features is that it runs "perl -c" on your script in the background and gives red squiggly underlines for errors, green for warnings--similar to Word's spelling and grammar highlights.

      That one feature alone has saved me countless hours, since I don't have to continually debug the script; I'll know it "compiles" properly before I even start to run it. Then I just have to fix the logic errors, which are more insidious but we tend to make "less" of them than syntax errors (over the scope of start-to-finish developing, that is). I think this feature is similar to Delphi; although I've never used it, I've heard people talk of "one second compile times" for million-line applications, because it does background compiling. I wonder why no C/C++ IDE does that? (Or do they?)

      Komodo also handles Python and PHP, among other formats (it syntax highlights many more styles than it can debug, for example HTML, XML, even straight text I got an error on yesterday--a line didn't end with CR/LF, just CR, and it pointed it out to me).

    • ... or, not to start a flamewar, even vim, I bet by now it has special modes for everything under the Sun!

      Paul B.
    • Re:Emacs? (Score:2, Funny)

      by AnwerB ( 255422 )
      Best quote I read on emacs:

      "emacs is an increadible operating system! Now if they would just write a good text editor for it..."

      (Not a flame, really!)
  • Other options (Score:3, Informative)

    by cornice ( 9801 ) on Tuesday July 27, 2004 @06:00PM (#9816344)
    Ever since I switched from Perl and PHP to Python I've been looking for the perfect Python IDE. Kokodo 3.0 looks interesting. I think ActiveState does a nice job and the folks there put together what I think are the best Perl and Python installations for Windows (although I don't normally use Windows). I like the Komodo Tcl based designer for the the cross platform abilities but the resulting apps always look too "old". If Komodo used XUL and Mozilla to create gui apps then I would be really impressed.

    So I have yet to find the perfect Python IDE but here's a start.

    Kdevelop [] is very robust but is more focussed C++.
    Leo [] isn't pretty but the outlining features are very cool.
    BoaConstructor [] hold lots of promise for better cross platform support, zope support, a debugger and form designer but the project seems to have stalled.
    Eric [] might be my best bet with project mgt, CVS/Subversion and Qt-Designer but I've encountered stability problems.

    Actually I wish I could have something with the feature set of Eric with the stability, speed and maturity of Kdevelop plus Leo's outlining abilities. Oh yea, and I'd really like an form designer that uses XUL and Mozilla for building cross platform GUIs. ;-)
    • Re:Other options (Score:2, Informative)

      by deicide ( 195 )
      pydev [] and TruStudio [] give some hope for turning Eclipse into a Python IDE.
    • BoaConstructor isn't stalled, but it does appear that way on the surface. Riaan makes few actual releases on SF, and the latest releases (0.2.8, which kicks 0.2.3's butt) can only be found if you paruse the mailing list archives. Very annoying. He claims that 0.3.0 is ready, and its the last wxPython 2.4 based release, but that CVS is broken and holding him up on releasing it.

      I say 'claims' because right now my confidence in Riaan isn't that high, to be honest - Someone I know has contacted Riaan about
    • Don't forget Wing IDE [] -- probably the most advanced Python IDE out there. Doesn't have Komodo's level of support for non-Python (it's a Python-specific IDE) but worth a look [].

      See also this list of Python IDEs [] (much more complete).

  • Ah well... guess I'll be sticking with VIM/Ruby [].
  • To be fair, Visual Studio .NET [] (2002 edition and higher) has Perl [], Python [], and XSLT [] , and there's also PHP [] available. I've personally used all of these when on Windows, and the quality is pretty nice. Komodo always seemed to have problems on my 'slow' 600Mhz computer with speed. It'd take far too long to do anything, with a great deal of lag inherent in using the Mozilla codestuff to make such an IDE, though on Linux I almost always use KDevelop [] or Anjuta [], which I believe support several of the mentioned la

  • I stopped using it when they stopped updating the free (as in beer) version - which appears to have completely left their website now. It simply wasn't worth the money with so many other free alternatives.

    It's nice to see tools for open source software being updated, but this is almost a commercial - why is a komodo update important enough for a slashdot post when no other commercial IDE gets articles? Is it because it supports Perl, and slashdot code maintainers like it? Recall that it uses the Mozil
    • by jtheory ( 626492 )
      It was kind of a pain to find out, so I figure I'll share the news... it's not particularly cheap to use ($245 - "Save $50!") unless you're just a student and not doing *any* paid work (then it's $30).

      As professional IDE's can go (I'm thinking of JBuilder and suchlike), this isn't bad, but it does price it out of my range just to help out with the occasional PHP or Perl work I do.
      • It was kind of a pain to find out, so I figure I'll share the news... it's not particularly cheap to use ($245 - "Save $50!") unless you're just a student and not doing *any* paid work (then it's $30)

        Not quite true - you can have the cheaper $30 version as long as you're not using it commercially. For instance, I'm a software developer, but I have Komodo Personal ($30) at home because I don't do any commercial stuff at home. At work I have a copy of Komodo Pro, but more recently I've been using Eric3 inst
    • because ActiveState is cooler than u =P
  • Because nothing [] else [] could do this?

    I'm not 100% sure about jedit, but i eclipse does PHP,Python, and perl, and probably the others too. If not, there may be a plugin available soon.
  • The Epic [] plugin provides a basic Perl perspective for the Eclipse IDE. Basic syntax-coloring is provided, along with syntax checking, content assist, outline mode and other stuff.

No spitting on the Bus! Thank you, The Mgt.
