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Programming IT Technology

ACT Release GTK Based Development Environment 33

aidan skinner writes: "ACT have a new GTK based IDE out for Ada, C and C++, called GPS. There's a Press Release, Quick Tour(pdf) and Detailed Tour. It's also apparently editor neutral, so I don't have to give up my beloved emacs... Sweet!"
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ACT Release GTK Based Development Environment

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  • by glenstar ( 569572 ) on Thursday May 02, 2002 @08:30PM (#3454626)
    I wish more IDEs allowed for plugin editors. When I am forced to use MSDev, I use the Vim plugin, but it doesn't seem to support all of the *good* features of MSDev.
  • Look no further than Anjuta ( http://anjuta.sourceforge.net ). It integrates the build system, gdb, glade and Scintilla into one neat and consistent package.

    • Does anjuta allow you to use it with emacs?
    • Re:For a good IDE (Score:3, Informative)

      by BluedemonX ( 198949 )
      Problem is, it doesn't work. Try installing it on a Mandrake system, then building even the simplest project. It barfs all over the place.

      I tried asking the developers for assistance as to why nothing would freakin' build. Or any clue as to how to use Glade with it - and received NO REPLY.

      Any websites out there as to how to get Anjuta to actually WORK?
      • Problem is, it doesn't work. Try installing it on a Mandrake system, then building even the simplest project. It barfs all over the place.
        I tried asking the developers for assistance as to why nothing would freakin' build. Or any clue as to how to use Glade with it - and received NO REPLY.
        Any websites out there as to how to get Anjuta to actually WORK?

        Care to elaborate on your problem ? I assure you that we try to answer as many user queries as possible. Please join Anjuta-List and post your problem there. There is also a bug tracking mechanism available which is regularly monitored - you might file a bug there with full details.

        You might also consider downloading the nightly CVS tarball available from the website [sf.net] and building it - to see if your problems have been addressed there. If you have the necessary libraries, it should be as simple as './configure && make && make install'.

        • RE: Care to elaborate on your problem ? I assure you that we try to answer as many user queries as possible.

          Maybe I was talking to the wrong guy. I sent my emails to the guy who is listed as the prime developer, who said that gnomemm support was done by someone else, maybe it would be fixed in 1.9, maybe it's a Mandrake issue, etc. etc. etc.

          The documentation assumes everything works right. Someone really should take the trouble to write up what's going on under the hood for debugging purposes. I'd do it, but I'm not conversant enough with the way Anjuta sets up its build.

          RE: Please join Anjuta-List and post your problem there.

          I'm not interested in joining a list and sifting through 300 mails a day just to get an answer to one question. Here's the downside to Open Source.

          RE: There is also a bug tracking mechanism available which is regularly monitored - you might file a bug there with full details.

          Real simple. Install Anjuta 1.9 on a Mandrake 8.1 machine. Run the wizard to generate anything but a simple console program. Compile. See tons of errors. Write the developers. Get no response. Realise based on one feedback that a version went out without any kind of error checking (hence fix in 1.9)

          Eventually, have conversation on Slashdot about it not working, and be invited to submit a bug report to a list.

          RE: You might also consider downloading the nightly CVS tarball available from the website [sf.net] and building it - to see if your problems have been addressed there.

          Why not just try what I suggest and see why it doesn't work? Simple, really.

        • From my exchange with Naba Kumar:

          > If I try generating any other type of project


          > It keeps complaining there is no configure.in

          > Autogen doesn't work either.


          > What gives?

          You are using anjuta-0.1.6, That's a very bad bug in that release. Get
          anjuta-0.1.7 which will work properly.

          So I wrote him back after trying that. Even with 0.1.9

          > I'm running Mandrake 8, and I can now generate projects. I cannot build

          > them,

          > because it keeps looking I assume for header files it can't find. I've

          > installed

          > glademm, gtkmm, gnomemm and the like...


          > I assume that the makefile doesn't add the gnomemm, etc. bits into the

          > configuration file

          > it does gnome-config --cflags but doesn't add gnomemm etc. after it.


          > Is there some issue with the way my configuration is set up?

          Well, it seems that the c++ buld files for gnomemm and gtkmm is not
          being generated properly. I have not done anything in gnomemm and gtkmm,
          so, I am helpless here. The gnomemm and gtkmm support was added by
          Johannes Schmid . I hope he is around to help us
          resolve this.

          Herr Schmid never answered. And three releases later, even the most basic project won't build.
          I give up.

The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
